The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 27, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    yvv - mmt M
ana to 9on rq nFirrrjAT.'roi,u,ml lh0 wnnlndopor Ml0IM0Pl
50b IU Alb lb Ul'l'lUlALi nR j A iKaste chnlnnnn of tin
Cltv Council Appro ca 'Assettmcnt
ltolt on Uecrntly Coni-triirjetl
Sewer -Liquor Tetter to
. Jlc Ordered.
By moro than a two to one vote
In all city predncU, tho $21,000
park bond hwue was carried In llcnd
In the primary election Friday. It
was announced Monday night after a
canvass of tho votes by tho members
of tho city council showed SOC
votes for and 29G against. The coun
cil will proceed nt once with steps
necessary for the Issuance of the
bonds and for turning them over to
tho Bend Company In exchange for
tho park property on the east sldo of
thd" Deschutes.
Boca use of the number of liquor
cases which hate been coming up
in police court yesterday and the
necessity for determining alcohol
percentage la any suspected fluid,
as a matter of evidence, C. S. Ben
son, city attorney, advised the coun
cil that a testing machine should be
obtained. An outlay of approxi
mately $25 would bo Involved, he
said. Immediate purchase was au
thorized. An assessment roll presented by
City Engineer Robert B. Could for
now construction on the West Cen
tral sewer main and for construe-
Uon of laterals No. 27, 30, 44. 45,
and 46, was nccepted. Taxpayers
along the lino of this improvement
will bo abltto take advantage of the
Bancroft bonding act by petitioning
within 20 days, but Mr. Gould urges
that cash payments be made in as
many Instances as possible, to nld in
keeping the city's credit Intact.
The matter of sewer connections
was discussed, and the counclt in
formally favored connections being
mado at once wherever possible.
Fire Chief Carton, who is working
with tho health committee, spoke of
the practice prevailing in some sec
tions ot Bend, of throwing out dish
water. This ho condemned us aid
ing in tho propagation ot files.
(Continued from pagi l.l
gato'd land '.being worth $250 an
acre". The cioarlng of 130D. acres
ot our land alone is a big asset to
any community. Wo nave1 not sent
out of Oregon for a, single article.
Bought tractors, implement and
food all in Redmond. Also land.
And wo get no support from the
merchants or business men of Red-
nn,l ' '
ltr,. I. nun onnt r Pnrllanrf fnr 111. '
borers. Paid railroad fares for each weiler holdings, known as the
ono, only worked a few days. Had .Swamp ranch, has been mado
no complaint, only wanted to get! by Haswcll Bros, of Missoula. Mont..
back to the city. I asked tho Torre-1 tho entire consideration to be 550.-
bonno Farm bureau for men. Thoy
could do nothing for mo. In order!
in nvn S1S.000 worth of seed and ,
rmn ' lands, when Mr. Mackoy of
Terrobonmi asked me to subscribe J
for tho highway, I told him I would
ivn to tho hlchway S100 ner man
up. to 10 Japanese to come in and
work as laborers until our crops
were harvested, then guaranteeing to
return each ono to California. I
was unublg to becure the permission
of tho Terrebonne farmers.
Fair Hearim; Ahked.
"I then asked them to allow mo to
bring in two more mon, making five
In all. This also was refused. My
first ugrcemont nermlttod mo to
bring in six. Wo had an understand
ing when tho first agreement was
drawn up, that It could bo cancelled
on tho notlco of either party. Thero
was nothing loft fo ine to do but
to cancel, which I did as agreed, and
we spnt in two men to help save
our crops.
"Central Oregon Js positively as
sured against Influx of Japanese as
far as our lauds areconcerned. Fur
thermdre, our lands aro in tho origi
nal purchasers' namos. No oales
have been mado or oven thought of.
"Wo wunt the sago brush and Juniper
off, and tho wate an tho land of
Central Oiogou, and wo should have
tho support of fanners and tho town
of Bond, aa most of the lands lie in
your. Vicinity ; :
"Afairi "assurlflg you that wo are
not going' to subuTridQ-our lauds for
salo to Japanese, hoping for tho sup
port of citizens of Hend, which It
Riven they will never Imvo cause to
egret wc;ank,you to please JuiIrv
our iuiorestft fairly ami mUla ho
guided hy nnltatora who huvu mi r
to grind."
rinn for foment Ion.
