TAG i f fMND BUI.I.RTIrt, BRN, OKROONt THUIWDAY, JULY 8, 10'JO. White Triangle to Stations On The For Men Who InillciitloiiM that thu roooniitieii itutloii for a Inmllm, fluid, radio Imiio unit Kim Hlntlou at Crnnu l'rulilo for Uiiltud Hlnliw air Horv icu plitncK on forest patrol duty n will bo favorably antuil oil aru con vuyuil In ItintructloriH Just rocolvod by Huporvlnor N, (),' Jucohson of tli it Demchuton National Korunt, In which bo In ordered to mark each lockout elation within bin Juris dlctlon, Those, iU present, am nix In iituiibor. IJacli Htatlon will bo dUHlRMUtOd by u wblto iiqullntnrnl trliiuitlo, 15 foot an a side, with tbo nutnbor of tin) illation and of tbo quudratiKlo Inscribed within tbo trlaiiKlo In black, Whllu no dotlnlto word ro Kanlliu: thu una of patrol pianos ban boon rocolvod, tbo fuel that tbo niarliliiK biiK boon ordorml Itnmudl ntoly In taken to moan that norlal TO BAKE TO "WHITE COAL J. K. KTItAHIIUltOKK TO OP1.N THU lUKIMtlTIS hAnitaiiv IIAKUtY IX HI'IIII.K Itl'IMIINU IJAIH.V I.V AWHMT, Hloctrle oroun, hontml, IlKhtod and turned by "whltn coat," will bo a fotitura of thu Ilnko-lllto Sanitary bakory to bo opened hero early In Aurtust by I. H. Btrnaburitor In tho two roniiin In tho Hphlur building for morly occupied by tbo pontofflco, at lowing for window spncu on both Wall n nd Minnesota. Tbo ovoiin will havo an output of 130 loavcn every 4C minute and tho broad will bo bakud In full vlaw of nil panscrnby and customers, Mr. Htrujinhuritor oxplnlun. Ho plain to produco tho pound it half land, bo HovltiK It will bo mora icouoiulca! j, for uno In tbo avnrnco homo, and, In addition to bread, will innko a full lino of bakory goods, plen, enkoa and pantry. "Uy tho uno of tho bent mnterlaln mid tho most up-to-dalo -irocess, wo will insure tbo produc tion of tbo tuont wholonorno artlcloa," Iio nald In announcing tho now Indus try which In to bo ntartod In liond. Mr. HtrnsburKor Intendn that tho quality of Ilnko-lllto products ihall bo no hlrfh nn to shut out furthor lm- portntlons of bread and tmkory goods from outnldo polnta. 41 LEAKN SWIMMING WITHIN THREE DAYS An tho result of n Iroo day's swim ming cnurnu, opou to ovory man, woman and child in Ilond, conducted m ut the Y. M. 0. A. by Tom Oowloy " of Portland, 41 out of 71 boglnnors aro now swimmers and practically all of tho othora lmvn mustarod tho rudl- inuntn of tho art and will bo ablo to Uko enro of thouiHolven In tbo water Win n llttlo mora prnctlco. Tha avaniKo dully attondnnco In tho boRlnnors' clnnsos Included 28 boys,. 30 Kirln, C in on nnd 9 women. m ' Tho ndvancod classes hi(d n dally av erage inumbornshlp of 75, MICKIE SVYS rcvoir r noi JNK,MiQU MfVt 'TtU. OOT,UTD0t(T tH.N0M W ISJAN MWMtMO tbN VtMON I I MOUT Vt JOK. AftOUt VT? 8fN,l MVMO OW.fHM.1 V4HKT DO "HiV -. , ftvTttrV Ovrt- Mark Lookout Deschutes Forest Spot Fires From Sky obnorvorn will noon bo noarliii; ovor thu Duuoliutoi) forest. Tho ntatlonn and thu lookoiitn on duty at oach worn llntod thin inornlUK by fiuporvlnor Jncobnon an follown: Mack llutto, Minn Mnbol Talbot; I'aiillna I'oak, Mlin Virginia Hurry; Walkor Mountain, William Hoalou; IMno Mountain, lion Oruffonbori;orr Fox llutto, Hoy Hawk; Fort Hock, Frank Monto. Lator In tbo rtoanon, If found iniconnnry, nnotbor ntatlon will bo donlf-uatod at Maldon I'oak, near Davis and Odoll taken. Next year, Mr. Jncobnon nayH, Ilacholor llutto will bo inado tbo chlof lookout Htatlon on tho foroit, occupying n tuuro commnndlng to cation than any now maintained, IMiouo connections, It la oxpoctod, will bo mado tliln nouson In prop nratlnn for tho addition of tho now ntatlon, GUINEA FOWLS