PAGR 8 BKNI) BUliLKTlN, HKND, OltEOOrt, T11UHHDAV, JUNK , 11)20. ANGLERS LAUD iSPORT AT LAKE FISH RISE EAGERLY TO VARIED LURES JA"rTi"t Stutq Official i:nnyj)utln nnd Many Portland, ,-gjyl Iornl Sport.smcn Rattle With -.. Gamy Trout. Elk lake, no miles rrom Rend was officially established as a tnrccu for Oregon sportsmen ovor the wook oud when n party fnnde Up by State Game Warden A. K. Durghduff. nnu Master risk Warden Jl. K. Clanton sampled (he fishing nt that point. The men, representing state-wide .angler's Interests, came away with -tho limit catch and much enthusiasm for the lake, which Is literally teem Ing with fish ready to rise to hooks baited with anything from a piece or rod flannel to the most attractive of Men. Between CO and 100 local fishermen also spent tho double hoi iday at the lake, a new road to which lins recently beeii opened by the United States forest service. Officials Head Party. The Portland party came In Sat urday niorulng and made the trip In to the mountains In two machines and a triick. In addition to Clanton ' nnd Ilurgkduff. the group included Dr. .A. K. Downs, president of the Sportsmen's league, Paul Farrcus. president of the Multnomah Angler's club.J. O. Morris of one of the principal Portland sporting goods firms. R. C. Winter, E. A. Franz.of . Hood River, J. L, Lewis, of Corvallis, W. C. Rlock. Ben Bolt, D. William Camnbell nnd Walter Nash. Forest Supervisor Jacobson, Assistant Su pervisor Hnrrimnn, National Forest Inspector If. M, White, Deputy Game Wardep II. D. McDonald and P. E Lynes, superintendent of the Tum' . lo hatchery accompanied them. The hatchery- nt Lava lake was madoTieadq.uartcrs for tho visitors, who returned last night to Portland. The excursion was concluded with a big-dinner for 15 last night nt tho t Pilot Butto Inn. Kowl Under Construction. Elk lake is tho largest- egg taking station In tho 6late' and supplies many ther .nearby bodies of water with eastern brook trout and red--sides. "Nidb million eggea were taken from" It "last winter and It Is antici pated the number of frjJ will bo In creased during the coming season. Improvement.! on the road now make It more easy of access and the travel of -fishermen, to that section will un-do'ubtcdly-'bc much Jieavier. accord ing- lb Mr. Clanton. Frequont nur r?es of snow and a strong breeie -? ru that-ruffled tho surface did not dis courage tho .fish Sunday and ono man registered two fish each time on seven successive casts. Revenged " The dlnng qar win rrowrtpd and the conductor scaled my opposite n man with iwnom I Jmd quarreled. Acrow from us,-nt people ybo knew both of us iwd ulio knew of tho. quarrel, but tho. supreme inoiuent of eihburrnss in out for me came when tho waller, thinking the mnn was my huxhaud, tool: up both of our check and pre rented tiem to hliu for payment. Rx- V I Sixty D1111U11, m United States more than double the capital invested in all other industries. This is the Great Food Plant of America. Good Banks are part of the power equip ment of this" plant. In ten. years this Rank lias endeavored by faithful and efficient service, to assist the farmers of Central Oregon. Call on us when in Bend. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BEND THE HANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE? REDMOND WINS. 2-0, FROM BEND Ill XCHKR HITS IN SIXTH SCOUli ONLY Itl'XS OF oami: COI.. L1NS FANS IT, ALLOWING RUT TI1HKK HITS, i After a five Inning pitchers' duel. In which Coillim had fanned IV out of 17 men up. with eight strikeouts to the credit of Tetherow. Hodmund won from Bend here yesterday after noon. 2-0, In the sixth. A crowd which completely filled bleachers nnd grandstand, was In nttcuduncc. with many more who saw the gnmo from parked cars. In the fifth. Collins walked Greenwnld, nnd