i Jtt RATE PETITION ORDER IS SENT i'Uiimo hi:hvic;io commission dismisses application of v. o. i. company roit mou. Kit CHARC-EH. Closing tho caso of (ho application fllod Init yonr by Mm Control Ora Ron Irrigation company for pormls nlon to lovy higher mnlntannnco charges ngalunt tho settlors on tho project, copies of an ordor slgnod by tho inoinboni of tho atato public eorvlco commission wort) rocolvod Juno 17 by tho firm of Do Ar mond & Ersklno, attorneys for tho ottlom. The opinion, which forms n part of tho brdnr, declare that tho atato cannot, without tho connout of tho settlors, altor tho rates to bo charged, '. Hates now In effect are 80 cents and $1 por ncro, whllo Hioho united by tho company woro $2.10 par ucro. In tho hearing hold oarly In April boforo tho coinmlmlon In Redmond, tho attornoya representing tho sot tiers objected to thn taking of tostl mony, on tho grounds that tho com mission had no Jurisdiction. Tho objection la upheld lit tho commls lon'a order dismissing thu applica tion. BIG VOTE GIVEN BEND CANDIDATE H. J. Ovorturf of this city Mon day rocolvod his official notification of nomination by tho republican par ty for tho offlco of atato represents tiro. With tho notification were fi nal returns on tho primary oloctlon, as far aa thla position waa concornod, showing that Mr. Ovorturf rocolvod 30C3 votes, Denton 0. Ilurdlck 2621, and H. A. Ilrattaln 1062. EXPORT COMPANY ACCUSES EMPLOYE K. J. Ilruna CliMrjcrd With Kmbes- slrment of f374 , Intended For Payment of Freight oa Juniper. On a charno of embeulament, a warrant la out for tho arrest ot K. J. Druna, for more than a year put' a resident ot Ilond. Tho com plaint on which tho warrant la based waa drawn up on Information turnlshod by tho Amerlcan-Paclfle Export Co,, of which Ilruna waa local reprosontatlvo In tho buying and shipping of Junlpor tlmbor. 1 It la alleged that on May 15, Ilruna received 1374 to pay tho freight chargea on a car of juniper from Ilond to Bprlngfiold, Missouri, but that ho diverted the amount to hla own uaea. Ho la thought to have loft for Kverott, Washington COUNTY AGENT TO CHANGE SCHEDULE Oftlco day at Ilond for tho county agrlculturlsta will bo changod from Wednesday to Saturday, beginning with June 20, Tho county agent's officers in tho city rest room. Four chatra at your aamca at tha Metropolitan. No watting. Adr. Business and Professional Cards l,utT ijl r - R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNBY-A.T-XAW Rooms 13-16 First Nstloaal Bank Bldg. Tel. Ill (Dr. Cot's Tomtt 0) H. II. DfAnxn! Chss. W, KreklM DeArmond .& Erokine LAWVKKH O'Kane Building, Bead, Oregoa H. 0. JILLIf Atteraey-at-Law Ualted Stat" Oomsalaateaer First National Dank Building BEND, ORKQON DR. A. LESSING PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Bend Press Bldg. bend, omsaoN Phones: Office Rod 4; Re, 1SS Read the Bulletin Classified Ada GAME OFFICE" FIRST AT LAKE Mcdonald gets tow when snow halts Road Now Open to Crater, Ho lie- Hovch Announces Closing of ' Upper Ifnlf of Elk Lako IlcKlnnlnic on July in. Claiming tho distinction of Loins tho first outolat to roach Crator lako this soason, District Outno Warden If. McDonald arrived In Ilond Thurs day night, ending n throo-day official trip Into tho southern part of his territory. Ho roports tho roads on both aides of tho lako ln cxcollont condition, with tho exception of a stretch of about 10 miles north of La Pino, Two of tho flvo tnllos bo twoon tho govornmont camp and tho rim of Crator lako woro opon whon ho loft Friday morning, uud tho antlro dlstauco can probably bo trav oraod by autos now, ho bellovos, as a forco of mou with plows and scrap ers waa working at top apood to cloar tho way. Mr. McDonald's car atallod In doop snow abovo Whltohorso canyon os ho noarod tho lako from tho Medford aide, and ho waa towed for a ahort dlatunco by Alex Sparrow, national park superintendent. Ho had no further difficulties. DOG TAX IS SALARY OP BEND EXECUTIVE lira Check Awarded by Custom to Mayor Kasten, la Only Com pensation For Year'a Work. Ono octagonal brans dog tag, vln fago of 1920, waa rocolvod today by Mayor J. A. Easto. representing hla salary In full for tho present your. Tho tag wltl docorata tho neck ot Ilox, tho setter of uncertain lineage who guards tho mayor's offlco. Although tho charter makea no provision for compensation for the" city oxocutlvo, custom has It'that tho mayor ahall not bo required to- pay a dog Jlconse, and hla "salary" waa turned over to Mr. Eastos thla morn ing. CLOJJDS HOLD DOWN JUNE HEAT RECORD Mercury Itlxea to 01! Degree, How- over, And Farmer Predict Unusual Growing Season. One ot tho hottost Juno days on rocord hero waa experienced by Hand Monday, whon aummor came with a rush and aont tho morcury up to 92 dogroca. Nlnoty degrees waa reached by a few mlnutoa after noon, but tho opportuno