The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 15, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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COST IS SKT AT ?(0,00()
1'otir Hlory Hlriii-luru lo Itn f tit I It My
HInIitn of Hi. .lompti -Many
Modern I'Vnliiri'N Will llo In
rorpornlcil In lliilldlng.
After approximately n yonr of
careful liivostliciitloti niul Htmly rolu
tlvo to hospital iiociH of llond mid
Contrnl Oregon by tho ninlorH of tho
ftrdor of Ht. Jonnph, many of whom
vMavo niiulo trips to Homl previous to
tho wur, 11 ml niibniiiioiitly,"work wan
Htnrtoil on tho erection of tho prom
hunt Hlnltirn' hospital on Hntiirdny
when tho flint npiidoful wiih turned
In uxcnvatlun hy A. H. Taylor, who
win awarded tho contrnct for thin
Although compelled to abandon
ninny of tho fnnturon orlglnnlly con
templated In tho oroctlon of tho now
hospital, owliu: to tho rnpld rluo In
coiiHtructlon cotitii, tho nlnorn tmvo
planned, throiiRli Leo A. Thomnn and
IiIh nnnnclalon, tho architect, n
ntructtiro coinploto In nil It onnoii-
(lulu and modern In overy renpoct and
InrKO enough to nccommoilnto orory
noml of tho palronnKO It will nervo.
Cont to Ito 9110,000.
Tho now ntrtictiiro will ocupy a
Uineo of 37x07 foot, facing tho now
Catholic church on Franklin nvonno.
It will ho four ntorlcii In holght, In-
vator. Tho nnnltury fontiiron will ho
of tho moNl inodoni Monpltat plumb
ing typo, Tho opimitliiK room will
ho largo and ttioroiiirlily modern ami
coinploto In ovory detail, with ntor-Ills-Jiuf
rooiim and liivntorloH,
MOItK THAV i!00 .Mi:.MMi:itH AND
MKIUTH 01' Till; OltDKIt.
Upwnidn of 1 200 momborn of tho
I.oynl Ordor (if Mooho 'nnd vlnltorn
attondod tho opon muiitlml hold on
Thurndiiy at Hathor'H hall, a part of
tho proKram of tho Moonq tnnmbor-
nhlp drlvu, which clonod on July 10.
A woll halanccd procraiii wan civ
on and nddronn woro dollvorod hy B.
A. Hathor on IiIh rocont vlnlt to tho
grand lodgo convontlon hold at Chi
cni;o, and hy II, II. Do Arntond and
Judgo T. B. J, Duffy, on tho marltn
of tho ordor.
Tho program for tho oven I tic wan
as follows:
Heating of officers, saluting of
fliiK! singing "Htnr Hpauglod Han
ncr"; Invocation, Prolate llonvonn;
noloctlon, quartet; uddrenn, II. II. Do
Armond; nulocllon, Mrn. Charles 811-
vlni Loyal Ordor of Monno Horvlco In
momory or chlldron of Moonohonrt;
"Nearer, .My Qod,' to Thco", quarlot;
'Imprennlonn from tho Convontlon
and Mooitnhcnrt InBtltutlon", B. A.
Halhur;. nolo, "Moonohonrt", Mlus.
Wngnor; nddroin, Judge T. B, J. Duf
fy; nolo, Charles Wilson; prayer,
Prolate Ilcnvons; "My Country, 'Tin
of Thco."
An application han hcon nont lu to
tho email lodgo, asking fur nn ox
tension of tlmo In tho momhorMhlp
drlro, for a purpono of tnoro goner
eluding a full linsomant: will hnro
jiccommodatlonn for CO bmln, Includ-' ty familiarizing tho public with tho
Iiik sinters' quartern, ana mrou
wurdn. Tho ntructtiro will bo of Tu-dor-Uothlc
nrchltocturo, with co
mont trimmings. Tho oxtorlor walln
will bo of ro-proniod brick and will
conform In inont of tn feature to
tho typo of nrchltocturo of tho now
Catholic church now under conduc
tion opposite tho hoipltal nlto.
According to Mr. Thomnn, tho cost
of tho ntructtiro nlono will appro!-
ma to ftO.000. In addition to thin
will bo added tho cont of equipment,
which will bring tho totul woll to
ward 00,000.
Homo of tho fonturon of tho new
Institution will bo tho nlliint olnrm
nyntom, with central nwltchbonrdn,
(Hot kltchonri on each floor nnd elo-
Th Inlrnllonl OrmpomUnf
ftrWI, if tferanlon, VnnlrnU,
(Ltimtnl Oirlr line.inlh unnl.
narr In Octnlr, ll. with n n
nllmnt nf vitt 2.000.000 itwl'tita.
