The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 03, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Mnvu Beach Needhafii
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Copyright, by Doubleday.Rige and Co.
Shortly before the game railed,
Harney Lnrliiti i-mno upon the field,
nil excitement. lie rushed up to the
Riant-killers' bench, exclaiming thnt
he had lost his gold watch fob. After
the last man wan out llamey had
twenty willing baseball workers nnd
both umpires raking the Held for tho
fob that the saloonkeeper wns holding
for a reward I
According to Harney's prophecy,
Trls Ford, kind-hearted soul, adver
tised for the "lost" keepsake. Wait
ing In Chicago when the Giant-killers
nrrlvcd wns n telegram, charges col
lect, which rend: Toll found. Send
ou tru-dollar reward."
But It wosn'l Barney's escapades
that troubiixl the uinnagcr 90 much as
tho effect Ms raw behavior might have
on the morale of the team. This, too,
despite the acknowledged reputation
enjoyed by tlie Giant-killers satis Lar
kln of being the cleanest and most
gentlemanly bunch of ball players la
the country.
The club was proud of such a repu
tation. This wa what worried Trls
Kord. Uc felt no anxiety lest Bnracy
corrupt the team. Mltat the manager
expected was u caU-down from his
own men. Perhaps something llko
"Look a-hcre. THs! Wo care some
thing for our good name If yon don't.
If one rotten apple will spoil the whole
barrel. It's a sure thing one reuBder
like Barucy Larlclo will ruin our repu
tation for decency and jr&atleBMttajy
conduct. Barney Icates a red trail
all over the circuit, nod we're getting
tired of It. If you think there' noth
ing to our profession except winning
ball cames. why well try -Mtnvifllag
Ue. And this" goes!"
Na,Tr"wW dldB't want to hare .to
answer feack'JoitiBaostrerablo talk
like that ' Wfher 3! be care to part
company rUJa:"ftatnicy Lirfcla Just yet
not wfrHe.D teperaoeaul twlrler
was fcofcHnc Ae Claut-VBlcrs to tho
for C Dm championship race and lu
cldWly -ftrorhtg fclmsctf tho best
ikawtac cxr4a the American league.
M the Haw enld be brought to look
Vfoti Barney -as a. weak brother
OBiebody nHhoBt the pale of the
Glunt-kjllers" society nnd would tol
erate bra for tie worth of his pitching
una, the cluli might contrive to scute
the heights and win another pennant.
It wns for the boys themselves to de
cide. Trls whiIU bare It out with
them throH-ttifethclr natural leader.
Win Shttte.
It baajTCecri Intlinnled elsewhere
that a1 good tory bangs about the dis
covery and capture of James Wlnton
Sfcute "WUi" to bis tenra mates as to
bis college Intimates. Sultlce It that
ho wus cupiuln of the varxlty nine at
the big university, and so devoted wns
ho to the national pastime thnt he was
eager to cut t-hort his collegiate train
ing at the cud of Ms Junior year and
Join the Glnnt-kllli-rs. But Trls Ford
wouldn't listen In It. Be Insisted that
James Wlnton finish his education;
and ever lifter, when Sliutu considered
his bachelor of arts degree with pride
uud sMlhfiiciliHi, lie never fulled to
thank Trls Kord for his part In the
capture of It. Cord alone could hare
kept the budding bull player In col
Two years after graduation Shute
was a regular on the Giant-killers'
team, playing sccoud tmc. lie wns
batting well over .3011 and covering
second as though he had Invented the
Kialtlou and wan continually Improv
ing his luicutlou. (lu lull) earned the
feobrlquet of the "pepper-box," for the
ghvlous reason thnt ho Infused UN; and
go lutd the club, llo wus In the sum:
every minute, playing always for the
team, never for hltnolf.
And his lips had never known the
tnslc of liquor, ns Ira Uiudls oratorl
vally sold one time at u public ban
quet; neither did the great second
tucker smoke. No wonder Trls Foul
looked upon blin as a model ball play
er and sought bis counsel. James
V.'lntou Sliutu sat at the manager's
right ut the meetings of the strategy
i: vents bnslcncd Trls Ford's consul
tittlou with Win Shute nhnut Barney,
l'lrst of all, Shute wh mifferlug the
tortures of Joli with a nasty boll ou
his groin the ou spot where such an
n.tMctlon can most harass uu active
bull player. Trls Ford, sympathetic
to a fault, had told Win to stay out of
the gome.
"With the team In a batting slump,
the pitching Bluff wabbly, and a lead
of less than two games? Not on your
life, Trial You may get the umpire to
order me oft the Odd, but I'll not quit
for anybody else get Unit?"
