The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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The Double
mKffmMSFYwmXjs &
They ycro Kpttlng oh famously. To
gether they hail won many of the
events In the 6porta, and nt ship's ten
nis, which required agility and a sure,
quick grip on tho elusive ropen rings,
they were In the (Inula to ho played
that rooming. Miss Ulloy couldn't
have avoided seeing hltn had sho been
so minded. They won. and were pro
claimed champions of the sea at
least of that part of It dominated by
the eteaniBlilp Coloula.
It had been n hard-fought mntch. In
which physical condition played not a
small part. Miss Ullcy rather amuse!
Win as they were resting In steamer
chairs on the boat deck by saying:
"You seem to bo pretty tit."
TUT" Ills tone had In It a shade
of sarcasm. "I'm always tit always
ready to Jump In and piny anything."
"Always?" She looked at him quiz
zically. He was blind as n hat. "You bet
In season and' out of Minm."
"You must have u splendid constitu
tion." v
'"I have but I don't abuse It. 1
want to ,111st." Thls-had a queer mean
Jog, he saw too tale, but be dldu't try
to explain.
To his surprlsn she said, quite Im
pulsively: "I do believe that' wire."
Her Touch Gave Him an Odd Thrill.
And for cuiphaVla she rested her hand
for a moment on his sleeve. Her
touch gave him an odd thrill.
Miss Riley got up to go to her state
room, and then, as If under the spell
of Impulsiveness, added quite shyly:
"It was good of you to take my part
In the smoking room."
."You dldu't bearr asked Shute, his
fa co horror-stricken.
v"0h, I didn't hear verbatim what
was said about uie," blie explained,
her tone a little hnrd. "But I can
Imagine. Men are such brutes raoit
men. And I wanted you to know that
I I liked what you did. do matter
what others buy about It. I must go
She slipped away, leaving Win
diappy and angry, turnabout; happy ut
Uicr unexpected tender of gratitude,
augry at the man who had blabbed,
Hut happiness soon' took Hie ascend
ancy. In his limited experience he
liarin't much to compare It with, ex
cept breaking Into the majors the
vwy summer he graduated from col
lego. This, on second thought, seemed
a most unhappy comparison, as Mist
Riley dli)n't care for baseball.
Then she could never care for a pn
fefislonal ball player I He hadn't
thought of It before, but now, foi
some Imperative reason that lie, dldu't
try to analyze, the Idea" forced Itscll
upon him. If she couldn't care, what
"Wo land nt Gibraltar tomorrow."
Win Shute heard a parsing remark
and suddenly It dawned on hltn that
tho day he once bad looked forward
most keenly, but which he hud a
most forgotten, was at hand. At last
he could move ngnlnst his, enemies!
Kow he could establish his Identity!
Out something held hltn back. Miss
Riley wasn't ond of baseball I She
had come to llko "Mr. James," but
would she, a "real swell," ever look
with favor upon Win Shute. prnfes
slonol ball pluyer? Ho shook his head
Looking upon the much-advertised
rock next day, he wasn't at all Impa
tient to leave tho ship,
"Going ashpro?" Inquired a voice at
his sldp. It was Jed Mtftiscl.Mio wire
less operator.
"S'pose so," answered Shute with
out show of .enthusiasm.
Henvu 'Beach Needhof n
Copyright, by Doublccby.ftige and Cd
"'Why not Join mu? iTcnow the spot
and the wnys of tho native holdup
nrtlts, I'll net as guhlo If you sny
soglad to."
Never before hnd Jorrold Mansel of
fcred to do him a favor. Their only
contact nfter the drat day's consulta
tion over tho wireless messages had
come In rivalry overMlM Illley's time
Now tho hero of the Regent was brim
ful of friendliness. Win Shute's sus
picions nlrcady sufficiently nroused
regarding Mansel, were considerably
augmented by this urgent Invitation
Rut ho smiled as) he might hnvc done
In facing a pitcher who had something
"on" him.
"Thnnfc you I've no time for sight
seeing. I have somo business to at
tend to here."
Win Shuto was off the ship among
the very first before tho wireless op
orator; ho saw to thnt. Ho hired n
conveyance and ordered the driver to
make tracks for tho cable office.
