The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 13, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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llcnltli McflMircrt Apuroml by Couti.
ell Irrigation Ordlnnnrn I
Vi(h lo Al In Pljiiit for
f Ihmt IiiMii-iinro.
IhtlluvltiK thut road bulldlm; funds
at Uiu prenont tlmo, can bo handled
by DcnchutoN county to cnuiler nil
viinUiRii tliun by the city of Ilend, thn
round! on Frlduy decided Hint the
monoy dun Ilond on thn 1910 tax
roll un tho city's nhnro of tha road
lory, aliould bo extruded under tho
county's direction, It ntlpulutcd thut
llio nmotint, which fourthly eat!
matad, will roach f 1000, Ih to bo ex
pended oil that part of N'owport
avenue lylnrc between Went fllxth,
tho end of tho city Improvement,
ii nd tho city limits, Tho action an
Miroa an Improved street connecting
with tho Tumalo Hatchery road now
bwlnic constructed by tho county
Another road matter which wan din
mijiiiod Informnlly wan thn question
of Uio city aiding In tho building of
it brldfto over thn North Canal flume
when tho highway ui that point In
straightened. IlecutiMi of lack of
fundn, It wan thn general opinion
among tho councilman that Ilond
will bo unnblo to cooperate with
thn state In thin construction, tho
ulty'n nharo of which linn been not
ut (2000.
Would Klliiilniiln Hy.
When reports of city officials
wuro Klvon, that of tho recorder
nltowed receipts totallltiK J 1021.02
for tha month Junt pant, tho num bo
lute largely of building permit focn,
license foen, and fluen. Fire Chief
Tom Curlon reported two alarm.,
with no diiraaRo, and stated also
that ho had well undor way u gon
eral elenn-up of the fire dlatrlct.
Chief of Police Nixon's report
showed 11 arrests during tho month,
and 12 Jurntillo cuwit.
A campaign to elluilnatv the
hounofly In. Ilend, un n provontlro
mennuro, wan advocated by City
rtiyatclau C, A, Fowler, und ho wan
nuthorUed to taka ntpn In this direc
tion, und also, with tho county phy
nlclan, to Inspect dairies outnldo tho
elty which nupply Ilond with milk
Humpies of tho milk delivered or
unld in Ilond will bo secured from
tlmo to time, and ncnt out for anely
Dunce Matron Upheld.
Under thn report of tho pollen and
flro committee, discussion of tho In
spection system In una at public
dnncen, wan held, tho council finally
voting to bnck tho commltteo lu Its
ntand to make no change In tho of
fice of dance matron, now hold by
Mm. Frank llrobert.
Councilman Hhodcn, of tho ntreotn
committee, pointed out that tho
wooden nldnwalku on Ilond botween
Minnesota and Greenwood aro In
had condition, and tho recorder wan
Instructed to norvo final notice on
properly holdorn to put in concrete.
Councilman I'ayna reported that
prepuratlonn aro bolnic mado to open
tha city camp grounds for tho 190
An Irrigation ordlnnnco , n.i part
of Uio fight for lowor flro Insurance
rateH, wun panned undor an emerg
ency clause. It provldett an irriga
tion Hoimon from Juno 1 to October
1, allown resldenta on tho oven num
bered nldo of tho street to oprlnklo
on ovou dateu only, with thoeo ou
tha odd numbered nldo tuklng tho
odd numbered dateu. It n month hau
31 days, tho lant day la open to nil.
It la ntlpulatod that all IrriGatlng
JovIcoh bo Immedlatoly turned off
whonovor a flro ularm Bounds.
Knjflnccr to dot lUlici.
Dldn for atreet sprlukllng wore
oponod, und thut of Anton Auno, for
I1.2C an hour for team, wagon, nud
driver, was uccopted,
Aa tho romilt of dlncunslon of tho
garbage collection Hystum, It wan
agrood thut thtu department la not
being properly handled und tho mut
ter wan roforrod to tha health com-
mlttoo, with powor to act, Tho
council authorlred tho purchnso of
n flag for tho flrohoutto, and order
ed that tho flagpoles nt tho lntor
miction of Orogon und Ilond and
Oregon nnd Wall, bo romovod, an
thoy nro being gradually uudormlncd
by docay.
