The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 01, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    V j"1
llnrrliitt II. Ward wis In Ilontl IhhI
'ViiilKlit from Tunmlo.
Mm. n, I" Viiul nrrlvuil In tlio cly
this niprnliiK from Honttlu to Join hor
husband, '
Mi, ami Mm. Mnurlro Cluiso nri
tlio imnuilH (if ii fivo-poiiml dnunhlor,
born y'cslordny.
Mm. HHtliuf UiililuiilHt and dniiKh
tor, Lillian ,lft this niornliiK to muUo
tliulr liiuiiu In Snukiimf.
It, M. Hmltli nml family nro lcav
I in: liy nuto (otliiy for Titcoinn, to bo
Komi for Uiu mixt two woakit.
Martin A. Hunter mnl Mm. LydlH
k Kilo, both of this city, wore married
yesterday by County Judgo 11. W.
Sawyer. (
Hurry W, Onnl nml A. O. Andor
.on, official of tlio North Unit Irrl
Kiit Inn district, woro visitors In Ilontl
lltKl nlutit.
Mm. 11. I. Drown Ih In Ruoknnv,
visltluK her parents.
V. Foley of (lolil Hill linn bcuit
spending n fow itnyn In Ilontl.
J, (I. McClullmi, special iiKcnt for
llio K. I. ft H., Ih In lluml.
Mrs. C. Khutor l"ft Inst ntRlit to
vfiilt friend In Portland,
ix Mm. W. A, IloiitriiKor 1 vIsltlnK
hor ion In Holm), Iduhj).
1 M. I.nvorty mid T. O. Woldner
loft liiht nlxhl for Portland.
Mm. Hurry Mnnlou will leave Frl
dny for Seattle to spend suvoral tliiyit
visiting with friends.
(Initio Wardon H. McDonnld ro
' turn ml lint tilKht from an official
trip to Elk Inko,
Clydo M. McKay In Imek In Bond
nftvr attending tlio Shrltio convcn
Hon In Portland.
Mm. Myron II. By in mm nml Miss
Mno McCarthy loft- lam night on n
two mouth' visit In Seattle.,
N. V. Noblo of West Linn, Oro.,
was In fiend yesterday on hi way to
bin homostead near Silver I-uko.
It, A. Ward tins' returned to llend
from I'orthind, whoro ho attended
tlio Shrlno convontlon.
Mrn. A. W. Davis of Snn Francisco
Is vliltliiK her sister, Mrs, W. M
Hubert. In this city.
Mm. Hiinnnh Itono Is on her wny
to Pltttmrxlii I'n , after n short visit
with relatives nuar llend.
Mm, Allco Matthews ami small win,
of Lnkovlow woro In Horn! yesterday
on their way to Portland,
Dan Webster, who has boon visit-1
liiK Clydo McKay, left last night for
his homo at Davenport, I own.
Miss Knthor Hoguu of oPrtland,
'who Iiiim boon visiting frlonds In
Ilitrns, passed through hop lust
nlKht on her way homo.
Miss I.aniui Hayward, Miss Vlolat
Hnnklns nnd Charles Carter of Port
land woro In lloml today t5n tholr
way to Hums.
Mrs, Kininn Jqbnson of Portland,
who has boon visiting In Ilond nt tlio
homo of Mr. and Mrs, O. A, I.ornko,
loft last night for hor homo.
A mnrrlnso license was Issued
from tlio offlco of tho county clerk
yostorday for Vlolot Noel of Red
mond mid Earnest Ij. Coble of this
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. O. Williams ro
turned yesterday from Portlund,
whoro thoy woro vlnltlnK Mrs. Wil
liams' moihor, who lias boon sick for
Boino time.
Miss Hoatrlce C. Howell of San
Francisco, who has been visiting her
mint, Mrs. W, N. Egbert left last
night for Seattle, where alio la to
bo married.
Miss Qnrtrudo Do Shaw, who haa
boon visiting In Ilond for the past
fow days, started laHt night on hor
return to hor homo In Seattle Miss
Do Shaw was formerly a rosdlont of
J. W. Mltcholl, In chnrgo of ditch
Hcrooiiliig throughout tho state, and
W, O. Hndloy, doputy district Bnnio
wnrdon, with hondquortors In Tho
Dalles, nro in lloml for u few days on
official huslnoHfi,
J. A. Ernst of Fort Hock wns In
Hand today on his way homo from
tho Roso Foativiil. Mr. Ernst car
ried with h'lm a bouquet of Portland
roses, which ho hopod to prosorvo
until ho roachod Fort Rock,
Mrs. Josophlno Gurloy nml daugh
tor, Mario, nt Springfield, Mo aro
visiting In Hond at tho homo of
h. L. Fox, Intondlng to remain horo
lav tho noxt throo wcokH, Mrs,
(lurloy Is Mr. Fox'h slBter.
