The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 20, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    '" III I III I Ml
---- J- - T ,'ni- 'i i n
iJ-.aii.' TMbmttrffcHmrtuAijfcjUitoAtltofijjtr.'
Hundreds 'rum School Tkc lrl
in Gmroful Steps, llntiRlnjr
"From Million Tnrnntelln to
, Stnlcl) Minuet.
Child dancers, hundreds of tuem.
recruited from tho Bond schools,
cluborutely costumed, won repeated
npplauso Friday nftornoon when
they nppoarod on tho Reid school
lawn In the May day fantasy given
undor tho direction ot Miss Ella
Daws, Instructor In charge ot phy
sical training Close to 10OO par
ents and friends witnessed tho fan
tasy, many coming from business
houses In tho city, several ot which
closed their doors during the after
noon ' In recognition ot tho event.
Ideal weather was enjoyed until tho
Inst two numbers, when u brisk
brooie, slightly chilly, sprang up.
Pupils representing various nu
tlonnllttcs Issued in their turn for
tho various folk dauces from houses
and wlKwams constructed by tho
students in tho manual training de
partment to conform to national
styles of architecture. Instrumental
music was provided by Miss Ilonnlc
Scrlbner and Miss Vera Thorbus.
Marching In formation, carrying
tho American flag, a detachment of
"Ooy ScouUt opened tho fantasy,
standing in ranks while tho May
(luccn, Nellie Leslie, preceded by
her maids ot honor, Mary Elizabeth
King and Margaret Inabnlt. and fol
lowed by her page, Spencer Ketch
um, and three flower girls. Cay
Hamilton, Doris Hudson and Yvonno
Sheppard. stepped across tho lawn,
taking their positions on a dais
erected against the cast wall of tho
school building. The scouts then
went on duty patrolling tho
rarasol Dance Is l'cnturc.
An especially pretty feature was
tho parasol dance, dono by Kathryn
Day and Oora OHIIs beforo the
queen. Attired In fairy costumes
of sheer tarlton and bearing para
sols' ot dellcato hue, tho advanced
and knelt before the May quceu,
then, retiring a short distance, be
gan their solo dances, exquisitely
executed, and partly ot their own
An English folk dance, represent
ing a gathering of peasants, by C8
girls from tho Kenwood and Cen
tral school, followed, The danco.
"(lathering Peascoda," was per
formed after tho 58 girls had formed
In three circles. I'alo green and
pink costumes wcro worn.
Tho Irish Jigs, including some ot
the mobt djrticult. bteps executed
during tho afternoon, wcro given
by 4C Junior high school girls, at
tired in groou, the dancers forming
in two linen and dancing in pairs,
led by Helen Sumner and Katharine
Addink. I
From tho Emerald Islo tho sconei
changed suddenly to sunny Italy, 32 j
glrlB from tho Rold school, lod by
Helen Whlltltigton and Marjory
Smith, executing tho steps of "The
Taranclla." Sixteen of tho girls
Tnnsqiioraded aab'oya, carrying cas
tanets and wearing bright-colored
"kerchiefs as headdresses. Red,
black and yellow were the colors
predominating in tho picturesque
Slutciy Minuet Given.
Ono of tho mo3t loudly acclaimed
features ot tho program was tho
"Colonial Minuot," in which Cather
Ino Haydon, Jcauetto Keyes, Jean
Richards nnd Mnrjorio Daird ap
peared as men and Lowell Whlt
more, Marlon Bather, LoulKo Inab
nlt and lico Stockmon took the part
of women. Historically correct cos
tumos of skUh aud velvet, with
poM-dored wigs, were worn and tho
Ftately steps of tho old danco were
faultlessly shown.
Eighty boys from the .Central,
Reid and Kenwood schools, issuing
from wigwams, dressed in tho tra
ditional garb ot tho redskin and
wearing their war paint, gavo a
realistic war dauce, then squatted
impassively in a circle in token that
peace was declared. Miss Esther
Allen and Mica Flora McCorklo of
the Kenwood school wore squaws
nt tho camptlro and, whllo Hornco
Richards led the Reid school braves,
Eugene Penney was chief of tho
lty Itnlph V. Couch
(Unlto.1 Trnw Staff Corrtomlfnt.t
AVASHINGTON, Mny 17.. Aided
by complicated machines which per
form miracles ot automatic calculu
tion, 3000 export Htitistlclaus and
clerks in thn employ of tho census
bureau hero now oro sorting ntut
classifying tho grentcst mass of sta
tistical information over collucted.
Tho population ot tho (Jutted
States wll bo ready for announce
mout somotlmo In October tiudnr
preocnt plans, Director Sam L,
Hogers said today. This population
total, expected to bo nbout 10C.000,
000, will bo announced also by
states. State' population announce
ments will begin to issuo from the
bureau In nbout six weeks.