ARE FAVORED Hardiest of All Domestic Poultry and Great Hustlers They Keep Awny Marauders. There In no good ronnon why more CtilneiiN nbould not bo kept on tho farm. Thi'y an Jimt about the linrd IfNt of all doiiifHtlc foMln, and per baps -iiUo tho KH'iiteiit bimtluM. yet they Mclilom do.tbclr huntllnt; to tho In iry of tho Riirden or lawn. While itilte doincntlc In their hnbltn If treat ed Rently, their wild iiiilun lends them to rvmoio pnrln of tho bomi'Stend. where lby pick up a larse part of thulr llvlni; that would bo overlooked by any other kind of fowl. On fnnim Info tod with hawkn. Rtiltienn an) very vnluabli, their vlRor oun protentn nKnlnnt every approach of the few nclutilly frlRliten them away. And no ntnuiRo cnt or dog can couii on the plnco without their cm pbiitlc protest. GOOD SHELTER FOR TURKEYS Plain, Substantial House of Shed-Roof Typt, Dry and Ventilated Is Recommended. A plain, nulmtnntlnl bouse of the neel-roof type, dry. amply IlKhte-d nnd well ventllnti'd. In the better way for providing xbeller for turkeys. Knelt n, liouni slmpllilea tbo keeptnc of turkeys, nnd tins mnny commend able feniures, for the nticcwwful tur key fnrmern. Iwnldfn mnkltiR e-nsy the enro nnd attention necesneiry at cer tain seasons of the year. TURNING EGGS FOR HATCHING Not Nsctssary, According to Professor Kaupp, Expert of North Caro lina Station. TurnlnB ecin while snvlnR them for hatching, althnucli Renernlly recom me-ndeel nnd practiced by poultry keep ers. Is believed to bo unnecessary. Ilntber thorough tests conducted by Prof. 1. F. Ivntipp of North Carolina xtatlou show no Rnln In batch ability of eRB turned every dny over similar lots which were kept undisturbed un til placed In the Incubator. fowls ?etlTzTjn"summer Some Hans Art So Inactive That Thay Do Not Earn Their Feed During Hot Weather. A n rule hens do not show groat activity during hot weather, but there aro somo which liecomo no Inxy that they i,re not worth their feeding. Those are the bens that cut down their egg yield. Hot wenther Is worse for lent Mum cold weather, for during the winter months a hen with tiny life In hoi will busy herelf to keop warm. TRAP NEST IS QUITE USEFUL Tends to Tame. Birds and Increases Egg Production Eliminates Un profitable Hen. A trap nest In a laying nent so ar ranged that ufter u hen enters It she U con II nod until after released by tho attendant. . ,l When possible It In advisable to trap nest thu layers for tho following ron noun: 1. To tamo the birds, thereby tend ing toward Increaneel egg production 2. To furnish definite knowludgo concerning traltfitiiiid habits of Indi viduals, II. To furnish the onlyvsntlsfnctory basis for utility or otluirbroedlng. I, To ellnilniite thu nonproductive hen, A. To ndil ineehanlenl precision to Judgment "ml experience In develop lug nnd u Mituliiltig the utility jf n tloclc PUREBRED POULTRY IS BEST Sometimes a A man suciwiM wltn barnyard iiiougi'ela "holler lliiin 1U neighbor with prlxe-wlniilng fowls be caiiho be gives them bettor care. Hut let the miceessful fanner, who has not already' ilotio'"t)o,(tuiii his attention, "to pure-bred blida inul he will derive n still larger profit In iloflurn and satis-faction, POULTKY HOTS.