The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 01, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Homrt M Mm ilfitlirlilftr worn L'nnrt-fttnu. Vfcl WfWlWSV mai
The Double
iv M
Wa vmr '- twtfn,:
r- 1'MiMV a'.
jtowkmm vif ;
riBfflUiBsii4 w
.. H . BBBBBBB: li1 -
'2. fe-5HL
,. 11 . r-i'ff vj-
?s. "
HeiiruBeach Meedham
Copirighl,byDoublccIay,Pags and Co.
"Why notr nuked (ho captain Iriilul
"Why nntT It nliowii on ltd fuco why
not. It )' I wiih In tlio Kiiniu tuilny,
Ami I'm on this ship I"
"tilt down," milil llio ciiptuln, who
panned until hU Invltiitloii had been
ucceplcd. ,, "Mr. James "
"My iiuiiio litn't James It's Shute."
"Well, then, Mr. Shute, It you prefer
It," said (ho cnplnln, wishing to humor
Ills guest, "I liuva mmle n careful In
(lulry (i lioii t you. Your room slowurd
rcporm, And tho quartermaster on
duly at tho gangway conllniiN It. (hut
you 'cnmo uhourd Intoxicated I, may
any, wore brought uhourd drunk."
"It'll n lle Won novcr drunk In mj
Ilfo tmvur took n drop of liquor In
my life. Whut happened, t wim given
n knockout brought aboard ilniggoil,M
Tln captain appeared puzzled, then
continued: "1 hardly think o, Mr.
Juiihi "
I "Shiitol"
"Mr. Kliute. Tho ship's doctor
examined you, nt tho request. of your
friends, after you were usilstcd
iihonnl. Ilo report (lint ho found
you In nn udvnuct'd state of Intoxlcn
lion. Vour friends mild Hint you hnd
been cclohriitliig unwisely before null
"I tell you It' n lie."
"Mr. Hhute, If you nro not Inclined
to tukv my view of thin unfortunate
clrcuniMnuce, you will Iiiivd Ui bi sent
where joi will bo looked nflcr. 1
"I Mean That If You Don't Stop Your
Nonsense and Behave Yourielf I Will
Order You to the Hoipltal."
mean (Imt If you don't stop your nun
senso mid behave yourself, I will order
you to tho hospital, flood mprulug."
Win .Shuio hnd never been put out
of n game In hlsllfe. lie eyed (ho
"umplru" of tho high sens crlllcnlly
mid turned to so. Hut, like the nvcr
net) bull pin j or, ho couldn't leavu tho
"llehl" without the Inst word.
"Cnplnln, you've got inn I ncktinwl
edgo Hint. And I'm not going to make
nny trouble for you not while- you'ru
ninrinKltiB tho ship. Itut once wo
fitrlko dry hind fpromse you I'll suirt
a Imind of troulijo thiihwllt hrliiK up
on thin bout. I've been druggcdI
repent It. And thero'a been tliu illrtl-
est kind of a frame-up against mo.
What' more, thnt message you hold
lit your hand I n. pure fnko. Hither
tho mun who sent It or (ho mnn whn
received It In u crook Inku your
Ileforo tho cnplnln of (ho Colonlu
could reply, 8. W, Juiiicr, or, as ho de
innnded to bu culled, J. W. Shuio, wuh
Quick thinking wna n portion of his
bunlneHM lu life. In less (linn (hu iIIh
tanco from homo to first Iiiino hu hud
definitely outlined iIh plnn of action.
Of course ho would give (ho head mnn
of thoNlilp no cause to roiwt to wnr
meimureHt thnt would ho slly--vor'iQ
thnn klckliiK yourelf out of u hjk
Ktiino which you inltht help to win.
Wo, nlfcol lie would . Btnud for
".Tnmeft" ho would bo S, W. Jnmes.
Quietly, hut nono tho Iihs iloolnlvoly,
ho would devote hlmitolf to nn uncinp-
tlonnl conniiiernllon of his highly ox
naperntliiK pllfiht. He 'would rpo If
imst devotion (o (ho xtorei of the
Grout Oelecilve had tn.UKtit htm nny.
thliiR worth whllo ri'KnrdliiK Infer,
oncen nnd deductions from a limited
nrrny of fnctH. Kor tho next nine
dnya, or until tho nhlp touched nt
Glbrnllnr. hu would do nothliiK else)
OnYliind .Inmes Wlnton Shuio would
hnvo kept Htendfuatly to IiIk rosolvp,
II ut ho wna to Hnd It different on fdilp
tibnrd. Me wan to dUrnypr Homeililno
rcvoliidounry nlmut n wen voynin.
