A I WeWeMMWMle MGR BEND MJLLKTIN, BKND, OROOK,THtmH!)AV, APIUIi 1.1, IBiM mhh.bi m wmiWk M9m 'vlv H Z lw iLw VSV tfTHK! H Mi W fe 1 i lifffiTfll fi UTir T i nnwiiiiMiiiii miir """'amr rrn in wt5cavvjiwm arm ' wbii JMUMieeviua' MiKaftyiiaB .sswif lw7jhhii itwSw MvHSIr eflflB rUi(am jPvMEifl Hi$'m'sSir ty M-7Qi Aar For wvqu rhfteks. I mf teeth good appetites I Xr and digestions. I Ltjfr I f Its benefits artfas GREAT I t as Its cost is SMALL! I IK B It satisfies the desire for I I sweets, and is beneficial, too. I I Sealed Tight Kept Right I A "After y n1P The I I Every M aXWSSSSSl Flavor :ti:Ktmnn::rj:t:Kni:!su:!:i::n::t::t:i:!:i!Rm)mit:.ttii!::t:i:i:::.'t:t::uu:ii::i:::i!t!i:iii::t::i::ii:!::!it:!iii.!; What's Doing In The Country muuKUKiiannsa: ::tns:$:nn:&r.!t:nu!:::mu:ni:n:mnt::::iSKn:iR::::tt:::as:: i ::i:m:;tt::ntK:nt;imi:itiu FARM NEWS FROM . PINEHURST HOMES riNEHURST, April 1.3. Soveral of the men ot Plnchurst nttojidcd th-J rabbit drlvo given In thu Plntnvlow neighborhood. Itoy Wells and family, from tho Pinctrco mill, spent Sunday evening at the John Dollmnn home. Violet and iMyrtlo Spnugh who have been attending high school In Prlnevlllc, returned homo recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McManman wore dinner guests at the Phelps home. Mrs. Dollman, Mrs. Mary Garner and Mrs. C.'M. Phelps were shopping In Bend Monday. C. II. Spuugh was a caller In Bond Thursday. Leta and Susan Dollman spent Wednesday evening at the F. 1. Mc- mannian home. Ivy Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Wlmer. Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Huttel and family wero guests at tho Spaugh home Sunday. G, W. Snyder was a busines caller In Bend Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. L M.cManmon jind Mrs. John Dollman and children wore callers In Plainvlew Monday. Itev. Johnson preached nt tho. school house at Deschutes, Suiuluy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Anderson nt tcmled the show In Dead Saturday night. SHEEP SHIPPING IS DELAYED BY STRIKE lie Could Not Stand Straight. "I caught cold and it settled in my kidneys." writes J. C. Damond, 2S65 TV. 30 St., Cleveland, O., "jir back and sides wero so Inma nmr soro I could not stnnd straight. I use Foley Kidney Pills and am glad to testify to their lmlnlnir Doner. "Good for stiff or swollen joints, rheumatic Saturday evening for a short visit, DESCHUTES. April U. Miss Jlllfiu Holmgren and Claude McCnu ley were Sunday visitors nt tho Du schutes hotel and at C. M. Hedtleld's. Mr. and Mrs. Hnmblln and Jim Donham wero dinner guests nt thu Deschutes hotel Sunday evening. W. K. McCormnck unloaded a car ot sheep he had ready to ship from Deschutes Sunday. On necoun t of tho switchmen's strike tho railroad company would not tako them out. V. E. Van Allen is serving on tho Jury this weok. C. M. Redfiold and V. E. Van Al len spent Wednesday evening at the homo of C. P. Becker near Tumalo. Mr. Jamison, the county agrlcul turlst with his wife visited Deschutes Wednesday morning. Mnynnrd Cochran stopped oft at Deschutes Wednesday evening be tween trains, returning to Prlnevlllo. Dan Day who Is working In Pond ns a hod carrier, visited Doschutes Thursday. It. B. Metcnlf camo In from Port laud Tuesday to look over the clear ing of his land, and departed for Bend Sunday night. Oliver Hamblln left for Portland company', mill and returned that ev ening, laying down tho first load of lilmbor for Deschutes" newest enter prise. Evoryono should lake it cleansing, purifying luxiUlvo Homudy , thin month. Holllslcr'n ltocky Mountain Ten Is a great Spring Cleanser lU Ik. Owl Pharmacy. Adv. CLOVERDALE BEEVES SENT TO PORTLAND pains. Sold Everywhere. Adv. PLEASANT RIDGE IS SCENE OF BIG DRIVE PLEASANT RIDGE. April 13.