The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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t rAE 4
The tend Bulletin
(Weekly Edition)
ruDiiBncu uj
i Established 1002.
!! ' ' "
An; Independent newspaper standing
for! tho squaro deal, clean business,
cloan politics and tho host Interests
of. Bend and Contra! Oregon.
Onb year - ....... $2.00
Sir months.. ................ .. 1.00
Throo months 60
4' THURSDAY, JULY S, 1920.
A party of Rend people, recently
returned from a motor trip through
California, nro showing their friends
photographs of the various points of
Interest visited by them on the jour
ney, Ono of these was n llttlo
' hillock with a few scattered Torreon
plno' to which a paved road has
been built and park or landscape
' effects created. Upwards of t$l 5,000
has been spent to beautify the spot
and 'make It accessible and It Is
looked upon In the neighborhood,
. wo arc told, as n place of remark-
fable' Interest and natural beauty
simply because of the presenco there
ot theso few, scrubby pine trees.
' On hearing of this one Is inclined
at arst to smile at the thought of
paying so much attention to what
t- an Oregonlan would look on as a
lot ;of Inferior trees. Your Ore
gonlan compares these with tho
pines," ho knows at homo and thinks
how much larger and more beauti
ful nro tho treeB the traveller will
find here. He Is Inclined to look
on this llttlo collection as n Joke
J and tho money spent in their setting
; as thrown away.
Second thought, however, tells
' him 'that there is nothing to scoff
at In! this California scene. The
' pines i are tho only native trees In
the vicinity and the point 'is that
they aro preserved and made sorao
tblngof. Their value Is recognized.
They are an asset and aro treated
' as such.
'" With us nature has. been so gen
erous' that we pay no attention to
' our good fortune, but instead take
It as a matter of course. Wo give
no thought to the preservation of
our own beauty spots until It is too
late and then wo awake to the real
ization of our Irrevocable loss and
appreciate such work as has been
done at this California hillock.
Such criticism as is Implied in
tho foregoing Is Intended more
especially for other sections of the
state -hich have only Just now
begun, to appreciate, the situation,
as Is evidenced by recent articles
in the"pdrtland newspapers. Here
on the Deschutes The Shovlln-Hlxon
Company has generously -promised
niuch to ensure the preservation of
timbered spots of scenic beauty but
tnero are still many to bo saved
and that will bo saved if we take
to heart the lesson from California.
Somo months ago we analyzed the
vote cast at a school bond election, to
show that there were only one or two
voters with sufficient Interest to ex
ert themwslve to visit the polls and
tandi '"'
j iil) i
JULY 19 to 24, Inclusive
I I. (,. I I L llll .If. ,11.1 II .. I. II
raster IhW''hvTclfohton the
questtoh up f6r decision, Tho rest
of tho dozen or so who wfcrc recordett
nt that election wcro ulectlun or dis
trict officials, who wore present prl
marlly becauso It was tholr duty. Wo
thought then that a shameful lack of
Interest was shown In this Important
school business, nnd now wohavo to
call attention to tho even moro-' dis
graceful record made nt yestorday'o
district budget meeting.
The school district tax tor tho com
lng year was under consideration
Because of tho six per cent tax lim
itation law, It was necessary to hold
n special election, and, with tho polls
open from 2 to 7, there was amplo op
portunlty tor every elector to voto.
Twenty-one In all ctuno out and of
theso 12 favored tho tax measure.
Examination of tho list of those vot
ing will show tho names of tho five
directors of tho district, ono formor
director, three election Judges, tho
district clerk, the district superin
tendent and his wife, or 12 In nil,
and wo think It safe to say that theso
wcro tho 12 who favored tho tax.
Possibly all would have voted, oven
though they had no special Interest,
but there was not ono other tax pay
er orschool patron, If our conclusion
as to tho 12 favorable votes Is cor
rect, who cared ahough about school
matters to go to th'o polling place.
Wo make no criticism of tho nine
who voted against the tnx. They
wero more interested in taxes man
schools, but surely would not do
away with the schools by refusing to
voto tnxes. If they thought tho pro
posed tnx too high, they should hnvo
taken Dart with tho board in tho
preparation of the budget; but, wo
repeat, this is not criticism. Instead,
wo compliment them on having suf
ficient Interest to come out to vote.
When the tax hills come in next
spring, let no one who' did not vote
yesterday complain' of tho'school dlsj
trlct tax.