Announcement ot city populatioa
began February 21 and aboiu COO
have been made, At least 1000 more
city population nnno'uncomnnts may
bo expected, bureau officials esti
mate. Congressmen, senators, civic or
ganization representatives and newn
paper men appear at the consur, bu
reau twice dally to receive city pop
ulation announcements. Each by
special telephono or telegraph ar
rangements previously set up , tries
to be tho first to got tho news to hi
home town or city of Its nov uosi
Newspapers "extra" on It and
crowds gather nt bulletin boards.
It's "big news," census bureau offi
cials are tola. Local boosters cheer
Complaints nro flooding tlu bu
reau. They're usually from local
boosters, civic bodies and somotimes
from chambers ot commerce protest
ing tho count. Tho enumerators
didn't get everybody in the count, is
the text of most of the complaints.
"Thank you for calling this to our
attention," reads a form latter which
goes out immediately under the slg
nature of Director Rogers. Tho let
tcr promises an investigation ot thu
count. And tho boosters wait, but
"In only two cases have we found
Uiat the complaints wore Justified
and that our count was Incorrect."
said Rogers. "In these cases
enumerators skipped small groups of
Local boosters havo complained
of the results in about half ot the
towns and cities so far announced.
Census bureau officials emphasize
that they welcome complaints, they
are Just as anxious to correct m'
takes as are the local inhabitants,
u,ey declare.
uut counting population of cities.
counties, states and oven the I'. S. I:,
but one function of the census offi
cials emphasize.
The census is intended to furnish
information on which better govern
ment may be based, according to Di
rector Rogers. This is why tho trreu'
mats of economic and social data I
Included. The bureau now Is nearly
half finished with tho agricultural
and manufacturers census. Informa
tion collected 'In these investigations
is that of most use to busluou men.
government officials and economise
Tho agricultural census Includes
n count of the number of farina In
tho United Statos, number ot far
mers, including owners, mauagors
and farm hands, and thu value of all
crops. Similar Information is col-
llected in the manufacturers ciuhiik
The present census is oxpected to
show that there are In the United
States 7.000.000 farms an compared
Kenwood and Central school war-
Falrlct Graceful in Dunce.
Faithfully costumed in plaid. 14
Junior high school girls, led by
Florence Curry," executed the diffi
cult "Highland FUng" with tho ut
most precision, dancing in a com!
circle formation. From 80 to 90
third and fourth grade girls from
the Held and Kenwood schools, half
as boys and half as girls, and wear
ing the costume ot tho Holland
peasant, pleased with their Dutch
danco nnd a clever song as the
conclusion of thoir act.
Ono of tho most gracefully exe
cuted danco over seen in Bend was
given by 14 high (school glrln,
attired in pale-colqred tarlatan. The
danco told tho story ot tbo curiosity
ot the fairies to learn the secrets
which their leaders kept from them
and of tho eventual yielding of the
The grand climax of tho after
noon camo with tho winding of
threo May poles, 72 Reid, Kenwood
and Junior high school girls dan
cing about tho poles us they Inter
laced tho colored ribbons. As tho
winding was comploted, the fairies
camo back on tho grass, dancing be
fore tho queen, and tho Indians
Joined, tho fairies and May dancers
In tho final song, "Thoro Is No
Land Like Oregon."
with 0,000,000 in 1910, To bo
classified ns n farm, n pleca of laud
must include nt lenut throo .croa.
tnuBt havo produced $600 worth of
crops por yonr for tho past tow years
or must havo required tho outlie
time ot nt least one mnu to eull'vnlo
To complotn tho present 'cenpus
wll require nt lonst threo yenrB, ac
cording to Director Rogers. Al
though tho enumerators nro i dono,
oxcxept GOO' working on tho furni
census and 300 on tho manufacturcnt
census, sorting and classifying tho
data they obtained will tuko mouths.
The printing also will requlro a long
period. Tho result will bo printcJ
in twelve largo volumes.
Approximately 75,000 onumer.x
tors were roqulrod to collect the or
dinary population returns now all
in. They rocolved about $0,00,000
for their work,
Tho entire cost of tills census Is
placed nt npproxxmatoly $2f 000,
000. This includes printing.
Most Desirable for Communities to
Concentrate on Production of
Few Breeds.
