fc f IIKNI) HULLKT1N, IIKND, OIIKCION THUIWIIAV, JULY H, loaq. PAGE T ' t GRAIN AND FRUIT CROPS IN WEST TO BE (II? Unit"! I'rrM ImTIk llml llullttin) HAN FJUNOIBCO, July 3. Urnln mill fruit crons In yontorti stiiton will fall Hliort of thu ylolilK of a ycnr iko, nccordlug to u nmuniu of IhihIiiohh and agricultural conditions which Iikh boon Issued by tho federal rn iiorvo hunk horn, covering tlm Hti'.tw uf AfUoiut, California. Idaho, Nova (lit. Oregon, Utah unit Washington. I'VohIh, cold wi'iithor mid deficient nroclpltiitlon caused oronit of '.liu UU trlct to ho rotnnliid from throo to four wiioUh. Tim winter whom crop In tho nnvflii Rtttton lo now otlniutod nt 01,104.000 liitnhoU. fin compnr.i wldi 01,01.1,000 bushels a year ago, tho bank's bulletin declares. If weather couilltlonit tiro favornhlo ditrltiK tho rotnalndor of tho grow ing season, howovo tho liicrnnio In tho HprliiK whtmt -'roi will roiiipon nutu for upproxluintoly half of IIiIh deficiency, It In oiitliiiatoJ, predic tions Indicating thin crop will amount to CO, 277,000 bushels, com farm Inborom, although not uh ho parod with -IG,-t2S,000 bushels last vuro ait watt anticipated u mouth year. Tho not decrease in all whoatago." CRESCENT FOREST FIRES CONTROLLED 'I.nrgril Checked llcforo Arm Had Ktrwrird XI AircK-Laxt Nlght'it 'Lightning May Cnime More. IloturtilnR InHt night from Crei cent, where, with Ilnngur Don Smith, ho wan sent tho day boforo to aid In hnndllng tho forest tiro situation, Assistant Hupervlsor W. O. Harrlmatt roportud that tho two flros remaining out of eight, Ntartod by IlKhtnltiK. nro complololy under control. Thuy woro chockud bororu 'either had exceeded an ttroa of 40 ncros. Mora flreit nro looked for boforo tho end of tho weak an tho result of tho electric storm, flatten front which could bo noon to tho south lait nlKht. DATES ARE SET FOR ANNUAL STOCK SHOW A letter received today from O. M. Plummor, gonorat- manngur of tltn Tnclflc International Livestock opposition, gives tho dated for tho blK North Portland stock show Novombor 13 to 20, Inclusive an 3h Central Oregon Garage REDMOND, OREGON Exclusive Agcntsfor Northwest Auto Co. for Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties Selling Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and j Uuplex Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOIINBY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-10 First National IUnk Dldjr. Tol. Cll , (Dr. Co'i Korinr Offlt.) II. IL DeArraonJ ChM. W. KnVln DeArmond & Erskine LAWYKUS fJ'Kono nulldlng, Dond. Orogou H, O. Jfl L L I S AtUreyt-Lw United HUtes OonintlssioBer First National Dank Dulldlns DHND, OjlKQON DR. A. LESSING PHYSICIAN AND BUROEON Dond Prow Dldg. BUND, ORMQON Phones: Office Rod 41; Ros. 123 Read the Bulletin Classified Ads LESS THAN 1919 Krowu In thn dlHtrlct In placed at G, 08B.000 hiitiliulH, "In tho Pnylfln Northwest," Hiiys tho hiitik'ii ruport, "tho pruno and ohorry crops tiro oNtltntitud at front rr to 00 por cunt of Hioko of 1010: tho applo crop tit from CO to 70 pur cent, and tho pour crop at CO pur cunt of that of 1010. Tho Yaklntn valfuy. WiiHliliiKtou, pouch crop will not exceed 200 curs, an compared with 2200 In 1010. Tho proHpoctH ftro that tho loKanhorry crop of Wont urn Washington will not exceed 40 per cunt. niHphorrloH, 75 por cant, mid strawberries bC pur cant of nor mnl." "Tho labor Munition Iiiih Improved Nomowhut during tho hut mouth," says tho bullotlti. "In and around Hvutti thoro Ih a tdlnht excess of both skilled and titiHklllud labor. In Western Washington thoro Ih a con Mlditrnblo nhortngo of ttnnklllod rail rond liolp. Elsowltoru throughout tho dlHtrlct thoro Ik a NhortiiKO of WOOL BUYERS LACK INTEREST, CLAIMED Komi' or llcut Clip In