t BKND RUIiLKTIN. BUND, OKKOO TIIU1WDAY, JULY H, 1020. pack a 1 tmntm.?:!BasK:miamnBjmm:i!KM What's Doing UMmm:nn::::ttmR:n::::ntttnRRnit:::::n::R:nu:t:xmnsmt::::::sm:t:mumiim:mm!i:iii::i::iii:t::::t:tiuttt! DESCHUTES PEOPLE CELEBRATE FOURTH DEKCIIUTES, July 7.-A number ot Iho Deschutes farmers celebrated thefKourth ot July on IMckett Inland. Thncn iirfRniit were: Mr. nnd Mra. It. li.y Thurston nnd son, Lyle, Mr. Scott, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kcr Hnmlln, Mra, Ed Swalley. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris 'Nelson and children, Misses llornlco jnnd Mnrgucrlto Enter, .miss iMinurvt McClure, Clarence Elder, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Matthews, Misses Irene, ......l...... nn.l T.nnnn MntiinWS. The day was spent In visiting nnd every one enjoyed tno inrgo uiuuur Ditnnn. Miss Lcono nnd Irono Matthewi left Tuosday morning for Redmond, whero they will nttenti mo v.mu.iu hub, being hold there this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Swalley nnd daughters, Edith nnd Lois, nnd Mrs. 1ni.no mnlnwil to thO PrlnOVIUO roundup Friday, returning Saturday evening. , A surprise party was given Thurs day In honor of Eunice Nelson s 12t'i birthday anniversary. Tho children present were: Edith and Lois Swal loy, Lootta nnd Kenneth Johnson, Bornlce Elder, Minerva McCluro, Lylo Thurston. Irene and Nina Mntthcws and Clara Wlnnlnghntn. They spent the afternoon playing games. Ligni refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. George Holton nnd baby went to tho fish hatchery on Tumalo creek to spend the Fourth. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Kanotf and con, Johnny, and W. E. Van Allen affront to Elk lake Saturday, returning Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larson ot Deschutes went to Portland Thursday. Watt Jones was a Prlneville vis itor Saturday. , , , Mrs. Metcalf of Portland arrived Monday morning and will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver Hnmlln, Clyde Harrison und nnrt Ttnrers started for Portland o.iia in Mr. Hnmlln's car. A. B. Matthews and family went to tho Prlneville roundup bnturaaj. Mrs. Jones spent Sunday la Bend with Grandma Swalley. w a. Mntthews of Redmond naoonri throueh Deschutes Monday ,,,m m nnnd with a bunch of beet cattle. , TLEASANT RIDGE FOLK ENJOY 4TH " PLEASANT RIDGE. July 7. Reg Bailey of Tumalo hauled some hay poles down for Antone Ahlstrom tho "last of the week. . A. picnic party. Including Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pederscn, Oswald Peder sen. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T. Mlkkelsen, Alfred Mlkkelsen. W. J. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson. Miss Hllma Nelson and Antone Ahlstrom, irnent. tho Fourth on tho Deschutes river at the new bridge, near the old Aubrey place. ' Anton Ahlstrom, Miss Hllma Nol son.nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson were visitors In Bend Saturday. J. W. Peterson mndo a business trip to Bend Saturday. 'O. E.Anderson accompanied by C. M. Rasmussen nnd W. P. Gift of Deschutes, went up Tumalo creek Wednesday to cut hay poles. W. J. Shannon wa a Bend visitor on Friday. . . ,. