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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1920)
BHND BULLETIN, I1KWI), ORKGdN THURrTOAY, APRIL lti, 1020 PAOR 7 ,,1 R . i '.. t f Iw Wi "Nothing wrong with1 our v rnilErfchttmliince of costiv Turkish A and Domestic tobaccos, propor tioned by experts that's why Chesterfields "Hattery. Rvorv miff brings flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco and the lively relish of choice Domes tic leaf. And theblend the manufacturer's private formula -can-not be copied. ' Every package enclosed in ftlasslne, moisture proof paper that seals in the flavor. tfJp.rttSiM Sit ELK NOT AVAILABLE SAYS STATE WARDEN That It wilt bo Impossible, for Ilend Lodgo No. 1371, II. 1. 0. B., to ob tain elk from tho Wullown national forunt, whs tho Information received boro on Monday by Foroit Supcrvl nor Jncobnon, In a latter roculvcd Business and Professional .Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Hooma 13-16 Firm National Bank Bldg.. Tel. CI I (Dr. Co' forf Offl.) II. It. IWAniwnJ Ch. W. r.rMn DcArmond & Erskine LAWYEltH O'Knno DulldltiK, Bend, Oregon 1 II. O. KILL I 8 Jljl AUoraeyat-Lif 3 United HUtc Oomnilwloner f First National Hank Building I bend, oreoon DR. A. LESSING PHYSICIAN AND flUltOKON r . llond PrfH illdg. IIENI), OREOON Phones: Ofllco Hod 41; Hen. 1S3 j Dr. L. W. Gatcheli OMKlrilt Mfl Muttfacturiag Optician Complete Lent GtlnJInj Plant in con ntction with my office l LARSON tU CO,, Jeweler 143 Oregon iiicct, Bnd, Orrjon BRICK vs. BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND v VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE fffi1 BEND ' you the full, rich - G from Btnto Gaum Warden Carl D. Sboornakiir. In tho fall, howovor, It may bo feaslblo to send two of tho animals to Ilend, Mr. Hboomaker write. , Your Mother made you taka It every Spring llolllstur's Hocky Mountain Tea, tho rollablo Spring Cleanser fix-Ik Owl Pharmacy.- Adv. Phone BUck 191 LEK A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. ArcbKeet S-4 O'Kane Building DBND ... ORKQON O. P. NIBWONOBIt, Uend, Ore. UNDKllTAKKK IJccaied KmboJmer, Funeral Director. Phono Red 421. Lady Aut. DIt. R. D. STOWELL Naprapnthle Ptiyaiclaa Over Locan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours I to K 1'boHo I ted 4 mi DR, TURNER BYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Dend with Now Rqulpraeut Private Ofllco in Thoraon'a Jewelry Store Dr. Turner will be in Prlne vlllo every flrat and third Fri day; in Madras every second and fourth Friday, and In Red mond every flmt and third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified Ads. HHBE j(3m J4KBH V IV W OTHER BUILDINGS OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT ,$2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 BRICK & LUMBER CO. balance" Chesterfield LABOR FRIEND OF EDUCATION TIMIIKKWOKKKHH UNANIMOUS LY KNDOHSK M1LLAOK HILL FOIt HTATK SCIIOOlA TO UHCK IIKGIKTKATIOX. HcJIcvlntr that a lareo proportion of tho young men and womon who apply for entrance at tho University of Oregon, tho Oregon Agricultural College, and tho Monmouth Normal, are tho Bona and daughters of work ing people, tho Dend locul of the Tim bcrworkors union, in its regular meting laat Thursday, voted unani mously to endorse tho higher educa tion mtllage bill which will come be fore tho pcoplu of Oregon nt tho May primaries. Not only Is this leg islation endorsed, but tho union will conduct n systematic campaign for 100 per cent registration, In order that tho men and women who are backing tho cniiBO of higher educa tion may support their opinions with their votes on May 21. "Tho action taken last night Is in keeping with tho go'ncral policy of the union und of tho Federation of Labor," Secrotruy Call stated In com mcntlng on the stand taken by tho. local. "Thero was absolutely no dla cusalon that was not entirely favor- ablo on this question." MENTION MAHAFPEY FOR STATE SENATE Intimation that E. P. Mahaffoy, ot tho Central Oregon bank ot this city, may bo a cafidldato for the republican nomination for atato sen ator from this district at tho Mny primaries, is. convoyed in a nows story published lu tho Sunday edi tion of tho Portland Oregonlan. INTER-CHURCH PLAN IS TOLD MPBAKiyiH DRAW C'APACITV CIIOWDH I.V UNIO.V, SERVICES 1IKMI UNDER AVHVICKH OF ,IIENI CHURCH IJ. Although only ono of the upcnkcm scheduled for tho Intor-chiircli move mont meeting! in Bond appeared Sunday, lhu plnr of tlio nbitcnt onc wore taken by other ncnt in chlofly from Portland, nnd a coni prohennive dUcimulon of tho iiiovj mont wns presented to tho capacity crowd which attended tho union service hold In tho morning at tho Methodist church, In tho nfternnon at tho Chrlntlnn church, nnd In the evening at tho Presbyterian cjjurch. You need It everybody needs It f f it llntr.,',. 