WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. 4 VOI,. XVI 1 1 MINI), UVMOlWrrM COUNT!', OM2GON, 'JTIll'IWIMV, J VIA' Ifl, i!0. No, ao v S KEEN INTEREST IS SHOWN IN IRRIGATION PROBLEM VISITING CONGRESSMEN READY V TO LEAUN FOOD NEED IS SEEN Itcclfiittitl ton Kertliu Director DiivIm ninl Member of Appropriation Coiiunlttco Wrhunin Opimr- tiiiilly lo (Jr( 1'Mtn. I Hlnctirn IntiiroNt In llio chlof prob lorn of thu Central Oregon country tli iiroliluiu' of bringing water to thu laud wnn shown In lloiul by tho congressmen nml government off I- clnln who warn kui'mIh of honor nt a illnnor glvun nt tho 1'llot Ilutto Inn by tho Ilend Commercial club, "Wo urn horn to lourn your needs, to fa mlllnrlxo ourselves with your condl tloni, In order that wo inny morn In tnlllKontly servo you," wan tho son- tlinuul voiced by every inmubur of tho house appropriation coiiiuilltua who spoke before tho club, and tho samu lilonl of jtorvlco wan noted In Individual conversations which pro coded nnd followed tho dinner. Tho vanguard of tho congressional party arrived In Ilond n fow mlnutM nfler 7 o'clock Friday, llcclamn Hon Henrico Director Arthur I. Dav- Is, with Percy A. Cupper, slato en gineer, who hnd mado u detour to vlnlt HprliiR river nnd llenhnm falU, arriving among tho first, Ileprimeu tatlvo lliirlou L, French of Idnho and "Nick" Klunott of Oregon en mo In nt tho liimn tlinr, nnd lloprcicntatlvo Oniric II, Tltuborlnko of Colorado, Chtilrmuu James W, Oood of Iowa, John M. Kvnn of .Montnuii. Asslstuut Ueclntnntlon Hervlca Director J. 11. Ileudla nnd Adolph llartn, clerk of tho appropriations committee, np penrcd iihortly nfter, reporting ov rnl delays becnuio of tiro mid motor trouble. William It. Wood of In dliuin, JoHoph W. IlyriiM of Toiiiicm. see, John W. Kngan of Now Jersey nnd Louis (I. Crnmton of Michigan hnd couu out on n Hide trip from CroHceut, under tho guidance of A. M. l'rlugln nnd Forest Supervisor N. O, JiicoIimxi uud did not nrrlvo until Iho-lnttur pnrt of tho uvonlng. "No JiinkrlliiK Trip," Drclnml. Tin) Importance of tho vlnlt of tho congressmen nnd tho IiIrIi place which they hold In national nffnlrn wnn pointed out by T. A. McCnun, who Introduced Uoproaontntlvo Sln notl ntt totistmuntor for tho ovoiiIhk Mr. McCnun rumluded Ills hearers thut'lt wnn this commlttoo which hnd pared $ 1,100,000,000 from tho taut national budget. Diiiphnsltlng thai tho npproprln ' tlnnn commlttco Ih tho most Impor tnnt in emigres, Mr. Slnnott doclared that tho Journoy on which tho law tnnkurH mo now engaged linn boon no Junkotlm; trip. "It linn boon no path or roses," ho snld, "nnd, ro KnrdlonH of hnrdflhlpH oxporloncod, Including nuo of tho worst ound jHtorniH I huvo over neon, tho com Iralttco hnH mado Ita work thorough, carefully Investigating tho ncedn and condltloim of tho communities through which Itli ns p"nsHod." Klunott Appreciated. Ho Hpoko of tho Intercut nhownyby Dlroctor Davis In tho Deschutes proj ect, uud declnrod that It wnn bocmiBo of this that tho purty wua to romnln over In Central Orogon u day longer to view tho Irrigation ppsslhllltlos of tho Doacliutos, "Tho commlttoo la not ho io to mnko promlsoa," ho said, "but I fool vitro that, with tho nddad kuowlodgo of conditions In this part of Oregon, tho mombors of tho commlttoo nnd Mr, Davis will Klvo tho question of nn nllotmunt for futuro dovelopmont enroful cousldor ntlon, Hhould thla quoatlou ngalu coino boforo thoin." Chairman Oood assorted that, filnco ontqrlug Orogon, tho commit too hna boon "playing second fiddle to tho biggest man In congress, N. J. 