The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 24, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Annual Loss Wrought by Prsdatory
Wild Osaats nnd Rotitnta Mount
Up Into Mlllloni.
Mvo stock nnij wool valued nt $20,.
(XKI.000 nro lont iiiiiiiinlly through the
d(irrdnlloriN of wild iiiiluinlfi. Tho
vnluo of fnrii) produce mid furngo ily
Nt rayed eneh yeiir bprodonts Ik approx
liuiilely lilOO.OttMWO. It In estb
milled Dint tint household- of this
country sustain mi nnnuiil Ion from
nit nnd mice of JL'OO.tXW.OOO.
These figures mini up certnln of tliu
larger losses duo lo destructive wild
llfn ulilcli tliu biological survey of tlie
United Mutes department of ngrlcul
lure In ougnged In reducing ns rapidly
ns possible. A force of between l(X
nnd flOO experienced hunter wns em
ployed liy (his litireim during tliu past
yenr to kill predatory iiiiIiiiiiIn, uiiiuy
. which were Infected with milieu;
Live Stock
Llva Stock and Wool Valued at Mil.
Hon of Dollar Ars Destroyed An
nunlly by Predatory Animals, Chief
of Which Are Wolves and Coyote.
Mil dlscnso often iiprend from tlio
wild crftiturc to domestic nnluuil,
nnd frequently endangers humans. In
tliU work of cxtcrmliiuMou the states
nnd titimcroiiM private orgnnlzntlnn
Itnvit hnd nn Importnnt share.
Tliu work of killing rodents prairie
dogs, ground squirrels, Jack rabbits
nnd cottontails, pocket gophers, native
mice, wood rnts, cotton rats, etc. In
also rn riled on with tliu cooperation
of the din I ex. During tliu past flcnl
yenr ground squirrels uVro poisoned
on more tlinn H.000.000 ncros. In one
Idnho county nlone rabbit wero
killed. In (ho same jwrlod from 78
to 05 jwr cent of the prnlrle lies found
on n totnl of S.SOO.OtK) ncres wcro do-
Concern at Fond du Lac, Wis., tiroes
It Patron to Improve Qual.
Ity of Stock.
Willi the publication of n four-page
fnmi news lenllot, of which n current
copy, I n "Duroc Hole mid I'lg CSiiIi
Number." n hnnk nt Pond d(t,
Win., la encouraging Its, patrons to Im
prove their live stock. The editor of
the shrot hns the iiuliiuo title of "bnnk
nRrlculturlst," mid hi nctlvltles nre
devoted largely to nnnnclnc fnrmen
who wish to acquire well-bred nnlmnl
or lo tiecoiuo Joint owner In valuable
i sires."
' In n letter to tho United .Stntos do
pnrlmeiit of agriculture tho bunk ng
rlculturlst cnll attention to the nip
port holm? Riven hog-cholera control,
pig-club work, nnd other activities In
which the government In nctlve. The
lefitlct contains ii 'Tor Snle nnd Wnnt
Column." relating especially to llu
Mock, gives current new among
breedckN, mid contains discussions
ranging from tho euro of cutllo to the
handling of I s. An expressed pur
pose of the Imiik's nctlvlllcs Is "to
mnko Pond ilu county n lund
where milk nnd honey llowa."
Ono Pound Por Day for Each 1,000
Pounds Live Weloht lo Most
, Satisfactory.
r. Ono pound of cottoiiKcd menl per
dny for ench 1.000 pounds live weight
l tho most satisfactory qtuttittty to
feed work animals, according to re
cent experiments conducted by tho Uub
led Hlntes depnrtnient of agriculture.
- A tent In feeding cottonseed tnenl to
work borne nnd mule nt thu govern
meiit farm, IlcltHlllc, Mil., wiih begun
In UUB. mill continued taut year. When
tho menl wiih fed In large rjtinntttles
liiirmful effects wero uppiireut. how.
ever, Indicating (but cottonseed menl,
like tiny other high-protein feed tmit
bo fed with euro to hoi'ses nnd mules.
