The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 06, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Priority of Imlior, Htrrnutlt of llond
Ilrtwmi Worker, unit Mulunl
Intori-Jit Ilotwwn Kmployrr
mill I"iujloi'i l'tilalnrI,
Thnt llio pciiplii of Moml nro lumii.
y IntormUixt In tho problomii or In
OiiHtry, wns dourly dtnnoiistrntii on
Thursday nlKhl, won dospltii
tilts fnet (hut n Joint dobnlo
n to tliu rolutlvii turrits ol
tlio Kotir !' uml tlio Tlinbnr
workors' union liml boon hold only
tlio ulRlit boforo, u crowd which flllotl
I ho butlrr part of tin first floor ut
tlio gymnasium, turnud out to hoar
tlio address Klron by N'orinun !'. Colo
in an, President of tlio Loyal I.okIou
of I.onijors uml Iuinborinn on thn
subject, "Lincoln and Labor." Work
JiiB man, cinploynrn, and business
i nion, with a cniisldornblo proportion
of wotnrn, niutlo up tlio nudlitnco,
Thrco bnnlc prlnclpltti of Industry
Inlil down inoro tlinn u half n century
iiro by Amorlca'n civil war president,
Constituted tllO OlMOntllll of till'
thorno dovolopod by Mr. Columnn.
Thorn tMinentlnls, I bo priority of la
bor to capital, tlio strength of tlio
bond of human Hymputhy unllliiK
wnrklnn nion, and tho coopurutlvo In
torcsts of labor nml capital, tlio
sponkor rjuotcd from a lulter rlton
by Abruliain Lincoln In roi:urd to
onn of tlio t'arly labor troubkn In
Now Yorlr,
Irlorlty of Ibor I.xplnlntxl.
"Tlio three principle arc as sound,
nil trustworthy, an opcrntlvo today ts
when thoy wore first enunciated,"
.Mr. Coleman nnld. "Thoy nro based
on tho experience of Lincoln, him
snlf a laborer from early childhood."
Drawing a picture of prlraltlvr,
ploncor llfo tho speaker showed
thnt Inbor underlies nil pio
ductlon, nud that It I only tho sav
Ins from thli production which gives
birth to largo capital. "Wn too In
mcxlorn Industry, onormnuu Inrent
moots of capital, bo largo that many
of us think capital comes first," ho
Maid. "Hut It In all produced by li
bor, and la usoloss unlccH employed
by labor.
"I do not nttuch blame to those, who
full to soo -who I ono sight of tho
men and soo only tho capital Invested
nod tho machlnury In operation.
Huch a confusion Ih natural, but wo
nro beginning to soo that wo havo
boon facing lit tho wrong direction,
tied that tho first problem In men,
nrid tho Rccond machinery,"
Hynipntliy Ilouri Htronc
4In explaining tho socond principle,
thn bond of human nympathy, s:cond
only In strength to that of tho home,
iixlstliig between workers, Mr. Colo
man druw often from IiIh own carllur
poruouul oxporlonces an a laborer In
tho northwest. Llttlo storlou of duvo
tlon, and of klndnenH offered by nion
who wero virtual strangers, woro told
In Illustration of bin points,
"Thin bond of Kympnthy means
rnlloctlvo bargaining," ho raid. "La
bor makes progress only on thnt bu
nlo, nud IndiiNlry ma ken progress only
by' recognition of thin fact.. In unor
mo uh liuliintrlos, Jiowover, thuro tund
to creop In divisions and onmillos
nraong tho workoni when thoy should
bu ntuudlng by ono another. Tho
complexity of Industry, nud tho 5llf
orbncoa In pay for different classes of
work nro among tho chief cjuiten of
this. It In thnroforo up to every
thoughtful man nnd woman to got
' down to fundamental!!."
Capital Has Night.
.That capital lino Us rights, un im
portant uh any other, wun pointed
out by tho Four L president In In
troducing his third prlnclplo, thnt of
cpoporutlou resulting In mutual lcii
of(t to employer nnd nmployd. As
tho grontoat monnco to tho astun
lfshmont of this relation, ho cited
tho "I. W. W. employer," nnd tho "I.