"If you get there before anybody
from the ship I'll gtvo you double
fnrol" promised Shute nnd ho had
He wrote out a-long message to Trls
Ford, explaining In detail what had
happened to him nnd how ha had done
,hli best to communlcnte by wireless,
nnd how he stood over the operator
while he sent It. Then he nsked how
long It would take to get an answer.
"From two to six hours," was the
"I'll wait," announced Shute.
"Rut don't you want to see the
fortifications?" nsked the operator.
"Vou will have ample time."
"I want to see nothing except the
reply to that message," replied Shute,
slt'Jng down and making Jilmself com
fortablo for n long wnlt.
After six hours of waiting, the oper
ator handed him a cubit? dispatch. It
"Ford out of town. Report to-American
coustjl, Naples. Do you jievd
It was signed by the club's secre
tary. He cabled In answer to address him
care of the consul at Naples. He did
not ask or money. And lie went back
to the ship In no hilarious frame of
mind. His team had lost the world's
championship the plot against Kim
hud been thoroughly successful! And
he was no nearer spotting his en
emies tbnn he was before going ashore.
And Miss Riley didn't care for base
ball t This seemed to cap the climax.
Strange how values chango In a voy
age across the Atlantic.
Aboard ship he ran upon the ship's
doctor and tho wireless operator In
close confnb. Win Shute was not cu
rious until he caught the doctor's
"The Glant-klllera lost. I see by the
Dispatch, and you won. I'll pny you
when we get paid off."
"My tip was pretty good." odmltted
Jed Mansel. "I made quite a killing.
Cleaned up two thousand dollars."
"Two thousaiid?" repeated the doc
tor. "You were lucky.' k
"Not lucky wise," corrected Man
sel, winking slyly. "I knew that one
of the Giant-killers' best men couldn't
Win Shute was certain. The wire
ess operator was a crook. Ho was a
party to the devilish conspiracy that
had dmgged aud put him away on
the ship!
Rage such as he had never felt in
all his life consumed him. He could
not curb his de'slre to hurl himself up
on Mansel nnd beat hltn to Insensibili
ty. Hut as ho was on his toes to
spring, a restraining hand wus luld
upon tils arm.
It was Miss Riley. "Muy I speak
to you, please?"
Reluctantly Win Shute turned from,
his enemy. He and Miss Riley walked
along tho deck until they wcro out
of hearing of everybody,
"I looked for you before the pass
engers went ashore," she said. "You
see," she went on, then faltered
"you see 1 wanted to ask a favor of
you." She stopped.
The ship's mystery unaccountably
flashed across Win's mind I Rut he
didn't pause a second In replying;
"Surel Ask something hard., Wish
I could do -a real big favor, for you."
"You cnn. I hove n queer feeling
that something Is going to happen,
it's perfectly silly, of course, hut
If something should, will you look'nf
ter mother? Sho is so devoted to me
and so dependent ou me that 1 don't
know what sho " Again she fal
tered. "1 sure will and look after you,
too," answered Win,
"That's no good of you. Rut don't
trouble iihout in p. It's mother I'm
worried about." Then with a look of
unconcealed admiration shu concluded;
"But I feel better now. It seemed
to me that you wero tho only one
ou the ship thnt I could go to the
only one I wutited to trait mother
Is'oiwlthstnndlng tho bitter disap
pointment of the day, Win Shuto
went Into dinner thnt night with n
heart as buoyant ns u toy balloon.
He wns planning n walk and a talk
by southern moonlight with Miss
Rut nil evening aha paced tho deck
In earnest conversation with Jerrold
Win Shuto figured out to his own
satisfaction why things wcro thus. He
know that Miss Riley wns receiving
wireless messages ho hnd seen Man
sel hand her more than one and
Shute decided that tho operator was
Rage, Such as He Had Never Felt In
All His Life, Consumed Him.
taking this means to keep In touch
with her. Whereas n steward would
carry Marconlgntms to other passen
gers, Jed Mansel Invariably delivered
Miss -Riley's messages himself. Nat
urally this attention would bo recog
nized by nn appreciative person like
Miss Riley.
That Jcrrold Mansel wns downright
crooked, there wasn't much doubt.
