The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 03, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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rAGK 4
itKe Bend Bulletin
, WMy Edition)
jr;i'ubllshI.BjJ , ,
.livwpfT"j -.f
i ' Established 1002.
;, FnED A. WOBLFL.EN, Editor
An Independent newspaper standing
for the Bq'un'ro deal, clean business,
clean politics, and tjio best Intorests
r oI-Bcnd'and central Oregon.
Ona year.. - u
Hnro tho tnoTMewr'-hDttfry ' loetist.
black locust, green ush, hackberry,
nrul, whoro tho nthcra dp. not suc
ceed,' Ihd ipoplHrn nrid ah-loavo4
maplo. It itiCn 00 watered for n
tow .ychm, the Amcxlcan'oJni usually
can bo grown, and in tho southern
half of tho roglon tho Mississippi
hackborry will probably succeed.
Near tho southern border, on lower
eiovauons, mu cnuinuorrj-
81x. mo9fb9..4X(,14fA-
' nionUiB.,
TIuHiS'DaV' 'jVNE 3.
Bend? welconjca tho delegates to
tho state grunge, convention, which
has opened hero this week, Tho Im
mediate activity of the city Is along
Industrial lines., but as tho contcr
of an Important agricultural section,
the market for Its produce, and be
cause of R encouragement of ag
ricultural development, it feols that
it is :wll entitled to tho honor of
entertaining, the convention.
Aside "from the transaction of
business. -which could be tlono at
- ,
any placo where tho delegates
might assemble, the value of tho
convention is two-fold. Its mem
bers become acquainted with a now
section and come to understand its
problems nnd its people, and the
section visited receives tho benefit
of this understanding. We shall
all be greatly disappointed If much
general good xloes not follow from
tho present opportunity of meeting
and coming to know better our fel
low citizens from elsewhere In tho
state and nation.
1 As our visiting friends will come
to realize, when they get out into
tho surrounding country, tho agri
cultural success of Central Oregon
Is dependent on irrigation. Wo
have tho land and we have tho wa
ter. Tho great task is to bring
. them together, and to do this wo
need and feel that wo properly
ask for assistance' from tbo fed
eral 'government. To obtain that
assistance, we must have the sup
port of even possible agency. In
cluding that of the stato grange.
. This Is not to say that wo have
not had that support in tho past,
but reports from Washington in tho
past year bavo Indicated that repre
sentatives of the national grange,
at least, nave opposed measures
looking to the development of west
ern reclamation projects. On that
account it Is especially fortunate that
the national grange leader Is to bo
hero ;jto Hspe for himself what tho-
neean fit ope irngaieu section aro
and tbo possibilities that may como
from an extensive reclamation pro
gram. We, ne.ed the influence of tho na
tional leader and of the state
grange with 'the national body and
w,e feej-that .'this convention will do
much toward giving them the
linowlfHlw ,oa wnkn they will be
glad; to, act. And so wo welcome
them; for themselves, and for the
,tbiiis . they, can learn of and do
for (U.?.
It .has been often remarked that
one of the things that makes Bend
such an attractive town is the great
number of trees that are found
scattered about here. Compared
with many other interior towns, wo
have a great advantage simply be
cause nature has given us a re
markable Betting of river, trees and
mountains. It has also been re
marked that we are too prono to
Uko our trees for granted and to
let them be cut and mutllatod with
out thought of the results. Also wo
nover have made any effort toward
replacing those that bavo been lost
by planting to add to the natural
beauty afforded by tbo pine and
One reason for this inaction, we
are sure. Is, doubt as to just what
spocles may-be planted successfully.
Any who have held back on this ac
count, however, may now have the
benefit of advice from tho depart
ment of agriculture In a recent bul
letin on sbudo trees, designed to
help produce "the city beautiful."
It Is too lato to plant tree's this
spring, , but-we nro giving herowlth
an extract from the bulletin in the
liopo that tho trees named as suit
able for tills section may become
familiar and tho necessary steps
taken to begin 'planting when tho
season Is right again. The bulletin
"For the region comprising tho
Intermquntaln fcoction ''and extend
ing from the crest of the Cascade
and Sierra. Nevada "mountains east
ward 'to" tbo eastern base' of tho
Rocky mountains.