It Is a pleasure to note the grow
ing success of the Deschutes county
library and tlm Increasing use being
made of it by the people of Bend and
other communities. Here at the
central library, the number of read
er seems to increase with each now
accession of books. The same thing
must bo true elswhere because, with
a -wider 4varlety to choose from, moro
people find the volumes they nro In
terested In.
What the new service means In
the north end of the county Is Indl
cated In tho latest lssuo of the Red
mond Spokesman, which reports im
provements In tho Redmond library
and the addition of a number of new
books to tho Terrebonne library, all
made possible by the new county sys
tern. At Redmond tho annual fco
for use of the library has been dono
away with, better care is to bo given
the books, and moro frequent oppor
tunity to use the Institution ar
ranged. Slowly tho service will be
come available all over tho county.
In view of the leading part taken
by Bend In the Institution of tho new
library service, it Is not Improper,
we trust, to point out the fact. Tho
nucleus of the county library la the
old Bend public library. The city
has guaranteed support by tax levies
and the board- of trustees, with a
A Week of Fun and Frolic for
MtNPittfiJJcnWtMKP.onitooft,, TiymHOAV,.miY w,,myut
mnjorlt? ol Bond members. Is doing
everything posslblo to forward tho
dovolopmont of tho sorvlcu through
out tho county,
Wo trust that tho country com
munition, that poniot linen nro In
clined to criticize us, may remember
theso tacts.
Oregonlnns nro fond nt 'listing
unions tho assets of tho stain Crater
'lake", Mount Hood, tho Columbia
VlRhVay, timber resources, product
ive fcotl, unc(ualed const and moun
tain scenery, countless beautiful
lakes und streams and n mnrvolous
climate. Wo rise to tmggcBt another
not llko any of those named, but
as truly an nssot of tho state ifs any
of thorn, and that Is Frank Branch
Riley of Portland.
A lawyer by profession, an orator
nnd wit by gifts of birth and train
lng, and an out-of-doors devotea by
choice,, Mr. Riley Is singularly equip
ped, nnd tor tho past three yearn, In
tho sorvlco ot tho Northwest Tour
lot association, has usod his talents
In telling tho pcoplo ot tho east ot
the attractions ot tho Northwest. For
tho past four months ho has been
traveling In tho eastern states and
delivering his lecture "Tho Interna
tional Northwest," beforo clubs, busi
ness associations, chambers ot com
merce, nnd oveu tho national con
gress. Everywhere ho has taken his
nudleuco by stdrm. Scores of pcoplo
hnvo had -their thoughts turueu tn
Oregon, Washington and British Co
lumbia nnd scores havo mado tholr
plans to visit tho Northwest as a re
sult ot his missionary work.
A former Oregonlan, writing from
New York, whero ho nnd JUBt hoard
Riley, says: "Without any bunk, I
want to tell you that Frank Branch
Riley's talks hero In the East nro tho
finest things ot tholr kind Imugl
nablo. Thoy nro making a tremend
ous hit. This seems to me tho wis
est publicity investment tho North
west over mado. He Is going over
big and reaching tho pooplo who can,
and will, travel."
And so wo say that Mr. Riley Is a
stnto nssot. As such ho should' bo
sent out by the stnto of Oregon atone
to talk about Oregon.
Much has been written ot tho won
derful bargain the United States got
when wo purchased Alaska from
Russia for $7,000,000. At tho time
thero was nothing but criticism for
Secretary Soward. For years his ac
quisition was called "Seward's Fol
ly," but as tho facts concerning tho
territory became known and Its won
derful treasure house unlocked, tho
tune changed. Today there Js none
to deny that, sayo for Jefferson's
$3,000,000 purchase from Napoleon
in 1803, this was almost the greatest
purchaso tho United State? ever
Renewed evidence of tho great
valuo of Alaska and of Its wealth ot
natural resources Is found In thu lat
est bulletin ot tho Alaska bureau of
publicity. For the month of May
the oxports from tho territory
amounted to $C,175,C7C, or almost
as much as Russia received from
Secretary Seward. Furs valued at
$4,227,720 comprised tbo Kreatest
portion of the exports by valuo. Next
Bend, Oregon
-"" imii--
- '
In valuo was oro, nt ovor a million,
tho rest being mado up chiefly ot
fish products.
