The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 15, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    iAon a
11KNB llOIiliKTIN, BENT). OllEOON, T1IUU81MY, .H'liY M, IOS!0.
What's Doing In The Country
land salo, which was reported last
wook, is thnt lnndo by Joo Mnnconti,
who disposed of his SO-ncro alfalfa
rnnch to sonio outsldo parties, who
will take ItnmcdliUo possession. Tho
purchase prlco was $8000.
HuyliiR is on nt PoWoll Butto and
TERRBDONNB. July 13. Tho
lumber for tho Western Dlntomlto
company's wnrehoUso has boon ship
ped to Torrohonno. Tho bulldliiR
will bo erected Just ncross tho rnll
road track from tho section houses
A reception was given to Charles
Sharp nnd wlfo Inst Saturday ove-
tnuo rar wo near or no ono snort or. , nlnKi DnncluK was tho main dtver
of help. Good wages, good board '8i0,. nfor wnici, n iunci, wna 8ervcd
nnd caro for their employes hnvo al
ways insured Powell Dutto farmers
plonty of help.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Foster nro
employed on tho Dominic Verges i
ranch during tho haying season.
A salo of soma Importance was
completed last weck when Guy Sears
sold his Powell Dutto rnnch of ICO
acres to Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Port
land. Tho amount paid la reported
to "have been $15,000. Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Yates hard tho ranch rentod
nnd will glvo possession to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Cook January 1. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Yates hnvo as yet no plans for an
other homo.
Earl and Samuel Tweet, young
sons of Mrs. Green Beard of this
community, aro visiting with their
grandfather In Bend.
Many families from this section at
tended tho roundup In Prinovlllo.
Among those attending wero Mrs.
Arthur Wurweller nnd daughter,
Maxinc. Miss Cecelia Munceaji, E. II.
Stewart nnd family, Mr. and Mrs.
Georgo Klssler and family. Earl and
Charles Charlton and sister, Mrs. Iln
Foster of Salem. -
Grandma Brown enjoyed a picnic
on tho Deschutes river tho Fourth of
July. This picnic took tho form of
a family reunion, ns three daughters
and their families were present on
that occasion. They were: Mrs. E.
A. Bussett, Mrs. Henry Young and
Mrs. Georgo Shobert. Grandma Bays
it was "ono of tho hnpplest Fourths
I can remember." Her health Is
quite good again and her many
friends hopo she may long enjoy
that great blessing.
Mr. and Mrs. darl Llndqulst aro
enjoying a visit from their daughter,
Mrs. Charley Johnson, of Alfalfa.
J. A. Rlggs has commenced work
on a large and commodious resi
dence. Tho work will bo rushed to
completion, as Mr. Rlggs is anxious.
to occupy It before harvest.
Miss Georgia Chambers of Hood
River, who has been visiting at the
E. A. Bussett home, left for her homo
Monday morning. Miss Chambers is
a "hollo" girl In Hood River central
A delightful picnic party of Pow
ell Butto people went to Metollus
Sunday, July 4. They fished and
waded and the picnic lunch was not
tho least of tho pleasures of tho day.
Included In the party werje: Carl
Fisher and family, Mr. and Mrs. K.
H. Stewart, Boyd Stewart and sister,
Mrs. Gladys Stout. Mrs. Stewart's
father, Mr. Jackson. Roy Roberts and
family, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Flint,
Frank Klssler and family and E. R.
Ageo and family.
Dr. Virgil Kelknap of Prairie City
was a guest at tho C. M. Charlton
ranch last week. Dr. Belknap wnB
very much Interested in the miracle
that has been wrought by tho water
In this country.
Walt Wurzweller of Portland was
a guest of his brother, Arthur Wurz
weller, and wife last week.
Mrs. Harold Baldwin of Prinevllle
visited at tho Wurzweiler .home last
Roy Skcen Is at homo from Salem,
where ho has been attending Willam
ette university.