- -A rabbit drivo was held In this vicinity on Sunday. Dinner was served nt the J. A. Chasa home. A good crowd turned out and about a thous and rabbits were slaughtered. Anton Ahlstrom sold a veal to a Bend meat buyer. Mr. Wagner and H. T. Mlkkelson hauled W. II. Gray's household goods In to Redmond Wdenesday to ship them. Anton Ahltrom was on the sick list several days this week. Alfred Pedersen went to Redmond Tuesday after some woven wire fenc ing for his place. Mrs. O. E. Anderson was a guest of Miss Edith Bales of Tumalo, Tues day, i Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Peterson and children, accompanied by Mrs. Peter, son's uncle, Mr. Dokken, were In Bend ono Monday. Mrs. H. T. Mlkkelsen visited Mrs. Ole Hanson, near Deschutes, Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Deblng and children were callers at the homo of Antou-j Ahlstrom. Wednesday. W. J. Shannon was a Redmond visitor Wednesday. Anton Ahlstrom made a buslnesi trip to Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Gray, wero shopping in Bend Mon day. W. P. Gift, of Deschutes, bas been helping Rasmus Peterson haul hay lately. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray loft for Vancouver. Wash., Saturday night, whe.re they will make their future home. Barney O'Donnell. of Bend, was a caller at the Anderson ranch Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mlkkelsen and son Alfred, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holton, at Deschutes, Sun day. O. E. Anderson purchased two registered Shorthorn cows from Mr. Zernko who lives on the L. E. .Smith place near Redmond. Anton Ahlstrom went to Redmond on business Saturday. Ho was ac companied by Andrew Nelson. i He may bring his mother, Mrs. Rev enue with him. L. A. Drandeuberg and Glen Cox were purchasers of Ford cars last week. J. O. Hngon and Mr. Chamberlain, of Bend, were butchering nt the Dob ing ranch the 11th. Carl Llvesley nnd his mother. Jin. Mary Llvesley. left Monday night for Grants Pass, Oregon, whero Mr. and Mrs. Curl Llvesley will mnko their home. Ho has traded his farm here for a farm near Grants Pass. Mrs. Llvesley will stay for a few week We regret their leaving our commun ity, but wish them health and pros perity in their now location. Mr. and Mrs. C. Deblng were call ers at tho White Rock neighborhood Wednesdny. By a unanimous vote, the Sunday school agreed to meet In tho after noon hereafter, in connection with tho preaching service. Tho hour N set at two-thirty, the preaching ser vice to begin at three-thirty. Rev. E. B. Johnson preached to a fair sized audience. Next Sunday there will be some special number by the children. Anton Ahlstrom and Hlltna Nelson were callers at tho Deblng home Sun day. Mr. Glen Cox attended the rabbit drive in Pleasant Valley Sunday Ho reDorta soveral hundred rabbits klled. Dinner was served at J. A. Chase's. Lunch was also served nt Jarett's in the venlng. Preparing for the county declama tion contest to bo held at Redmond. May 8th. the Deschutes school will have a preliminary tryont on Friday afternoon at 2:30, at which tho best speakers wil be chosen to represent our scnooi. The best speakers from the contest on May 8th will bo chosen to represent Deschutes at tho trl county contest on May 1C. All par ents and friends ore cordially Invited to be present at the first trvout nt he school houso Friday afternoon, April 1C. F. S. Santley returned Sunday morning from v week's stay In Bend. Mrs. Allen Grant' and son Elmer, returned from Oregon City Friday morning. The Grants will move on , L CLOVERDALE, April 14 II. P. Kllno sholppcd a cnrloau of ucer .; tlo to Portland Saturday, J. L. Parborry nnd It. J. Skolton intended a moling of tho Plalnvlew nnd McAlllHtcr Ditch company In Plalnvlow Hchool houso Saturday night. ' Mr. and Mrn. Smith wore tradng In Redmond Snturdny. Among those attending Urn joint rally meeting In Plnlnvlew Tumduy night wero W. F. Fryrcnr, U. C. Kllno, Harold Kllno, It. O Andrus and Frank Arnold. Mr. Thomas Arnold lost n valuable cow last week, The rabbit drlvo Sunday was well attended, parties coming from Red mond, Tumalo, and Sisters. It was estimated GOO rablts wero killed. Mrs. Hodson andhor sister-in-law wero guests of Frank Arnold mon day evening. Earl Miller was u Sunday evening caller at tho W. F. Fryrcnr' J. V. Bradley waa trading In Red mond Saturday. Goo. Cyrna was a business visitor nt tho county Beat Tuesday Thero wero n number of people from Cloverdalo attended the dunce at Sister last night. Mrs. Bradley sponfc the evening with Mrs. Goodrich last Saturday. Mr. Partin went to tho desert last Saturday to take somo cuttle out. Mr. and Mrs. Andrus were busi ness callers in Redmond Saturday. tcavo smuo of tho pigs at tho llulgo sen ranuh In order lu gut to town with any or tnoin alive. V. M, HnwNtmiHRon