The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 17, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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VAan a
What's Doing
P1NEHURST. June 1C Durwnrd
Howell was n business caller at tho
Walla mill Monday.
Joss Hnrter was n caller at tuo
Mlckel hornu Wednesday.
Mr. Aune passed through Plno
hurst Wednesday on his way to the
McKlnlcy mill.
Mrs. Snyder and Lester were call
era In Tuinalo Friday.
Ernest Phelps was planting pota
toes for Mr. FInnow several days
this week.
I. E. Winner and family and Mrs.
C. H. Spnugh were visiting relatives
near Prinevlllo a few days this weak.
Mrs. F.'L. McMnnmnn and Misses
Ivy and Lcnore Snyder called on Mrs.
XIoTVtntnl Knnilnv.
Uor el la Phelps was a dinner guest
at tho Corner home Sunday.
A party was given nt tho homo
of Miss VIda Bollmnn Saturday eve
ning. Quite a number of tho neigh
bors wero present and everyone re
turned homo at a late hour, report
ing a good time.
Bessie Snyder called on Mrs. Gro
vor Corking Saturday.
Mrs. A. W. Bayno reports that sho
Is enjoying now potatoes out of her
own garden and has had them for a
The hay balers are still busy nt tho
J. A. Biggs ranch, where they will
balo about 125 tons. As fast .as
baled, tho hay will be taken on
trucks to Redmond.
Mrs. Bruce Llndqulst Ib entertain
ing a small niece at her homo on
the Ablcson ranch.
Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller and
daughter. Maxino. are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iko Mills, at
Miss Fay Bussett Is spending
Shrlno week In Porlnnd. tho guest of
Mrs. Lloyd Cummlngs, formerly Mrs.
Arba Wilcoxen. Sho will return in
time to leave Juno 24 with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Bussett for a trip through
California by automobile.
. Tom Foss and family wero visitors
nt tho O'Callahan ranch one day last
Helen Curtis, who has beon mak
ing her homo for tho past school
year with Mrs. Mary V. Charlton,
nnmnnnlii1 her iinele. Jack Curtis.
to California last week, whero she)
will Join her father In their new
home. j
Harold M. Charlton of oPrtlandj
spent r few hours visiting ni nis par
ents' home here last Wednesday. Ho
was accompanied by Mr. Wagner of
tho same city. They made tho re
turn, .trip., by auto. tho. car. being a
"boozo car" that had been held for
theso officers.
C. M. Charlton has moved his
small baud of sheep to his home
stead on tho Buttes, where ho will
herd them for a while.
E. C Charlton has received his
patent from .the government for his
homestead. This land lies weli up
on tho Buttes and has a fine spring
of good water on It.
Cobblo Stroud, a garage man of
Prinoville, was In Powell Butte last
Mrs. Arthur Mllner planned a
pleasant uurprlse for her mother,
Mro. A. W. Bayne'a, birthday last
Friday evening. Taking a Beautiful
birthday cako and other refresh
ments, tho following named neigh
bors descended upon the Bayno home
and a very pleasant evening was
spent: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yates,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Worrell and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Mllner.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moore enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mllner,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Manceau and Miss
Cecelia Manceau at dinner Sunday.
Frank. McCaffrey recontly pur
chased tho ranch known as tho Ned
Angland place and has leased It for
three yearn to Mossrs Terrall, Os
borno and Sam Hitter, who, with
their families have moved onto the
farm and commenced farming oper
Saving Money on $8.50 a Week
No matter how small your income, Jt is possible to save
a regular, definite sum. Tho llrst dollar out of tho weekly
pay envelope is tho easiest ono to save. If you can't save
that dollar you can't save any dollar.
Tho owner of a chain of retail stores reaching from
coast to coast started on a salary of $S.D0 a wook. Ho
demonstrated that ho was destined for success by saving
a definite part of tbut ?8.D0 each and every weak.
You can dp tho same; you can savo if you make the
canio decision ho did.
Mako pay day your banking day.
In The Country
ations already.
, Ora Foster ami family have moved
onto n ploco of ditch land owned by
Ooorgo Bcckman and will spend tho
summer thoro.
Jesse Shobcrt Is carrying tho mall
on tho R. F. D. rotito while Ora
FoRter Is taking his vacation.
Wallace Whttsott visited with his
brother, George, and family recently.
