MKaw.iarwjMiMnMAwuKij Swl'i. SSSKgSBllBgTgraMWxIMK tvaf ma j " y " -"iWMPllfclWfcHKln tlrim IIKK1) DULLKTIN, KfcNW, UlttiGON. THIHMDAY, MAY Sib, 1IU!. f AQK 8 it y tir,.tr V f CAMPERS, ATTENTION! These cool night you will need extra covering if you are camping out. We have a full stock of Quilts, Blankets and Pillows, kha ki Suits, Skirts, Breeches In fact, everything to mako your out ing a pleasure. "Nice; soft Quilts, made soft and luffy......$3.9S $4:98 and $6.50 . '.VSoft cotton Blankets .- , $2.98 to $3.79 . Woojnap Blankets : .u. $6.50 Ladies' Khaki Suits $9.90 Laddies Middies and Norfolk Goats - $3.49 Ladies' Khaki Breeches .-. .....'. $3.49 Ladies' Khaki Skirts - .'. $3.25 Canvas Leggings 98c to $1.35 Ladies' Hiking Boots ...- i $8.50 to $11.90 Khaki Cloth (if you want to make your own outfits) at 69c and 79c a yard. I Men's RUing Breeches $3.49 wmm2Fm 1 1 " wmammmm i j IMII Tyl T . - IJHEI lltf lf llHV SIm "- ill airap M?gigBfc- w lyn lyB cst?Hationuiictc Institution wwm, Men's 'L Khaki Nor folk Coats PU&di&lj $4.98 I GLEE CLUB WILL SUFFERINGS OF ARMENIANS GIVE OPERETTA! ARE TOLD BY MISSIONARIES HIGH SCHOOL GIKLS TKAINKD ,ky miss . Bctunw-m to riu:- SKX"? "IX INDIA" AT GYMNAS IUM riUDAV NIGHT. After weeks ot conscientious training under the direction ot 31 ls Bonnie Scribncr. inutruetor in mu sic and art In tlic Bend schools, tho high school Rleo club Is nearly ready ' fnr flii"nrpUnlatlnn of tllD tWO-act operetta, "In- India," at tbo gym-! , naslum Friday nlRbt. I,caillnK parts are taken by Mildred, Klein. Gladys Sather. Fracon Hoyburn", Margaret Inabnlt) Virginia Cojvcr and Besale Smith, .and other members of the club appear In tbo chorus. The story ot the operetta Is asj follow h: Meerab. tlio moat bpaitlful girl In tho village of Flshnl, on tbo Ganges river, In India, Is ehocou to, ibecomo a temple dancing girl. Tho rhrmim nnn'mutit 1)& an orphan, and aieerah, believes hersatf to bo one. During tbo day. whldh la the fes tal day ot Abu, tlio flower god, a .beggar oscapes from a -passing pro--.ficywlon of elopharttu bearing people from the. hill countries.. .Tbo beg gar provea to bo Moerahs mother, and this renders Meqntb ( Ineligible Then being now ufiher'orphan In tho villaae .except the village scold. How-Now, be U carried off, t to, become u jjlave itr tuti ,uunine, anu 'JbQ! .ingttur. fwl ..daughter RJoln tbo mrnWen H.rt colabratlng the festal day of Aito. The cant is: Meerab, soprano, , (tbo beauti ful onol Mildred Klein JSImla, spprano (thq sJjiip PeU.. :. qij;lys Rather 'liow-Now, Uto ylllajo, tedjd ., France.? Hobtirn "'Hear-No-J2vII.. .Margaret Inabnlt ' Sco-No-Evll. Virginia Colver Speak-No-Eyll .'... .-I'g&plo Smith Three old woman from (nftcmplo Chorus of IndUn ntald&ns from tho village of Furtinf Marjorio Balrd. Catherine Buy. Helen Downing. Dora filltis, Cather ine Huydon, Loujso Iuabnlt, Wi nona KlolnfeysAHce Stock ' monTJeanctte ' Keyes, Marlon Satber. Kola Wbitmore, JesBlo Sto'okey, Luella Halvorson, Jmoffeno lUchtirdss, Helen M. i, LouKhlln," Leora Connarn. Scene A temple' In tho Indian i Ullage ot rishnl, qa the banks of , ' the Ganges. 