This glugery dialogue took place lu
Chicago. Three dnjs later Barney
l.uiUiu failed to show up the after
noon he wns down to pltcl Uawk,
who didn't have the stuff, tried to fill
the Houtlipaiv's shoes, and the Giant
killers vcru hcuteji trounced three
guilds put ol four in the net lea.
Getting back from the grounds, the
team found Barney In the hotel lobby,
mixing It up with the hotel porter, a
friendly soul, who had tried to lure
th "full" pitcher Into the privacy of
his bedroom. At sight of Trl Ford.
Barney sobered up temporarily nnd
lurched Into the elevator and heavily
against Win Shute.
It was the much-advertised InM bale
of straw. Barney's kicking mw the
traces and upsetting the chariot of
victory In such n crisis wns too much
for James Wlutou Shute. lie spoke
his mind:
"ir Ford doesn't tie a can to you to
morrow the so-called hundred-thou
sand-dollar Intleld will hjok like n
plugged nickel. Batney. ou're mu
worth a d 11 to anybody but the tin
deriuker and he'd he inking n Ions
chnure. Tor I don't know who'd slve up
a dollar to bury you. You're nothing
but nn ordinary bum."
There wns 11 split second when It ap
peared likely Barney would strike
Shute. Trls Tord. who hud crowded
Into the elevator unseen at the InM
...-uncnt scenting trouble, contrived to
worm his way In front of Barney. Ilr
gripped the pltchi-r' wrists nnd held
them like a vise. The danger was
averted. But thnt evcnlpc after din
ncr, when Shute was sltti-tc In his
room reading, the manager t,u. to
him nnd unbosomed htuihelf. 'lt
tether they discussed IkirnejV pecu
liar- cae from every powlble view,
"You put him lu his right clnv n
bum," began Trls.
"But I oughtn't to bare said It." ad
mitted Wlu.
"Never mind "about thnt you were
Justified In saying 'most anything
you playing for the club when jou
should be la bed."
"Cut that out, Trlsl I want the
pennant want to get Into the world
kerlw money again you know It."
"So do we all of us." agreed Ford.
"And there'll be no pennant this
season If we can Barney Larkln
that'a a cinch." Trli Ford suppressed
a sigh of pure relief. He now ven
tured to remark:
"It you boys wont rae to let Bnrney
go, why he gocsl You won't have to
say the word twice. It's up to you."
"We can't- win without him you
appreciate that. Trls. He's n weak
ling, nnd we've got to get along with
him somehow or other."
James Wlnton Shute exercised his
gray matter for a brief space of tlmo;
then his face brightened and he pro
posed :
"Have a scheme why not appoint a
keeper for Barney?"
"A keeper?" Trls nulled, but
shook his head.
"Some one to look after him nev
er leavo him a minute, 'copt when
he's fcnorlng," elaborated Shute.
"Trald he wouldn't stand for It,"
argued Trls; "and If ho did, In a
week he'd lead his keeper afitniy."
Win laughed. "But you don't quite
get me. Bnrney mustn't be wlso to
this keeper, and the keeper must be
Ore water proof."
"I got you but where'd you find
Uio man?"
"Illght'?1n our squad Steadman
young giant left-hander wo have."
"But I'm going to send him to the
minors, to kivp the squad down to
twenty-live men." This was tho
league's rule from Muy 15 to August
"You were going to," corrected
Shute with 0 grin; "but on second
guwK you'te decided to keep him to
"Why Do You Pick Steadman for the
Job of Keeper?"
I.eprn. Ui p'.'Htdni; sl frU" DflEuI
Lnrklngreutest "left-hander of Ill's
TiIb Ford flashed his smile of un
derstanding. Then 'ho ustted X
"Why do you pick Stciultn,n fir
tho Job of keeper?"
"BeuuiMo ho doesu't drink a drop,
because In n scuftle lie's' heavy null
strong enough to tnlso euro of Bnrno
and put him to sleep, beentue Burne)
likes him. and heemisu thoy liuvu n
great coininnii bond."
"A common bond?" TiIh looked In
credulous. "Sure they're boUi disciples of
!nnli Walton."
"You menu"
"They'll llsli nil dny, both of them,
without getting r single bite, nnd go
homo hnppy nt nlglit."
"Say, I'll stock n trout pond near
the hall part nun iiiniii iinriiey a nun
galow on the shore," said Trl.
(Mayer and tuuiinjior laiiKhed with
the fervor of n couplo of kid.
"I'll icvlso my list nnd hold on to
Slcadmnm" promised Ford.
"If von snv so." said Win. "I'll
conch the yougster to h new posi
tion. Next to Barney, he llkci me bet
ter, I think, than any mnn on the
"Next to Barney?" questioned Trls.
"Yes; I don't fish."
And thus, to the surprise of the
catching force, wns Brnest Sle.ulman
retained with the Glnnt-klllers. Two
men only. Trls Ford and Win Shute.
shared Stendmun'.s seoret that lie wns
oniclnlly the weakllnp's keepor, Stead
man stuck to Barney Larkln closer
than a brother.
