ZS2SSSWSmBS33ES3SESEuIZS. "trrrasaosss: nmwwmwMww" rAQR 0 RKNI) BULLETIN, BEND, OKKUOrt, THURSDAY, JUNK 10, 11)110. m SUMMER TO BE RECORD SEASON FOR TOURISTS .(Continued from Pago 1.) many know pt wonderful Dtllmun cave, Just-two miles from the innlu road? Not one In ten tlioiiHtiud. A tour of tho country inado In tho past week reveals pusaibltlttus for systematically ' planned vnontlon trips. Naturo In rondy to play hos tors mul botho tho count) iuul forest servico nro In tho receiving lino waiting with freshly cleared roads for tho flrBt of tho sonson's tourists. Iloth the Metollus and Deschutes rivers nre luvy drawing enrds with fishermen. Sunday fully 200 people woro casting In the former stream, bringing In Kinney redsldes weighing between ono and two pounds. Many campers nro to be found along the stream, particularly at tho forest sorvlco camigrounds and tit Camp Sherman, whore nil houses were oc cupied. If the drivor Is willing to doilgo numerous tree trunks along a nnr row road, now Is the time to sample tho two Lava lakes and Elk lake, which may bo mnde In two hours and a half easily. Fishing is good every where in this section and snow Is off tho ground enough so that ono may go clear In to tho lakes und thon out by .way of Crane Prairie. Scenery Is wonderful nnd If one bo willing to spend a night In a sleep ing bag or .toasting extremely cold toes in the neighborhood of an un certain bonfire, ho will be rewarded with Eorceous moonlit views of mountains, lakes and tho headwatorsj of the Deschutes. An Incidental! trip may be made to the fox farm nt Lava lako, where llvo marten, as, well. In another week elk will be In this territory. Itoads all through! here hnvo been put In .order by the. forest service tins spring ana arc part of the chain to be completed in tho mountains during .the present year. Odcll, Crescent and other lakos to j tho south have been open several weeks. Suttle's lake 'ban shared honors with tho Metolius to the north, but now parties are going further ou to Illuo lako and soma by trail to Square lake. A thrco mile hike by the road or a mllcthrough the brush over the forest trail rewarded those who spent last Sunday at Cast lake, where East ern brook trout weighing up to fivo pounds wero biting fairly well. Tho new fore-it. road through the pumlco beds from China Hat was open up to the rim of Newbury cra ter and for sorao distance down the hill. It will probably bo entirely clear this coming Sunday. The La Pine road to Paulina lake was still partial ly blocked' with snow, but a few days of sunshino would cleur the route . between tho two bodies of water. So much for the fishing. Dad may like it, but mother nnd the children have to wash the dishes and listen to father dictating how the trout should be grilled und all that. Ma wants to aeo something different. Her husband -may enjoy telling his lodge brothers about tho big one he caught duriug a snow fatorm at Elk lake, but' she would prefer to thrill tho Tuesday afternoon Howlng club with something more esthetic. For Instance. : change of scenery. Doth tho roads to the Edison and j Arnold Ico caves are In good condi tion and the caverns have their usual stock of refrigeration material. It Is now possible- to drivo clear to the mouth of Dill-nan care near Lava butto. Something extremely strong In tho way of portablo lamps Is rec ommended for illuminating purposes If ono desires to view the real beau ties of this underground passage. An Interesting tunnel Is also to be found In tho Sisters country on the road to Dry Creek swump. Picnic parties In the northern end of the county are etlll making Opal springs u rendezvous, but this curi ous spot will soon cease to attract-, when a power company now at work thoro completes Its building opera tions. Last, but Tur from loast. la tho road up Broken Top. While this will not bo open to automobllos probably until July 15, one may go na far as tho Tumalo ranger stu lion, from which a wonderful vlow may bo obtained. Yob, foiltH, ItV time to pack up tho old