Dlscimsloti of plans for the en
tertainment of the stale grange,
which will hold Its annual convon-
It Ion hero- June 1 to I, Inclusive,
gonoral committee in charge of the
convention, reported that tho gym
nasium had been secured for nil
day and afternoon sessions ot thn
farmers' organization, and outlined
tentative plans for an outdoor ban
quet on tho evening of tho first
day. An endeavor will be made to
secure the services of tho Shevllu
lilxon band and male quartet se
lections will be another feutuio of
the program.
On the socond day the master of
tho nntlonnl grnifge will speak, and
on the third day a tour ot the
mills before visiting the grange hall
is planned. Mr. Kastcs announced
that nutos sufficient to tako caro of
400 delegates would be needed
W. C. Blrdsall. in charge of Tious-
lug, asked that every member off
the club an devery citizen who can
accommodate one or more guests
turn in his name at once. Clyde
M. McKay. In charge ot decorations,
had no report.
Ki-nrat 11. Fuller, Formerly of Wlrtl
Infantry, Dies. ThU Mor-iilnjr.
Post to Attend Funeral.
Ernest B. Fuller, aged 26. son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Fuller, of this
city, died in Bend at 5.20, o'clock
on Tuesday, of pneumnnnia In ad
dition to his parents ho is survived
by his wife, and by three brothers.
Arthur Clalro-and Bert, all of -this
city. Funeral services were con
ducted at the Methodist church un
der tho partial direction of Percy
A. Stevens Post No. 4, American Le
gion, of which the deceased was u
member, nt 2 o'clock this af
ternoon. Born at Lake Mill, Iowa. Mr.
Fuller later removed with his par
ents to Bcadctt, Minnesota, coming
to Bend in 1915. Shortly after tho
outbreak of the war, he enlisted In
tho army, serving for 10 months as
a member of Company E. C3rd In
fantry, statjoned nt Camp Meade
and at the Presidio, He returned to
Bend in June. 1919, hut since his
discharge from the service had not
enjoyed tho best of health.
Last September he was married to
Mlw Grace Bottrell. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Uottrrell of this city.
Bros, of .Moutumi Make
Payment on Properly
Announcement was made Tues
day that tho- first payment
flosinir the HUlO Of tllU WllTZ
000. The deal was made through
tho agency of tho Central Oregon
Realty company. An option on tbs
property, whloh lies Just beyond Sis
tors, was taken more than a week
If the new owners decide to ac
quire, in addition, tho stock kept In
connection with the ranch, another
deal, amounting to something iu ax
cess of $100,000, will bo made, It Is
Htork Louse from Icndl Weed Can
Ilo n-actlcally Kllmlnnted In
Three Yean., In llellced.
Experiment work In poison hem
lock eradication will be done this
summer on the upper Metollus where
tho weed has long been tho cause of
losses to cattle men, Grazing Ex
aminer Jack Iiorton, ot tho Des
chutes National forest states. Mr,
Horton vhns Just returned from a
survey of tho infested territory, and
reports excellent results from the
work done during the past yyenr
Que man is still being employed to
root out and burn the deadly plants
Within three years time. Mr. Hor
ton believes that tho stock losses
caused by tho homlock can bo almost
entirely eradicated.
KucoumgliiK growth In the mom
horahlp nt the Bond Y. M. V A, Is
tdiowti In flgurc-i furnished by Sec
retary 1.. YV, Trlckey. Mr. Trlck
oy's records show that on Novem
ber 15. 1910. when tho Y. M ( A.
had taken over tho mntiiigcttioiit
of the Bend Amateur Athletic cltth
building, theru were only 23 mum
hers In good 'standing. Since that
ttmo thoie has been n steady In
crease ot from 60 to 70 ti month,
new members Joining, for the most
part, on tho monthly basis. At
present there are more than 400
Tho summer program, which will
he started soon, will Include spe
clat swimming classes, children's
games nndor tho supervision ot a
trained playground uupervtsor, and
weekly community gut borings. Mr.
Trlckey hopen to bo uble to swell
tho membership to closo to 1000 by
the end ot the season.
The refreshment parlor being put
wthiu tho gymnasium building Is
nearly complete, while other lm
provouients which have been mado
include the overhauling ot tho tnnk,
waterproofing and cementing it.
Prlvato showers aro Installed for
women mid u steam room Is con
nected up.
Possible Explanation for Nonappear
ance of Watch Had Suddenly
Dawned on Simple Farmer.
