.UWUiUMUXBUlJaimW'Jl'ii'aWH."ll 1II1HI"U.JJI HUM HI J I WiUWIP WWKW' WiEtNTui hMm I i a nn-awr .y-nemii.swwe BEND BUIJt.RTIN, BKSD, OUKGON. TUU1UHIMY, MAY ST. 101JP PAGES n ari MiBWfciiiiiiiwwiiMSHMw m .'1 it I'? - !! a8:::::w!::::ii!:n!r.tR::::t:i!:i!:t::!:::!n::!t::ni:KKi:int!tm::i!::i!anttHtiH:t!i!iK!t:t!H!!i!:!!:t:i:iR:!:::t;j What's Doing In The Country Baaaaa!Sjac8na;BB:s:8sa:aaa:aan:8:wna ::n::r.n::ut:::i::t!::::mt:::!::::i!it::tin:::iii DEATH NEWS HEARD AT PLEASANT RIDGE It. SpiUIKh, PLEASANT niDQB, Mny 20. Word has boon re?olvod horo by frlondH of the death of Mrs. Jack Berry in Portland recently. Nono of the particular nro known. Tho Kerry formerly lived In this nelgh- KnrdnmV liMivlnr hnrn nlwiiit tlirori '"""" o -------- --. m Mrs. Orover GorkliiK, C nnd T. A. Dranncn. C. M. Phelps nnd family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Conner and John Hollnmn nnd family were cnllors at tho Walls mill Sunday night. Will Handnl has been on tho sick list for tho past two weeks but la slowly Improving. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. I. Mc.Mnumnn and Lenoro Snyder woro In Bond Snturdny night. T. A. llrntinou was a business caller at tho Gloss homo Sunday. Plnehurst I'lilon Sunday school SCHOOL PICNIC AT Prclous Wcotl Cnrfully Preserved. in . . . . . . laMtJALaJLrTNlNili &UUiNl.( , . .1... m,!,.,,,,,,.,!,,-. irn wlileh pniWN In V.vlon. whero It In held In lovrioiit iiwi. The wood t lu'iuilifiilly ninllled lit voltilng when polished, hut Us almost priceless valuo in duo a piod deal to Its rarity, At one time the tiwn were qui to plenti ful In Voyloii, hut nulyn compariulve Jy few specimen remain, and nil theso are nuivhered and Jealously guarded hy the government. roars ago to nmko their homo Portland. v - . i. ......... e l.lt. tYl to Sister Sn rdav o oasturo ' orjwnlMil nt tho school houso .! ? to..fi8r" Snt,m,!,y to pnRluro I Sunday afternoon. Tho officers who iur uu auiuiuvi. ,.... ....,.. w. 1 1 ..,,. i-nU.... .,,. SSUo TdSnd '"SXIeni ."NpfSiT . c,.rfr.w nfhPnnnn tnnt superintendent; lolot SpaiiKh, rlnc torn Saturday afternoon Geo. Smith of Klamath Kails, is working for 0. E. Anderson Mrs. Alfred Pederscn worked for Mrs. Redfleld, at Deschutes, Monday. Mrs. O. E. Anderson nccompanlod hy Mrs. II. T. Mlkkolsen nnd Mrs. Alfred Pedersen was In Sisters Sat urday. A party was given by Mrs. Ed Rwalley.on Friday In honor of her daughter Edith's 15th birthday. A dinner wtin served by tho hostess, tho remainder of tho afternoon being spent In playing games. A good tlmo was onioved by nil present Everett Johnson attended tho Ico cream social held nt the Baptist church in Bend on Friday night. The mall carrier didn't como on Friday as it was a legal holiday. Several from this vicinity nttend cn the party given at the Slaughter home south of Deschutes Saturday night. J. W Peterson purchased a new team, wagon and harness from Mr. Sboults, near Tumalo. tthls week. O. E. Anderson delivered the rest of his steers to Bend Thursday. Anton Ablstrom made n business trip to Bend Wednesday. Mrs. O. E. Anderson accompanied by Mrs. H. T. Mlkkelsen nnd Alfred Mikkelsen were trading In Tumalo Tuesday evening. L. W. D. McKlel. of Portland, was a caler at the Anderson home the first if the week. Aune Bros., of Bend, arc hauling hay from Anton Ahlstroms. Anton Ahlstrom butchered a hog this "week which he sold to O'Don nell's market in Bend. O. E. Anderson served on tho el ection board at