The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 17, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    -aMiiBitMn 'iiianm-n.;fcfti
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jWo Mustl;A)d By Extending
5r ,, Credits Says Davlspn.
European Ruin Wouid Involvo
America Starvation and
Diseaso Rampant.
Dos MolnoB, la. Speaking boforo
tho gonornl oouforonco of the Motho
dlst Eposcopal Church, Henry P. Davl
Bon, chairman .of the Doard ot Gov
ernors ot tho Lcaguo ot Red Cross So
cieties, iwUd: "As chairman ot tho
convention or Rod Cross societies com
posed of roprosontatlvos ot twenty
soven nations that met recently In
Geneva, I am custodian ot authorita
tive reports recording appalling con
ditions among millions ot peoplo liv
ing in eastern Europo.
"Ono of tho most torrlblo tragedies
ot tho htatory-ot tho human race Is be
ing enacted 'within the broad bolt ot
territory lying botwoon the Baltic and
the Black And Adriatic boos.
"This area Includes tho new Daltto
statos Poland. Cxecho-Slorakla, Tho
Ukraine, Austria. Hungary, Roumanla,
Montenegro, Albania and Sorbta,
"The reports which come to us
make It cloar that In these war-ravaged
lands civilisation has broken down.
Disease, borcavomont and suffering
are prosont Jn practically every house
hold, "whtlo food and clothing are in
sufficient to mako llfo tolerable.
"Men, women and children are dy
ing by thousands, and over vast onco
civilized area there ore to bo found
neither medicinal appliances nor medi
cal skill sufficient to cope with the
devastating plagues.
"Vholosalo starvation Is threatened
In Poland this summer unless she can
procuro food supplies in large quanti
ties. Thoro are now approximately
250,000 case ot typhus in Poland and
In the area occupied by Polish troops.
Worst Typhus Epidemic In History.
"This 1s already one ot the worst
typhus epidemics In the world's. his
tory. In Gallcla. whole towns aro
crippled and business suspended. In
some districts thoro is but ono doctor
to each IGO.OOO people.
"In tho' Ukraine, wo were told, ty
phus and influenza have affected most
of the population.
"A report from Vienna, dated Febru
ary 12, saTd: 'Thoro are rations for
thrco weeks. Death stalks through
tho streets ot Vienna and takes un
hindered toll
"Budapest, according to our informa
tion, Is ono vast city ot misery and
Buffering. Tho number of deaths is
double that of births.
"Typhus and smallpox havo invaded
the four countries composing Czecho
slovakia, and there Is lack of medi
cines, soap and physicians.
"In Serbia typhus has broken out
again and there are but 200 physicians
to minister to tho needs of that entire
"Returning to the United States a
fow weeks ago with all these horrors
ringing In my oars, I found myself
once more in a land whose granaries
woro overflowing, whore health and
plenty abounded' and -where life and
activity and oagor enterprise were In
the full flood.
I asked raysolf : 'What If this plague
and fainlno woro hore in the great
territory between the Atlantic sea
board and tho Mississippi valley, which
roughly parallels tho extent of these
ravaged countries and that 05,000,000
of our own peoplo condemned to Idle
ness by Jack of raw material and
whoso fields had been devastated by
invasion and rapine were racked by
starvation apd pestilence and it we
had lifted up our vclccs and invoked
tho attention ot our brothers in happier
Europo to our own deep miseries and
our cries had fallen on deaf ears,
would we not In our despair exclaim
against tbolr heartlessness.'
Only Three Ways to Help Europe.
"There arc oiily throe ways by which
these stricken lands can secure sup
plies from tho outsldo world. One is
by payment, ono by credit and the
third is by exchange ot commodities.
If these peoples tried to buy materials
and supplies In America at tho present
market valuo ot ihelr currencies
Austria would "havo to pay forty times
the original' cost, Oermany thirteen
times, Oroeco Just double, Czecho
slovakia - fourtoon and Poland fifty
times. These figures are official and
aro a true index ot the economic plight
ot theso countries.