Supt. J. K. Ourler of the Cari.esls
Steel Dinpuny has established a com
price More for his I2X10 workmen,
thus clrcuinventlup the local profiteer.
One of the local prolltrors nked Mr.
Oundrr If he would mil shut up the
cont-prlcv store, n It wn Interfering
with the other stored profits, but Mr.
Oursler answered:
"Will I -hut up our cnst-nrlo store,
eh? Well, that Is about the ualvett
question I ever heard. Yes, It's as
nnhe a question an the yeung
"The jouiir fanner's?" said the prof
iteer. "A young Pike count v fanner," ex
plained Mr. Ouster, "stalked up to the
Inquiry ofllce In a Pittsburgh station
a ud nxked:
"ThU here's thr Inquiry ofllce, ain't
"'Sure Is.' said the capable young
clerk. la
"Wall said the Pike county farm
er, 'about eight hours nso a gaHbo
took my new wa"h down Hie Mrect
to get my name -HRnied on It 'free
gratis no's It wouldn't get hnt, and
I'm kind of tired of wultln', so What
I want t Inquire Is N there lirt-M
In (lie fiiumvln' trade, and ure all the
PJtUhurxh engnners nut on strike or
Sell your iMiullry through Itiilhiln
rlavifk-l ady.
Srtii n( llii- Annual NUlpmrnl ( tb
New Jersey Fidelity and Plate
Glass Insurance Co. "
pf Ntnark. In Ihe Hll of Nw Jrrtrr, on
Ik II dr of. Hrcrmbrr, IUID, m(lr Iu
tbi- iBtarmir CswBiiitlonrr of lh Ktalf of
OrrCKH. pariuant Iu law.
Amount of rapltil aWKk ialil up 400.000 on
Income. ,
Nrl iirtmlunit ttttixtd Jurlnt
the yir tl, U7,4l7,li
InUrrtt, riiIJroila anl ita
rwrlftj aurlnc lh jrar. . 7S.OI0.3U
Inrotn from othrr iujrrr rr-
rrtrrd ilurlng llip fur 09.(01
Total Immnr SI.3luVS3H.9S
.SVt Iohm Hld ilariflK llir fnr
Ineluilinc idjuimnt ex
pnf. S 0IMV0S4
riltidi-ml'l on eapllal alvrk
Aannt the rar S, 000,00
Comuiliiiona and aslarUa paid
cturlne lb jrcar JHC.IIO7.I0
Tjxci. Iltrntv and tret paid
during thf rr 4B.24S.30
Aujount of all iilhvrrapvndliurra 311,404.48
Total exprndlturr f 1.008,781,17
Valur of alorka and lond
oword (market Talui) 777.07U.UO
I.oam ou loortcacra and rollsl
iral, rlr 73S.100.00
Caih In UnU and on hand .. 37.A5l.ttU
1'rruiluni In rour of collet lion
vrrltttu lnr Hrplnnlitr 30,
1019 170,711.05
Inlvrrat and rrnu due and ae-
trued 30.SM.83
Tola! attett Sl.729.850.7ll
Total aiet admilld ln'()retoti.$l,72B,H50.7ll
(Iron elalnia for loiiti uupald. .( 444,7SB.S3
Amount of unearned premium
on all outitandlne rltka . . 5fll,Hf)7.07
Dub for rotninloilon and broker
age 03,(180.03
All other liablllllea 29,031.40
Total liabilities, rxclualre of
Capital atoek of $400,000 . 1,003,345.71
Muilneii In Oragon for the Year.
SVi iirvmluma reeelred durlnir
the year 822.90
I.op paid durlue the year . 334.18
lt.iv Inrurri-il durlnir the rear Ufll.lH
Ramnvl O. Ilouitlond. I'reildcnt.
Marry 0. Iteddrn, Hecretarjr
.Statutory retldent alturney for aervleei
Campbell, Bmlth It Cook.
Hnoili of lli Annual Htatcuieat of th
British America Assurance
of Toronto, in the Dominion of Canada, on
the nial day of December, 1010, made to lliH
Iiiuranee -Cominimluner of llm State of Ore
eon, nuriuant to laws
OaplUt, '
Amount of deposit capital ...S 200.000.00
NVt if(inlnm rccetyed durlnf
the year JJ 1,408.057.78
Interest., dhldenda and rrnt
r"eld durlnis b? yor . . 88,100,10
Income from other aourc ,.,..
vclred.durlne the year , .. 518,7,48.04
Total ineotne
,. 11,773,302.01
Net Iomm paid durlnc the year
Inrluillng adjuatinriit ex
pernio . . .,,,.,. . . , 6
l'i)i:imttonk mid MUtk'f 1'iiU
tliitlnc Hut )rar ...