luuolTbaskot, put 10 gallons of gns in tho tank, dig up the khukl ovoralls and head for the tull tlnu bor. ' i Hair "a la Pompadour." ;. .Tho stylo f arranging the hair r pompadour orlglnutc-d wlththo French women about the middle of tho eighteenth century. Tills style of hair- dressing believed to huvo derived Its, name frpm .tho notorious Mine. Do ' '' Tompiidpur, . i - -.,-, rr j-. Bulletin., "WANT ADS' -Bring Re- .. . -W 0 ".it suiteTry TJiem. : LONG SESSION ENDS MEETING OF THE GRANGE (Continued from pngo 1.) ity, ono to another but they must ac cept this responsibility, if tho nation and tho Individual are ti progress." ho concluded. Nou-Piirtlin League R That there Is diiugor thnt tho Non partisan League may gain a foothold in Oregon, was Intimated before tho evening session by State Master Spence. Mr. Sponce refused to give even his personal opinion as to the merits or lack of morlts of tho league, but when asked us to the possibility of state socialism gaining a foothold In Oregon, ho replied: "If tho Orange does not solve tho prob lems before us, something like that is likely to happen." National Master Lowell had no op inion, peisounl or official, ho declar ed. "Even n personal opinion would be regarded as official, and you know the Orange, us mi organiza tion, Is not permitted any political affiliations." ho said. Color Lino Drawn Itesolutlons were disposed of to ward the close of the session, the ono of chief Interest to farmers of this section favoring legislation prevent ing acquisition of land by Asiatics. Others were: Endorsing the conduct of tho affairs of the forest service: Condemning wrong use of the emer gency clauso by the legislature: Ask ing legislation to allow only taxpay ers to vote ou bond Issues: Favor ing Investigation of the feasibility of organizing a farmers' bank; Hecom mending Improvement of trnusporta tola facilities: Urging the designa tion and construction of more mar ket roads; Favoring the national standardization of schools, with the ' hoad of tho educational system n i member of the cabinet at Washing ton Recommending the substitution of wnter power for gas and develop ment so as to furnish power for tho use of tho fanner. GIVES HINTS OF WORK ON BIG PROJECT (Continued from Page 1.) hearers to mean the materialization of tho Benham Falls project plans, George L. Hurtt. San Francisco po tato broker, spoke Informally before a gathering of Bend business men and Deschutes county farmers at the circuit court rooms last night, ex plaining his position in regard to the employment of Japanese ou his potato ranches in the north end of Deschutes county. Convincing his hearers before the close of the ses sion that his plans do not Include the selling or leasing of Und to Japanese, that he Is employing Ori entals because he has been unable to secure white labor and that lie considers that In the present tltno of Impending food shortage It is the patriotic duty of every American fa mer to make his land as productive as possible. .Mr. Hurtt received both from members of the Commercial club, and from John M. Perry and F. E. Pellett, representing the Ter rcbonno farmers, assurances of faith and of future cooperation. Soil I'liiisfs Expert. Discussion on the Japanese ques tion was lengthy and nt times wan dered somewhat from the point, but in the main proved of great Interest to tho men who filled the hall. As an Indication of the possibilities of Central Oregon, the opinion given by Henry Hansen, manager for George Shlma, California potato king, was taken as especially valua ble. "I am much ploased with tho potato land In this section," Mr. Han sen who accompanied Mr. Hurtt on his trip to Central Oregon, declared. "I consider It unequalled nnywhoro. It Is needed for seed production, and wo In California need your seed. It runs true to type, and Is freo from dlsoaso, and I bellevo that n groat future In potato culture awaits you. Ono thing you needn't be afraid of, und that Is Japanese colonization, You couldn't coax them In now." Tho meeting, presided