The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 15, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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nntm nuMiicxm, iiisia, oiikgon, tiiuiwdaVi .iui,y in, 1020.
ttimiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiittiiiitiiiifiimiitiiiMiiitiiiitiiiimtiiiiiiiiitfitiitiitititiiitiiii iitiiiiiimtniiiiiii
Mth. J, V. Koitlur Ih .conflimd
1 Jiur homo by llltiiinrt.
IMwIu Kliorly of tlio Knlr "torn to
ttirnuil ttliln mornlni: from Portland
m- J. Pitiborry, ruiiclmr of tho
Glovonlnlo hucIIdii, Ih upending tlio
dny In Jloinl on IiiihIiiohm,
Mr. nnil Mm, M. I. Ciiitlimitn tiro
, buck In Horn! nflor IiiivIiik spoilt
tliulr vii rat Ion In l'oitliiml,
Edwin KIhIi luft liiMt niKlit for
Hiilom, wlmro lit) will spend tlio Mtmi
mur with lilii grandmother.
!'. V. McCnffory, prominent
rnunhur In tlio Powell lltitto section,
win n vlHltnr In lluml IiihI night.
.. Judgo mid Mm. J. A. KnnltM nnil
Uh Mary Iloim will Innvo 1y auto
Saturday morning for nn outing ul
A. II. Kstobunot has move I his
Htnito lino liondiiutirtorH to tlio Bond
Hitullnit cointmny offlcon In tlio Lor
Culiln ImlldliiKK.
Mm. Carl Johnnon will ontartnln
tlio Kcntidliinvluii-I.uthuriin Ladles'
Aid Hocluty nt nor homo, 317 Broad
wny, ThurKdiiy evening, July 15, nt
7:30. All welcome.
Mm. Jack llorlmrt nud two chll
dron uro on tlmlr wny to HomldJI.
Minn,, to spend tlio noxt two tnouttiH
visiting with frluiidn mid relatives.
II. IC. llrookH returned this morn
Iiik from Minneapolis, wlicro ho wnii
callod rocontly by tlio critical lllnomi
of hi inothnr. Mm, Brooks U groat
ly Improved.
Mr. mid Mm. T. N. Campbell loft
Inst night for Hcmttlo to mnko their
homo. Mr Ciiinplmll hut linuo cm
ployed hero nit operator id tlio Ore
gon Trunk depot.
W. P. Myom yoiitordiiy noli! hi
Iioiind on OriIoii nvontni to John Tay
lor for $2600. Tlio deal was han
dled by llonklo &. Halnt-w, who a I ho
closed tlio unto of tlio Hoy South
worth homo on Columbia to Arthur
Douglas of Mllllcnu. Tlio consider
ation In tlio Inttor transaction was
Mm. Charles Xolson, 'of this city,
rocolvod word by wlro thin morning,
that hor husband, an omployo of
Tho BhevllnOCixou Company, linn
Juit undorKono nn operation nt tlio
flood Kamnrltnu Hospital In Port
land, iiecoHrtllatDil by nn Injury of
ouo of IiIh foul. Ho In roportod to
bo doing w'oll.
John J, Hupp and Norman N, Hupp
of tlio Huron Tlmbor company, who
liavo boon Hpondlm: tho lusl two dayn
In Coutral Oregon, loft lust night for
Portland, Accompanied by 0. V, HI)
vIh of this city, thoy canio In Into
yaslonlny afternoon from a long auto
trip through tlmbor holdings In tho
Croiicoul suction.
Mm. J N, Manton anil C. H. Stearns
nro I.a Pino visitors In tho city today,
Mm, CharloH TIioiiiiih arrived In
Hand hint night from hor homo In
Mm, Ilurmnu Ilyroit nnd two sous
hnvn rottirnod to Hand nftor u visit
at Oswego.
Kori'Ht Supervisor N. 0. JiicobHon
left thin mornlui; on nn official trip
to Klk lake.
TH ProHbytorlan Ladles guild
will moot with Mm. Max MIoIhou,
1C32 Aubruy road, tomorrow uf tor
noon. Mr. and Mm, Chnrlo F. . Itomlg
ami daughter cmiio In hint nlitht from
their homo nt Hllvor Lake nnd nro
remaining over today.
K. P. Muhnffoy, exulted rulor of
tho Bond IoiIko of Elks, who ban
liven attending tho grand lodge ses
sion In Chicago nn it dolpgnle from
hero, In In Portland today and will
rottirn to Ho ml tomorrow.
II T. Howo loft taut night for
Mm. E. Smith In visiting friend
In Eugene.
II. 8. Hoyco Is In Portland on n
hurt business trip.
W. FredcrlcksonVls In Ilond again
after spending n fow day In Mudra.