In a brlof dlecuBBlon of tho com
mlBBlon form of government which
Tiks boon agltatod for Ilond rocently,
Mayor J. A, Eaatoa expressed hia
opinion that Ilond In not yet far
enough advanced for lliln plan. Ho
iidvncutud liiHtcail, u system by
which the recorder nhould usnuino
the dutleii of city manager,
Councilman Mcl'liernon pointed
out the necMHHlty of iiecurlng
u relief engineer at tho fire
lioune, nnd It Ih motion to thin effect
carried Tho now man will be ap
pointed after June 1, I'uder tho
prenont system, Knglneor I.eo, Htev
eiui linn been on duty 21 hnurn u day
und Hovon dityH a week,
I1IIU Ordered I'uld.
The following bills were ordered
C. II, Ilnnnon I 41.00'
Maglll & Knikl'nn 17.20
II. K. Tumor 25.00
H. Htevons 100,00
John A. Itungn 02. CB
M, 12. Colemnu 51.75
T. W. Curlon 140.00
Corald Smith .'. 10.50
W. 1. Hardenty ....,... 88.04
llohert II. Oould I7G.25
('. (5. WIIkoii 02.40
Depot Feed Yardn 2.1.55
W A. Mitchell 5.00
K. F Hubbard - : 100.00
W. II. Crawford 27.50
V A Kiillclc 22.00
J. A Swift 140,00
(k'orgn Hchrumm ....f 7.30
I. A. W. NUon .. 180.88
A. Ii. Huyo ' ..... 3.00
Uaker'n Kxprcnn 1.00
Ilertha DawMii 3.00
Ilend Hauling Cc - 40.00
Dlolu Colton 4.30
Cnrlnon & I.yonn ,11.05
II. W. I. & T. Co .... 441.70
Ilend Ilulletln 55.10
M. & C. Tiro Htatlon 132
Miller Lumber Co 0.00
llcnd Onrugo .. 4.C3
.Veil .Markcll w.. 30.00
Sanitary Laundry 6.06
Ilend Laundry 2.7C
Ilend Kurnlturo Co. .. 38.05
It. M. Smith . ....... 85
nehchuten Co. Abstract Co 10.00
Ilend Hardwnro Co 40.65
Ilend Commercial Club 2000
Flnnlgan llron 3.00
Dr. C A. Fowler 25.00
Anna M. Day , .. . 10.16
Trl-Ktate Terminal Store 90.90
Ilend Laundry . .'W.G7
Arch Tourtollolte 311 25
Furthor tjuentlonn In tho "Know
Your City Ilottor" courw, tho firm
Installment of which wan published
In yontcrday'H Unue. are gven today
a follown:
Vital Statistics So. at blrthn In
Innl two yearn? No. of deatbn under
one ycur7 List deathn from all
Health Education Have there
been any health campaigns by noclal
hygeno noclotyT lied Ciosn? Hy
Antl-Tuberculosln asBoclatlou? linn
there been any Instruction In
schools? Uy whom? Give extent
nnd kind dono by cuch.
Inspection of School Children
lly uursen? How often? Type of
examination? Any follow-up work?
Per cent of dofectH corrected? Iy
doctors? Ily dentlntB?
Care of Sick lu their homes
No. of doctors In tho community?
How fur dooH their practice extend?
No. of nuraeH graduuto? Practl
cul? Visiting nurses? How uro tho
latter malutujued? What typo of
ork do thoy do?
Hospltnls Number of beds?
Staff? Kind of cases? Is free serv
ice given? Undor what circum
stances? Aro hospital uccoramoda
tlonn uufflclent for tho community?