"Damon ami IMscntorlus." Shute had
dubbed the pair. And, kept fairly well
In leash. Barney I.nrkln wns a tdg.
factor In thu winning of mail) a hall
Before the season was embalmed In
the Official Bneball Guide.. Trls Ford
exhibited the first signs of nge. Ixng.
lean, and Immobile, ueter batting un
eye In the inQ?t trjlng situations Jie
had been wont to follow- the tjame
from the dusout. A fiction there wns
that he signaled with his score enrd.
but otherwise he was as lmpusle n
the copper bend on n penny until the
homestretrh of this nerve-brenUlnp
eaon. Then, ns the scribes put It.
he bectiti to net like an ordinary. ileb
anil-blood human being.. He moved
uut..."l,r upon the bench, somctlim-r
dgnaled brurenly tft s player, nnd was
occasionally known to give vent to
disappointment or disgust by actually
"lapping his kni-c In public, lie wn
not the same Trl FonI not by an
obstreperous nervous system.
But who, sae a block of lignum
vliae. wouldn't lmc allowed his deep
concern to be occasionally icrn? From
the middle of August, when tho West
ern clubs made their last Journey
east, the Giant-killers were scheduled,
week after week, to "blow" that Is,
to drop back In the race. This disas
ter Tli7TMiTemidiiii.n.V ITiuT'.V "OTkirtTio
team wns two full gnmoi behind tho
Bed Sox. then lenders' but lowly
Wnlilnglou surprised tho president,
tho vice piosldent, fettntnrs and con
givsHiueti by bentlniTlho "Spred Boys"
four Ntt'itlaht, nnd thus tnUIng second
plurc. Collnternlly, Urn Netmtoi IioIhmI
the ('liiut-klllers buck Into llrst posi
tion. Cniuo lljo very Inst week of ttio sea
son with more excitement than the uu
tloii'n funs bad over experienced. Tim
pennants In both tho major loaumy
weio In doubt t The Blunts, expected
to "repeat" and ugnn partlcliuile In
tho world" series, weio to cngugo in it
rut-thront strugglu with tho IMillllcr
If New York broke even, tlui cliniu
plonxhlp buuiier would ngnlii limit
from the (Hunts' stndluiu. But If the
Phillies won three out of four, then
Fntlier I'enii would carry oft the ting.
This series openeil on Ttiedny.
In tho Aiuerlcuii tho Gliint-klllers
hnd to keep ahead to win. A gnmo and
n Imlf separateil 'lVIs Ford's charges
fnun the Chlengo White Sox. Here,
however, there wus no rival clash. The
two clubs had met for the Inst time,
nnd honors were even. Washington
must bent the Giant-killer and Chi
cugo must win front Detroit In order
to brine one cud of tho world series
Into Lukevllle. Those two "doelillng"
combats hegnu a dny later.
The fun's dlnry nnd those entrli-:
Tucidny nlsht Phillies nnd New
York tied In the National.
Wednesday night Glnnt-klllers still
n giimo nnd a half abend In the Amer
lean; New York leading In the Nn
Thursday before dinner Teams
tied ngnln In thu National; but it half
Knmo between Olnnt-klllrrs nnd White
Sox In the American.
Friday nlglit Phillies win the pen
nam I
Mrs. Buattlco l,un;tord, nnni lift
years, diuigliter of Mrn l 12. Nich
ols, ptiHsml iiwuy ut ll u'eloeic on
Friday nn tho nmitlt of seupllcoiulii.
FuuvmiiI xervlcos will bo hold nt .1
o'clock tomorrow ntiornonu from
tho Nlswoiigur uliupid nud tho body
will bo tukuli to Portlntul on tho
ulltht train for Initial.
Mrs. l.angfoi'd was bout nt Itlch
Innd Center, WIh., on .luiio 20, IhO'i.
For sovoral yearn hIio , nmldod lu
Bend previous to hot inurrlago, four
years ngo. Hho was hero on 11
vIhU with her mother whoa tukou
(To bo continued.)
Statu Gnmo Wanton A K. Burgh
duff. Master Fish Wtirdon It. C.
Clanton nnd Carl I). Shoemal or,
former ntato gnmo warden, headed
thrco carloads of Portland sports
men who arrived lu Bond this
morning and loft shortly after, ac
companied by Forest Supervisor N.
G. Jacobson and District Game Wnr
den II. McDonald, for Klk Inke.
Five moro cars filled with anglers
chiefly from out of town points,
left tho Pilot Butto Inn this morn
ing, headed for Odull lako, Twin
lakes, Square lakes, tho Mctollus nnd
Crano Prairie'.