Tho men enjoyed n fine trip to tho
river, fishing, whero they wero Joined
by their brother Henry, of Bond.
Mrs. Georgo Whttsott was hostess
to the Sorosls club Inst Wednesday.
Tho affair was hold at Community
hall and a very pleasant afternoon
was spent. Mrs. Whltsett proving
herself a very gnclous entertainer.
sno was assisted uy Airs, nugn Stew
art, and Mrs. K. A. Bussott.
It Is noted In tho "Crop Report
Special" Issued by tho government
for tho stnto of Oregon, Juno S, that
Crook county leads tho state in ucre-
age. compared with last year, on
spring wheat, oats nnd barley. This
is largely duo to tho flno work be
ing dono on tho Big Ochoco projoct
and In other irrigated sections. Tho
present flno rnln that seems to bo
gencrnl all over tho county will help
tho dry farms and a big year Is ex
pected. On the big potato project managed
by S. D. Mustard nnd his associates,
the work goes steadily on. About
2GQ acres hnvo been cleared and half
that amount plowed. Thero -are nt
present something Itko 10 men em
ployed there. Thoy have been some
what slow In planting because of
tho ground being too wet (nfter ir
rigating) to plow. The planters
keep right up to tho plow nil tho
time. About 1C00 sacks of seed po
tatoes wilt bo used this, oT which Jhe
most are Netted Gems, with n smnll
amount of Burbanks.
Grandma Spray, who lives with
her daughter, Mrs. Mary V. Charl
ton, celebrated her SCth birthday an
niversary Juno 15. Sho is in fairly
good health nnd walks n quarter of
a mile to Community hall to attend
Sunday school every Sunday. She
went to tho polls and voted nt tho
primaries. Sho Is an ardent repub
lican and can remember tho birth of
tho party. For many years sho was
an actlvu worker in tho Women's
Christian Temperance union and
holds a life membership In that or
ganization. Sho hopes to be able to
cast a ballot for Harding and Cool
idgo in November.
PLAINVIEW. Juno 15. Tho O. D.
O. club will glvo an Ico crenm social
on the lawn at tho A. W. Armstrong
home on Saturday evening, Juno
2G. Everyone is invited.
F. A. Powers und party wero busi
ness visitors lii Redmond Friday.
Mr. and Mra. R. X,. Fox wore
guests nt tho Van Tassel home
Thursday evening.
Mary Bennett of Bend- is spend
ing the week with her cousin, wllnu
There was an average attendance
at the church services held at tho
school house last Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Schnabol of Redmond is tho
now pastor in charge. Services rill
oe ueiu reguiariy ma secoi.u ana
fourth Sundnys in tho month.
Mr. Skeel of Portland tctarned
homo Sunday evening after spoudlug
a week at tho P. A. Scoggln raech.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hartley nnd
family spent Sunday at Odun Falls.
Mrs. A. W- Armstrong and Wllma
Bennett spent Tuesday at tho Box A
Mrs. and' Mrs. Morfett and Mrs.
A. E. Hoss wero guests at the Cha!
fon home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Harriett Ward has moved to
her home on tho old Parks place,
now that the school term has closed.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leverenz wero
guests at the Pulllam homo Sunday.
Lawrence Scharfenberg was a cull
er at tho Colfclt homo Wednesday.
Mrs. E. J. Van Tassel started
for a trip to Michigan on Monday
morning. She will spend some time
visiting relatives thoro.
The directors of the McCallfster
District Improvement company held
n mooting nt tho A, H. Hosa homo
Monday evening
Mr, and Mi-h, Holly Swlnglo of
Kort Rock nuulo a business trip to
tho Pulllnm ranch Friday-
A. W. Armstrong was n Bond call
er Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Colfolt wan tho guost
of Mrs. 10. B. Anderson Sunday,
Tho O. 1). O. club-will hold Its
regular mooting with Mrs, Chris
Ward on Thursday afternoon,
Juno 17.
Mr, and Mrs, P. A. Hcoggln, Mrs.
Skeol and Brnco Galloway woro call
ers In Bond Sunday ovoulng.
Mrs. Louzottu Pallium wuh In
Bond Friday.
Lawrenco Scharfouborg nttondod
tho danco nt Slstots lust Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Vorn Llvesay was a
caller at tho II. Mnmors homo Fri
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. S, L. Burgess of Red
mond wero Plalnvlew visitors Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Hartley wero
in Bend Saturday.
