WEEKLY EDITION " M. THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. XVIII IIIJND, DKHCIIUTKH COUNT?, OIIKGON. TIIUHHDAV, JL'IV 1, JOIiO. No. It 71 A ' rt V y BENHAM FALLS SITE IS VIEWED BY A. J. WILEY PLANK MAKERS HAVE HARD TASK "SURVEY IS PLANNED Activity Follow Halo of 30,000 of DUtrlcl lnu to Itulpli frkluii'c loclj & Co. He-port to Drtrr. mlno Future Dutetopiiivnt, On n preliminary survey of tho Ituiiliunt falls reservoir silo mid tho North Unit IrrlKHtlou district, ar ranged In connection with tho recent miln of 100,000 of tho bond or tho tlUtrlct, A. J. Wiley of llolso, Idaho, nml T. C. Ilorrinnmi of Han Fronds co, In company with officers of tho dlntrlct, arrived In llond Tursday. Tuesday afloruoou wait spent nt tho roxorvolr itlto anil Wednesday tho party went ovor other features of tho project. Although tho original Doschlitos Rtirvuy contemplated tho uso of tho llondluim fnirWsorvnlr for tho stor age of watmr for four Irrigation units, tho present survey U confined to only tho North unit features. Un dor tho arrangement inada wliun tho North unit bom! woro rocontly sold to 'Ilalph Kchnooloch & Company, Messrs. Wlloy mid Herrmann nro to imiko an Indopondont survey of tho North unit and tho resurvolr and on tholr conclusions will depend whnth or additional funds will bo provided for construction. Mr. Wlloy In well known In llond, hnvltiK boon hero with Professor Crosby on tho llonhnm falls study lant year. lto In nun of tho most prominent reclamation engineers In tho country and has acted In an ad visory" capncltyTnTmany of tho lArg it western IrrlKatlon projects. Mr. Herrmann In ntno proinlnont In recla mation mutters, ImyltiK boon in charKo of tho Itnporlul valley project for four yonrn follow Intc tho ctonlnK of tho Colorado rlvor. At prosont ho In chlof otiRlnoor fcr tho Spring Val ley Wotor company, supplying Hnn Franclsco with water. connultjtiK en gineer for tho stnto reclamation board of California, and for tho Mo desto IrrlKatlon dlitrlctv Tho big gest work ho Is now encaged In In .for tho stato of California In rectify In tho courses of tho Sucramonto and Han Jonquil) rivers, ono foaturo of tho project bolng now under way ut a cost of 112,000,000. ' CARELESSXAMPERS . LEAVE SMALL FIRE CarolosH cam porn at tho head of Kail rlvor loft a smajl blaza bohlnd thorn Monday, which wan extin guished by Rnugor Hon Smith. The fflro'j bod , Mproad but little when TfAund, HanKor Smith reported, -v till . . V jfl Jjaffl Minme eivo. t " miumu on i gp- j tvs: v oonX uk X w mv 1 VI RSKtWlH' 11 60fcCw9fC RMM MA, TV4B.M UT VtOXUWi' T' ?R.i&MTC SJ PPNtM' TMO C -tUBC SSKaftl rvf ft-rtAt, uves aorAE or QUO. UOSCaCR9 oo Elks Will Boost' Central Oregon Scenic Features I- To glvo publicity to Contrnl Oregon ncoulc fouturon, J3200 will ho uvallablo ut tho Kilts' national convention In Chicago r wlioti tho (lulogatos from tho Iiniid ludKO nrrlvo In tho Windy City. Of'thl1"Utnount, 23G0 was furnished by tho lodgo and 8fi0 by nubscrlptloiiH mado In 4 Build. Espoclul attention will bn paid to Elk laku and to tho Upper Motollus country, plckod an tho alio for thu Elks' stimmor bonis, ' -- DEATH CLAIMS BEND PIONEER Mrs. George llntcs, for tho past 18 years & roildont of Ilend, died Thurs day night at her homo on Hill streot. nn hour and 30 nilnutcn after drink Iiik from a bottlo of Insoct poison which analysis showed contained a high poreentaKo of corrosfvl subll mate. Mrs. Dates had boon In poor health for soma tltno and Is snld to havo been temporarily unbalanced as tho result. Her act Is attributed to this fact. Details concerning Mrs. Kotos' death were glvon out this noon by Dr. E. R. Norrls, tho attend ing physician, at an Informal invos tlKutlon conducted by Acting Coroner J. A. Eastcs. Dr. Norrls was summoned to tho Hates homo at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night, ho said, and found Mrs. Hates barely ablo to. speak as tho result of tho rapid action of tho poison. An unlabeled bottlo, found on tho top shelf of tho modlclHo cabinet In tho niljolnlnn bathroom was Indicated by Mrs. Hat on as tho ono from which she had drunk a few minutes boforo, and was decfurod by Mr., Hates to contain an insecticide. An nntldoto was Immediately pre pared, but Mrs. Hates was unabla to swallow the whltos of crrs. which hor husband attempted to admlnln terrund tho use of a stomach pump was found Impossible An emotlc had been given boforo Dr. Norrls' ar rival, but failed to arrest tho action of tho powerful dVug Doath camo shortly before 8 o'clock. Horn In Minnesota Octobor 17, 1872, Mrs. Hates camo to