arrival ot a tow well placod clouds kopt tho maximum at 3:30 o'clock rather lowor than had boon expected. Following tho rocont rainy spell, the unusually warm woathor should moan ono of tho best growing sea sons In the history ot Contral Ore gon, farmora doclaro. DR. R, D. BTOWXLIi NeprapatMo Payalclaa Over Logaa Furalture Co; Wall Street Hours to I rhoae Rd 4M DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located in Bend with New Equipment Prlvato Offlco In Thorson's Jewelry Store Dr. Turner will bo in Prlne villo every first and third Fri day; In Madras ovory second and fourth Friday, end In Red mond ovory first and third Thursday of each raoatb. II Pkoae Black 1191 U LKB A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. 1 Art hit ii tit I 1-4 O'Kaae BaUdlag I BEND ... OSUWON I O. P. NiaWONQlR, Ba, Ore. I UNDWtTAKMI I IieeaweA Us islam, VatMrsJ II Pkoae Re4 tlL La4y Aart. nBNI) flUIiLKTIN, IIHND, OREGON, "I'm here to Tell You" ' says the Good Judge That you get full satis faction from a little of the Real Tobacco Chew. Tho rich taste of this class of tobacco makes it last longer and cost less than old kind. Any man who uses Real Tobacco Chew tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short W-B CUT 'is wi.ijm.mumiimmiw i7 'r.T'faiuif ;"?. p.1.. j-j..UiiPM.JsPS7sasi BAD CONDITIONS IN RESTAURANTS FOUND I'astlmn I'aya Kino of $10, Whllo Itoyal Cafo Man Part With 800 And Receive Much Advice. Charged with oporntlng a restaur ant undor uncloan, unhealthy and unsanitary conditions, Harry Molsor ploadod guilty In Justlco court Mon day nnd paid a flno of $10. . A similar chargo against Itoy South worth, aasoclatod with Rolsor In tho managomont of tho lunch counter In tho I'nstlmo, was dismissed. Tho com plaints woro tho result of tho activi ties ot W. IJ. Duncan, food and dairy Inspector, who haa been working In and near Ilond for aovoral days. Anothor complaint of a similar naturo waa that against Gcorgo W. Schramm of tho Royal cafo, alleged to bo In much worao condition than tho I'astlmo, A $100 flno waa lev ied against Schramm and halt tho penalty remitted by Judgo Eante on condition that Instructions for an Immedlato cleanup woro carrlod out to tho letter. ELLIOTT-COLVER WEDDING IS HELD Iter. E. IJ. Johnson, of Baptist Church, Officiates at Ceremony Held Near Deed Last Night. Farloy Elliott and Miss Virginia Colvor woro quietly married on Sun day at tho homo of tho brldo'a par ents, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Colvor, liv ing about aovon miles from Dend on tho Alfalfa road. Immedlato frlenda and rolatlvca wore present at tho ceremony, which waa performed by the Hot. E. I). Johnson, pastor ot tho Ilaptlat church. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will make tholr homo In this city, whore Mr. Elliott la employee. In the postal service. SHRINE CONVENTION TRIP IS HONEYMOON Rer. J. Edgar Purdy ot tho Meth odist church, ot this city officiated Sunday attornoon at tho marriage of Jeffries Condon and Mrs. Nollio Mason. The ceremony was per formed at tho paraouage and was at tended by witnesses only. Mr. and Mrs. Condon, who live in the vlcInUy ot Bond, will spend tholr honeymoon In Portland attending the Shrine con vention. MANY NOW RESIDING ON JOHNSTON RANCH With tho exception ot 240 acres, the big Johnston ranch in the Al falfa seotlon, has boon dlsposod ot in small tracts during tho past year by J. B, Miner, who held the contract for the sale of the prop erty. The buyers and tho number ot acres purchased, follow: Waltor Taylor, 80; 0. 0. Young, 40: A. E. Pelker, 80; Archlo Froe, 40; John Bolan, 80; Goorgo Going, 120; Mel- Tin Crow, 320; Clarence Blackwoll, 240; Dan and J. M. Agnew, 40; Thomas WItbock, 120; M. Messhtng, 80; and Cloorgo Dlboo, 120. In addition, Mr. Miner has dis posed ot tho Mary H. Coleman property, 320 acres, In aubdlylulona ot 80 acres each, The Qulf Stream. The gulf stream Is the result ot tho general vertical circulation of tho ocean, hrlimhuf from iln north the denser cold water which tlnl below, whllo tho warm wuter from the equatorial region rises and slides northward above the cold cur rent; the1 deviation of these currents to the right, giving the surface cur rent a northeasterly direction. THUIWDAY, JUNK 21, 1020. STuv tho tho will - cut tobacco a long fine-cut tobacco Evil Always In Hatred. A man should tin) nllmv himself to hnlo even his enemies, bemuse If you Indulge In this passion on somo occn lions. It will rlso of Itself In others; If you halo your enemies you will contract surh a vicious linlilt of mind, as by di-greca will hrtrnk out upon those who aro your friends, or thoe who aro Indifferent to you. Plutarch. Dangers In Quinine. Mony cases of malaria are really quinine poisoning. The amount ol quinine administered la often large and the smaller doses are continued for