The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 03, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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nUKI) nUIiMTIN, nKND, OKKflON, TliniHDAY, Jt'.VB , 1020.
Yagb t
J'liit'O i:ii)iloH In Two Klnii'N An
. ,hwt Call- N I'WU ARiiliwt
OrM'Uilrd I.alior, H a y
A flat ri'fiiHtil upon tlio part or 18
inorclinnta to Ik Uhi uptrrmnonl of
fered by (ho local clurl union,
mU forth mi Kuturtlny an oritur
(tor a walkout of all dork In tlio inn
liloy of iiK-rchantii who hail not
hlKtiml thu nuri'iimi'iit to ittnplo)' only
union clnrkM or Hioho otliilulu to
mombomhlp. Up to II o'clock HiIh
niornliii: only thrmi clnrkn liuil Inft
iholr placet). Tin; untaulliihuiontH at
footud ant: I'alaco Marlu't and
Union Orocnry,
Following a hcatml m-nnlon hut
nlflht, tliroo ritpri'uoulatlvfn of thu
Control Labor Council. A. K. IM
wnrdM, I. V. McAdoo and II. I. Hoi-
Kato outlined tint iiRrvftmunt. Thu
urtlcln upon which tlio contention
aroto hliiKed upon thu employment
of union help oxclunlvely. Tlio liu
wan put flatly to the mnrchant hy
both Mr. KdwnrdH and Mr. llolgato.
who stated that they were went to
tho inorchnntM to Ket a dotted Hliop
anil that they could not devlatu
from any other doclolon.
No TlKtit On L'uloii.
It lit tho contention of tho mer
tthantn whorofuao to hIrii that tliny
nro not In any meaiuiro flclitliift or
ganUccl labor. They Htntu that thero
U no objection upon their part to
tho unlonUInt; of their More. They
maintain, however, that they will
not compel any clerk to afflllnto
with tho local clerka union nnd wilt
not bo coerced Into the employment
of only oiKnnlzrd labor.
In n ntntement Riven nut thin
morning K. L. I'aync, prevldent of
tho lloml Merchant' Amoclntlon
"The MerchuutM' Amioclatlon lm
no quarrel with thu clerk' union
or nuy other union. Tho nRrcemcnt
a preNenled to'm peclf!rally atntcfl
that we. an morchaulit dhnll employ
only meinbera of the local clerkH un
ion or tlioao oIlRlblo W do not feel
that If any clerk who doe not do
itlro to Join he should bo compelled
' (o do no or elm) lone bin ionltloii.
Tho nRrceuient vlmply nuniim thnt If
wo have In our shop a man or wom
an who will not Join, that other. bo
J'anKlnR to tho union will leave tho
ob. Wo bulloro wo nru entitled to
omploy capablo men nnd women to
inervo tho public. If they delru to
itfflllutu .with a union that In their
prlvlleRu and wo have no objection
whatever. Hut If they do not wo be
Hove wo should not bo forcod by a
threatened walkout of union clerks
to compnt tho affiliation by thoxo do
nlrliiR not to do so."
Not Unfair, Hny Payne.
' "Ily admlttlliR the prlvlleRu of
the typobar system,
airrlngo and oscapu
mont wheel pi tho
Woodstock with thoso
of other typowrltoru
nnd you will roudlly
understand why this
mnchlno holds up bet
tor, It lias less parts,
too which adds to its
The Rebuilt Typewriter Company
30-4 Oak St., Portland, Oregon.
Slightly used Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C.
Smiths and other makes of machines can be had at
casonablc prices.
Same price for Dutter Fnt f. o. l. Uend .
, as is paid f. p. j. rortlund.