Homethlnu Hint Jnm one loose and riiiw
oinj off comidctely from ordinary life.
Tho rent whllo tmll whlth fetche up
nt tho Mern of tho uhlp leud itwny
from everV'dny vslaivnce, Iwislhenlnx
(hu Hpaco buck (o the confine of duty
nnd cumIoiii nnd habit an one mimical
mile In tonicd high on another.
For tho Hint time In Win Hlnite'n ex
porlenco (ho pteiiKltiK ntinpe of n sir I
hendltn; to (ho wind, aklrt tnut like
n null clonodinulcd, lointled wavy
brown hnlr brmdilni; her nnlmntcd
fnce, Irish hluu eyei hrlsht nnd henm.
Inc. chevka nu'low with the dellKhruf
IIvIiik, fiuddenly mvept. Into bin ken.
unci uwny went tho reMralutN of nn or.
drrly. carefully planned acheiuu of
"flee, ulint n nwell ulrll" he mut
tered. Then: "Why' alio with (lint
It una Mli Itlley, nnd ho wna nt
tended by Jurruld Mnnsel, tho wlreleai
operator. Morn to the point, they were
bnvlnif n Jolly time toitelhor.
Mb. Itlley nnd her mother. Mr,
Dnnlel Itlley. occupied Suite A 0 nnd
13 on tho upper promennde deck, lim
ine nt $700 for Ihe vojrnyo to Nnplea.
It wnii tho (luent aullo on the Milp.
Tliero wim, however, nnttdnc un
democrntlc nbout Mini Itlley. Al
though alio wan (ho moit foxclnntlne
pernon on the uhlp, alio didn't let thnt
bother her. Her mother wna n sub
ilucd. nluiOKt timid, woman punt mid
die ace, who mTil n hnhlt of fndlue
Into tho furniture and becoming n tn
titulary pnrt of her aurroundlnea, She
wna'rnnlly tho be llwtener on (he
bont. Her dnuehter wna devoted (o
her, nnd Mr. Itlley plainly nhowed
Hint her Intercut wua restricted to her
"Ulrlle," ni he called her daughter,
Mhia Illley'a benuty, which, of
coure, endeared her to the mnacullue
element, for nome renaon did 'not de
tract from her favor with tho women.
They liked "iter Imcnuao nhii never
fulled to "notlco" (hem. "She'a nice
to every ono" wna niiuther Kcnentl ob
Nervation. Win Klitite wna not one of tbo'e
who worahlped from nfnr. 'Juki ti In
bnrelinll ho wna In tho enmu every
tnlnute, ao In thin new emtio ho plnyetl
It naalduoualy. Tlio day of Ida Inter
view with (hu cnplnln he hnd per
formed n allKht fnvor for Mm. Itlley,
tho uhlrpiltoua atewnrd bclue off duty.
Thla IimI to nn Introduction to "my
dntiKhter," nnd Jlmt renultel In tho
trnnaformntlon of tho voynse. Trom
tho flrat ho Kot on awlmmlncly with
Mlna Itlley. Tliey to "perfonu
In the polnta," na ho put It, "like n
vetenin linttery."
"Whnfa u battery!" naked Ilaa
Win Sliute wna nnfnzeil, hut he
cheerfully explained: "Pitcher mid
catcher. Aren't you it bnaefnll fnnj" N
"I never tnw n samu lu my life," alio
"You're pot aomethlnB coming to
you." anld Win.
"Vou can't pot me excited nbout nny
k'Hino to wntch. I'm devotciPto ten
nla nnd polf, nnd I played hockey nnd
bnkotbnllnt acliool. Hut I plnycd I
didn't mrrely look on. A baseball fan
muM be the Inzlet ort of humnn be
Inu; he runs nwny from Ida huslnesa,
and then he himn't the enertry or (ho
KO(up to plHy. Ho situ Idly by
other pcraona "exert theuiDelvcs. It'a
too vicarious, for me."
It wna n tlcchUM Miocl to Win thnt
Mlm Itlley didn't enro for the tH'
tlminl Kniue.