Tate. Ilee-iuc and lee paid
during the year . . i -. . '
Amount otvnll other expe mllu(ivt
Totnl expenditure , . .' , ,l,tU;.Vl 1.(13
Value nf Mock ami bomli
owned (markc( value) Jl.HdO. ISI.57
(Ah In bitnk and on hand 930,77101
Premium In couro of collection
vtrlllin alnco HeptrmhiT no, . .
UIU lAP.Aat.07
Ititrvrat nml rent due nnd
etunl ... . ft ..'. , .... nl.4S7.AI
Totnl naieta S,U07,330TlO
beat kitrelal ilrKlli In an; Male
Uf any tliJrKlni) (13,7(11.00
TolJI iitet iutnillleillnOreiltil.'.',3ai,ntiP.40
(lrM elalma fur lone unpaid $ 103,373.33
Amount ot unearned premium
im alt outitamtlni; rlaka 1.373.13 0
Due for romrulntlon and broker-
ace 3.JP0 00
All other tUMIUIrt 4U,S3U.(IH
Tulal llAbllllle. exeluttrp of
capital to;k ,.tl.3l7.K.10 3V
DulaM In Ortgou for th Yer.
N'et nremluuia rrcrlTe.1 duilnit
the year J 33,091(10 paid durlnj the )eir 3,337.94
l.oaiea tnrurred durln the year .1,030.94
V, II, MKIKI.H l'realdenl
K (larrow, Secretary.
H)nopilt of th Annual rilatrtscot o( the
Lumber Mutual Firo Insurance
of llinton. In the Stale of MiiirhuMtt, on
the 311 dar of Iemler, lt'10, mixle lo the
luurnre Cummlttlonrr of the Hlato of Ore
(on, purauant lo lw
Net premlutna received during
thn year 791.993.10
Intrratt, dltldruda and reals
recrltcd durlnc the year .. 09,400 03
tnrtini from other iircr re
ceived during lh year 33.470 00
Total Income $ 000,933 H
Net loe paid durinc the year
lucludlnc aUulmenl r
pemc 9 210,010 30
DWidrmW paid durlnc the year 30,933.U
l'vmmliliin and larlrt paid
durlnc the year 111,039.33
Titer llmitet and fee paid
durlnc the year 33,003 76
Amount of all other expenditure 30,377.13
Total eapcndlture I (170,0 1H 39
Value of bond owned, (market
iu:pout ok tiii: condition of ihk
First National Bank of Bend
AT Till: tl.OSi: OF UUHINF.KS ON IAV I. Iltto.
I.oaiiH and tll.scouutii. IncluilltiK rcilUcountaj
Total Ioon..
Ovnrilraftn, uuicurctl
L'. S. Oott-rninctit c'iirltl("( owniil:
Dvnosltcil to rtpciiro circulation iV. K. bomI
par valuo) ... - .....'...... - 12.600.00
Pledged to Hocurc postal Havlngi dopoilUi (par
valuo) 11,600.00
Pledppd n8 collateral for Mate 'or other de
posit or bllln payable 07,760.00
Owned and unpledKod t 06,400.00
War HavltiKit Certificate and Thrift Stamp
actually owned . 1MA7
Total IF. H. fJoveniincnt recurltlof. . . .
IlomlK (other tlinn IF. S. IioikIb) pledcrd to m.
euro poxlul MtvliiKr) (lepOHltn 2,62-1,76
gecurltloK, other than V. S. hondH- (not Includ
ing; htockft), owned and unpledged .18,033.10
Total IioiiiIh, Hccurllliw. etc.. othur than I. B.
Slock of Federal lle-rve Hank (CO per cunt of
uiiliunilrtt I nil
Value of ImiikliiK hoiue, owned and
Furiilture and flxlunw
tr,.l .iiu owiiuil nthnr (hull liHllktllC
Lawful roHorvo with Fedural Itmmrskf
CuhIi In vault and net amount due
tioniti iihiikk
Net uinouuta) duo from lanke. brnikfrna nd
trtiHt companion iu ino u"MJi -'yiS'x '" '
(othor than Inoluiled In item! 2. 13,
or 141 i ..Ol..-..4.-f-
Total of Item- 13, 14. 10. 1
ChockH on bankn locatod outnlde
town of reportliiK bank unu
liuinn .
