ft BKNI) nULLKTIN, IIRND, OREGON, TIIUIWJMY, JUNK 17, 1020. IMOK 7 Jft i w 4' 3 MIRAGE IN NEVADA DESERT Traveler Relates, Mow Two Coyotei ClinrecJ His Aotonlihment st Qlrnnao Sight Wltriciicd. Ono morning In ii NcwiiIii desert 1 Silt WlllcllillK II IIIIIVllllJ lllllllirit hllllW IIh sciMirN picture iifli'r picture. )C' riislotuilly onii in light or lirt In fmnl of or behind (he preceding (inc. Home were retitlui'il In plnco iniicli longer tliiiti ntlirnij Hii',v ww brought closer ninl uliowii nr ithIwwu far titer buck. Onn scone miis of two rowed wag hn wlili three or four Iiioho bom's, Tlicy utovnl along two dim wheel (nick, round mi nrrnyn nml 'ncron two or three ()ilciil Mimi ill If ts, I slnrrd nt tin scene In iiMniibditnciit, They Mopped iih llmugli (o nunp liy Ihn iiilriigu lull)'. A eiiiup firtt iim lirnri'il. I rubbed my face; I wim nwiikc, I Miw oIpJitIh moving nlioiit tin! wiigiiu nml tin- lire. Two rojoti'N ciiino trotting nlotiK ticiir mi1, Tlicy miw tho cntnp nml lifter it f' HtcpH of looking "vv 1 1 liciiil to ono xlilo tlicy Mopped In front of me to will eh It. I nmo up better to .wiitrh llii'iu, Tlicy lilnl cither not ecu me or Iiiwl forgotten my preietiro In their niger ronrnutriitlou on thu camp ci'iii'. Another iwm horse, ns though left tiehlnil, rnnio Inciting up. The coyote uutdieil thf moving homo: they went scvliic wlmt I wim seeing. HimoI(ii roKi iihove the rnmp tiro hy tho wiibou, then tin picture melted mill only tho Intro desert shim mered before uh.Kmoh A. Mills, In Saturday Htcnlug "Post. , . i i BRING GOOD AND DAD LUCK Belief In Power of Various Flowers Is Otronoly Meld In Csstern and Western Lands. It Is good lurk to out (ho first tnny. flower j on nee In tho spring. If It Is n crocus, let It nlotio; In AuMrln they sny lt.il row nwny one's strength. Nor rtitiKt )ou dig up n cuckoo (lower or, tempt luck hy moving a wlhl daisy Into mo garden, in Kirpt tun anemone Is one of tho lucky flower of spring; wrap the first ono In nil cloth and, If not disturbed, It will euro dhetme. On tho French coast It I tmclcM to try to catch fish unless tho waters nro llrst strewn with flower hy the lUIicr men's wles nml daughters. In Devon shire (Knglnud) they reptnl It as un lucky to plant a linl of lilies In the cotirso of twcho inontliH. Tho Turk tees misfortune In so light n thing ns tho fall of n rose petal nml will some times guard nualuxt such dropping hy ! carefully picking tho (towers before they fall apart. In Samoa the head of a ciirp'o ti wreathed In (lowers to aid tho soul to gulu ndmlssfun Into pnrndUo. Flowers That nrlng Dad Uuek. In KiiRlaud Dovoiishlro folk hold that It means death to tirlnc Into tho houts) n slnelu daffodil, when this llow er tlrst appears Iti tho spring. There must ho ii bunch of them, mid tho cowslip Is similarly hedged In hy su four chairs at jour aurrico at lbs Metropolitan. No wattlDR. Adv. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW -Ilooms 13-10 First National Hank Uldg. Tol. Gil (Dr. Cat's Yormtt Ofllr.) It. II. DrArmonJ Chu. Vf. Eriktn DeArniond & Erskinc Ii a w YKItH O'Kano IlulldliiR, llutid, Oregon II. O. 10 L L I g AtturiieyMt!w United Htatixt ComiiilMloiier Ktrst National llanj: Rulldlns DISND, onnaoN DR. A. LESSING PHYSICIAN AND BUHOEON llond Press llldg. REND, ORBOON Phonos: Office Rod 41; Res, 133 Read the Bulletin Classified Ads . BRICK ys. I l - ' "" in Ii - ' ! mm .1 .1 mill BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT VALUE ABOUT $500,000 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS -IN FIVE YEARS , FIRExLOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER NONE $100,000 'bricTi1 BEND pcrstlllou. A hydrangea In (ho houso "hrliiKM troulile," mid snowdrop arc "unlucky," litis wild Homcis general ly protcnl Ihc llrst hrood of chickens; from hutching. If onu wishes u plant Indoors to show u large mid profusu hloom he must plnco In tho flowerpot sumo fresh em Ih from tho grnvo of tin liifniit Imptlxeil within twelve mouths, No yellow hloom should ho brought Into tho Iioiisq In Slay. The houso with hcrifmnot near It Is never frco from slcldiefn, A plant of hollo tropo In church will keep In their places any untrue, whes In tho con KrcK'iitlon, Chautauqua or Circus, The mauiiKcr was siioIIIuk ahont tho hlf! ,limitimiuu lent, which laid Just heeu set Up In a Miiall Missouri town, ami the hoys wero layltiK tho plunk seats, when tho whir of ciikIiich was heard, mid two autoiilohllc up peared, racliut furiously toward