The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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nKta)jn,hirtin,JimhQflKWX' TlWWAVr JULY, k, mag
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Wfwd Rl
- 'minis
" K. A. Axtoll spent tho wugk tind In
'M. August Hlinuiinoii loft Sunday for
llloJiurd Ilornor In spending n few
;i1uyn In I'ortliuul.
11. H. Hole o( Jlrtiim wiih In Hutnl
Sunday on IiIh way tl I'ortliuul.
Mr. nml Mm. M. I. C'lwhiiinii are
on u trtf through I'ortlnml, Si'ntllo
ami MrM. Juok MoKonmui or
wore In Homl Huiiilny on their
fclway to I'ortliuul.
,"Tho Presbyterian Ladles' guild
wfll not hold Its regular mvotliiK un
til Wednesday, July H.
Dr. Onuit Hklilnor returned this
inornliiit from u trip to I'ortliuul,
whero lio spent the Fourth.
. Mr. iuhI Mm. A. 0. Powell loft
Bnttirdny for Crutor Inko and Med--fford,
to lio gono for tliu next week.
.13. L. Cruno of Crnno Pralrlo wns
ln Ilaittl early In tho week, leaving
for I'ortliuul nftor n hort may horo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry Funk of Bund
vluw are receiving congratulation
oror tho arrival of a seven-pound
lialiy girl.
J. O. lluffnian of La IMno was In
l'rlnevlllo over tho week end. Ho
wiih In lluiul before tukiiiK a trip
to the Itono City.
Mm. Fred A Woalflon him re
turned to Ilond after spending ov
eral weeks visiting with her mother
In Kan Francisco.
Alfrod Johnson, grader for tho
Ilrookn-Sentilon Lumber company,
returned Sunday night from 1'rlni"
vlllo, whoiu ho celebrated tho
Alex Mackintosh, formerly a com-
I mlKMloiinr of DohcIiiiIoh county. is In
tho city m H brief vlnlt. Mr. Mnckln
IohIi will luavii Boon on a trip to
Jack Horton Iiiim returned to Bend
aftor two wiielm Hjxirtt In nttondlriK
tho iiiiiiiial mooting of grazing exam
iners of tho forost Kurvlco, nlxth din
trlct, at Woiuitchuo, WiibIi.
Iloscoo M. Similars him rotumed to
'lloud from n trip to I'ortlund nml
Nowborg. Mm, Hundor Is convcl
vkcIiik at tho (lood Samaritan hoi
pltal In I'ortliuul from an operation
for removal of goiter. Sho In recov
ering rapidly and Ih expected homo
In thrco weeks.
Mrs J. L. Van lluffol wan ou tho
train for I'ortlund limt ii(Kit.
M. (J. Coo wiih In yesterday after
noon from hit ranch near Bond,
transacting business In tho city.
I), L. McKay left last night for
I'ortlund aftor spending tho day In
Ilond wjth hi nun. Clyde M. McKay.
Mr. nnd Mm. A. L. Hayo aro on
tholr way to Centrnlln, Wash., where
thoy will nond a short vacation.
Mm. I.. K. Bhophord, who ha bocn
In Hood for some llmo in connection
with tho esttito of her husband, left
last night for I'ortlund.
Elmer Ilynn loft lust night for
Newport, Wimh., to spend his vaca
tion. Ho wan ijccompanlod by hU
:Kon, Harry, oh, fur a Portland.
'j. C, Bogle l In Ilend from tho
Chicago offlco of tho Bond Water,
Light & I'owor company, looking
over local condition.
Dr. Charles N. Hlack, wife nnd In
fanfuon started thin morning by auto
for their homo In Caittlu nock.
Wim!i., of tor a two woek' vlnit with I
hln parentn, Mr. nnd Mm. L. L, Cobb,
4G0 Dolawnro uvontle.
All inothern and all women Inter
Mtod In chlldron'H roadliiK aro In
vited to como to tho county library
In tho KyniniiHlum Friday nftornooli'
from 2 to -l;!JO o'clock to reo tho nowi
boolm for children mid yourig people
Tho Womon'H ForolKii MIlonaryl
ocloty of tho Methodlnt church will J
meet at tho homo of Mm. Iloyiioldf
on Htuatn Htreet at 2 o'clock tomor-l
row afternoon. All membem aro
nuked to bring tholr mlto boxen.