Department Report Shows That 3,330,.
015 Doses Were Distributed
During Last Year,
Vncclne for luimuiilrlni; cattle
ngiiliiHt blackleg Is Ht III In great do
miind, A leport of tho bureau of mi.
Imnl IndiiHtry, United .Status depart
ment of agriculture, hhowi that S,:i,'IO,.
815 doses wero distributed free to
stock owners dtiilng tho last fiscal
yenr. Tho vitcclno sent out by tho bu
loiiu is In tliu iioilure,d form,
New York Commissioner of Agricul
ture Orders Letter "T" Put on
Affected Animals.
Ily n recent order of tho Now York
commissioner of agriculture, nil prnc
tiling veterinarians In that statu urn
rc'iulred to brand cattle found by
them to bo nffected with tuberculosis.
Tho order specifies Unit the brand
shall bo the lotter "T" not less tlinn
'.' or more than .'I Inches high and on
tho left Jnw,
The new regulation, which beenmo
effective In March, wits Issued by Com
missioner Charles H. Wilson under nil
Ihorlty of tho ngrlculturnl Inw. Tho
order applies to nil bovine animals
wltlilu tint limits of tho stale. Vet
erlnnry exports of tho United Htntes
department 0f ngilculturo consider It
will bo of great vnluo to live-stock
breeders of New York mid nlso nil Im
porlnut step for any state to tnko In
Iho progress of tuberculosis eradica
tion. Jtencior nru permanently mark
ed by thu branding process and In
cases where they nro not slnnghtered
Iho possibility of their being dltoscd
or or losing (belr Identity Is gn-ntly
lessened, If not onllruly ellmlnuted.
Texas Breeder Finds Best Is Cheapest
Whether With Cattle, Moqs or
Other Animals.
"We linvo been In tho entile busl.
uess -for more than .'in years mid lime,
uhwi) kept tho best pure-bred sires
we could buy."
With this remark In n letter to tho
federal bureau of animal Industry, C.
II. J'nlrvs, n Texan, applied for en
rollment In thu "Hettor Hires Better
Ktock" campaign.
"We hnvo always tried to ench the
people to uso pure-bred sires of nil
kinds of stock," be added. "Our mot
to Is tho 'best Is the cheapest' of any.
thing wo raise whether It bo entile,
horses, mules, sheep, poultry or dogs.
We hnvo found this paid ns well with
dogs ns wl'li ever) thing else." United
Hlntes Department of Agriculture.
More Is Douoht From Village Outcher
Thnn Is Raised on Farm Llttlo
Veal Killed,
Tho farmer buys more beef thnn
bo lakes from tho farm. Only about
10 por cent of meat furnished by the
average faun Is beef. In tho north
mid west the averngo consumption of
beef per family Is nearly fiOO pounds
mid In tho south It Is less than 100
pounds, according lo the United Htatcs
department of agriculture,
Tho beef unlmal killed for homo
uso may be n beef nicer or no tin
profllnhlo cow, or a heifer that doe
not promlso to be a good proirlieer
and would not bring n good price for
beef on thu market. Very llttlo veal
iKiiii a mi 1 1 BH ' -T c if
A Steer, An Unprofitable Cow or m
Poor Looking Heifer May Be Used
for the Family Table.
Is killed on the farm for homo use.
Much of the beef bought by formers
Is bought In thu summer from village
butchers who operate meat wagons or
enrs In tho country. On Iho average
fnrm there nre, no facilities for keep
ing fresh meat 'during wnnn weather.
Owner Lotes Considerable by Not
Taking Proper Precautions In
Chipping Live StocR.
Investigations by the Colorado ngrl
cult urn I college nro beginning to show
Hint shrlnkngu of llvo stock when
shipped lo market can bo greatly re
duced. The most Importnnt thing Is
n comfortable car nod not much crowd
ing The next thing is to ImTo the
animals well fed mid contented when
they nro londed nnd until Uioy nre
sold nt tho tcnnltmt market, 'in other
words, plenty of feed nnd wnter ni.d
romfortablo quarter nro most Impor.