over by D. G. McPhorson, president oftho Com mercial club, opened with a brief stutoment by Mr. Hurtt, in which ho reforred to implied throats made against him because of his employ ment of additional Japaneso, ex pressed his unwillingness to employ Japanese us long as whito labor could bojiad, donlpd roports thut ho had employed 'a gunman to guurd Orien tals, asked for cooperation, but mado It apparent that ho would refuse to yield to coercion. Lcglsbite, Advises Ilurtr. Mr. Pollett declared thut feeling among tho Terrobonno farmers Is at a whlfo heat, tntd that ho has hud hard work to prevent mob violence, "One man wanted tovcomo with ino tonight and bring his guns," bo said, "but I would not permit It," Tho fenr of Japanese colonization him paralyzed dovelopmont among tho farmers, who nro putting off sllo con struction nnd even neglecting to buy needed farm machinery," Mr. Hurtt made It plain that under tho law ho could bring In till tho Jupaiieie ho wanted, but that ho had no ileslic to do this without tho sup port of business men und farmers. "Wo enit afford to let go and forget nil about our Terrobonno farm," ho said, "lint America needs tho food, and It Is our duty to produce. I want cooperation, but if I don't got It, I'm off, that's nil." As n safeguard against coloniza tion, Mr. Hurtt advised legislation ngnlust ownership by Orientals Xwtl for Labor Told. Frank McCaffery, prominent rancher In tho Htulinoiul scrtlou, de clared that under present labor con ditions ho would bo willing to hire any sort of labor to save his crop. "Mr. Hurtt has put us on the potato map," ho said, " and the attitude which has been taken, menus simply thnt wo are standing In our own light. Heforo the season Is over we will bo lucky If wo can get Japs at $5 a day." Douglas .Mullarky ami Max Cun nlug, of Itedmoud, Leo Davis and Hugh O'ICnne. of this city, were among other speakers. Objections to Japaneso labor. It gradually dovoloped, wero based chiefly ou the fear that Introduction of tho Nlppoueso us laborers would lead to colonization. With positive assurances from Mr. Hurtt that hu would aid the settlers In preventing any such occurnuce. mid that he had no intention of bringing In any more Orientals for his Terrebonne ranch, tho delegates from thnt section ox pressed their personal desire to co operate with him. Ho accepted their invitation to meet with other farmers from the community tu Ter rebonne Bend Happenings From Day To Day Thursday John Doyle left Inst night for Port land. II. A. Miller Is In Tho Dalles, at tending to business matters, Mrs. Charles W. Krskluo has gone to Portland to visit with her mother. Mrs. Kd. Santray of Crescent,, loft last night for Yakima. Wushlugton. To spend several days In the val ley. Kd. Krlcksou started last night for Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Symons nre re ceiving congratulations over tho ar rival of n baby girl. Theodore Stone, of Prlnovlllo, was In Ilcnd yesterday, nnd returned to his home, last night. Douglas Mullarky, editor of the Itedmoud Spokesman spent the day In Hend on business. Mrs. J. O. Hanson and Lonn Hulls were up from Itedmoud yesterday us guests of Mrs. A, J. Morse. Miss Hlluh Ilrlck lias accepted a position In the office" or tho Hend Water, Light & Power Co. Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtis, who hnvo bcou In Hend the past week, loft last night for thPlr home In Spokane. Mrs.W. O. N'owton returned this morning from Portland, where she accompanied Mrs. L. K. Shepherd. Mrs. II. E. Tulip, who has been In Centrul Orogon for the past six months, left for Portland lust night. Mrs. A, W. Palmer and two child dreu leavn the latter part of tho week for a month's visit with relatives In Portland. Miss Idu Kaglos, of Madras, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. S. Spencer, returned to her home last night. K. O. Hlllman, of Richmond Ileach Wn., wiih In Hend yesterday on his wuy to Fife, whoro ho contemplates buying laud. Miss Dorothy Wright or tho do mestic Science