"The vnrletlos of trees sultablo for
street planting are limited. In the
lrer.pnxt,s of tho region only ttyoso
ilecitjuou .trees .that are weeds un
der more congenial conditions can
bo grown, Those thnt fan be plant
ed with 'thV greatest hope of 'success
and Tax
as, 'umbrella can also bo planted. In
tho 'locations 'most favored Natural
ly, or yhero Irrigation is .possible,
tho following trees can bo used?
American elm, red, pin, mossy-cup,
and other native oaks', white ' nsh
sycamore, nosswoou una :sorway
and sugar maples.
"Native troet may bo found thnt
will prove of greater valuo for lim
ited areas than any suggested.
Cities and towns contemplating
street tree planting would do well
to consult tho nearest stato agricul
tural experiment station or, the
United States department of agri
culture It It Is thought possible that
something better hnH been found
than tho trees suggested.
In completing their work in the
Ucnd high school, tho members of
tho class that wns graduated Inst
week have reached u milestone on
their road to an education on which
they aro to bo congratulated. They
havo come up through tho grades,
seeing fellow students drop out ull
along tho way, and they themselves
putting aside distractions and other
forms of endeavor that for tho mo
ment seemed to contain a greater
good than grinding through with
the daily scholastic tasks. They
havo attained one goal.
Having reached this point, they
will pauso and consider what they
shall do next whether to go to
work or to go onVvlth their studies
In, college. This Is an appeal that
they think of nothing short of tho
college training.
As a cold-blooded business propo
sition, college training hns a dollars
,v Wo llkor tho id'en iiuggostcd lnd
recent advertisement In which thd
advertiser urges tho public to "Clean
up aud paint Up', and keep it up.v
As wo havo so often pointed out be
foh?," theso sporadic bUrst'u nro nil
rlgnt In tholr way,, but tho real
spirit of cleanliness Is to kqop clean
nil tho time. Ho ml can nover bo
called, a cleanly city untl n pub
lic spirit litis developed" which Will
frown on ' throwing waste, flnto tlio
gutter untl' 'Insist on ' cWn baok
ynrdrt and alleys, not. once a year,
lull nlU'nl'i ' '
w... ..... .j t.
Uolllnghnm hernial, nl'V natary of
$175 per mould;
Tho latcs issue of tho Sunday
Orczonlnn contains 88 Cages as
ngnlnst tho 100 and more that has
been appearing for some, time. Wo
assume the reduction' In' she I for
tho purpose of helping conserve
nows print, and We offer our
thanks and congratulations for tho
President Wilson hns ordered the
release of Kate Klchards O Hnre,
active In Non-Partisan league work
In Dakota. Probably wants to turn'
her looso In Oregon.
Gasoline Is getting to be in the
snmo class with bootleg, scarce,
difficult to obtain und high-priced
Bend Happenings
From Day To Day
ma- , tit
Mrs. T, W. Trlplutt, 'of fcondlro,
North Carolina, lb visiting1 in Bond
with her daughter, Mrs. Sylvester
J P. Hennessey and Carl A. John
son expect to lonvo Saturday night
for Portland to nttond the Knights
of Columbus stato convention.
Earl If, Clnrk and Miss letin Ad
dlngtou, both of thin city, were mar
ried Into yesterday, afternoon In tho
court Iioubo by County Judge Saw
yer, nud left last night for tiuoqunl-i
mle Kails, Wn to Join Mr. Clark's
mother, who In seriously 111,
Lynn Coovnrt, nftor a brief trip
to this section, returned to Port
land last night to take care of u
number of business affairs. He
will bo back In Ucnd soon ou his
way to Alfalfa, whoro ho will spend
tho summer months with his broth
er, Dean', who recently acquired
ranch property in that vicinity
Mrs. Bertha Morgan, delegate to
tho Itcbekahs' stato convention;
W. P. Symor and Bert Shuey of
and cents value to the Btudent that Ucmj,' atu j, c. Ayres of Redmond,
means moro to him than 'all he can ! iioicp'ates to the Odd Fellows' con
vention, to bo held at the tame
tlmo and place, returned Inst night.
earn it He startswork on leaving
high school and snves even penny
ho earns. tu trained, there Is a
limit to what he can earn, and, save
by some unusual or exceptional nbll
Ity, he will never go beyond that
limit. ""Trained in college, tho limit
Is raised to a point so far in ad
vance that the difference cannot bo
stated. Indeed, college tralnln
simply by providing tho key with
which to unlock tho door of oppor
tunity, may open a future to which
no limits can be given.