Mr. and Mrs. Bunn and daughter
of Yamhill arrived last week for an
extended visit and to help his broth
er through his haying.
Much complaint has been ex
pressed regarding tho shortage of
hives for bees. As the bees are
swarming overy dy at. this time,
hives aro badly needed. Tho hives
wero ordered early In the season, but
shipments havo been slow and, as a
consequence, many flno swarms havo
been lostr
to tho mcrrymnkors.
A. E. Dyor left hero for Bond Inst
J. A. Elllngor motored from Sent
tlo to Terrebonne, bringing with him
his tour nephows, who hnvo beou In
n Catholic school nenr Seattle
A pnrty composed of Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. M. Potty, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. An
derson nnd Miss Martha Sum spent
Saturday and Sunday at Helsings, on
tho Metollus.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). C. Klliio attend
ed Chuutituqim In Redmond Sunday.
Among thoao who hoard "Polly
nn" nt tho Ohnutnmum Saturday at
tornoon from thtn vlolnlty wero: Mrs.
W. II. Arnold nnd Freim Arnold,
Mra. Hudson and two daughters, MIsh
Alllo Smith, Mrs. Miller and daugh
ter, Miss Kay. Mrs. McDonald and
R. O. Andrus nnd family.
J. L. Parbury wait In Bond on
business lnsl Thursday.
Mrs. Skbltou nnd mm wore Sunday
afternoon callers nt tho II, C. Miliar
Mrs. Dean Vnn Mntro mid llttlo
daughter of Doschutos spout Sunday
Lloyd BrniiKher enmo over Sunday
from Torrohonno and spent tho day
with his wlfo and young son.
II. Kllgoro oxpocts to start cut
ting his alfalfa this week. Ho wilt
bo tho first to commence haying In
this section.
Miss Fay Miller 'returned home
Saturday from Doschutcs. Sho will
remain horo until aftor haying.
Mr. Fox of Plalnvlow was a busi
ness visitor In this community
Thursday evening.
S. It. Kllno had somo difficulty
Inst wook. when ho trlod to uuvlgnto
tho canal. Although his "hug"
much resembled a submarine when
mnrooncd In mid stream, It falls to
work satisfactorily.
llntl Not Item AMo In Work for
Flvo Years Is llmlc nt Old .lob
Hlni'o Tallinn Tiinlac.
DESCHUTES. July 14. Mr Sdulo
A largo number of tho pcoplo of 'W ," Allon company of
o viMnitv .., ir. nn.imnn.1 a-i Portlnnd has been tunlnc nlanos In
Saturday evening to hear
Jennings Bryan speak.
O. E. Anderson went to Itcdmond
Wednosdny to get soma supplies for
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns nnd
baby and Glen Roborts wero Red
mond visitors Wednesday evening.
H. T. Mlkkelsen nnd Alfred Pedor-
son wont to Redmond Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caueen nro
out from Redmond to spend tho week
on their ranch here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Petty nnd Miss Martha Sum, wero
Bend visitors Tuesdny.
J. W. Peterson went nftcr somo
hay poles up Tumalo creek Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mlkkelsen -and
son, Alfred, wero In Bond on business
Rasmus Peterson was a business
visitor is Redmond Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at
tended tho Chautauqua In Redmond
Wednesday night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Petty drovo In
to Bend Thursday after building supplies.
-Mr. Rcnno of Bend enrao out Sun
day evening to do somo work for
A. M. Petty.
Antono Ahlstrom was a business
visitor In Redmond Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns and
baby and Glen Roberts wero Red
mond callers Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ed Swalley has been on tho
sick list tho past week, but Is Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson enter
tained tho following guests at their
homo Sunday afternoon: Mrs. and
Mrs. Ola Hanson nnd Hans Hanson
of Deschutes. Alfred Mlkkelsen, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Pedersen, Oswald
Pedersen, Andrew Nelson, Rasmus
Peterson, Mrs. Catherine Johanson,
.Miss Hllma Kelson nnd Anton Ahlstrom.
this neighborhood tho past week-
Concerts nro onjoyod nightly nt
tho Deschutes hotel now. P. II. Lar
son has a flno sot of drums and
bells nnd Mrs. Larson accompanies
him on tho piano.