'ftyx 4 'Time Tlio day of d,'Hu" (festival IUO sou oi The sufferings of the Aremtiinns and the hardly believable persecu tions to which they hab been sub jected by followers of tho Moham medan faith formed the subject ot addresses given Tuesday night nt the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oster, former mission aries to Persia, before a crowd of some 200 persons. General condi tions In Persia formed tbo subject of Mr. Ostcr's discourse, with oc casional sidelights on the unthink able horrors visited on tho Christian inhabitants ot tbo country. "In tho region west or Lake Vra mla, where formerly there were be tweon 35 and 40 Christian villages," be said "there vas. on July first. when we left rersln, not a single Christian remaining. ' "Added to the Invasions was the terrible famine of the pat two drj three years, wbieb took n gfoator toll ot lite even than the tnnsuricres. It is a safe estimate to a that ono-flfth of tho population per ished. Many villages wcro entire ly depopulated, and even streets In Tnbrii, which wcro formerly lined on both sides with bouses, nro now Bllent." Mr. Oster, however. Bees hopo fo tho stricken country. "We bcllovo that wo nrc entering on a new era In Persia, for there seems to be an nwakenlug among tho Moslems to hear the gospel. I'romlniuit Mo hnmmcdnnB nro asking for litera ture nnd for nn explanation of tbo oentn which are transpiring In the rest of the world," ho said. ' Mi's. Oster appealed to tho sym pathies of her homers when she told the story of a typical Kurdish raid, telling ot tho butchdrlng of In fants while their mothers looked on helpless, and of the danger which attended tho missionaries as they made their escape with n rtratin;r detachment of the Russian urmy. Hljl Co. 'BY of K NB TTIV Tl3 ot m 1-4, sea 8.112.0; $1. liu Pino WioYiuiUoyCo.tq Curtlu 0 Mnitln. lot V. hll? UMja-Pino X10. U Pino TovniTlto Co-o O W Marlin, iotui plica l, l,a Pino) 910. Bond Co to Wilbur Alien, lot "J, blk 27, ilouUivnril add. S10: George U Kiluudsoii to Wlllluiii Paltlson, uiul' hitlt 'lilt lot U, tIU n. n.Mi'lni!iH' unn. John N r.ursen to' WIHIani Pnttl- sun, ttnd halt lit L Hit 12, blk (), Ueschutes; $100. i Max A Uiinnlng vto C A Adams. W 1-2 of NWl'-l, neo In-15-I3t $10. J F Pfoffor tojtenjaiulu K White, head, lot 2, bile T7, Botiluviud mid; $10. J H llnKllii to I.oiiIh Allen, S t-2 of lots d, 0, blk 10, Deschutes; $10, Bend Park Co to Charles H IIiik erty, lot .1, blk an, Itlvorsldu adilj $10. Bend Park Co to C K Uagerty. lot n, blk 100, 1st add ta Bond Park; $10. l.lihlu Dovln to John Dejlocr, lot 11, blk in, Center add; $10. T It Mnndorcliold to Kdwnrd D Alien, 'lot 1, blk 54, orlg townslte nt lledmuiid; $10. G W !.orlmor to David U Hun ter, lot 10, blk 11, Bend: $1. Tltlo & Trust Co to Bond Park Co, lots in Bend Park; $10. Bend Park Co to lilwln I Vlual, lots in Center add; $10. Bend Park Co to Elwln 'l. Vlnal, lotH 3, I and 8 1-2 of"NWl-l, sec n-lS-12: lots 1, 0, blk 25. nnd lots S. 0, blk 9, N' ndd to Bond; $10 Bend Pmk Co to Klwln L