The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 24, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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THt Bend Bulletin
- - (Weekly Edition)
Published By
i i (Incorporated)
'KstnMlsl'cd 1002,
An Independent newspaper standing
tor the square deal, clean business,
clean politico and the best Intorosts
of Bond and Central Oregon,
Ono year....... ?2.00
Sue ' months ......1.00
Thrco imontliB..... .50
THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920.
Tharccont nnnouncemont concern
Ing tho expected beginning of con
struction of tho Benhnm falls pro-
, ject spoko only of tho North unit
No mention was mado of nny of tho
other thrco units and, since, practical-
' ly all tho work preliminary to tho
present stage has been dono by tho
north unit directors, this was to hnvo
been expected. For six years these
Jefferson county men hnvo niado tho
irrigation of thoir section the work
of their lives. They have been for
irrigation in general, but for tho ir
rigation of tho North unit lands in
particular. Thoy hnvo now made n
contract that has to do with their
own special interests, and quite prop
erly so. Is it not now time for somo
activity on behalf of the other units
of tho Deschutes project, so that nil
features of tho great scheme may go
ahead together?
Tho irrigation schenio known as
tho Deschutes project is tho result of
a cooperativo survey mado by tho
state- of 'Oregon and tho United States
ia the summer of 1914. The report
on this survey outlined a plan for tho
irrigation of tho Jefferson county
section, designated as the North unit,
tho completion of' tho North Canal
project, called in tho report tho
. South unit; tho extension of tho
Turaalo project over n section named
the West unit, and tho reclamation of
the old Benhnm fulls segregation, ly
ing cast from' Bend and renamed tho
"East unit. As our readers probably
know, water , for this extcnslvo de-
of theso four lu.shapu to proceed. ln
dopcudoutly toward tho doslrud goal.
Tho north' canal segregation is still
withheld from entry, nwntttng Irriga
tion developments. So, likewise, la
that portion of tho former Ininhnm
falls scgrgatlnn not homontbndod
when tho tract was thrown open In
1917. Tho Tumnlo extension, or
West unit, wo understand, Is largely
In prlvnto ownership, but' hnB few or
no settlors and no organization to
express Its desires nud needs. .
Is It not now ttmo for some au
thority to step in and seo it somo
nrrnngemont cannot bo mado for tho
inclusion in tho greater project of
tho untouched segregations? With
tho matter so well under way, tho
Reclamation service ought to bo In
terested on bchnlf of tho South and
East units nud tho West unit should
bo brought in as wnll. Each of theso
is to bo watered, it at nil, from tho
Benhnm falls reservoir. Now is tho
tlmo for thoso interested in them to
jotn hands with tho North unit of
ficials and hnvo nil units go forward
If thoso California earthquake
shocks work any further north tho
democratic convention will bo held
a( sen.
Tho fes tails seem to bo In full
swing in Portland. No files on 'em.
Wkof'o n ;
TT 11 til O JLWlllg 111
the Country.
DESCHUTES, Juno 24. C. M.
Redticld and family of Deschutes left
Sunday by auto for Portlnnd. .Mrs.
Redfleld and Miss Kntherlno and
Charlotto will spend n Jew weeks at
Seaside. Francis will go to tho
harvest fields.
F. S. Stanley, Br., nnd Frederick
loft Sunday night for tho Shrlnt) fes
tivities. Freddlo will go on from
Portland nud spend the summer on
tho coast.
.v Miss Rbrnlce Couch of Bond Is
spending tho weok nt tho ltbv. John
son homo,
Claronco Elder left Sunday ovo
nltiK by train for Albany, Oru. H
expects to return this week with his
folks, motoring by way of title Co
lumbia highway.
Mr. anil Mrs. George Ilolton en
tertained a number of thotr frloiuln
nnd neighbors Saturday evening at
their homo. Tho evening was spent
in dancing. Later n delicious sup
13r was served,
Mrs. Chris Nelson spent Tuesday
afternoon with MrH. Ed Swolloy.
Bob Moore visited with his uncle
James Benhnm, last weok.
Clyde Harrison, Oliver Hamblu
and Bort Rogers went on a fishing
trip Sunday,
A. B. Matthews wan u Kodmond
visitor Saturday.
Miss MargaiVt Doblng is recover
ing nicely from nu attack of pneu
monia. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. L. Thurston nnd
son, Lylo, woro Bond visitors Tues
day. Mrs. Oeorgo Hnnoft nud son,
Johnny, Mr. nud Mrs. Glen Cox and
W. E. Van Allen mado n trip to
Prlnovtllo Tuosdny,
Oeorgo Ilolton Is hnuling wood for
Jn'ck Brula this- weok.
Frank Fbslbr of Powell Hutto
was a caller nt tho A'. B, Matt ho wa
ranch Tuesday.
