The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 10, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    ii ".! M'PlMApb i MH"
jThe Bend Bulletin
( Published By
' TlliJ IIK.V1) nUlXKTIN
,, (Incorporated)
Kstnbllshcil 11)01!.
IlOnEKT W. SAWYKR, Manager
, An Impendent newspaper ntandlng
for tlio square deal, clean business,
clean politics and the best interests
ot Pond and Central Oregon.
Ono year 12.00
Six months 1.00
Three months CO
THt'USDAY. JUNE- 10, 1920
Aside from the undciirtandlng
reached at last night's meeting that
tho llurtt potato ranch nt Lower
Pridgo should finish tho season with
the five Jnpaneso whoso employment
has been made necesnry by the short
ago of farm labor, there were sev
eral matters of Interest brought out
in the discussion.
Ono of these Is so serious ns to do-
that Is tho only remaining irriga
tion possibility, calling foi such In
vestmouts ns; Vuro mentioned lasl
night. HnvlijB ucHor'oil lt( tho
only possibility for' tho llontinm full
project was by n government under
taking H is pncouraRJng t6 rcnllxo
Hint it has sufficient nttrnct'ldn to In
terest private capital."
Wo shall await developments with
great Interest.
While the profession atv bootleg
ging, which of "lato has developed to
a high degree, may bo thought. to bo,
n modern business brought into be
ing In Oregon by the state bone-dry
law, later reinforced by1 tho
eighteenth amendment, recent rend
ing has indicated Hint it flourished
In much of the territory west of tho
Missouri liver 100 years ago. Since
bootlegging Is tho result ot laws pro
hibiting tho sale of liquor, nnd since
it was federal law which created tho
condition of which we have rend
law that did not then run Into tho
Oregon country It may be that the
business Is truly, new hero, but only
a short distance to tho east It
mand tho careful consideration of
every thoughtful man In the com- flourished In nil Its modem details,
munity who is Interested not only In (rom whiskey running down to tho
his own welfare but in tho prosperity operation f n still,
ot the Deschutes valley and that Is. n ono respect, however, there
hu set lip tho flrnt distillery. This
man was Kolmoth MclCunild and tho
locution ot his still was Port Union,
on tuo Missouri liver, ?,
Unfortunately for McKoutlo, mid
much nfter tho stylo of nioro mod
orn operator, ho charged a traveler
too mucli for u drink, and on (ho
travelers' return to tho Mates, In
formation of his lawless activity
was given tho federal officials, who
brought It to mi end.
Truly, there Is nothing now under
the Sun.
Tho newly udopted ru'.o of tho
state highway commission to nr
rnngo for,Htirfudng on nil grades
built under Its Jurisdiction is a dis
tinct forward' stop In policy that
menus much to tho various sections!
especially Interestedt thu.Mo those
especially Interested that Is to
those where grading Is being done.
To construct u grade nnd then wait
Indefinitely before proceeding with
surfacing Is a wasteful IiUhioi'ks. tt
Is like building a hotisu nnd louv
lug tho roof off. Until the roof Is
on tho Interior of the house Is
exposed to nil tho elements and
may luivo to ho rebuilt when tho
tlmo comes- to put tho roof on. In
the same way an tinsurfacod grade
tho threatened loss of crop duo to wn n difference. Tho bootlegger j will rut and the soil become scat
Inability to secure help, and for other today may bo anyone who ex- torod, necessitating much extra
' toasons. Handles are being worked pects easy money out of tho Illicit work before tho surfacing muterlal
today with the aid of school boysBa,0 0f liquor; 100 yours ago he was can bo put down.
Farmers with any amount of nlfnl
fn acreage look forward to tho
liarvcst season with misgiving. Thoy
fear they may lose at least n partof
their crop because of sheer Inability
to find hnrvest hands. Potato
growers face tho same situation.
Conditions are much worse than
thoy were a year ago, and no relief
la In sight.
