wwv.11 "''"''' w"e "' " t f pagi: BEND BUIiLKTIN, BKXD, ORRttON, TIlltlLSDAY, JUNH 17, 10110. f ir I i u wtitrs .t . st' atfc 'v.i'JfNi StfFP FJillMTi jlBif v9mw he Double r ? tHTSX yt v vj aW - '11 fer HenrtfBeach Needham i-'aLUiTRA.TBP Copyright, by Doublcday.Rige and Ca TrH Kunl ilesertwi lus pi mile or. ncc shortly nfter (i1rIi noon, nml went to the lockcrroom nn unheard-of pro ceeding for lilm. Then tic waited round Impatiently. On the dot, ns the clock pol"tc1 to I2::w. a triumphal procession mined ceremoniously Into the presence of the chief of the Glnnt killers. At its head wns Barney I.nrkln. 11 smjle upon lilt hoytsh face nnd n cocky look In his eye that brought Joy nnd comfort to the manager. Close behind was Hrnest Steadman. nio suilllng. Next came an lncnnplcunu citizen, easily mlslnkcn for n proa pcrou. (ravelins man the clever de tectlvc. Ilrlnglnc up the rear were Jrla Ford Lauahed. He Couldn't Help It. two low-brow cil fellows either pin Rlllsts In ordinary or highly elllclcnt piano shifters. Trls ford laughed. He couldn't help It. Although the team, with one excep tion, was not n party to the deep, dark secret, the players plainly stinted the relief which Trls experienced at sight of Uarney Iirkin. They sang as they put on their uniforms, and one would iave supposed, to look In upon them, that they were preparing for morning practice In the trnlulng reason. In Btcad of getting ready to fight for the highest honors of the town and the popularity of the home town. Wild tumult broke loose at sight of tho Giant-killers, nnswering the yell which had gone up on the appearance of tho Phillies. There tvero the usual preliminaries nil before cameras. There was snappy practice by the Na tionals. Then tho Giant-killers took the field, to limber up and get their grip on the ball nnd .sure fire Into their throws. "lilt 'er out I" An acuto-e-lghted fan Jumped up In Ms place back of first, and ignoring tho shouts of "Down in front I" scan ned tho plnvlng Held from a point near second base to the Giant-killers' bench much as nn anxious mother would look for her lost child. Then in agon ized accents he demanded of space: "Where's Wfb Sliute?" T,yes by the thousand traveled to the edge of the clay-base path In right. There an uneasy substitute was trying his hardest to accomplish the Impos sible Oil tho spiked shoes of the king of second basemen, . , Whet on the terrestrial hail did It mean? Was Trls Ford crazy? Tardily, fifteen minutes after the hour set for the game to begin, the ofllclnl announcer raised Ids mega phono and sing-songed the opposing batteries. Tho fans bowled with de light when they heard thnt Harney Larkln was to pttch for the Giant killers, although they knev it. of course. Hut when the announcer add ed tha) I'crvls was to "play second base In place of Shute" the fans gnve loud vent to llieli diMuppruval, "What's tho matter Win tihute hurt?"' they shrieked. Around ttie vnst assemblage, start ing in the press box, flying through the grand stand, leaping to the pavilions, reaching av lust to (he bleachers, spud tho nuswer: "He's disappeared!" Gloom, Impenetrable gloom, settled dowu upon a majority of the great throng thoso who hud come to help tho GIniit-klllcrs win. Thulr quick minds were recalling what tho rlvnl mannger, John Martin, had given out after the Giant-killers downed New York, They leuiembcicd every word of it: "I want to go on record as saying that, Rhute ! Ilnj greatest, bnlj pjnyer in the world, lie wins more games for Ids club than nny other man on the diamond today and winning games Is what count In hnsebnll. He wat di rectly responsible for two t.f the games which his team won from us, and was there nil the time In the other two