(' nKNnOTiiiKriN,.Kmp, oimwon,, THqiwpAv, .tunk n, 1020. JMGK B .. 8 ''jfflMffiniitnua!!jiiiini)iiMiititi;iMii;iiiii!iii!!!imiW!iliiHitttMn!::itilitinniiu!:;iMitiMiiMiii!iiiMiitnnmtimnnitA Lljl1,V. . J f'r ' 'i . I DCMn UAPPCMWr.Q FROM DAYTO DAY t?uumiiimM.M:i.nnM.MMiMii.iMu Wednesday 4 r 1..I I. .I !,.. ..I. .1.1 - Him KrnnclHco, r 15. (1. Rourk of Crwtcuiit was In jio city Wednesday. ' Charlim Erlohson tool th oven 'in; triitti for' I'oitlunil. Mr. JiiuU Hill linn nrrlvod (n llond from Minneapolis. Ell WIIhoii of )J rot horn I tran sacting litiHlmmit In Bond today. Otto Jtihnxoii. of the Silver Lnl.e "Vetlon, wan In Bond yesterday on din way to Portland. 0. V. Ilnlviirnoit, a ritttuhor of tlilH suction, lofl for Poillaiid Inst nlf:lit to Hpoml a fow ilayn. W. II. Daggett, pronilnDiit attor ney of Iti'dmouil. I In tho city to day on legal IiiihIiii'hh. Korunl Hupervlnor N 0. Jticohnon (of iho Dimoliutim nntlonul forest Is on an official trip to Medfurd. ,Mmh Dorln Foster k'ft for Eugene 'Ifist nlKlil to attoiul till) siimmer school session nl thu rnlvorsliy of Oregon. J. L. (latlmr, local munitger for tliti 1'nclflo Telephone fc Telegraph company, left for 1'rltnivlllo this morning. Mrs. (Icrirudo Mint, who Iiiik Ih.miii visiting In Cun (ml Oregon for lh. past two mouths, loft for Iit homo lnnt nlr.ht. After u two weeks' vacation, Miss Ireno Ronoy took hrr plnco ut tin, board of (lit) local telephone offlco this morning. Minn llonslu Baker of Bohr, IiIu Iio, U vfnltfiiK her sUtor, Mr L. C, Mile. Hlto will ivmuln In Bend during m miiniiief, , , , MIhh Mnzol Johnnon of .Oakland, Col, formerly of (IiIh city. Isin llond, vliiltlruc with her parents, Mr. and Mr. T. A, Johnson. II, K. Vox, mi nniployw of the KhuvllnOIIxon mill, In Uiklrnj a two .wfjokV vacation In tlw Willamette valley, vliiltlmi his imrotitH, Mr, Helen Humor, formerly of th'i l.itudor department store, Hault Htt, Muflfl, Mich., hail accepted n podltlon with Mntiuhelmor Bros. Tlio Ilupltot Women' union will hold lift rogulur Ijuslfiosn meeting Thursday nftftrumiu nl tho homo of Mr. II. K.-Nonleen, 230 Newport. Mombnrn of tho Prnjibytorlan l.adols' guild will hold n meeting tomorrow afternoon it t the homo of Rev. II. C. Ilartinnft. on Louisiana nvnnuo W. B. Hoitllit, SOU Of V.. K. 11(1X119, deceased, h nitliriiliu: to IiIh homo in HiiohomlHh, Wnhliu:ton. iiflcr cloHlni: up tho IiiihIiiohm loft by hi fatliur ut I,a Pino. Aftor u thri'o montliH' vlnll with hot brolhur, W. It l!eiidrHon, of Ilnd, MIhh llnriilco l(ondtron, of Whlti-flHli. Molilalia, Hthrtml thlx mornlnK for hnr lioinr. Mr and Mr. C. I. Muiiilnn nnd child, who Imvo for p.iHt (wo wook lcon vlHltlnit Mr. Mundnn'n parent, A. A. Mundon, lefi Innt nl;ht for tlmlr homo In Portland, John ThompHon, rAnchcr Jn tho fillyor Iko dltrlct, tnrt"d Int nicht on a bunlin-HH trip lo Salt !nkft, Iio I contempbtloR, a Irado for a ranch In Utah for hltf proparty tit Silver l.uko. i .J -j Mr, Albert !lodnn,nnd two nonrt', Anton and Cloo, loft lat iilcht for Hoattlo to npond n fow day with Mm, Iledon'N dtor, before koIiir to Hnkiitcho wun, whom thuy oxpuct to romnln dtirliiK tho Hummor. . Mr, nrjd Mr, C. JC, Halo, of Ku Rono, who were called to llond re cently by tho critical lllnowi of their on, I), C, Hnle. rclurilcd to their ,homit liiHt ulclit. Tho on I report" to bo entirely out of dnntfor. ,Mr, nnd Mr. J, J. WohlonhiirK returned Hutnluy from their trip lo Monterey 'Hay, Cal. "A moro beau tiful and denlrublo place to upend ono'n vacation would, In my opin ion, bo hard to find." wild Mr. Woh lonburK. Jokho K. Kcoll and Minn Alice ICappliiilin, both of tho HlHlem coun try, were united In marrluKo In llond yeMordoy by Judno T, 13. J, Duffy, Mr. Kcott I a runchur In tho vicinity of Hlntem nnd Mr. Kcott, who ha been touching thoro illirliiK tho paHt year, Ik from Ta-conia McMeeu s&batMmiinyi&ssSs I OUR ANNUAL JUNE SALE OF SILKS " M WMHMM MHHWwWMi-WtataWL jHr II lila ' Plaid Jaffetas 00 inches wide. Fine qualities. $3.50 values $2.89 JJO-in. heavy Silk Hroud cloth Shirting. Regular price IH.fl 0 Special $2.89 vm Figured Georgettes 40 inches wide, beautiful tesigns $4.95 grW $3.90 $3.95 & $3.25 Silk Poplins A fine :U!