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swalley ana emir n.lnAwUti. CVfrlnv tflf nmn wuhl iu a iiuuhmv . ,j w . celebrato tho Fourth. Tini Johnson is vis tlnn friends In Bend I Phelps and dnughtor, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Petty, Miss; John Bollman, Bill Root. Johnny Mc Martha Sum and Mrs. O. E. Ander- Manman, Mrs. Ada McManmnn, Mr, eon were shopping in Bend on! and Mrs. C. H. Spaugh and children, Thursday. ' IMr. and Mrs. Alva Spaugh and son, Glen Roberts went to ueamonu Sunday morning to accompany .Mr.,uer apaugn. and Mrs. Frank Rlebhoff on a Fourth of July outing trip. Alfred Mlkkelsen and Oswald Ped- ersen wero Tumnio visitors uaiur- day evening. I Rasmus Peterson, Mrs. camennoi Jobanson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson and children and T. W.' B. 4Jfi 1 ' Mi jLt St 1 -Abraham Lincoln said: "Teach Economy." 'That Is Ono of the First Virtues." "It Begins With Saving Money." That's tho purposo of this message. Bo FRUGAL, SAV ING, THRIFTY I It Isn't so much tho dollar you waste, but tho fact that you're CULTIVATING a bad habit In wasting it that has a FAR-REACHING EFFECT on your character, happiness, success. Savo some of your earnings each week. You can't make headway until you do savo. r CENTRAL OREGON BANK J BEND Kimmmiiu::m:ttHwmmt:mt:m:mn In The Country Unughmnn nnd family spout tho Fourth with friends nt tho Tumalo fish hntchory on n picnic. O. E. Anderson hauled his hny poles homo on Saturday. WORK IS STARTED SEEDING ALFALFA CLOVERDALE. July 7. . Mrs. Peck of Portland arrived In Red mond Friday nnd will spend tho sum mer hero 'with her son, E. M. Peck. R. J. Skelton was seeding alfalfa for Mr Goodrich last week. F. J. RurllnK has been helping with the work on tho new school house tho past week. Chris Ward ot Tumalo was a call er hero Sunday. Mr. Black nnd son. Owen, wcro business visitors In Bend Monday. V. F. Arnold, wlfo nnd daughter, accompanied by Walter Graham and family ot Sisters, spont tho Fourth at tho ranger stntlon ,on tho Motoi- IU4. S. R. Kllno has decided that a horso Is too slow to rido ditch with any moro and has purchased n Ford hue. Frank Kelley nnd family of llond wero Ktiests nt tho R. J. Skelton homo Sunday. Miss Renn, who hos been visiting here, returned homo with them. Mr. Hodson nnd wife nnd Harold Kllno nnd wlfo wont to Squaro Inko Saturday and stayed over the Fourth hi tho mountains. Misses Alethcn nnd Junnltn Hod son snent tho week end with their ernmlmother. Mrs. Thomas Arnold Several bands of sheep hnvo al ready passed through here on their way to their summer range on tho national forest. Church services wero Quito well attended Sunday. Mr. Schnabol, tho pastor. Informed us he would bo un ablo to hold weekly services hero as nlanned. owing to having so much extra work In getting started In his new field, but expected that, as soon as he had his work satisfactorily ar ranged, ho would do so. R. O. Andrus. and family spont Sunday evening "nt the B. C. Kllno home. Robert Burling was in Redmond Saturday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dean Van Matro and llttio daughter ot' Deschutes spont tho Fourth with tho latter'B paronts here. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miller. Miss Fay Miller, who .has been with her sister nt Deschutes for sev eral weeks, spent Sunday at her homo here. I NEWS NOTES FROM PINEHURST HOMES PINEHURST. July 7. Among residents of this vicinity who shop ped in Bend Monday wero Mrs. F. L. McManmnn, Mrs. G. W. Snyder, Mrs. Ada McManman nnd John Emerson. Miss Bemlce Hubbard of Portland arrived Juno 24 th at tho home of her sister, Mrs. Grover Gerking, whoro she Intends to spend tho summer. Bessie and Lenore Snyder spont Monday afternoon at the Gerking home. Grover Gerking, who went to Port land Sunday night, returned Wednes day evening with a new Ford enr which he had purchased during his absence Evorott Johnson called at tho C. M. Phelps homo Sunday. Those from this neighborhood who (enjoyed the celebration in Priuevillo Saturday were: .Mr. ana sirs. u. .m Mr. ana .Mrs. u. w. opattgn nnu n r Spaugh. V Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Foley and'chll-1 dren. S. E. Roberts nnd children nnd Ivy Snyder, nil of Bend, spent Sun- any niiernoon ai m u. w. ouuci homo. ! jir. ana .Mrs. v. m. rneips mm i daughter, Mrs. Robert Smith, John Bollman, Bill Root. T. A. Brannen, 'mtM- OREGO!