- SUCCESS IN RAISING SQUABS Opportunity Is Well Worth Consider ing for Those Who Have LoftJ Produce Meat Quickly. Tho buck yard poultry keeper can hnrdly hope for mie-cess with turkeys, geese, ducks or guineas, but for those who linvfi lofts over a garage, stable, or coal shed, tbo opportunity for wiuali growing In well worth considering. For food purpose pigeons ure usii ally classed with poultry. Culturally they are In n clnsi by themselves, pro ducing moat oidy, producing It very quickly, and able to produce well un der eruditions that do not admit of growing any other creature u-od for food. While fhi Ideal arrangement for pigeons In to have their bouso on (he ground, and a ntnnll covered yard called a "lly," connecting with It, pigeon keeping may be carried on lulto extensively In upper rooms or letfis. with or without ope-n-nlr Ilyn Many flocks of pigeons are kept In large cltleif In quarters provleJe-d for them In the lofln or on the roofs of buildings used for mercantile and man ufucturlug purposes. A space nix feet ftiunre and hrgh enough for the attendant to stiind erect will accommodate eight to ten palm of plgeeinn for' sqtinb brooding, tho poultry npeclullstn In the I'nlted Stales elopartment of agriculture nay. The birds mate) and begin breeding when nix to seven months old. The male shares with tho hen the duty of Inrubatlon. The young hatch In about 17 elays. At four wreks old avurngo miuahs will weigh about three quartern of a pound e-nch. Some 'of the Inrger ones will weigh over a pound ni that nge. A good pnlr of breeders will produce nix or seven or more pairs of nqunbn a Runt Cross and WhlU Runt (Female.) year. An many an 11 pairs of squab liaro boon produceil by one pair In a year. When production Is high the female lays and begins Incubation whllo nho has young still In the nest, leaving tho care of them to her mate, liaising squabs ban been Increasing In cities In recent years. On farms the tendency han been the other way. On a farm a flock of free pigeons, If nor kept down by killing off tho In crease, soon becomes a nuisance, de stroying grain and doing a great deal of damage, especially on new-seeded ground. PLAN TO CARRY LIVE FOWLS Bird Wrapped In Cornucopia of News papers and Olven Plenty of Air Is Quite Content. Carrying live fowls,ln n cornucopln of newspapers. In tbo manner of car rying a bouquet, Is n good Idea. The bird Is laid down on tho paper nnd the logs straightened out on n Hue with tho tall; tho wings are held In position at the hides. The newspaper Is tjien rolled around tho bird, making a cornucopln, nnd tho Tower end Is twisted, which leaven the upper end open. When carrying the bird In this manner, thu twisted end of the cornu copia in held In the hand, allowing the roll to rest on the arm. The bird has plenty of air and seemingly is content In its peculiar position. PURE BREEDS ARE PAMPERED Supposition That Common Fowls Are Most Hardy Is Erroneous Only ' e Strongest Survive. , The supposition that coiumou fowln are hardier than pure breeds Is nut borne out by tho facts. Those who hatch chicks of tho common kinds lose a" largo number of them, only the strongest mirvlvlug, nnd every year they aro moru and more Inbred, The pure breeds suffer from being pnm porctl by their owner In miiny In stances, In which eases they do not compare fnvorubly with common fowls. SMALL START FOR BEGINNER Safest Plan for Those About to Em. bark In Poultry Ouolness Many Hard ProbUms. The safest wny for thoso who are about to make their Urst nttempt ut poultry raising Is to nturt In a small wny with a few fowls and learn th business thoroughly beforo making largu' Investments. Mistakes will be made and mnny dltllctilt problems will be presented for solution beforo suc cess In any large ineusuro will" be attained, 4. jftj fi"' . .','Bfctgtr. ?re pr"ft iiaaai DOGS ASSIST LONDON POLICE Well-Trained Animals .Have Been Found of 0 real Help In Appro hentlon of Criminals, The pri'ient wave of crime han given nu Impetus In Great lliltalu to the t ruining of elog for polli'o purposes. Pollen