"It is clear, therefore that they can
not give us gold for the things they
must havo, nor have they either pro
ducts or securities t? offer in return
for credit If'on'y they could obtain
raw material which tbeso idlo millions
of theirs could convert into manufact
ured products tnoy would have some
thing to tender tho world in return for
Its raw material, food and medicine.
But if they iavo neither money nor
credit how aro they to tako this first
great step towards redemption. Ono
half tho world may not eat while the
other half starves. How long do you
believe1 tho plague ot typhus that is
taking a hideous death toll In Esthonla
and Poland and the Ukraine and eat
ing along tho fringos of Germany and
Czecho-Slovakla will coutlno Itself to
these remote lands 7
'''Only last Saturday our health com
missioner df Now Yo;kDr. Copeland,
ladel for tho othof ldo just to mow
ur Uio dangor and tako precaution
against such nn invasion,
"This la no monnco nt our threshold.
Tho othor more throatpnlnjR, jnoro Jor
flblo, Is Ujomun'acoof"tKo'WorrdtsHl
will. Wo can afford to dlo, but to bo
dosplsod forever aa a greedy. aniKphnrl;
salcal nation Js a fate thai' we must
not Incur.
"Tho French government has many
serious problems to solvo, but tho
French peasantry Is working and tho
French artisan, whllo still sadly In
need ot raw materials, has not lost his
habit ot Industry and thrift.
"Italy, dosplto hor grcnt shortage
of raw mntorlal, Is looking forward
and not backwnrd. Italy can bo rolled
upon to do hor part.
"England Is mooting tho problems
or reconstruction Just nsthoso who
know hor past should havo oxpectcd
hor to moot them.
Plan to Aid Central Europe.
"It Is net for mo perhaps to glvo
In detail "a formula tor solution ot tho
world's Ills, but as I havo boon asked
many times, 'What would you do?' I
am glad to give ray own answer.
"Accordingly, I would ask:
"First. That congress Immediately
pass a bill appropriating a sum not
to oxceod 1500.000.000 for tho use ot
central and eastern Europe
"Second. That congress call upon
tho prosldont to appoint a nonpolltlcal
commission ot three Arnorlcans, dis
tinguished for tholr character and ex
ecutive ability and commanding tho
respoct ot the Amorlcan pooplo. Such
a commission should Include men ot
the type ot Genorsl Pershing. Mr.
Hoover, or ox-Secretary Lano. I
would Invest that commission with
comploto power.
"Third. I woutd have the commis
sion Instructed to proceed at onco, ac
companied by propor personnel, to
survey conditions In central and east
ern Europo and then act for the restor
ation ot thoso countries under such
conditions and upon auch tonus as
tho commission Itself may decide to
be practicable and effective. Among
tho conditions should be provided that
thoro should be no local interference
with tho free and untrammelod exorcise
by tho commission ot Its own prerpga
tlve of allocating materials. Govern
mental politics should be eliminated:
unreasonable and prejudicial barriers
between the various countries should
be removed, and such substantial guar
antees as may bo available should be
exacted In ordor that the conditions
imposed should be fulfilled.
"Fourth. As to financial terms, I
should -mako them liberal. I would
charge no interest for tho first three
yearsj for the next three years six
per cent, with provision that such In
terest might be funded If the economic
conditions of tho country were not ap
proaching normal, or It Its exchange
conditions were so adverse as to make
payment unduly burdensome. I should
make the maturity ot the obligation
15 years from Its dato, and I should
have no doubt as to its final payment.
"Firth. Immediately the plan was
adapted I would have our government
Invite othor governments In a posi
tion to assist, to participate in the
"Sixth. To set forth ccmplctoly my
opinion, I should add that In the final
Instructions the American peoplo
through their government, should say
to the commission:
-"-'We want you to go and do this
Job In such a manner as, after study,
youvihlnk it should bo dona. This
Is no ordinary undertaking. The
American people trust you to see that
It Is done right'
"I would also say to tho commis
sion: " 'Use as much of this money as is
needed.' Personally Iam confident
that with the assistance and co-operation
which would come from other
parts of the world, tho om of 500,
000,000 from the United States would
be more than enough to start theso
countries en their way to self support
and tho restoration ot normal condi
tions. "Tho whole plan, of course, Involves
many practical considerations, the
most serious of which 1b that of obtain
ing tho money, whothor by Issuing ad
ditional Liberty Ponds, nn tncroaso In
tho floating debt or by taxation But
I think wo could properly say to the
treasury department:
.i'Vp know how sorlous your finan
cial problems aro; wo know tho dif
ficulties which nro Immodlntoly eon- rninri?l?CQ Id MAlil?