Vlnnl. lots lu Bend Park: $10. j Bond Co to Bond Park Co, lot1 0, blk HI, Center add; $10. LMu'ln 1 Vlnnl In llnlirf (1 1lisi. itulnt. lot 9, blk 31. Center add: $10 lTirt5onrOroKtm 'uiniii ot Hamilton, Oroitou, Dnu Mo-ilU for in. One Ihlrd'CitHli with onlur, Ai'iiiur. uuinpton. unnion. l.icfo .... .Ej; Mi-nisier. ' V.isw m .rf i. 1 nutici: OF rlirrri.KMKNT OF FI.VAIi At'CDM'T. Notice In lunuhy nlvcii by tin mi dtualcnnd that nho lmti nunlr nnd (lied With tho Clerk of ibe Count Oomt ot Doschuti'M County. Uienoii. her filial lu'cuiliit nnd iietlilou lor dlHclmfKO as AdiiiliilHtiiitrlK ot the Kstntf or Hum b witifioiii. en-, ceased, mid that said Com I bus not Saturday the Idth day of Juno. I90, at the hour of 2 nVlorlt In the nftor- noon of said day. utfe the Cm in (a; Court Boom In Hie Com tMllouso AT Demi, OreKon, as the Unto ami plitco for the heurliiK ititd settluincnt of snld Final Account, nt whIoi time nnd jilncu any purmni lutunmled in Mild estate may upiionr nnd ubjuct to snld settlement Dated this 20th day of May. 1920. MAItfJAUUT WJNFH.I.D. As the Administratrix of the l tato of Harry II Wlnfleld cV ceased. 12-1 f.p CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Clinil nthmuiiiiT ciiars l.r Utun 10 tnU for 20 worl or v. On trnt vt Mold (or all ovrr SO. All cUmMmJ .IiUIii trlllr sh in ons. lOlt HALK. FOB HAI.K Flesh milk cows. W. J. Alt, I '6 miles north .of Bend on Hwnlloy dHchVjti, I'hono 15F2. -Wl2-13ti blllnucu Oil dullvory.ifdl(friluUei''H' l'oulti'j; irnrnt, TiiumlT,i"w' 07tiltfo mi fir i 'il nil i- i ii'inii'iiiftl WANTJI.: K U'ANTliDTo least) for olio year with optlo.i to buy, any number ut lines anywhere P. II Hnldni'iiiiiu, It. 11. No. 1. ItiMlinoml, 57-124 WANTICD- fietrouil hand Ohvoi TMiowilter, In good cnlulltloil. F K, Pellutt, Terielioiiuu, Orouoji. lii-U'r. PAflTIMinWnutiul cuttlo to pull ptie, (I no linr mouth. 000 iicrea fine tlvoj' meadow. Addiess W. II. II. WllllatiiH, lliniil, (lie. ;i.S-:ii rt)iiitu.T WILL Iohho sumiunr taiiKe for sheep tor. Addiess lllslop Hlieep Com of rattle, Hpleudld feed mid wu paby, Mtoukyaids, Hliiiltaue, Wash 00-12(1 FOll HUNT Htock ranch with plenty of water pumped by wind mill and gasollnn eiiKlile Lots of out range Write , cam llulbjlln. SI-U-IJl. jr- -rmyuui-i'i -iti iuuw MSw I.OHT AND FOUND. LOST Shock nbsorherri anil crois bar that holds them toguther. Finder pleaso return to Bulletin and receh e rewnrd. Rl-I2p POf.ND .NOTiri: Viillrfi lu llliriilll1 t'lvntl llifit II... cltj1 of Bond lias unused ( bo lin- nmindeil the follnwiUK doxcrlbtnl FOR SALK Good lenni uontle lhestocjt purtiani u oniinniico No mures, weight about 2100 nouud. 173 ' H'O city of lleiul: Uno sor one filly coming three ers. h-ir-irel ntuie. weight about 1)50 pouudn. ikws, A bargain George lloiuei.,eiii yeurs. iirniiu, mm. bhuhi- 12h Lafayette, east of ball park I7-12P l-Oil 8ALK--Teain. wagon and bar- ties For Information esll nt 1 127 West Glh HI.. Demi ns-ltp der, iiudeclphtrabte. one irou-gra) mare mule, weight about K&o pounds. UK" about 7 o.irsbniudid right Nhouldur, undeclphuruble. both hitw been worked. Notice U here by further gtren that the under slened w-tll sell at public aurtliin H. C.i i he nuotc dtMOrlbed livestock ! winter 'satisfy the rlisrKtvs of Impoiiiiillug XOTK'i: FOIt Pl'BLUWTION. Department of tho Interior. 