Hend with her husband from Hcmldjl In 1903. and. with thu cxcoptlon of tho time spont on tholr homestoad noar Heud, had been a continuous resident of this city over since that time. Ho sides her hunband, sho is survived by a son, John, n duughtor, Mrs, Jamos Crelghton, and a younger daughter, nil residing bore. TRAVEL BY AIR PLEASES EIGHT Jlliekt Hend people' who flow on ?nslay In tho plane brought to Wton Monday by Harold Grady S. McClurg, came back to MusliHttlc ovr aerial trans- - They woro taken up two as tho Avro In which tho mado tholr trip from Mend, allows for two addition to tho man .Thoao who took tho ound tho city from jwero Mr. and Mrs. rj. oorturr, h. A. (I.crank IX. Prlnco. lj. H. Horatkotto, fMii mo iioia on 1MN.1 M lu Bood ratlior soft, but docmtxr'LSMisTMoct couui roiidlly WViplWjjk sodding with fMfys ?WvmwtY wntor avaltalilo. "Jo'WW1,l lro enough, and tho cljjractqr of tiio flurrouudlng country Djauch that a talo-oft tdn bo mn(5 n,apy cllroc tlon. PoqiHo vHh whom ho has talked on thd subject of tho organization of an aerial truUBpurtutluii company, with houdquartois ut llond, aro en thuslastlo ovor tho proposition, and he expnets to bo ablo to say with certainty by tojnorrow afternoon whether or not the plan wllf bocomo a reality. P. & S. E. STOCK IS DIVIDED BY I CIRCUIT COURT! SUIT COMPLETED ON PROJECTED ROAD HUSON GETS SHARE Potential Vnluo of Franchises 'Held At $7,000,000 Ily Promoter Way Now CIcnr For Actual Work on Itoad to Ilcnd. PORTLAND, Juno 25: Ending litigation which has boon pending In tho circuit court for moro than a year, adjudication has been tnado by Circuit Judgo Morrow of the claims to slock In tho Portland & South eastern railway, a projectod devel opment as yet almost Entirely on pa per. Thd suit started shortly after tho preliminary survoyn had been mado and has brought Into court ovory person having anything to do with tho promotion of tho railroad. Tho railroad Is supposed to run from Bond to Portland, passing Ing through Mount Angel. It is worth about $4000 in actual mate rial assets, Including maps and fran chises, but, according to tho promot ers, potentially, millions of dollars. H. 8. Huson, consulting engineer, who was hired to handlo tho work, and, In roturn for his services, was promised nn interest in the com pany, was granted a ono-olghth In terest In It. Others concerned In the caio also woro awarded portions of stock they had not 'been provided with originally. The railroad was promoted by Mlchaol Lynot and tho potential value of tho franchises, about to ex pire, was placed near f7.000.000. The Myler Construction company was organUud to act as a holding com; pany and finish up Uio project. Scl eral suits were filed, but tho final decision contored on this one. Dur ing the hearing, which lasted from April 28 to last Friday, exhibits of everything, from sand and rocks to maps and contracts, wcro brought In and heaped up on two tables in the court room. With tho completion of the adjud ication, tho construction company ic now in position to begin actual work) If this Is doomed advisablo at the present time. DISCOVERY OF JUNIPER'S USE CREDITED TO COLONEL LEADER Berries No Longer Can Be Turned Into Gin, B, ut Pencil Manufacturers In All Parts of the World Like Samples and Order Wood. Credit for tho dlscovory ' of tho value of Juniper wood for tho manu facture of poncll slats, taking the place of tho rapidly diminishing cedar, Is accordod to Colonel John Leader, formorly in charge of mili tary tralulng ut tho University of Oregon, In a tiowa story published in id Telegram of yesterday, the Portland afternoon. With tho preliminary announce-' mont that "at lust tho long-despised1 Junlpor of Contrnl nml Eastern Ore-, Ban has como Into its own," tho. Telegram says: ''Since tho berries from this trQO no lotiRor can bo usod In tho manu facture of gin, tho Junlpor wns be lieved to lmvo no uso except to fur nish flrowood to tho hardy home steader or to provide shade for rat tlesunkoi and Jack rnbblta of tho eoml-nrld toglons of the stn,to. "Tho fact that It has a high com inqrclal vnluo wns discovered by Colpuol John Lender, formerly of tho Royal Irish Rifles during tho wnr, and Inter instructor in military tact ics at tho University ofOrogon, nnd now a momber of the Atnorlcan Pa cific Export company of PortlnniK "IJarqufer tho World will look to Ue Oregon, juniper to suppV Ha stock of lend pencil wood, for tha PERMITS PAVE WAY FOR BIG DEVELOPMENT 240 MILES OF CANALS , TO BE BUILT WILL COST $1,600,000 . Ktato IVnnllN For Urns of Water In- cludo Appropriation from