Miss Nolllo Griffin had her tonsils
removed Monday In Redmond.
A good rnln foil during Mondny
nnd Tuesday. Tho farmers having
no liny cut down in this vicinity, this
"I had not boon nblo to work for
flvo years before I started taking
Tnulac, hut now I am not only hack
on tho job. hut hnvo gnluud 30
pounds In weight," snld 11. V, lloury,
BtI0 Fifth iivonuo, West Senttlo,
Wnsh., cjilof engineer of tho tugboat
"Flvo years ago," continued Mr.
Henry, "I was compelled to glvo up
my Jolt an chief ouKluecr of tho tug
boat 'Wallowa,' an I wan utmost a
complete physical wreck. My atom
nch wnn In a torrlblo condition nnd
I suffered from indigestion of tho
worst sort. While my uppotlto won
vory poor, and I nto but llttlo, oven
tho llttlo I did muuiig'o to out would
sour, I would bloat up with gits and
havo Intense cramping pains in tho
pit of my stomach. My kidneys
wero In bad condition mid I suffered
with such palim In tho small of my
back It fell like It wan breaking In
two all tho tlnio nnd tho iiiiiscIoh
seemed to draw In kuots. Tho
vibration of tho boat would cnuso
my back to pain mo so I could hardly
stand It, and I finally JtiHt hnd to quit
work. My head ached Hourly nil the
tlmo bo bad I could hardly soo, and
at times I would bocomo so dizzy I
could hardly keep from falling. I
wits oxtromoly nervous and this, to-
I gether with worry over my condition,
Kopt mo rrouufllveplng, and I would
Ho nwako all night long nearly over
night nnd always got up lit tho morn
lug feeling wnrso than when I wont
to bed. I was In such a badly run
down condition I was barely nblo to
got around nt nil and had lost weight
until I was scarcely more than a
"I had tried so many dlfforont
treatments and medicine without
i'M'Ul'llWWUMli iU.WLilS
II m niiJrfrf M it K, C. U,
Here s -whexe -we
call a spade just 4hs&
flno rnln will grcntly help tho spring
wheat nnd onts, ns woll ns tho at- getting tiny bonoflt I hnd Just about
11 T . , - w - ... .. , i given up hopo of over getting woll,
F. S. Stanley. C. M. Redflold and, mlt ns mi heard bo much about tho
Georgo W. Knnoff attondod tho ban--00ti Tnnlnc was doing others, and
quel glvon by tho Bond Commercial aoVornl of my friends wnntod mc
club nt tho Pilot Butto Inn Friday 1 10 tnko u i decided to glvo It n trial.
THB POET says a roso.
Y ANY olhor namo,
WOULD SMELL no owoot,
AND THAVS all right.
80METHINQ ELSE a rose,
WON'T CHANGE lta smoll.
AND I'M not knocking
BUT JUST tolling 7011.
THAT THERE aro only,
OF TURKISH tobacco.
FIRST, QOOD Turkish.
WHICH IS mighty ood,
.AND ALSO oxpcnilTo,
night in honor of A. P. Davis and
party of congressmen.
