The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 17, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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ftAti rt
in urn II Hi Mi 1 1
13, 0, Htiullor linn rotiirnoil from u
trip (o Portland,
Hurry HoIiikoIiI loft Inst night for1
n two weeks' vnCaton In Portland.
Mrn. II. M. Norton linn nrrlvoil In
tlio city from Iliirnn to Join Itnr bun
bnnd, a C. Hmltli mid Cecil II. Htunrmi
ot 1'rlnuvlllo nrrlvoit In lluiul lunt
A. M. Prlnglo roturnod thin morn
I ii It from it stay or nnvornl dnyn In
MIhm Marlon Hntliur In Inking runt
of TlioniitH McCnnn, who lu 111 with
whooping cough,
0. 0. Ward nnd II. I'liott of I'rlno
vlllo worn bunlnonn vlnltorn In tho
city last night.
Mm. N. P. Rood, formurly'of tliln
city, wan ft wook-ond visitor In Bond
from her lioino In Iliirnn,
0. P. 11. Short, Portland tiro union-
mnn, In on nno of hln frequent bunl
noun vlnltn to Bend.
Mr, nnd Mrn, It. I). MIIoh returned
yi'ntordny morning from n month'n
visit In Mnuonpolln.
J. H. Ilunnon of Cottage Orovo hnn
nccoptod n position wtlh tho Owl
C. fl. Hudson nnd II. A. Ward loft
lunt night for Kimono to nttond tho
convontlou of tho Oregon Htnto
llnnkcrn' association.
Mrn. Lloyd MiikIII nnd llttlo (ton
nro upending tholr vncntlon In Port
Innd with Mm. Mngllt'n tnothor.
Iloh Fulton, Hurry Hnydun nnd
Marlon Giyner, who have Iioun at
tending tho OroKou AKrlculturul col
lege, nro hnck In Ilond,
Tho Minion Dolores nnd Kunlca
Cntlow will nitiirn In tho uiornliiK
from Walla Walla, whoro thoy huvo
lieon ntoiiilliiB Whitman college
V. W. Cnthor, ropresotitlng tho
(Joodymir Tiro & Itubhor company,
arrived In Bond thin' morning nnd
will spend several dnyn In thin sec
Hon. Mr. nnd Mm. Ilnlph C, Johnson
lonvo tonight for Seattle, whoro Mr.
Johnson will attend summer nchool
nt tho University of WnnhliiKtou.
Frank Prlnco roturnod yesterday
mornliiR from Portland, whoro ho nt-
tyndod a mooting of representatives
of tho vnrloiin Amorlcnn legion pontn
In tho ntuto.
A marriage llcomio wan Innuod
from tho offlco of tho county clork
Saturday uflornoon for W. Jnmon
Crnlglitnii nnd Minn Cora Hnton, both
of thin city.
Franklin W Fowlor and Mian Nnn
ProHton Jlonvln nro tho prlnclpnln
moiitlouod In n murrlago llcanno In
Hiiod from tho county dork's offlco
Haturdny nftornoon,
Mlko Druglch and Norvnl Hprln-
Kur huvo opnnod up n noft drink em
porium on Ilond ntroot In tho bulld
I UK formerly occupied by tho O. I.
0. cafeteria.
A. J. Mooro loft by auto lant night
for Troutdnlo, whoro ho wan called
by ihiwh that hn brother nnd hln sin-tor-In-luw
hud been killed In nu ac
cident. Minn Hazel Johnnton of Oakland,
Cnl.i In vIhUIiik her mother, Mrn, M,
A. Johnnton. MIrh Johnnton will re
turn to California next wook to take
up work an a telephone oporntor.
The Modal service section of tho
Ited Cronn will hold Itn roKiilnr moot
Iiik nt tho city hall ut 2:30 'clock
Tuesday afternoon. MImh Alldn
Howler, who In an oxporl on mental
mid (lollrniuent canon, In oxpectod to
bo prcnont from dlvlnlon houdqunr
torn In Koattlo to nddrcsi tho moot-Inc.