Mrs. A. M. Potty, Miss Martha Sum
and Mrs. O. E. Anderson woro in
Tumalo Monday evening to do soma
Mrs. W. II. Hutclitus, accompanied
by hor Infant sou and brother. Glen
Roberts, arrived hero Saturday from
Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Swnlley outer
tnlned their friends and neighbors at
housownrmlng in their now homo
Friday ovoulng. Over 100 guests
worcp resent, including a largo num
ber from Tumalo. sisters, iioiul. uos
chutes nnd Powell Butto, besides
thoso from this Immedlnto neighbor
hood. Tho evening was spent In
dancing, after which u delicious sup
per was served by tho hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Anderson spent
Sunday as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Anderson, near Tumalo, Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Olo Hanson of Des
chutes wero callers at thu Alfred
Pedorson homo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swnlley wont to
Bond Saturday to seo Grandmn
Swalley. who Is quite 111 at her homo
J. W. Pctorson mndo n biwlnosa
trip to Bend Friday.
IHins Hnnson of DoschutcH spout
Sunday with Alfrod Mlkkelson.
Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Gaboon of
Redmond, accompanied by Mrs. Cn
bcon's brother, who Is visiting thorn,
spent soveral days this week on their
Mrs. O. E. Anderson, accompanied
by Mrs. A. M. Potty nnd Miss Martha
Sum, spent Saturday afternoon shop
ping In Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rlebhoff of
Redmond called on Mr. and Mrs W.
B. Hutchlns Sunday.
Mr nnd Mrs. A- J- Hnrter of Tum
alo wero callers at the Anderson
homo Wodnesdny
W. B. Hutchlns mndo n business
trip to Bond Wednesday.
Olo Hanson, Hans Hnnson nnd W.
P. Gift of Deschutes woro callers nt
tho Mlkkelson homo on Monday af
ternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson mndo
a business trip to Redmond Tuotdny
TERREBONNE, Ore, Juno 15.
Mr. und Mrs. Grover Cunningham
of Bend wero visitors hero last Sun
day. Arthur Seeling or Belllngham was
n guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo
Whitels last Sunday. Mr, Seeling Is
to tako Mr. Williams' plnco as teach
er for tho suventh nnd eighth grades
hero net year. At present hti is
working In tho mills nt Bend,
A number or Filipinos and four
Mexlcnns arrived hero to work on
tho railroad. A few more workers
are to comu in a row days.
Two or tho Filipinos working hero
on tho railroad Ipft for Portland
Sunday night. Ono of them, Manuel
Diaz, intends to go to Alaska during
tho summer and thon return to Red
mond for work during thu winter.
Mrs. J. M. Perry entertained a
number ofnho Filipinos at her homo
last Sunday,
C. J. Cornelius returned to Torro
bonno last week nftor u short stay at
Hood River.
CLOVERDALE, Juno 10. Mrs.
Campbell and young son or Sunny
sldo, Wnsh., nro visiting tho former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. Ruby Purberry, who has
been quito sick with spotted fovor
as tho result or a tick blto, is much
Mr. Smith, wire nnd guests wero
fishing on tho Metollus Friday.
H. C. Mlllor nnd Frank McDonald
wero business visitors In Redmond
Mrs. W. Y. Harrison nnd Mrs, Bur
ling called on Mrs, Hllleary Tuesday.
H. K. Klino nnd daughter, Evelyn,
Are NOT Junk.
Ship your Hides
nnd Cnlfrk-lns to tho
Port land, Ore,
and got full value
for then, Price
list and shipping
tags on request.
and Mrs, B. C. Klluo worn IiuhIiioim
visitors In llond Friday afternoon,
Mi-h. It, O, Anilrus and daughter,
Pmilliin. lot u imi id Iiiiimii ThtirMilnV
InVniiinir from Madrnu. whore thov
, ...... .. . . .. ... . ...... .,
wont to hid fnrowoll to Mrs. Audrua'
moiuor tiuu tumor, who ion wuunus
day on tholr return trip oast.
J, ,Honly and wlfo and nnn, Ed
mund, motored over from Culver Inst
wook and spoilt a tow days horo vis
iting rolattvos.