Ontrnl Ore Knn Could Ho Hud nt 44 CVnlH, Declare W. K. McCormack. ' If buyern woro avallablo, plonty of tho bent Krodo of wool could bo no cured In Control Oregon at 44 cents, wni tho declaration of W. K. Mc- Cormack of Deschutes, roprcsontn tlvo of tho Stnnflold IntoroHtn, Iluy- ors, however, nro not In ovldonco, ho aid, and In proof of this atatemont ho mentioned tho sale Just put on nt Bhattlko, where no offers woro made. "Tho trouble scorns to bo chiefly with money sources." Mr. McCor miick mild, "for many of tho mlllfl nro known to hnvo only n tw6 months' reserve of wool on hand." Didn't Want to MUs Anything. Monday a polilliT came to our donr mil iviih di'inonxtrntliii: snino of hl viiri' lo iny mother. My mm her iHMik'ht a few nrtlcli- from hint and Uf Hiartfil to put lili suitcase In order, lit lliilslivjl and wan Juki leaving when lo-i'ph, who In four year old, rushed mi ii iM iihI:mI : "Oh. mamma, what u tin1 mail kii.v while I wtuu't hero" Chirac" American. lrucKs FhoBS BUck 1391 LSK A. THOMAS, A. A. IA, ArekKoet 2-4 O'Kabo Bnlldlst BEND - OREGON O. P. NI8WONQBR, Dead, Or. DNDEUTAKKn Uceatwd Kmbalmer, Puacrai Dlrtetor, Phono Red 421. Lady AMt. X DR. R. D. STOWULL Naprapathlo PhyslcUB Over Logaa Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours to B Plicae Red 48H DR. TURNER KYB SPECIALIST Permnnontly Located In Bend with New Kqulpmont Private Office In Thorson's Jewelry Store Dr, Turner will be lu Prlne vllle every first aud third Fri day; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, and In Red mond . every. 8rat and third Thursday ot each smatn. As a Matter of Fact" says the Good Judge i It will actually cost you less to use the Real To bacco Chew. Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chew will toll you that. The full, rich taste lasts longer and a small chew gives more genuine satisfaction. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short - W-B CUT is EJm2?3ii3im.Ey3OTi2 BUDGET'S FATE IS SETTLED BY 21 BEND VOTES $105,040 EXPENDITURE IS ENDORSED MAJORITY IS ONLY 5 School District OfflclaU and Klec tlon Ilonnl ConNtltuto It of Voter Xordcen Ih New Chairman of Director. In a clty,(the Inhabitants of which, Kays tho 1020 census, number 541S, a total of 21 voters on Juno .lo'hccld ded, at tho special Dend school dis trict election yestorday, tho fato of a $10C,C4Q bttdgat. It passed on a voto of 12 to 7, tho enabling mcasuro allowing more than a six per cent ad vance over Uio tax ot tho previous yoar, passing, 12 to 8. Ono ballot out ot tho 21 was thrown out, being Improperly marked. Tho election was hold from 2 o'clock In tho after noon to 7 o'clock In tho evening at tho high school building. Of tho votors, six were mom bora, either nctlvo or rotirlng, of tho hcIiooI board H, G. Nordecn, J. P. Keyofl, L. M. Fobs, Mrs. K. M. Thompson, C. A. Harden and R. V. Sawyer, and three Mrs. B. P. Dros torhous, Mrs. P. D. Johnson and B. I). Ollnon woro members of tho olcctlon board. City Superintondont S. W. Mooro nnd Mm. alooro voted and tho district clerk, J. Alton Thompson, also cast his ballot. Tho other voters woro: L. A. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Frnmo, Marguerlto K. Morgan, Lyda L. Kelly, J. J. Klotn, H. Mc.Miiun, William A. Harris and Jnmos A. Drown. $10,000 Is Added. Tho budget, nn ortglnally advor- tlsod, provided for 105,640, but tho mooting of tho electors, held Immedi ately after a mooting of tho board, at .which Mr. Haydon, nowly elected momboriof tho board, was sworn In by Mr. Sawyor, retiring director, au thorized tho addition of $10,000, half tho amount bolng for a building fund and half for a sinking fund for outstanding Indebtedness. At tho evening meeting of tho board, following tho election, It