linn recently purchased tho 40 adjoining him on tho south, known us thu Gray plnco. Mr, RaHuiusscn will move tho build ings to his present lnilldlm: slto. Mr. EllngHon was lu Redmond on business Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L, C. Voting cnlled ut tho school limine, Tuesday, Mr. Ellngsen and family called at tho uoo. Krlckuun ranch Sundny ov-olilng. Mr. Gosnoy and family took dinner ut thu Fred Reynolds ranch Sunday. (Jet Hid of "ripi'luK Fever." If you lack energy t you lack "pep" tho filmnces nro that your bowel nro sluggish. A Foley Cath artic Tublol is n wholosomo physio mni win nu you or biliousness, b. bloating, sick headache, Rour stomach or other Ills that attend Indigestion and constipation. They Invlgorato tho liver. Sold Everywhere. Adv, RABBIT DRIVE IN pLainview SUCCESS She Kevin Lluo n New Pcixin. So many women Buffer from kid ney trouble without rcullrlng tho cause of tholr Hlckncsa Hint this from Mr. S. E. Mills. R.R. G, Xenla, 0.. wllPlio read with Interest: "After taking Foley Kidney Pills I surely feel llko a now person." Aching back, rheumatic pains or other symptoms should bo given prompt nttcntlon. Sold Everywhere. Adv. MANY PRESENT AT CARL LIVESLYSALE GRANGE HALL, April 14. A number from this neighborhood at tended tho Carl Llvesley sale. In cluding, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Whltteman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, Mr. Hllgeson and Mr. Peschkn. Everything sold very rea sonably. Mr. and Mrs. Holgeson nnd family wero dinner guests at tho Geo. Erlck sen homo Easter Sunday. Mr. Erlck- se.n treated tho children to an egg hunt In tho afternoon, tho ono find ing the red egg won first prizo, which was won by Kntherino Helgea.cn. The second prlxo was.won by Erllng Holgeson. Mr. J. W. Smith has his now barn almost completed. Mr. Mosler and W. J. Smith aro hauling water from tho L. C. Voung ranch . Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Whltteman took Easter dinner In town with Mrs. Smith's two daughters, Isabolla nnd Fay. Chris Stock spent Sundny with Clydo Smith. Gladys Dahl has rocovered from tho chicken pox. Herbert Nelosn's father purchased him an organ. Ho has begun taking lessons from his teachor, Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen. Kntherino Hejgcsen Is also lakng lesons from Mrs. Rasmussen. PLAINV1KW. April 13. Tlioro was ti big crowd of mon convened nt the Pine Lnwn ranch Sunday morn ing for tho rnbblt drlvo toward Clo verdalo. Thero did not see.m to bo no iTiany rabblta lu that locality how- over n only about 000 wero killed during, tho day. Many of tho miirls mun with former high rocords added but u row polts to tholr score. An e.xcollent dinner waa served by tho Cloverdalo ladies on tho lnwn nl tho Hudson homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Hnrtley, Roy Honrtt. Lawrence Sclmrfunbow, and II. A. Scoggln were lumlncsH callers In Ilcud Friday. A number ut ladles of t he. O. I). O. club inet with Mrs. J. A. Powers for n pleasant afternoon Thursday. Mrs. Eminii Patterson spent Fri day with Mrs Mlntn Howard of Tumalo, Wilmn lifiinett and Ida Hon were guests of Mary Dennett nt tho Dux A ranch Sunday. Guy C. McCnlllntcr has traded his ranch In I'lnlnvfew for an eighty facr farm near Salem. He will loavo for his now placo In tho near future. Tho McCalllster Ditch Company held n meeting In tho Ho sshomo Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. lions was elected president of tho com pany, and II. A. Scoggln vlco presi dent. Mrs. Fox substituted for Mrs. Ward at school fur 'several day recently. Ono of Many LctlrrK. Miss Roso Florke, 209 Hawkins Ave., N. Draddock, Pn wrltos: "I had a cold In my chest and fearing It would cause pnoumonln I tried Foley's Honey and Tar nnd It was not lone till 1 felt relieved." Many such letters have been written about this time-tried, rcjlablo family modi cine, Sold Everywhoro. Adv. CURE FOR POULTRY DISEASES Mr. C. II. Wltrmnrn In hnlMlnv n to the ranch thoy purchased north of largo now barn. Deeohutes this week. Mrs. p, J. Young nnd daughter, MIrs Nellie Griff n returned to tho' Ida, called at tho J. Pedersen homo Deschutes hotel Sunday morning af- Saturday. te.r a two weeks' trip to Portland Two big trucks came In from Port land Tuesday to haul lumber