Beyond the possible financial re
turn there are the satisfactions ot
an education that, alone should be
sufficient, if pnl they could be re
alized, to Impel every ono of pur
graduates to seek a higher cduca
tion. Just as such education ex
tends tho limits .of money earning,
it extends the limits of the mind
and gives its possessor resources ,pf
the greatest value In the business
ot living.
The people of Oregon have just
made it possible for its youths who
have finished high school work-to
obtain higher educations. Every
one should take advantage of the
In another column wo "publish to
day a lint of the new books just re
ceived by tho county library, the
first purchase made by the county
board. It is our purpose, and will
be our pleasure, to publish the list
of future acquisitions In order that
tho necessary publicity may be given
to the work of the institution and
tho people told of what they can find
In their library.
To a comparatively small number,
chiefly residents of Bend, the libra
ry is well known. It has provided
many' of their books and, through
tho loan system ot tho state library
at Salem, made It posslblo for them
to have access to many volumes not
on the local shelves. Now, under
the newly established county library
system all these are made avallablo
to tbo people of tho wholo county
and funds aro provided for constant
additions in the shape of general
reading matter and books on techni
cal subjects wanted by students,
meaning not only school pupils but
any others who are studying to ad
vanco thomselves In tholr Jobs or
to fit themselves for now work.
Tho fact that the wholo county Is
to bo served In this way Is one of
the finest tbinge about tho now ar
rangement. Country districts that
hitherto havo had no library books
will now bo able to have their wants
supplied from tho central library
horo and also to nvull themselves
moro easily of tho stute library
1'nderlylng tho wholo idea In tho
fact that .a 'book standing on library
Sholves is riot doing Its work. It is
thoro to be used and its usn to bring
fleaauro und Instruction. It only
omains for the people to, take ad
vantage of their opportunity.' ' '
Tho three Odd Follows took tho
past grand dogreo. They Hectare
that the convention was one of the
largest ever held In the state.
'MUs Elizabeth Fox, Dean ot wom
en nt tho University of Oregon, was
a visitor in Bend yesterday nfter
nodn,' accompanying Mrs.'Annp Mux
row of Redmond to this cltyT Last
night Dean Fox dolivercd the com
mencement address at tho gradua
tion exorcises In Redmond. - MUs
Fox is again In Bend today, visiting
friends. . ' ,
Frank Hudson and T. II. Mc-i
Graff are two now conductors put'
on. by tho Oregon Trunk to relieve
men recently discharged. Mr. Hud
son is pn tho Spokano and Mr. .Mc
Graff oh tho Vancouver division.
Both havo bought property- In Ifend,
intending to make their homes here.
Mr. McGrath's family Is already
here anil Mr. Hudson's family will
arrive t,oon.
F. Fredcrickson was In last -hYght
from his homo in La Pino. "''
J. P. Keycs returned this 'morn
ing from a trip to Portland.
Dr. David M. Roberg, state health
officer, arrived In Bond this morning
on official business.
Tho Community Clenring Houso
league will meet at 8 o'clock tonight
at the circuit court roomB. '
Dennis D. Hunt arrived In Bend
Inst night from his home in Sisters,
and Is remaining over today.
George Parkinson, A. H Oliver
and Fred Howard will leavo tomor
row oti'n fishing trip to Square lake.
G. H. Engle, of Vnncouver, Wash
ington, has arrived in Bond to ac
copt a position In the Carmody bar
ber shop,
William, Klttrldgo, Miss Mary
Klttrldgo, and Mrs. L. Wallace, nil
of Silver Lake, wore visitors in tho
city today.
Rev. J. Edgar Purdy of tho Meth
odist church, was tho speaker last
night at tho closing exercises held
at the Tumalo school. i
County School Superintendent J.
Alton Thompson spoke yesterdaj? nf-1
tornoon at tho closing exercises hold
by the Redmond grade flcools,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ejlls and Mr.
and Mrs. J. D, Davidson have arrived
at Redding, California, in tho course
of their motor trip south, a tele
gram receiveu nero ny menus
Merlo Mooro, Instructor in man
ual training at tho Bend high
school, leaves tonight for Seattle,
Miss Nan Roavls, for the past
year mnguago instructor ai me
high school, leaves tonight for Se
attle to visit wlth.hor mother, 'She
will return' to 'Bond about tho mld-
dlo of Juno.