tho ('haulmiia crouml, Thny stopped slilo hy side, In tho dust .and smoko of hemlly set hrakes, and Iho drivers leaped from their seats mid ran at top speed toward the astoulMicd Chan tamiua mamiKcr. "I'm a huleherl" tr.tspoil the first. "I'm a hutcher!" cried Ihn M'coiid, Then Imlh toKethrr they shouted, "I want the contract t , furuMi moat for tho anliiiiiNt" Yiiiiih'i Companion. LET RED DRAGON GET 'EM Red Dragon is a rodent exterminator that is sure get 'em if properly applied. You can use it now and reduce your crop losses. Red Dragon has been selling heretofore for 50c per can. For the next weeK we will offer this spe cial at 30c per can. Owl Pharmacy Phono Dlack 1291 LKI3 A. THOMAS, A. A. 1A. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Dutldlng DISND ... OREGON O. P. NIBW0N0KU, Ilend, Ore. UNDEHTAKKU Uceased Kmbalmcr, Faaeroj Director. Phono Red 421. Lady Aut. DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprnpnttilo IMiysklaa Ovor Local! Kurnlturo Co. Wall Street Hours to S 1'lioua Itixl 4Ka DR. TURNER YB SPECIALIST Permanently Located In llond with Now Equipment Prlvnte Office In Thornon'a Jewelry Sloro Dr. Turner will bo In Prlno vlllu every llrst and third FrI duy; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, and In Red mond every drat and third Thursdny of each month. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK & LUMBER CO, "You Can sfiys the RIGHT CUT is a short - W-R CUT is POULTRY PUREBREDS PAY IN POULTRY Experiment Conducted by North Caro lina Gtstlon With Flocks of Leghorns. That tho value of purebred malea count an much In poultry raisins its In slock raising Is shown hy tho rec ords of tiro Hocks of Leehonis, tho data for which have heen supplied the United States department of agricul ture hy tho North Carolina experiment !atlon. I'lock 1, the ckb production of which Is Included In these records, consisted of common hens; (lock 2 was produced hy hreedlnR these hens to common moles; flock 3 was produced hy hrredliiK Hock 1 ton rooster from n hlKh-producInc hen. The following year tho original flock laid 80 ccrp a hen ; (lock 'J laid nn average of 83 eggs it hen; and (lock- .'I laid an average of 1.10 eggs n hen. This Increase of M per cent In ono year tella very specif Standard Bred Rose-Comb White Leo horn. Icnlly tho benefits of using n purebred male. Hut tho percentages ulono do not tell the wholo story, for n big pro portion of tho increase canto nt n sea son Mny nnd Juno when tho produc tion of flocks 1 nnd 2 was relatively low and the prices were good. HENS BECOME FOND OF EGGS Habit Usually Formed Through Acci dental Breakage See That Nesta Ara Darkened. Fowls becomo very fond of sggs, once they bejjln to eat them. This egg eating usually begins through nccldent, by eggs being broken.. Ro careful to seo that this does not happen. See that tho nests nro properly supplied with straw, nnd linvo them darkened, so that If nn egg Is broken tho fowls will not bo likely to discover It. When egg-entlng is discovered nmong tho dock, tho best plan Is to kill tho of fending hen. TURKEYS DEVOUR MANY BUGS If Given Free Range Fowls Will Read ily Find Grasshoppers and Other Insects. Given plenty of rango, turkeys vll rendlly find grasshoppers nnd other In sects, green vegetation, tho seed, of weeds nnd grasses, wnsto grain nnd acorns nnd nuts of various kinds. An this way tho cost of raising them is very small nnd the prodts largo. , iBKi j jJtz HCra I iM ? - J? t Jm I ii ' JM Bank on It" Good Judge - xou win save money by using tho Real Tobacco Chew. The full. rich tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly so often. Smaller chews, too, and more genuine satisfac tion. ' Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles cut tobacco a long line-cut tobacco FOWLS OPEN DOOR OF HOUSE Tilting Platform Arranged 8o That Hens May Liberate Themselvco ' by Gtepplno on It Tlio following U one of the Minplcst tncthoda of enabling hens to .open the henhouse door in the morning, there by relieving their owner of the neces sity of rlslug nt daybreak to let them out- The door of the henhouse Is hinged nt thu top, so that It opens out ward, nnd the lower edge catches against the door, no that It cannot swing Inward. Near the lower edge on tho outside a cord Is ntluched. which pusses upward over two smull pulleys hanging from a beam. The other end of the cord supports n tin can weighted with stones, m us to be Just heavy enough tc pull the door open and keep It