Storllu Fryroar and Knfl Mlllor
nro gathering their rattlo prepara
tory to putting them on tho forest
Everyone U quito delighted with
tho Bhowory wonthor of tho past
week, us It will bo a great lionetlt to
tho country.
G. Oyrmt and family enjoyed a
fishing trip Sunday.
Thomas Arnold nnd wlfo. Frank
Arnold and wlfo und dnughlcr,
Freda, woro ontortnlnod at tho W. F
Fryroar homo Sunday, tho occasion
being tho oolobrntlou of Mr. Sterile
Fryreur's and MIha Fretln Arnold's
Mrs. Harold Illlloary hi expected
homo from llond thin wook whuro
Bho hnB boon under medical treat
ment, having boon operated on for
R. O, AudruH took IiIh wool to
Redmond Wednesday and shipped It
to Portland.
Mocklouborg ami family of Washing
ton, who have boon visiting at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mvekleti
borg. left Saturday on a tour through
California und Mexico.
.Floyd Huston. Ell A union, Tom
Vensou, Jim Taylor, from Boar
Crook, wero at tho ntockiuen's meet
ing Saturday at Brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Mocklouborg went to
Bond Monday with tholr wool.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Eviiuh made
a trip to Brothers Monday.
Ell Wilson Is plowing for his fall
Mr. Wagnor nnd Ell Wilson vcro
tit tho Brothers stockmen h meutlng
Mrs. Ell Wilson recolved a letter
from hor daughter nt Clovorfort,
Ky., stating that thoy nro having lots
of rain and tho crops are late
Mrs. H. E. Falconer passed nwny
at tho lioniu of her daughter, Mrs.
G. W. IloliHon, or Tumalo, Muy 1 1.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Falconer enmo from
Lnho Preston, S. D.. In April, ex
pecting to mako tholr homo some
where In tho west, when thoy woro
both taken III with the flu.
Mrs. A. Bono of Portlnud, Ore..
was ulso with her mother during her
Illness. Tho Bond chapter of tho
Eastern Star held, short services at
the homo nnd tho body was laid to
rest in Rosu City cemetery, Portland.
Another dear mother has genu to hor
. rest, t
Willi tho honor' nnd love of tho souls
sho has blest;
As u wlfo nnd a mother and n friend
good nnd true,
Sho was kind, doar und faithful to me
and to you.
Wo see hor sweet face In tho roes
sho loved,
In tho beauties around us, below and
In a thousand doar ways wo remem
ber her charm,
And thoughts of hor nlways will
shield us from harm,
FmiIMj hi
SmBLT 4 a i t a ft USL aAV ZmmmT
mTimuisn cs domestic wjmw
9 blend wmt
mmW iHPVHMgB h ttiBLft xdiLn tiMiA)
Wm vnRmi?KSUH9GmtoeBmm9P4mi J,
M TEmHESmWA Hi MM -MM iv m
iHsv- IKmmMmmmWm
,1'Iihin' Are .Mmlu Tor Xot Friday
Night Membership I'mty to
Bo Announced Later.
What In oxpevted (o ho ono of tho
blggeM affairs of the kind of tho
soasou will ho given nnxt Friday
night nt thn Y M. O. A, gymnasium,
when Percy A. Slovens post, Amer
ican legion, will entertain with a
dunce, to which tho general public
is invited. Music will bo by Wljjinn
Goorgo'H orchoslrn.
Plnim nro also under way for a
membership dancing party to bo giv
en about tho first of July,
ter part of last Wednesday after
noon, when ho wuh kicked In tho
head by a vlcloiis horso at Tho Shov-llii-llhon
Lumber company's black
smith shop. Henry Jonas has excel
lent chance of rocovory. I In Is at
thn (.umbormoit'H hottpitnl, whuro ho
was taken after being Injineil.
While no detailed examination Inul
boon mndo, It wns reported that thoro
was no Indication of cranial fracture,
and that tho chief danger might bo
from concussion of tho brain.
When tho horso was brought Into
tho shop for shooing. Wednesday,
Jonas was advised to rop him, as1
the animal had a bad record. The'
advice was disregarded, however, '
and it moment Inter tho blacksmith '
was kicked across the shop. He was
unconscious when lifted from tho
ground mid It was feared tit tho time
that his Injuries might prove fatal.