W, W. omployo,"
j,"Tho flrat boltovos that thoro nro
np'common Interests between himself
nnd bin mon, wants a low wngo, long
hours, nud high production, "cgnrd
1qh of tlio needs ami rights of bin
employes," ho uald. "Tho second
works uh llttlo na ho enn and hold his
job, nnd wustoH nnd ovon destroys to
Injure his omployor. Ono lu ns bud
natho othor,
h'Tho right rolntlon can bo oatnb
llihod if nion nro Intolllgont. it tho
mon will help to build up tho busl
nees which firrnlalios thorn omploy
rnont, nnd tho buolnoea will stand, by
tho tiiiin who inn l(o Its production
potinlblu, much niutunl bvnoflt Is pom
liitluMry rucliig CrlilM,
Mr. Colniiiiiu proillctod that Aiikt
leu will come to rncognlzn thutlit prin
ciples, on which ho said tho Loyal
Legion of Loggers nnd Lumbitrmu'i
Is founded, In touching again u t'o
mutter ot coopurulloii and mutual
benof It, ho mild: "It Is difficult tor
orgnnlxed labor to think In this wny
Homo think wo urn trying to 'put
something over.'
"Labor litis conin to thn pnrtlng of
tho way, Ily following ono road,
enmity to thn point of revolution Ih
emphasized. Tlio old grudges mo
funned and class hatred coino.i o n
white heat. Tho other road menus
tho adoption ut prlnlclplcH slmllnr to
thoMo on which the Four L'n linn
bullded. Tho Loynl Legion of Log
gers nnd Luinbcriiion Is not leolntcd
In this movement, and far-seeing, pa
triotic Inbor Is looking In thU direc
tion. I ask utl labor to see ( this Is
not going to my ii n the preservation
of our democracy under tho lutv.
"Tho Four L plan means tho sub
stitution of tho roiifcreticf for th'
strike. I'eoplo In gonornl un be
ginning to rnullxo wtiut striKos cunt,
and to appreclnlii thn donlnibllliy of
HubstlfutliiK whiit wo might t'uin ilu'
Jury H)titm for bruto force. Wo am
moving In thn right direction, (ouurd
more democracy nnd more couipletti
Justice In tho lumber Industry In (Id
A bnnquet held Immediately after
ward ut tho Pilot Ilulte Inn, nt wl.lcli
Mr. Coleman wan a guest of honor,
wns attended by more than 100 men
und women. T. A, McCanu, of tho
Bhcvlln-IIIxoii Company, acted as
tomtmaster, Introducing Mr. Colo-
I mun, who spoko briefly on tho now
plan for establishing n common
ground of Intercut between employer
and employe. "Tito old methods
won't work with thn now men," ho
W. D. Smith, field representative
for tho Loyal Legion declared that
tho organization, with ramifications
extending throughout tholnduklry of
tho country, will savo America from
thn chaos which has overtaken Mher
LI V 1
c!) U yO
Wardens Destroy Mora Than 9,000
Canines, and Lest Injury to
Sheep Has Resulted.
(I'rtpftr! by tha Unlt4 States Depart
ment or Agriculture.)
Information from Connecticut shows
that In thn year ending September SO,
more ttinn fi.000 dogs wero killed by
dog wardi'iin. Many wero shot while
Interfering ulup. Less Injury to
sheep tins reeiilted than In any pre-
A OooProof Fenced Lot In Which
Sheep May Be Placed at Night In
Regions Where Animals Running at
Larfle Are Ravaging Flocks.
vlous yenfl due. perhaps, to tho o
called roaming dog law, which went
Into t-flVct July 1.
Tho Mieep Industry In Connecticut
hns Incrcnsed JM Kl per cont tho pust
two years, nnd Is still growing. Tho
utiito leglidnturo recently npproprl
nted JlO.lHX) to bo usetl by tho Connec
ticut Agricultural college In further
ing tho sheep Industry.
Largest Organ.