so. On the door of tho henhouse, right In front of the iloor, is n tilting platform, with a hook In tho front edge, which fits an eye screwed Into the door. The door can therefore be locked at night by catch ing the hoot: In the eye, and the pull of tho cord ugulnst the door on the outside has the effect of making the hook hold securely. When the own er has locked the door In the evening, after the hens liuvo gone to roost he sprinkles n few grains of feed on the outward end of the tilting platform, which Is now In a horizontal position, and leaves tho henhouse hy the large door, which ho locks behind him. On tho following indrnlng, the first hen which Jumps upon tho platform to pick at the feed tilts the platform, releasing the hook from the eye; nnd tho weighted can on the outxldc pulls Hens Unlock Poultry House Door by Stepping on Tilting Platform. tho door open. A knot In tho cord, made to catch In the pulley, will pro vent wrenching nt the hinges. L. Hussakof, llrooklyn, N. Y., In Popu lar Mechanics Magazine. MAKE FRIENDS WITH FOWLS Hens Will Not Do Their Deit When They Run at Approach of Attend antFeed From Hand. Moke friends with your hens. They will thrlvo better. You will llko to enro for them better." Hens cailnot be tit their best when they ulwoys run nt the approach of their attendant Feed a little from your hand. You will get their confidence, ifnd more of their eggs. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been by tho County Judge of DoschutCB County. Stnto of Oregon, appointed executrix of tho last will and testament of Charles E, Street, doccasod, and all persons S ITP'H tinm t ' I . Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Ltith, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all Jcinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Standard Sue, BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Locul Sales Ajjont, MILLER LUMBER CO. TANLAC holding claims against deceased nro hereby notified to present tho samo with proper vouchers to tho under signed nt the office of Ross Fnrnharn, attorney nt law, In Rend, Oregon, within six months. after tho date of this notice. Dated and published first time Juno 10, 1020. EMMA AMANDA STREET. Executrix of tho last will nnd testa ment of Charles E. Htreet, deceased. J5-I8c NOTICE FOR I'CnLICATlO.V. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Tho Dulles, Oregon, Mny 25th, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Llllle 11. Rrandonburgh, of Rend, Oregon, who, on November 23rd, 1009, made Desert Land Entry, No. 0S09li, for KE'i. Rcctlon 21, Township 1C Houth. Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final Desert proof by purchase, Act, March 4th, 1015, to establish claim to tho land above described, before II. C. Ellis, U. H. Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon, on tjio 9th day of July, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Wllbcr X. Hunnell, Fred N. Van Mater, Ed M. Swalley. Chqrles Stansbourgh. all of Rend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 11-lSc Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. In the matter of the estate of J. O. Whltakcr, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hs: been appointed by tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for Deschutes county, Ad ministratrix of tho estate of J. O. Whltnker, deceased. All persons having claims against said estato aro hereby notified to present tho same to tho undersigned, together with proper vouchers thero for, verified as by Inw required, at the residence of tho undersigned, nt Rend. Oregon, or at tho offlco of McFnddcn & Clarke, In Corvallis, Denton County, Oregon, within six months from the data hereof. Dated this 19th duy of May. 1920. MARY E. WHITAKER. Administratrix of the estate of J. O. Whltakcr, deceased. Date of first publication May 27, 1920. Date of last publication, June 24, 1920. 1920. 13-17C NOTICE FOR Pl'RLICATIOX. Not ("mil Ijiml.' Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Office at Lakcvlew, Oregon, May 22. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Carl C. .Dick, of Rend, Oregon, who, on .Mnrcn ia. ivis, maoe iiomcueaa ,NG of flafd lHstrJct w, bo heW nt 'V.1; cat'0"' :, 01e"3ior Sto 'sh School Auditorium from 2 f.M," IK. Hi 5 ' Ti .? o'clock p. m. to 7 p. m., on tho third SWtt. Section 23. Township 248.. .Monday of Juno, being tho 21t day Rango 10 E.. Willamette Meridian, of jumjf A rj. 1920. nas mea nouco 01 uieouns in nu.a uoromuuiuoH frooi. 