RENT) BULLETIN, ItKNI), OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1020 TAG IS 7 Cr e SIX HEREFORDS ARE RECEIVED Klx of tin) llnonl Hereford bulls for tholr mte. ovur brought Into Deschutes county arrived In Bond Friday from tho Illocltlund Bros, lionl of Lu (Irandn for tlio First National Bank, Two of lliu bulls Imvu boon deliver nil (o ISviiiir & Kooyniiui, of Mllllcnn mill olio to Spencer ft Ron of Mllllrnn Tlio rwiiiiliiliii; ImiIIh of tho lionl will lio distributed In tlin county lit nn jt foolc J V-xtom For fifty years this firm has been aiming to make the best shoes for men that could be bought. For a good many years Buckhecht Shoes have been fulfilling this ambition of their makers. "Extra service every step comfort every minute" always in Buck hecht Shoes. BUCKHECHT SHOES BucjciinciiT Shoes for you for active men in all walks of life are sold in a variety of 6tylcs and leathers from $8 to 12 by principal choc dealers in the West. If m$t iitJ tjjtur tftshr, iJ kit nmmt anJttur trdir tt (7.11) BUCKINGHAM (t HKCHT, MANUFACTURERS, SAN FRANCISCO Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lloomi 13-16 First National Dank Did. Tel. 611 (Dr. Cm') Form OMw.) II. U. IfeArmoflit Cbu. V. Kr.Un. DcArmond & Erskinc ii a w y i: n h O'Knno Building, Ucnd, Oregon II. 0. L L 1 8 Attoraeyst-Lw United States CoinmUtlnner Flrit Natloual Dank Ilulldlng BEND, OREGON DR. A. LESSING PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Ilond Press Uldg. IIBNO, OREGON Plionca: Offlco Ilod 41; Itoa. 123 Dr. L. W. Gatchell OftHKlritt ud Mawtfaclwiig 0Uciu Complete Lent Gcindieg Plutt in con ntction wilh my offlca tt LARSON L CO.. Jeweler. 143 Oregon tfitel, Dead, Oregon BRICK vs. BRICK BUILDINOS IN BEND OTHER BU1LD1NGS-- VALUE ABOUT VALUE ABOUT $500,000 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER NONE $100,000 guild with BEND curly (Into, TIh'mj bulls uvoniKO between MOO nnd lfiOO pounds, arcs 22 months old and wero pureliiiNod by 0, L. Kvuiin, who lopi'tyiontotl tlio Ilund bank nt tlio rocont ISloclclnnd nnlo In Ln (Iiiiiiilit. Tlio bulls nro of tlio iobo milr nnd Bonn Doiiuld Htrnln, Ono of Many lii'lli'id. MIkh Ilono Florlcn, 209 Hawkins Avo., N. Hrnddnck, l'u., writes! "I hud u cold In my chest and fining It would can no iinutimonla 1 trlud Foley's Ilonay unci Tiir und It was not Ioiik till 1 felt rollovod." Many such loiters linvo boon written about this llmo-tik'd, rcjlnblo family mcdl cine. Hold Everywhere. Adv, Tut It In Tlio Bulletin. ears tomake this SHOE JKVT! ZJHv Phono Black 1X1 LEE A. THOMAH, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building dbnd ... onsaoN 0. P. NIBWONOER, Hand, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kuibalmcr, Funeral Director. Phono Red 421. Lady Awt. DH. II. D. BTOWELL Naprapathlc Physician Orr Logan Furniture Co. Wall Btrctit . Houra to I Phoae Red 4 Ms DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Uend with New Equlpmont Prlvata Offlco In Thorsou's Jewelry Store Dr. Tumor will bo In Prlne vllle every first nnd third Fri day; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, nnd In Red mond OTcry first and third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified Ads, OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK & LUMBER CO. FIRST MARKET ROAD TO START FINISH SURVEY FROM BEND TO HATCHERY Gravel Will Ho Used In Hiii-fntln. finder Not Best Adapted for I'miiuuent. Const rut-linn, Hays HtchbltiN. With surveys complolod, nnd plnnn and specifications now being prepared, everything will bo ready within a few days to Marl actual construction work on Deschutes county'n first tnnrkot rand, District Highway Engineer HlebblnH nn tiounc.'d Tuesday. Tlio road Is the ouo from Iloml to tlio Tiimulo fish hntchnry and computations nro now being mndo on tlio basis of cngl ncorlnK data secured in tlio con r ho of tlio survey just complutcd. Tho new location, Mr. Btobblnit explains, follows, In the main, the lino of the old road, taklriK advun (iiku us much us posslblo of what ever roadbed of a permanent nature Is already In existence Construe lion work, Mr. Htebblns states, will bo (trading and graveling. In this, a new deptirttiro In county road work Is noted, for every effort will bo made to avoid tho use of clndors In tho future, excepting on feeder roads. It has bucn demonstrated. Mr. Stcbblns