'Slnnott." tMSnthuslastlo ovor tho outing on joyed by tho party since leaving (Continued on, last page,) 1 RS BIKD GAINS TIME FOR FIREFIGHTERS I'Ikimmi Wing Wny JIO Milt to I'oit Hoik JIiIiikImk AkoMiiiuo lo ItiuiKor, Having Half n Day. Carrier pigeons from tho forest service loft maintained In Ilend by W. J. Hpront uro now being used with excellent results In tho Fort Hock section, according to word re ceived on Mondny from Itoy Mitch ell, rntigor In that district. One of thu birds, sunt to Fort Itock by Mr, Mitchell, curried n nolo asking for help, for n distance of 30 miles, nfter the ranger had discovered a 40ncro blnio, nnd men wfto promptly dis patched to tho scono of tho blnzo, tho bird's mfessngo saving half a day In bringing assistance, ns no phono was nvnllablo. Tho tiro was undor con trol Monday, Mr. Mitchell reported. Tho pigeons wero takon from Ilend to Fort Itock whon young squabs mid now recognize tho latter town ns tholr homo. HOPE IS SEEN FOR CO. I. PACT While no doflnlto results hnvo been attained In tho series of con ferences held during tho past two dnys by representatives of thu set tlers of tho C. O. I. Irrigation district nnd tho officials of tho Control Ore gon Irrigation company, assurance that nil differences would bo ninlc nbly settled was expressed by Harri son Allen of Portland, one of tho at torneys for tho district. Detailed reports on negotiations now being carried on, having as tholr object tho acquiring by tho sot tiers of tho control nnd ownership of the projoct, nrn not being given out ut yet, but It Is known thnt tho company has mado n tentntlve offor considerably more fnvorablu than that dofeated In tho last district bond Issuo election. Iloforo this of for cuii finally bo actod on, howovor, It must bo panned bn by tho directors nnd then taken up nt precinct moot lugs. BREEDERS HOLD MEETING HERE One hundred nnd twolvo lambs, representing tho 1020 crop from 7-1 owos, woro roglstorod last weok nt tho annual meeting of tho Deschutes County Ramboulllot Dreaders' asso ciation. Thu meuiborii of tho associ ation doclded to outer not 'leas than 10 puro-brod lambs at tho Pacific In ternational Livestock exposition In Portland thla fall, and also voted that till stock disposed of shall be transferred by tho association, and not by Individuals. Figures given out nt tho mooting showed that tho 74 owos nvorngod from 12 to 17 pounds of wool thla season, ua compnrod with tho sovon to eight-pound nvorngo of tho ordi nary range sheep. A 4-montli8-old lamb, weighed by a rover Corking, tlppod tho boam nt 90 pounds. Plana woro mndo for a plcnlo to bo hold ut tho Holslug rnncli on Au gust 1, whon tho puro-brod shoop be longing to Dan Holslng will be judged and nddressos glvon by ehoop oxports, It Is oxpoctod that thu association will placo ns largo uu ordor for pure bred nambouillota thla yoar as in 1010, 1RRIGA TION SITU A TION SEEN IN SURVEY REPORT SUMMARY mhl n , 1 'I ..!' l IE PISE, . D J filppr?hbnlt " o, 2i frf' t j t,l Qt$3i v l3 S Wpqf Sld Urtit 'Wfwrj ir.& vj u'i i AmwrJi&j rx v io l nrDBi. &laUrSV Irrigation possibilities are clearly summed up in a m ?ZSMOKCi. 4MfJ&&SZ& L ik) ttr vomi. I .'Txy W? t V 4 I &. 2 JMIsyih " w CtfNCPAim W7 , s . Jrcscrvoi ffiyOrAJfMukiLs ,Q xfl2s!re yJfdViftttftwop sire l A rAu2?w .. TCIS J! ' k J r r I 1 I I 1 1 c fcy v J) Tl5ft. Lewis, formerly state engineer, giving the conclusions reached by state and federal operative surveys, authorized by the laws of Oregon for 1913. While the estimates given were made in 1914,, and are hence inaccurate for data are concerned, the report constitutes abound basis on which present day costs may be computed. The pamphlet discusses the results of the survey as follows: V1 1 i i- nans ana esumaies 01 approximately 200,000 acres of irrigable land in the upper Deschutes river basin have been completed by the state and federal authorities acting in cooperation. The renort is signed by John T. Whistler, E. G. Hopson and John H. Lewis. Mr. W. L. Powers, of the Oregon Agricultural college, prepared the chapter on agricultural conditions and possibilities under irrigation. This report including numerous maps and drawings is now in process of publication. In order that the conclusions reached may be made available without delay to those interested, this sum mary has been prepared. The irrigable land lies in four separate units or tracts. These tracts are dependent almost exclusively upon storage for' a water supply. Two reservoirs are proposed: One on Deschutes river at Benham Falls, 16 miles south of the town ot Prairie on the West Fork of A rock fill and earth dam is proposed for the Benham falls reservoir. This will back water up 18 miles, flooding 19,000 acres of land and store 440,000 acre feet. The estimated cost of this reser voir is $991,000.00, including $605,000.00 for the pur chase of lands. A 30 foot dam of the same type at Crane Prairie will flood 6,200 acres and store approximately 110,000 acre feet of water, at a cost of $152,000.00. (Continued on Pago 4.) RIVER FALLS TO OLD LEVEL Momorlos of the early days woro brought buck to old timers In Ilend today whon thoy saw tho Deschutes rtvor down to Its natural channel for tho first tlmo in 10 years. Tho levol of tho water had dropped moio than 10 feet. Draining of tho water Impounded by tho power dam ut Newport ave nuo wua sturtod on Monday1 by tho nond Water, Powor & Light com pany, in ordor to mako possible re pairs nt tho company's uiuln plant horo. Two of tho throe wheols ut tho plant havq not boon overhauled slnco tholr Installation, sovon yours ago, nnd tho arrival of a now turbluo gnto to roplaco similar damngou oqulpmout was tho slgnul for the lowering of tho river, Oregon Cooperative Work USRelmtlonCrvlcnd5l1i of Oregon Proposed Irrigation Projects ANOHCBtKVOID SlTKS Deschutes Drainage Basin Crook Co.Orcoon 181 in the Deschutes river basin pamphlet issued by John H. authorities based upon co the present, insofar as cost L f It i -J- cost ior cne irrigation 01 liena; tne otner at urane such stream. raising the water 54.5 feet PRAISE GIVEN BEND'S SPIRIT "Tho city was largo and groat, but tho pooplo were fow nnd tho houses not yet bullded." That was tho way Bend Impressed Chatlos A. Brown, president ot tho Bond Water, Light & Powor com pany, on hid first visit heio, eight years, ago, ho declared yesterday nt at tho Commercial club luuchoon, em phasizing his point with quotations from tho scriptures. Now, nfter not ing tho development which tho city has mudo,ho doscrlbea tho spirit ot Ilond ub true vision, the Inclination to livo In tho promlsoa of tho futuro, rnthor thnn In tho portormacuos ot tho past, (Continued on last page.) 1 0. CROSBY REPORT NOW AT CAPITA EARTHEN DAM WOULD HOLD DESCHUTES SITE IS LEAK PROOF Hc-soltof Geologist's AVork HeroLiMt lVr Hummed Up In 88 Pages Diim at licnham Kails Would Back Up Wnter 18 Mile Of especial Imptfrtnnco to the pco- plo of Central Oregon, in view of the interest taken by Reclamation Scrv- Ico Director Arthur P. Davis and visiting congressmen, who spent last Saturday going over portions of tho Deschutes project already partly de veloped, is a telegram received by The Bulletin from the offices of Congressman N. J. Slnnott, In Washington, D. C, in which an nouncement is mado that tho report of Professor W. O. Crosby on the Benham Falls reservoir site the key to tho project, has been received In tho national capital by tho acting di rector of tho reclamation service. Quoting from tho report, the tele gram says: "Tho conclusion Is that tho reservoir will bo practically proof against leakage, oven under a full head, and that tho dam site will provo satisfactory for an earth dam." It la noted that tho report, ot which an abstract Is now being prepared, contains no less than 88 pages, em bodying the results ot the work ot Professor Crosby and associates In tho course of several weeks spent in tho Deschutes valley lost summer. Tho Benham Falls dam, according to tho 1914 cooperative survey, would ralso tho water 54.5 feet, backing it up IS miles, flooding 19. 000 acres of land and storing 440, 000 aero feet of wator. Tho congressional party left on Saturday In nutoa provided by Bend, Prlnevllle, Redmond and Madras business men to visit the Tumalo and C. O. I. projects, planning to have luncheon at Prlnevllle. From there thoy wero to go to tho North unit and Madras. BENHAM FALLS WORKNOWDUE SALEM, July 14. Acordlng to a statement mado horo by Percy A. Cuppor, stato engincor, actual con struction ot tho Benham fulls reser voir and dam for tho irrigation ot tho Deschutes project will bo started as boon as plans for financing tho Improvement can bo formulated. Tho building ot tho dam would provide atorago wator for the Irrigation ot at least 100,000 acres ot land. Tho report of W, O. Crosby ot Washington, who Is connected with tho United State reclamation service. shows that tho reservoir slto Is prac tical nnd thnt tho proposed location of tho dam is satisfactory. Thts re port was recolved nt tho