rrodiliiK 6u workflow thd intportancb i IWlaUUOa JO lYiAlitt
or iiuuauou, niuiv wu anew uiiu iijo
govornmont must cconomlxo And that
j the Country.
Individuals must economize, but we
nlao know that tho Amorlcan govern
ment advanced $10,000,000,000 to lis
allies to attain victory and poacc. Cer
tainly It Is worth making tho addition
al advance In ordor to roaltza tho ponco
for which wo havo already struggled,
for nothing Is more cortaln than that
until normal conditions aro restored
(n Europe, thcro can bo no poacc.'
"Abovo all things, I would say ttiht
whatever action Is taken Bhould bo
taken Immediately. Tho crisis Is so
acuto that tho situation doos not admit
ot delay, oxcopt with tho possibility of
consequences ono hardly dares con
tomplato. "Tho situation that I havn spread
out hero Is far beyond the scope of
Individual charity, Only by tho action
ot government, our own and tho others
whoso resources onablo thorn to co
operate can aid bo glvon In sufficient
volume. I am also confident that our
action would be followed by tho gov
ernment ot Groat Britain, of Holland,
ot the Scandinavian countries, of
Spain and Japan, and that Franco and
Bolgtum and Italy, -notwithstanding all
ot tholr lostos, would help to the best
ot their ability."
"Venerable Uede."
Tho Venerable Ilede or Beds was a
Saxon churchmnn of deep piety and
great classical learning. Ho wns born
about the year 072, at Jarrow In Dur
ham, England, near the mouth of the
Tyne. He died In June. 735. Just as
he hnd completed n translation Into
Saxon of St. John's Gospel. His chief
orlglnnl work Is his "History of tho
Anglo-S. .on Church," .written In Latin.
For Somnolent Smokers.
A cigar held between the second
and third Angora, above the second
Joints, will not drop from the smok
er's hand If he falls- asleep. New
York Sun. .,
Lo Angeles Woman Lived In Bed
and Pillowed Chnlr Until She
Started on Tanlnc.
"I had to bo cared for Just like a
baby boforo I began taking Tanlac,"
said Mrs. Allco Murphy, of, 1G01
Pennsylvania avo Los Angeles, Cat.
"Two years ago I had a yy so
vero attack of muscular rhpuma
tlsm," sho contlnuod, "and no one
knows tho pain and torturo I havo
suffered slnco. My hands wollod
until I could hardly work my fin
gers nnd I haven't been ablo to put
on a pair of shoes because my foot
woro swollen so. I had sharp pains
through my" b,dck so bad ft'ut at
times' T simply could not koop from
screaming. Sometimes I got so
dizzy everything seemed to' spin
around, and then I would bnvo sharp
pains and a chilly feeling afterwards.
I was so helpless that I lived proppod
up with pillows In n chair, or In
bed all tho time, and had to bo
helped from ono plnco to another.
"I tried every medlclno or treat
ment we could hear of, but it wns
money thrown away, and I got so
blue I did not caro to live, j Thon
my husband read in tho papers about
Tanlac nnd, by tho tlmo I ,had taken
it four or tlvo days, I saw it was
helping mo. Now, after taking sev
eral bottles, I can't praise Tanlnc
enough. My nerves nro so much
better I slee,p llko a child all night
long. I nm already doing my houso
work again nnd it is the first tlmo
In twq years I havo boon ablo to get
around nt all and wear my shoos."
Tanlac Is sold in Bend by Owl
Drug Co., In Sisters by Beorge F,
Aaltwen, -and in Bend by Horton
Drug Co.