Deschutes Friday. Alfred Mlkkelsen and Oswold Pe dersen were Hedmond visitors Sat urday. Mt and Mrs. J. W. Cabeen. of Redmond, spent several days tlhs week on their ranch. secretary: Hozelln Phelps, treasurer, nnd Myrtel Spnugh, organist. Frnnk McMnnmon was a business caller nt the Phelps home. I.etu and Susie Bollmnn spent Sunday with Hozelln Phelps. Mrs. Ada McMnnmon was a culler nt the Snyder home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Cosner were In Tumalo Snturdny night. Several of tho neighborhood peo ple were fishing on the Deschutes Saturday and Sunday. They re ported having very good luck. C. A. Spnugh nnd family were guests nt tho C. W. Howell homo Saturday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clerking were in Bend Friday night. THimKllONNE. May SB -Mrs. Mnttlo Mitchell and Mrs. Parr motored to Hum! to take tho votes east hero nt tho primaries last Fri day. Tho Terrebonnu school Is planning to have n school picnic to end thu term. A community lunch Is planned for tho forenoon and tho FIltplnoH working hero will stand tho school team n gamo of baso hall In tho af ternoon. Wo hope that all will ho able to attend. A son, Wnrron Cocll, wan horn nt tho Leslie Pollutt homo Saturday, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. ltnlston eiw tortnlned Misses Nlnu Elliott. Ado lino Deltrlch, and Ireuo Keeuey, and Messrs Clifford llalston, Knymond Elliott, nnd Mark Forrest at a homo party nt their homo near Grnmlvlow, Tho party motored over Snturduy, p. ni., and early Sunday morning con tinued on to Kttglo creek, whero all had u Jolly tlmo eating and hiking. Redeemed Early Failure. Thoiiuis Clin tubers, the noted mis sionary and preacher, was the defpalr of his M-hool tenelier. Another fa mous preacher. Uano Harrow, nuh so slow nnd quarrelsome, that ho was counted n illsgrnrn to tho school. WORTH WEIGHT IN GOLD, HE ASSERTS llwimt Gains Kouilooii Pounds ' ' 'rolling Timlne nnd Lays fn no Aside. KjnopiU of the, Auiiual SUlfimnl of ill Northwestern Mutual Firo Association f Heallte, Ill (he HUtit of Wtililnitni). uii Ike .Mt day ( Iirrrint.tr. HMO, made u tne nuiirmir t'ummlaal itiVr uf tit. Stat vf They nil returned homo Sunday ov- "rcsun. imnuant i iw Never Saw Anything Better. Mrs. A. B. Griffith, box 15L An drows, Ind., writes: "Last wlntor my family nil had tho 'flu.' 1 tried Foley's Honey and Tar and net or saw nnythlng any hotter. From now on I will not bo without Foley's Honey and Tnr in tho house." Sold etrrjwhetv.. Adv. anlug tired hut happy. Mrs. Whltols Is to ho congratula ted on having received every repub lican vote cast In her homo precinct nnd also tho indorsement uf S5 per cent of tho democrats. Terrebonne hris u young Detnpsoy to boast about. Duffy Kttorr of this place knocked out his opponent In tho second round last night at Prlnevllle. Wo understand that ho has accepted u challenge to fight Kid Taylor, of Bend, In the near future. lnram. Net premium rerelml daring 111 year 11.04 1 ,74 17 Inlerr-tt, tlUldtiidt ami rettU ri-rrilvnl ilurtujc lli wir . . 3J.t47 nil liirttimi frtun otlir tour tr- rvlrMl ilurlnc Itin ;rr ... 32,074 3 ' Tout Inrown Sho Feds Fine. Your kidneys need help If your hands of feet are swollen and there Is a puffy look under the eyes. Mrs. L. Gibson. 