All this means that a food short
ago with prices much higher than
they have been at any time In tho
past. Because of these same reasons
planted crops are less extensive than
in former years and it Is too late to
;do anything thnt may remedy the
situation. At best, even if the crops
are all harvested, production will bo
ifar short of normal. If they arc
harvested, however, there will be
romd Tclief, small as it may be. nnd
tho biggest thing we can do for our
selves and our fnrtner friends Is to
.plan to aid them when the time
Although not of the same imme
diate Importance It was of great In
terest to hear a potato expert like
Mr. Hansen say that tho Deschutes
valley soil was the beat In the world
for tho production of potatoes. The
development of potato growing here,
tho high prices paid for Deschutes
valley stock in competition with that
from other parts of tho west nnd the
recent Investment in local farm
lands ot men whose chief interest is
In tho. potato business have served
to confirm the growing belief that
here was one ot the big agricultural
possibilities. Now Mr. Hansen
crowns tho belief with unqualified
statements of the reason why this Is
so. It means big things lor the
Another matter, not brought out
so. clearly but suggested by veiled
reference, was the possibility ot in
creased irrigation development
through the activity of tho Durtt as
sociates. Just what this may mean
joust be left to future announce
ments to but tho plan, what
ever It may be, must be connected
with the Oenham falls project since
tho fur trader, who used alcohol to
befuddlo the mind ot his Indian
customer, or to keep his white em
ploye constantly In his dobt. And
In exchange for tho Three Star or
Canadian Club of tho day ho re
ceived, not cash, but pelts, which
had still a long Journey to make
before being turned Into coin
of tho realm.
A century ago the only business
carried on In tho groat territory
stretching from tho Missouri to tho
Pacific was In fur. Parties in tho
employ of the great fur companies
trapped nnd hunted tho country
over. Free hunters that is, men
not bound to sorvlco with any com
pany also collected skins for mar
ket, but tho biggest supply was
obtained by trade with tho Indians.
Competing in the field wero tho
Northwest nnd Hudson Day com
panies, representing Hritish Inter
ests, and various American compan
ies and associations, chiefly with
headquarters nt St. Louis. Each
had undisputed sway in certain ter
ritories, hut on tho border lines
their Interests clashed and here,
chiefly, thoy found tho uso of liquor
essential in order to insure the In
dian -trade, or to' uso u modern
expression to get an even break
with their competitors.
Recognizing Its harmful effects
on the Indian, the United States
Possibly tho now policy U of no
Immedlute Importance to Ueichutoa
county, because tho commission Is
carrying out Its promise to surface
the Important section of Tho Dnllos
Callfornla highway now being
graded, ul connection with future
work, however, It means that, onco
n project Is hogun, Is will bo car
ried through to completion In
this section, unless a road It
surfaced It Is no road at all.
Many a Job of grading has been
done heru that left the nmd in
worse shape than It was In before
tho road crew struck It. simply be
cause surfacing did not follow grad
ing. If tho commission1 now or
ders grading and surfacing on all
now work wo shall bo assured of a
good road when tho first contract
is let.
While tho budget for the local
school district for tho coming year,
which will bo voted on at a spe
cial meeting of tho tux payers on
Juno 30, shows n smaller sum to
bo levied than In tho past year, the
dltferenco in totals Is more appar
ent than real because of tho al
lowance made for receipts from tho
two-mill tnx voted at tho recent
special election. That Is, wo shall
pay, hereafter, a larger part of our
government early forbado tho im-, school tax through tho stato and
portatlon of liquor Into the wostorn I tho monoy will come back from it
territory, and hero tho bootlegging
began. Essential In competition
against the British companies,
liquor was also of groat value for
trade in purely American territory,
and many wore the dovlcos used by
expeditions starting for tho Interior
to get it by tho guards on tho rivers
and trails.
Facing the difficulties ot smug
gling liquor into tho fur country,
ono acute trader ,w!th an enterprise
worthy of a better calling, persuad
ed his associates that, while the
laws forbado "Importation," nothing
was said of tho manufacturo of
liquor and proceeded to carry a
still Into tho wilderness, where,
with corn Imported for tho purposo,
rather than directly through local
tax collections.
In spite of the comparative same
newt of tho two totals thoro aro
real differences, however, that In
dicate that tho district Li gottlng
on a better basis and that tho er
rors ot past years In levying too lit
tle have now been cared, for. TIiIh
Is shown In tho omission of any
sum for emergency loans, which
have heretofore been necessary to
mako up shortages In past tux lev
ies. Tho Increases, chiefly In In
struction expense, .are tho natural
result of growth, both In tho num
ber of teachers nnd In tho salary
Unless there aro tremendous and
t- " ' i :
KSj ' f, """ ni '
mIm LJ Fi i i '!' iii " i vi
To "Make Both Ends Meet"
is the ardent desire of every housewife who has but a limiteTd
income at her disposal. It is a familiar fact that SYSTEMATIC
HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTING will do more towarding lighten
ing the burden of properly caring for a family than is generally
We believe that homes will be more cheerful and prosperous
when systematic accounting is adopted. Accordingly THE
FIRST NATIONAL BANK has purchased 100 copies of
Compiled undor supervision of University of California.
an efficient household account book that does not require ted
ious bookkeeping.