CentralOregon Farmers Creamery
tho union to orfdinlzu our forren, by
KlvlnR tho bourn thu clorlwi auk to
Kotlior with scalo of wnuen favor
at) Id to tliuni, wo cannot bo branded
unfair to oiRitnlxeil labor In tho
inoiiiiliii! of thu tonu as Konorally up
piled. "Wn nrn hero to irtrvo tho ontlro
public, nnd wo do not fcol that any
orRanhatloii has the rltflit to doinaud
that we nrcept or carry on their
flRhl "
i, i: i: MouitiHHnv orrroi.vrH
After six rounds In which ho had
perhnpti u shiido tlm belter of It,
Kred Ollbort bioko his right hand
on l.eo MorrlitHoy'H head In tho
seventh rranio In their main eveni
boiil at tho Hippodrome last Wednes
day with tho lesiilt that MorrlsKoy
4iiHlHtoutly outpointed tliollend boy
In tho seventh. olRhth, ulnfli, and
ieiith rounds, and wus Riven the de
cision by itoferco Wlllard HouHtou,
AlthouRh disastrously crippled, Kred
nut mi a name one-handed flRht, and
few know of hln accident until thu
ninth round. It I tho second tlnm
In a flRht with Morrlssoy that Kred
hits sustulned an Injury of this kind.
DurliiR tho early part or tho com
bat, both flRhti'Ts played ror n
knockout, and as a result the first
rounds were slowed up to some ex
tern. It Is doubtful, however, If
either of tho two could win niiythlitR
but a referee's decision when pitted
nRiilnst each other. .
From the spectators' standpoint,
tin, uninl.u'lnitiin )utweiMi Kid Taylor
of HeJid, and Hilly Ilyan of Portland,
wn tho most InterestltiR on tho card.
Taylor's worst round came ' In the
second, when Itynn whipped u rlRht
to his face and forced him to cover
up to escape a shower of lefts nnd
ThroURh tho belter part of tho bout
Taylor forced tho fljjhtlnr, und
twice, once In tho third, and aRaln
In tho fourth, rushed Itynn off his
feet. Tho fifth wan n swntfest with
but little odvatltoRC to either boy.
but the sixth o Taylor's, nnd ulso
the flRht.
Tho first preliminary wont for
only a fraction of u round, for (ireok
OeorRo so for forRol himself ns to
nwIiir at his opponent, Kid Casper,
when tho latter was still on tho floor
after n near knockout. A foul Ravo
Casper thu flRht.
Trsnipsrent Goap.
Transparent soap Is prepared foj
r!r ItiK onlli.nry soap, iliiiokliit; It In
nlioliol. nllowlns tho solutlun to re
main at rest so loli; us iiy Impurities
settle to the bottom, mid then pourlnc
ofr (he alcoholic liquid nnd evnpor
utliis; It until It Is of Mich consistency
tin to become kolltl when cooled la
A Failure In Life.
A sad. story nwtrlie. ufnmi South
west .Imiloii. H appear that a girl
of twenty attempted suicide beeauso
she ron llr. I she was too old to write
either n popular novel or u Innik of
pnCllll ,Fnl' Piinrli 1 nnililll,
Tlio flint shipment of 'about 200 .
now books has arrived at the coun
ty library. Those listed below aro
now on tho shelves and available
for Immndlnto iiho. Kaeh day nioro
will b added to thin number:
"ItoprlutH of Popular Fiction."
Abbott- -"Little Hvo KdRurton."
Ilachillr--"l.lKht In the Clear-!
Curwood - "Aiilmnl Htorlo."
All of tho most widely road of
tho Knuo limy hooks.
ICnlbbs "Hundown Hllm."
llnlph Conner's ntorles. (
Macllara "Indian Drum."
Locke "Wonderful Year."
London "Wblto KatiK."
Porter "Itoad to Understuud
Itu;," "Just David."
Jtalno "Toxns IlanRor.'.'
Itlnebort "Hub-Oeb," Tbib," and
"AmazltiR Interlude."
Klnclalr (llower) "Happy Fam
ily," "KlyliiR V Hunch," "Chip of
tho FlyliiK U."
llertrand Hlnclalr "North of
Fifty Three."
Htuart Fdwiird Wblto "Gray
Dawn," "dold."
"Luru of London" (Lillian Whit-
Iiir), u readable book about this
Rreal city. .
Latest revised edition of tho Bos
ton CookliiR .School Cookbook, by
Fannin Merrltt Fanner.
Homo mauuulH "Housewifery;
boo of tho bcHt and most compre
hensive texts on tho care and fur
nishliiR of tho house.