Three quarts itf Canadian whiskey
and tho automobile In which they
were found, belonging to Cecil
Heath of this city, nro In Portland In
custody or government authorities,
Chief of police L. A. W. Nixon re
ported today on bin return from
Portland. Tho car, with Its contents,
confiscated .Sunday by Chief Nixon,
was driven to Portland by Harold
Charlton and L. M. Wagner, both In
tho federal service.
Hen th Ii.ih not been located.
The state of Oregon will Issue no
more permits for tho holding of
fawns In raptlrlty unless It can boi
clearly shown that thu mothor of
tho baby deer has been killed, tic-
cording to Instructions received ut
tho office of the district game war
den hero today.
No sir-ee9 bob!
CAMELS quality plus Camels ex
pert blend of choico Turkish and
choice Domestic tobaccos pass out tho
most wonderful cigarette smoke you
ever drew into your mouth 1
And, the way to prove that
statement is to compare Cflnes
puff-by-puft with any cigarette in
the world!
Camels have a mild mellowness ttfat
'is as new to you as it is delightful.
Yet, that desirable "body" is all there!
They are always refreshing the$
never tire your taste.
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor!
Your say-so about Camels will be:
"My, but that's a great cigarette".
Ctmtlt arr ioIJ tvr,rwhrr It Klrnlllrntlr train!
omekmtrm nt 21) cittrnitt lot JO tpnlr. of ri (Wit
f (300 eifirttfl n tltunr rrr' retritJ
' crton Wi ilronflv irtpmnirnillhi rrliti (aillta
Acme oteffiev tupply or whtn toutitvl
Winiton-Salcro, N. C.
nKJBgw z. "" v- -v yvumr
Annual .Meeting Held By Loral HIiiihh
NO .Member III Good Htamllng
I'liiaiicen In Good Hliape,
MomboiH of tho Bond Carpenters'
union hold their annual mootluit
TlitiiNilay, electing thu following of
ficers: Norrls Htouu, president;
Harry Fletcher, vice-president; G,
II, linker, recording secretary; W. P.
Slmur, financial microtury, mid IL E.
Nurdediti treasurer. DologutoH to
tho een tia I labor council nro Mr.
Htoita, Mr. llakor, nnd Mr, Nordoon.
Mr. Nonleen's election as treasurer
was for the thlid comiocutlvo tlmo,
In addition to tho other positions to
which fie was elected, ho was rlionaii
as delegate to the Community Clear
ing hntiNO league.
The iiujon now has iioino 80 ineiii
bets In good standing, mid the fin
ancial condition of the orRitnlia
Hon Is excellent, reports showed,
Termltiatlug n weeK'ii IIIiiom.
Doiihoii HiiHtliiRH, tigod fld'yenrN,
night watchman ut tho Hlmvlln
lllxon plant, died nt hln homo ut
11 r. JefferHon Place, nt 2:30 o'clook
Wedlieitday morning of heart dlncAMo
which hu had ntiffored Intermittent
ly for Moveral yearn, lie In nur
vlved by hln wlfo, und by one iton
and two daughter! Churlen Hast
IngN, Mm. Holly Kutch, and Mr.
Henry (Inrduor, nil of llond. A
niece. Mm. A. L. WIUou, nt Clint
Knllit, Ih tho only other rolatlvo In
tho went, Funeral norvlcon worn
held at 2:31) o'clock Thtiridny nfter
noon from thu Mothodlxt church.
Rov. J. Kdgnr Purdy officiating,
nnd burlul will bo ut Pilot llutto
Horn In l)avl county, Indiana.
Mr. IliiHtltiKH oumo to Iluud threi.'
yearn ago, remaining here until
Homo IC mouthH iiro, whoii poor
health forced him to remove to tlm
Karrnmuiito Valley. Hlx month
later he returned to llond, and IiriI
boon a resident of thU city ovtr
That Wednesday evening's Btorm
developed Into the nearest approach
to a cloudburst over seen In this
country, In Uio region between I.n
I'lnn anil Crescent, was thu word re
ceived horo last week.
No actual damage was reported,
however. The rnln reached as far
south as Fort Rock, whore n (mow
of preclpltutlon was recorded.
No premiums with
Camels all quality!
k Wb I
IfWJl'i HUH ttV.1
mmntM M
4 Ml i y I will
mm liimm-