It, T, Lyng ai Portland wan u via
Iter nt tho Deschutes hotel tho first
of tho week,
Clftilflrl mtvrttinit ctmrut ir lu CO
cnt fur SO wont or !. One rnt iwr
word for nil qvtr 10. Alt cUmIIIihI mlvtrtUlng
itrldlr CMh In mlvatiro..
FOR SALE Two 2-youi-old mulen.
Prtco 12(10; will Mnko 1200-pound
Innui when full grown. Inquire L,
O. Reed, Bend, Ore, Box 145.
FC-R SALE Krouh milk cows.
W. J. Alt, IIS miles north of
Bend on Hwalloy ditch. Phono
ISF2. B3-12-13p
FOR BALK Small white Leghorn
chicks, 4 wuokH old, Tune rod
strain. Mrs. Rosa Hatch, Tumnlo,
Ore. 09-lllp
... - ".
White Loghorim. Heavy winter
Inyotflt mated to Tailored cook, of
230-200 hkk strain, 51.50 per 10. H.
O, R, I, Rods, mated to high clans
cockerels frdin prize winding ntoclc
$2 for 1R, Onu third ciuili with order,
balance on delivery, llofHlnllor'n
Poultry Farm, Tumnlo, D7-(Utfo
r"TTTrt1tT-ir-JHintirnrtHHiifHTilis'itiaiM,fc fmTumrtl
WANTED Cook and wultromi nt
Deschutes hotel at Donuliuton;
family cooking; mothur and daugh
ter preferred! good wages. Telephone
Rural 52. Central Oregon Irrlgu
tton Co. 51-lQo
MONEY to loan on Improved farm
lnmlH. Box 27, Tumulo, Ore.
the County Court, ot ,Donoltulon Coun
ty Btato of Oregon, for tho limtinnco
(o him of lottorn or iuIiiiIiiIhI ratlou
oil the eiitate .of Harvey T, O'Neill,
proHtiinod to be ilnr-iiiumd on account
of not haying boon hlmnl from fur
muro tlmll Hovnn yon I'd, ami that on
Haturday, AuriihI 7, 1020, at 2
o'clock p, in., nt the court roam In
Bund, In wild county nud state, tlu
mild court will hear tiyliloiiun con
cerning the alleged ulmuiico of tliW
presumed docmlunt and the eliciitu
MtitnceH mid duration thereof,
WltnoiM my hand nud the mini ar
irn Id court this 23rd day of June,
Advc17-20o County Cleric,
FOR SALE Ono 2-yonr-old Holstalu
heifer, 9110 2-yunr-old Jersey holf
er, ono 10-iuonthn-nltl holfor calf
nud ono st,or cnlf. Iuqulro old Slue
moro log cabin, back ot Brooks
Scanlon bam. 7-1 7p
ANYONE, looking far help, Inquire
of Mnn Markol of tho Bund Com
mercial club, at the city rest room.
ANYONE, looking for employment
on farms, sue MIhb Markol of tho
Bend Commercial club, at tlto city
rest room, 32-17tfo
Notion In hnrnliv irlvmi lluil Jomtnli
C.I H. O'Neill linn mado application to
In tho County Court of tho Statu
of Oregon', for Deschutes County.
In tlo matter of the estate of Sam
uel M. Macartney, doroniuid. -a
Notice l Worohy given that tho'
undersigned were, on tho 1st day of
June, 1U20, duly appointed nit execu
tors to administer tho estate of Hum
uul M. Macartney, deceased, All
portions having claims ugnliiHt mild
eHtnto will present tho rmino, duly ,
vurlfled, to tho uudomlgiMiil, E, P,
Miihnffoy, at the Central Oregon
Bank, Bend, Ore.
Adv -17-210 Exiiputin.
EdH !
Our Annual
June White Sale!
Starts Friday, June 25
Ends Saturday, July 3
i . J
.Miss Elizabeth McCormack. W. E.
Telopmcnt schemo was to bo provid-j Van Allen nnd F. S. Stanley Jr.,
cd by tho surplus, or winter, flow of maao a ''suing trip to the Deschutes
,Tke Deschutes impounded at Benham I Su;'nd80mo new chcken h(JU80 ,8
falls nnd nt Crano prairie, about to nearly completed for the Deschutes
oo reported as sultablo reservoir
Becauso of its district organiza
tion tho North unit is the only ono
A crow ot palnSors havo moved In
a string ot cars on tho sidetrack nt
Deschutes. The depot and station
houses oro to be painted.
I A deep cut in" things you want now. A sale to reduce the cost or living ;
I V '' 1 1 1 V m mm m mm .k. m m,mm ?V.
f ror you. 1 ake advantage ot this sale Many small lots not listed here-COMh! ;
Stunning Summer Skirts
That Are Different
There are many "whys" and "wherefores" that would
necessitate a lengthy controversy on tho wide popularity theso
now, delectable Summer skirts, are enjoying.