was voted to fence the Carroll Acres school grounds, to keep Jackrabblta from tros'paBsIng on tho lawn and to Uoop chlldron from vonturlng lu tho way of speeding cars on tho highway. The Owl Paint Shop was awarded the contract for $340 for painting tho Carroll Acres school. Mr. Nordeon was eloctcd chairman of thot board for the coming school year and District Clerk Thompson was rcoloctod. City Superintendent Mooro was authorUod to attend tho National Educational association convention lu Salt Lako City this week. FISH TAKEN IN ILLEGAL MANNER Dynaiulto Used By Homo In Procur ing Trout, and Spearing Is Re sorted to, Declares Warden. Onmo InV violators in Central Orogon are dynamiting and spoarlug fish in a mimbor ot the streams and lakes wub tho declaration on Fridny ot District Gamo Warden II, Mc Donald. RowardB. of up to $100 are offered by tho state game commis sion for information leading to the w L r I 'mtimm l. zSl Mil' cut tobacco a long fine-cut tobacco WATER BLOCKING DRILLERS' WORK At a depth of moro than 3G00 fcot, oil has been found at tho wcl drilled 18 miles from Durns, reports F. C. Dlbblo of Hunter, who is spending a fow days In Dend. At another lovel, however, water has como In, and an effort to seal up the layer of water bearing gravel by tho use of cement has so far proved a failure. Another attempt Is to bo made with lead, Mr, Dibble states. iv Four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. Ko watting. Adv. Catarrhal Drafiicwn Cannot Ito Cured by local applications ns they cannot roach tho diseased portion of tho car. Tttoro is only ono way to euro Catarrhal Deafness, nnd that Is by a constitutional romedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE: nets through tho Blood On tho Mucous Surfaces of the Systom. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by nn Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustach ian Tube. When tho tubo Is In flamed you havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is ontucir closed. Deafness Is tho re suit. Unless tho inflnmatlon can bo reduced nnd this tubo restored to Its normal condition, heating may bo dostroyed forever. Many cases ot deafness nro caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of tho Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any caso of Catarrhal Deafness fhat cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars frco. F. JfChoney &. Co., Toledo, Ohio LEGAL NOTICES CITATION in IlKIItX OF THE DF CEASED TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAI'NK Will REAIi PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE SHOULD NOT DH SOLI). In tho County Court of Deschutes Count', Stato of Oregon. In tho matter ot tho estate of John Egloy. deceased. To Zeno Egley, Vannlo Saldont nnd Edith Egloy, heirs of tho deceased, John Egloy: You, and each of you, will hereby tako notlco that unleas you appear within 10 days aftor tho service of thai notlco upon you, before the obovo entitled court, and Bhow cause. If any. why certain real proporty of tho estato ot John Egloy. deceased, should not bo sold to pay tho veri fied clalmB against tho said estate that, pursuant to an order Issuing out ot the County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon. E. D. Gllson, admin istrator of tho ostnto of John Egley, deceased, will soil at either public or prlvato sale, real proporty, belong ing to the said estato, described an follows, to-wlt: Tho E of tho S WW and the WW ot the SW of Soctlott 30, Township 18, S. R. 13, East, Willamette Meridian, in Des chutes County. Oregon. E. D. GILSON, Administrator ot the Estato of Joha Egley, Docoased. Bond, Oregon. 