Tlinunl o( tlirw Hu.lrnU hkv fl
urml In ilolr ami rnt til ttul
valuo to llirm of ll. I't nKimrnU
Jrvutnl to Hi tmlr of I.C.8. trchnl
t Courtr nil othr tuMwU raniln
fnm Ailmtlnln mvl tUImnihli to
Aicrkulturo ni 1'oultry llulirulrjr.
It).tt an nur hat Wn
riiurtl It i"nr ' th
tudrnla t t fnirtall
fttlmat la them f Iht value
af h tpara momrnta tptnt
In iludf of I.C.H. CaniMa.
ItrMrta on 17,000 lrtrt atuiUnU
how 14,090 now rllnn ll.iOO a
yrar or morvi 2.4&I rrrcWIm IIJ,0Q
or moral 413 nwrWIn S,000 or
murvi 10 rrctlvlnit 110,000 or moral
anil a with annual Income o( Ki.OOO
or morr.
In tha .twtnty.avfn ytara of IU
UInro tha I.C.H. hat cnrollnl all
llmra a many atuiltnti at llarvartl
In tha two hunilrn) anil arrnty"lM
yrara tinea II oritanltatloni mora
than tan tlnw th total nrotlmtnt
of Yala ilnc It ilor awunic opn
In 170l mora than flv tlmra th
total rnrollmtnt o( all of tha rollanaa,
unlvrraltlra ami technical tchoolt In
tha UnltrJ Utatr romhlnaJ.
A Utter or iot earrJ will trlnn
comi'lcU Information rcianllnK th
uhject In which you ar InttratttJ.
, otrr uiii
Ialernatiotial Correspondence ScLcofs
Hox 1G10, Scranton, l'n.
Kiplaln fullr bout your Cauna In th
tubjtrt mtrktj Xi
Window Trlmmtr
Kallroad Trainman '
dltnoi-. and TypUt
Ktllwar Accountant
Commtrclal Law
Railway Mall Cltrk
Autonoblla Optratlnf
I'aultrr Ktltlnc ,
Auto Ktpalrlnc
EUctrlcal Enilnftrln;
KUclrla Llihtln llya.
Ttltfraph Knglnttr
Tlphon Warli
Mchanlcal Knglnttr
Mechanical Draftsman
Ship Urafltroan
Ua Knilnt Optratlnf
Burvaylnc and Mapplna;
Mlna Fortraan ar Knjr,
fltatlonary Vnglnttr
Contractor or llulldtr
Architectural Orfltun
Cancrtt llulldtr
l'lumblnr and Ilcatlnc
morltn of tho ordor.
' ArrniiKomont nro bolni; mndo by
tho llond local to hold a danco at
Hedinond July 17. Tho Moono will
fuuilnh froo trannportntlon to Hed
inond for thono doslrliiR to nttond
tho danco from hero, tho, public bo-
Iiik oxtondod a cordial Invitation.
I'lann aUo aro woll under way for
n picnic July 2G, to bo hold at Tumn
lo Inland. Thin alno will bo open to
tho public.
Activities of Live Stock AitoclAtlon
-- llluttrnte Benefits of
Tho mannor In which co-opcratlvo
btiymrr can further tho movement for
better stock In llluxtrntctl by tho ne
tlvltlcn of n live ntock nnnoclatlon In
northern WIconln. It purchatcd ii2
head of lino cnttlo from another part
of tho ntato and ulno nevcntl head
from ItH own vicinity. Tho nnnocla
tlon nold theno nnlmnln Individually to
various ntock rnlsurn. Tho money net
ted by tho transaction wus used In
further promotion of tho purebred
cntiHo by purchanlni; 8 purebred bull
calves. Tho calves wero then din
trlbuted by lot ninoni; tho membern of
tho UNnoclntlon. Thus tho co-operatlvo
effort of tho pnnoclntlon bait made -pos-nlblo
ralnlni; tho Mock ntnndards ou
tho farms of practically tho entire
community, having brousht Into tho
county $10,000 worth of wcll-brod live
Thero Id No Danger of an Oversupply
and Efficiency Has Been Con
clusively Proven.
Thcro never wna n tlmo In, history
when puro brod livestock of all kinds
received ninro nttentlon than now,
Tho efficiency of puro bred livestock
tins been conclusively proven. Thcro
Is no danger of nit oversupply.
Animals Worthy of More Attention
Than They Receive They Keep
Down Noxious Weeds.