-inch cloth in twelve colors Special $1.69 Wool Satin Skirt Patterns Beautiful exclusive patterns for Sport Skirts 40-in. Countess Satin, 1 1 yard patterns, $12.50 40-in. Countess Satin, 2 yard patterns, $14.00 40-in. Fari-Ta-Si Satin, 2 yard patterns, $17.90 36-in. Sport Satin, 2 1-2 yard patterns, $14.00 Dress Silks in Pattern Lengths A beautiful selection and no two alike-Radiums Fleurettes nnd Foulards, 40 inches wide. Regular values $4.50 a yard 5-Yard Pattern-Special', $18.50 6-Yard Pattern-Special, $23.75 ... II If ! p. I.IIU W .11 ! "'" ' '"" " ' '"""' " ' ' ' When It's Silks, V.e trivo to Please THE WARNER (WANY O...IN.. Kfrli.niliu. Al Pnntll.ff Prir. IOM M Quality MftclnndiKi At Pppult Pricti Tuesday Mt. and Mr. Charle pent Kundiiy In Culver. W. It. WIlkliiHon loft for KlRln, Oregon, lant nlRht. Mr. and Mr. C. A. liuuck pcnt Kunday with friend In I'rlnevllle. II. J. Overturf, Jr., went to Hood ftlver Honda to v4lt with relative. Mr. Donifl Carmody loft Sunday iiIkIH for a fow week vIhII with frlond In Portland. Mr. nnd Mr. C. A, Kbcrly wcro IMiMoiiKcni on tho Sunday mornliif; train for Hood Itlver. C. I Dorian loft Kunday mornlnr. to attend a convention of itiHuriinco URont at Knit Iiko City. Klmor NIrwohroo of Portland, formerly n riuildont of Jlcnd, I In the city thl weok on buslnewi. Marino Lnngittoii, of Portland, pcnt the week end In tho city, n Kuont of Ml I.aurn Zeluler. H, Kromiin and wife, of Mllwau- klo, Oregon, ara nmoiiR tho delegate illtendlnR tho OranRo convention. ItnV. J. KdKac Purdy went to Prlnovllio Sunday to conduct ncrvl cc la the MathodlKt church there. Ml Kvclyn .Carlson and MIhs Ida Ilcnnon left lant nlclit for Minn capollH to pqnd tho lummer month. Ml Kthcl Kmery. of Portland. wiih In Hond Sunday on her way home, after n short May in Silver I.nko. Ml KuKeuIn Ilrandon spent tho weok end ut tho homo of Mr. and Mr. W. K. McCormlck, of Dc chuto. Mr. U. Ij, Shobcrt. Miss Cindy 'Audrlnn nnd Mnf, M M. Foster, of Itodmond, spent Saturday in Hondd shopplnR. Mr. II. P. Holme, who ha boon vlsltlnc her daunhtcr. Mr. It. 'J. McCluro, left last nl;ht for her home In Ashland. .. ruipl UucklnRham, who has been attendlnR school In Itosoburg, re turned home for an extended vaca tion last night. W, F.,Arnolj wljo wah In tho nayal service darihetho wnr,camo in sun- dnymornlar on hi way to his for mer noma 'if La Pino. rMrv ffory Bylycator, of Prlnovllld, rciurnea nomo waiuruay nignt Alter spending'' a wcok In llond with her niece, Mr. J. H. Carter. Olga Dickson, elRht-ycar-old niece of Mrs. Earl Wright, left last Sun day night for a summer vacation with relative In Portland. Mr. J. Corliss, of Opal City, who ha boon visiting at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charloa Ilurleaught of this city, left for hor homo Saturday ev ening. Mis Enid Knrnsworth and Mrs. Stella Ilrookn loft Sunday night for Snn Francisco. Mrs. Ilrooks will mnko California her homo for tho summor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Johnson ' loft Baturduy night. Mr. Johnson will visit in tho east nnd Mr. Johnson will romnln in Portland a fow days on buslnoiu. Aftor spending Saturday la llond. Miss Ellraboth For, denn of womeni nt U. of 0 left Sunday morning fonf Kntorprlso to attend a women's clul conference. After a six wcokH visit with her dnughtar, Mr. W, Q. Manning, of this city, Mrs. F. 0. Mills loft for hor homo at Spirit Lnko, Idaho, Sat urdny night, Mr. nnd Mr. J, W, McDonald nnd Mr. nnd Mth, L. 0, Davidson loft Sunday night for Aberdeen, Wash., whero they will remain 'during tho summor months. , Walter Coombs loft Sunday night for Tho Dalles, whoro ho will moot Mrs, Coombs who has boon in Port land, and will drlvo n now llulck buck to that city. L. KaBpor, who for tho past four months has boon employed at the Cnshnmn clothing storo, loft Sunday night for Soattle, Wash,, whoro ho linn aocopted n