Theie boolci will Lc distributed tX the wholesale out mire ol 35c each to the first hunched
housewares who will agree to keep household accounts.
, M ' ' "'" ...--.. -- - . ,
unexpected domuudH on our tiqliotil
syRtcm. tho district may look to tho
present budget ns milting tho Mtaiid
ard for future budgets, Ordinary
growth should hereafter ho taken
euro of by ordinary Increases In as
sessed valuation, so that tiur school
tax should never again roach tho
Tho biggest danger lies In the re
moval of timber laud from tho
rolls at a faster ruto than other
property comes In to take Us place,
nnd that, It seems to us, Is tho most
Important problem confronting the
We publish today tho first com
pinto list ot names of Deschutes
county inuii who guvo their lives
for their country In the great war.
Many of these wero not widely
known hero becauso tbolr rosldoiicu
had not been long when they were
called to service, hut their names
have gone Into tho national roll of
honor us a part of tho contribution
this county made to iho nation ami
thoy should bo recorded In some
permanent memorial' hero.
given it linger inoasuro of modll for
their uffoiiH In providing this unburn
mothod of getting Iho people ' to
gothiir in animal celebration. Tint'
event should be given nioro mid
greater publicity. This much nonius
certain- that those who once attend
this event aro firm In their praise
and tiro dolnrmlnod, whatever be
falls, that thoy will bo on baud at nil
In lnw of tho gasoline shortage,
It is suggested that folks .should be
careful of their soup
Fifteen Years Ago
Another defectlv. fluo caused tin
second flru loss In lleud last Sun
day morning, when V. K lladlo'i
saloon at tho corner of .Mlutiesoti
and Ilond streets burned to tho
ground with all Its contents. The
lots was botweon 7500 and S000.
J. I.. Koyer nnd Hilly Ilrock wer
on u hunting expedition above Crane
l'rnlrle last week mid brought bad.
tht pelts of two big bears us tro
phies. At tho I). I. & 1'. company's ex
periment farm everything Is mak
ing gratifying progress. Now that
the proper tlmo for growth has ar
rived, tho crop aro climbing nloiia;
surprisingly and promise big yields
lleud must be about to hnv.i it
railroad. A whole week has passed
without n crop of rumors.
The Pilot IluttH company hits
bought a feud mill, which It will op
erate In connection with tho sawmill.
It has boon decided to build a
bridge across the Deschutes at Clluo
falls and CO.OOO foot of lumber his
been ordered for the purposo.
.M. U. Coo Is expected to arrive to
night to spend several wook.4 with
his brother, Or. U, O. Coe. The
young man Is it student In tho agri
cultural department of tho Univer
sity of Missouri and will spend most
of his vacation in this locality.
All Interested In having the (ce
Cnvo road kept open far public travel
through or around thu now home
steads or Phillip Francis and Krnusi
CJurrult nro invited to meet at thu
office of J. M. Lawrence Haturduy.
Last Saturday night's ball marked
an epoch in Pond dancing. For tin
first time in this city, formal pro
grams wero used.
American Indian a Mystery.
Tho origin of the American Indian
Is a matter of dispute. F.lhnotoglrsl
ly, the Indian resembles most closely
certain Mongolian and Klhcrlnn co
ples. It Is, therefore, bellsw-il by most
authorities that his ancestors crossed
from Asia to Alaska nnd thence down
the coast of North Atnerlcu.
Babc Olre Peril.
Mother and little Kathryn werr up
stairs when they heard llttlo sister
full off the couch. Knthryn said: "O,
mother, If thnt baby doesn't stop fall
ing she's going to ruin hermit."
WkEtVN com' H V40VJUE.aHCr
we oo oeno sis rprttmtm'. I
pv sovawa, t i,v,tW nou !
lly .lodge T, i:. .1, Duffy.
Homo hovoii or eight yours ukoIIio
people of Mndi'iitt, In order I" I"'"
niuto n hotter community spirit, and
to Insure a day or sociability, con
ceived tho Idea of having an annual
fish fiy.
Ho, each year since then, on or
about tho first of Juno, tho peoplo
of Madras and vicinity havo gath
ered together In Increasing tiiimlioi-rt ' "lB'n"it fish frys.
at tho idd apple in chard between
Vanora and Mecca, near the right of
way of the Oregon Trunk railway,
on the banks of the Deschutes river
for a day's outing and to feast on
tastefully propaied tiout.
