The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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EYE 0PENERS4Btou.jryfpmial
Ladies Black, White
LSilk Hose, $1.49
Som Value
M)igJill Work Shirts
' That an error 1&" drawing tho In
dictment agalns P., E." Jones of
PrinovilUj, who. with Gaorgo London
of Crook county, was charged tn fed
eral court Ini Portland with the man
ufacture of alcoholic liquor, resulted
In tho lower charge of having liquor
in his pOss.css)on, wa3 tho statement
of "W. P. Myors, nttornay for the two
defendants on a hufrlod visit to Oend
Sunday. '-London's trial is set for
later In the m6nth
. .i' v
Quest Would Do Well to Familiarize
HlmwlfWIth the Rules, Which
' AHe'lExccedlngly Strict.
If ever you go to FIJI and arc nsked
t6 attend, a public dinner, pray be very
careful how you behave or It may cost
you your life. Is Ihu injunction of a
writer In London Answers. A public
dinner In FIJI Is a grand affnlr. and
all the gucilH give n band In feeding
the oven or stirring tho pot. A floor
of clean Icai'C la covered with coco
nuts, on which arc heaped baked taro
and yaws.-r-ljko a large potato to the
amount of several tons. The next tier
comprises a well oiled "pudding in
green leave" called "vakalolo." Baked
turtles arc next heaped on top of these
' puddings")?- two or Uireo hQgs baked
At one public dinner In Fiji there
were 8f,tytoiiK of. yams, fifteen tons of
vakajoio pmldlngR, seventy turtles, five
carloads of yagona and 300 tons of un
cooked jayjis.
A cbleC.' having eaten a coconut
without offering a piece to one of his
followers, the latter went over to the
enemy m fugled out bis former mas
ter In their next battle. Asking for
mercy. th stern reply was, "Don you
rccoltecPthe nat Aflhe laqt public din
ner? c'4at yeuls."
Another chief leace" ffit with his fa-thec-ln-law
and ion paasjng a dish of
cooked .ft., he broka qf a bit of Its
tall. A dark c$wl eavered the rela
tive's fa$, aed before many bears
were passed, be -slew his son-in-law,
having An Intimated that he was In
sulted by bclBg offered a broken talL
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Crook.
Jens. Cllaaselberg, plaintiff, vs.
N. H. Oammago; J, 8. A. White;
Fannie E. SJiiroraan and Arnold Ir
rigation Company, a corporation.
By vlrtuo of an execution Issued
upon a Judgment in tho phovo en
titled courfand cause, to be directed
and dated.Che day of July, 1920,
upon a judgment and decree ren
dered and'eutcred on the 14th duy of
Marf,lw.UH7. In favor of plaintiff in
the sum of, $20.20, and the costs un
and Upon this writ commanding mu
to satisfy Bald Judgment oy levy and
euIo of personal property or :bo said
defendants,' aqd If none can be found,
then of w real estate belonging or
owned by.'snid defendants, or either
u& mum, uuu, uu icinuiiai iJiujJrit
beiqg found. I did, on tne 3th dny
of July,lS20, levy upon the follow
ing deacriycfl real estate, situate, ly
ing anay paing in me county m uc
.chutes, State, of Oregon, and more
particularly described us follows, tot
Tho southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter; tho southwest
quarter of tho nortboast quartor; the
northeast- quarter of the southwest
quarter' ami tho northwest quurter
of tho southeast, quarter 'of Section
24, Township i8.outh. range 12
oast, Wlllamcflo'toerWiitri, formerly
located In Crook, qouuty, now Des
chutes County.
Now, tlieK-fofeV by vlrtuo of said
oxocution, Judgment and order of
sale, and in' -compliance, with the
commands of said writ, I will on
Thurbday. the 5th Uy of August.
1020, at 10 o'clock a, m., at the front
door of tho court house in Bend, Des
chutes County, Oregon, Hell at public
nuctlon, subject to redemption, to
tho highest .bidder for cash lu hand,
all of tho right, title and Interest,
which tho within named defendants,
or either of them had on the date
of tho rpjidorjng aud docketing of
said judgment, to-wlt: March 14.