Aro thoro uny freo clinics? Given
by whom?
ItccreatlonB Parks? Slzo? How
used? Playgrounds? No.? Equip
ment GymnnslumB? For whom?
Movlon Chatauqua Lecture coursos?
Sancea? Supervised? Uy whom?
utortalnmontB by ochoola? By
churchos? Water sports Swim
ming? Rowing?
Library Town? Traveling?
School? No. of booka What types?
Magazines? la thoro a reading
room? What clatwoa of peoplo pa
tronize it? Aro booka loaned to out-of-town
ChurchCH How many church
buildings? No. of realdont pnBtora?
How ofton nro Horvlcea hold? Do
ohurchoa work togothcr?
Community Organizations Worn
on'a clubs? Purpoao? Fraternnl
organlzntloim? Commercial cluba
Cooporatlvo aoclotlOB? Hoy acouts?
nnmnfirn L'lrln? Pnrent-toachora or-
I ......I. ..tin,,? v t n. A? Y. W. O.
X A.? Othora? Doca uny organiza
tion Includo both furmora nnd town
pooplo? How many out-of-town
momborfl? Doos tho community
over get' together to dlacuaa com
munity problems?
What do you consldor to bo tho
greatest problem of your community?
Agreement Would Mki llondbcd
ip DenrliuteN Vnlley Available
for lllftliwn)' Hull Kxten-
ftlon Ih I'oHilbllll).
(Uf UnltJ I'rrw toTl.r Iknd llulltlln.)
I'OUTLA.VI), .May lU. "I'm.rih
uni iihmIii' ut the confcrriiio of rail-
riiiul i'e'iitlvi'H held lu-te TliurMiii)'
rcKiirdliiR tlie eliliiliiatloii of 'Jupli-
rnlivl tratkiiRn of thn Oregon Trunk
mid O.-W. up the Dciiliiitc. ruiiyoii,
iircordln to it htutniieut made lo-
ilny by one of lite railroad pnvl-
ilentt. Ho sliiti'il, li(mi'tcr, lliut ho
lMllm' no iiKri'tiKiit ttill !
rearlu-il for mjuio time.
POHTLANI), May 13. Whether or
not 100 miles of Union Pacific
track up the Deichuton valley, du
plicated by the S. P. & S. lino ou
tho opposite nlde of tho canyon, nhall
be eliminated, Is tho problem con
fronting offlclnlH of tho Union Pa
clflc and thn Croat Northern, whoHC
conference nturted hero Thursday
A poRnlble uno of tho roadbed, it
abandoned would ho for u statu
highway, while tho ralln might be
used, for a further railroad oxton
nlon Into Central Oregon from IJend.
The question was definitely
brought up nome 10 dayn ago, when
Carl II. Gray, president of thu Union
Pacific system corporations nud
Ilnlph Iludd, prexldont of the Groat
Northern, the dominating fuctor lu
tho Spokane, Portland Seattle
railway, held a preliminary confer
ence In Otnahn to discuss the pro
posed abandonment of part of tho
Union Paclflc'n Deschutes Valley
line, und further consideration was
held over until tho two officials
could meet in Portland yesterday.
Impetus wan given the project of
eliminating duplication of rallwa
facilities from the Columhln river
nouth to llcnd at tho special sesnlnu
of the Oregon legislature In January
by tho adoption of a resolution cre
ating a commission of threo persons
to luvestlgato and report to the next
session of thn legislature, ways nud
means of providing transportctlon
for central, Houth central und fcouth
pantern Oregon hy which develop
First Airplane
Ever Seen Here
Soars Over City
The city of Ilend aw lt first
nlrpliine Hntiirdny when nt 10
o'clock In tho morning tho bl-
r plane piloted by It, S. Thomp-
hon, of the Thompson Alrcruft
company, mndo tho flight from
Hedmond and .circled several
4 times over tho city before
4 seeking Its landing place five -t
miles out on tho Hond-Ilurnn -f
fr ''fr
ment ewntlnl to the stato may be
Jx'gUIutiitH Favor.