If imyHilHi; were needed (o vnhnnco
MIks Itlley'a charm, It who the myn
tery thnt developed nbout or envel
oped her th third day out. Win
Shutu tieunl of It from Ids room Mew.
nrd, wlui hnd picked It up from tho
wnlter at (he'.purxor'a table. The
pin-.ser was tho iiKent of publicity, nnd
It aa .unultied thnt ho had Klcnned
hit InlllKenco from the cnptnln. Any
how, It, wna o innttor tlmt the captain
nnd tho punier would imturnlly tall;
Via wlreln8 had come an Inquiry to
tru cnptnln of (ho Qolouln nbout a
pnasenucr. Tho Inquiry wu from tho
United State jsovernuient no miieh
wna known. It concerned n younit
womnii who was travelliiB with her
mother. She was described In (ho
general lerni" of strlliliusly Imndsouiu
and closer, rroui this tho description
varied according to tho whim or
Imnclnntlon of the potion repeiitlnK
the iiiumd of plp, Tho inili of tho
tnlo wus thnt the youni; woman wna a
fiiKltlve from Jtillloel
Inimedlalely a new ship' kuiiio wna
Ktnrted llnd (ho fui;Ulve. Tho nearch
wna curried pu by u proivin of elimi
nation. I'Mrst Ihe hiiIIIiu; list wna
combed for u mother and dauchter. II
turned out, unfortunately, thnt lu the
lrt cubln there were exactly hvep
ty-nno, pulrrt of mothers and dnutdi
(era. A to whether these twenty one
mothered imildena were luindnino and
ejbver, onlnlons dllVered maikedly
HoiiiU of Mm dfitltthtorstvcrcKoort-iooK
ln hut uudeiilahly dull; other were
clover hut plain. Not hnlr u dozi.-n
could come within rniiuu of (hu aped
When (ho coiiieiimis of opinion wna
nbifTil to pounce upon Mlaa Itlley, who
hciided the Hat of "auapcrta," nnolher
bit of Inforimillon lenkcd out, 'Tho
woman wanted wna a ateiiornpher.
Hero (ho Kcnrch for the (julliy one bo
Kim all over. MIm Itlley wn wealthy
her ahlp iiccommodntlous nnd her
drcKN denoted that hi It must bo
aomu one cMo. Hut after coiinldei'litc
tho ipiallllcatlona of other pooalblll.
lies for hours on end, MlKtreas Con
aeiiatis nalli hovered uhout Mhs Itlley.
Thus tho llrxt cnhlu divided Itaolf Into
two Clililps Ijie pui-llmis of Mlsa
Itlley nnd I hone of "the Held." Hut
paradoxically. In till liiatiitico, por
tlsun meant enemy.
Tho whip cot Ifeetlc about ll. mid he
ciiiHe or It Win Kliute cot Into trouble.
Ho win watching tho poker came In
the aiiiokluu room when the looe
Jointed coiiveraatlon switched to the
unsolved iu.stery of tho ahlp tho
Identity or Hie motive from Justice.
Kveuiually there wits nn iiri;uiuent
over the demerits of Miss Itlley,
Win Shnte wns nuury nt inent'oii of
her nniue. To him It was coutt-iuptl.
hlu thnt It should bo drncKed In and
bandied nbout over booze nnd poker
Two men ono mi ordinarily decent
chap who had taken a little too much,
and tho other n cynical, solf.comnlned
tinrn, the heat poker player nt the
(nlde brought Iho unmanly discus
sion to iLpreclpltute conclusion. There
bail, been tunny references to .Miss
Itlley, most of them complimentary in
nature, nnd the decent but tnnked-up
chnp hnd proved her chuuipjoii. Aa n
clincher ho nuked:
"That ;lrl tins tho finest rooms on
tho bout. Dee that look llko she la
a ateuoernphsr
Tho cynical tnnn answered:
"If she Is tho ateiinj: of ono of thprn
t'lttsburifh millionaires. It's the kind
of u suite you'd expect to find her In,
Get me?"
There wns a conre lanjjh. which
changed In tho middle Into nn expres
sion of concern. What happened was
Win Shuio anld something In (he
Rntnhlcr'fl ear arii neatly stopped his
fnce. The gambler, raging. Jumped to
his feet, scattering glatsea and chips.
which went clattering to the floor, nnd
mado a vicious pnss nt the Interloper.
With tlw celerity of dodging a wild
pitch. Win Shttte avoided tho first,
and, catching Hie cnmhler off his tint
apce, floored htm with a pretty upper
cut. Then the gmuhtcr. blind with
rnge. seized n' whisky bottle from the
wreckage. Hut before he could use
It his anus were pinioned from behind
nnd Shute was pushed out of the
smoking room.