1017, or Biuco tha date, had in and
to the above dobcrlbod premises to
satisfy said execution, Judgment and
ordoy of. bIo,. costa and accruing
costi) '
Dated at Bond, Oregon, this 8th
daytof July, 1020.
. , Sheriff of "Deschutes County,
Date of first publication, July 8,
195&- ...,. ...,I.Ulnn Tlllv 29.
iJP yp "" 7'-" -Y9-22C
and Brown
to $1.98
(blue only) 14 to 17 $1.25 (53 ton eustoiuur)
Hmso tk T7 Ut" IeUrB
"Zs'ffrSJSS S'
Them. ThWQh We May Not Al-
ways Remember It
Dreaming Is no vain and Idle slug
gnrd'H gnnie, Solomon to the contrary
notwithstanding It's because you
need to dream time you go to bed
nights. You've probably been labor
ing under the absolute. Impression that
It is for the sake of rest that you
spend a third of your life. In sleep.
"Absurd." says Andre Trldon, Now
York psychoanalyst, according to the
Evening Sun of that city. "Every
branch of your compter, busy organ
Ifan Is on the' Job 24 hours a day. Your
heart sever reu; neither do your
lungs nor liver nor brain cells. But
yon dq'need to dream, because only so
can the ordinary man relieve all bis
Napoleon Bonaparte had things atl
hhj own way for a spell, and Just so
long he guided the world's destiny in
no steepy style without being abed
more than two hours a night. But
when flic world balked at gratifying
longer his will to dominate, dammed
up his ego urge In St. Helena, be slept
ten hours a day. That Is, ho dreamed
that long dally.
To iletp Is to dream, whether or not
you remember anything about It next
morning. You dream continuously, nt
an amazing speed rate, all the while
you're unconscious, and every dream
acts out, dramatizes, one of your
wishes, gratifies un urge.
Ancient Feminine Splendor.
For extravagance tho modem Amer
ican woman is, an amateur In compari
son with her ancient sinter. In the
Philadelphia museum six sheets of
gold so thin that It was pliable us cloth
show perforations at top and bottom,
These arc 10 by 20 Inches in size, and
wero probably used as tuffles on the
gown of a fashionable Inca princes
Thep she could have had her choice
of uny one of tho eight golden bnast
plates In the collection and one of (hit
many golden crowns, a pair of tli.
large, fan-shaped filigree earrings, ami
the girdle, three feet long and seven
inches wide, made up of 133 gold bars,
each four Inches long.
A necklace Is fonned of a string of
41 golden bells. There Is a heavy ring
for her nose and another for her Up,
und broad arm bands, cuffs, bracelet
and rings, and. as a final touch, a Li
Toscn cane topped with n golden moti
key wearing a hat and sitting la u
high-backed chair.
Submarine Radio,
The last annual report of the bu
renu of standards states that members
of the bureau's staff have developed
very succesKful methods of wmmiinl
eating with submerged submarines by
radio-telegraphy. With n slnSJe-turn
coll or loop uttnehf-d to the outside of
tho submarine, signals ran be received
ns well when the vessel Is submerged
an when It Is nt the surface. It Ik
also possible to transmit from a sub
merged submarlno a distance of 12
miles. Thus It becomes possible for
n ship and a submarine to exrhnngu
recognition slgnnls. A coll aerial Is
a fcatlsfaclory direction Under when
submerged and readily receives slgnnlH
transmitted thousands of miles, Just
the same ns when used In the air. The
navy has equipped Its larger subma
rines with this opparntus.--Sclentltlc
Xmerlcau, , -
zzMm i2 JLtjm
xjeni- ivttmsimssbMskv
All Wool, blue oiily, 04x82
" M. IUrdifig M Uey
-""'I. 'frfsld-Took-Raraor-ph In
c Wa RdnQ ,
Llttla Too Literally.