Mrs. Ethel C, Johnson of the
Kenwood school faculty haB". ro-
celvcd tin appointment us urt super
visor at tha summer session of tho
1 What's Doing in.
I the Country.
- -hervieos were held nt Rev. Potty's
home Thursday evening. Tho crowd
was largo. Rev. Johnson nnd Rev.
'"" uouvered fine sermons.
.Mr. ami Mrs. Pnrkx nnd Mr. Ilol-
ion were in Rend on bulnes Sat
urday. Jack Brink spent Sunday with Mr
Mr. Parks Ik doing some clearing
on his farm this week.
Mm. Moor and two sous called
on Mrs. Helton Tuesday, afternoon.
Mrs. Nelson visited at the Smaller
homo Monday.
Jim Low nnd Jack Bruin wore In
Redmond on bushiest Wednesday
Mrs. Hnmblln Is taking care of
Jim Benhelm's cow nnd chickens
while he Is out shearing.
Alfred Mooro Is working for tho
C. O. I Company,
' ''
lU That
i'i i Jv
Lloyd rttfuiei to Taka ths It
. 8crmi to H Involvnd In In.
tornstlonal MarrlnQc.
About the only thing the Lloyds will
not Insure Is hnipliuKs to follow tin
International liuiriliiRe, While some
Atuerlcnti women who wedded retire
eutiilhi of the Mobility ot tho Old
world fotiid happiness, h vastly hiriri
number found fnllare 10 or tholr por
tion. The lioueytMoou trail of those
Intel niitlnunllHlM iowm ninny uhlp
wrecks. As n ml the rvprvieiilntlve
nf tho nobility m-vVh a nmto among
tho wonlthy who have iinsiitNtlotl so.
clal ambitions. tUven ihose condi
tions, the chance for pi'CHcntutlmi nt
court, the tluuurtir of title, (lie ex
-tuilvvuoss of nodal rotations with
the titled groat, rousn many n joting
wotiuin to forget prudence und lmo
tuudo ninny father nud mothers will,
lug to approve u heavy hot ou u nihil
The long ntrlngof w onion Mho Imve
como tmok across (he Aliunde broken
hearted nnd Ml in of pure since Nel
lie Grunt made her unlinpuy allium-
hns taught little WmIoui to limit) who
are courted by (he titled hut ofttlmvi
H'linlloM nobility. Ohio Stute Journal.
The Art of Not Hearing.
Tin art of not hearing should be
lonnit by nil. It 1 fnlly tin luiir
tant to domestic hnppluois as n i-ultl-tatod
our. for width both money nud
lime nre expended. There are o mnny
things which It Is pututul to hour, no
many which we oiiuht not to bear,
m ory tunny which, If honrd, will dis
turb the lumper, corrupt simplicity
and modesty, detract from content
ment and linppliies, that i'rr.oiio
fhotili! lie cducutcd to Into In or chut
out Miuiuls according tu bli or her
pleaure. Kxcli'iincr.
Simple Contrivance Prevents Fraud
en th Part of Applicants for
Coveted Positions.
In I'lilliiil'-lplilu Hip poxlllon of truf
fle policeman N open only to men
who are kIx fort ot mure In bolvht.
Such poMtloni nre hi much Hoticht
nftor that mnny i-.fpllcanls who full
fchort of the required bright by only
a small fraction of an Inch ure tempt
d to client a llttttt bit by rIMug on
tholr lurln.
An Ingenious application of elec
tricity is now mod to t'lrcuimrnt this
trick, nnd uny uttonipt to rvgltcr n
fraudulent measurr l dlncloHod nt
once, 'lite uppllcunt, us he xliuiiU up
on tho platform under the kllde rule,
sets his feet upon two metal plates
that nre normally a trllle nlmtc the
platfonu. They uro Jtmt huuo enough
'to be cowml by u uitn's hnoln, and
When tie i-uudldajr Ntuuds with lilt
bU hreln on the floox the pinto are
o (lrprei-. thnt they make n con
tact nud fonn a circuit thnt lliilil n
lump A-. long n lh tiinn
stnmU with both hooU on the ground
the lump Mil-. Iltlilnl, but the mo-
irnont he ru!f either hoot the -uunlWt
pari ot an men ino rorimci tu nroKon
and the rump gm-s out. So doe he.