As the losa In rum nnd glnsswnre.
generously estimated, wns mode good,
and aa tho smoking-room steward was
properly rewarded for his future red
evnee. (he episode did not come mil
dolly before tho cnptnln. Hut unof.
fl dally, through the human wireless
system, (he story went all over the
ship. In Its travel It became embel
lished with tho ship's doctor's nccount,
bnsed on personal observation, of
James' arrival on tho ship dead
Tho story did not get to Miss Itlley
In expurgated form. An uncompli
mentary remark hod been mado nbout
her "Oh. nothing of nny consequence
bless yourhenrt, no I" nnd "James"
had thought himself called upon to
defend her with his lists. Idiotic boy I
Win Shuio. In Ids wbolesomo nnd
Innocent view of things, believed thnt
the unfortunate nlTnlr In the smoking
room would ho hushed up. Hnvlng
liberally rewnrded tho steward for the
trouble thnt hnd been mused him, nnd
thinking Hint "those present" would
treat the episode from the standpoint
of tho tenot sold the quickest forgot
ten, Win went nbout In high spirits,
as If nothing hnd happened bended
straight for MUs Itlley.
Ycnrs Hpent Aa Conservator
West Coast of
Afrlrn !)rcrlhc Primitive
Methods Sow In Uso.
Fresh from eight yenra na conserv
ator of forests on tho west coaat of
Africa, whom all logging oporntlona
aro conductod strictly by man-pow
er, Ii. J, Hankoy, roprcscntatlvo of
tho Urltlslt colonial offico In tho ex
ploitation of timber resources In Ni
geria, wan In Hond Friday In tho
courso of a three months' tour of tho
United Htntcs, mado for tho pttrposo
of studying American logging and
milling methods.
Timber, on tho west coast of Afri
ca, moans mahogany, Mr. Sankoy ex
plained, and tho amnltost trees which
may bo cut under government regu
lations nro 11 fcot In girth. Draft
animals cannot llvo on tho west coast
and each troo, foiled with axes, and
converted into logs with cross-cut
saws, In roughly squared, thon drag
ged by n crow of from 80 to 100
natives to tho nearest vratercourt.
"Tho harder tho native alng, tho
harder wo know they'ro working,"
Mr. Sankoy said. The negroes re
ceive froln 20 to 30 cents por day.
"Your great advantage hero," Mr.
Sankoy commented, "It In your enor
mous stand of tlmhor. In Africa,
tho trees sultnblo for cutting aro only
found ut intervals, and there Is much
clearing to ho dono In making ready
for tho actual falling." Tho district
of which Mr. Sankey has charge la In
tho fever zone, whoro a white man
must tako fivo grains of qulnluo
Mr. Sankey Is making his Investi
gations In Central Oregon under tho
guldanco of officials of tho Deschutes
national forest.
WUh Kiinlttmnt) M K.C.M..
Thai ofHce lxy
was a $ood picker
0 A
(V WASjmy busy day.
AND 1 told tho boy.
I COULD not seo.
AND HE popped back.
AND SAID ifaoro was,
A GENTLEMAN outside.
WHO WISHED to see me.
AND I aald "No."
BUT I guess the bor.
IS LIKE my -wife;
FOR BACK ha cotQM.
AND SAY 8 tho man.
WANTS JUST a word,
AND I told the boy.
I COULD tell the maa.
'JUST WHERE to go.
IN JUST thrco words.
OUT THE boy came back.
AND SAIB tho man.
COULD SPOT mo ono.
JUST TVO words.
AND I'M a sport
80 IN bo came.
AND SAID fTbey Satisfy."
AND I will atate.
HE SAID aosrethlnff.
THEY saUafy" that says It
Never were finer tobacco ul
In any cigarette and never werta
tobacco more carefully and skill
fully blended. Chesterfields giv;
you all that any cigarette could
give, plus a certain ''satisfy" craal
Ity that Is exclusively their. Tk
blend can't be copied.
I r
Many High Percentage of Hotter.
fat Found In Samples Taken
Uy Statu Food Inspectors.
(To Do Continued.)
Sprinkler Head IIIown off at llrooks-
Srnnloii l'latil Autos Dlsivgnrtl
tho City Fire Ordinances.
Report on buttorfnt tests mado of
samples taken from Deschutes coun
ty milk, cram and Ice cream by
food and dairy Inspectors' list gives
but two as below tho legal limit tho
milk aami4o taken from tho Henry
McFall dairy nnd that taken from
tho Tom Morchant establishment.