1 Business
I Stimulators
ft These Low Prices will make business g
brisk in Mid-July. They are Real
,f Values you should not pass by J
St Women's Gingham Dress, made of fine gingham, &
pi with laec and organdie trimming; now $i.9o gf
Women's Gingham Dress, made of Amoskeg g
A W gingham, in fancy plaids; now $3.35 S
6 ! Women's Percale Apron, slip over style with gi
M elastic belt; now S2-'10 gf
g?f Women's White Hose, made with 18 inch art
silk boot; now 89c
U Child's Muslin Night Gown, sizes 2 to 12, slip
gf over style; now "c
K Child's Musiin Drawers, pin tuck.and embroidery-
V trimming; now ..., 3c-
Boys' Knit Unions, sleeveless, knee length, sizes
G to 12; now ' 69c
Boys' Blouses, mostly blue chambray, sizes G to
12; now 69c
Women's Slip Over Sweaters, six colors, twelve
in the lot; now $7-90
Women's Patent Oxford; French heel, regular
.$10.50 value; special , 8.90.
Women's Brown Kid Oxford, French heel; spe
cial i '..
Women's Black 'Kid Oxford, French heel; spe:
eial ' $6-9
Women's Patent Pump, with French heel; spe
cial v-$6-45
GirlB' Black Calf Oxford, welt sole, low heel,
sizes liyo to 2; special , $4.95
Girls' Pump, patent or dull calf, welt soles, sizes
11V, to 2; specials '. - 94.95
Women's White Canvas Keds, $5.50 value $4.75
Women's White Canvas Keds, $4.50 value $3.95
F. L, WatklnB ntarted Iant nlghjl
on a trip to Handy.
Mr. and Mm. K. II Williams left
luvt night for Portland.
J, 13. Hlnton, Bhnnlko hcopman,
Mm In tho city on buulnc.B today.
Mm. Mnhlon I.andlii In vldlllnr;
frlondu In I'ortlund for a fow days.
F. A. Clemoim and Harry Hawkins
will leuvo tonorrow for Itono, Nev.,
by motorcycle
Mr. and Mm. B. dunthor returned
yeutorday from Portland, whore they
attended tho Hone Festival,
Mlns Anna Ilowo and Mm J Dohl
of Portland were In Ilend last nlsht
on tholr way to Crescent Lake.
Dennis McColo loft last night for
Ht. Paul, Nob., where ho will spend
two weeks visiting his brother.
Mm. B. h. Stevens left Inst night
for Los Angeles, where sho will
spend tho summer with her sister.
Mrs. W. O. Rust left Inst night for
Portland. Sho was called to that
city by now of her father's serious
Mrs. J. n. Elklns, with her daugh
ter and two ons, left Inst night for
rWodgett, Ore., where she will visit
nor parents.
O. I. Btobblns of Hcdmond and E
J. CurrlKiin of Portland, engineers
for Oscar Hubor, road contractor, are
In Ilend today.
Norman Cobb, Chester Hughes and
Kay Golden will leave by auto at 12
o'clock tonight, headed for Tacoma
to attend tho races.
M. L. Dickson of Omaha, who has
bocn visiting In tho city for the lost
two days, started on tho return trip
to his homo this morning.
P. J. Hayes, who has been Install
ing tho piping for n now twin horl
xontal Imnd saw at the Shovlln-Hlxon
mill, left last night for Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Brooks aro on
tholr wuy to Mlnnenpojls, called
thcro from Portland by news of tho
orldus Illness of Mr. Urooks' mother.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Byron Boyco and
Miss Alllcen Hlco aro leaving by auto
for Tncomo, whore Mrf. Royco and
Miss Hlco will spend tho summer.
Herbert Oovo of Corvallls, who
has boon visiting his grandparents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo B. Oovo, In this
this city, has returned to his home.
Olen Phillips, who baa boon em
ployed for tho past year by the
American Express company, leaves
tonight for Ban Francisco, whero ho
expects to locate.
Lloyd Moglll, Dr. E. B. Gray and
Dr. Grant Skinner nro leaving today
by auto for Portland, whero Mr. Ma-
glll will meet his wlfo and small son,
who havo bejen stopping with frlonds
In that city.
Jobs nnd Sam Bedding of Prlnc
vlllo aro In tho city.
0. II. McKondreo of Lakiovlow ar
rived In Bond last night.
Cjiarlos J. Oston of Madras Is
spending tho day Intend.
Mrs. Crosby Shovlin has returned
to Bond after visiting friends in
Portland. .