Minn Nifii Itonvln nnd mother nr
rlvcd from Konttlo lant nlKht.
Mrn. Jiimon Qulgloy loft hint night
for u vlnlt with relatives at McMInn
vlllo. 0. 0, Springer of La Pino wan In
Ilond yesterday on hln way to Red
mond. Mrn. J. O. Sodor left for ItomldJI,
Minn., lant night to vlnlt with frlondn
and relative.
. MlHrt Anna Doty of Ilodmond In
vlHltlni: In Uond thin wook with hor
aunt, MIrh Mabel Doty.
Mrn. Hannah J. Lytnon ban pur
chiiBod two loti In Lyllo addition
from W. B. Onrdnor.
Clydo McKay and family will lenvo
by auto tomorrow to nttond tho
For All The Family
t We are prepared to serve your Un-
k derwear needs. It's here you will t
fil find the garment you want at a price &
gt that's right. i;
B WOMEN'S KNIT UNIONS A complete line. g
W. Per Suit 50c, (55c, 75c, 98c $1.25 and $2.65
S MEN'S KNIT UNIONS Short sleeves or long g
jPV sleeves. Per Suit $l.2f, l.ou anu jji.m
Ir BOYS' UNIONS Short sleeves, each 69c and 89c
W. . W
Kg MISSES' UNIONS Low neck; no sleeves &yc g
W WOMEN'S VESTS 19c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c g
1 WOMEN'S PANTS Loose or ugnt Knee, ;uc, oyc &
f Each $1.50, $1.75, $1.95 aid $2.89 g
MEN'S B. V. I). UNIONS ! $1.50
. .. . ,,,,- TTiiTAtin rrn 1 orr..
IjlUL'is JNA1INSUU1V UiMUiNO yc aim ooc m
ir ,-,.- .,-- ---'- ih
Qualily " " Meiclisnduc At Popular Price.
Hhrlno convontlon In Portland,
W, Ii, Cook nnd Frank Cook, both
of tho Kort Hock dlntrlct, woro In
Ilond lant iiIkIU.
Tracy Taylor loavon tomorrow on
nn an to trip to Han FranclHCO whoro
ho oxpeclii to npond tho Htlmmor,
M, V. HooBoy, untfl lately of An-
torla, In lu Ilond to accept u ponltlon
an nf Klit clork nt tho Pilot Ilutto Inn.
DoiiiiIh Cnrmody loft lant night for
PortlniMl to Join hln wlfo, who hnn
been lu that city for tho lant three
MlHn Mary McClonnon of Cam-
brldxo, Mann,, nrlrved lant night for
n vlnlt with Mr. and Mrn. Ilobort W.
Itnlph Curtln, who hAs been at tho
Wlllarnetto unlvcrnlty during tho
pant yonr, roturnod to Uond this
Linn Coovort, Portland nltornqy,
ban arrived in llcnd on hln way to
npond tho niimmor on hln brotbor'n
ranch In tho Alfalfa district.
K. A. Hnthor took tho train lant
night for Mooxaucart, III., nn a dolo
Itato from Ilond lodge to tho Moono
national convention,
Mr, and Mrn. It. M, Lowln and
Minn Ilornlco Hayword, a nlntor of
Mrn, Lowln, left for tholr homo In
Portland, Mr. Lowln ban boon em
ployed by tho Pacific IlrldRO Con
tracting company ncur Iliirnn for tho
pant flvo months.
Mr. nnd Mrn. Max Hodoy 'loft for
tholr homo at .South Ilond, Wanh.,
lant night after n month'a ntny with
ralallvcn at Summer Lnko.
Mrn, George Oolgcr loft hint night
for Kugone. Hor biinbnnd leaven to
night to Join hor. Thoy wilt mnko
tholr homo In tho La no county scat.