Angered ut tho action of her
neighbor, Mrs. Agues M. Duvls In
taking Into cuntudy it cut which Mrs.
Dnvls claimed hud been killing
chickens, Mrs. J. D. Whitehead, of
Jefferson 1'laco, mil ml Mrs. Davis
by tho hair, pulling lior over thu
fouco separating tin- two yitrtln, and
badly muullng bur, Mrs. Dnvls al
leged lu 11 complaint charging us
uuult which ciimu to light yesterday
In pollco court. Mrs. Wliltuheud
also totrloved tho eat, the complain
lug witnoA said.
Mrs. Whltulieud pleaded guilty to
the charge, and paid 11 fine of 910.
Although several small fires have
been roported in tint lust few days
In and near tho national forest, hut
little dnmiigo has been done, uc
cording to Forest Supervisor N. G
Jacobson. Tho largest was In the
Big Blvor section, In lodgepolo nnd
yollow pine, nnd covored 100 acres.
All resulted from neglected camp
on.' fires.
Bund by wngou uud Intended to
uroHs thu mo'tintului! ou Ills wny to
heu. Hluco then ho has not boon
heard front.
Put It in Tho Bulletin,
tin IntrnM(iMl CirrripAnlnr
ftrlinoti' of tkrnntuu, I'annnl.inU,
rrUtimtnl llirlr Utrnty-tvvfiitli nnl
trnty In (Mi'IhT, 1VIH, with nn rn
rntlnirnt of ntr 2,000,000 uliiJmU.
'ItiniKuml. of thfM nluilntii h flu
urnl In ilollurs nnil rrnta l) nctunt
lui 01 tlirm or llif ('rn wnmmU
ilrvulr.1 to I In' tlioly of l.t'.H, Irclinl
(nt Couror nl nlhfr ulircu mnilnu
from Aihrititln mul 8tmKnlili to
Aurlruliarv ul ,1'iiuliry llutlntmlrr,
11.00 nn hiur lii httn
fiiurnl hf nonjr ! Ik
lurlfnla l b rnrritli
Mllmtlr U thm of lht lu
t H Vtt m,mnli .)nl
In iludr f ltH, futM,
Iteport nn S',009 Irplful ituilrnU
lmw t,W't now ns-rlvlnn IIJ100
xrur or inuriM I. Ill rrfchlnv I3.C00
or mori 113 trffUlnn tt.OOO or
fnortM '.'0 rtsrtvlliK 110.000 or motl
nl S mIOi annur.1 Inromn of 1:5,000
r morr.
In tliti tMnlr-rYtn fM of lu
rUlir Ih l.t'.H. has rnrollnl l
)lmr m man Mudrnt at llarvarii
In tli Ivto liunlrrJ and M-ml)rfllit
jrara alnrt In orcanliatlun i mora Un tlmo lha total anrollmant
of Vala alnca Ita iloora una opan
In 1701 1 mora 0an flvr tlmra lha
total rnrullmtnt of all nl lha roltmra,
iinltrrattlra and trfhntral athuol. In
lha Unllnl Hlaln rtunMnnt.
A ltttr or s MMt rarnl will trln
rmnplrtt Information rmartllnil lha In Mhl'h yvu are Intraatcd,
iaH I'lT utxa .. .
Inlernatiooal Cotrcspcsdecce Sctcols
Box 1010, Rcrnnton, Pa.
I.'ialaln fallr aWaat aur fauna In ih
aafcjrtl lastarJ Xl
KlfdrWal V.ntlnr.tlo jADVIIKTISINR , KuSlln. "
Anxious to Irnrn tho fate of his
son, William, whose lust letter wus
sent two mouths ago from Bund.
David Waggoner of Luc, Ore , to
day wlrpd Chief of Pollco Nixon.
Waggoner stutes thai .Ills son, uc
rnmpanled by his family, reached
Ttlrfthanr Hark
Mtrhanlral Itmlnm
Machanlral Drallamin
MM, llraflaraan
(iaa Kmlna Upriallaf
S-irtt-Ini and Hif pint
Mlna i'arawan ar Kntr.
Hlallanarr Knflnrar
fantrartarar HalMar
ArrMlrrtaral llrllaain
Canarata HalMrr
I'laaialnrand llalli
ttlanaa, andTnUl
Rallwar Arraualaal
iTKArnc manai;i:r
Caaiaaarflal m
Kallaar Mall CUrm
Aalaaatklla Uaarallnf
raallrf HaUlag
Aala RfMlrlag
Farm Machinery!
, Owing to the fact that the old building occupied by our business is to be
torn down and a new building erected,, including the lot adjoining, which
we have used for exhibition purposes, we are going to sell our entire
stock of Farm Machinery at prices
Included in the lot are
2 Truck Wagons
2 Champion Potato. Planters
A Number of Plows and Harrows
The Pioneer Garage