Frod Lucas of Bpokano, formerly
of this city, is visiting friends and
relatives in Bend, '
K. B. MutzlK, formerly of this city,
arrived horo this morning and "Is
sppndlug a few dayB JnTJond. '' !
Mrs. II. J. Ovortu,rf and children
will return to Bond 8unday aftor a
trip in tho course of whlch'they vis
ited In Hood IUvor nnd Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher of this
city are, tho parents of anW-pound
baby boy , born yesterday aj Moun
tain View hospital.
help a man. They are not only an investment in right appear;, V
ance and good fit that stays, but they are an investment ih" .
economy, wear longer, cut down the yearly clothes budget.
And now when we offer these Clothes at
The advantage is all yours. Buy your '
Suit for the Summer here and save
$70.00 SUITS FOR $56.00
$65.00 SUITS FOR $52.00 ,- ' ;
S60.00 SUITS FOR ....$48.00
$55.00 SUITS FOR.... ..$44.00
$50.00 SUITS FOR $40.00
$35.00 SUITS FOR ..$28.00
After a stifling, fagging, hot day to come home jump under a
shower and get into the smart, cool comfort of a
Or to do the same thing ih the middle of the day. Suits- of
Air-O-Weave are so comfortable, so cool and even, the easy
stylish comfort of one makes the wearer feel more contented
on a hot day. Air-O-Weave Suits for. $26.75 and $29.00
fl Women's White Canvas Educator, leather Good
' vear welt sole with low leather heel, $5.90 regu-
j lar; special
Same in Girls', sizes llj to 2; special 3.9&
Girls' White Canvas Oxfords, leather soles, Mc- ffl
) Kay sewed, low heels, sizes 9 to 12 $1,95 f
. (Hit s (li
e, in alna 1Q1A n 'Z 3Z.1D &
OUIIIU III omvo -. - '
Quality ' Mcichwdiw ' At PopuUi Price -
Harry Hayden Is spending a fw
days In Portland.
Miss Allco BuBh la visiting "In
Vancouver, Wash.
John Swift Is Bpondlns tho weelc
end In l'rlnovlllo. , n,
Mrs, Ellon ClardneV is vlsltlnR
frlonda In Portland,
1, Barnoa won't to Prlnovllla last
nlRht tor tho celebration.
Mrs. Barney O'Donnell loft last
night on n trip to Soattlo,
M, J, Klttloson and O. Long ftroj
in Portland for Indeppmlenco Day.
j, H. Jonoa is upaqdlng a "faw
days In Portland transacting busi
ness, II. McDonald, district gamo v(r
don, siartedi thla morning on a- trip
to Elk laTiK'
I, V. Mcfcdoo la in aaiom vibuuik
hta vlto ami ". former residents
of this city.
' Herman Moore' started last night
for Seattle, whoro ho will remain
for several months.
Mr and Mrs. Leo Tauscher loft
last night for a visit with friends
In Kcoowlck, Wash.
Clarence Mannhclmer and Barnoy
O'Donnell aro leaving- today by auto
for the Tacoma races.
Mrs. J. L. Van Huffel will go to
Tortland Tuesday night to spend a
few days visiting friends.
Mrs. W. J. Sp'roat is In Prlnevllle
for a few daya visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. N. Q. Davis.
B. Pr Williams, of tho Central
Oregon Associates, left la6t night
for Spokane on business.
Mrs. .J. P. Keyos nnd two chil
dren loft last night for Seattle to
spend a two weoks' visit.
Irene Dart, daughter of, Mr. and.
Mrs. B. S. Dart, left last nignt ror
Portland, to visit her grandmother.
B. M. Stout Is on hiH way to
Pauco, Wash., where he was called
by a business matter or importance.
Miss Fern Aelloa Is In Portland
on n protracted visit. She expects
to. return within tho next two
months. . .
P. T. Randall, of Burps, was In
tho4clty last night on his way to
Tacritna, whero no will' ationu mo
auto races.- j
B. P. Gflnstead nnd Floyd Stookey
loft last,, night for Prinevlllo to tako
In tho .celebration In tho CrooK
county seat.
Charles Hughes loft last night
for Portlandftto bo cono for a fow.
dayj taking jcaro ot.busjnesa maU
tors in that city.
Mrs. Harry Manlon loft last night
on a trip to roruanu, oponaiiu mm
Seattle. Sho will bo gone for the
next two months.
Miss Emma Keenoy, of Tho
Dalles, bay boon visiting friends in
Bend the past weok. Sho loft for
her homo Inst night.