vic tories In defensive work he was eas ily the klng-plu, breaking up our de fense and making sensational plays around second base. The record shows that he led his own team In the attack. I say again Shute Ih (h greatest hall player In the world. With him no major-league team would be weak without him the best team would he seriously crippled." Seriously crippled I Over In New York a few feet awaj rroui the ticker, which was announcing the beginning of play, Jake Stinger uud his friends were already celehmt-Inc PART II. At Sea. An unshaven, disheveled young man, batless but otherwise completely dressed down to his shoes, turned over on the lied, opened his sticky eye. then closed nnd dug his lists Into them to dissipate the heaviness of tne lids. He tried ntnly to moisten his parched lips wltii his swollen tongue. Ills nosg Itched tormeutlngly and h rubbed it vigorously wlih the back of his huad. As consclnusncs returned, haltingly and Willi brief lapse- Into stiller. Ids brain nnd the t-em-es of taste, smell nnd, sight began to correlate, slowly but accurately due lo the native re silience X nu unnbused contltuil'. A peculiar tnstc in his mouth he couldn't lubcl. To one whose lips had LI hies Intel (ieen thrown ngulnst tho glass llorcely. Tlicn wnior rnn orr, lenvlug the hull'e-eyo Decked with drops. Ills mind bridged tho gnp between present predicament nnd past experi ence. He recalled the tilnnt-klllers' trip to Cubit after they had worsted the Cubs the days on the high and tow sens. Ho knew uuw. lie was aboard ship I Secjtru In tills conclusion, he brought himself to n sitting iiont uro on the edge of tho berth. In tut upright posi tion he found thnt ho wns Inclined (0 dizziness, tint hu fought It otT. got (u his feet nnd, letting down tho wash basin, soused his head In cold water till the water (ho tank contained, This revived him wonderfully. He looked nbout the stateroom more carefully. Thero wna n suitcase of real tentticr on tiic bunk under the porthole. Ho wns positive he had novcr seen It before. Turning It round, he found on tho end, in black lettering, the Inscription: S. W. JAMES Now York. 'S.-W.-J-n-m-c-9r he questioned. He recalled nil tho Jameses ho bnd uvcr heard of they weren't ninny from "Cyclone," tho Yniikco pitcher, who hud struck him out twice in one game, to Jesse mid Henry trnln robber and author respectively. There was no "S, W" In tho list Mcfhiinlcittly be tried the bag to seo If It was locked. It opened, displaying a complete assortment or tltnu nnd underclothing. There wero shirts, handkerchiefs, stockings, brush and comb everything tiecussnry, wUh tlo suit he had on, to enable lilm to make a rcspc table appearance. The things bad been carefully selected and they were nil new. Ttut there wasn't a scrap of writing to Identify their owner. Tills turned his attention to his own means of Identification. Putting his band In his pockot, he drew out four vclopes contnlued bills one nn "acl dressed to S. James. Hotel Long acre, New York city. Two of the en velopes contained bills one on "ac count rendered" from n liquor denier for $07.2:. ; the other n bill for cigars and cigarettes amounting to $-l.f0. The third was a letter front the steam ship agents of the Humhnrd line, read ing: "Dear sir: We linve booked jnu for passage from New York to Naples on the S. S. Colonln', sailing from ptrr foot of West Thirteenth sfreet. N. II. We tinvc assigned to you Cabin C K). on the salon deck, (Hid Have nrrniigvd thnt you are to have it entirely to jourself. "We beg to cull your nttentlon to the fact that, owing to tho tide on tho day of departure, the Colonla will soil at ouo o'clock In the morning, Octo ber 7.M The fourth envelope Jncloeed a ticket