Itedomptlon fund with IF. H. Treanurer and. ...
.(.. Crnm It H Tronllll TIT. .'.
1,t,U ,,.., ... . --.
Othur OHsetM, If any Current uxponHi
Intercut pnju....'.
TOTAI. I.eMH undivided prof-Its
Capital took paid In
KurpliiH fund
IT.. .11. .1.1.,, I n,nf I mm Illlll 21
I.OH8 current oxpeiiMun, IntereHt and laxiw
Circulating notcw outHtandliiR
Not amount duo to bankH. bankers, and triibt
coiupunleH In tho United Htntex and for
dlKH countrloH (other than Included In
ItcmH 29 or 30)
Certified checkH outritntidliiK-
ri.hii.e'a xiiorttu on awn bank outHtuhdtnc... .
Totul of ItomH 29, 30, 31, 32, and
liciiiiiiKl ilepoMUH (outer iiiiui hiuih in--,.",
Mibjecl to Itetserve (doposltH payablo
within 30 dayri:
Individual depoBltH nubject to check
State, county, or othor municipal depoHltH - .
Hecured by pledRo of nHHiits of thin bank
Other demand dopoltH , -........
Total of demand ' doportltr! (othor than bank
dopoHltH) Hiibject to lloHorvc, ItetnH 3.4,
36, 3G, 37, 38, and 39 BCS.366,00
Time UepoaltH nubject to Itewrvo (payablo
after 30 daya, or HUbJect Uf 30 days, or .
more notice, and pontnl brvIukh;
CortlftcatoH of dopoHlt (other than for money
Hlate, county, or other municipal doposlta ho,
cured by pledge of inisets of thU bank
Postal HavliiKti dopoHltH -
Other tlmo dopoHltH '
Total of tlmo dopohitB HUbJect to JteHervo
Itomn 40, 41, 42, aid 43 407,000.63
State of Oregon, County or uericuuieu s: , .
I, h, a. McRoynoldH, Canhler of tho above-named bunk, do tiolomnly
tiolfof. l- a- McHoynoldfl, Caahler,
conuncT Aitcatf
II. C. KLLIB, ".
Dlrectorn. ,
Subscribed nud Hworn to beforo mo tula 10th day of, May, 1920,
J. A. KABTBS, Notury P.ubllc.
My commlBolon expires Dccombor 30, 1(23.
tiu) ..'?2M2292
Oath l lianka and on hamk lnf.O70, 13
I'rrililmr) In courp of colleellon
erlllen clnen Hcplemtier 30, .
MOIfli 10.BT8.IT
tiitAmat dun and acnitd . . jt 13.873 43
Total nuMla . . . l,IO,l)t703
l.i'Mt iflnl drpulli In anr lnlr i
(It any thrn b) 1.331.13
TiUliiatliiihllreiUiiirn l 100,003 00
' I,lablllllea,
(IrpM claim (at- liei iMi.ild.$ 33,000 Ot
Amount nf unearned premium
an all ouKlandlnit rlik a70,3H3,0n
All ulhrt lliiblllllni II.OIO.IT
ii 1 1
T..I.I lUl.llllla. nf
cipiul alock. 4lii,7SM
PuiIiicm In Oifiuti for the Yeir.
Vet pretnlumi rrrclird limine
the year 4,380.1!)
I.uue paid iturlnii ISie )rar . 101,03
l.oiic Ineurreil diirlnc lh year 0.103 07
Tim i.ottiKIt jirrr.M. rim tVHt'HAM'i:
(lMrr II. Dvimri. President,
It.rrr K Hlone. HterKary
ritalutarv reidrnl attorney fir rl-i
V I. rinley, I'oillaml, Oreiron,
rlypopl of lh nnual rUlrmfnl of III
Globe Indemnity Company
of New York, In Ihe. Male of New York, nn
the ait day of lecember. 1010. made lo
Ihe Insurance ConimiMlonrr of the Slain o(
Orecvn, pursuant tn law
Amouitl of capital lnek paid up I 7AO.000 00
IllCOIttC. '
Mat rt'ohu" reeelred durlnc .....,,
(he year T.03.Va( IB
lulerrat, i'lMend and rtat
reelrrd durlnc Ihe year .. 331,1111.10
laeom fron other nurc re
ld duilnc the yr . , I.IIJ 31
Total Income J.3M.!OI.0
Net lae paid durlnc the year
IMrldead nald on eapltal atoek
rente ..... ..",. .
uurmc in year
190.000 00
Commitilons and attarlet paid
UUriJir HIT I"! . .. m,mmr,-...,.