11nfrw niintnln fr. Mill, .,.. .nil, " "Vn 1IJIU1IM4UI . .,, Spring Without fall try this famous Spring Cleanser flz-lk. -Owl Phnr inucy. Adv. Four chairs at rour service at tb Metropolitan. No waiting. Ad LEGAL NOTICES Kl'.M.MO.VK In tho Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon for Deschutes County. Roydon Fletcher Ilorton, Plain tiff, vs. Huldnh Itorton, Defendant. To Hulda Ilorton, tho above named defendant: IN TUB NAMB OF TUB STATE OF ORBCSON; You nro Jicroby re quired to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In. tho nbovo entitled suit, on or before six weeks utter the first publication of this summons, to-wlt; on or be fore tho 22d day of May, 1920. and In casa of your failure to so apnenr and answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief proyed for in his com plaint, viz for an absolute decree of dlvorca In favor of tho plaintiff and against tho defendant forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. 'This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to tho order of the Hon. T. B. J. Duffy. Circuit Judge of tho nbovo entitled Court, made and entered on tho 2d day of April, 1920, directing publi cation of this summons at least onco a week for six successive weeks prior to May 22d. 1920. in The Ilend Ilulletin. a newspaper of general circulation in Deschutos County, Oregon. Dato of first publllatlon, April S. 1920. Dato of last publication, May 20, 1920. V. P, MYBR8. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and Postotfico address. Ilend, Oregon. 6-1 2c NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order mado and entered by tbo Justico of tho Pcaco for Bend District, Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, on tho 7th day of April, 1920, the following described estray, tofwlt: A Hereford steer, about 2 years old, branded with skull nnd cross bones on right side near spine; both ears split. Will bo sold at public sale to tho highest bidder for cash at my farm two miles nortu ot lleiul, Oregon, at the hour ot 2 o'clock In tho afternoon ot tho 29th day of April, 1920, to pay tho damages and expenses of tho undersigned in keeping said estray and ot the publication and notice and expenso in the proceed and expenses of sale. Dated this 7th day of April. 1920. 6-7c NELS ANDERSEN. NOTICE. CALL FOR REGISTERED COUNTY ROAD FUND WARRANTS. Notice la hereby given that all war rants registered and drawn on the road fund from number 911 to 1063 Inclusive are called for payment on April 2, 1920, and nro payablo nt the County Treasurer's oQlce, Bend, Ore gon. Interest stops on and after above date, CLYDE M. McKAY. Treasuror Deschutes County. 5c Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Luth, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd all kinds of Finish SASH AND DO0RS' COMPLETE, STOCK ol Si.nd.rd SUcT. .. BjROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local gU3 Aifeut, DULLER LUMBER CO. TANLAC NOTICE OF HA LB HY M.'AIUHAN.! IN THK COUNTY COURT OF TUB 8TATB OF ORBOO.4, FOR DE- HCIIUTBS COUNTY. IN TUB MATTBR OF TUB) GUARDIANSHIP OF THB) PBRSON.S AND ESTATES) OF EDDIB I1ROSTERHOU8) AND MARIB DR08TBRHOUH,) Minors. ) Under authority of an order and license granted by the County Court of Deschutes County, Ore.gon, dated March 25, 1920, I, the 'undersigned, guardian of tho person and cstato of Bddlo Urosterhoun, a minor, will sell at private sale tho following describ ed real property, located in Deschutes County, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho undivided one-half interest of Bddlo lirosterhous, a minor. In the following property: Lot 1. Illock 5, of Deschutes, (now within Ilend; Lot 2, Illock 5 of Des chutes, (now within Dend); Lot 7, Illock f of Deschutes, (now within Rend); Lot 8, Illock C of Deschutes; (now wiiuin Rend). The undivided one-fourth Interest of Bddlo lirosterhous, a minor, in tho following property: Lot 13, In Rlock 27 of Rend; Lot 14 In Illock 27 of Rend. TImwaIo will be. made on or after Friday, April 30, 1920. nnd bids will be received ut the office of It. 8. Ham ilton, in First National Hunk build ing. Ilend, Deschutes County. Oregon, up to noon upon April 30, 1920. The terms of (tale nro: At least ten percent (10 percent) of the sum bid must nccompany the bid; forty percent (40 percent) shall be paid at tho tltno of tho confirmation of sato and tb balance within ono year after tho dato of sale; unpaid bal ances o be secured by first mortgage upon the property sold', nnd to bear Interest at the rato of eight percent (8 percent) por annum. Dated at Rend, Oregon. March 25, 1920. ANNA BROSTERHOUS, Guardian of the person and estate of Bddlo Rrosterhous, a minor. 4-9c NOTICE In the County Court of tho state of Oregon, for Deschutes county. In the matter of tho guardian ship of Alberta Landkammer, a minor. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to the license and ordor of this court, dated January 24, 1920, the undersigned will, from and after Friday, April 16, 1920, pro ceed to sell at private sale for cash all tho interest of the above named minor in and to tho following de scribed real estate, situated in Des chutes county, Oregon, to-wlt: An undivided one-eighth interest In Lot 17 ot Wock C, ot Lytle, an 'addi tion to Bend, according to the re corded plat thereof. ANNA BOARDMAN, As Guardian of the Person and Estate of Alberta Landkammer, a Minor. Dated this lfth day of March, 1920. 3-6ci ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at Lukeview, Oregon. March 12. 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that Em erson F. Stockwell, whoso post office address is Bend, Oregon, did on the 14th day of July, 1919, file in this, ofllco Sworn Statement and Appllca-I tlon. No. 011103. to purchase the fSW4 NEtf, section 27, township 22 S., range 15 E. Willamette Mo-' Idlan, nnd tho timber thereon, under' the provisions ot the act of Juno 3, ' 1878, and acts amendarory, known' us tho "Timber nnd Stone, Law," nt ' such valuo as might be fixed by np prulsemont. and that, pursuant to such application, tho land nnd timber thereon havo been appraised, One Hundred, Twcnty-elghX dollars the timber estimated 110 M. board feet at .SO per M. nnd tho land $40.00. that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application nnd sworn statement on the 22nd day of May, 1920, before II. C. Ellis. V S. Commissioner, at Bend. Oregon. Any parson is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time beforo patent , Issues, by filing a corroborated alH-i davit in this office, alleging facts, which would defeat the entry. JAS F, BURGESS, Register. I 3-1 1c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IVpai-lnicnt of tho Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at Lnkeview, Oregon. March 12, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that Harry W. Henley, of La Pine, Ore- " FOR SALE DY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGENTS gon, who, on April 24, 1016, made homestead entry, No, 0859B, for NW Vt, section ft, township 22 8. range 11 B.. Wlllametto Meridian, has fllod notice of Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo K. L. Clark, U. 8. Commissioner, at La Pine, Oregon, on the 20th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses; C. II. Seeley. of Rend, Oregon; W. G. Fordhnm. Arthur Waters, George Hoguo, nil of La Pino, Oro gon. JA8 F. UUROE9S, Register. 3-7c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Department of the Interior, U. S. LAND OFFICE at Lakovlow. Oregon, January 29, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that James Morrison, of Uend, Ourgon, who, on July 27, 191C, made home stead entry. No. 09385, for E& NW 'A', NBU and Nl& 8EU or, section 23, township 22 South of range 18, East of the Wlllametto Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make thro? year final proof, to establish ' claim to the land above described, be fore 11. C. Ellis, U. 8. Land Com missioner, nt llond, Oregon, on the 17th day of April, 1920. Claimant-' names as witnesses: ' Charles H. Haines, Roscoe N. Palm erton, Clarence V. Nelson, all of Ilend. Oregon; nnd Patrick II. Cof fey, of Brothers, Oregon. JAS F. BUROKSS, Register. Publish in five consecutive wcok.1 In Bend Bulletin, Bend, Oregon, . 2-Gc NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Friday, the 23rd day of April, 1920. nt 2 o'clock p. m. at our ranch Vz miles northeast of Alfalfa, in Deschutes county, Oregon, located upon Section 13. township 17 South range 14 E. W. M., the following des cribed animal will be offered for salt as an estray by L. A. W. Nixon tho nearest constable, to-wlt: Ono red and white spotted heifer, now about two years old, with a split on tho right car, wattle on tho right hind leg, & and branded on the right shoulder with out other visible marks or brands. i Said animal came to our ranch, , located as above stated, and was by , us taken up on November,, 1918, I as an estray, and a sale tlpsreof wan I ordered to be hed at tho'rtboye time 'and place by the Hon J. A. Eastes, (Justico of the Peace. i Said animal will bo offered for sale for cash, to the highest bidder, , to satisfy tho damages sustained by i us, the costs of keeping, and all ex penses incurred. Including the fees ot the, Justice of tho peace, costs and advertising and such other cotts and expenses as may have bees lawfully Incurred. Dated at Bend, Oregon, February 18, 1920. PAUL MERTSCHINd. WILL HORSELL. 5-6o Brand Directory H G Brand John Helfrii:h, !Wp Brothers, Ore. A Right side ped; wattl B, L. TO? Right side; right ar cp ttle right bind leg. TONE, Ststrns Ore. adv.jnoo ALWAYS A At Palace Market I Bend, Oregon ior0 Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork, Sell your products, at home S CnSHinfl Chas. Boyd : ' j