J. P. Bowman and partner rebuilt
tho brldgo over tho Pilot Butte canal
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mra. Larson roturncd
Monday from n short trip to Port
land. W. E. Ynn Allon spout Sunday nt
his ranch nonr Redmond.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Mntthews,
their nlcco nnd nephow nnd James
Woll. sir. I b'cgnn to got better al
most ns soon as I started taking It,
and ns I continued tnklng It, I con
tinued' to improvo until today I nm
n well man. I havo a splendid np
potlto and cnt Just anything I want
without suffering any bad after ef
fects whatever. My kidneys nro In
splondld condition nsd thu pains In
my back nro nil gone. I never havo
n hoadacho or become dizzy any moro
nlnl mnt ulnAtl fill liniltlrl fltf tl Inf fill
Mntthows nttonded tho ClinutauquuJn,Kht ,on ovory n,Khl ,, niwny8
CLOVERDALE. July 14. Tho
stockmen who hnvo their cattle on
Dry creek nro riding and vaccinat
ing them for tho prevention of black
leg, as it has broken out up there,
several head "of stock having died
from tho disease.
Barney O'Donnell of Bend was a
business caller in this vicinity Sun
County Water Master Gould was
cout here last week attending to mat
ters pertaining to his office.
Albion Peck Is quite sick with
whooping cough.
E. M. Peck and wlfo wero shop
ping in Bend Wednesday.
Mrs. McDonald of Sisters was visit
ing relatives hero Saturday.
This community was well repre
sented in Redmond Friday night at
tho W. J. Bryan lecture.
The Central Oregon Bank
JUNE 30TH, 1920.
Loans and Discounts , $153,943.90
Bonds nnd Warrants ,. 75,004.01
Furnlturo and Fixtures a. 3,800.00
Cash and Exchange 109,C91.CG
Other Resources 1,000.00
Total ?C4S,440.5C
Capital Stock ,'. $ 25,000.00
Surplus 15,000.00
Undivided Profits 4,235.44
Deposits ,.. 579,205,12
Bills Payable 20,000.00
Total $04 3,440.60
Sunday aftornoon In Redmond. They
roturncd In tho evening with their
daughters, Leono nnd Ireno, who
wero visiting In Redmond last week.
Mrs. Ham and two children of
Bond aro spending tho week at tho
Doblng homo.
Mrs. Jim Lennon, Mrs. W. A.
Mntthows and tltfco daughtari of
Redmond spent Mondny with Mrs.
Mrs. Ed Swaficy visited Bend Mon
day, roturnlng Tuesday evening.
Georgo Holton, R. L. Thurston nnd
brother nnd Mr. Scott mndo' a pleas
ure trip Sundny over part of Dos
chutcs and Crook counties, looklrg
at land.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Nolson wero
Bend visitors Wednesday.
President of Michigan Association
Wants Every Farmer to Agreo to
Use Only Purebred.
St. Joseph county, Mich- plans to
doublo tho value of Its live stock with
in three years. Current activities to
accomplish the purpose aro described
by William T. Langlcy, president of
tho St. Joseph County I.lvo Stock
.'Breeders' association, In a statement
ho has furnished tho United States
department of agriculture.
"Wo wont every aan," ho declares,
"to glvo us a pledge to use nothing
but purebred Hires.
"Wo havo a Blgn in tho making thnt
reads 'Purebred Slro Farm' that wo
want posted on every farmyard gate.
"Wo want nothing but high-grade
nnd purebred females."
A general association has been or
ganized that Includes tho members of
the various breeding associations and
also all breeders of grades that pledge
to use only purebred sires.
got up feeling ri'Htcd and full of tlfo.
WHICH IS loss expensive.
AND NOT ho good,
AND THIRD, tobacco.
BUT QRBW thousands. ,
OP MILES away.
TASTE LIKE Turkish. '
AND IT'S the good Turkish. v .
THAT'S REALLY from Turkoy.
IN THE cltrnrottQB.
" "
OUR resident buyers In Turkey
aro experts. Thoy know w
want tho best and wo get it. And
tho same with Domestic loaf. Dleml
thorn together by that enn't-bo-copled
method and you rut
moko that actually does "laUiJy.-
" UtM.d
Many or tho picnickers will leave
tho night boforo tho festivities act
ually begin, In order to ramp out,
Tho merchants' families and Invited
guests will start early Wednesday
Tanlac has surely put mo on my foot! morning, to bo followed by trucks
again and I am back at my old Job
on tho 'Wallowa,' feeling Just lixo a
now man, nnd can do my work with
tho greatest caso."