position. Miss Hochullo Uudolph andtMIss Vora Thorbua stnrtod last night for Dorkoloy, California, to nttond sum mer school,. They will teach during. ""''si ' in pun jvivmvi ftV-i m k The response to our 20 Discount Sale on Meny Suits and Ladies' Ready-to -Wear Garmehts has ben Very gratifying. We are starting this week of the sale with the realization that our sale to reduce the cost of clothing is causing the "almighty dollar to stage a "come back" performance. It's buying power returns during this remarkable uit 'and Clothing event. - MEN We want to sell 100 Suits during this sale., In order to do this we have made these reductions Men's and Young Mens Sirits All Men's $70.00 Suits now 5G.OO All Men's $05.00 Suits now. $52,00 All Men's 8G0.00 Suits now $48.00 AH Men's $55.00 Suits now '$44.00 All Men's $50.00 Suits now j. $40.00 All Men's $37.50 Suits now $00.00 Men's Holeproof and Inter-Woven Hosiery selling at less than today's wholesale prices- 50c, GOc, 05c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 ...... Our Entire Stock of Ladies Suits at 20 off A good assortment to make your selections yet remains. A Small Lot of Ladies' Sport Coats aL 20 off. Silk and Lingerie Waists, 20 off Attend This Sale and Profit by the Savings Today! , MXIPEffi ' i' tho coming year in Honolulu. 'B.-C. 8hevlln. of The Shovlin-Hlx- on Co., left for his homo In Minne apolis, Minn., after a throo duy vUtt to this city. T. A. McCann accom panied him as far as Portland. Mrs. Ethel Kirkman Kirk of this city, has Just received word of the destruction of tho ninq room bunRa low on her form neur Corvallls Tho building was valued at $7000, but was fully covered by Insurance. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Sawyer re turned to Uend this morning from a monthss trip to tho cast. During their absence thoy visited Mr. Saw yer's old home at Shelby. Ohio, go ing also to Buffalo and Niagara Arriving In llond Wednesday to tnko up residence on her ranch near hero, Mrs. M. Kaln received news Saturday that necessitated her im mediate return to Scattlo. It is her intention to return to Bead In a fow weeks. M. T, Honey, of Portland, who has been In Central Oregon tho past two wookB Investigating the stockraislng prospects In this section, returned to his homo Saturday night. Mr. Honey reports a favorable Impression of Central Oregon. MIm Bonnlo Scrtbner, Instructor In music In tho Bend public schools, nnd Miss Oeorgla Watson who haB been visiting Miss Scribner the past two mouths, left for their home in Colorado, Saturday night. Miss Scrlbnor will roturn next year. J. Klllott, his daughter, Mildred, and Miss Itoao Ilunnoll, will drlvo to Senttlo, loaving hero Wednesday. Thoy expect to return by way of Crator lako. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo Wilson will roturn with thorn from Vancouver, Wash., and spend tho summor In Bond. B. O. Trotter, who for tho past fow monthB haB boon a resident of Sisters, loft Saturday night for Ray mond, Wash., whoro ho will accopt n position with tho Sunsot Lumbor Company. Mrs. Trotter will remain two wooks with Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Trottor of this city, beforo joining hor husband. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nichols, ac companied tho body of Mrs. Nich ols' daughtor to Portland Saturday night, whoro fuuoral services und in tormont took placq Sunday. Mr. Nichols is roturntng to Bond tho early part oftho woek, while Mrs. Nlohols oxpocta to remain In Port land during tho 'summer. Miss Lucille F. Saunders, of Tho Orogonlnn, arrlvod Sunday mornng for a visit with frlonds. Wallo, heo Miss Saunders will mako trips to scenic nnd other interesting spots In this froctlon to gather material for newspaper articles on Central Ore gon. Miss Sounder was formerly a member of The Bulletin staff. C. V. Dudrcy. owner of tho Curtis airplane that aided In the entertain ment of the guests who attended the stockmen's convention held last week at Burns, was In Bond Saturday on his way to Portland. Mr. Dudrey