Victor (Red Sea Records
74420 "Carry Me Back To Old Virginia'" (Alma Cluck
and Malo Chorus) i ?LBO
74108 "Huinorcflquo" (Mlsclin Klmnn) (violin) 81.B0
OIBOO "Tho Cradlo Song" (Almo Cluck) 91.00
04873 "Forsaken" (Fritz Krelslcr) (violin) 81.00
74BB0 "Good-Byo" TostI (Evan Williams) 81.00
17701-A "Kilma Waltz" Hawaiian guitar 85
, 18050-A-"That Naughty AVoltz" "In Your Arms" (Joseph
, O. Smith' Orchestra) 83
"The Rosary" (Madame Schumann Ilelnck) (solo) 81.00
Horton Drug Co.
Potty and Martha
tfosdny afternoon
Juno 17. Mrs.
Sun v spent Wed
with Mrs. Ed.
Tho Dnlles-Cnlttornla highway Ih
progressing nicely,; ' Tho grading
crow Is now camped In Mr. Jim
Bonhatu's Hold.
Tho DoschutoH hotel hns a now
porch, many flowora and growing
plantH help tho nppouranco greatly.
Mrs. Qoorgo Holton Is pnpurlng
nnd painting hor houso this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nolson, Mrs.
Hnmbln and Mrs. Ed. Swalloy woro
Bond visitors Weduoaday.
Mrs. Wlnnlnghnm and throo chil
dren nro visiting nt tho homo of
hor brothor-in-lnw, Jim Winning
ham, this summon
A. B. Matthows mndo a business
trip to PrtnovllloSaturday and re
turned Sunday ovonlng.
Margarot and Mlnnlo Dodlng havo
boon on tho sick list this weok.
Miss Opal Walker roturnod to
Redmond Monday ovonlng after
giving music lessons In this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thurston and
son havo roturnod homo nttor
spending tho wlntor In California.
Tholr frlonds all welcome them
back to tho community again.
Both, Will nnd Erancls McCor
mack arrived homo Friday ovonlng
from Portland. Both has ,bocn at
tending school In Portland. Will
Is returning from O. A. C. Francis
has been going to school In Bond
this year, and sho has boon visit"
Ing frlonds in Portland.
Dr. Potty Is roturnlng Wednes
day tor a vacation from tho mis
sion Holds, and will spend a month
or six weeks at his homo,
A hundred or moro peoplo woro
present at tho houso warming party
given at tho 8walloy homo Friday
evoning. Many woro from Sisters,
Powell Buttos and Bond. Every-
ono spent a very onjoyablo ovonlng.
Mrs. Showorback or Bond, was
Yjattlng Nolllo Griffin last weok.
Mrs. Stowart and daughter or
Tho Dalles aro visiting at tho Swal
loy homo.
Orloln of "CarpatbBQgtr."
"Citrndtbnggflr" wns tho description
originally nppllcd to a needy political
adventurer who wandered over Uio
country pandering to tho prejudices of
tho Ignorant In order to lryt),gol Into
olllety lfu was so called liocutimt ho
wns rogiirded nn having only enough
properly to nil n carpet ling.
"Wnitt to buy liny, nun Bulletin clas
sified ml.
Cat mi luil DonfnoiM Cannot Bo Curnl
by local applications im thoy cannot
reach tho illumined portion ot tho oar.
Thoro Is only ono way to oiiro
Catarrhal Deafness, nnd that In by a
constitutional romody. HALL'S
OATAIlttH MEDICINE uctM through
tho Blood on tho Mticoim BurfnccH
of tho System. Catarrhal Deliriums
Is caused by an Inflamed condition
ot tho mucous lining ot tho Euutnah
Ian Tubo. When tho tubo Is In
flamed you lmvu n rumbling sound
or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is
entirety closed, Deafness Is tho rn
suit. Unions tho tntlnmntlon can ho
reducod and thin tubo runtorod to Its
normal condition, honrlng may bo
dostroyod forovor. Many cases of
dcatnoii nro caused by Catnrrh,
which Is nn inflamed condition of tho
Mucous Burfnces,
any cano of Catarrhal Deafuons that
cannot bo cured by HALL'S
All Druggists 7Co. Circulars free.