Qie of the peculiarities of our lan
gnagg ,wns brought to the.notjce of n
Chjcnso,' woman by her Swedish, ulald.
, ThlOjrl, hnd, attended nlgTit' School
for some vyeks njul wn delighted by
her attainments In Kngllnh. She ex
prcne'd her wish to try her. Jinqwjodgo
by rqadlng a story In Kugllsh,,twd the
m!stres recommended for her Hrual.
a tale 'called "A Modern ClhtlVrvltn."
then running In one of the magazines.
It Was simply worded and (fpenj-cd
not to present any linguistic pitfalls.
"Dd you like It. Hilda- sled th
Bilstr, when tho magazine was re
turned. "Yas, ma'am." was the reply, "hut I
am sorry she hnd so much trouble and
those glass eyes. too. My bruddcr. he
had one glast ee, and it wai bard for
The lady of tho house was puzzled;
so Hilda unfolded the mngazlne and
pointed with a respectful finger to the
following undeniable proofs:
"As Pnliy mored about the kitchen,
Jolng her work, her eyes suddenly fell
ofi Ihe letter which lay unopened on
her aunt's lap.
'"Keep your eves where they be
long.' said that lady sharply, and or
Polly colored with itmme."
Just What Did He Mean,T
Little Henry IIoanb"mmer Is. n typ
ical Hooslcr youngster who uses his
enrs to good nrivatiMgi. SInre prohi
bition Im been enfo-n l In Indiana he
hns heard n great many remarks, made
by pwple who In the pat wore accus
tomed to Imbibing wcndnnallv, Rui
Lnr Chrltmnn he elect rifted his fam
ily ny in" own iiui"ii.
The Christmas tree u-an ajilnw" nnd
everyone was talking p'mit Its beauty,
etc. Finally It came Ilt-nry' Jl'e to
suy something and hi- 1M. He looked
nt the.brllllnnt tns "(Jee l:'n nil IH
" . . . . .... ...
.. i.A lt....l .....til ff ftln .4 lull 1
"J .. o;.3n ian ;; ; svJs.
was, too
9Hk4ksBBiaVaaaaaBP jH9r"' mKtf'j1tlEkmmlRMM iaaBaaMaaaaMJaaaaisMiBBBBMaaaaaaaM
smtaaaaMTjlaaaLaW.aMMMaalaWlT WM.s 9MKEKbjOtS9 sHaakaWflBHsV 1 a ibbbbbbbV aaWaHaaH
P" yAi ' wKtk i WW'MstsWlr t ' ffTTT MBsLst i iy T "" t ' Jfti '
v y' avvv1 jppr i 6& BJBaBkStBSBSJBSBV( jaKiaSBS' A- l , 'LSaM
jfev mm ,',-mm w mmukM&m,-Kz,M&ir-KtM$iiim-ztoam mtm.tmkxiuiAimmi4l'Wmmmm tk
Belglnnr is leading all European countries In rfeoonstructloa.
thaa any of .the allied powers through the devastation of-her agrlVmJtural districts, she-is rapidly get-i
ting to the point where aid from the allied countries will not te seeded. Above.le k. fece&e taken psj
the aaarket square at Ypree, taaklns; atriklas eontrasi of the "Devastation'.' ta.the background aael
the UirlflHt:"''JReeoMtfuotkm" tn the forettrbiud- Tbe eatUe shew ."wMotiimlJdhS ,tb Krevteefasf
CoaaaU'at tke'vretm AllUd AxrUsUtanU JUstat CCMMlftiAav,
(Contlnuoil front 1'ngo 1.)
wan carried out, uvoroomo by smoke.