Til- malo Crock by H. W. h. & V. for I2.X'I HorM'povtcr. SALEM, Juno 28. According to the records of Percy A, Cupper, state engineer, . between January 1 and Jqno 1 of this year, 2G3 permits to appropriate water and 10 permits to construct reservoirs havo been is sued. Of this numbor 13 permits havo been grantod covering tho ap propslatlon of wator for tho develop mont of approximately 9300 horse power, 198 permits covering tho ap propriation of wator for tho irriga tion of 41.G85 acres of land, and 10 pormlts covorlng tho appropriation of, water for mining purposes. Tho remaining 43 permits cover domes tic uso, wator for stock and munlcl paland various other uses. Under tho various permits it is contemplated that approximately 240 miles of canals will bo constructed, and' t to various features of construc tion Work will cost approximately $1,COO,000. In Deschutes county, permits havo boon granted to tho Hend Water, Power & Light company of Bend, covering tho appropriation of water from Tumalo creek for power devel opment amounting to 4233 horse power, at nn estimated cost of $290,- 000. S. IC Mcsslngcr was granted a per mit covering tho appropriation of water from an unnamed spring and stream; for storago in tho Hollow Skull rosorvolr, tor Irrigation pur poses. U. S. OFFICIALS TO OBTAIN BOOZE CAR To obtain tho liquor-laden car found Saturday night by Chief of Po- llco L. A. W. Nixon, n government official will bo in Hend Thursday, according to word received this morning by District Attornoy A. J. Mooro. TheN wire conveying tho In formation was in response to his re port on tho caso sent In to the office of tho United States district attornoy In Portland. wood of tho Junlpor has beon found superior to that of the Tennessee red codnr and' nil othor woods In the manufacture of load ponclls by tho Cnltcd States government labora tories. "Since he made his discovery by having the wood of tho juniper test ed Colonel Leador has sout sample: to lead poncll manufacturers all over tho world, with tho result that ho has far moro ordors than hu can fill. His groat difficulty Is to obtain men to cut tho wood. Although he Is of- ferlng high prices for both logs and cut pencil blpcks, tho ordors aro moio than doublo tho supply obtain able. "Thoro nro thousands of ncres of junlpor In Central nnd Eastern Oro gall, and Colonel Lender sn & thcro is n small fortuno for tho man who will engage In tho cutting of tho timber for commercial purposes. " 'Long lmvo J desired to develop fomo industry in Oiogon, nnd I be llovo I havo hit upon the right propo sition,' ho said, 'Tho stock of codnr for lend pencils in tho South, which has been tho source of supply for many yoars, lias bocomo exhausted nml high prices are now being otterod for wpod from which lead pencils can bo manufactured.' " CARRIER PIGEONS MAKE QUICK TIME Flight From Portland to Ilcnd U Mado In Three Hours and 20 .Minute Ily Four Hlrdi. Four Deschutes National Forest homing pigeons sont to Portland and released thcro from tho dis trict forester's office at 10.30 o'clock Wednesday, arrived" In Hend at 1:C0 o'clock In the After noon, making tho cntiro flight In three hours and 20 minutes, Tho messages carried by tho birds announced, that tbo forest air patrol will start tomorrow, and convoyed good wishes to the Deschutes forest officials for the government fiscal year which begins tomorrow. FOREST FIRES STORM SEQUEL Eleven forest fires, two In La Pino district, threb near Sisters, and eight in tho Crescent district, were started by lightning, presumably during tho electric storm of Monday night. For est Supervisor N. O. Jacobson has announced. Of these, those near La Pino were practically self-oxtln-gulshed, the three In the Sisters sec tion wero controlled with little diffi culty, and six of tho eight to the south aro beyond tho danger stage. Tho remaining two, however, are still burning vigorously .and Assist ant Supervisor W. O. Harrlman and Ranger Ben Smith were sent this morning to aid Hanger Ralph Snow. Tho worst conflagration is in lodge pole, to tbe east of Sellers marsh, and is dangerous chiefly as a men ace to adjolnlug pine timber, Mr. Jacobson states. Tho tires in the Crescent district gained headway more rapidly than In other sections, due to the fact that no 'rain accom panied tho lightning In that part of tho forest. WHISKEY MADE IN TIN CAN POISONS Prlncvlllo Man and Wife. Alleged Manufacturers of Deadly Moon Hhlao, Aro Arretted. PORTLAND, July 1. Poisonous home-mado whiskey, sufficient to kill 20 persons, Is being hold in the federal building hero as