Miss Laura Crow, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Crow, of Alfalfa,
who has been visiting in Hoqulam,
Wash., returned homo last night.
Miss Beatrice Hotchklss of Burns.
arrlvod In pend yesterday, nnd took
tho train last night for Portland,
whoro sho will visit with. frlonds for
sevornl days. "
Mrs. Mary Larson and daughter,
Anna, of Montesano. Wash,, who
havo beifn "visiting nt tho homo of
Mr, andr Mra, I. Zlorolf, left last
night for tholr liodo,
M. O. and D. H. Nieso am M E.
Dohvfldor, who havo been In Burns
Investigating tho oil prospects .1)1
that Boctfon, ware In Bond ' las"t
night on their way to their porao in
Mlsa Margaret Purdy,, who has
been visiting her mother. Mrs. A. '
Sieloff, In Burns, and' Miss Hazel
Klsbey, who accompanied her, wore,
in Bend for a few hours yesterday
on their leturn trip to Portland, j
Mrs. M. L. Piatt, mother of Mrs. I
Oeorgo Ogle, of Alfalfa, arrived In
Bend last nlghi from Trout Creek,
Mont., being called hero by tho
severe Illness of Mrs. Oglo's little
daughter. Mrs.' Piatt was a resi
dent of Bend ,up to two years ago.
Georgo L. Burtt and family of San
Francisco, who havo been enjoying a
fishing trip of several days at Odell
lake, are In Bend today and will
make this city their headquarters for
a number oslde trips Into tho Cen
tral Oregon counjtry,. Mr. Burtt,
who Is one of the "best known potato
brokers on the Pacific coast, Is the
owner of large holdings of potato
land In tho Powell Butte and Lower
Bridge sections.
AiMrvsMM ami Musical dumber
WIH Feature In Program Pre
pared for Thursday Evening
An- open meeting of tho Bend
Moose lodge will bo held at 6 o'clock
this' evening at Sathor's hall and
will- Include address by H. H.
De Armond, Judge T. E. J. Duffy
and vocal numbers by Miss Oene-
vlovo Wagner artil Charles Wilson
E. A. Sather will speak on the sub
ject, "Impressions From tho Con-
tho Convention and Mooseheart In
stitution." drawing tho material for
hln adilress from the recent conven
tion of tho order, which ho attonded
as a delegato from tho Bond lodge.
Campers within the Deschutes na
tional forest are, in a number of In
stances, falling to appreciate the
work performed by tho forest service
in providing Ideal camping spots, Su
pervisor N. G. JacobsOn stated on
Friday. Tables provided at thq
camp sites and shingles from tho
government-constructed cabins have
been used as firewood, tho arrange
ment of th'o camps, mado by experi
enced foresters, has been altered, and
Btono fireplaces torn down nxjd re
erectod in a less effective manner, ha
"The service has gono to no' little
pains, and has spent considerable
money, in providing tho right kind of
camp sites, in tho most beautiful
spots within tho forest boundaries,"
Mr. Jacobson pointed out, "and the
peoplo who enjoy tho forosts'hoapij
tality should appreciate this.. l(
they don't we aro performing a use4
less task."
The most noticeable depredations
havo been at the Motollus camp and
at the one at Paulina lake.
.E.F. Purdy pleadod guilty In po
lieo court yesterday to tho chnrgo
of refusing to obey tho orders of Flro
Chief Tom Carlon following the j?ar
ago flro on Bond street. Purdy was
o,n tho slto of tho Pioneer garage,
walking among tho wrecks of auto3,
whon ordered to louve, ,by tho chief.
He bocamo abusive, according to the
complaluu and. tha arrest fpslqwcd.
. I'm1 nr
1'uruy iiuu a uuu ui t-v
9 '
PRINEVILLE, July . (Special.)
Henry Carlln, resident of Central
Oregon for tho past 26 yoars was
stricken with apoplexy ynitordJy uf
ternoon at his Boar creek' ranch!' fall
ing from tbo wagon seat on which
ho was riding. His wlfo saw. him
fall, and ran to him In tinn tojhear
him ask for water. Life remained
for but a few minutes more, ji
Mr. Carlln, who wai about 5B
years of ago, camo to thla country
from tho Willamette valtyy, iTH'
body will behlpped to CugeUe to-'
night for burial, iL",
,b"s;-,-wtw-rT'-."'' -vr
a dauguter survive.