1' S Land Office nt Lakcvlew, Orer.ot-1 May 10, 1020. Notice is horeby given that New' ton 8. Wells, of Hampton. Oregon, who. on Juno 10, 1910, made Home, stead entry No 08981. for HV , NKU. Section 14; WU NWV.BBtt NWi. NW SWU. 8WV .SVi.' Section 13. Township 21S, ltnugn: 20 K., Wllluinotto Meridian, hasj tiled notico of his Intention to mnko, thrvu year proof, to establish cfalnj to the Inud above described, bcfoia, Klvlda M Harmon, 1 S Commis sioner, nt Hampton. Oregon, nn tho 30th day of June. 1920. j Claimant names as witnesses.' Olvln Thompson, of Hampton. Oregon: Kenneth Thompson, of KGGS FOB HATCHING White Leghorns Heavy layers, mated In Tancred coiks. of, the same togntber with all acrruliiK 230-2C0 ngg alraln $i GO per IS. 8. costs L. A. W NIXON. C. II I Beds, mated to high class' 20-3l-lc-lgcw Chief of Police. ;ims .wsa:nwmuim.nii..M. BUTTER FAT! Suniu price for Mutter Fat f. o. 1. Bend its is paid f. o. b. Portland. Central Oregon Farmers Creamery 'ttusnta:aa:aium:ua:iia!Ltin:muisiuuusnmffiua8umjamnmarmtiuaimtuiiuauuatii'mr tuns' s: aro on Kof flowers), named after the ..'flowers, "Abu." ygff h Tickets for tho oneta I tam uhjiiu unis nvutvifu EX-SERVICEMEN f TO BE $lfROLLED Every offort poasiblc is being made to add 100 members to tbo Percy A. StovcnB Pont ot tbo Amorican Le gion In tho ' nalloual memborahtp drive whieb j oaitwlji jfek;In 01017 tnwn In tsltTicountrv .WlieVkj'a post of ... !, --- :& ' tho Legldtt Tb located'." "T Bx-servJcp men. deajrouB of pn rolUim wlUfliMli akmiiiiibjv cards Daw, J&eud Wt?r UtVl I'nyor 4. 4t I Co.T Belden. Bend Furniture Co.. Harry Remgold. Goldan Bui Sure. Kdwln Kb'erlV. Fiilr Varlet)' tt: P. Plerson and II. Roundtrae. at Piorsou & Ilouudtr'H blaKsmlt ! shop; A. A. SymouB, Central Photo Co ; L. W. Gatcholl. Larson's Jew elry store; P. II, Hornor. Millar Lumber Co.; Kd. Lyoilsf Curlfon St Iyons; Earl Ilistpiij.jyirtth'a Gro cery; F. Boebme n'tid . L. StephoiH, MugUl & Urskino; H. Csto, Coto's Tailor Shop; Cassie Flynu. O. K. Barbershop; J. F. Clifford and Crosby Shevlln, The'Shovln-Hlxou Compan ; J. E. Smith. Brooks -Sea . Ion Lumber Co.; Fred A. Wofloa nnd Henry Fowler. The Bulleti.t office GREAT FUTURE FOR WIRELESS Dpys Who Plan to Make It Their Ltfs Work hould Know and Appre- elate Its Value. iseforc going Into practice Itntnic Hun It Is Important that the boys who are to become tho uirlee men of the future, should appreciate, tho valuri of such work. Wireless truiiMiilwlnii of messages and of the human voice Is becoming tlall) more common. In c few years the entire syMein of com munication throughout the world mu be transformed b wireless electrici ty, und It Is linpiuinni that hoya hhoiild be able to tal.e llmlr part In It. The amateur wlrele station. Is n great eilucitor and gives tho boys who eiiil and operate It .nn excellent ed utatlnu In