department of tho Hend high school, left this morning for Portland. ,, It. M. -Smith and II. M. Horton tt yoHturday in Mr. Morton's Hiiluk for Snattle ou n combination business and pleasure trip. Tho ladies of tho Kplscopnl Guild will moot tomorrow afternoon from 3 to C o'clock with Mrs. Kouiioth II, Well, ou Hroadway. O. A. Stevenson, who has boon ranching In tho Slstors section, linn gone to Lylo, Washington, whoro ho, expects to buy fruit land Miss Ethel Mudgu, of Salem, who has been touching In Caldwell, Ida ho, was In Hend Inst night, on her way home, after a visit In Silver Lako. Mrs. Anna Anderson, mother of Mrs. W. O. Harrlman, left for hor homo In Vancouver, Washington, last night, after n short visit with her daughter. h. H. ItobertH, of Salom, who has been in Centrul Oregon for tho past weok with tho vjow of buying Irri gated land, returned to his homo lust night. BOOSTER DAY SPECIAL ! nWtNMIMMMMUMMmMtMNMailtMIMMM Our Iloostvr Duy Specials arc nimlc possihlij through our iiiuncnsu buying power and our desire to give you every advantage ol iimrkel conditions. Don't puss up this opportunity to buy the Following;: Men's Dress Shirts (soft cuff) 98c to $2.98 Ladies' Waists in Voile, Batiste and Georgette $1.98 to $6.90 Children's Gingham Dresses $1.19, $1.49, $1.79, $1.98 Children's Rompers 98c to $1.35 Karl Hugsdiilu started Inst night for Walla Wnllu. for n week's visit. During his ubsoncn Loo Davis will take his work ns oporutor at the Lib erty Theater. C. II. Calkins, of Portland, was in Central Oregon looking over Irriga ted lauds yesterday. He left for his home last night, but expects to re turn to Hend next week. C. C. Morgan, rancher on the Tumalo project, loft for Carson Springs, Washington, last night to undergo treatment for nerve trouble. He will bo gone three weeks. Mrs. William L. Dehne and two children of La Verne, mid Veueta. of Fort Itnck, were In Hend yesterday on their way to Sheboygan, Wiscon sin, to spend the next three mouths. M. W. Wagner, formerly with tho Hrooks-Scnnlou Lumber Company, has accepted a position at tho Head Oarnge. Paul Honuier has taken Mr. Wagner's place with the lumber company. MIm Heatrfco Chenesy, who has been n member of tho Hend high school faculty for the Inst two years, left this morning for Portland. Sho Is to bo married this month, and will make her homo in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Lnuterbach left for their homo In Salem Inst night, nfter spending the past four months in Hend. Mrs. Iiuterbnch's health has been grontly Improved by her short stay In the city, and they are hoping to return In the nenr future. K. Ilhea Lupcr, assistant to tho state engineer, was In (lend tills morning on his way to Salem from Lakevlew, whero ho has been spend ing the last few days on official bus iness. Hu Is making the trip by au to. Mr and Mrs. E. F. Imtton of Hood Illver, spoilt the last week ut the home of J. M. Lawrence. Mr. Hat ten was tho first superintendent of the Hend Water, Light & Powsr com pany In 1905, mid was a resident of Hend fur 1 1 years. They started for their home yesterday by auto. M. It. Hlggs. of Priuevllle, Is a vis itor In Hend today. C. A. Morse, of Prlnevllle, wus In Hend on business yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. M. II. DeArmond nro the parents or a baby girl, born this noon, Mrs. V. K. Forbes and Mrs. K. F. Stockwell are back In Hend, follow ing a trip to Portlnnd. It. S. McClure, who has been transacting business In Portland, re turned to Hend HiIh morning. Carl A, Johnson nnd Churles Du gnu, nfter spending several days In Portlnnd, returned to Houd this morning. Dr. and Mrs, 10, It, Norris havo re turned from an nutn trip to Oregon City, whoro thoy wero called by tho serious Illness or Dr. Norris' rather. Friday- Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Carroll or this city uro tho parents or a baby girl, born yostorday, Tho young lady has boon iiamod Iloutrico Mao. W. Woldner loft for Portland last night. L. II. Campbell Is In Hpoitano ou