hit Butler, but the formor was caught between home and third; while two strikeouts left the score board undqeoratcd. In the sixth, Tethorow was out on first on Herbert's assist, Lee talked, stole second, anil Buckmaster's long throw from left field caught him at homo when ho attempted to score on Bobbins' hit. Desnry tapped out an easy one making first when the ball was Imperfect! fielded to second, ndvanclng another notch In the confusion. Grcenwnld's long fly alonfc the third base line, cleaned up the bases and lauded him on second. Butler struck out. Only onco during the remainder of the contest," was Redmond In striking dlstnnce, when In the ninth, whon Desnoy hit. but was cut off nt third on Oreenwnld's grounder. Ilnll to Slate. Bend's first hit was contributed In tho fifth by Byberg. but he went out at third on Lee's throw. Hull connected for a safe' one In the sixth with two down, and Schmidt, who followed him, filed out to short. The nearest chance at a score came In the eighth, when Slate hit with one down. Buckmaster hit.-and after rounding first, was caught on hos ro turn by Meads's throw. Hunnelt, sent in as a plnch-hltter, fanned. Tetherow rounded out the ninth with three straight strikeouts, making a total of H, as against 17 retired by Collins. The Teams. Bend Hall, as.; Schmidt, rf,; Collins, p.; Clifford, c.; Byberg, cf.: Bruns, lb.; Slate, 3b.; Buckmaster, If.; Horbert, 2b.; Hunnell, rf. Dedmond Lee. ss.; Bobbins, 2b.; Desney, lb.; .Greenwnld. c.; Butler. rf.; Mend. 3b.: Nell. If.: Hollowny, ef.; Tethorow, c. St ore. R. ii. i Band 0 Redmond 2 3 Pyramids of Egypt Th Kxypttnii pyntmkU hhmiImt 7A In alii and entne of Hmmh r-entirely In ruins. The Krnp of tkt jrtnie- tures which Is most ImixirtHUt en tains the Great Pyramid. iihhimI iiImi Cheots, aftur an Hptiun kins. It Is built of nbniit 2,Tni).0tKi I .locks ,f toui. Patience. A phlegmatic liisensllilllty Is ns dif ferent from patience, ns h hhi) from a harbor. IntnMhe one IihIhIiiuc nut urally slnkn us: but :f .. arrive tit the other It is by euewiurliig many an aiUcrse wind ami rousn uae. with u more skilful pilot at tin helm than self, and a compute under la-tier (one innnd limn ih ikiw'oik. - IUI-vwi J? , '"-It if I I ssac ate D11S dollars is the the farming Y. IB. PROGRAM IS INCLUSIVE SUMMER WORK TO BE EMPHASIZED Special liiHtiii'-tlon for Chlldieii nnd 'Women lo Ho Important. Swimming Instiiuloi- will (JIo Lesson. Tho outstanding featuru of tho summer program of the Industrial V. M. C. A. will bo nu intensive piece of organization work commenc ing Monday for nil children of tho City under tho Associate Seciotnry, Miss Klla Dews, Ha'8 Secretary L. W. Trlckby. This program Includes basketry, (ruffia work), bendwork, folk dancing, singing game, volley ball, basket ball, apparatus work, and organized games for boys The schedule will be published latei Tho Camp Fire Girls will also bo given special attention and will probably nttead a summer camp un der tho enro of Miss Down. This program will be, open to all children of the City, whether mem bers or not. Howover, swimming classes for both girls and boys, uud the use of the plungo will be limit ed to members, until tho school board Is authorized to mnke an ap propriation for this purpose, so that all tho children of tho City may av ail themselves of tho swimming program as well as tho play ground work. Plujgrouuit Work Feature Tho playground work will be tho Y. M. C. A ' contribution to tho city's children this summer. To wards the oud of tho season a pa geaut and children's circus will be staged at tho gyuinuslum and also an exhibition of cooking by tho Camp Tire Girls, raffia and other work by the younger folks. Features for tho adult member ship Includes regular swimming classes on Tuesday evening