.)lm. It. XV. Hondomhott ban ro
ttirnod from a vlnlt with friend In
O. Halvomon and family havo ro
tArncd to Dond from their trip to
thn const.
A. HnKdulo nnd family left today
n a trip Into Southern Oregon nnd
Ilyron Hoyco canio In thin morning fothor, Chnrlea T. Donnls
from Tacoinn, wliero ho nttondod tho
unto rncort.
Jorry O, Hoyt of Portland wn In
Ilond thlH inornlni: on IiIh wny to
Odoll lnko.
J. II. KIHiiKor of Hoattlo, brother
of tho Into J. J. Klllncer, Ih i Houd
vldltor today.
Minn IIohhIo r.omloy of Wuhco,
Oro., In vIhUIiii: at tho homo of Mm,
0. K. Whltmoro.
Mr, and Mm. M. IJ. Hwnyzo of
Pnlxloy worn In Ilond yentorday on
their way to Portland,
Mm. IC, I). Ullnon and dnughtor,
Florence, lofl for Portland thlH
morning to npoud n Hhort vacation.
Dr. and Mm. J. 0. Vnndorvort aro
hack from u three week' trip to
AliiNka, going nn far north an How
ard, x
I.oiiIh Dornooker, tnnnagor of tho
Amorlcan bakery, loft lawt night on
a abort biiitlnonH trip to Vancouver,
H. 0.
J. T. Hardy, traveling freight nnd
pmiKongcr agent' for tho H. P. & H
Ih In tho city on -one of IiIh official
Tho MIhhoh Hlrd and Corn Mnnn
holmor, of Chicago, nro vlnltlng In
Ilond nt tho homo of Clarenco Manu
holmor. Coimtructlon Iiiih boon Marled on a
$5000 roHldonco, located on Hurrl
inan, near Greenwood, by A, J.
Mm. J. Paddou, who hn boon ve
iling her nlntor, Mm. Frank M. On-
vur, loft Initt night for hor homo In
Mm. I'. I). Drown, who ban boon
vlHltlng nt tho homo of Mm. J. Qulg
loy, Iiiih rottirnod to hor homo in
MIh U, Ilolgor, who linn boon vla
Itlng nt tho homo of Mm Ocorgo
Yettor, ban returned to hor homo In
Hoy (Illiion arrived In nond JliI
morning from Portland to Join Mm.
OIIhoii, who hail boon hero for tho
Innt iiovoral week.
Mm. K. II. Hoff, who ban been vis
iting nt tho homo of O. O. Andrew,
In tlil city, loft laHt night for her
homo In Hagley, Minn.
nimar Combn loft thin morning
for Kort Hock, whero ho will work
during tho munmcr Reason for Hoy
Mitchell, forest ranger.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Monto arrived
from Portland yesterday and left this
morning to take chnrgo of tho Fort
Hock flro lookout station.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Donnln left Sat
urday night for Tho Dalles to attond
tho funoral sorvlcos for Mr. Dennis'
fi Si
A Shoe that does not fit is
never a bargain at any price
You cannot select Shoes haphazard or by luck; you need the help of ex
perienced, dependable, expert judgment, in selecting the style and size of
Shoes for your feet. It is that kind of service that this store gives al
ways; you may depend on it. Shoes thus selected will have a full meas
ure of correct style, of comfort, of durability, of all around value in
every particular.
Co-operative Shoes Stand the test of vear,
made of dependable leathers by shoemakers
who know now; priced from,...$10 to $16.50
Other makes from .... $6.50 up
Men's Work Snoes, jn heavy leathers, priced
at $4.95, $5.50, $5.95, $6.50, $6.75 up to $10.95
Men's Scout Shoes
$3.45, $3.65, $4.25, $4.45, $4.65 and $4.95
B 1 . .
& tt LA
2 ?
Here llwy are-$l .00 offcome and gel yours. Expert Fitting
Patent, French Heel, $7.45 regular $6.45
. Patent, Hand Sewed, $8.90 regular $7.90
Kid, Hand Sewed, $8.90 regular $7.90
Patent, French Heel, Turn Sole, $9.90 regular $8.90
Brown Kid, French Heel, $8.45 regular $7.45
Black Kid, French Heel, $7.45 regular $6.45
Patent, Low Heel, Welt Sole, sizes HVo to 2, $6.50 regular....$5.50
Patent, Low Heel, Welt Sole, sizes 2 to 7, $7.00 regular. $6.00
Black Calf, sizes 1VA to 2, $5.75 regular , $4.75
Black Calf, sizes 2V"to 7, $6.75 regular $5.75
tflack Calf, Welt Sole, sizes 11 to 2, $5.75 regular $4.75
Brown Calf, Welt Sole, sizes HVjj to 2, $5.50 regular $4.50
Brown Calf, Welt Sole, sizes 8Vi to 11, $4.75 regular $3.75
feUH lrr .0
In Black Kid, Brown Kid, Black Calf, Brown
Calf at $6.95. $8.00,
$9.00, $10.00, $10.50, $10.95, $11.00 and $11.50
Women's Pumps, plain and novelty styles, in
Patent and Black Kid at .. ..