- "ClothliiR for Women;" n prac
tical handbook for women making
their own clothes.
"Home nnd Community HyRlone;"
a book denlhiR with all subjects re
lated to dlscnso proventlon and
health preservation.
Mrs. O'fihauRhni'Hsy'H "Diplomatic
Days." More of tho vlvnclous lot
tors from tho Amorlcun embassy at
Mexico City; portrays un earlier pe
riod limn hor first book. "A Diplo
matic Wlfo In Mexico." although
written later.
Children's Hooks.
For tho youiiRor readers Hur
cess "Mother West Wind" series
and HurRess' "Hlrd Hook for Chll
dren," in which Fetor Habbit nnd
Jenny Wren innnaRu to Impart a
suriirisliiR amount .of IntcrcstlnR In
formation In tho course of their
"On tho War Path" nnd "Tho
Quest of the FIsIi-Dor Skin." two
fascluntliiR Indian stories by
The Holt-Whccler V. S. Service
scries of books for boys, which rIvo
muoh Information about tho differ
ent departments of tho United
States, told In story form Tho
Information Is accurate, lllustru
pS a
When you erect a Silo, 'you want a Silo that will
stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sun.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy
lines necessary.
Eventually Concrete
Why Not Now?
For specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
Well Curbing.
. "Zfi3je
tlonB aro from photographs.
Mr of Iron" (Howard Pylo); a
story of tho times of chlvnlry.
Hetty Hldo-ot-Home." tho story
or n ptucKy Rin wno wnnicu io Ko
to college, but wno lounu ncr snaro
of success In wrltluR stories.
Sovcral collections of poetry for
children, oven for tho youngest
"Pinafore Palace," "Posy Ring.'
Roldcn Numbers," arranged by
Kuto DouElas WlRRln and Nora
Archibald Smith.
"Shasta of tho Wolves" (Olaf lin
ker). Describes tho strange bov
hood of an Indian who, as u baby,
was left In tho forest by oacmles
and udopted by a she-wolf.
Two books of biography for dii:-
dren "Wonder Workers," which
tells of Hurbank, tho flower magi
cian; Kdlson. tho magician of
sound; Jnno Addams, the magician
of friendship, and others.
Let's settle
' j
this right
HMMfWlwsn r -i i i i mini
No mail ever smoked
hettvv cigarette han
You'll find Camels unequalled by
any cigarette in the world at any
price because Camels combine
every feature that can make a
cigarette supreme
Camels expert blend 'of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos puts Camels in a class by
themselves. Their smoothness
will appeal to you, and permit
you to smoke liberally without tir
ing your taste !
Camels ieave no unpleasant ciga
retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
cigaretty odor !
You'll prefer Camels blend to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight !
Ptt of JO ttlaritf f&t 20 erntm n tn rsek
tJPP t'iJt'rtte iff 0 flMtmr4P'-r'r'-fjr
ration UV tfrtijlt rccvnmem A rtrtan far
ttuftrre o 2ic tucply ot whtnyov trswiL
R. J Rcynoids Tobacco Co.
Winjton-Salt m U. C
"PIlRriras of Today," an Interest
jnK account of tho life and work of
, nf our -,lon.d Americans.
,. a John MnI ,ob RU. Marv
Anltn and otherK
' "
Pat It la The BaUetta.
With the most thoroughly
equipped Machine Shop
Welding Plant
Blacksmith Shop
in Central Oregon, We will accept
practically any and all kinds of Work
Guarantee on all work done
and quick service
Call on us to do your machine work
acetylene welding and general black
smith work. We employ only experts
in these lines
Bend Iron Works
Bend, Oregon
Phone-Black 741
Central Oregon Garage
I Exclusive Agentsfor Northwest Auto Co. for j
j Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties j
j Selling
Marmon-Cole, Keo and Uort j
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana arid
Duplex Trucks
MIcrobM With a DoubU Life.
The transformation of microbes
from one form to another has bn
described by many Invtstljators, aad
It hui even been suggested that t&
saese mlcrob In dlfferect forms may
be responsible for different disease.