At ouo tlmo no Idas tumJ olghl
rostduuees wuro on tiro ua tho result
of sparks blown from tho .burning
buildings, but n tipocltil dotnll, uont
out by FJro Chief Cnrlon, proventod
lossea from this source. Auothor
block of wooden buildings, south of
the second-hand store, was niotmcod,
but tho flatuos wore kept In chock,
Largo crowds surrounded tho fire
area, and a slight disposition toward
looting was shown, but was promptly
chocked by the police. Voluntoora,
not mombora of tho department,
woro plenUut, and their Instant re
sponse to requests for aid won htgh
pralto today from tho ftro chief and
Rebuilding I'liun Uncertain,
from Clitof Kiigtuoor Loo Stevens,
Prospects for rebuilding nro as yet
Mr. Fox. who for o'clock, but. though tho tin
time hns boon planning on roplaclug!
tho fnuno structure occuplod by the
rionoor garage with a pormnnont,
building, was not fully decided this
morning ns to whnt courso to pur-
nuo. Dili, nil cinnn rnr rnnniiniinnii'
' -. ,, . .. .w. .w........w..
and walls had already boon hauled to
the lot adjoining tho slto of tho
burned building, It Is thought that
work tuny booh bo started. Neither
tho Moose lodge nor Do Armond &
Gilbert has miido n decision its to
the replacing of tho buildings lost In
tho fire.
Tho Plonoor garago today moved,
Its headquarters to the old Modern
garuge building on Irving stroet.f
whero Its machine shop and now cars
wero already located.
(Contlnuod front Pago 1.)
should have the approval of the city
engineer boforo bolng nccepted,
BUN Ordeml Pwld.
Tho following bills for tho month m(JI aopartmont rojocted tho nppll
ot Juno woroordorcd paid: 'cation on Urn ground that tho land
B. V. L. & P. Co .....-,...$535.00 wat morn valiablo for timber than
Plerton & Kountrco .. 9.28 for nKrcituro. Ho tho stockman
Horace Turner 5.00 thurminnn fltml n lltntmr Mnltn on It.
It. J. McCann ........................ 45,00
H. H. Rlloy ... . ...... 2,80
Maglll & Ersklne .. B.60
Plerson & Rountreo ............ 28,00
Emit Anderson ......................
Bend Preia
Flnnegan Bros.
Bond Hauling Co.
C. G. Wilson
Bates Transfer Co.
F. F. Hubbard . , 85.00
Anton Aune .............. G05.00
Mlllor Lumber Co. 203.01
F. F. Hubbard - i.. 15,00
D. W. Fleming 14..00
Nell Market
Bond Bulletin
A. L. Sayo ......
Bond Commercial Club ,.t.
Hoyburn Hardwaro Co. ....
Sanitary Laundry
W. P. Hardesty
L. A. V. Nixon ,.
A. B. Taylor .... ....
II. F. Tumor
Depot Feed Yards
T. W. Carlon .'.
John A, Runge ......
John B, Alexander
Merle Hoover
W. E. Irvln ,
Fred A. Woolflon ... .
Dr. C. A. Fowlor
C. 8, Benson 4t.00
William P. Downing .... 3.36
A. L, Snye ..........
nuum vmi u, .u.iv
Standard Oil Co,
!"'.E - .0,eina" " .!"
uouert ii. uouio ...
I I T i TT j T iH l i I BMHMK
Oscar IIouHtou, l'rlnovlllo garago
man, whllo lu Bond Sunday night,
struck a. match whllo his gnsolluu
tank was bolng (Hind to hoo ow
much motor fuel he had beau glvou,
Houston wann't hurt, hut tho bono at
tho Bond gnragn tilling station was
burned and only quick action lu Im
mediately smothering tho flamos
saved tho car, Houston drovn his
auto back to Prlnovlllo tho same
Tho fire nlnrm wnn turned In nt
Knn ,ndo n record run, tho gasoline
ulaio' had boon oxtlngulshod boforo
tll0 arrival of Kngliianr Loo Slovens
nnu tho ,omliors of tho voluntoor
Mre department who worn on duty
on the Fourth.
"Folka do got nway with tisuch
foolish stunts," CJilajpw'ICaj'Jon
said. In commenting on theincldunt.
"But, unless a man worn a norklaco
of hornoshoon, I'd call It suicide."