$7.35, $9.00, $9.75, $10.50 and $11.25
WU1T17 CUM7Q EfsD WfilWEM from $5.95 to $7.C0. Seasauable, Cool, Saart.
ITliUJLi UliULiU 1111 IfUlflLin-V
"When jod bay ask for suggestions on cleaning.
A complete line of
Dr. Scholes' Foot
Appliances for the
correction of all foot
roots' shoe troubles. A graduate
SIcTlcSS? PractiDedist in charere
Troubles WDXSchoJhMcthcx: A
1 1 The "Warner Company 1 1
t$ JL Quality Mcrchandhe at . fc Popular Pikes W
Enrl Nowklrk, Harry Borton nnd
dull Pearl returned this morning
from a trip to Klk lake, whero they
spont tho week ond fishing.
J. Charles Smith returned yester
day from Pittsburgh, whero ho vis
ited a brother, nnd from Chicago,
whero ho attended tho Elks' conven
Mnmlo and' Niullno Scharffenberg,
who uro visiting at tho homo of Mr
and Mrs. II. Momoro of PInlnvlow,
left for their homo In Portland last
H. F. Pomborton, district superin
tendent of tho Methodist church, Is
In tho city today to hold n quarterly
conferenco at the Methodist church
W. E. Rucfly, accompanied by his
wife, left last night for tholr homo
in Vnncouvor, Wash. Mr. Ruetly Is
a brothor of Mrs. Ashley Forrest of
this city.
Miss Eva May Harker has accept
ed i position as instructor in tho
Honolulu schools. Miss Hurkor has
boon a momber of tho faculty horo a
number of years,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilogor Smith, for the,
past two weeks guests nt tho homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Scarberry, nro
on their wny to tholr homo In Whlto
flsh, Mont. Thoy left last night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Poterson of
Soattlo wore guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Sathor over tho wook end. Thoy
loft last night for Rodmond, whero
thoy will spond a fow days with
frlondB boforo returning homo.
If. J, Casoy nnd A. F. Roberts,
Portland auto doalorR wcro In I)ond
over tho weak end as guests of J. L.
Van Huffol. With H. D. Hamilton,
thoy wont to East lnko Sunday, re
turning with n good catch of trout.
M, J. Scanlou, vlco presidout of tho
Drooks-Scnnlon Lumber company,
who has boon In Dond for tho past
10 dnys, left Saturday night for Pow
oll, P. 0., to Inspect paper mills at
that point In which tho company Is
Toll Thompson, Insurance adjust
er, who haa boon In Ilond for eovoral
days In cquueotlon 'with last woek's
Rond Btreot firo, loft Saturday night
for Portland. A. M. Peckham, who
has been handling similar work for
another company, accompanied him.
Miss Margaret Hanson, who for
the past two years has been Instruc
tor in tho commercial department of
tho Rend high school, has resigned
her position here, it was learned this
morning. Miss Hanson is now em
ployed In a Corvnllls bank.
H. II. Pomeroy, chief deputy fire
marshal, who has been in Bond for
Beveral days Investigating tho cause
of last Tuesday night's fire, left last
night for Dallas. He had reached
no conclusion regarding the origin of
tho disastrous Bond street conflagra
tion. Frank A. Smith of San Francisco,
will arrivo In Bend tonight for n
combined business and pleasure trip,
intending to remain in this vicinity
for several weeks. Ho Is a brother
of J. E. Smith and Mrs. G. A.
Parkins, of this city, and is inter
ested In Bend realty. "
Returning from the N. E. A. con
vention in Salt Lake City, where tho
question of the shortago In teachers
was thoroughly gone into, City School
Superintendent S. W. Mooro declared
today that there Is no real shortage
of high class instructors. Bend's
difficulty In securing such teachers,
ho states, is because the minimum
salary for grade positions Is too low.
Want to buy liny, use Bulletin clas.
slflcnl ads.
Plain Lead Blown Tumblers," 6 for....v ,.....60c
Star Cut, Lead Blown Tumblers, 6 for 90c
Heavy Hotel Tumblers, 6 for 95c
7-Piece Water Set, Star Cut $2.15
7-Piece Water Set, Spray Cut $3.00
7-Piece Ice Tea Set L..$2.25
9-Inch, 8-Inch, 7-Inch, 6-Inch and 5-Inch Glass
Mixing Bowl Set; Regular. Price $1.85; Spe
cial, per Set $1.25
t II
. , - II