culling for nno'llrst-clnss pas sage, New York to Naples, on tho steamship Colonla, nnd inutlo nut to H. W, James. There wns nothing cIno In the pockets of his cont. ltohhedl wns his first thought, nnd ho searched In his trousois pocket for the cash which hu hml with lilm less than leu dollars. Ho found many ycl-Inw-hncked hilts, rive hundred dol lars I Tho sight of the Ave hundred dollars Immedlutely brought to mind what hml happened before tho long, dream less sleep Just ended on tho sftlp. This umiiey or llvo hundred dollars Just like It wns lying on a table In n suite of rooms In tho Itclmont-Strnlworth hotel. Ho wns about to come Into pus session of It nil for signing n con trnc( to report the world series on hehnlf of the. Transcontinental News, paper syndicate, Mctropolltnn tower, Now York city. He sat down ngnln upon the berth to puzzle It out, beginning with the let ter front tho syndicate It wns on en graved stationery, ho remembered. Tho secretary. Walter Noble, gave lilm as references threo well-known Now Yorkers. Hut tho letter had come, spe cial delivery, on Sunday tho day nfl cr tho championship was cinched anil roplv wns requested by telegraph on Monday. Anyhuw, whnt need wns thero of references, ho hnd nrgued, when he mtililn't losol" For ho wus to receive Uvo hundred dollars every day ho turned In 11 story. No, ho couldn't lose, nnd ho could tiinku thirteen hundred dollars at lenst nineteen hundred dol lars nt most. Yes, he had looked upon It ns "uory easy" money nnd bnd kept his own counsel, not even confiding In Trls Tonl. becnuse of tho reports In the newspapers that the national com mission wns to prohibit tho players from wflttng for the papers; certain ly nil those who' hadn't contracts. He remembered thnt ho hnd gone to tho Uclmont-Stratwnrth, nnd tho clerk nt the desk knew him hnd seen lilm play. He could repeat his words: "Mr. Noble is expecting you go right up lo Suite lir.V He hnd gone up, had (To Do Continued.) Tim Digger Share, China nnd India rntitulii one-half the people of the world. Tim niniiml lnl grluuigo In Mcnitres Includes ovur u tnllUnu persons. Feed a dry iniisli, Keep limiso nnd yutd clean, . Provido roosts ami dropping boiinlH. Provido u nest for each four or llvo hens. , Make tho bonne dry unit free from drafts, hut allow for ventilation. Keep liens free from lice and tho heuse freo from mites. Kill nnd cat tho hens In tlin summer and full nt they, begin to mU and cease to lay. A clean cellar, two-llilrds below ground surface, makes a Kol!I plnco to set tho Incubator. Nature tenches us thnt fowls should have a wide ruiign and thnt a farm Is (he best place for (hem. Tho fnll renovation of (ho poultry business should inrluilo a thorough survey of the feed bins and corn cribs. Idle hens soon grow too fat to lay nnd In (ho plans for winter It Is well (o provido somo means (o compel (ucui to work. Incuhntor chicks nre Just as strong ns hen hatched, nil clso being equal. Don't expect great success In hatch ing mid raising chicks nnless you hare hnd some experience. Preserve tho surplus eggs produced during (ho spring nnd summer for ttsf during tho fall nml winter when eggs nre enirco uud blub In price. Rm::ua:aau:mtmm;iun:iu::awi:uw:nsimiia8nmmnRnniuinK!w:ni:iu:a:aamisuua:ui!uainnM BUTTER FAT! Same price for Mutter Fat f. o. 1). Hend as is paid f. o. b. Portland. Central Oregon Farmers Creamery SRninstssstzsnssnsnssnnnumwnRiRnwntnsKssaJOsaaunai.'uiiimimuimianiiiiinauiiRA1 MILLIONS FOR SPARE MOMENTS Tli Internntlniinl Corrnpnnilfnri lelin.il nf Hcrniiton, rnnnlvn ttlfbrstisl tlirlr tivonty-ncvrnth snnl vrnmry In OcIoIm-c 101, wllli sn mllnirnt of nyrr 2,000,000 tultnt. ThniuNnilii of tlir ilmlrnU huva fl(. timl In itoltnm nml rents