12th and Edison St.. La Junta. Colo., writes: My kidneys gave me a great deal of trouble for some time. I took- Koiey Ktuny Pills and they helped mo right away. There is such n change in mo I feel fine now. Sold everywhere. NEWS ITEMS FROM PINEHURST FARMS PINEHURST. May 25. Business callers in Bend Saturday were, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spaugh and family, Mrs. Phelps and daughter, Charlie Montgomery. Mrs. A. II. need, ana Mrs. John Bollman and children. Mrs. Leslie McDanlcl has been very ill but Is now improving. Among those voting at the primary election in Tumalo Friday were, F. V. Swisher. G. W. Snyder. Mr. nnd ELECTION IS QUIET AT POWELL BUTTE PpWELL BCTTE. Mny 25. Elec tion day passed off quietly with u very light vote. Scarcely morethnn one-third of the registered voters of this precinct cast a ballot. Dr. Nevel. n veterinary of Prlne vllle, tame out Sunday to attend n sick horse at tho Boy Roberts' ranch. Mrs. E. H. Stownrt. with her sls-tor-ln-Iaw. Mrs. Glndys Stout, of Dakota, who is her guest for tho summer, have gone to Hood River, J Portland nnu oiner points wnero they will vIbII several weeks. Elma Peterson. Grace Pauls, and Helen Snyder, students at Crook county high school, aro at tholr homes for the summer vacation. Mrs. Ike Mills, of Pnullnu. visited with Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rlggs wero vls itois in Prlnevllle last Thursday. Dr. Belknap was called to seo Grandma Wells last week. Mrs, Jennie Curtis came down from her Hat Rock homestead to vote and spent several days visit ing with friends. Mrs. U. S. Bushnell entertained several girls Sunday nfternoon In honor of her grand daughter. Ruth Cntvln. Excellent refreshments wero served and the girls enjoyed tho af ternoon with games and conversa tion. There were present: Helen Snyder. EImn and Clara Peterson, j Helen Curtis and Ruth Calvin. Mrs. S. D- Mustard Is InWnshlng ton (state), whero sho wob called by business. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fordray and family left last week In their car for their new home at Medford, where they Wnnt to bay Hay, ue Bulletin clas sified ds. How to Destroy u good DNp-xlllon, Bad digestion will ruin the best disposition. If tho world looks dark nnd blue, If you nro generally "out of sorts" and feel stuffed up and uncomfortable Just take it Foluy Cathartic Tablet. Rollovea mean headaches, biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, constipation and Ills that follow disordered dlRt'stloiv Sold I'icrywhcro Adv. The Milkweed. The mllkueed. a plant that has a much longer name than that, but one which would not be nearly ns attrac tive for us to use. Is especially well known In America. In the autumn when the pods have opened nnd, there Is n brink breeze, the wind carrier their, seeds far nnd near. Then tho downy seeds are Keen tlylng like tiny airships almost everywhere, In search of n homelike growing place, where they may nppcjir In the spring as tall, lentler stalks. Dliburictucnti. Nrt lourt ld iliirlne 0i )rar lu.-ludlnit Jjuilmnt rv prnin DltliUmta paid to pollrjlioljrri diirlne llir )mr CoMtullartfiu and mlatlr paid dutlitr llin jrar .... Tatca, llrriiir-a and f paid during thr Jrar Amount uf all othrr nwiidllurr fJ.7Oft.K0fJ -41 "I've gained fourtoon pounds' In nix wooIim taking Tanlac and now I'm it well man," said Hmtry H. Howard, it well known fanner and stock raiser of King Hill, Idaho. "1 had sufured front rheumatism nnd Indigestion for twulvo yearn," ho continued, " mid could hardly out u thing because everything wont uitiiluHt nut and I had no nppotlto. Every Joint In mo wna swollen with rheumatism and hurt so I could hardly hear to ho touched. 