(Continued from Pago 1.)
tormluo whether the lands wero lit
fncagrlculturnl or timber lands. Tho
lrr)gnlloulsts won tho enso.
"But soon thorenftor tho govern
ment becanio doubtful its to tho ox-
act naturo ot tho Juniper. A stock-
man near Burns who was in need of
fence posts, filed on a quartor sea -
tloil ot juniper lumi nt mo Dane oi
Buck mountain. It wns an agricul
tural tiling. A discerning goern
Another discerning government de
partment,, or perhaps tho same one,
ruled thai Junlpor was not timber
and tho second application was re
jected. What tho stockman did for
fenco posts Is not historically re
corded. "But the government has, never
theless, been firm In the conviction
that Juplper, whllo not timber, la at
least wood. An enterprising citizen
ot Oregon conceived thi Idea of
draining a groat swamp and ot using
the waters thoreof to Irrigate a tract
of dry land. In all about 100,000
acres. At that time tho neareit
railroad was ISO mllos away To
oparato the dredger, fuel was re
quired, and coal or wood was out of
the question. So ho sent his men
tar up tho sloped of Stein's mountain
to cut Junlpor, which wns Itttto mora
than brush
Ho was Indicted for',,.,, .,,,,. ' , Thn' W(, ,..
stealing wood from govnrnmont land husband; Bernlco Diss nnd Alinor
He got out of H by paying for tho Ulss, her husband, and the unknown
wood.' It did not matter that ho1 Mrs of ubnve named Alfred F. Ram
... ,i. i nn..n.i .. t ,i, say, docoased, and also all other per
was tho only possible user of the ,;; op lM unknown clulmlni
wood, thnt unless tho lands ho waH,nuy rjKlt, ,m0. oatuto, lien or Intor-
worklng on woro reclaimed, there eat In the real uatnto doacrlbed In tho
would bo no settlers, and that with- complaint herein, defendants
out settlors tho lunlnor would for- ,n tho ,mmo of mo fUnt0 of 0ro'
out settlors tno juniper wouiu tor , nf0 hor(jby l0,,re(1 t0 p.
ever grnco tho sldos of a mountain j puar (l UI,wr tho complaint fllod
known only to snoop nornera. mo
had to pay a round price for it.
"In tho sumo year, In Lako county,
times were hard. Two men, In neod
of broad nnd butter, applied to n
stockman for work. Ho agreed td
iuwniimii iur worn. uu ukiuu
tor l" f0co PO"" ' .
men. Tiiny wont nut on a Mva bed
Although being affected mor"
and began to out. Thereupon tho
ntookiunn was also ludtotod. t
"Such luolttuuts mniitod Mm flhniiK"
from it free liml opoit Juniper rauftu
to n valuable niinot of tho goyorit
munt With thin history Imfoio u's
wo may well doubt wholjior hc( of
moil willing to cut Is tho whole
trouble lu failure to supply tliu pen
cil iitunufuctiitorri. Where wnlild
thuy out! It Is no doubt poHslblo to
buy juniper from tho government ns
wood Hut thoru nro formnlltlns to
bo olMorvml nnd thtiro Is. munoy to
pay. Tlio man who works nt day
labor does not have tho mentis to
buy, nor can he nwaltithu tedious
processus ot tho government. His
wants nro Immediate.' Presumably
logging companies, ndonuatoly fi
nanced, munt attack tho problem,
Hut they would hottor procuod quiet
ly nnd apoak softly, For capital to
attack a national rosourco Is rlnky;
Thesu aro days ot cousorvaUon.
What' dlfforonco If tho prunuiit-dny
po'nclt user bo required to uiirojl a
strip ot paper to find tho point ot
his pencil It future generations are
assured tho satisfaction ot whittling
for UT If tho history ot timber
lands Is repented, ono day we shall
gain with nwo upon a groat lend pen
cil rcftorvo comprising most ot Cen
tral Oregon."