Somo women prefer them mainly for their Individual
style others for tho economy they 'present, while others
chooso them for their readiness to tako a tubbing. No matter
what your preference may be, here is a model and fabric of
graco nnd distinctiveness, assuring tho wearer that undenfablo
well dressed air. '
& June White Sale of Tabic
Cloths, Sheets and Towels
Tabic Cloths Assorted sizes and
patterns; 53. CO values.... 3'J.OH
55.00 values $
Hltrrtf. 72x90 seamed sheets. Spo
clal . 9t.l!
Turkish Towrl.s A good big ono
will bo sold at, oach...... . . M..70c
White Gabardine Sfcirts $2.98, $4.25 and $6.50
White Surf Satin Skirts $5.50 to $9.50
White Fancy Weave Skirts .'. $4.25 to $8.50
Wool Plaid Skirts....$5.98, $9, $14.95 & up to $25.00
Silk Skirts in all the leading colors..$6.98 to $32.50
Women's Fine Lisle Hose, reinforced heel and
toes, every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory
wear; sizes 8yo to 10; black, white, brown, and
field mouse; per pair ;. 98c
Cotton Stocking .for Boys and Girls; all sizes 5
to 10y; black, white and brown
Per pair 25c, 38c, 48c, 65c and 78c
KS "
2) H 111111 'JL i mW illllllllB H H
June Sale of Dress Sifts
Snlo Includes Plnld TnffetaH, Figured
GourKotteM, Poplins, Wanh Satins,
Fan-tifsl, Bnrouutlus, Couutoss Sa
tins, Foulardd, Flouruttes, Rudlumn,
etc. Substantial reductions all nlong
tho lino. Qot that fancy Silk NOW.
June Sale of White Shoes
Broken Lines Not nil (Oxen In All
Womrn'H Wliltn Cunvns KimIh
5.C0 valuo . .91.75
Women'H Whlto (anvas Kcds -
54.00 valuo, .,$.'1.03
Womcn'M WliKu Canvas Kiliicntor
Leather Goodyear welt solo with
low leather heol; 55.90 'regular:
Special ...$ 1.03
Knnio In Oirls' SUcs 11 V& to 2.
Special ja.03
Olrlf. Wlilto CanviiH Oxford
Leather soles, McKay sewed, low
heels; sizes 9 to 12 ,,.....91.03
12 & to 2 , ., . $:.1B
June White Sale of
Women .'alnook Night (Jon A
largo asuortment of Htylos at a bar
gain prlco 91.08
MIsmV Ootviis In two lots flOo, 70c
filrl' MiinIIii Drawer Sizes 2 to
12; a roal bargain win,
CmnlMilf Flno slk wash nalln.
lacb trimmod; llorih color. . Ppoclnl
nt ..
Wlilto Vollo WiiInIm A flno assort
ment nnd all sizes 30 to 46. Vury
Special . . .- ... ., ,91.08
IilllsHiillV iilllllllllllllllB
June Sale of Women's and
Girls' Oxfords and Pumps
Women's l'nfent Oxfonl Frniich
heol, 510,50 rogutnr. Special. ...9N.0O
Women'H Brown Kid Oxfortl-Frnnch
heel. Special 97,03
Women' Black Kid Oxfonl French
heel. Special 9M3
Women' Patent Pinup French
heel. Spoclnl 90.13
Olrls' Black Cnlf Oxford Welt solo,
low heel, sizes 11'j to 2, Spa .91.03
Olrl' Pumps Patent or dull ml;
welt soles; sizes 1 1 Vi to 2, Spe
cial .. - n . - 91.03
June White Sale of Hosiery
Woim-n'M Hlllc Jfose Whlto, brown,
grey, black; our $2,00 lino. Spe
cial nt 9L0H
Women'H Hllk mid Fibre Hose In
twelve colors. Kxtra Spoclnl....9Li3
Women'H I'lhro Hllk Hos Whlto
only; 18 Inch art silk boot. A. groat
Special 80c
fJIrls' Hoso Mercorized llulo, pink,
light Mtto, tan; n small lino to
cloiio; 79o vhliiefl, Special 40a
Soveral other umall lots not 'listed.
Women's House Dresses and Aprons
wswMiQiCiiiSwnru..7i, sft
June Sale of Corsets
Women'H Dress-r-Mndo of flno gingham with flno whlto lawn
trim. Regular 50.50; to cloao , : 91,03
Woiiiimi'h Dicsb Mado of Amoskog gingham; ono of our good
Bpoclals at 9H.U3
Women'H Aprons Gingham nnd porcnloH; a sllpovor modejl
with olastl? waiHtband; a nifty stylo formorly priced at 53.50;
iow i, ijia.'W
H N(H From 20 to 28; former prlcoa woro 52,00 up to
53.00;. 38 Cornets In tho lot nnd your cholco will bo 91,11)
June Sale-of Slipover Sweaters
Just tlio (laiinent to Wear Now Our stock Iiuh boon claHslllod
In throo lots 95.-I3, 9H.-M uml 97.00
-. !...