elogs were used to assist In bringing the breaker of laws to justice bi'foro tbo word pollen wan over known, In older days bloodhounds were used on the borelorn of Scotland In certain districts Infested by rnurilcrcrn and robbers, and a tax wan laid on the In habitants for maintaining them; nlso there win n law In Scotland that who over deiileel on trance to ono of these dogs should bo treated as an accessory to the crime, The training of these elogn calls for a largo amount of patience, Intelligence and resource, far removed from the old Idea of elog breaking, which wan usual ly to beat the animal mercilessly Into the obnervn licit of a taw set rules. It In stop b) step In bin dally lessons that n dog gradually becomes a track er of criminals by their scent, pursues escaping prisoners, illscovern missing people, or finds suspected ones in con coalinont. Ho learns fearlessly to xelze and pull down any aggressor, whether bin man tor or lilmnelf be attacked, nnd to ilo It with thu leant possible damage, ceas ing at once when the em-uiy gives In, The popular conception of tbo police dog Is a wild, snvnge brute, which prob ably urcountn tor the antipathy to bin use displayed in some quarters, nnd It is well that thu public should realize that the properly trained dog is nt all times perfectly under control. ONE THING THEY OVERLOOKED British Jlllltary Authorities Forgot the Humble Printer In Desire to Pre serve War Secret. The marquis of Ilnrtlngton tells nn c-plsoele from the war days when tho spy scare was ut Ita height, according to a writer in the Halifax Chronicle. Certain confidential Information that the military authorities wanted to keep abolutely se-cret was nent round by trusted couriers In locked dispatch boxes, with elaborate precautions of signing nnd countersigning and check ing every stage. No ono below tho rank of major general was entrusted with the knowledge, and even theso were bound by tremendous oaths of secrecy. After n time It wan found that these weighty documents, which wero circu lated In printed form, were being set up by ordinary printers, who were un der no obligation to preserve secrecy, nnd, In fact, took no precautions what ever against leakage. However, noth ing did leak out, but the military man darins, It Is said, shuddered when they realized the risks Uiat had been mn. Getting Ready for Channel Tunnel. The gigantic task of moving back tho railway station platforms through out tho Great Northern system to al low the pas-age of continental trains when the channel tunnel In opened has been begun, tbo Dally Mall In In formed. "The work of making tho stations to fit tho tralna will take several yearn," naltl an ofllclal. "It means that every platform In both freight nnd passenger ntatlonn will havo to bo al tered." The distance the platforms aro be ing set back Is two Indie. Thin will allow a good clearance for tho con tinental sleeping enw, nnd nlso the large freight cars. The "range" (tho distance between the rails) of the continental trains Is roughly half nn Inch wider than the Hritlfdi standard, but the sliajdng of tho trend of thu wheels makes It pos sible for trains of both Hrltlsh nnd continental system to run on the same track without risk of accident. When He Died, He Died All Over. "Doggone l" said Jesse Kschbach, chief examiner for the state board of accounts, as he rend ono of tho letter in hi mall. "Hero Is one." The letter told of n man who hnd paid Ids 'dog tax to the township n j-ossor nnd the ungrateful cur hnd gone ami died. The dog died beforo tho as sessor had turned In Ida books to the county asseor and the Inquirer wlhheil