Crusoe's UitibrVlln.
'hfoq. It will bo riym)nbiivd, mnVH
ItohliiHon 4('r,tiim filusiirlhi'liiil lie
liiul Veen 'iiinbrollns oiiIiIo,m In thn
Ijrtir.IlK mill Mint ho lunl cousliuctil
li nwli tdiHiillii hi linltitlloii of thrm.
"I MeieiNl wllh skhiH," hit suhl, "tfio
luilr out w mil, no Hint II ciin( off tht
Kiln III;o u pout iioiire und kepi in
the sun mi elToclijftlJy thill I cotild
unlit out In "llio liot'ii'ii woitllicr wfjh
greater udMintugo limn I con PI hoforo
In Die coolcmt." .
Charles Dnrwlo'e Boyhood.
Doctor Mulliir, tho lienilmiiMcr at
Shrawsliury school, had of (on to call
Churl Dnrwlu (the iiiomI fumotis
iiiiturulUt of tho nineteenth century)
to' IiinIc (or Innttontloii and luitlnos
during his studios. The only thing
that seemed to Interest him was the
collecting of caterpillars, worms, nnd
all sorts of creeping thing, undjho
risking of his own nnd his brother's
life by dangerous clicmlcnl eivcrl
meiits. Snowitorme Poim In Warm Climates,
rotoutlnlly snow stonni form In
general region ot w.trmlh, strutige n
It tuny soom. The nreu of low hnro
metric pressure, or storm ton, comes
with ling euxtwtinl across the Clulf
stute nud then generally tnUos m
twist nurthwiird along the Atlantic
onbourd, When siilllcleutly fur north
theMt wiirm nir currents uro rhlllod
nud (ho moisture becomes snow, very
often being boron to the ourtb by tint
buck druft of oust wind. ,
Milkweed 8eed.
The mill. wood seed nre concealed
In n pod, willed lirenl; open nud ex
poo them to the wind. Up (hoy go
throiiKli ihe nlr, ouch seed carried by
n hull of lll(,v down, the throuds ni
frail Hint oii nre iistoulKhod when
you oxiiiuloo thom with a uilcroco'.
Knob Hif-nd turn out to bo n xeptiratu
tube ribbed with clnrk eln-llko strt'nki
uiniusod In nu Irrogulnr mtinncr.
When n milkweed pod bursts open,
)oil nin liiiuglne joursolf nt n niliiln
tun nero moot, In whlth scores of
white craft nr up Into the morning
Blmpte Explanation.
Why Is It Unit fishes make no dis
turbance wJion swimming throtnch th
wntrr, allhotish thont In a ruhlng
notxe when n stouo Is flung In? This
I 'iplui)cl by the fact Hint, In thn
Inttor case. It Is the (llllug of Iho cav
ity that Is innilf, rntlier' than the morn
Impact, wblrh cnuo the noise, w hero
ns the body nf the flxh I no nhnpcd
Hint when It mores through the water
It lonves no such entity behind It nnd
"irofnrr ltir l n illirl(itlie.
When It's A Home Product, and: thai Product is as
Good or Better than a Foreign Product
Always Buy A Hopie Product
i r
That js what; we haVto'say'Sbout the Palmy re Waists
and 5foffCWe 4&e not boosting this brand of Jadies
apparel;itierely Because i is an Oregon Manufect-.
ured Product, but we do so because we know that
the Palmyre Waists and Skirts made in Oregon, are
the finest quality-best tailored, latest styled waists
and skirts on the ready-to-wear market.
Only the finest materials, only the best tailoring, on
ly the latest Waist and Skirt Patterns go to make up
the Palmyre Waists and Skirts. We have had an op
portunity to compare them with Eastern made gar
ment, and without the slightest hesitation we make
the statement that Palmyre Waists and Skirts are the
peers in their class.
i -om
'We show Palmyre Waists and Skirts because we be
lieve in them. They are moderately priced garments
Voiles, $4.50 and up
Georgette and Crepe de
Chines, $9.00 and up
Washable Skirts, $8.50
Silk and Wool Skirts
$15.00 and up
(SS SWb dtfrfo. :?
ZIj St