10 wuiuu iHiauoa I'rooi. 10 esiaousm of olectlnB two Erectors for to the land above described, ithree year8 and the transact,on of 5 . , ' tonimiB-. business usual at such meeting. . at La Pine. Oregon, on the Dated th,8 10t day of June, 1920. CiUlIU before sloner, 10th day of July, 1920 Claimant names as witnesses: Edward C. Glabb, of Rend Oregon, Ernest E. Dick, of Rend. Oregon, John Knight of Rend, Oregon, Thomas Sly. of Dcnd. Oregon. JAS. F. BURGESS. 15-19c Register. SU3LMOXH. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Deschutes County. Paul Mertschlng, plaintiff, vs. J. C. Hopkins and D. A. Hatfield, de fendants. To J. C. Hopkins, the ubove named defendant: Greetings: In tho name of the State or Ore gon- I You aro hereby required to appear nnd answer tho complaint filed in ; tho abovo entitled suit against you on or before tho 16th day of July, 1920, and It you fall to so appear and answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the abovo named court tor a decree as prayed for in the complaint filed herein, namely; for a decree foreclosing tho Hen of tho plaintiff mentioned therein, that tho north cast quartor of tho southwest quar ter of section 13, township 17 south, rango 14 east of Willamette Mori dian, In Deschutes county, State of. S l. ..1.1 1... ,.. .hnutrf A .fit..' Uri'KUIIi UU BUIU Uf lllU DilUUll Ul IUIO county In tho maimer prescribed by law, and that tho proceeds of such sala bo applied to tho satisfaction of the costs of such sulo, tho costs of this suit, and tho remainder applied to tho satisfaction of tho claims of tho plaintiff, namely, tho sum of ono hundred eleven and 90100 dollars, with interost thereon at six per cent por annum from Soptombor 11th, 1919, until paid, and tho tur thor sum of fifty dollars attorney foos, and that tho abovo namod do- FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy BOLE AOHNTS fendnnts, nnd each of them, and nil persons claiming by, through or un der them or oither of thnm, bo for ever barred and forcloncd of all right, or equity of rmlomptlon lnor to said promises, except ns. provided by statute, nnd for such other relief as to this court may seem equitable Jn tho premises. This summons Is published pur suant to an order mndo and entorod herein ho to do by tho JikIro of tho above named Court, on tho 28th day of May, 1920. LAKE M. DECHTELL, Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and post office address, Prlnevllle, Oregon. Published first time, Juno 3rd, 1920. 14-20O NOTICE FOR I'UIILICATION. (Not Coal Land) Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Offlco at Lakovlcw, Oregon, May -15. 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that Harry F. Henford, of Ln Pine, Oregon, who, on March 29, 1910. made Homestead. Application No. 091G1, for 8E. Section 29, Township 21 S Rango 10 L, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mnko final threo year proof, to estnbllAh claim to the land above described, before E. L. Clark, U. 8. Commis sioner, at La Pine, Oregon, on tho 10th day of July, 1920. Claimant names ns witnesses: John Dlew, John Dcvercaux, M. C. Donahue, Roso Rlcw, all of La I'lne, Oregon. JAS. F. nilROESS, 13-17c Register. NOTICE FOR I'UIILICATION. (Not Coal Land) Department- of tho Interior U. S. Land Office at Lnkeview, Oregon, May 11, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Henry Whltted, of Rend. Oregon, who, on September C, 1916, made Homestead Application No. 0944C, for 3V, NWU. W'.A NBi, Section 7, Town ship 21 S.. Range 10 E.. Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, at La Pine, Oregon, on the 26th day of June, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Harold Landfare. of Rend .Ore gon; Reryl Kandfare, of Rend, Oro gon; Clyde W. Case, of Rend, Oro gon; Chris C. Somers, of Bend, Ore gon. JAS. F. BURGESS, 13-17c Register. NOTICE OF AN.NTAL SCHOOL MEETINO Notice Is hereby given to the, legal voters of School District No. 1 of ! Deschutes County, State of Oregon I that tho ANNUAL SCHOOL MEET- Thg n,eetnir Ih called for tho pur poae of olectlnB two Erectors for ROBERT W. SAWYER. Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: J. ALTON THOMPSON, District .Clerk. 9-12c Brand Directory H G Brand John Helfrich, 0-4p Brothers, Ore. A J,: Right side; right ear crop, ped; wattle right hind leg. L. TONE, Sisters, Ore. adr.lOOo AlWAYS A At I Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products at home H IRK Chas. Boyd It