CtMlfll NrU.ini riikit pir l.u JO
rnt tor to ,,rU or lr. On rtnt ir
ward (nr ll urtr SO, All clutlfleU ijvtrtlilnir
itrlttlr rath In 'trnc..
s -sesxa
FOR SALE Three good, young,
freih Ilolsteln cows. J. A Llv-
Ingsloii, Itedmotid, Ore. 73-lS-lOc
FOIt SALE 1917 Maxwell touring,
now, tires ull nroiuid, IflOO. must bo
sold nt once; can bo seen nt Pioneer
garage. 08-18-19p
White Leghorns. Heavy winter
layers, mntcd to Tnncred cocks, of
230-250 ngg strain, f 1 CO per IS. S.
O. It. I. Hods, mated to high class
.cockerols from prlzo winning stock
, JnfflVer-Holi'tSs
. i0Mtry Karnit Tlima0 97-6 life
WANTED TO HUY6 shares Swal-
ley ditch stock; 11 A per share
cash Do Armond Erskliio. 12-lOp
ANYONE, looking for Jielp, Imiulrti
of Miss Murkolof tho Bend Com
mercial club, at tbe city rest room.
ANYONE, looking for employment
on farms, see Mils Market ot tho
Bend Commercial club, at tlio city
rest room. 33-17tfc
A. J, Hartor, plaintiff, vs. Fanny
E. Ramsay. Flamant. Bell West and
Thomas, West, her husband: Helen
West and Melvln West, her husband;
IlW Ramaay Godfrey and John God
frey, her husband; Margaret Ramsay
Iloobe and Georgu Beobu, bur hus
band Walter Ramsay, Bernlco IlUt
and Abnur Bias, her huaband. Hazel
Rauay; W, D, Barnes, as adminis
trator of tho nutate of Alfred F Ram
say, deceased (sometimes known as
A F Ramsay), the unknown heirs
of deceased, and alio all other per
sons or parties unknown clnlmtng
fnny right, tltlo, estate, lion or Inter
est In tho real estnlq descrlbod In the
complaint heroin, defendants
, ugalnst you lu tho abovu entitled
caso and cause on or boforo the lOlh
duy of August, 1920, which is more
than six weoks after tho 8th day of
July. 1020, tho ditto or tho first pub
lication of this summons, and If you
fall so to uppoar und nnswor for
wunt thereof, thu plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for tho relief pruyed
for lu tho complaint, to-wlt: For
a decree nnd Judgment ugitlnst tho
dofondants, and each aud all of thorn,
for tho sum of 1600 00, with Intorost
thereon from Fohruitry 1, 1013, nt
tho 'rate of sovuu por cent per mi
lium; for tho further sum of $100.0iL
attorney's fees, uud the furthor sum
of 8130,00 for taxes paid and for
costs nnd disbursements ot this suit,
and for u furthor decree foreclosing
said mortgage described In plaintiff's
icompluint and thu salo of thu prqpor
ty therein described us tho
quartor of tho Hnutlioiist quurJOr of
Sontlon 24, Township 10 south, rnngo
11 oast, of tho Wlllnuiotto meridian,
und that tho dofoudauts ho forover
Imrred from Hotting up any right,
title, Interest or lion In uud (p mild
real property, and for such othOr uud
further rol6t as to tho court r,uny
nppour just und oqultublo.
Sorvlco ot this summons Is inndo
upon you by publication thereof In
The Hond Bulletin for six competi
tive weeks under nnd by vtrtmi Of nil
ordor miulo and on to red on tho 7th
day of July, 1020, by tho Hon. T. E.
J Duffy, Judqo pf tho above ontitlod
Tho dnto of tho UrsLpubilcatlon of
tlilH Hummous Is tin? rift dny of July,
1020, and the dnto of tho lust publi
cation thereof Is the 12th duy of Au
gust, 1020. ,
" B. O, 8TADTER,
, - Attorney for Plaintiff
First Nqtlonu Iank Building, Uoml,
Oregon, J9-24c
;. i
nTnamM &4t - jf MftH.
a PA-
j A
t taw
. i