J'rfpored by the United fitntca Depart
ment of AKrlctitture.)
in the untloti-wldu campaign to iro
mote the general use of purebred sires
nnd better live stock, the United States
department of agriculture will keep
records of the agricultural counties
Recording to the breeds of live stock
which predominate In them, Practi
cal experience: hns demonstrated tho
desirability of committees concentrat
ing on the production of only n few
breeds and types of the different
classes of live stock. Such manage
ment not only enables the Individual
fanners to nld each other In Improv
'ng nnd upgrading their slock, but nlxo
jKilm for the communities wide reputa
tions ns centers for ccrtnln breeds.
The raising of several domluniit breeds
In any community makes that locality
the mccca for prospective purchaser
who are dcMroiig of buying animals
of breeds, ami also mnke It
possible for buyers to obtnln stock In
Inrgo quantities.
For the service of persons Interested
In examining or selecting live stock,
the department will keep n record of
the dominant breed's nnd varieties" .of
the dirferunt kinds of live stock In
ench county where such liifnrinntlon Is
obtained from accurate nnd depend
able sources. . Pending future devel
opments In thl work, n breed or va
riety will be conshlcrt-jl dominant If
100 or more good purebred sires of
that breed or variety nro owned nnd
used for (feeding In n county.
Sourqcs of Information concerning
thff-e f n mi niilmuls will Include coun
ty silent, olllchils of stnte agricultural
colleges, nnd representatives of stale
boards of agriculture. The depart- .
meat requests Unit stnto nnd county I
live stock associations tniiiHtnlt fig
ures nnd nil dii'.n nviillnhle on the
purebred Mres of their region to their
local county agent or (he stnte agri
cultural college. This mnterlnl should
Include n statement of the number of
purebred fires In the county, together
wllh tin date when the Inforiniitlon
was gathered. Initiative In collecting
and reporting Iheso data rents entire
ly with the county and state dllitiiils.
Itiforiuutlon gathered In this wny
yy the department of agriculture will
iv iiviillnlile to thu public. Thus per-
Only Good Purebred Bulls of Known
Oreeding Value Should Be Used In
Upgrading Their Stock.
pons wishing to purtiuise any klqd of
live Mock mny iiHcertnln readily what
counties In the United Stiiles, accord
ing to the records, hnvo purebred sires
of (he various breeds In which they
lire Interested. Naturally where ns
ninny us 100 purebred sires nro tised
in a cointiitinlly, thexe herd header
will stiiiup their quality to n consider
able extent on the Hit stock of Unit
county nnd lend to the production of
miuiy desirable griulu fenuilus, us well
s yjci'lircil tiiUi" C h'-t'j gnyi'S. Fur.
thefmore, In counties where u corlnln
breed Is cuusliU'icd iloiitlittint, overt
tlioiilth there nrc less tluiti 100 pure
bred shot, such fnt'ts should ho re
ported unit will be Kept iik supplement
tiry record.
t .,
Certain Amount of Clover Hay, Corn
SlUga nnd Qraln Required
for Winter Feed.
An average dairy nw Hint Is cnpnhlu
of producing S.V to 1WO poiiuds f
butterfnt ii year, will requlro u ton or
clover lniy, tlirco tons of corn sllimo,
nil nrminil l.JUX) ptyinils of grnlu for
her winter feed or for the thno Mio Is
fed Ipdoors. If the liny Is of llrntchiMM
quality nnd the corn sllnge Imm con
Ktdcrnblo corn, thn liny mny be In
crctixcd nnd tliu iiiuuiuit of inula de
created. ----.
Ohio Station Otflclali Recommend Uie
of Alilke and Blue Orats
Manure It Big Help.
nnis mcQ pltsl cnrlv lnrcljrii.
Warm Weather Time
Refrigerator Time
We have just received a ship
ment of New Refrigerators.
Refrigerators lire hard to obtnin, and if you
expect to one this summer you
should place your order early,
A Refrigerator is a big food saver during the
hot summer months.
A Refrigerator will keep your footl fresh and
keep it longer.
Priced $27.00 and up
Bend Furniture Co,
- fl!H
JHqShhHK We made this ciga
jjHpRrWoHF rette to meet JW
B Klto. W your taste! Wr Sf
AMELS have wonder
" ful full-bodied mellow
mildnese and a flavor as
refreshing as it is new.
Camels quality and Camels
blend of choice Turkish and
Domestic tobaccos win you on
Camels blend never tires
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste
nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I
What Camels quality and expert blend can
mean to your satisfaction you should find
out at oncel It will prove our say-so when
you compare Camels with any ci&eurotto
in tho world at any price!