C. L, Miller, who ban been In Cen
tral Oregon tho pant faw days In tho
Interest of hln holding In Irrigat
ed land In tho Summer Lake region,
roturncd to Portland lant night.
Mrn. A. K. Larnon went to Port
land lant night, whoro ithe will bo
Joined in n faw dnyn by her hunband.
Thoy wll ntny ovor to attend tho
Hlirlno convention.
D. L. McKay, father of Clydo M.
McKay, roturncd to bin homo In
Portland lant night after attending
tho nununl mooting of tho llcnd com
pany In thin city yenterday.
C. P. N'lnwongcr left lant night for
Portland. On hln return to Dend to
morrow ho will bo accompanied by
hln daughter, Minn Ida, who has boon
attending Wlllarnetto university.
C. W. Prowltt, mechanical goods
export for tho Ooodyonr Tiro & Rub
bor company, arrived In Dend thin
morning from Portland and will re
main In tho city for novoral dayn.
On account of Chautauqua wcok,
tho Itaptlnt ladlos will hold tholr
missionary meeting on Wednesday
afternoon, Instead of Thursday, at
tho homo of Mrn. M. D. Rnloo.
Mr. and Mrn. J, P. Glonson loft
last night for Kellogg, Idaho, to
mnko tholr homo. Thoy woro mar
ried In Ilond yentordny nftornoon by
tho Itov. J. IMgar Purdy, Mrn.
aieason In tho dnughtor of Mrs. Mil
llo Mlllor of thin city.
J. II. Hoyburu roturncd this mortv
Ing from Spokane, whero ho was
called by tho last Illness of his fath
er. Ills slstor, Mrs. H. A. Miller,
who accompanied him to Spokane.
Mill return In a few days with bor
mother, who will visit In llcnd for
Homo time. - . '
D. 0. Smith, formerly proprietor
of tho Wright hotol, Is now In tho
Colorndo canyon, headed for Donvor,
according to word rocctved today by
0. W. Foutor, present owner of tho
hostolry. Mr. Smith roports tho gns
shortage in just ns bad in Colorado
as It was lu Oregon when ho loft
Ilond, novoral weeks ngo.
K. I). Rich, servlco mnn omployod
by tho Mack Truck company of Port
land to uuporvlso tho mechanical
work of tho Mack trucks used on
tho Ilurns-Crano highway, now
under construction, nnd 0. M. An
derson, L. Iluggons and 3. E. Mc
Cray, who havo been oporating tholr
trucks on tho highway, woro in Uond
yesterday on their way to Klamath
Falls, whoro thoy havo a nub-contract
hauling for tho Oscur Huber Con
struction company, now on stato
work in that section. Mr. Illch
nnd Mr. Xndorson ropdrt record time
from IluniB to Ilond of 10 Vj hours
with their Mack truck.
t 4, v .
The Wise Man
the man who uses his head before he uses his pocket
book, the man who studies and understands business
conditions, will buy more than one suit during this sale.
Why 7 Because he knows there has been no drop in the cost
of woolens, and wages in the clothing industry have not been
reduced. He knows that wholesale prices for fall are high, and
that the break in prices has taken place only in the retail store.
The retail cost of clothing has dropped temporarily. That's
all. But that's enough for the wise man. He's buying cloth
ing here now.
All Suits at 20v Reductions
Excepting Palm Beach Cloths
t $70.00 Suits, now $56.00
$65.00 Suits, now $52.00
$60.00 Suits, now.., $48.00
$55.00 Suits, now $44.00
$50.00 Suits, now. $40.00
$45.00 Suits, now $36.00
. $40.00 Suits, now : $32.00
In Our Ready-to-Wear Section
All our Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists at 20 off.
This sale will not last, indefinitely. The sooner you come the
better are your chances for a satisfactory selection.