19-22c NOTICE Notlco 1b l(oroby glvon thnt Joseph II. O'Neill has mado application to tho County Court ot Deschutes Coun ty Stnto ot Oregon, for tho Issuance to him of lottora of administration on tho estate ot Harvey T. O'Nolll. presumed to bo decoasod on account ot not having boon hbard from tor moro than seven years, and that on Saturday, August 7, 1920, nt 2 Brooks-Scanlon Lumber -? Company Lumber, Luth, Shingles, Buildinrr Mater JaI, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Suadwd SIxet. ;brooks-scanlon LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. TANLAC o'clock p. m at the court room In Dond, In nald county and atato, tho said court will hear ovldonco con cerning tho alleged absence of thV) prenumed decedent and tho clrcum stnnccH and duration thereof, Witnemt my hnnd and tho seal of unlit court this 23rd day of June, 1020. J. 11. HANBH. Adv.-17-20o County Clerk. NOTICK TO CHKMTOIW In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Doschutcn County. In tho matter of tho estato of Sam uel M. MacarUioV. dcccaned. Notice Ih Hereby slvon that tho underlined were, on tho lit day of June, 1920, duly nppolntcd n execu ..-ia niiniiiii.ii.r iii.i iiNiiii.i ... n.a... uol M. Macartney, deceased. All11"" uoto oniaieu DuirngamBi 7011 persons having claims against saldjon or boforo tho 16 h dny of July, estato will pronent tho same, duly 1020, and If you fall to so nppcar verified, to tlfo undersigned, E. P. "1 answer or otherwise plead, for Mnhnffoy, nt tho Central Oregon Dank, Bond, Ore. E. P. HAHAPFEY. FRED N. WALLACE. Adv.-17-21c Executors, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP ADMINISTRATOR AND TO . PRESENT CLAIMS. In tho county court, In and for tho county of Deschutes, stato of Oregon. In thO matter Ot tno CStalO oiio o avvnea iu mo Huumacuon oi Lawronco Kalcv Shepherd, deceased Notlco Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed as administrator of tho estate of Law ronco Kaley Shepherd, deceased, and such administration covers Hot only tho individual estate, but the part nership property held by said de ceased and his father, C. F. Shcp hord. Anr ncnon or party having a claim against tho Individual estate of said deceased, or tho said part norshlp aforesaid, aro hereby re quired to prcsnnt the name, duly veri fied nnd with proper vouchers, with in six months from tho date ot the first publication ot this notice. Such claims must bo presented to this administrator personally, or at his office in Klamath Falls, Oregon, or to Drlggs & Brlggs, his attorneys, at their office In Pioneer block, In Ashland, Oregon. Tho date ot tbo first publication Is Juno 17. 1920. and the time to pre sent claims will expire December 17, 1920. EARL T. SHEPHERD, Administrator. Klamath Falls, Oregon. lfi-20c NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been by the County Judge of Deschutes County, State of Oregon, appointed executrix ot the last will and testament of Charles E. Street, deceased, nnd all persons holding claims agalust deceased aro hnrubv notified to present tho same with propor vouchers to the under- fl,1l!rn..vttIiOlOawC0in Bend OrSUS' .V.0"..!,' '?,.B,.CU K .i i L.i """""" """ "W Mm Dated and published first Juno 10. 1920. EMMA AMANDA STREET, Executrix of the last will and testa- 15-lSc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon, May 25th. 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that LIIllo B. Brnndenburgh, of Bond, Oregon, who, on Novomber 23rd, 1900, mado Desort Land Entry, No. 05595, for SEU. Section 21. Township 10 South. Rango 12 East. Willamette Moridlan, hus filed notice of Inten Inten - i5 ?o abovo tlon to mako final Desert proot purchase, Act, March 4th, 19 establish claim to tho land described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S.j Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 0th duy ot July, 1920. Claimant nnmoa as witnesses: Wllber X. Huunoll. Fred N. Van Mnter. Ed M. Swalloy, Charles Stansbourgh. all of Bond, Oregon. H, FRANK WOODCOCK. 