Ta, llcrnie. and frti paid J
durioc the year .... 301,403193
.moua;tjf all other enieiidllwre n33,303JU
Total expenditure . . 0.l0rl.03t l
Value ft retleltr owned (mar-
Vet value) 5.l
Value uf Heck and twnd ..,,..
owned (mark( value) .. rt.79t.tlO 00
Ch In bank and on hand . 1,37.190 31
Premium In curi of rolrelHn ,
written lnee rUplrtnlwr 0.
tptU l.3a,M0 8
All other ail
lntreel and rent due nd a ........
crue,l 03.1 18 11
Tolil ael 0,M,S7.ID
Ttl ( admllled In (ren 10.39 J 37a 49
1 47. 1 3 7.4 7
23.04 10
21.0 M.I
llOUSi! .
: w'K
(rfltn ua-
,? it..M.Tp;
nn4$l7....I 200.310.04
of city or
oinor au
- . ..
21 C.CU
- , taxej.
jp,-uw.u . . tl ;
33 ,..
Jl, 103,037.70
(lro olalmi (or )"e utild.f 1,071,080 OH
Ainotiiit ot tmearntd tiremluin
on All OUMlAlidlHU ilki , . fl.3lltl,ni III
I Mi" fnr t'uirtmlKlun a "il broker
,.. : " , 0 ft.ft0l 05
All ujlivr llabllltlea, lr, aat
rl. e.ti1 . , . i . . 330,000 Oil
Vitlulilarj- riirte foi lUiin . lOo.OOO.OO
Total lllllllle, erlmlve of
iijiiii! tlnrk of f7M),000 . Irt.lini.Uin'!!
HtnliiiM In Orexoii for lut Ytar,
Net premium neelved lurltic
Dip enr ll.hlHOl)
LnU paid during the r... I.08T &t
l.f)r Ineiirred tliirlnr tho yehr
II UuiiQn ileeil, rriiiuini
I' II, Klukbiir, Heeretary
Kiaiulnrr rldeiil atlonier for arfrlee
1 Jamev D Hart, PorlUnd, Orifon
Hinnptlt uf ilirf VunuatlTiitemeiif of
Tho Oontrnl Mnmtfncturoro
Mutual Inn, Oo.
of Van VVM, lit Ihe fllale of Ohio, nn thx
9UI day of Derembrr, 1019, made to lh
InmrNneei ('iininitlnnr of the Hlate of Ore
go,' iiiioiMiil la law t
Nil premium received durinc '
(he )e.r Jl, (01,007.30
Inletekl. dividend and lemi
rrr.ltid durlnc Ihe year ... UK.034 3.1
Inrome from other urre re-
rrlvid during I lie year . 1 1,000 00
Total Inrvme ...... 31,403,09131
Vt lime iMid durlnc Ihe year
Itirludlnc adjuitmrnl r-
penir 4TI.80I 3
Commliilem and larlr paid
durlnc lh )er 300.fiO4.O3 1
Ta, llcrnte and lee paid
durlnc Ue year .... ... 39,(144. Bf
Amount of ell other expenditure 310,1'J (,7ft
Tot! eiprndilurr . . f 1.031,011.70
Value o( rrat rlale owned (mar
let value) . . 40,000 00
Yaliie of etek and bond
owned (Hitrktl value! 1,033,001.00
Iin vn iuo(tici and rot-
eral, etc IK7.300.00
GWi, In banka and on hand. . 139,313,1(0
Premium U coureof rolleclUin
wrillrn alnre KeplemUr 30.
1910 ., 193,1(3 31
Intrretl and irnl due aud r
frued . . 11,390 14
Total art fl.OI7.3IK III
!, ptrll deputlli Iu any tlale
(If any there bol, book alue
of bond ... .. 11,3000
ToUl aet admitted In Orr
ton over tultktd value ... 11.013,013 33
()ro. clilini far loit unpaid K3.33I It
Amount tif unearned premium
nn all nutiundlnc rdk , 733,07 14
lM far reieotlMUn tad broker
air Ba.OSian
All elker lUbllllle. 13.000 00
ToUl litbillllr. eituif nf
raMlat alock . ft'.9.07l 03
Buitnm In Oraian for Ua Year.