F. J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Bell your poultry through Bulletin
classified nils.
Notlco Is hereby glvon that nil
warrants registered and drawn on
tho road fund from No, 1051 to
1094, both Inclusive, are called for
paymont on Juno 17, 1D20, and nro
payablo at tho county treasurer's of
fice, Bond, Oregon. Interest stops
on and after abovo datn.
lCc Treasurer Doechutos County,
In tho county court, In nnd for
tho county of Deschutos, ntato of
Ala tho matter of tho ostato of
Lawrence Knloy Shepherd, doconsod.
''" Notlco Is hereby given, Hint tho
undersigned has boon appointed us
administrator or the ostato or Law
rence Knloy Shophord, deceased, mid
such administration covers not only
the Individual ostato, hut tho part
nership property hold by said de
ceased and his rnthor, C. F. Shop
hord. Any person or party having n
claim against tho Individual estate
of said deceased, or tho said part
nership aforesaid, aro hereby ro
il ill in (1 to prnsnnt tho muuo,.uuly vorl
rind ntul with proper, votiahors. with
in hIx months front tho ditto ot thu
flnit publication of this notlco.
Such olalinii must ho proiiuiitnd to
this administrator ponuniiilly, or, nt
Mm -office Ih Klamath KullaVOrogrin,
or to BrlKKii & UrlgKR, his iittornuyH,
nt tholr officii lu Plonoor block, If a
Ashland, Oregon.
Tho ditto of tho first publication Ih
Juno 17, lOilO. and tho tluui to pro
Honl clnlniH will oxplro Docombur 17,
Administrator. '
Klamath Falls, Orvgou. lO-UOo
tho Interior. Nut
Dopartmunt of
conl laud,
Juno 14, 1020.
Notion In' hereby given that John
I), Colo, of Bond, Orogou, who, on
Juno 21, 1014, mndo hoiuestond en
try No. 07741, for lots 3-1, SWi.
N10UT Section 4, Township 22 H..
ItiuiRii 10 10.. Wlllnmutto Meridian,
Iiiih filed notice or Intention to mnko
final tht oo-year proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described,
boforo II. C. Ellis, U. fl. Commis
sioner, nt Bond, Oregon,, oil tho 10th
day ot July, 1020,
Claimant namos as witnesses!
Mlchnol C. Donahue, John J. Blow,
John Dovoroau, Hoy L. Winters, all
ot Bond, Oregon.
10-20p Iteglstor.
ilfitd ultrrlUini
im 10
than twr
MM for 10 wvnSi or IrM. Un nl tr
word for ll (nrtr 10. All (IamM! !vrtUln
trUtly (uh In ilne
FOIt HALE Two 2-yonr-old mules.
Prlco 200; will Mako 1200-pound
team when full grown. Inqulro L.
O. Hood, Bond, Oro. Box 146.
FOB HALE Frosh milk cows.
W. J. Alt, 4V& rutins north ot
Bond an Swalloy ditch, Phone
16F2. G3il2-13p
chicks, 4
strain. Mrs.
-Small whlto Leghorn
weeks old, Tnncred
Hosa Hatch, Tumnlo,
Whlto Leghorns. Heavy wlntor
layors, mated to Tancred cocks, of
230-250 ngg strain. fl.GO per IS. 8.
C. H. I. Hods, mated to high class
cockerols from prlzo winning stock
$2 for 1C. Ono third cash with ordor,
balance on dollvory. Hofstoltor'a
Poultry Farm. Tumalo. 07-GlUo
WANTED Cook and waitress nt
Deschutes hotel nt Deschutes;
family cooking; mother nnd daugh
ter proforrod: good wages. Telephone
Hurnl G2. Central Oregon Irriga
tion Co. Gl-lOc
JULY 2 & 3
Base Ball Games Daily Band Concerts
Big Round-Up
Street Sports Good Speakers
Something Doing All The Time
A Real Old Time Celebration !
For Particulars, write-
' 1 v VhTh4"bV
R. L.'SCHEE, Committee Chairman.
' 1
i&A KIUJu'
" V' 1
MVHWwMw MHl.BJgjl,, lfr.