Tanlac Is oold In Bond by tho Owl
Drug Co., in Sisters by George F.
Altkcu, and In Bend by tho Horton
Drug Cp. ,
carrying such prepared oats as will
bo nssomplcd by tho O. I. O. cafeteria.
Tho morning will bo spout in vari
ous activities, but n set program for
sports and amtisomonts has beou nr
rnngud for tho afternoon, when tho
men nnd women will show their skill
In various outdoor sports.
Four chairs nt your sorvico at tho
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv
It Is Better Mixed In Equal Parts
With Middlings, Ground Oats,
Barley or Corn.
It Is generally recommended that
rye bo ground for feeding to pigs. ? It
In best mixed In equal nmountu vmh
middlings, ground oats, ground bar
ley or corn. If tho mixture Is placed
la tho self-feeder caro must bo taken
to seo that there Is a good supply of
water nvallnblo for tho pigs. They
should havo continual access to salt
Tho higher tho breed of cattle, tho
hotter Is tho beef.
Thero Ih no dnngcr of a good grade
of tankago sprcudlng hog tholera.
A good bull ia Just ns good as a
acng ns far as market value Is con
cerned. Horses aro as poor us their feet.
Always examlno this section of their
anatomy when a trado. la In prospect.
Cottonseed Meal and Velvet Deans 1
Used With and Without Addi
tion of Shelled Corn.
In n steerfcodlng experiment con
ducted Inst year on thu government
farm at Ileltsvllle, Mil., four lots of
two-yenr-old steers were fed, Tho pur
pose was to compare cottonseed men I
and soaked velvet honnf when used
with nnd without tho addition of
shelled com.
Tho addition of corn to n ration
compood of corrt Bllngo, cottonseed
mcnl nnd wheat straw did not pay.
The addition of corn to tho rntlon of
velvet beans and corn Bllngo wna
Tho lot receiving com Bllngo nnd
Bonked velvet beans with 11 small quan
tity of cottonseed mcnl ns nn nppi
tizcr produced tho most cconornlcnl
gains and showed tho greatest profit,
oven though tho dally gains and the
selling price of tho cnttlo wero lower
than thoxo of any of tho other lots.
Every Farmer Must Put Forth Best
Endeavors to Produce Moro
Pork This Season.
If we expect to contlnuo to provldo
meat to foreign peoples as well as our
own people, overy farmer must put
forth his best effort to produce moro
hogs. Hogs can bo kept profitably
upon many farms whero they nro not
found today, Fanners who nlreudy,
produro hogs can,- produce more, for
there Is not much chnnco of producing
ment this year in 'excess of tho re
quirements. MERCHANT-CLERK
Outing To Ho Knjoycd at Head or
Metollus River All Day Weiliics-
day of tho Coming Week.
Thoro won't bo n hairpin, a ten
ponny nail or n cako of youst sold In
tho stores of tho mombors of tho
Bond Rotall Merchants' association
next' Wednesdny, July 21, whou tho
merchants, tholr families and tho
clorks lu their employ will picnic
for ono day at tho head of tho Mo
tolitts rlyor. This occasion will bo
tho first annual morchants-clorks'
picnic. The stores of tho Bond Mer
chants' association will bo cloaod all
day Wednesday, July 21.
Public Auction !
(Administrator's Sale)
Sat, July 24, 1920
commencing at 10:00 a. m.
I will sell to the highest bidder for
cash all of the personal property of
the H. A. Chapman estate.
About 50 Head oi Cattle
Fat Steers, Fresh Cows
and Younger Stock
10 Head Horses and Colts
Wagons, Harness and
Farm Machinery
and many other articles too
numerous to mention
" ' ' ' I I s I -- -
Free Lunch at Noon
J. B. FOX, Administrator
ator I