But Win hnd to admit that his proof
was far from conclusive. Trls Ford's
wireless was a fake hut there wat
the possibility of faking somewheru
along the line of transmission. Mou
se) had bet heavily against tho (Hunt
killers but so had thousands of oth
er persons. The operator's remark
about the player who would be missed
from the line-up was strong circum
stantial evidence against hltn and
still It could hnve been n "second
guess;" he might hnve heard after
the series that one of the best men
had been out of the game. Certainly
there wasn't enough solid proof to
warrant Win Shuto In denouncing the
wireless operator.
And If he did If ho warned Miss
Riley against Jerrold Mansel It
would Involve a disclosure of the fact
that he. James U'lnton Shute, was n
professional baxehall player. He
wasn't ready to make that admission.
The fact that the tlnost girl didn't enre
a hang for the nntlonnl pastime con
stituted a mighty serious problem. It
wasn't pleasant to continue to mas
querade as "Mr. James," but It was
an Incognito enforced. So things were
permitted to drift.
It wns moonlight on the Mediter
ranean, the last night but one of Win
Shute's long voyage to Naples from
unconsciousness. He had started out
to act the part of a "trusty" to do
nothing against the captain's author
ity, but secretly to work toword one
end. namely, tho circumvention of his
enemies. After a fortnight at sen, al
though he was naturally Interested In
hs own he had lost much of
his violent ungnr against thoso who
hud forced him to become n passenger
on the ship. For If they hadn't If he
had remained nt home he would not
hnve met tho flnoit girl I As Tils Ford
would have suld: "There ain't will
ing to thut."
(To Pa Continued.)
Ohio farmers are proving that a real agriculturist cannot be
defeated that be will overcome all obstacle, Ohio, more than any
other state. It seems, la Buffering from the farm labor shortage. The
tractor and the farmer's wife as operator U proving the answer.
Oae farm-tractor with a woman operating ,Jt -can do the yprk of
throe plows, three men and six horses'. It Is amgher triumph for
farm womep. The are belying to keep famine from all our doora
No Provision Mads for Future by)
Many Farmers Who Are Using
Up Their Work Stock.
Tho thing most needed In the pro
duction of work horscsfor American
farms Is greater euro In the selection
of tho stallion and tho brood mnre,
say ntilmnl husbandry experts of the
United States department of agricul
ture, who hnve been studying the pres
ent sltuntton with respect to horses.
Not only was there n not decrease of
approximately .'173.000 In tliu number
of horses on farms on January 1, com
pared with a year ago, but the experts
tiro of tho opinion that there has been
nn even more marked decrease In tho
number of mares bred during 1011).
Tho extent of this decreuso cannot bo
accurately dKcrmtucd until tho coll
crop of 1020 Is estimated. However,
If tluvidecllne In breeding Is ns great
ns conditions now Indicate, tho coun-
General "Gates, a Morgan Stallion In
Use at the Morgan Farm, Middle
bury,' VL
try will be confronted with n seriously
depleted tupplywX good horses within
tho next few years.
Many fanners nre using up their
work stock without making any pro
vision for tho future. Such a policy
Is short-sighted and will have serious
results, according to department of
agriculture representatives. The pres
ent need Is to Increase tho percentage
of efficient horses by careful selection
of parents. One of tho principal fac
tors from which, the market Is suffer
ing Is the breeding of too ninny low
grade work animals. There Is n strong
demntid for high-class horses, nt good
prices, the department snys.
Information Shows That 89,547 Car-
ccjscs of Cattle Were Condemned
on Inspection.
Tuberculosis wns reKinlblo for the
condemnation of more cattle, slaugh
tered under federal meat Inspection
last year, than all other diseases com
bined. Information from tho bureau
of animal Industry. United States de
partment of agriculture, shows that
B0..M7 carcasses of cattle wero con
demned on post-mortcn Inspection nnd
of that number 37.000 wero Ilia result
of tuberculosis. In addition Ksfitf
parts of cattle carcasses wero con
demned for tho same cause.