It Is just about Impossible to say
whero tho Inrgost organ In the world
Is, hocnuso there Is always ono being
built that Is bigger thnn tho Inst.
There nro many largo organs In Kng
laud, und In tho United States. Syd
ney, Australia, claimed, aomo years
ugo, to havii the largest organ In tho
world, hut, like ships, they nro always
liii'ieiiHlug In size.
Effect of Sugars and Fata,
Tho fatuous soul who takes n long
walk to reduce und cornea hmuu with
n lino appetite, or perhaps eats half
n pound of candy en route, Is putting
on weight Instead or taking It off.
Translated, this menus that sugars nud
fats nro quick und complete burning
fuel for the huninn body,
i'j:ii:hthianh hniit k.vviouh-
Forty quarts of beer and two bar
rels of it similar bovnrngc, olinont
ready to bottle, wns taken Thursday
in n raid mado on the homes of IM
wnrd Levitt and Hay Ktopheu, on
Gilchrist avenue, by Chief of Pollco
Nixon, nnd Officers Carlpn und Swift.
Cups flow from tho highly charged
bottles ns tho cargo ot evidence was
IidIiik taken br auto to tin nllv (all.
and ns thn umber liquid leaked from!
tht1 cur, pedestrians nnlfed enviously. I
ono innii even following the scent
until tho machine cuttle to n halt J
Levitt and Btopheus appeared In'
pollco court thin morning, pleaded
guilty to u chargo of violating tho
prohibition law, and woro fined J50
Two Days of Rolling Vet to Uo
I'ono llqtilpmoiil. to J5
Moved lo North Ito.itl.
Work on tho south highway Is
nearly completed,' If. F. Wloknor,
construction engineer for Osknr
Hubor, contractor, reported on Mon
day morning. Everything Is now
completed with thn exception of a
short stretch of cinder surfacing
which hns yet to be rolled, nnd this,
ho estimates, will bo finished within
tho next two days.
An noon ns this Is completed, nil
thn equipment now in uso on tho
La Pino road will bo moved north
of Dend and tho work on that sec
tion of Thn Dalles-California high
way rushed to completion.
''If s a Lucky Day for You5"
says the Good Judge
When you learn about the
Real Tobacco Chew.
A small chew of rich to
bacco lasts so much longer
than the old kind.
You don't need a fresh
chew so often. That's why
it costs less to use.
Any man who uses the Real Tobacco
Chew will tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fino-cut tobacco
I0tp0&7 cp
WORK IS AUTHORIZED I lne ,akc- A "'fitaker will bo plac
AT EAST LAKE RESORT,:Le,I? re8rt dUr'nB tha
Love It
Give them all the good
they want
Lunch at the
American Bakery
Directors of tho Hast Lake Health
Itosort, In session here last night.
authorized tho expenditure of 1-500
for tho erection of now buildings ut
summer season.
Four chairs at your service at t&
Metropolitan. Uo waiting. A dr.
Put it la The Balletl.
When you erect n Silo, you want a Silo that will
stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sun.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Mock you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy
lines necessary.
Eventually Concrete
Why Not Now?
Kor specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
Well Curbing.
With the most thoroughly
Machine Shop
Welding Plant
Blacksmith Shop
in Central Oregon, we will accept
practically any and all kinds of work
Guarantee on all work done
and quick service
Call on us to do your machine work
acetylene welding and general black
smith work. We employ only experts
in these lines
Bend Iron. Works
Bend, Oregon
Phone-Black 741
" !
Central Oregon Garage j
Exclusive Agentsjfor Northwest Auto Co. for j
Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort
i '
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
Duplex Trucks
tho typobar system,
'carriage nnd escapo
mont whool of tho
Woodstock with thoso
of other typewriters
and you will readily
understand why this
roacblno holds up cot
tar. It has loss parts,
too which adds to Its
The Rebuilt Typewriter Company
301 Oak St., Portland, Oregon.
Slightly used Underwoods, Remingtons, L. &
Smiths and other makes of machines can be had at
easonable prices.