1 was In such n had fix l couldn't work and had to itHO iu walking stick to got along. Tho first hottlo of Tanlae mitdo it grunt nliungn In my foollngs, my rhniitimtlsm soon Inft inn mid t throw my iitlult luildn. for now I can walk mm well mi anybody. "And oat! Why. I Just cnit't got enough mid I fool lllio I could do iih much work mi I over could Tunliio hi worth Its weight In gold, mid It hurt coiivlnuod inn that thtiru'n at least oiio muulneliio that will do what they say It will mid 1 want to do my part In lotting overyhoily kouw about It. . "Tmilno Is sold In Bond hy Owl r Drug Co., Ilfl Hlslers hy George P. Altbou, and In Horn! by Morton Drug Co." Pntlcnco the Qrcateat Elixir. ' Life has hiiiIi littiit eoiidltlous that eery ilenr mid plerloiis ulft, every raro virtue, every uenhil eiitlotMuent, . love, hope, Joy, , sprlijhtllueNS, he-.A notolenee, uiiisl souieilines bo put lny thu crucible to distill the oiio elixir tmtleuce. (lull lltiinlllon. i If. I) is oa 411.102 ns asw.36 IS si'.wi no lis.siiasti Reasons for Using Stone. The forest rangers on Mount Halnlrr have n hoinc on top of tin' mountains built tir Mone. whereas under usual con ditions It Is the custom to construct these building of wood. The prox imity of the stone and the scarcity of wood and the dllllculty of obtaining It from the lower levels Is responsible for this departure. Lead and Steel. Lead Is said to act like steel nt or dinary temperature In llipild air. It will serve nn n helical spring, for ex ample. This behavior of soft tmn-elns-tic metals Is Interesting, it shows how very important temperature Is. Just ns Iron Is soft mid Inelnstlc at n high red color, so lend Is dull nnd oft at ordinary temperatures, for It Is well on Its way to'bc melted. I Si Condenied Statement of Condition of tho o" CENTRAL OREGON BANK IJi-nd, Oiegon, at Close of Business, May Ith, KK20 ji ' '. RRSOURCKS Hf Loans and Discounts , $459,938.81 fif BondH and Warrants , , 70,124.63 g. Furnlturo and Fixtures . ., ;. 3, 806.00 jsf Cash and Exchanges ..................: m. 105,037.59 & Other Rosources .......,....,.,..,, 1,000.00 . Total Resources ..... .., $040,501.03 Eg LIABILlTIIiS . f Capitol Stock ;. . 25,000.00 gf Surplus and Undivided Profits . 17,964,90 ($ Doposlta , 597,530.13 SjT Total Liabilities $640,501.03 gi CALLS FOR CONDITION Iff Controller of Currency Deposit E;i May 1st, 1916 . .' ., j 59.571.32 ?'. Mny 1st, 1917'., -202,017.23 Mny 10th. 1918 308,879.32 &f May 12tb, 1919' 395,114.10- i May Ith, tOUO rf7t5:MJ.1il P; m n 8nopiU of lb Annual Slatrrornt of ihi American Automobile Insurance Oo. of Ht lx)ui. In tlifl Slat of Mlucnrl. on tb 3 lt ill? of Drcrmbrr, llltf, made In the In auranc CoramUtloncr of tb .4lal ot Orrson Oiplt. Amount of fapllal Mock paid np.S XOO.0O0 OO Incoma. Nt prrrolaraa rrcelrrd darln? th Tr I2 10 8,3 4S Intrrnt, dlTld'ndi and rtnla r- ctlred durloB the jtt .... 7 St4 5(1 ' Inrpme from othrr aourrt tr- rrnni carinc in jrar .... i,i.u ju Total incoma ?J 010 70(1.07 Dlibnriemcntt. Nrt lour paid during the jrtar Inrludlne adjuatment rxpenao 11.12,151 01 DlTidcndi paid on capital ttoek ilurlnc th jrur 18.000 00 Commlaalom and lalarlrl paid durUr tbe jrtar. . . . 709.318 3D Taita, lleenttt and fcra paid durlm Ilia 7f ar 07.8H8 35 Amount of alt olbcr txptndlturra 1 10,785 i'b Total eiprndtturca I3.487.0C3 h7 Anati. Value of itoeLa and bond! owned (tnark't taluc) 1. 