Hurlo Sanders luiH roturnod from
Portlund, whoro ho has boon undoi;
troatmont for sovonibvwookB In ono
of tho hospltttls. Ills nrm, badly
lncorntod whllo working In tho IhIHb,
will ho practically normal In n yoar's
tlmo, nltliouBh it was, feared at firflt
that ho would novor rognn tha use
of It. J.
Victor BHd . Carl . Anderson, who I
huvo boon In Ilond for thn pust flvo
months, loft liuil night for Seattle.
Mm, Jiiiiicjii Itynii and daughtor,
Juno, started IiihI nlfclit for Soattio,
whoro Mru Kyiwi wan called by tho
rilnoss of hor fat hor, John Hiiriis,
,Mr, IltirnH previously spent sovornl
nioiitliH In Iliqid und Is known to
ninny In tlihi city,
lJndliii; a flvo weeks' nuto tour,
Jiiilgo Anil Mm. H. U. Ellis and Mr.
and Mrs. J; Ml Davidson roturned to
Ilond Inst'iilght from Portlund,
whoro thoy iiltondod tho Slirluo con
volition biforo starting on tho luat
liistnllment or their trip. Thoy
traveled for tho greater part of tho
time through California and, while
thoy noted tho gas shortage, it did
not deliiy thorn nt any stugo of their
Monday '
N. h. Dcndmontl of Silver I.nk'o Is
in Ilond,
Will Wenon In spoudlng a fow
days In Portland,
Mrs. L. V. Conn of Lakovlow was
In llend yesterday,
Morvln , Horton roturned this
morning from a business trip to
I). K. Verges, Powell Ilutto sheep
man, was u business visitor In tlio
city today.
J. Swift of tho flro dopartment has
returned to Uouil utter un uliieiice of
sovorul diiys,
Ur. II. W. Hondorshott and Charles
W. Ersklno aro back in IJend after
a trip to Portland,
Mrs, Lenoro Ifogtio and Mrs.
Adellno Yancoy, of Prlnovllle, wcro
visitors In Ilond Sunday.
E. P Mahnffoy and Wilson Oeorgo
aro on tbulr way lo Chicago tif ut
lend tho Elks' convention.
E, L, Payno has roturnod to Ilond
from an auto tour through Washing
ton and llrltlsh Columbia.
drover (lurking, of Tunmlo. left
last night for a business visit of
n fow days' duration In Portland.
Miss Oertrudo Du Shnw, who has
boon visiting Mm, Harry Manlon,
loaves tonight for her homo lu So
attio, Hoy Mitchell, forest ranger In tho
Fprt Hock district, has roturned to
lid homo after spending Saturday In
Mr, and Mm, II, h, DodAon of this
city nro tlio pn routs of n nlx-pound
hnby girl, born yostorday at tholr
homo on Division street. '
Mr, and Mrs, J, L, Onlthor re
turned to fiend this morning after u
two weeks' vacation, spent in Port
land nml other const poltijii,
Mr. mid Mrs. J. C. Rhodes nnd II.
E, Allen, who have been on a throo
weeks' nuto tour thtoiigh Washing-
Ion, roturnod to Ilond yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs, Nets Osgard, of
Mnlrostt, Minn , who linvo been visit
ing Mr nnd Mm, Loo King, of this
city, left last night for tholr homo.
Mrs, Peter Vulloy nnd two chil
dren nro on their way ,to Seattle,
whoro thoy will Visit for tho next
two wooks with friends and rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnlph Snow woro In
IJend yesterday from Crescent, Mr.
Snow, who Is forest ranger In that
district, coming In to securo medical
Mr. and Mm. F. M. Oasbnr re
turned last night from Portland,
whoro they attended tho Shrlno con
vention. They wero accompanied to
Ilond by their daughter, Mrs. Tad
don. Mrs. Uoorgo Hoover has returned
to Ilond from a visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. W, 8, Tromblee, of Sand
Point, Idaho. Mrs. Trombloo and
llttlo son returned with hor for a
short stay.