Nrl iircutluio treelvrd dmtnc
,lh. )rir .. ll.BHT
li (r paid tlurlac lh )er l.90f
l,ea lKiirrrd darluc the mr 1-'l T
H V Olner. 1'realdent
O. A. I llieanort, Haereury
Hinol ol (he Annual Mlalemral nl the
Mnswvchusctta Firo and Marino
Insurance Company
nf u,.lni in Ihe Hlal of Maiarhuielts ""
(he 3t( of December. 1919, made 10 Ik
Inmranrw CowMiolonrr of tb Klae of Ore
ran, rtufkuinl to law
Amount of capital l'k paid up 1300.000 00
Ntl pnmluia received durlaj
the yrr . . -It 370.107 Ifl
tnur-ii. ilhldxid and onit
rfrlved duriat the vr 70.079 73
lltronie frnm nlher leuree re-
celvrd diir... Ike )rwr 1,304 03 Income fl.3 17.331 03
,Vt lo.tew i-Htf durlnc Ihe tr
)hin 133, imo n i
IHvWnd m3 e.U.I lwk
.ciX (he yar . . -. 10,000 (Xi
Qna)aVttiVBf and alr(e lW
J-rtM Ik year .. . ... 4B.0I1 3
To. Ilaaajain njft fe pM
eterUc li fewr1 4T.S7(W
Aawt mt all lhr apwUlo , 71.H is 7
Twial naHUfe
alk. 'kd
llailli' - v.taiel ... .l,3IK.0OI oi
UtMTM Iela)4 ill Wfal-
wm . . . . . . . m.
bauak 4 on hd . .
lit eMle ' wllvliNr
1(0.131 37
Htlltrw ataMW feaMeMwr J,
IKS StdJtl
N teHdroie lbMklt UH
pU rM
Utrel ht rnPl due a,nl ae
rwl Tulal ari H.it7n,:riB 01
ToUl a U kdaalllecl 11, 070,309 Oil
(lrM etaVnt for !- unpaid. I 330.337.47
Amount mt tinraroni premturu
on all nuoundlnc rlha hOO.ISI 90
Ihj for ruHllin and broker
ac 13K.03
All other liabllltl Sf.OIOl
fuinlu 330.771.18
ToUl lUbllllle. eclulvi. of --,
e.plul atoek of 00 000 . ,l.37fl,309.01
auilnu In Ortjon for 0 Ytar.
t premium received dmlHC .v.
the er . . rfn
MAHHAnirHirrrri nun a ma junk
l.vrrell A lUnlon l'reldent
Waller WllUrd. Hecretary
(talulorr, rrldnl allnrnev for ervlee
OltUri II Durham, 3M Oak fit
1'orlUnd. Orecon
Clawined kdvortumc cnariia per- two I"
cent for 20 word or le. One reiil lr(
vrord fur nit over 39. All claaalfted adveliUlnrf
trktlr cah In e4vaoc..
l-'OIl HAM-: . Frenh milk cowr
V. J All, I Mi mllcu north of
Hon1 ou Hwulley ditch. I'hono
1'8P2. 63-12-13P
White, Lcghornu. Honvy winter
tuynrH, mated to Tnticrod cocks, of
230260 bkk btrnii, tl.60 per 16. H.
0. It. I. ItedH, mated to high clifttK
cockerolft from prize winning utock
32 for 16. Ono third rnuh with order,
balance, on dollvory.- IIofitoltor'H
Poultry Farm, Tiimnlo. 97-Sltfc
1'AHTUKK Wanted, cnttle to pim-
ture; $1.60. por month. 000 acre
fine river meadow. Wrltu W. II. II.
Wllllnin'w, Ilend, Ore, 04-13-16p
I'ABTl'HK- Wanted cattle to pa-
ture, 11.50 pop month. 000 aoron
fine river mondoi.'AfldreBS W. H.
IC. WllllaiiiH, rJond7oW; 84-8-1311
- - - - ;.Tflal ,lB4g-
FOR nh'NT-VStpck ranch with
plonty of yrator pumped by wind
mill and 'gasoline engluo. Lota of
out, raiigo, Wrltu E, coro nullotln,
. .' 8MM!p
NW 1WpM '.
: ) .ti