to know whether there w;ns any way to get bnck tho dog tux. "The cruel law," Mr. Ksclibnch will reply, "states that taxes nre paid on property owned March 1." "That'll raise n howlt" ho added verbally. Indianapolis News. Desert Land and Desert Sea. A portion of tho Journey between Sydney, the New South Widest capital, and Hroken Hill, the mining heart of Australia, lies over wnterlei hot country. Lieut. Sydney Plcklex, who hnt shown tho feasibility of nn nlr' service between the two cities, saw no landmark as he crossed tho barren stretch nnd so had to use Ids compass". Describing Jhe. pioneer illght, bo com paied the Interminable rolling land be fore him to the gray lonely wastes of the North ea which be had p:troled In bis seaplane. Got Rid of Pestiferous Fly. Health authorities at Saranac Lake. Nt . declare that this probnbly U the llrat "llyless town" In tlw world. De spite the unusually hot weather of last June and July, there wero scarcely any mmu tiles In. the town than most places hnvo In January. It cost nbout 51,000 to eradicate the fly nuisance, which was accomplished by requiring that innnuro be screened and frequent ly removed. n One saciifibe, t a one assist no ewox's! jEVERY WILD.EYED fan. WAS ON his feet. OR SOMEONE eUa'i. AND THEIR soft remark. REACHED THE next county. AND WHILE I'm not. EASILY EXCITED. GUESS I was helping. THE PITCHER bean. THAT CLEAN.UP hitter. AND MY good south paw. HIT A fat fan. RIQHT IN tbo vcstlbulo. AND HE nald "I'booo. A FOUL tip. RIGHT ON my last cigar."' AND. I was sorry. AND GAVE blm on. .tirMm m Motors Displace Mutes. Tho First cavalry, stationed at No gales, Arlz ban abandoned mules to favor of motor equipment, but the change Is not so revolutionary at It sounds, because you can swear Jaat as fluently at a balky carburetor as yon can at a stubborn quadruped. And It docs Just as much good. Tho Home Sector. BUTTER FAT! Same price for Butter Fat f. o. b. Bend as is paid f. 0. b. Portland. Central Oregon Farmers Creamery LlH'HHUsassaatUww THE CONCRETE S-I-L-0 PERMANENT AS t PYRAMIDS n "I. When you erect a Silo, you want a Silo that will stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sum. In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this fenHire, and besides a concrete block is absolutely fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy lines necessary. Eventually Concrete ... Why Not NoMrf For specifications, write-to Concrete Pipe Co. BEND, OR.EGON Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks .Well Curbing. trie xtmitlUfmtmi h C. J. ' JV t. . OP, MY cigarettes. AND HE saw tb pukftft) ) THAT. I too'lc It froBS, ' "f AND SMILED aad ssii "THEY SATISFY!" ' AND THAT amoko 70a s . j WAS ONE my wlfs. t BOUGHT AT a bargala, , SO THAT makes It, , A SATISFY. DOUBLE HEADER." ' e . ' AND AFTER that. I tvEN saw him. ROOTING FOR tbo umpire. TWENTY hits--twenty chanee with never a goose-egg that's Chesterfield's average on every package. Trust the fans to p.9C them out. An unusual blend eC Turkish and Domestic it can't be copied. These cigarettes aro fAers they tatiif'jl L CIGARETTEf r cfrc&utfMA$;t..( Evil Always In Hatred. A man should not allow himself to hate even hln enemies, because ft yes Indulge In this passion on some occa sions. It will rise of itself In others; If yoa hate your enemies yoa wBt contract such a vicious habit of asla. as by degrees will break out epea those who are yonr friends, or thee who are Indifferent to you. Platarch. mViiiH-hfesI 1 i H,. . W ,,,,-T,. l,nmTn1r.......-mt,mr.,twTiTmniittittTim.ilitiitiiiitiiniiiitti..r..,..m...M.....-..,i i CiuiusnniTiTrantiiiii , '' 'U.-,'".?SfclRl M