offices ot tho state engineer here today. A number of years ago4 tho state and go eminent appropriated $100, 000 tor tho Investigation ot Irriga tion projects in Oregon, aud a largo part ot thlsm oney was expended In making a survey ot the Deschutes district. Slnco that tlmo tho North unit nnd Tumalo districts have boon organised. Tho North unit district has voted approximately $5,000,000 ot bonds for development work, of which sum $50,000 bonds have actually been Is sued. Tho Tumalo district has about 8000 acres ot laud under Irrigation. Tho entire Deschutes project con tains mora than 200,000 acres, much ot which Is unproductive at the pros out tlmo becnuso ot Insufficient wa ter, Tho reservoir, It is estimated, will cost $1,009,000. Unless delayed in soiling bonds, bocauso of tho present unfavorable condition ot tho financial market, actual work should get under way this year, accordlug to Mr. Cuppor. 26,000 ACRES OF PINE ARE TRANSFERRED $1,500,000 IS BELIEVED INVOLVED PROVIDE FOR FUTURE IlrookA-Scanlon Lumber Co. Acquires Tract From N'ortliwwtcrn Tlia-i -t ber Co. Hunter & Stoats s of A - i Bend, Handle Big Deal Announcement yesterday of tho purchaso by the Brooka-Scanloa Lumber company from'tho North western Tlmbor company ot the tract ot pine adjoining tho present Brooks-Scanlon holdings on the oast and south, Including 26,000 acres.'at a consideration not stated, was made by tho firm ot Hunter & Staats. realty and timber land operators, through whom the deal was handled. The tract thus transferred Is 32 miles from Bend at its nearest polat and 50 miles distant at Its fartfeect boundary. It is IS miles in length and of varying width. W. H. StaaU and J. N. Huntor, mombenj',or tho firm representing the Northwest ern Timber company In the ajftil, have themselves had an Interet?la tho property and, In making the m1 to the Brooks-Scanlon company, flfcy have, fulfilled an old ambition ot1 In suring the manufacture of the 1 am ber from the tract In question. While no prlco was made public, it is un derstood that approximately $1,500, 000 is involved In the deal. Tract Held tor 10 Year. Tho transfer was completed In the last day or two with M. J. Scanloa, vice president of tho Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company, who hasbeea fn and near Bend for more than a week, engaged in a survey ot the company's operations In this section. Tho tract of plno tlmbor Just ac quired, which is crossed by the Sand Springs road to Fort Rock, has beea owned by tho Northwestern Timber company slnco 1910, whon It was purchased from tho Manistee Lum ber company. Patrick Noud ot Man istee, Mich., is president and T. J. Noud of Portland Is local representa tive of tho corporation now relin quishing ownership. In connection with tho salo, Mr. Staats recalls that 30 years ago he Interested Mr. Scanlon In the first tract of timber land to bo acquired by tho Brooks-Scanlon Lumber com pany in Central Oreson. In commenting' on tho purchase this noon, II. K. Brooks Brooks-Scanlon Lumbon. mentioned that the tract of the company is one which would naturally come undor tho company's, milling operations. At the present rate of logging It may, not bo touched for anothor 10 years, he said, but the purchased was. made necessary by tho Increase'd produc tion which has followed tho intro duction of tho three shift system. WILL REBUILD STONE GARAGE' Just aa soon us insurance adjust-' monts have beon made, work will be stated to rebuild the stono structure on Bond, near Oreenwood, formerly, occupied by the Cent-Ore Motor Co., which was gutted by tiro earlier ia tho weeV(, Lon L. For, owner of the property, announced last Saturday. He estimates that the exponse will total about $12,000. Tho side nnd front walls remaia intact, aud what la left ot the rear wall will bo torn out aud tho build ing extended east to the alley, add ing 15 feet to its formor depth ot 125 feet. A relnforcoment of oen croto pillars will be provided. No steps will be taken toward building on the lot just south of th stone garage structure until this wk haa beeu completed, Mr, Fox statf. He hopes to have rebuilding MHlehea early In the fall, and has 1pra4r three applications for a leas"