too long. Want to buy hay, uso Bulletin clas sified ads. Catnrrhal Deafneta Cannot Ho Cured by local applications aa tboy cannot roach tho diseased portion ot tho car. There la only ono way to euro Catarrhal Doafncsa, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces ot the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused oy an imiamea condition of the mucous lining of the Eustach ian Tubo. When tho tubo la In flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely closed, Deafness Is tho re sult, unless tho Inflamatlon can bo reduced and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing may bo destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness aro caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition ot the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. AH DruKRlsts 76c. Circulars frco F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sell roar poultry through Bulletin classified ads. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMlNIHTHATOIt AND TO PRESENT CLARIS. In the county court. In and for tho county ot Deschutes, state ot Oregon. In the matter ot the estate ot Lawrence Kaley Shepherd, doceased. Notice Is heroby given, that tho undersigned has been appointed as administrator ot the estate of Law ronco Knloy Shepherd, deceased, and such administration covers not only the Individual estate, but tho part nership proporty held by said de ceased and his father, C. F. Shep herd. Any porson or party having a claim against the individual estate of said doceased, or the said part nership aforesaid, are hereby re quired to present tho samo, duly veri fied and with proper vouchors, with in six months from tho dato ot the first publication ot this notice. Such claims must bo presented to this administrator personally, or at his office in Klamath Falls, Oregon, or to Briggs Brlggs, his attorneys, at tholr office in Pioneer block. In Ashland, Oregon. Tho date ot tho first publication Is Juno 17, 1920. and the time to pre sent claims will expire December 17, 1920. EARL T. SHEPHERD. Administrator. Klamath Falls, Oregon. ' 16-20c NOTICK TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Judge of Deschutes County. State ot Oreeon. annotated executrix of the last will and testament of Charles E. Street, deceased, and all persons Brooks-ScanJon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Driqd Flooring and all kinds of Finish ajsjaasajBjBjaajjsajaajeajajMWaiajMagaM SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Sundard Sam. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Salos Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. iriliLiv holding claims against deceased aro f heroby notified to presont tho samo p with proper vouchers to the undor-Id signed at tho office of Rosa Farnham, o Attorney til lnw. In Ilnul. ftrntrnnlr within six months after tho dato of thin notice. Dated and published first tlmo Juno 10, 1920. EMMA AMANDA STREET, Executrix of tho last will and testa ment of Charles E. Street, deceased. 15-18C NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 2Sth, 1920. Notice la heroby given that Lllllo B. Drandenburgb, of Bend, Oregon, who, on Novombor 23rd, 1909, mado Desert Land Entry, No. 0G59C, for SE'i, Section 21, Township 16 South, Range 12 Eaat, WUIametto Morldlan, has filed notlco of inton tlon to raako final Desert proof by purchase, Act, March 4th, 1915, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 9lh day of July, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Wllber X. Hunnell, Fred K. Van Mater, Ed M. Swalley, Charles Stansbourgh. all of Bond, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 14-18c Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In- tho County Court ot tho State of Orogon for Deschutes County. In the matter of the estate of J. O. Whitakor, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undorslgned has been appointed" by tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes county, Ad ministratrix of the estate ot J. O. Whltaker, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro hereby notified to present tho samo to the undersigned, togethor with proper vouchers there for, verified as by law required, at the residence of tha undersigned, at Bend, Oregon, or at the office of McFadden & Clarke, In Corvallls, Benton County, Oregon, within six months from tho date hereof. Dated this 19th day of May. 1920. MARY E. WHITAKER. Administratrix of the estate of J. O. Whltaker, deceased. Dato of first publication May 27, 1920. Dato ot lost publication, June 24, 1920. 1920. 13-17c NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Not Coal land. Department ot the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Lakoview, Oregon, May 22. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Carl C. Dick, ot Bend, Oregon, who, on March 19, 1918, made Homestead Application, No. 010833, for SEV4 SWU, 3M SE. Sec. 22, SWV4 SW, Section 23. Township 248., Range 10 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ot Intention to make Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commis sioner, at La Pine. Oregon, on the 10th day of July, 1920, Claimant names as witnesses: Edward C. Qlabb. of Bend Oregon, Ernest E. Dick, ot Bend, Oregon, John Knight, ot Bend, Oregon, Thomas Sly, ot Bend. Oregon. JAS. F. BUROESS. 16-19c Register. BUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot tho State ot Oregon for Deschutes County. Paul Mertschlntr. nlaintlff. vs. J. La Hopkins and D. A. Hatfield, de fendants. To J. C. Hopkins, the above named de'fondant: Greetings: In the name of tho Stato or Ore gon: You are heroby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed in tho abovo entitled suit against you on or before tho 16th day ot July, 1920. and if you fall to ao appear and answer or othorwlso plead.for want thereol tne piainuu win ap ply to the above named court lor a docreo as prayed for In tho complaint filed herein, namely: for a decree foreclosing the Hen of the plaintiff mentioned therein, that the north east quarter oi wo bouiuiti HjiBr" tor of section 13, township 17". spHttr, range 14 east ot Willamette Meri dian, in Deschutes county. State of Oregon, be sold by the sheriff ot this county in the manner prescribed by law, and that the proceeds of such sale be applied to the satisfaction ot the costs of such sale, the costs ot this suit, and the remainder applied to the satisfaction of the claims ot the plaintiff, namely, the sum ot one hundred eleven and 90100 dollars, w,lth interest thereon at six por cent per annum from September 11th, 1919, until paiu, ana me iur ther sum of fifty dollars attorney fees, and that the above named de- .k PACK 7 FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AOHNTS fondants, and each of them, and alt persons claiming by, through or un dor them or olthor of thorn, bo tor over barred and forclosed of all right, or equity or redemption In or to said promises, oxcopt as provided by statute, and for such other relief as to this cqurt may seem equitable In the promises. This summons is published pur suant to an ordor mado and entered horeln so to do by tho Judge of the above namod Court, on the 28th day of May, 1920. LAKH M. BECHTELL, Attorney for Plaintiff Resldenco and post offlco address, Prlnevllle, Oregon. Published first tlmo, Juno 3rd, 1920. 14-2GO NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. (Not Coal Land) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, May 1C, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Harry F. Benford, of La Pine, Oregon, who, on March 29, 1910, made Homostead Application No, 09151. for 8B, Section 29, Township 21 8., Range 10 E., Willamette Meridian, has fllod notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, bofore E. L. Clark, U, S. Commis sioner, at La Pino, Oregon, on the 10th day of July, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: John Blew, John "Devereaux, M. C, Donahue, Rose Blew,, all of La Pino, Oregon. JAS. F. BUROESS, 13-17c Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. (Not Coal Land) Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, May 11, 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that Henry Whltted, of Bend, Oregon, who, on September 6, 1916, made Homestead Application No. 09446, for Stt NW, W NE, 8ectlon7. Town ship 21 r.. Range 10 E.. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final threo year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, at La Pine. Oregon, on tho 26th day ot June, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Harold Landfaro, of Bend .Ore gon; Beryl Kandfare, of Bend, Ore gon; Clyde W. Case, ot Bend, Ore gon; Chris C. Somers, ot Bend, Ore gon. JAS. F. BUROESS, 13-17c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department or the Interior. Not coal land. Juno 14. 1920. Notice Js hereby given that Joha D. Cole, of Bend, Oregon, who, oa June 24, 1914, made homestead en try No. 07744, for lots 3-4, Stt, NEU, Section 4, Township 22 S., Range 10 E., Willamette Merldiaa, has tiled notice of Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, boforo H. C. Ellis. U. S. Commis sioner, at Bend. Oregon, on the 16tk day ot July, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Michael C. Donahue, John J. Blew. John Devcreau. Roy L. Winters, all ot Bend, Oregon. JAS. If. BUROESS. 16-20p Register. Brand Directory H G Brand John Helfrich, 8-4p Brothers, Ore. A Right side; right ear eref- ped; wattle right hind leg. B. Xi. TONS, Skters, Ore. adv.l8e ALWAYS A At Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poukrr Beef, i Veal, Pork Sell your products ; at home n Chas. Boyd CASH MARKET A