- Wllber and Alva Bpaugh, Mrs. 0. H Spaugh and daughter, Violet, and Frank and Johnny McMnunmn shop ped In llond tho Inst ot tho week, Mrs. Dnvu Mlckols, who has boon vldttlng In Portland, returned to hor homo nt tho Walls mill "Wednesday night. Mi', and Mra. Grovor dorkliiK. llor nlco Hubbard nnd Bessie and Lenoru Snyder spent nn unjoynblo duy on tho Motollus river Sunday. WATER ASSURED FOR TERREBONNE FARMS TERREBONNE. July 7 -Sovornl men from Torreboimu motored t Deschutes Inst woek to nirivc nt nn understanding rolatlyo to tho short ago of water In this section. Wo nro now promised nil the water need ed for crops. A tow dcrsons from hero spent tho Fourth nt tho lakes and a carload ot young folks wont to Priuevillo to celebrate. J. Perry wont to tho mountains Monday to got material for a hny derrick. A largo numbor nttended tho Dap torhoiiHt) sale last Monday. Horbert nnd Goorgo Rommel wont to Portland Friday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Thoiuus spent Sun day In Culver. w. M. Frltoll and wlfo of o.iKinnii. Cut., aro visiting at tho N. F. unl bralth homo. Enrl Malkason's fnthor arrived hero to visit at tho Mnlkasoii home. PLAINVIEW ENJOYS FOURTH PROGRAM PLAINVIEW. July 7. A largo crowd of Plalnvlow pooplo enjoyed n Jolly Fourth of July at tho Colfolt hotm Sunday afternoon nnd evening. Tho men participated In nil kinds of sports characteristic of tho day. In cluding numerous races, a tug of war nnd Jumping contests. Games ot quoits wore onjoyed by tho ladles also. An appetizing supper was served and later In tho evening ico cream and cake wero very refresh Ins. Mrs. James Elklns nnd children loft last Thursday evening for tho valloy, whoro thoy will spend some tlmo visiting relatives. Misses Mary Fryrenr nnd Jo Bur gess returned to Plalnvlow last Fri day evening by wny of Deschutes. They, hud an unusually pleasant trip from Portland, as they camo as far as Tho Dalles on tho steamer Joseph Kellogg. Thoy still llko Central Oregon, In splto of tho various thrills experienced In Portland dur ing tho Shrinors convention. Tho church goers wero disappoint ed on Sunday nftornoon, when n numbor met at tho school house to attond sorvlco nnd mcot tho now pas tor, and found, after waiting somu time, that no pastor was forthcom ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Scoggfn hnvo moved to their riow homo, formerly the old McKlnnoy plncc. They are much pleased with their new loca tion. H. L. Hartley. Corboy Llvosoy. J. A. W. Scoggln, Rollio Clnrk nnd Fig Ferguson attended tho big colours tlon nt Prinovlllo Inst week. Mrs- Chris Ward was n roller iu Bend Sunday and Monday. Mrs. William Morfett. Mrs A. E. Hoss, Mrs. Patterson nnd Roy Henrtt were business callers In llond Frldny. Tho checsu demonstration given nt tho homo of Mrs. Van TurhvI. under the direction of tho O. D. O. club, was a big success. About 15 ladles wero present nnd found- Mrs. Ever ett's talk and work very Interesting nnd Instructive. Two sisters of Lawrenco Hcharf cnberg nro visiting him this wee kat tho homo of Herman Manners. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chalfan and Mrs. A. E. Hoss and family wero (.guests nt a very oxcellcnt dinner nt I,lw. fmfnrt hnmo Mtlnrlnv 1 ...W .W.V.. a.w.f.t. ...... MM, a pleasant evening was spent at tho Hoss homo last Saturday, when Mrs. Hoss iravo a oarty for tho Miss- CH j0 Burgess and Mary Fryrear. earns aim anncing woro enjoycu oy thoso present. A pleasing lunch of jCo cream anu cnKo was servea I Tho ico cream social given by tho LO. D. O. club at tho Armstrong homo Inst Saturday ovenlng was a Dig suc cess. Thoro was an unusually largo ,crowd present. Tho early purt of tho evening was spent playing games on the lawn und later dancing wus enjoyed. Delicious home-mado ice crcum and cako woro served. Tho chances on the quilt woro disposed of and tho winning number drawn. Howard Hartley hold tho lucky number. Plane Makes Forced Landing, And Is Badly Damaged; Pilot Gets Slight Cut , From Goggles; Companion Unscathed Even n comparatively bud smash may be sustained by an airplane without sorlously endan gering tho passongors, it was shown horo on TueHdny, when tho Avro flown by Harold Grady and F. S. McClurg, after hopping off from tho Knotts landing fiold at 0 o'clock, mado a forced land ing, hit a barbed wiro fonco, nnd was damaged to tho oxtout of about ?1500, Mr. Orndy wus un hurt and Mr. McClurg, who waa piloting tho piano, sustained a alight gash under tho loft oyo, caused by tho breaking of his Bog gles. Tho piano will bo shipped to Portland tonight for repairs and tho two avIntorwllI loavo Bend at tho samo time. Tho Avro climbed well whon Fifteen Years Ago (From tho columns ot Tho llullottii ot July 7, 1005.) The" .city wutnr sorvlco Ih being do Inyod somewhat, owing to tlto fact that tho mains, when tho prossuro was turned on, began to leak ln sovornl places. Tho work of repair ing those leaks In going forward nu fust us posstblo mid tho town will bo suppllud with wnter In n short tlmo. Stoldl & Reed have Installed n roller food mill nt tholt- Hawmlll with n capacity of 00 sacks, or ISO bushels an hour. They aio grlndlmt a largo consignment of barley from Powell Iluttu. Miss Mnudo Vnudovort roturncl from Corvnlll tho first ot the week, whoro sho has boon atlundlng tho ag ricultural college. Tho Fourth of July has como and gono nnd Bend did herself promt with u colobrutlou that would haxo done credit to tunny n larger town, Ho ml Is assured n premium on hor school bonds, which shows that thero Is plenty nt faith In hor credit. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ora Polndcxtur spont tho Fourth In Prinnvllln. John Kover, Dan Helslug, Will Ilrock nnd W. L. Wagner returned from their bear hunt Inst Saturday, bringing with them tho vults of flvo large bears. Thoy .wore In tho vicin ity of Trout nnd Elk lrfkes nnd woro gono only about a woek. Now comes Millard Trlplctt with a Plymouth Rock hen that breaks tho record tor laying sliablo oggs. One weighed n quarter of n pound, meas ured six nnd ono half inches ono wny nnd eight tho other. Ed Brostcrhous roturued Inst Fri day from nn extended hunting and tithing trip to tho Klamath country. C. P. Becker nnd Jim McCoy re turned Monday' from tho hot springs at tho head of John Day rlvor. Charles Boyd returned this morn ing from Phlltlptburg, Mont., his former home, whoro ho has been for tho past few weeks, attending to business matters. R. C. JOHNSON WILL TEACH IN SEATTLE Resignation Kent In By High School Principal To Hnvo Chargo of Journalistic