Official Shrine Blankets, designed for Al Kader Temple, ea. $18.50
II. A. Ilroclc Id in Portland for a
fow days,
Frank Murray loft for Seattle Inst
A. L. Clnrk fs a business visitor in
nond from La Pino.
MIrh Mary Doun of Alfalfa Is in
Portland to npond tho summer.
A, II. Itlgloy ot L'i Pino was In
Uond yoatonlny ovouIiik on his way
to Hodmond.
Tom Dubrull and wlfo nnd baby
of Urooks-Scnulnu camp No, 1, woro
spending yostorday In Uond.
O. L. Simpson loft lust night for
Portland to attend tho mooting of
tho MiiBonlo grand lodgo,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Vnljdilsor of
Ilolynt, Oro woro In Ilond last night
tn tholr way to Portland.
Mrs. Chnrlos Berry started last
night for Portland, whero she will
visit for a tlnio with friends.
Mis:! Ella Dews has returned to
llcnd nftor a trip to Portland and
Mux Wurzwollor of Sisters was in
last night to attend tho weekly lodgo
meeting of tho Dend Elks,
Qeorgo P. Downoy left for Port
land lust night after a few days
spent lu Ilond on business.
Mrs. II. E. Vogel and two children,
of Tho Dalles nro guests at tho homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Roney.
It. P. Mlntor," formerly a promi
nent real estate dealer of Dend, has
romovod from Windsor to N'ovada,
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo HumaBou ar
rived Inst night from Dnyton, Wash.,
and expect to mnko tholr homo In
this city.
Mrs. E. Martin nnd two sons, aged
7 and 9 ;ears, arrived last night for
a few weeks visit with Mrs. J. Seaf-
ort of tho Cascade hotol.
Fred Drown ot Sherman county,
who Is visiting lu Redmond, wns In
Rend yostorday to boo tho big plno
mills hero.
Miss Anna Uronkcy has gono to
Portlnud to mnko her homo. Sho
has been employed hero at tho Pilot
Ilutto Inn.
L. P. Campbell of tho stato high
way department left last night for
Tho Dalles after spending a fow dnys
lu Rend.
Mr. and MrB. C. Lorenco, pnronts
of Mrs. Paul Hosmor and of Miss
Mabel Lorenco, havo returned to
tholr home attor n visit spent in
Earl T. Shepherd of Klamath Falls
arrived tills morning to attend to
mattors lu connection with tho set
tlement ot tho cstnto of his Into
brother, L. K. Shophcrd.
Miss Dolores and Miss Eunlco Cut
low arrived last night from Walla
Wnlla. whoro thoy havo boon attend
ing Whitman collogo. They will
spend tho summer with tholr pnronts
lu nond.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jackson will
loavo this morning for Corvnllls.
whoro thoy will mnko tholr future
homo. W. P. Snrtaln has purohnsed
their resldouco on Hill street and is
moving in nt ouco.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. Young of
Contrnlln, parents of Mrs. John Grls
wold. residents of Rrooks-Scnnlon
camp No. 2, left for their homo last
night alter n visit with tholr dough
tor. Mlssos Ruth nnd Donun Fleming,
former studouts in tho Uond schools,
wcro members ot tho graduating
class of Jefferson high school of
Portland at tho close of the spring
G. F. Drlmlow, who has been em
ployed as mall carrier by the postot
fico department, and II. W. Martin
loft last night by auto truck for Eu
gene, whero they expect to make
their homes.
Mrs. Casslo Flynn left Bend last
night to visit friends in Prlnevllle.
Tho O. K. barker shop will move
into tho Myers & Wllkey building
on Wall street In a few days. A
lunch counter will occupy tho pres
ent lpcatlon ot tho shop.