business, F. O. Anderson, Shovlln-Hlxon mill employe, loft for Portland Inst night. Mrs. II. O. Mlddlnholt Is In Port land on a six wooks' visit with friends. Miss Allcon Hlco of Hoattlo, will spend tho summer with her cousin, Mth. II, I", Hoyco. A. Votes of Yuklmn, after several weeks spent In this city, left last night tor his home, Mr. and Mrs. A, Smith will Ionvo Saturday to spond an outing of a row dnys at Elk lako. After placing a tailoring agency with the Cnshman storo, E, II, Nel son loft for Portland yesterduy. E. 0, Orimth, gonornl agent for tho Chicago & Northwostorn railway, was a visitor In Uond yesterdny, Mr, and Mrs. Ford Van Wle, of tennfisS T7w;.rrrTi- ;.Ty7r.rrrr' r"n4w'M Sioux City, Iowa, aro visiting at tho homo ut Mr and Mm. O. A Thorsnii. Tho soda fountain at tho Horton Drtig Store has been opened for tho season. Mrs. Charles Sayler will ho In charge. Fruiiceii Clark, superintendent of schoolH of Harney county, Is In Hend today. She will leave for Hurnn tills evening. Ivnn It. Kuotts, of Hend, left for Portlnnd last night to Join his wife, who has been In that city for the lust six weeks. ' Dr. P. H. Dourer, formerly n randier In tho vicinity of Hend. ar rived horo last night from Loltatn. Washington. Mrs. It. H. Munry mid grand daughter Margaret King. started this morning for a month's visit with rel atives In llurmlstou. L. L. Noonchostgr. who recently purchased tho Cook Mirond hand TO wwvvw'a - tnrP. returned this morning from M,;i'"'m;d ";:, 'j;;,; "Ji urn business trip to Portland. y(,Hr nm. brands. If any. iiiideelpher- II. M. White, forest Inspector, whouible; one black steer, branded bar ha-. b..u hero from the dlMrlrt of- L'S right hip. undercut right our. flr for Hi.. Hunt three day left ,,K" nUuut y""r " oll J"r,",y ric ror the past inree .i. io' . ItlM,.v. ,ml right eye. overcut this morning ror Portland ,t, ,.r )H,.Ih, ir any. inideclpher- .Ylr. L. A. Miles, mother or Mrs. able No tiro Is hereby further It. S. Dart. loft lust night ror her given that the undersigned will, on borne in Portland, after a three! I ho UUi da or June. I020. at ll.e i , , . ,. Weeks' visit with her daughter A. K. Itlchnrds, o.vslierl'f unit prominent mrrchant of llnriie) roun - t is In Hend today on his way Inline from Portland with a now Hulck. Whllo cleaning a safety razor bltule this morning. Tom Carlln. chief or the llciul file department, suiluiurd ii badly slim lied blind Sir. and Mrs. Charles Ilollltitlioud and Mrs. Hnlliushend's sister. Mrs. S. M Templeton, of l.n Pine Wt for Mnrcoln. Washington, to mska their home Mm Mary Desmond. cromPJnled ', , .. , , n ,. i by her daughter. Mm Julia Hodge. tuft for Portland, last Might, wheru Mrs. Desmond will roimull hu uye npuclHllnt. A. O. Clark. maniu:r of ihn Amo cldtml Industrie of Oregon, who has been In Hend for Ihn punt two days, Interviewing merchants. Ml ror Portlnnd last night. Mrs. A. L. Peters of Xonttle. nnd Mrs. l C, Weiss of Los Angoles. sis ters of Mrs. E. L. Payne, or this city will arrive tonight to upend thf week at the Paynn homo. Edward nnd Ethel Hale, children or C. E, Hale, who have been attend ing school in Hend, started Inst night lor Seattle. Mr. Halo has bueii In Washington tho past two months. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. H. Crane, ol nresham, who are dolegaten to tho Orange convention horo, loft last night ror their homo on news or tho soero Illness ot Mrs, Crane's broth er. J. Follows, or Portland, represen tative or (he Wlloy II. Allen Piano Compnny, is In Hend I o da jr. Mr. Feb lows wan tho pilot nt tho nlrplnnn which lodged In a Juniper treo at Prlnovlllo Inst week. News has reached friends and rel atives hero of tho birth of a seven and one-hnir pound son to Mr. und Mrs, W. H. Trombluo, of Sand Point, Idaho. Mrs. Trombloo was formerly Miss Marjorio Hoover, of Hend. Dr. nnd Mm. J. W. Thorn und two' daughters, or Silver Lnko, wore horo last night on tholr way to Portland, whero thoy will visit with rolatlves. Willie in Portland, Dr. Thorn will at tend the