evidence against Mr. aud Mrs. R. E. Jones of Prlnevllle, alleged manufacturers of tho deadly stuff. The whlskoy. according to Assist ant United) States District Attorney Reames, was. manufactured In a tin syrup can, and a chemical analysis shows It to bo highly poisonous. Ono man. who drank a small portion of it. is said to have been partially blinded, whllo a prohibition agent. who took a small sip, was rendered unconscious ror an entire day. ' Jones and his wife aro now under arrest at Prlnevllle. They are both uuderd federal indictment nnd will bo brought to Portland for trial as soon ns tho trial date has been set. In addition to tho tin still and n gallon of the liquor, federal authori ties have a large quautity of mash, to be used as evidence ogalust tho couple R, C. JOHNSON WILL ' TEACH IN SEATTLE Resignation Sont In By High Sehool Principal To lltuo Charxe- of Journal Kile Courses, Tho resignation of Mr. aud Mrs. R. C, Johnson front tho faculty of tho Bond schools la contained In a lot tor Just Vocolved by City Superin tendent S. W. Mooio from Mr. John sou, now lu Seattle. Mr. Johnson, who was principal of tho high school hero during tho past two years, wits elected this yonr by both tho Seattle aud Spokuuo directors. Ho has ac cepted tho position tendered him In Seattle, where he will bo lu charge of tho Jourualistlo high school courses. , Mrs. Johnson will also teach la'tke Seattle schools. SOLONS WILL . SEE PROJECTS EARLYINJULY HOUSE COMMITTEE TO VISIT BEND PLANS ARE COMPLETE Party Will Include Famous Illlaeto Congressman Daj 's Htay ia and Near nnd to lto Asked ny Central Orcgonhtns. Plans for the reception of th house appropriations commit toe, which Is touring the western part of the United States after having start ed from Chicago on June 22, are vir tually completed by a committee et the Bend Commercial club, acting ia conjunction with Redmond as Prinovlllo committees and, according to tho present schedule, it is expect ed that the congressmen, accompan ied by Director A. P. Davis of tha reclamation service, who will Jla them on July 6, will arrive here or Saturday, July 10. The representatives composing the party aro due to arrive in Klamath Falls July 8 and on the followlag day will drive to Crater lake, speed ing tho night there. They will b met at that point by cars from Red mond, Bead and Prlnevllle, aad brought into Bond Saturday after noon or evening. The special oar In which the party has been travel I Hg will bo brought to Bend from Med ford, and Sunday the congressmen are scheduled to leave for Portland. An effort, however, will be mae to Induce them to alter these plans, to allow for staying over Sunday, la order that they may be taken over the various Irrigation projects ea which fcdoral aid Is possible. IC this caa be done," they will leave, ea tbo special from Madras Suaday night. Nothing definite regardtar this phase of tho program will be known until Mr. Davis Joins tke party. Those who are making the trip In clude "Uncle Joe" Cannon, former speaker of the house, and Repreaea tatlvcs French of Idaho, good et Iowa, Davis of Minnesota, Vare et Pennsylvania, Slemp of Virginia, Wood of Indiana, Crampton of Michi gan, Wasson of New Hampshire, Ma gee of New York, Tlnkhara of Massa chusetts, Shreve of Pennsylvania. Ogden of Kentucky, Byrns of Ten nessee, Sosson of Mississippi. Byrnes of South Carollua, Buchanan of Tex as, Oalllvan of Massachusetts, Egaa of New Jersey, Evans of Montana and McAndrews of Illinois. PYTHIAN SISTERS WILL HAVE LODGE Initiation aud Institution Ccrt-menbp St For Tomorrow Social Session To Bo In Evening. Initiation ot now members and In stitution of the new Pythian Sisters lodgo will take place tomorrow after noon and evening in Sathcr's hall. It was announced today by members ot tho Knights ot Pythias lodge. The name will not be adopted until after tho orgaulzntlon ot tho lodgo. Initiation of women to member ship Is sot for tho afternoon, with similar ceremonies for Knights whe desire membership in tho sister or ganization In the evening. Follow ing tho evening ritual, a social ses sion will be'held, beginning nt about 9:30 o'clock. HOUSES FINISHED. IN EAST OF CITY Practical completion af five now houses and tho beginning on con struction pn.flve moro a reported by George R. Wood of tho Central Ore gon Associates, which has plans for building SO homes this summer on tho farmer Bend park proprty. be yond tlijIoundry. George lneraanH Is in ctifrge of' the eeustruetloR, Ac cording Mr, WpatiMtfr. f being iWtY4i$kf$Mi,t no house will W soW.'untll finished. .1