thn seluil tlu lo tlirni of Ih src niomrnl tlcvoinl to tli stiiilr f, I.C.H. ImIidI ml ('uuri- tut nlliir ulijru rsimlne from AilvarlUliiK nml Blrinnihli to Avrlcultur ami Poultry llutbsnilry, lll.tt an holtr hu bftn flmrfJ fcr r ' !" tlmltnU ! fnill fillmils U Ihtm f Ih U f Ih tpsr Mnnli pnl In ilJr ( I.C.H. Cnr(i. tUtioiU on 17.000 trplftl tulnU how I I.V99 now irlln II, BOO yrnr or morj 3.1SI, rrelln 11,000 or nmrot 4IS rrfllni( I&.000 or mort XO rrcrlvlns tlO.ooo or mor nil S with anitukl liKomn of IIJ.OOO or wor. tn Ih twntr-vrn jrrsr , of Its rUUnr th l.O.H. hs nrolll sl( tlmr many MuiltnU llarvard In Ih two humirrtl anil avrnty-lahl rr alnr IU orsanliallanl mot than ten time the total enrollment ot Yal alnr lU iloor awuns oin In ITOtl mor than flu time Ih total enrollment of all of U eolleM, unlvenltle ami leelmleal acliooU In Ih United tttate etxublnej, A letter or a ot rarnt nil) 'brlni romplet Infnemallon rmnritln Ih ubjitl In vihloli yuu ar lnlerlMt. International Correspondence .Schools ,HU lilt HIU -- International Correspondence Schools ' Ilox 1CIC, Rcrnnton, Pn. KipUIn (ally abl yur CnitrM In Ih ubl raaiked Xl ICIeelrlral Knilnetrlns lAtlVKRTIHINC Wee.,1, 1I.MIM KM "i ViZZLlm Telfiranh Knilnter in...,..,i. Tileph.n Wrk lii(iniKi:i:fiiit Meehanleal Kndnetr iHl.noc. ami Tpll Mechanlral llrafltwan lullv Auaii Hhlp DratUraan rlKAfriC MANAUKR ,.n.n. wp-. ...... commercial I J nvti. i:nt.in'i:i:k Hurtejlnf arui Mapping Jllne Tareman ar l.'nir. fllalUiMry llnflneer AlirillTItT ('nlraclr ar llulUer Alfhlledural tlrllimn Canerel lUIMer rlamblnr and lleatlng CIIIIMlflT MAt.iailANHIItf A'" ;OOl KMil.lHII CIVIL. HKKVICi: Hallway Mall Clerk Aalmbn Operating rttry Italelng Malhematlea Uiaiicri.Tfiu: mi'ANIMII i (Krenrh (Italian The Fans Howled Wiih Dellnh( When They Heard That Barney Larkln Was to Pitch for the Oiant-Killers. never "known the taste of liquor" It wus ImlcScrlhuble Indescribably bnd, nauseating. Hut the smell that rose from some part of tils clothing he recognized. It was the repellent odor that exuded from a saloon when tho rubber-tired doors swung open. It was stale liquor I Aod It had been spilled on his clothes. Following this loathcfomo discovery, he raised hid hand toward his nose and agnln ho wns startled to get another wlilff of stale liquor. A shudder of disgust passed through lilm, Ue now took ii second Invoice of ihu taste in bis mouth and clussllled It us "dark brown." Hut not yet could he bring his logy mentality to tnke up the trail from effect hack to cause. (lis bed next attracted his nttentlon. It wns narrow much like a shelf with n Vooden side to prevent ono's fflTilng out, liokliig up. he suw above lilm what, Judging from tho woven-wire springs, was another narrow bed. Tho furnishings of the uptirtinunt or cell, whatever It was, all tethered to some thing permanent, were tit first unfa miliar to lilm. It was the aperture ad mitting the light thnt helped lilm llx tho room and Its locution. This round opening to the outside world was n bull's-eye of thick glass. And as he staled through the circular wimhm on to gniucsi nothing murc-sUirri cuiiiu u luud thtiuip, instantly followed by u stinging sound, as If minute pel REMOVAL S jHk J i JlZj ON harm Machinery! AT PRICES BELOW PRESENT COST , Owing to the fact that the old building occupied by our business is to be torn down and a new building erected, including the lot adjoining, which we have used for exhibition purposes, we are going to sell our entire stock of Farm Machinery at- prices ' BELOW PRESENT WHOLESALE COST IN PORTLAND Included in the lot are 2 Truck Wagons 2 Champion Potato Planters A Number of Plows and Harrows COME EARLY AND HAVE YOUR CHOICE 1 u6 Jr 101T1 KjSUtSL 'f 4 $ ft