for la dles and Wednesday evening for men, and every Thursday evening a social swim for members and friends. Onco n month n mothers' nnd daughters' evening will bo held In tho gymnasium. Twice n month an open house for mombers," friends, and tho public Is nchoduled. The building will be open on Sun days from 2:30 to 5:30 for men on ly. , An ' Kvorybody Learn to Bwi"1 ' Campaign" will be organized about tho ciiil of July u-hon the committee plans to htlng to town a Rational swimming oxpert and an opportun ity will bo given to everybody to learn tho invaluable art of swim ming. Water to bo Anal)eil Tho sanitary supervlijlon of the swimming tank will be jmder tho care of" Dr. A Lesslng. At regular InUrvnls analsls of tho water will be mndn and pnlillshed. Tho oxporlmout of having a com petent woman giving her full time to tho woman's dopartmriut and playground work Is u!ho being mndo at Payette, Idaho, and other places nnd If successful, will be made u pormanont foaturc In cities of this size. A ladles' auxiliary will bo or- 7&EJZZ2 namaLZ investment in business iri the 3$$ r gnnlxed to cooperate with Miss Dews In promoting tlilH work, Tho committee, of muimnemont is nuxloun that everybody In the emu intipliy will Indicate, approval .nf this pioginm for the children by taking membership uud becoming actively Identified with the organi zation.. Donation or endowments tu the general work of the organise,- tlou are also Invited from persons or organizations. In a position to Tvo so, In order that tho work iiuiy lie developed lo larger proportions. BEND MAN MAKING VISIT IN NORWAY Geiluml lloi-ueu Finds Prices 'In Former Homo Sky-High, Ho Reports In Letter. A few muntliH ugo Gerhard Hor- gon left Bond for a visit at his for mer homo In Norway. Ho Ik now in Christiana and In a letter just received In Bend ho speaks of the high cost of living In terms that 'Amorlcaus can appreciate. "Tho times here nio very good," ho writes, "but everything Is high. Lumber ban advanced In price some thing like 1200 per cent sluco I was home, visiting, 14 yiwrn ago. and it Isn't lumber at that, montly kuots. If 1 had my Oregon tim ber hop) now I would bu a million' aire In a short while. "Tho working day here Is eight hours all around. Wages range from H up. A loaf of bread costs 25 cents. Potatoes are G cents a pound; eggs, 11.20 n dozen; flour. $G u suck; rice, 30 cents a pound; sugar, :u. to -to cents a pound; nnu good apple from Hood Rler costs IS to 20 cents; American lard Is r. cents u pound; cheese, $1.00 to $2.10 a pound; fresh meat. SO to GO rents. "I think tho pcoplo are getting mora extravagant. They don't seem lo care what tilings cost, so long as they get them. "Tho Norwegians, ns a whole, have about tho samu Idea of tho kaiser as wo Amorlcaus do. There aro somo Norwegians hero toduy who became multimillionaire!! dur ing the war, and thoy think the kaiser all right, because ho started tho war. This kind of people we have all over, of course "1 reud lu the paper hero the other day thnV Airs. Wilson . was running tho White House, congress, senate, nnd tho Whine country." PAVED ROADS PROVE VALUE TO MOTORIST Thill) .Miles a (inlloii Aterage l)iir log' Drltif Through California, ' Hn T. H. Foley. That his 'travel over the paved highways of California converted him to the cause of hdrd surfaced roads, Is the declaration made by T. II. Foley, of llend; on his ruturn from a 2Q1C mile trip which had Tla J nana an Its southorn objective. Driving a Chovrolej car, Mr Foley made an average of 30 miles to tho gallon while on the California high ways, us against 18 or 20 qn tle robds-of Central Oregon. "I believe tho saving on Katiollno alone, to say nothing of tho dlffprohcn In wear and on tires and the car In gen eral Is worth the extra cost of the