14.1 So Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Not Coal Lund. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Lakoview, Oregon, Mnv 22. 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that Carl O. Dick, of Bend, Oregon, who, on March 19, 1918, made Homeateaa Application, No. 010033, for BHtt 8W. SV. SEW. 3oc. 22, SWK SWUi Section 23. Township 248., Raugo 10 E., Willamette, Meridian, has filed notice of intontion to make Commutation Proof, to cstawisa claim to tho land abovo described, boforo E. L. Clark, U. S. Commis sioner, at Ln Pino, Oregon, on the FOR SALE DY The Owl Pharmacy SOfiK AOKNTS 10th day of July, 1020. Claimant namen as wltncilon' Edward C. Olabb, of Dond Oregon, Ernest K. Dick, of Dond, Oregon. John Knight, of Dond, OrcRon, Thomas Sly, of Dond, Oregon. JAS. K. IIUIlOBfiS,- 15-lOc Roglotor. 8UMMONH. In tho Circuit Court ot tho State of Oregon for Deschutes County. Paul Mortschlng, plaintiff, vs. J. C. Hopkins and D. A. Hatflold. de fendants. " '' To J. C. Hopkins, the nbovo named defendant: Greetings: In tho name ot the Stnto or Ore gon: You nro hereby required to nppenr and answer tho omntnlnt filed In wnnt tncreor mc pminiirr win ap ply to tho abovo nnmed court for a decree as prayed for In the complaint filed herein, namely; for a decree foreclosing tho lien of the plaintiff mentioned therein, that tho north- east quartor of tho southwest quar ter oi section ii, lownsnip 11 souin, range 14 east of Willamette Meri dian, In Deschutes county, Stato of 'Oregon, bo sold by tho aheriff ot this .county in tne manner proacnoeu uy , 'aw, and that the proceeds of such tho costs of such sale, tho costs of this suit, and the remainder applied to the satisfaction of tho claims of tho plaintiff, namely, the sum of one hundred eleven and 90100 dollars, with interest thereon at six por cent per annum from September 11th, 1919, until paid, and the fur ther sum of fIJty dsllnrs attorney fees, and that the above named de fendants, and each of them, and all persons claiming by, through or un jder them or either of there, bo for ever barred and fordosed of all right, or equity or redemption In or to said premises, except as provided by Btntute, and for such other relief ns to this court may ceom equitable in tho premises. This summons Is published pur suant to an order mado and entered herein so to do by tho Judge of the abovo named Court, on the 28th day ot May. 1920. LAKE M. BECHTKLL, Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and post offlco address, Prineville, Oregon. Published first time, June 3rd. 1920. 14-20e NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department or the Interior. Not coal land. Juno '1-i. 1920. Notice is hcroby given that Joha D. Colo, ot Bond, Oregon, who, on Juno 21, 1914, made homestead en try No. 07744, for lots 3-4, S4. NEU, Section 4, Township 22 S.. Range 10 E., Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to siako .. , ,fcv. ,. , bV.iik claim to tho land above described. before H C. Ellis. U. S. Comrnis- sloner. nt Bond, Oregon, on the ISth day ot July, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: I Michael C. Donahue, John J. Dlow. "i John Devercau, Roy L. Winters, all JAS. II. BURGESS. Register. 16-20p Brand Directory H"G Brand John Helfrich, 3-4p Brothers, Ore. 1 - Rlh A Ped; S 1 Right side; right ear crop wattle right hind leg L. TONE, Misters, Ore. adr.iooe ALWAYS A I At k Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your product at home 1 Chas. Boyd H M K arrest ot such offenders.