Rudolph Ilrontano and Miss Mildred
Durlelgh woro tho principals In a
wedding nt tho homo of tho brldo last
Thursday evening, at which tho Rov.
Williams of tho Christian church of
ficiated. Tho groom has mado Ilond
his homo since receiving his ills
chargo from tho army, whllo Mrs.
Ilrontano was popular in high school
circles. After a brief wedding trip
tho young couplo will return to make
their homo in llend.
John Hollman of Tumalo is spend
ing thn dny In tho city.
Louis lieunott left for his homo In
Silver Lnko this morning.
AI Tucker wus in Rend today from
his homo In Sliver Luke.
F. M. Chrlsman, of Sliver Lake,
Ills In tho city today on business.
Olo Hnlvorson and family left last
night on n trip to tho Puget Sound
A. M. Prlnglo has returned from a
1 June White Sale
Ends Saturday, July 3
Money. Saving Specials
Things You Neerl Now
i crv. i
Women's white canvas Keel Boot, a
A regular $5.50 value
Special $4.75
Girls' white canvas Oxfords, leather
soles, low heels, sizes 9 to 1 2
Same in sizes 12 1 -2 to 2
Women's White Silk Hose special
89c, $1.45, $1.98 x
Women's Nainsook Night Gowns,Na
wonderful assortment at
Women's White Voile and Lawn
Waists, a beautiful lot priced at
p X 9o
June sale of Sweaters, Corsets, Silks,
House Dresses, Millinery
-'. ' '. u J
Crfrntt 1920, 1U lUut l KtrWfc
on Liberty
V' i
The "Fourth" suggests man' new ideas on the
liberty subject. A man needs to be financially
free as well as freee in other ways.
Good Clothes
Y help a man towards financial liberty. They are
not only an investment in right appearance and ,
good fit that stays, BUT they are an invest-,
ment in economy, wear longer, cut down the
yearly clothes budget.
And now when we offer these CLOTHES AT
20 Discount
. The advantage is all yours. Buy your suit for
the Fourth here and save ' V ?r '
$70.00 Suits For $56.00
$65.00 Suits For $52.00
' $60.00 Suits For $48.00
$55.00 Suits For $44.00
$50.00 Suits For $40.00
$35.00 Suits For $28.00
';Get into these Smart Clothes for the Fourth.
' " See the AER-O-WEAR Fabrics for hot weatri-
er, priced at $26.7 5t . . . , '
Cool furnishings to go with them.
3 H-
The House of Kruppenheimer Clothes
t -..
At Pcpultt Pricey
trip to Portland, where ho nttoudod
tho Shrine convention.
Mrs. D. T. Carmody is back in
Ilond fcttor visiting with frionds in
Portland for sovornl weoks.
James Graham of Fort Rock is vis
iting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
H, M, Buchwnltor lu this city.
R. S. Dart roturnod this morning
from Portland, whero lip wns pres
ent during tho Shrlno convontlon.
H. P. Mahoffoy, Wilson Goorgo
and A. Wlilsnunt will leave tomorrow
to attend the. Elks' convontlon In Chi
cago. '
Tj, L. Baker and J, B.Cgon, of
Grass Valley were In Bond fester-
day. Thoy will spend sovornl days
In this vicinity fishing.
Mrs, L. B. Brnsflold, Mr, tind Mrs,
J. A. Brastiold and John Holmstend,
all from tho Alfalfu section, were iu
Band, shopping, this morning.
Mr. and Mrs, Georgo Wobor, of
this city, bavo removed lo Susan
Vlllo, Cal., where Mr. AVobor has
accopted a ppsltlon as hookkeopor
toe the Prult Growers Supply Co.
Ray Canterbury, vice president
of tho International Tlmborworkora
union, ia in BeniV from Seattle ou
an official trip? Mr, Canterbury
was formerly wwreUry of the Bend
local. K.-iiifant
Mrs, V. A. Smith la visiting
friends in Portland.
Ralph li, Jordan oC Prineville Is
hero today on business,
Mrs, 0. P. Docker waa np from
Tumalo this afternoon.
Mrs. A, H. Bartlott ond grhn'd
daughtor, Virginia, aro spondlng the
summer at Santa Cruz, Cal.
W. O. Hadloy of Tho Dallos, dep
uty district gamo wardon, is on one
of his official trips to Central Ore
gon. D. A. Boyd of Seattle, brother &t
CharhM Boyd of thto eUy.-ta lnrim&
looklag'&ftet1 hlspwJyAleii,
, r-ir ,-..-