Htato medical convention, Mrs. Cusoy Flynn, who loft ror Prlnovlllo Saturday night to visit hor brother, P. 8. Schmltt, Is surrnr Ing from u badly sprained nuklo sus tained since hor urrivnl nt the fichmltt ranch home. Mr. Flynn hnH gono to bring her back to Hend, Chnrlcs Hnfstottur, runchor on tho Tumnlo project, wan In Hend today to obtain medical trontment, Mr, Hofstottor Hiistnlned a badly wrench ed back u row nights ngo when ho drove his car into a lateral from which tho culvert hade boon remov ed. Mr. nnd Mm. 13, h. Scarry loft for ICansus City last night to makoitholr homo. ftfr. ''Scarry camo to Dond ft Bungalow Aprons $1.69 to $2.25 ear ngo from Kansas ('Ity to man n ko tho lingers boarding house, and hns soived in that capacity up to it week ago, when II. A. Wilson suc ceeded him. Mr. mid .Mrs. C !'. Swlgurt left for their homo In Portlnnd last night Mr. Swlgert Is president of tho Civic Hrldgo HulldliiR Co., with contracts for construction on the llunil-llurm road, mid has been In that section on an Inspection trip. He reports grad ing completed ami part of the gravel ling, und estimates that eight mouths linn o will be reunited to fin ish thut part of (tin highway lying between Ituriis and Luwou. rorxn xotk'i:. Notice Is hereby given that the city of Hend hits caused to bo Im pounded the following described livestock pursuant to ordinance 173, of said city. One black row, haw bell on. while spot right and left side, lilg Jaw. tight horn broken off. t.. ...1. if ...-. n.f..li.l.i.....l.t.f .tt. I city pouiiii. sen ui puniic auction, .,. ..,,..., .i.ciiA,! livestock to sat- ( Hty the charge for Impounding the saiiin togetlii-r wllh nil accruing :,,'," L A W NIXON. .Ilc-d-lfir wkly Ciller or Police. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS " Cllrtiil lt.rtT.tnr nr. ir uu. ti rnU tw 20 worrit or Im. On rrnl tt xonl fer all wwr 20, All clualAnl ilMlln tUktlr h In ilnf:. I-Olt HALfC. I , ''' HA,'K , T'T' '' y.nnV V'"!!?,' ' eun old. broke In load; will W,( , ,0 ,,0UmU Hm, irJnw, stautn at Smith's grocery. I'lMRp - I'Olt SALE Two ''year-old mtiliw. Price J!0; will Make 1200-potiud team when full grown. Inquire L. O. Heed. Houd, Ore. Hex I IK. Hi.-tr.-1'.p FOIt SALE Fresh milk cows W. J. Alt, (Id miles north or Hend on Hu alley ditch. Phono W2. nn-n-mp EGOS FOIt HATCIIINOH,. 0. Whito Leghorns. Heavy winter layers, mated to Tnucrod cocks, of 230.'J50 ngg strain. 51. DO per 1C. S. 0. It. . Hods, mated to high class cockerels from prlzo winning stock $11 for 15, One third cash with order, bnlauco on delivery. Hofstettar's Poultry Farm. Tumalo. 07-Rltfc WANTED. YOL'NO lady, Ilookkeopor-Btonog-rupher wauls permanent posi tion; two yen in experience In gar age; best of references. Write E. S., cure of Hulletlii. Sfi-Ifip PASTI.'UE -Wnnlod. mittlo to pus- turn, J 1.50 per month. 000 acres fine river meadow. Write W. It. II. Williams, Hend, Ore. Ol-t.l-ir.p PASTI'ItE Wanted cattle to pint- turn. 31.50 per mouth. i!00 ncrou fine river meadow. Address W. II. H. Williams, Hend, Ore. :tl-8-13p FOIt KENT FOIt HUNT Stock ranch with plenty or watur pumped by wind mill and giisniluu engine. Lots of out rungo. Write E, euro Hulletlii. 81-11-K'p FOIt HALE -lloglsturod llolstolu bull cnir, Imrgalu, Pure bred Du re c Jersey boar, 1 1 months old. Phono IfliT. Hum!, P. C. Hurt, nn-llp FOIi'halE OU TltADE For Hemi real estate, 10 acres, 7 miles from Hend. 10 acres plowed Hi iicioh trees pulled, small house, Ilox 58, Ilond. Ore. IM-1 1-160 LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN DP Onu hlacklsh-browii bull about 2 years old, short horns, right ear cut, branded L A mi loft hip; two brpwiUixw) whito cows, about ,'i yours old, ono with horns, branded L Alright hip. nun branded L O loft hip; onu brown cow, brand ed 1 on left ilp; one ruddlsh-hrowii cow, braudod H O loft hip, Camo May 20, Others In hunch, Owner can haya sumo by paying dnmngotl and charges Halburg ranch, 3 Vi miles on Tumnlo fond, 15p .4 - 31 ,.dii .tec. 'Hit- ij I. i. - jL,ii i lUJi cjss- c ($ $s o