Course). Tho resignation of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson from tho faculty ot tho Bend schools Is contained In n lot tor Just received by City Superin tendent S. W. Mooro from Mr. John sou, now In Scnttlo. Mr. Johnson, who was principal of tho high school hero during tho past two years, was elected this your by both tiio Eoattlo and Spokane directors. He hus ac cepted the position tciidcrcd him In Senttlo, where ho will bo In chargo of tho Journalistic high school courses. Mrs. Johnson will nlso teach in tho Seattle schools. S Making the OeserCool. An Ingenious method which thoughtful wife Invented to keep her good man cool Is described In Travel. She sent down from town "a quantity of canvas or burlap, which was to be strung on wires along ho windward sldo of tho veranda. Tho poor, pant lug man wus to take his scat there, lightly arrayed, and spray water on the screen with a hone. Tho result Ini: evaporation would temper the breeze to a fair degree of comfort." The burlnp-aud-hoso combination, It ncins, plays a prominent part In Cal ifornia t'esert household economy. Ths Chtery Doctur. "I am hnppy to tell you, Mr. Bump," tald the eminent Ecu!plnn to the victim of the reckless motorist, "that you will not hnvo to dodgo nutoino bile for n month or six weeks to romn." Knncns City Stnr, tho start was mado on Tuosduy, In splto of the fact that tho ma chine had not bcon overhauled for u weok, although this is ordinarily dono dally. A short dlstunco up, tho motor weakened, mid tho ma chine was headed back for tho fiold. Consldornblo nlUtudo was lost in circling to avoid a treo nnd tho piano failed to cloar tho fonco bounding tho landing fiold. Tho loft wing caught on tho wiro, tho undorcarriuga was torn nway and ono of tho cylinders was damaged, Mr. Grady and Mr, McClurg walked to tho nearest furinliouBO and phoned into Doud, Frank R. Prluco driving out and roturnlng shortly after with Mr. McClurg, Mr. Grady remained at the field to tako down tho piano tor shipment. WASTED ENERGY OF THE SUN Only Minute Fraction of Its Tremen- dom Htnt Strikes tho Cfcrth and Docomet Utaful, A digression on ihn energy of the past sun may ho ihmiiiHUmI. All tluit tho earth tins nuiKlit. for nil the mil' llmm of .warn that It has existed, Is the mcrcit ft action of what the sun bus rmllnjed In tho sauie thm, nccord Ing to n Ji'cturo by Sir Oliver liodj-e, reported In tho ticlentlllc American. The earth to the sun Is llliu a print er's full stop ut a distance of ten foot from u halfpenny. Hume of tho radia tion from it globe one Inch In diameter falls on the ot one oinMiuiiiliedlli Inch Iu dtiiiuoler ten feet away, but that llttio speck only catches the bun died and llfiy millionth part of the wlujle., What has become, of the reit of the solar energy? It must still hu careering through space. The ntfior Is perfectly transparent and only when It encounter mutter will tho radiation he mopped, up nnd turned Into heat. Not. our un only, hut nil tho mil lions of other suns, have llkuwlfco been always pouring out radiation Into fpurc. Is there any hope of catching nnd utilizing It 7 1 trow not. In spite of all this constant Hood of energy space Is cold ; very near absolute oro. The reservoir Is so enormous that nil thoMo tap, running for ugeM, have mado no lmprvlon on It, have not raised tho level a perceptible amount. HISTORY REVEALED BY NAMES By Them It Is Poeslbls to Atcertaln What Racos Have Inhabited Different District. In tho earliest davu of the human family, nil known persons, places