"Homo fnrmers," snys It. W. Clark,
live stock specialist for tbnt Institu
tion, "ship regularly with llttlo or no
shrlnknge, while others nt nil times
buo enormous shrinkage."
Attention Attracted In Many Locali
ties to Value of Docking and
Castrating Lambs.
The value of cnstrntlon nnd dock
ing of buck Inmbs destined for nmr
ket I attracting attention In many lo
calities whero tho prnctlco has not
been generally followed. In llrnxton
county, W. Vn., for cxnmple, the farm
bureau ptnns a demonstration of the
value of cnstrntlon and docking by
sending to mnrkvt onu cnrlond of buck
lambs Hint have not been thus treated,
mid nt the same time n carload of
buck lambs Unit hnvo been docked
mid enstrntcd. Tho prices will bo
compared, nnd h forceful object les
son Is expected, rnnnor In Gilmer
county, of tho name stnte, expect to
dock nnd castrate all their buck lambs
In thu coming yenr.
Failure to 'follow this practice gen.
ernlly is regarded by officials of the
Ilurenu of Anlmnl Industry, United
Htntes department of agriculture, ns
a weak point In agriculture, nnd they
recommend thu prnctlco to oil fanners.
First clnrs draft horses nro very
The pig grows upon what It eats.
Vhllo It should not be overfed,. It
must bo supplied with all It will eat
up clean for best development and
Wok iMiW;M.lj H K.CB,
, '"EvenaproISssoi'
can leaii
Tl.l f'i:CFE530tl dropped In.
. V
LAST'S W'T and eMd.
KE HAD a, pusilo.
YOU KNOW ho npcnlta.
. . .
BUT HE'D Just henrd.
TWO FELLOWS talking.
"HEnE'S THE rcnl chooso.
ON THE kind of Lutt
FOR STUADY otuff."
"SPILL IT," Bald tho other.
i . ,
SO THE first pno oald.
t t
"iT'3 GOT tho Goods.
AND PEP and all.
JUST TOUCH ono off.
AND YOU'LL bo living.
I FELL for it, and eco.
I'M JAKE for ltcops.
AND SITTIN' on tho world.
. .
AND THE second ono add.
"JUST SLIP us ono.
FOR THE doubla.O."
AND THAT was nil.
1 LAUGHED and pointed.
CUT T!l w!udow.
AND THE prcf road.
THE ELCCTaiC nbjn.
AND HE vis- on. '
THE SIGN Just Bald."
THERE mny bo n hundred other
vi.ys to say It, but in good,
Plain United States, it's "thoy sat
iafy." Thoro lino Turkish and
Domestic tob'oecos and that cah't-bo-copicd
Chesterfield blend put
j thorn for quality nnd vnluo.
There Are Many Areas, Especially In
Hilly Regions, Where Few Anl.
ma to Could Bs KepL
Sheep are not svry generally kept
on arms for supplying tbe homo fain-
Ily Willi meat. There are many nrens
especially In hilly or mountainous re
glons, whero nearly every fnrm could
keep a tvw mutton sheep to ndvan
tnge, says iho United Hlales depart
ment of agriculture. Hoys' nnd girls
clubs In soma parts of Iho. country
have done much to foster homo pro
ductlon of mutton,
"Hheep naturally graze over rather
wldo areas and seek n variety of
plants. This habit particularly adapts
them to being kept In large numbers
on lands of sparse vegetation or fur
nlshlng a vnrlely of grasses or other
plnnU. They do better on short nnd
fine grasses than on coarse or high
feed. Thoy will rnt a good deal of
Live Stock
9B.IV EbiV ''"MasssHiBsB
Sheep Do Best on Fine and Short
brush nnd, If confined to srnnil nrens.
will do n fair Job nt cleaning up land.