The bureau points out thnt tuber
culosts In cnttlo and hog cholera In
swine are the two most serious con
taglous diseases affecting meat nnl
mnls, nnd there Is evidence that n
heavy loss occurs on furms In addition
to condemnation nt establishments
where government Inspection Is main
tained. The department of agricul
ture Is prepared to glvi Information
on the best methods of reducing the
Chief. Purpotc of Inepectlon Is to Per.
mlt Reshlpment to Farms and
Feed Ywds,
An outstanding feature of federal
activities for the control of hog .chol
era during tho Inst year was tho, great
Increusv In tho number of swlno 1m
muiilzed so thaf they might bo dis
tributed from public stockyurds for
niinio-es thT than slaughter. The
Bag 4nf:' 7Tr r- F"
IJWtTTfW Jka - . -: . 1
Inst report of thn bureau of animal
Industry, United Hlitli dopartuiont of
agriculture, gives tlm number of feed
hogs InuumilriMl tin 01-U17!l,' This Is
a large Increnso over tliu pi-oceillng
your. Tho chief purpose of the ln
Hpectlon and Inoculation Is to penult
reshlpiiietit to furms mid feeding
yards for further growth or fattening
without danger to bonis In which they
nru Introduced.
Examination Showed Many of Im
ported Animals Were Infeitod
With Various Parasites.
Because of thu danger to live stock,
especially sheep, of the gld tapnworm,
luiMrtod sheep dogs nre subjected to
federal quarantine. Sheep dogs have
been found to harbor that parasite.
During tho last fiscal year representa
tive of tho 'United States department
of agriculture examined l.'tl Imported
sheeii dogs for tho presence of para
sites transmitted to live stock, mid
00 were found to ho Infested with
parasites of various kinds. Twenty
two showed the prusonco of tape
worms, nnd one of the tnpoivorms ex
pelled by treatment proved to ho of
tho dangerous gld variety.
Nothing Doing.
"Tho overall club Is n Hun Idea for
men, hut I'm nfrald It won't work
"Why notr '
"Well, wo'ro gotng to hnvo trouble
If wo try to get tho women to follow
suit and nppcnr In -public In house-
Tht of iwlmmin' Aol had tit
charm unit MlvM fir uourclu:a
hoott iuyi bill NOW note alorl
out art Ihnit amiri at Ihi brath
ivhtn uwitr iorli takt ftrtt
plaer' Ami UHiifr iporlt call for
int lamout
f GiJear wf" .
i adthlnaSulli -n
f Ak y
These wonderful suits offer the
nearest possible thing to swifn
mlnr; hi one's shin no loose
trunks to flop around one's body
and impede swimming.
The clastic Jr.ntzcn stffch makes
them fit smi;ly, comfortably, per
fcctly.f They do not bind
Men, women and children thcrc'a
a Jantzcn Bathing Suit in the-size
and color combination you want
at the good stores of your city.
WW y Jrlhw rtr?M$m
' '' ,JiuxunareFinc Shoes
. are priced fS.j o to fif
A QUIET elegance, a rich simplicity, a cotorful
harmony conspicuously beautiful are the
i. fine points of our No, 438. Mahogany calf
with invisible eyelets, and modeling that shows the
latest refinements in style. And on the sole is our trade
mark Buckhecht a symbol that distinguishes shoes
that wear as well as they look.
Tell ut when your dealer doesn't show than
and we will endeavor to have you supplied. '
rn.ooti hi:ai 'ritANNiwmiKD to
lll-JNI) l-'ROM NORTH OltlC
A porfnet rocord tt thn handling of
livestock has boon ostnbllnhod last
weak by thu Oregon Trunk railroad
In transferring 67,000 head of owos
nnd lambs from Shanlko and Auto
lopo to Rend, without thu loss of u
single animal. Thu shipping w'ns
completed Friday night under thn
direction of J. T, Hardy, H. P. & H.
travullng freight and passaugur
agent. Tho sheep will graro during
tho sutmuor months on tho mages
of tho Deschutes National forest, nod
In tho full will ho shipped north
Thn ontlro shipment from tho
Shunlko mid Antolopo ranches this
year Included nlno trnlnloads of ap
proximately 30 curs ouch. Thuiuus
Connolly and Jamos Illutoii sunt two
trains each and J, W. Fisher, J. Dix
on, II. C. McKouzIo, II. O, Loopur
and Honry Pad Jon sunt otio each.
. ' I J