Ctmmlt r old enrrwhif 11 icitntilrtllr fthtl pckif of 30
cijsrrlf for 30 ttnli or ten ptcktimt JUO cifnll) in m gUtun
fitptr'covrtii carton W ttiontly rtcommtnJ thn carton for tit
homt ut offlc tupply or whn you trtral.
tjM4ja WiR!tOR.S!H, N. C.
nry or Mitrcli helps to onIiiIiIIhIi n por
tiiiiiipiit pnsture, nnd Ohio Million oil).
ditto recoulincuil the use of ii)n(Io nnd
blue urnss. tin red clover ditcs not
thrive well whero 'iitmnttil plutili
will henvo out hi thn winter.
The nppllrntlnn of mniiiiro Is of help
In every IiinIiiiicu In pruduclnu u unixl
Hi-owili of piiHturc,
Expert Savage Flihermen.
The Sntuhvlch iHlninlcru nnd the pro
plo of the l.ndroiics urn cxceptlnunl
ns saviigo (lfilicriiirn, hiivlnif no fenr of
fairly deep wntcr. Thn latter think
nothing of going tithing In ltl fntluuus
In Hunt cmincs called prons, rlKgml
with ono suit. In tho construction of
which their ancestors moot likely cop
ied the Mntny pirates.
Somath'np Like a Memory.
Illllle wits heard to xn.v to his pnl
Jack: "I cun rciucniher everyililug
I did sltiio I wns tlin'o weeks old."
After some hcsltntlon .Tuck replied
"Oh. Unit's nothing. 1 Inn reiiiom
her from the time tho doctor snld to
mn: 'Stiind up. Sonny, nnd luiva
nur eves nut In"
Yes Sir-ee!
your taste, And,
Th tiittrnll'ml Cnrrflniltv
HelnMiU n( Hemnton, rnmilnU.
ctlrtrl llulr twcntr-enilli nnnl
vrry In OtMii-r, Wis. with sn n
rnllmrnt if nviT Z.IIOO.OOO ntuilrhU,
TImiiimmU o( thn MuilnnU hv (hi
urM In tfolUri mhI rent th actual
vnliio to thrm nt the pnr mom.lil
ilffvoletl to Hie MlHly ot I.C.H, tiyhnl
fl Cvurtn nil uthtr iiitijrcti running
from Ailvertlaln nnl lllmmiinlili U
Aurlctillurw mul Poultry llu.lnuiJrr.
111.00 n iicur ti bn
flfurnt I, jr m(ix nf thft
luiltnt l bt rtnmllt
rallfflil la lhrn t lh Vlu
of th ipar msmtnla ipml
In luu tf I.C'Jt. CutMi.
1UiM on ST.000 tyelral atUiUnU
haw 14,09V huw rrtrlvlim II.00
)rr or morn 8,4m rttlln 12.100
or inorr, 411 rrfrlvlntr 15,000 or
moral SO rrfrWIn 110,000 or moi
ml H wllli miiiunl Inromr of 110,000
or more.
In the tMrnir-mrn yir nf IU
vUlrnr I lie I.C.N, lm rnroltnl ill
1 1 iim- Monany tiiiUnl llrnl
In the two hunlrrt unit rnlr-llit
)rr tlnr It unonlrnllon I mora
than trn tlmra th total rnnillrtmnt
nf Yal liif It ()'xr iniinn otn
In 1701 1 more than (Ire tlmra th
total rnrollmnt ot nil of th collrBra,
nnlrHI and Itthnlral xhuolt In
the Unltrl titatr romlilnrd.
A Irtttr or a ixwt carril will hrlnc
romiilrt Information rraarJInu Ilia
ubj.-ft In vrhtch you arc IntrrwtMl,
. . IkAU lll'T IIKHK
International Correspondence Schools
Ilnx ICttf, Rcrantnn, I'a.
Kiptaln fnllr atwat lnr Cui In th
tubjtcl tnaikfd Xl
nifflrlrat Enlnf.ilnt lADVCUTIHINd
Wwlrlr MiMlnr . J".w. 1''?!'
T.I.....I. ..!.... !,". "
;Tilphn Ward
trthanlal tlnflnxr
JMtrhanlral llrafttman
itUnoff. and TrnUt
Hallaay ArfMinltnt
nnif ,frH,,nan
nuAvrw manaukh
rivll. l:.S(:iS Icnim fvm lux
Hjrla and Mapplns JCV, HKHVICM
HlatUntrr Kmlnrcr
"lrT ",, r ,.nin u.ik.. U.M fn.,L
Aatam.ML Op.mlloc
I'anltrr Hlln
Aula Kpalr1n
Onlradarar HalUtr
ArchltMlaral Drflimn
Canrral llalW.r
I'laiablnK and lltatlnc
JN. Arh NOT Junk. S
Hhln vmir HIilfH -
efid CalfnkJu to. tho
I'lirtlituil, Ore
ami koI full vuluu
for tliuti. 1'rlco
Hut nml tihliitiliiK
tux on rti(iioflt.