Henry Shcck ot Uutto, Mont., ar
rived in Bend last night and will lo
cato hero It ho is ablo to find hous
ing accommodations. Mr. Shock re
ports that men ura much moro num
erous than Jobs in tho country "ho has
Just left.
turned to Bond this morning froia a
fishing trip to East lako. They re
port eastern brook trout to be biting
ravenously. Tho road Is opon from
tho south highway to tho margin of
tho lake.
A. L. Barbur, stato tiro marshal,
and C. A. Blgelow, commissioner ot
putllc affairs, of Portland, will ar
rive In Bend Saturday morning and
will bo tho guests ot Flro Chief .Tom
Carlon, Mayor J. A. Eastca, Jack
Kuowles and D. G. MqPhorson for a
fishing expedition at East Lako.
One hundred car's of box shooKs
are shipped each month from tho
Shovlln-IIIxon plant alone A prev
ious statement regarding this, ap
pearing In a recent Issue ot Tho Bul
letin, was taken by somo to moan a
total for annual shipments, and It Is
to correct any such impression that
tho above information is reprinted.
Mrs. C. M. Rcdflcld Is In town
from Deschutes today.
Fred Smith nnd Gcorgo Howard
aro in tho city today front La Pino.
Leo A. Thomas roturnod to Bend
this morning from a trip to Tho
Georgo J. Burl, auditor for tho
Union Pacific, is In Bond today
going ovor the O.-W. books.
T .11. Foloy loft for Portland Inst
night to meet with tho directors ot
tho Stato Chamber ot Commorco.
Mr. and Mrs. John Btllups, ot
Madras, arrived in Bend last night
and romalued over until this morn
ing. Miss Bllllo Fonimoro arrived in
tho city last night from Portland,
on hor way to visit with relatives
at Powell Butto.
W. II. Daggott, Redmond nttor-
noy, waH n visitor In the city last
night attor attending to legal busi
ness hero In tho afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Snow nr-
rlved lu Bond last night, Mrs. Snow
going on to Seattlo to visit her
mothor, nnd Mr. Snow romaluliig
In tho city for a coutercuco at tho
Deschutes National Forest ottlco.
Mr. Snow is rangor in tho Croscont
Roy Boldcn, formerly omployod
by tho Bond Furnl'ura Co., has
purckased u halt Jntorest lu tho
tiro hospital operatod by R. W.
Hnrvoy on Groonwood. Both part
ners uro former, navy men.
Guarantors ot tho 1920 Chau
tauqua will moot in tho county
court rooms at 8 o'clock tonight
to organize
Franklin Toomoy, a otudont at Mt.
Angel, Is back in Bond following tho
close ot tho spring semester.
Mombera of tho Deschutes county
court gathered In Bond today for tho
transaction ot county business.
Mrs. J. D. Foloy returned last,
night to her homo In Vaucouvor,
Wash., attor visiting her dnughtor,
Miss Helen M. Foley.
Miss Jennlo Noreen has complete
ed her year's work at tho Oregon
Agricultural and returned to Bond
Inst night.
Miss Kathryn Rae Knickerbocker
has returned from Corvnllls, whoro
sho has been attending tho Oregon
Agricultural collogo.
Miss Ruth Rea, who has been vis
iting hor sister, Mrs. R, M, Sunders,
left on this morning's train for her
homo at Los Angeles.
Tho ladles of tho Scandinavian
Lutheran church will hold their ba
zaar and servo luncheon all day and
evening on Saturday at tho city rest
Rev, Dr. Von Waters, archdeacon
of the Episcopal church ot Eastorn
Orogon, will Iocturo in Satliors hall
Sunday eveulug, Juno 13, at 8 o'clock
on "Religion in tho Light of Modern '
Ladles ot tho Civic Improvomonc
lenguo of Bond havo tttkon up tha
Armenian relief tfrlvo and will en
deavor to complete tho quota sot for
this county. Approximately half of
tho quota allotted has already bean
C. r, and Elmer Nlswonjer, fi. D.'
Gllson nud son and Myrlo Hoovor rc-
v S!J!8