ex pects to return to Central Oregon In tho early part of July and will stop at Bend for'an exhibition fllghtv Saturday Mlsa Flora Fay Carr, librarian at The Dalles, is a guest of Mrs. J. W. Morrison on W'ost Third street. Mr. and Mr, E. C. Shovlin, of Portland, have arrived In Bend, and aro the guests of their son, Crosby Shevlln. Mrs. J. O. Whitaker and nephew. Dick Dunn, leave tonight for Cor- vallls, whero 'ey will visit for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eastea and Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearl started late this morning on a two day fishing trip to Elk Lake. Miss Mabel Lorenco, instructor in tho Bend hjgh school, left last ulght to spend some tlmo in Monmouth with relatives. F. W. Weber, principal of tho La Pino school tho past year, will start tonight for Grcsbam, Oregon, to spend tho summer with his parents. He intends to teach in Washington next year. Jack Horton, of tho forest service, drove a truck Into Big Springs, on tho Sparks Lako road yesterday. The road Is now under construction, and Mr. Horton reports driving ex tremely difficult. Harvey McKonzto weat to Port land last night. Miss Nan Reavls started last night for Scattlo to. Bpond tho next 12 days with hor mother. W, P. Loo, until rocontly passen ger conductor on tho Oregon Trunk, Is now road niOBtoC in Bend. Mrs, Fred A. Woelflon loft last night for San Francisco to visit sovornl wooks with her mother. Miss Hazel Noll!, who has bqcn teaching hero during tho past school year, left last night. (or SeatHo, Mrs, J. M. Kplley (a back from Entorprise, where- sho haa boon vis iting her daughtor, Mrs. Susld Ql- lott. Miss , Olianna Olsou and Miss Flora ' McCorkJo of (ho faculty of tho city schools. BtaMt fast night for Scatte. Merlo Moorer beaii at. the 'manual training departmental, the Bend schools, left last night tb spead 'a fow days In Seattle. G. Benson and family start to morrow on a trip to Southern Cali fornia by Ford. Thoy expect to bo gono seTcral months. " Miss Frances Carson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A, J. Astracher of Uenif, left last night for hor home at Ponder "River, Wyo. Nina and Lena Dyer of" Terrc bonno, who have been visiting Mielr sister, Mrs. O. C. Cunningham, in Bend, returned to their home last night. E. D. Harris .for tho nast-elght months operating a uarbcribop on Wall street, has sold btlt to J. Steringer of Tacoma! He left for Portland this morninir. Mrs. F.' E. Studebaker and her two children, Robert and Helen, loft last night for Spokane, whero Mrs. Studebaker will visit her parents during-Urn-next month. Mrs. A. H. Vaughan of Baker who has been visiting her motbor, Mrs. T. E. Trotter, In ,thia city, left last night for Eugene, whero she will be tho guest of .her sister beforo returning to horhomc. Mrs. Carl A. Johnson and sou, Paul, will leavo tonight- foe Dwluth. Minn., to spend tho summer with relatives. Mr. Johnson expects to join them In Juno anil will ac company them on tho return trip to Bend. ' Cntantuil Deafness Cannot Ho CutmI by local applications ns thoy cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. Thero is only one way to euro Catarrhal DeafuesH, and that is by n constitutional remedy , HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE adta through the Blood on tho Mucous Surf&cn.t af tho System. Catarrhal Denfnosa is caused by tm Inflamed condition of the mucous lining ot the Eustach ian Tubo. Wheu tho tube is In flamed you hnvo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la. entirely closed, Deafuesa is tho ro sult, Unless tho Inflamatlon can bo reduced and this tubo routored to Its normal condition, hearing may bo deatroyod foretor. Many cases of donfnesa aro gauged, by Catarrh, which ia an fn.tln;nud condition ot tho Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any casq ot Catarrhal- Deafness that cannot bo cured) by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. , All Druggists 75c Clrcularifreo, F. J Cheney & Co., Tohulo.'.'Ohlo. Put, it ia Thu sHfnUl