for tho Deschutes Lumber Company. Ono truck made the trip on up to tho Me- You can start that first step right now What 'are the Four Dig Ambitions of tho average mau7 JS To marry to havo a home to have children to succeed jf in business. And having money In tho bank Is a great nld jpf toward obtaining these things. fftf We Will Help You to Save. '9 f Our Savings Department Pay 4 Interett ' CENTRAL OREGON BANK I ; BEND frfii flR,. ait; jvaw itwmmgM OREGON : sfadMM$&& Mrs. J. P. Young called nn Mrs. Jackson one day last weeje. Mr. and Mrs. Dlckoy colled at tho Lestor homo Monday. Tho ladles nld mot with Mrs. Nel son Thursday of this weok. It was well attended. Chris Stock hna entered school again after having the chicken pox, Mrs. Dlckoy cnlled at tho school Monday evening. Last wne,k must hnvo been vlsltlne week at the Young school. They had caiiers every any in tho week. Mrs. P. J. Young spent Wednesdny auemoon visiting thofschool. 'ine neighbors aro very sorrv In learn of Mrs. Jackson's serious condi tion. Tho doctor has ordered her taken to Bend that ho may glvo her pis aauy attention, H. Helgeson Is clonring tho 40 ho recently bought from tho com pany. This week ho Is moving tho houe8 to his homo plnco for a garage. win warnstntr went to Port land Monday. Mrs. Gcorgo Erlcksen and daugh ter Esther, Mrs. O. Dahlo and daugh ter aiadys, and Julius Pedersen nnd family enjoyed dinner with Mrs. E. E, Duller Sunday. In tho afternoon Mr. Torkolson nnd family Joined tho party. Mrs. Uottmnn and daughter Knrnn motored to Dend with Mr. nnd Mrs, Helgoson Sunday evening to uttond the. Inter-church world movement meeting. Mr. IC A. Nelson nnd family and J. Poderson nnd family also attended tlio united church sorvlcos in lionil Sunday evening. ' ' Mr. Klllngson purchased two cows last weok. ' yMr. O. Dahlo nnd Mr. O. Erlcksen wert flailing Sunday. Everett Chuso Is on tho sick lint. A " truck lond of pigs passed through tho Grttngo Hall neighbor' hood Saturday. Jt was nocess'iry to Use of 'Vaccine Has Considerable Value In Correcting AllmtnU Says Profetior Lewie. Prof. Harry R. Lewi of Now Jersey collcgo before a recent meeting at the Connecticut station said tho use of vaccine In the euro of poultry dls eases has considerable value. Profes sor Lewis told of trying out a vaccine on hen afflicted with chicken pox and roup und tho successful result. He believe (hat other disease may be treated by the vaccine plan. The next ntcp at the New Jersey station will bo an effort to Immunlzo pulltts against chicken por or roup by vac cinating while young and before thoy have been exposed to tho disease. DgWNglTq Knickerbocker or.--Adv. for CommlshAin- Watch your flock carefully and a ooa a one member show dlrease remove It , It I easy to keep your hen healthy If you know tho laws of health and practice them. Close confinement without exercise In not conducive to the best results In the poultry yard. Geete are not llko hens. Old geese lay better than young geese nnd old gander aro better than young one. Tho weather 1 lomfthinc, hut tho hen In more. Havo your hen In n laying condition nnd they will lay In spltu of weather. Tho dust bnth I recommended high ly for farm flock hut It should not be the only mentis of preventing llco as wiino birds will . not dunl themselves thoroughly. How Egyptians Make Fir. Tho question of how the Keyptlarii mule fire wn one that ofn-n ru'rcl-l rclieoloffUt. No rvprvscutntlnii of the prcctim cxlittii on the uiomiuirnt. nor doe the nation nppvftr to Imvi attached any religion significance t the origin of fire. The question wax rttli) by tho discovery at Knhun oC a reg-ulnr bow drill for making Are, to gether with sotrrnl sticks showing the burnt hole caused by flro drilling. Niitlonnl Geographic Society Uullelln. I 9 HIDES Aro NOT Junk. Ship your Hide und Calf.tkinx to thu If. F. NORTON COMPANY Portland, Ore. aud got full vuluo ior wiun. iticii imi nun BliiIipiiiK tags on request, V I Civilization is a tree, . Agriculture is the root, Neglect or injure' the ropt and the' tree will peris , ih.-... Old Chinese Proverb. It's true today. Our policy of agricultural development is based on this principal, Come and see us. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of. BEND ppwpSSSgg nun .jflgflfe. , ,, .; ' fll p- iCvw 7