paved road," ho declared. No accident marred the trip, and while on tho hard-surfaced high ways, Mr. and Mrs, Foley took turns driving, making mora than 300 miles a day with no difficulty. Tho drlvo through Orunge county, Mr. Foley described uh tho most beautiful part of tho entlrn tour. Orungo and lomon trees, 1n full bloom lined the road for miles. Tla J nana, ho, asserted, has been greatly pver-rated. "Tfs nothing but a dirty holo," ho said. NEW 'PROCESS WILL OVERCOME SHORTAGE Normal l' of fliiKullun Can lie Ilesiimnl After 10 Weeks More, Hays W. It. Hpeck. If a policy of conservation of, gas oline Ih carried out during tho noxt 10 weeks, normal uso of gasoline can bu rosumed, declares W. R. Hpeck, local munagor for tho stand ard Oil Co. Tho shortage which has boon experienced hero recently, ho says, Is only temporary, and u now process of refining which will bo put In use lit' tho voiy near future will result lu a greater production of gasoline from a given amount of crudo oil thun Is now possible, Gusolino proflteors nro being cut off by his company as rapidly as they can bo located, Mr. Speck states, APOPLEXY CAUSE&' , DEATH OF PIONEER ('. Ham Smith, Resident of Central I ((rcftnu Sluco IH7.1, Slrlrkeu ' While Woi king on llauih., m'arA linn Just been neriwsl lure of the death ut his ranoh nour Pfltio vljlo, of C. Hum Kiultli, nuod 01 yearn, pioneer umldout of Central Qregoii. He Is Survived byhU lto, n brother, Junius Smith, of Rami, a son, Henry, residing lit tho ranch home, nnd u daughter, who ha been summoned from the ast to attend the funeral services uhluli hr Mt for Friday, lu Prlnnvlllo. v'Mr. Smith was stricken with up. opleiy while working lu tho fleldH Hut unlay, and was found u short time afterward by his sou uud taken to thojiouso. He did ant regain qonfcluuMiytm before his death, which occurred Sunday. With his brother, Jnmo. Mr. Smith came in 1H75 lo Central Ore gon, where ho has teidded eer since with tho exception of Hire eurs spent lu llenton count MANY HONOR MEMORY of Ex-service man ' . llonullfiil Floral Tribute Mmli In IMdcm-e at Sen Ices for l.'rne-l II. Fuller Tottn). Friends Who filed the- Methodist church practically to rapacity at tended tho services held last Thurs duy for Krnest II. Fuller, whose death occurred early In the Meek. Rev J. Edgar I'urdy, puMor of the church dellwred tho ser mon, and Interment was inudo at LMIot lluttu cemetery. Many of llioso lu atlohdunce wore members of I'erey A. Htetun Pout', Amerlcuii Legion, lo which organi zation Mr. Fuller belonged, and pall beurers In uniform wnro from tho post, two each being nhosen fronH each of the three brnnchen of the service Beautiful floral tributes' Were massed about the csskrl. INVASION RY JAPANESE TO BE AN ISSUE (Continued from pngo t.t J. Stuck, of Portland, waa Introduced to the convention, urging holders of government securities not to H. but rather to buy mora If pfwwlblo. No formal action Mas tk on the roquost. . . C K. Hpeuro of Or-m CH. Mr- Cdtfded hluiMlf yet'pln sa Mtl of the Oregon Statu Qrhge wd llnrrey O. 8tnrkwnuthr"lif ClacM-H finas county sustained M foTi1 de feat In less than two k time when tho canvassing fM.iiiiitU- of vtho Grunge convention In session here, anuounrod a dvcUlie main UT ;hls afternoon In favor of Mr Hpynci; who will servo for two eiir C. I). Huffman of La Grande, was 'the third candidate for tho position us head of the stutu organization Mis Mlnnlo K. IJond of Kugono was re-elected for a twu.year term uu Lecturer ovor Htarkweather and C. J. llurd, of DouglbH county. M. C. Olovcr of Raring. Las no oppo sition for stowurd, T. R. A Solwood of Milwaukee, was tinuulmously cohsen chaplain, and ('. ii Dow or Astoria, was tho only candidate for gatekeeper. The now system of Htatowlde bal loting