tlje wniidcrful new sclent e , When (be call mine fr wireless men for the great war the nuinleur op erators were al'le to take a prominent part. Thousands of hoys who lupl laught thumsclkcs how to build ftu tlom and run tln-ui were oble to tal.e inipurliint, pusltluns In wireless sta linns at fcea nnd on shore. No oilier country lifij so,ast an army of self taught wlieli-ss opuialura to call 00. Many of the bojs who bud tuuylit theuiiielves all hey. Know of tho sci ence rose to occupy Important posi tions. It Is not generally known tlmi It was nn amateur wlrelet man, who was rhiiofii fi5 fly ner( .tin Allaullc on the NC-I op her fnutum lhahl. l!o.s Lire. 1 11 " 1 Pat It UTbeBuUetlB. An Old Street Dlrestory. 1 An odd reminder of the tel tnnn up in the list of duplicate thai the Msunchiw-elta Historical wieloly bfc iWble4 111 sell tinln Its crillctliiu or1 htsiurlc tiiUcvllauy In the form of tin j first Mrwt directory nf Boston, nnd for Ibii mutter the llr street Mltrrtf tr eter prrnted hi wluit Is now the United ijliuu. In l'Qa. wln lint broadnlfte was prlMml tllllniinies wen enmrsb fur all the streets., nl'ev lanes und Miiare nf iho town; und iimii of tbiMii rend the s.nne nowa Us, Fur kniiu jenrs irl"r to l"ii the procets of preparing Hie lll had Iwen encasing the nnilmriil. nnd wlimi llir selei linen piiblislii'd II lb'.- were dntiblles well wititld . with Paddy bine, Fietf bine, t'ow laee Pudding lane and other ipiniut title" which 11 iniMlern iiiiiuIcIihii L-nveriuueni might regard as titiilluiitllcl nnd trivial CliriMlfiii H'-lt-m-t Miiulior. Sell joiipoiiltry tbiougli Bulletin classified mis. Ilecord of Transfers. FUBNISIIDD BY TIIC DE8CHUTF9 . ABSTIXACT COMPANY. , Tho Bond company to c J Lovor ott. lot 7, blk 0, North nddj(luijjj0, I) W Fleinlng to Adelaide U Flem ing, lota 0 und 7, blk 15, Aubjey Heights; $10. Jesslo 1-3 Hal to Redmond Iinyst meiit Co, lot 22, blk 30, Bedmo.ul. $'J0Q, , r.' J W Woodruff to lledmond In vestment Co, lot7, blk 35.aedmoudr ?io. , :- United Rtatps to Jamoa F.ergtiBonx Wl-2'of SB l'i und Hi: 1-4 of-SV 1-4. see 1; Ni: 1-4 of NW 1-4, sec ll20-10; patent. Frank Perry to BrookH-8canlon Lmbr Co, lot 1, blk C, Deschutes; $10. Moses IJrbach to J F Pfoffor, lot 2, blk 1.7, Boulevard add; $10. Andrew A Moo to Biooks-Scau-Ion J.mbr Co, lots 13, 14, blk 13, Kenwood; $10. Tho Bond Co to L'dgar DoWitt GUson, lot 11, blk 24, Boulevard ndd; $10. H Peck to II. H Gubser. lots 13, 14, blk 12, Kenwood; $1P0. , John J Stephenson to Bhevlln- REMOVAL SALE ON -- Lw JLrlUIIIIiLll I AT PRICES BELOW . PRESENT COST t Owing to te fact that the old building qccupied by our business is to be torn down and a new building erected, including the lot adjoining, which we have used for ex hibition purposes, we are going to sell our whole stock of Farm Machinery at prices BELOW PRESENT WHOLE SALE COST IN PORTLAND . Included in the lot are 2 Trtjk Wagons j2 Champion Potato Planters , A Number of Plows and Har rows COME EARLY AND HAVE YOUR CHOICE The Pioneer Garage lif r v r .h, V ' J 4fAt m w f M.IIW t ' VvriUf4Mm KifMrtsi M L yn v 'L