and groups of human beings must have had names by which they wero recog nized. Tho study of thoso names nnd their survival Iu clvlllxntloii enables us of ten to uncertain ulint races Inhabited districts now peopled by tliou of en tirely different speech. Tho names of inountntns nnd rivers In many parts of England, for In stance, nre Celtic. Ancient local names nro, ns n rule, purely descriptive. A river Is called by Mime nord which merely slgnlllcs "tho wnter," n mountain mny hnvo n niimo ulilch means "tho peak," "the castle," "tho point." English place, names generally state some simple fact, mid often denote no more than property; tho nniiiit of n toun or hamlet being funned by adding "ton" or "hnm" to tho name of no tno early landholder. Quito often a bit of even hnlf-liu-morons description will sunlvo In such a name, ns when n stony, starved and weedy district Is called Htnrvacre. Parisian Mementoes of Napoleon. Tho statue of Henri of Navarro on the Pont Nuuf, tho oldest bridge In Pnrin, Is it memento of Napoleon, for it was cant from tho bronze of the em IHTor' stntuo which was torn from the top of the Veudomu column In 1611. litis column was erected to honor (he victories of tho gn-nt sol dlor. his martial deed being depicted In a spiral strip which coers the sur face of the pillar. HU llgtire, In tho robes of n Koman emperor, ban since been placed nt the top. The Exchange bridge was erected by Napoleon nnd still bears his monogram, tho n alien. Tho famous eolonnndes of the Ioiivro district nro bis work. Ho designed them In memory of his native Corslcn, where that tyrm of architecture Is common. Overcoming Imomnls. The treatment of tnsomnln or sleep lessness Is a slmplo matter. Psycho analysis or a physical examination dis closes tho real source of the disorder. Insomnia has Its foundation In loss of general health, worries, bad habits, need of ventilation and sunlight. He tire curly nt night, e'cn If you cannot sleep. This restores tho normal hnhlt. Tako a glassful of hot milk, n few crackers and n hot bath hofora you re tire, A cold pack to tho head and a hot water bottlo to the feet help to woo slumber. A triple effervescent rmldo tabloid or two In n glassful water beforo bedtlmo will usually soothe tho suffereri back Into tho land of Nod und a good eight hours of sleep. Diamond Thieves Easily Detected. Diamond stealing In the South Af fiicnn mines Is becoming precarious business. Tho blacks still swallow them or hldo them In solf-lulllctcd wound, but theso methods no longer ktilllce. Coolldgu X-ray tubes nro mi mounted In n frnino ns to llltimlnato th6 whole body of tho stripped native standing beforo them. Tho entire body of tho hundreds of miners can thus bo hrougltj into view In tho llunroscopo In a few seconds, and any diamond pres ent, oven If behind thick hones, Is quickly detected. Tho glow of tho dia mond under tho X-rays, as well as Its dento opaqueness, aids In detection,. It is said, - Flylno Casualties, Ilovlsod figures from the wnr depart ment hIiow Unit thero wero but ft-S,'! cas ualtlcH among American aviators in Europe during tho wnr, Of this num ber 101 wore among avlnlors with the A. E. F. nnd tho nimufnder among uvl atom oi duty with tho llrltlsh, French aiid Italian armies, Tho ciisuultles are clussllled mi follows : Killed In combat, 203; prisoners, 115; wounded In action, 152; killed in action; 41; missing In action, 20; Injured in action, 25; In terned, 3, WALLACE BUYS INTO JOURNAL AnnniincoiiuMit Ih mado In last week's IsHiio f tho Crook Country