Sheep nnd goats donorvo moro con
nlderntlon thnn they rccclvo on soma
farms. Thcso nnlmnls nro alilo to cat
eomo of tho coarao feeds and may
keep down noxious weeds In pastures.
Tho prlco of successful lamblug Ui
eternal vlfllnnco.
Sows should not bo bred to farrow
until they aro at least twelvo mouths
Forngo crops furnish tho best pna-
Blblo way of cheapening -tho cost of
pork production.
German1 millet luiy, properly cured,
,15120,000 IS ASSURED BY
Money to Ho Available If Itepoit on
Iliilhllng, I'liianeliig nnd .Mainte
nance I'latm Aro Approved
At tho Next KchhIoii.
Approval by tho grand lodgo of
i:il(, In Itn 1U21 noiwlou nt Lou An
KoIcm, of thu plann of Hund lodgo No,
1371 for tho financing of tho pro
Joctod Klkn' nummor homo nt tho
hood of tho Motollun, will result In
$120,000 from tho lodges of tho
United State being available for tho
construction of tho building, accord
lug to action taken by tho 1920
grand lodgo, lu ncnnlon nt Chicago, It
wan loamod horo lant Thursday by
prominent mombom of tho ordor.
Tho attention of tho coiiHtructlon of
tho homo lu onu of tho best known
of Central Oregon's natural boauty
npots wan roforrcd to tho rules of or
der committee for n report, later re
ceiving ununlmoun approval by tho
grand lodgo. Tho commlttco was
Instructed to make full Investigation
of tho plann of tho Hcnd lodgo for
building, financing nnd maintenance,
tho report to bo mudo at tho Los An
geles Munition.
Tho action thus takon Is tho only
inntanco of Its kind In grand lodge
bohhIoiis and is taken as virtually as
suring for Hand a position an a con
tor for II. I. O. K. summer activities,
while nddlng greatly to tho publicity
which llond and Central Oregon will
receive throughout tho United StatcnJ
K. V. Mahnffoy, exalted ruler of
tho Hand lodgo, headed tho delega
tion of local Elks at tho Chicago
grand lodgo.
hi:uvici: intj:iu:sti:i in mak
ino hum) cknti:h fok tiikat
mi:nt of il"-si:hvici: mi:n.
litis" 'iWSSmlm
yi 1 a. 1 1 I 1 frrp tiFPKtBBm
f I I Z tirBi'aaBLaaft
JXf T rVyaamLaHF
f. ., ' aBBaaanaaaaaaaBW.
'-. -IwEmME
,1 .Jt a7ltBaSBm
TURKISH PHtSTtcyi'fflKtf
S ' A "' t t r a -MBfHffSalaar
... (tatf :. fm aBaBaaai.
VpVHHfiBH Just compare Camels with any cga-
VmHMK rette in the world at anyprjeef j
ajHlrlaBBBBeBaBaMaf Cmh ra eldmrrjfhmfln tdenliflctllx AkI jbWbbI
"TMJBf WbbWbWt pscksittef 30 cljtrrllt for 20 fntt, at (on paeJr- StaBBflkr bH
jJB .--, ' " l&m tiQOOcJHflf)i a 7ana fipr-cortrd jB H
K JtfSjEll9aBBBW IBbK frlon. Wt Hrrynilx ttimmnt Ihlt ctrlcn far, W fK
"yF BBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBk IBBBV "" '""" ", "ttlc tupply Ot whtlt JTOIt It if ml "
Jgf PBBiaBBk YbbS C J. REYNOLDS TCfUACCO CO, Wln.ton.I.m, N. C.W
Mr drlSlK&BBrttM. tKMmLmKmm -aaaBBBBBSu JmW m
' Bk jJbMLWWW BBBBBBB"aM-aBaw'aiVBBKsJI-1jiBBVw-aT S-aTal---J-k
It's dollars
to doughnuts -
no man ever smoked a better
cigarette at any price!
CAMELS quality, and their expert blend
of choice Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat
isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed.
You will prefer this Camel blend to either
'kind smoked straight I
Camels mellow-mildness will certainly
i appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and
that smoothness! It's a delightl
Go the limit with Camelsl They will not
tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas
ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga
retty odorl
Tho attention of tho United States
public health norvlco, with district
offlcon In Soattlo. has been directed
to llond as a posslblo location for
tho establishment of n recolving sta
tion to oxnmlno nnd treat nil cases
ot ox-nervlco men whoso health has
been Impaired ns n result ot military
or naval service This became
known upon tho return from
Seattlo of Dr. A. Lesslng of this city,
where ho conferred with Major Hugh
Do Valln, surgeon lu charge of tho
13th district, V. S. P. II. S.