When used In this wny, or on lnnd
producing brush only, tbpy can not be
'expected to prove very satisfactory In
the production of good lambs or good
wool." Formers' liulletln ftlO.
i-.ucn pregnant mure deserves a stall
to herself.
Farrowing time often determines
profit or loss to the hog grower.
Hurdles mean more sheep to tho
acre. Iiunlles nro light, movable pan
els of fence used for making tempo
rary enclosures.
Indigestion In young lambs is shown
by great distress nnd frothing at tho
mouth. A tnhlespoonful of castor oil
Is a good remedy.
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Urges Breeders to Join Better
Sires Crusado.
"Retlcr sires better stock.
"A notlon-wldo crusndo to Improve
the quality of cattle, horses, mules,
swine, sheep, goats, nnd poultry In
tho United Htntes.
"IJvery Tcsnessenn who believes In
hotter llvo stock should Join this move
ment, begun by tho United Htntes de
partment of agriculture."
That Is the, first thing seen by tho
renders of the current Issue of the
Monthly Bulletin of the Tennesaeo de
partment of agriculture.
"It means the passing of tho scrub,"
the Bulletin continues.
"It means greater success In live
stock production nnd , consequently
greater prosperity for the people,
'Good-bred stock will outsell Uio
scrub ew-ry time.
"If you wnnt better stock consult
tho county agent In your own county
or else write to tho division of exten
sion, Knoxvltle, Term.
"Now Is the time to put Tennessee
on the live-stock map.
"If you believe In belter live stock
nnd poultry Join tills movement. Ten
nessee has natural advantages for
wonderful live-stock development, but
the 'better sires' crusade will do much
to hurry along this development."
Don't Read When Drowsy.
To rend or study when tired or
drowsy Is to strain tho eyes to n dan
gcroiiH degree, writes W. M. Cnrhnrt
In Public Health. Avoid evening
study whenever possible. If you nro
using your eyes by artificial light, bo
sure the tight docs not nhlno directly
Into tho oyes, nnd try to hne It como
from behind mid to tho left side so n't
to nvold tbe harmful glare.
Didn't Want to Miss Anything.
Monday o peddlur enme to our door
nnd was demonstrating norno of hit
wnres to my mother. My mother
bought a few article from him nnd
ho started to put his sultcnso In order,
lie finished and wns Just leaving when
Joepb, who Is four yenrs old, rushed
In nnd nsked: "Oh, mamma, what
did ihe mnn sny while I wasn't heroy
Cblengo American. '
In tne rearing of Clilcks Uie essen
tlnl thing fs lo keep them growing
right nlong from tbe moment Uiey
are hitched to the. period of maturity.
Only Partly Afraid.
Robert Is quite nfrnld of n neigh
bor's dog. Recently ho wns so nb
sorbed with his plnylng Hint ho fnllcd
to notice tho approach of Tlgo until ho
was nt tho child's heels. Tho boy
pnve a scream, and when nuntlo hur
ried to his rescue he tried to be bravo
and tremblingly exclaimed: "1 Isn't
afraid on tho Inside whero my heart
Is, It's Just rny legs that are afraid."
Private Park.
If tho rear yard Is properly planted
with n border of flowering shrubs and
perennial flowers, hns n velvety green
lawn and a few shade or fruit trees.
It will give tho family a quiet, peace
ful Utile prlvafo park. In which all
en n enjoy tho moonlight during Uie hot
summer evenings without making a
long, tiresome trip to the parks. Thla
Is the height of pleasure afforded by
n well-plnnted home yard.
Central Oregon Garage j
Exclusive Agentsfor Northwest: Auto Co. for I
uescnutes, crook and Jefferson Counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dprt
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
s Duplex Trucks
JULY 2 & 3
Base Ball Games Daily Band Concerts
Big Round-Up
Street Sports Good Speakers
Something Doing All The Time
A Real Old Time Celebration !
For Particulars, write-
R. L. SCHEE, Committee Chairman.