Journal ot tho traiiHfat' of tho Jour nal by Guy Lafolletto, owner tor tho past flvo years, to County Judgo N. G Wallace, W. It. Itusnoll und Koko E. 1 lend rlcl win, tho two latter having been connected with tho plant fur sumo tlmo. Tho purchasers urn Incorporated an -the Journal Publish ing company. fi "Tho chniiKO In being liiado," tin nitiioiiiicomoiit suys, "with tho Idea of broadening the fluid of tho Jour nay and making It a bigger and hot ter paper than It has ovor hue it, and wo predict a bright future for tho publication, ono thut will euro for all tho demands of a growing com munity for years to count, . "Announcement of tho pollcloii of tho now mauagomoiit will bo mado nt their convenience In an early Is sue." OVbllTUftF WANTED BY DEMOCRATS TOO Ilepnbllenn Kimirlto l-'or MemlH-r of Iiwer llouxe Im Notlllcil of Noin- lnatlon by OpponliiK Party. Doth tho republican and tho dem ocratic parties want to elect II. J. Overturt of llond to tho statu house of representatives, ,r Overturt, who was hlith man In his district for tho republican nomination, und who has already received formal notice of his choice by that party, this morii Iiik was notified by n certificate of nomination that ho also has n place on tho democratic tlckot If ho the sires It. I UMinllmr nr tint tin will flln 111 at ur ceptanco of tho latter nomlnntlon, Mr. Overturt has not yet decided. M I L L I'O N S i FOR SPARE MOMENTS l The lBUriillonl 0rn"'ln I fkhneli of Krnan, IVrmmlvanl. i cltbmtnt Ihelr lulr-vnlh nnl , ,mrr In 0l.Ur, ll. wllh n n- rollmnl o off S.0O.00 ilifcknte. I IVhwudJi uf lhM to.lnU li fl; . urrtt In iliUr enl ernU th flul vkIu la llirtn a( lh ipcr monwnti lUvolxl lo t titr "t I.C8. IrtlinW el CourM ml lh,r iuhu ranslnr I from Adrcrtltln ml tUlmrnniuhlt to , AsrUutlura nl I'miltrr llu.Un.lry. i IJJ.efl en Hour tn flr4 lr " l thm i tm4nle u be BrlJ tllnl U tlifM ( Ih ! I t the per mmiiU eixnt i In tluJ f I.CJI. CaertM. ltftn o 8T.0OO lnilrl etwUnte hoi H.VW nuw re(vln II.IM I r or rm,r. Z.46I rlln J,0o i or morl 413 rK,lln U.000 or ' niorvt JO rrcWlnic 110.000 or moras , n.l S with niml Incomm or tH.OOO or mor. In th l,ntv.vn twin of IU i uUUnr the I.C.H. lm rnroUnl eU UmM mnr ttuJcnU M llrrJ In lh lo humlrol r.J nlr-lnt ytar tine It orsanUslluni mor) than tn tlnvr IK Uilal nrullmnt ot Yal tine Ita door wuii otwn In tTOt I mora than (l llm Uw total nmllmnt ot all ot the rollM. unUtnlllr ami UehnUal MhooU lo Ih Unilnl HtatM comblnml. A lUr or tt rarrd Will brine rompUt Informallon rntarillns lh aubject In which you an lntrtl. International Correspondence Schools i International Correspondence SchceU Ilqx 1CIB, Scranton, Pa. Eiptaln fullr abeot rur Cjure In tbe aupir( inarira ai BlMllltal Bflslntetlns KtlrlLIhlln H AnVKKTIHINO WUJmr Yrlmar TrWirtph BnsTnNr TeWphene Wetk MMhanUal Knlnr Merhankal IlrafUman Hbln nflun Htllrl Trainman llluitrallnr HOOKKECPKR dl ns. and TpUt flUUwar Acrevnlant (Jaa Rntlne Ootrallnr CIVII, KNOINKKK i Hjrttrlns en J Mapplns Mine KareBian or Enir. Hlatlonarr Kntlnrer ARCIIITKCT ... TKAFflO MANAUKH Cammerclal Law nOOIl KNtlLISH CIVII, HKP.VICW Kallwar Mall Clerk Automobile Operatlnc eultrr Rabins; CantracUror Hallatr Auto Repairing Hathematlca AI1HICUL.TUKK HI'ANIHII Architectural Drftimn Cancrtla Hulldcr l'lowtlnr and llcallnr CHEMIST Krcnrh SAI.tmMANflllU Italian AiAmi Namt .HMIIWM1 iiini:a y Aro NOT Junk. S Hliln vnnv lllili.u t und CnlMdns to tho II. l- NOKTON COMPANY l'ortlund, Ore. and Kot full valuo for thon. l'rlco list and shlppinK tags on rouuoHt, ' rar 1 w 'I !& it