151,531 VI Caah In bank and in hand.. 337.372 81 I'rfmiuma in court of rollprlion wrlttrn tine Hrpt. 30, 1010 071.300 47 Other ltd(r aurti 70,807 37 Von ldtr and 35,020.80 Total anett admlttrd In Ore jon .12,157,038 01 UabUltUl. Oroaa rlalma or loaaea unpaid.! 010,888.31 Amount of unearned premium on all ouUlandlni: rlik .. 1,1 I3.2C0.81 Dai for commliilon and broker- tge 172.02105 All other llabllltle 30,028.23 Total txpendlturf JI,SrO,A()n.77 Aiutf. Vjlar of real rtati nwiifd tmatVrl talur) , . , f Value of atoi-kt and liondi und (markrt lm-) .... l.uant an nioitjr and rup lateral, etc C!i In bank and on hand . . . I'lrmluiuk In rouran of rollrrlluii written alne Nepteinbrr 30, I0lt l)ut from ItelnaurloK Co ' ad- vanrna to apeelal atenta, etc tnterrt and rent du and " rrued Sensible shoos lay a smooth path ior vour jeez' e.i7 oei.aos uo 38.U0.OO 313,113 OH !H.44I 30 7.00 33 ll,13d.7 ...1l.333,30.4ll auf 7.0O0.00 Total aela l.r apeelal df9ll In late (if any there U) Total aftela admlltrU In Or- , eon I,3I,30.40 XJabUltl". (ro rlilmt for lme KHpaldl AmeuMl ill unearned premium i oh all oulltandlnr ritka . . I)hi for roinmlialnn and broker- All other llail'lit'le". '. '.' '. Total ilabllltlea, relual of raritat aloek t Bnilnia In Otefon for th Veir, Vrt premluma reeeitrd durinf the eir .... 1II.7S5.I7 le paid during the year 13 33171 l.r Ineurre-I during the year 10.705 0 NOKTIIWKMTKIIV MVTV.XU I'UIK AH80PIATION V J Martin.1 1'realdenl M I) L. Ithodea, Mecrctarr. Statutory retldrnt attorney for aerTlt- i' I Kinley. Hoard of Trad UMg , Portland. Oregon jaflRrrHijH JH jJLt tHH 5iMMSE . '''" -' r Sensible shoes for sensible men shoes that fit well, wear well, look well these are Buckhuct Shoes'. "Extra service every step, comfort every minute" is more than a sloganit s a fact stitched into every BuckhbchtSIioc. .4. M. 143.35 04I.CI3OS 14,133 57 30,734 10 703.833 43 , BUCKMECHT SHOES rr Buckhecht Shoes forvou for active men in all walks of life arc sold in a variety of styles and leathers from $8 to $12 by principal shoe dealers in the West y Ifmtt tli hj jmr dtatir, t'tnJ kit name anJjiur trJir It ntiCrriNnMAM fj uv.c.wr OH) MANUFACTURERS Sinit tie arfyJJ)in SAN J'KANCIKCO $1 BEND 0muM MitefJi r5WJtf6a&fo&&sZir! Z&rPmBm, OREGON I Total Ilablllllei, exeluilra of capital atock 12.000,100.05 Builneai in Oregon for tha Yir, Kel prrmluma receired during tho year $ 30,450.47 Lour paid during thu year... 0,881.01 AMfc'KICAN AUTOMOII1LK IKHCUANOK CO. Chai. W. TlUbroie, I'reildent, 8. 8. Willlami, Bacretary. Statutory realdent attorney for itrrlco: I'nrrlion Allen. s. V HIDKH Aro NOT .Junk. Bhlp your HIiIch and CuirxkiiiH to tho H. 1 NOIITO.V COMI'ANV rortlaiid, Ore, and got full valuo for then. I'rlco llt and Bliliiplni; tUK8 Oil lX'(UOSt, V Climax Alfalfa and . Grass Seeder BiBBaHiiiiBtBaaBaWwP MMUEbSM SBBMftSBMttHBtmfBBB)mflSXtk SJBHpfeV HaL.' mm4BDm i" jF9Erl&nKBaBEW3FjrQm 0 r- ifllaEBBaPMaallaBBi tB ! PRICE $45.00 1 This seeder attaches to deck of any ordinary peg-tooth harrow. Drops seed down among the harrow teeth. Sows any amount desired up to one bushel per acre. Not an experiment, but has been used in the East 13 years. When harrowing ground last time over, attach seedtfr, and har row and sow at one operation. Only two gears to wear. One of these seeders will last for years. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION See this Climax Seeder at Bend Hardware Company r 4