indicating first, second, and third cholcu for a given office receiv ed its tryout and reunited In failure to elect overseer, secretary, uiid member of the executive committee, no majority being polled Delogatotf balloted on nominees for tht-bo potii (Ions and for officers of lower rank today. Watn't Quits Fteady for Ride. As Hie farm where we stayed Intf iiimiier wuh out nf the beaten track f atitonioblh'H. Hobby was both curl im and iifruld of our ear when we 1,1m' there. At IlrM nothing "'d In lure him to Hike a rldo InMt. After ill" of our urgliigs to Just sit In It, he irew his seveu-yeiir-old sister (who ermuil was not iifruld n tho car) Vwn to lilm mid whUpered In n i0!1 i.-lmis iniinner: Toll those people leu I get older uud tamer I'll i ltd ibein" ride Wheedllno a Lion. Lions nro not tempted, like other an Itniils, to strict ohedlcngo to their, trainer's comiinilds bytio offer of luscious foods, I'ractlrnlly every mil inal but the lion Is taught to do wlmt Is wanted by giving It u rewind ewry lime It does It or makes an effort to, either a lump of sugar or a vegotiihlu or a bit of ibh or some oilier I lung of which It Is fond, This Is Impossible with tho lion, ns It, cats only ment uud Is only allowed a certain amount of Unit. Tills increases the djfllculty of tho Hon tamer, WALKER MOUNTAIN H CIJIMRED UV WOMErj . .Mr. Rnjnii Know unit .Mis. W'lV llum lli tick, of Cii'Hcoiit, hao tint record for being the first women to iillinli Walker Mountain thlii yeajj They were aiicoinpauled by Mrt Know, forest uuiger lu the Frescom district, Tho tmcenl took (wo hour! k uud 10 minutes, and Mrs. Snow, wlib with lior husband was lu llend ye"ff tcrdny, (pints Hint thuie Ih stilt much snow on tint summit. DESCHUTES RIVER ATTRACTS ANGLERS At least 1!U0 Portland Hportsmuu spout .Sunday uud Monday on the Deschutes river, slopping ut poind, all along between The Dalles and Rend. This was pi nimbly the laiKnst number that has roiuu ucross tint mountains to spend u week-end In the canyon Train accomodation were iiltnoit Impossible to nrraiiKo for as a eoiibeiiueuce. Hell jour poultry through Hultetln rlntilflnl adt. Wnit to buy tiny, use Hulletln rln. slflrxt nd. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 0UlrU Itrriuinii rnt iwr uiw I'l trnU for SO MurtU or Im, Un 'n . r woril for nil otrr 10. All cltulflri Jt.rtUln ilridlr twh In rtnt il -T--X -MM.M VOXX HALF.. FOR HALF. Fresh milk rows V. .1. Alt, Vi miles north of Reud on Ku alley ditch. Phono 1$F2 f.3-I2.13p V.W FOR TlATCHINd S. C. While Leghorns. Heavy winter layers, mated to Tuncred cocks, of S30-2C0 ngK strain. It 50 pur 1C. H. O. It I Reds, mated to high clai cockerels from prim wlnnlun stock 12 for IS One third cash ulth order, balance on delivery.- Horstottor's Poultry I'niin. Tutunto. 97-." Itfc WANTKD. PASTIRK Wanted, cattlo lo pas ture. 11. SO per mouth. 000 ucrurt fine river mdow. Write W. H. H. Williams. Rend. Ore. 9 l-I.t-ir.p PAKa'l'RK Wanted cattlo to pa- tore, 1 1, B0 per niohth. 000 acre fine river meadow. Aildress W. H. II. Wllllami, llend, Ore IH-S-Klp FOR Itl'.NT FOR RKNT Block r.ilirh UU , plenty of water pumped by wind mill and gasoline englnu. Lots of out rang Write K, care Rulbdln. 81-li-JJp FOR SALK Registered HoUtelu bull calf. Uargnlu. Pure bredj Du- roc Jere boar. 1 1 months old. Phone U:& ll.-nd P (' Hurt C6-I lp FOR 8ALK OR TRADK For Homf riwl (Hiiai. to aoios. 7 miles from Ri-nd. 10 acre plowed 115 aeres trees pulled,! house. Ilox .18 Reud. Ore ci II 18r An impalpable pow der, antiseptic and deodorant. liorozin .A foot powder. Rorozin , A dusting powder for the baby. v Borozin A toilet p o w d e r, soothing to tse skin, after 'exposure to sun or wind. You will appreciate it most im hot weather .On sale' at M Pharmac y BOfeOZIN K 'A CV A t & r ' $ i