Specifically thin commission In re
quired to report on tho feasibility
of railway connection between Ueurt
and Klamath Falls; tho feasibility
of removal of one of the rallrodu
from tho Deschutes canyon and (he
uso of the material so removed for
construction a railway extension,
nud tho practicability of tho ntatc
building a highway from llcnd to
Klamath Falls of nufflclcnt width
and grade to permit the laying of a
railway thereon.
The proposal under consideration
by the railway executives Is that ap
proximately seventy-eight miles of
tho O.-W. It. It. & N. system's Des
chutes Valley lino from Sherman to
North Junction be abandoned und
that the twenty-three miles of tho
Spokane, Portland & Scattlo's Ore
gon Trunk line from South Junction
to Metollus be taken up.
Would Svo 'J5O,000.
A Having of $250,000 yearly in
operating casta would bo effected
by the joint uno of tho remaining
When the Hill and Harrlman In-
money was spent freely In construe-
terests raced for Ilend about ton
yenra ago, money was npent freely
In construction of duplicate lines
nlong the Deschutes river, tho S. P.
& S. paying out about Jll.ouu.000
nnd the Union Pacific about ?S,000,
000 In work that duplicates the
competitor's line. About $4,500,-
000 rcprosentn tho cost of tho Des
chutes Valley lino proposed to be
abandoned and $3,000,000 tho cost
of the Oregon Trunk line, whl.h is
likely to be thrown Into the dls
"Just as Mail to Man"
says the Good Judge
You fcr, a lot more genu
ine satisfaction from n lit
tle of the Ileal Tobacco
Chew than you ever got
from the old kind.
You don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often,
the good, rich, real to
bacco taste is so last
ing. That's whv it
costs less to use this class
of tobacco.
Any man who uses the real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
I I'
Just What Old He Mean!
"Here, my iliar liintiand." said a
loving wife. "I bnve brought you a
dear little silver pig for luck; It's a
clmrro, you know, dear, to bring hnp
plness to a douse." "Ah, how kind of
you, darling I Itut why should I need
a little pig to bring me luck when I
have you still 7"
Twenty farmers met at the raacfe
of Meredith Dalley Thursday to
bear a discussion of concroto alio
specifications by County Agent D. 7.
Jamison and a talk on typo of alia
produced by the Simplox company.
Tests at Ohio Station Show That AnI.
malt Fed on Corn Alone
Make Costly Gains.
Texts lu swine feeding nt thu Ohte
experiment stntlon hoiv that pig
vlu'ii fed on com alone make cost I)
nud slow gnlns nn compared with tin
more up-to-date methods of using sup
plei'ieninl feed, such ns tankage oi
hUiii milk, wllh com.
Four chairs at your sorvico at the
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
When you erect a Silo, you want n Silo that will
st,nnd the test of wind, rain, snow, frost nnd sun.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy
lines necessary.
Eventually Concrete
Why Not Now?
For specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
Well Curbing.
With the most thoroughly
Machine Shop
Welding Plant
Blacksmith Shop
in Central Oregon, we will accept
practically any and all kinds of Work
Guarantee on all work done
and quick service
Call on us to do your machine work
acetylene welding and general black
smith work. We employ only experts
in these lines
Bend Iron Works
Bend, Oregon
Phone-Black 741
i irtni i wttaitXmtSiui
Central Oregon Garage I
Exclusive Agentsjlfor Northwest Auto Co. for
Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
Duplex Trucks
tho typober ayatom,
carriage and oacapo
ment wheel .of tho
Woodstock with those
of othor typowrltora
and you will readily
understand why thin
machine holds up bet
ter. It has loss parts,
too which adds to Its
The Rebuilt Typewriter Company
304 Oak St., Portland, Oregon.
Slightly used Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C.
Smiths and other makes of machines can be had at
easonable prices.
& .ii.