A. W. Culp and Attorney 1.. II.
Irving havo been two of tho lead
lug spirits In this gala day. They
mil mil- iiavu si-pi iiiivii too iiiioiosi s riviif.-i M i A MM, IMf' AT
In this annual event, but have ulsoi"1 " 1"1VIj 1" nl
What's Doing in
the Country.
taken leading parts to charm the
wily trout to take a "fly" at an
ever-ready hook and lino.
It might bo asktnl how enough
trout could bo caught Io supply the
HKHUIIUTKS. June 10. A huge
atteiidaui'o was at the duitcu
given at tho (. W Nelson homo Hut-
demands of the largo concourse of urday evening. Uxcellonl music
peoplo who gather to parlliipiito In W,,M ,1r",v'',Vi, "J"1 "froshiuonU wen.
. , .... . . .. .. . .served by tho ladles.
the fry. but It must bo said that M(. nm ,M v y (.()clm (
so far. the expert fishermen and fnillly mmi fhim: Bt Hiinday. A
thiiHo who aro willing to bo under!
tho able tutorship of those two men
have boon able, dining the several
days preceding tho event, to gather
In enough of tho finny Iribo to feast
tho multitudes.
That the event Is a very popular
one Is evidenced by tho fact that
at the last event, on the sixth day
of June, over 700 tropin wero In
attendance from Portland and from
Central Oregon.
It can bo truthfully said that tho
largo catch of 1 1 out was reported
Allen (Irani ueut to Itond Thui
day wjli a load of hay.
Mlsu Hazel Johnson has returned
homo. Hho has been working at
Dean Van Matro's.
Itox Mathews of Redmond Is vl
lllug at tho A. II Matthews farm this
Miss Opal Walker or Redmond Is
starting a now music class In th
vicinity or Dosrhules. Hho will
give her lessons on Friday or ouch
Miss Fay Miller or Misters I vl-
, ... .. ,..,.,, , tiling with hoi sister. Mis Dean Van
word "hospitality has been given a ' 1(ul
now meaning since too goou people i
of Madras began featuring this an
nual celebration. It Is n typical
w.ostorn celebration everyone wel
come and everything free. It Is a
splendid means or promotion or com
munity interest ami of breaking
down local prejudices and strength
ening tho spirit or uelRliborllnesN
nod friendliness.
Madras may well and proudly
boast or having In her midst some
Mr. nnd Mrs Throop and son of
lleud were visitors at the Hwallcy
homo Friday and Saturday Mr
Throop hn been employed bulldlt K
llii. now Kwalley house
Virgil llenklo ot llnd visited i.t
the (leorgo Klder home Inst week
Allen (Irant and family went Ilea
mom! visitors Sunday
Miss l.llllau Van Malre.
mond visited her aunt. Mrs Prouder
burk. Halurday and Sunday
Mr and Mrs V A. Cochran or
Deschutes will leave Thursday mars--
lug for the valley.
or tho most skillful rishermen if ,,( , iron Mathews visited
Oregon. Indeed, no morn expert Mrs. V A. Cochran at Desehuies Km -fisherman
bus ever whipped a lino j day. ....... , .. ,
ncros the r.rrios than Mr Irving or1,", " 'iHii "JH 5
Mr. Culp. H Isaac Walton worn ,Mr Stanley, Mr. and Mrs Until
nllvo today either or these men could ' and Nellie were fishing Kunduy.
easily teach him something new In' .Mrs Knough or Deschutes wss
.,.,, , ri.nrll, .I,,... shopping In llend Wednesday
ho to charm n fish. j Mp( K( Hwily (,mj ,r father,
Tho peoplo or Madras should be jr j0. worn In Ilond TuoHilny.
Your Holiday Trip Should
Be Pleasant
H you nro going away to spend "July Fourth, you will need
theso llttlo accessories, which, In themselves, seam small, hut
In reality thoy aro very Important In making your trip u pious
ant ono.
811k Camisoles $1.IH o il.50
Silk llloomers - to ijlO.oo
Kino Knit and llntlsto IlIoomorH HKo to fU.IH
Chomlso,' flno Nainsook : H' to 911,50
Silk Chomlso 9.H7 to 1J7.50
flownu or flno Ilutlsto nnd Crepo .'. 91. OH to 95.00
tillk Night Oowiih 97.50 to 910.50
HrnssloroH, tho well known I), K. Hovolso mako 7He, 91.-IH anil
In endless varloty of flno Vollos, Organdies, Crepo do Chlnn,
Ooorgotto' 91 .an to 910.50
HII.K iiohi:
Kxtru finality pure thread silk, with lisle garter top; white,
brown and grey only, Hpeclal 9I.0K