Tho first sumplo tested 3.1 per cent
and tho second 2.9.
Cream from tho Smcnd dairy test
ed 25 por cont, with a like percentage
for the Uond Dairy store, and ice
cream from the Central Oregon
Farmers' creamery and from the
Chlldors & Armstrong confectionery,
both of Hond, showed 9.5 per cont.
Other samples sont In were all ot
milk and their buttorfnt percentages
wero given aa follows: W. B. Redl
man, Dend, 3.8; Smoad's dairy, 4.2;
Control Oregon Farmers' creamery,
3.S; C. Chrlstophorson, Dend, 4.9;
Nols Anderson, Dend, 4; H. Holm
holtz, Redmond, 5.3; J. Ledbetter,
Redmond, 4.8; A. Ll Wilson, Red
mond, 4.6; B. Ruohr, Redmond, 4.3;
H. F. Aldrlch, Tumnlo, 4.2; Rolla
Chnso, 5.2; Oeorgo Erlckson, Bond,
4.3; M. W. Pettygrow, Dend, 4.3; M.
a. Coo, Hend, 3.7; Y. B. Smith,
Bend. C.4; O. P. Dahlo, Bond, 4.4.;
Archie Pnttlo, Bond, 4.3; R. C. Oroff,"
4,2 por cont.
CUyrf3)fr. tfy I ,. ,.(,
I." i W
At the end of a thrco weeks'
Illness, Mrs. Carolyn Moss, for the
past three years a resident of Bend,
died shortly after G o'clock on Mon
day at Mountain View hospital,
of pleural pneumonia, aged 81
years. Funeral services were held
from the Mothodlst church at 2
p'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Rer.
J. Ed gar i Punly, Methodist paster,
and Rer. E. B. Johnson, of the
Baptist church, officiating. Burial
will be At Pilot Butte cemetery.
Same price for Butter Fat f. o. b. Bend
us is paid f. o. b. Portland.
Central Oregon Farmers Creamery
a uro ninrm was turned in fcun-'rir-vrciT -vt- tin i nTn
day afternoon by tho watchman at.010 ut il!iHttIINlx
tho Brooka-Scaulon mill when a IS ,L0ST BY DIVER
uprlukler head cnmo oft lu somo unj
l0"t oMIco Clerk,
explained way. Concluding ut once
thnt tho unusual heat hnij set tho au
tomatic flro-flghtlng aystuin going at
tho plant, tho watchman gtvvo tho
ulnrm. Tho Dend department was
out In quick .time, but, beforo tho
englno arrived, tho mlatnko had boon
That many people aro unacquaint
ed with tho law govornlng conduct nt
flroa, or wilfully dlsrogurd It, wna
tho doolarntlou of Flro Chtof Carton,
following yoatorday's alarm. Pnv
ato nutos hludored tho flro truck
and blnckod tho way to mains, which
might huvo meant a disastrous delay
if. tho alarm had indicatod a real tiro.
Ij. C Coleman
Mado Totally
Of AYntee lit tho
Dcnf IJy
Tho Cheery Doctor,
"I nm lappy to tell you. Mr. Bump."
said the eminent Ksculnplmt to the
victim of the recITTess motorist, "that
yin will nut huvo to dodgo nutorno
fdlen for u month or six woeka to
come," Kansas City Star,
Pressure of tho writer In the "Y
tank only eight feot In depth
ruptured tho our drum of If. C. Colo
mnn, iBond postoftlco employe, and
ho was totally deaf when lio left here
t consult n spoclallst In Portland.
Ho la not expected back for sovornl
days, Postmastor W. H. Hudson
utatos, .
Mr. Coloman lost his hearing lm
)nodlatoly aftor a dlvo nnd examina
tion showed 'thnt thQ drum of ono
oar was broken. Deafness, hoiy
ovor, was Juat as complete In tho ap
parently uninjured ear,
It la bellQvod thnt Mr. Colemnu
may huvo hit tho water In such a,
way that the forco of 'the blovf"was
almost directly against the ear. '
.When you erect a Silo, you want a Silo that will
stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sun.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
.ire-proof. Will not warp when empty, No guy
lines necessary.
Eventually Concrete
Why Not Now? I
For specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
. Well Curbing.
" s ;
- --.- -- rTTiHntiftiiiimi
i 1"