Tho details Dr. Lesslng could not
mnko known, as his conforouco dealt
only lu. general fenturcs, but ho stat
ed that tho public health servlco Is
concoruod lu establishing n central
station horo for nil ot tho territory
south of Tho Dalles and as far south
as Klamath Falls, lu which moro
than 1000 cx-sorvico mon rcsldo, a
largo number of whom either hnvo
applied for medical attention, or nro
likely to do no.
Major Do Vnlln. Is particularly con-
corned as to hospital facilities which
will puss rigid army inspection, -to
far as sanitation and equipment is
concerned. Dr. Lesslng pointed out
tho unuBual climatic conditions of
Contrnr Oregon as favorablo for such
n station, nnd will communlcato with
tho United States public health serv
lco, working In cooporatlon with tho
local post ot tho' American Legion
and' tho Red Cross,
Dr. Lesslng has had wide oxpori
enco in this work, having boon a
major In tho medical corps, with ex
touslvo nvorsons servlco.
Little Chicks Cannot Ent Too Much,
and It Pays to Supply Them
With Cut Clover.
Young chicks cannot cut too Imicli
bran or green food It pays 10 glvo
them ns much cut clover as they cm
ent vyhllo they aro lu tho broode
houso nnd allow them plenty ol green
food on tho rnngo as soon ns they nro
nblo to forngo for 'thomselves.
Instructor Without Specified Special
Training to He Itctnlncd nt HumIc
Unto Objections to L'xo of
Central Huilding to lie Hennl
Teachers In tho Dcnd school who
aro not normal school graduntcs will
not bo nllowcd to partlclpato In ad
vances In salaries which go Into ef
fect next year, but will bo retained
on tho basic rnto, It was decided,
whon tho board of directors of
district No. 1 held Its regular meet
lug. Tho board mlsed tho summer
salary of William Harris, Janitor at
tho high school, from $120 to $140
per month.
Standing committees tor tho year
wero appointed, Mrs. E. M. Thomp
son nnd C. A. Hnydon constituting
tho commlttoo on toachors, J. P
Keycs boing placed in charge ot tho
fuel question, H. 13. Nordeon and L.
M. Foss on buildings and grounds,
Mr. Foss and Mr. Koyes on finance
and purchasing, and Mr: Hnyden and
Mrs. Thompson on sanitation,
Tho proposition made by tho Y. M.
C. A., that tho district pay J1G6.CG
per mouth for tho uao ot the gymnas
ium by tho schools, was left over tor
Inter discussion.
That Flro Chief Tom Carlon has
protested against tho use ot tho Cen
tral building for school purposes was
reported, and It was decided that no
further Improvement ot tho building
should bo made until Mr. Carlon
could bo prcsont to explain his objections,
Origin of Coat.
After an exhautlvc study of a num
ber of coal seams. Tn'rin Lomax con
cludes that almos '.l vd their origin
In vegetable matter deposited on the
pot the coal subilnneo being formed
by the dropping of leaves, twigs, barks
and fruits, in the shape of seeds and
fructiferous cones mainly from large
trees. '
"The Mule." '
Heine told to wi'.f brief essay ea
The Mule," Howard turned into his
teacher the following effort: "Tbo
mewl Is a hardier bird than tho cbm
or the turkie. It has two legs to walk:
with, two more to kick with, astd
wears Its wings on the side of Its head.
It is stubbornly backward aboat
log forward.'
Same price for Butter Fat f. o. b. Bend
as is paid f. o. b. Portland.
Central Oregon Farmers Creamery
Wenatcheo Forest Official Arrives
to Join I fort on on Trip to
Diamond Peak.
To tnko part in reconnaissance
work to dotermlno tho gonornl loca
tion ot tho Cascado Skylluo highway,
F, II. Lonzio, grazing oxnmiuor tor
tho Wonatchoo National forost, ar
rived in llond Inst week and will
start out tomorrow with Grazing Ex
nminor Jack Horton ot tho Deschutes
forost for Diamond Peak. There
thoy win bo Joined by other membors
ot tho party, who aro starting from
When you erect a SiIo you want a Silo that will
stand the tes of wind, rain, snow, frost and sun.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy
lines necessary.
Eventually Concrete
Why Not Now?
Fpr specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
Well Curbing.
Is a very good feed for cows but not
very satisfactory for horses.
Modford, Tho work will last during
Put it in Tho llulIoUiu
tho remainder of tho summer,