Tho total MhlpmnntN for 1919
amounted to $42,470,018 nnd tho
Imports to $29,390,869, Products
for tho year woro valued nt $75,300,
988. Minerals run n closo race with tho
fisheries, for leadership In tho ter
ritory. Othrr resources In process
of development, according to tho bul
letin, will rapidly ndd to Its wealth.
Tho candor of tho bulletin In ad
vising stenographers, nurses nnd
school teachers not to look for work
in Alaska la pleasing-. "Stay whero
,you aro." it says, "unless hk write
and says that thu cabin Is ready nnd
tho preacher Is at hand." It the
rest ot Its material has been prepared
with the same caro as to facts, Its
editors are to bo complimented.
In Bend," a city credited with 5 4 IB
pcoplo and a growth of ntnrly a
thousand per cent In tho Inst deendo,
21 citizens took time to voto on n
sdiool budget ot $105,040. Ono ot
tho ballots wns thrown out necnuso
defective. Twolvo voted In favor of
tho budget. Half of tho 12 wore
-members, either retiring or active, of
the school hoard. Bend might savo
herself another exporlonco so em
bnrrnsslng by Indefinitely enlarging
the personnel of tho school board.
They, nt least, would vote. Oregon
Wo approve thoroughly of this
Sunday-Monday holiday Idea, Why
not arrange all our holidays on this
It will takoonryono"ballqt to set
tlo It next November, anyway.
m '
3 frCttr-S
fcy . fcimw&y
Financial Statement of
of ltentl, ut the ulose of business June HO, 1020
Loans and Discounts.. $ 882,-137.51
Bonds and Warrants..-. 78,619.G2
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank....: 1,000.00
Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 80,279.31
Other Real Estate Owned 7,701.39
Five Per Cent Redemption Fund 025.00
Cash and Exchange $848,788.53
Liberty Bonds .' a.... 105,760.00 514,533.53
, 1( $1,515,02G.3G
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 59,078.72
Circulation 12,500.00
Deposits 1,444,017.0-1
MLisi.yii IftVfitttllin
4 in 'ill TTr. f ii Ar?&3f Ji. mffiMtgyc
. Speck Woods Monday attained
the goal fur which ho been striving
tor weeks when ho knocked out Ted
Hoku of Portland In tho fourth
round of their main event bout nt
tho boxing smoker at tho gym
nasium. Huko'n second throw In
tho towel beforo Refcrco Willnrd
Houston had completed tho count.
With tho exception of tho first
round, In which Iloko perhaps had
tho better' of It, tho fight was nil
Speck's. Ho Ml with both right
und left, with more toam und great
er ability as a boxer than ho has
ever shown batoro, and lu tho second
round he sent Hoko tn tho mat for
eight counts with a stiff right. In
the third ho sent tho Portland boy
down twlco, and In tho fourth Ted
reeled to his foot lifter tho count of
nluu nnd was Immediately floored
again. It wan his lust full for thu
Kid Taylor of Bond won from
Bobby any of Portland In n small
frnctlon of u minute, dazing him so
badly with n right to tho head thut
Gay was morally out on his foot.
arek Qoorgo of Bund won n tech
nical knockout from Jack Hnvlln of
With The Legion
ffiTJaK v wn iw i
I'ortlnnd lu tho fourth round, Hnv
lln'n second throwing in n towel
when tho Portluntl boy broke hU tot
wrist on GiMirgn's shoulder. Iluvll
was saved by tho bull lu tho third,
after a terrific solur pluxus punch
from tho husky On-ek, and was
ready to bu put away when ha met
with his accident. .
Duffy Norr of Terrebonne
knocked out Roy Brown of Yakima
with a right cross to tho Jnw at the
end of 30 seconds of fighting.
As tho result of arrests mado last
wcok by Chief of Police L. A. W.
Nixon nnd Flro Chief Tom Cur'.on,
the city of Bond Is $200 richer. Nick
Davis and Dan flu per, charged with
having liquor In their posunsslon,
pnld fines amounting to $100 each
after pleading guilty In muulclpal
What's Doing in
the Country.
ALFALFA, July 8 J N Crow
and family entertained Vivian Short
and sister, Miss Mabel Short and MUs
Ollvo Pratt last Friday ovenlng.
Lova Crow returned from nn ex
tended visit In Washington Friday.
Melvln Crow, Kvolyu Crow, Lova
Crow, Ollvo Pratt, Mabel Short and
Vivian Short spent thu Fourth of
July camping at Suttlo lake, return
ing Tuesday. ,
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