declares, that cinder surfacing cunnot bo ropnlrcd, and gravel will hereafter b considered as tho standard (or road construe- Tho Central Oregon highway will bo next In lino after tho hatchery road Is under way. Within a fow days work will bo resumed on tho cindering of tho south highway, and In 10 days It Is expected thnl tho work can bo com pleted to the Allen lane. On the La Pino highway, a now experi ment Is to bo tried In tho uso of gravel as a covering for tlio cinders, which clsowhora on tho highway constitute tho final surface It is hoped that this may aid In binding tho layer of clndors. PARENTS INVITED TO ATTEND SCHOOL Unutuul Kxhlblt of Children's Work Ii Prepared li Pupils at Ken wood HulldlnR. In order that they may gain a comprchcnslvo Idca.of tho work be Ing dona by their children, a spe cial Invitation is extended to par ents of pupils in tho Kenwood school to bo present at tho grade building on Frldny, Parents' day. Thoso who attend will havo tho opportunity of seeing an Inusual ex hibit of children's handiwork, which Is now on display in tho school auditorium. Tlilu Includes specimens of cro cheting dona by sixth grade girls; toys and bird houses mado by boys of tho samo grndo; maps and draw ings bused on studios in physiology, reading and art, and specimens of writing from all the grades. Sto ries, poems, examination and spell ing papors ara also shown and a variety of work turned out by tho tots In tho primary grades. E. E. BUTLER NAMED ON ROAD COMMITTEE Ittvtlricnt of (iinngo Hull Section to Represent District Candldato for Commissioner. Resldont of Orange Hall section to ropresont district, Is candidate for county commissioner. Bottlers living in tho Orange Hall district last Wednesday ejected E, B. llutlor as tholr roprosontatlvo on tho county commltteo for tho cousldern- tlon of a road program decided upon nt (bo meeting called by tho Und commercial club last Friday, Mr, llutlor Is also bolii;; urged by tho pooplo of that section to becomo n candldato for county commissioner on the, Republican ticket and nomin ation papers nro now belriK circu lated. INTEREST SHOWN IN RED CROSS COURSE With 30 students, several of them from outsldo the city, enrolled, tho social study coiirsu being conducted by Miss Catherine Kwlng, Red Cross worker from division headquarters in Seattle, Is being keenly appreci ated, Mrs V. A. Forties', homo service secretary statos. Problems of Inter est to the people of tho community, are being tuken up, with tho purpose of achieving n definite soclnl better mont. lEESafSf3Sf5afaS32SES!35 What's Doing in the Country. l5BnPPPI?.7!Bg.gir?KigJPgEgg&) POWKLL IlL'TTK. (Continued from Pago 2.) plainly heard, and It Is known that many of them are still here. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Rlggs left Fri day night of last week for Urowns vllle, where Mr. Rlggs aged parents live. Ills father Is In very poor health and wants to co his son Tholr stny is Indefinite. Mr. und Mrs. Ilcrt Reynolds are moving to tholr Powell Uutto ranch this week Frnnk Foster has installed a Dolco lighting system nt his ranch home bore. Nels Larson was over from Hat Rock recently, after hay from this vicinity. It hus been suggested that Powell Hutto name n man for county com missioner Thcreforo, at a rejeent meeting at Community hall a voto was tnken hoping thereby to agree on a name. J A. Rlggs recclved.19; Trusedalc, IS, George WclIs.O; G ro ver Price, B. Mr. Rlggs, however positively declines to bo n candidate, und tho mnttcr is still "up in tho air." 4 Mrs. QIadys Stout and Mr. noyd Stuart arrived last week from Fort Yates. North Dakota, to make an xtended visit to their brother E. H. Stewart of Powell Ilutte. The following named gentlemen bought shares In tho Powell Outto Co-operative Association recently Qreen Heard, George Whltsett, J Arthur Mllncr. James Mofflt, George Wells, and County Judge N. G. Wal lace i The names of the election board for Powell Butte precinct for tho en suing two years are Herman Allen C. L. Worrell. Judges. C. M. Charl ton, J. L. Gibson, nnd George Hoobbs, clerk, , Mr. and Mrs, James Lcnnon have sold their ranch hero at Powell Ilutte, and will move to Rejlmond this week. They will occupy the house lately vueated by Bert Rey nolds nnd family. Wo understand tho sale prlco was 111,000, but have not learned tho nnmo of tho pur chaser. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo C. Truesdalo and llttlo daughters, Dorothy and Catherine wero guests of t'lelr daughtor and husband. Mr. nnr Mrs. Rol Powcl, In Prlnevillc, Easter Sun day. Mr. anr Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller and daughtor, Maxlno, spent Easter Sunday In Prlnevllle the guests of friends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Whltsett nnd children, attended Easter servlco In Redmond Sunday nnd wero guests of tho Wnllaco Smiths for tho re mainder of tho day. Four chalra at your service at thf Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. CALL FOR REGISTERED COUNTY ROAD FUND WARRANTS. Notice la hereby given that all war rants registered and drawn on tho road fund from number 911 to 1053 inclusive ara called for payment on April 2, 1920, and aro payable at the County Treasurer's offlce, Bond, Ori gan, Interest stops on and after nbovo date. CLYDE M. McKAY, Troasuror Deschutes County. Go Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lnth, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Siodrd Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMI1ER CO. TANLAC NOTICE OF HALK II V GLMltDIA.V. IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF TUB STATE OF ORB0O.4, FOR DE SCHUTES COUNTY. LV THE MATTER OF THE) GUARDIANSHIP OF THE) PERSONS AND ESTATES) OF EDDIE RROSTERIIOUS) AND MARIE BR08TBRHOU8.) Minors. ) Under authority of an order and llfonse granted by tho County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, dated Mnrch 2G, 1920, I, tho undersigned, guardian of tho person and estate of Eddie Brosterhous, a minor, will sell at private salo tho following describ ed real property, located In Deschutes County, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho undivided one-half Interest of Eddlo nrosterhous, a minor. In the following proporty: Lot 1, Block S, of Deschutes, (now within Rend; Lot 2, Block S or Des chutes, (now within Bend); Lot 7, Block r of Dcschutw, (now within Bend); Lot 8, Block C of Deschutes, (now within Bend). Tlio undivided one-fourth interest of Eddie Brosterhous, n minor, in the following property: Lot 13, In Block 27 of Bend; Lot if in Block 27 of Bend. The salo will be. made on or after Friday. April 30, 1920, and bids will bo received at tho offlco of R. 8. Ham ilton, In First National Bank build ing, Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, up to noon upon April 30, 1920. Tho terms of salo are: At least ten p-rcont (10 percent) of the sum bid must accompany the bid; forty percent (40 percent) shall bo paid at tho tlmo of tho confirmation of salo and the balance within ono year after tho date of sale; unpaid bal ances to be secured by first mortgage upon the property sold, and to bear Interest at tho rate of eight percent (8 percent) per nnnum. Dated at Bend, Oregon, March 2G, 1920. ANNA BROSTERHOUS, Guardian of the person and estate ttf Eddlo Brosterhous, a minor. 4-9c NOTICE In tho County Court of tho stato Oregon, for Deschutes county. of In the matter of the guardian ship of Alberta Landkammcr, a minor. Notlco Is hereby given that pur suant to the licenso and order of this court, dated January 24, 1920, tho undersigned will, from and after Friday, April 1C, 1920, pro-i cceu to sen at private salo for cash all the Interest of tho above named minor in ana o mo louowing oe- a8 an cstray, and a sale thereof waa scribed real estate, situated In Des-I ordered to be held at the above tlmo chutes county. Oregon, to-wlt: An I and place by the Hon J. A. Eaates, undivided one-eighth interest in Lot .justice of the Peace. 17 of Block C, of Lytlo. an nddl- said animal will bo offered for tlon to Bend, according to tho re- salo for cash, to the highest bidder, corded plat thereof. to satisfy the damages sustained by ANNA BOARDMAN, ' us, the costs of keeping, and all ox As Guardian of tho Person and penses incurred, including tho fees oC Estate of Alberta Landkammcr, n the, justice of the peace, costs nnd Minor. . , advertising and such other costs and Dnted this lsth day of Mnrcu, 1920. 3-6c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at Lakevlew, Oregon. March 12. 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that Em erson F. Stockwell, whoso post offlco address Is Bend, Oregon, did on tbo 14th day of July, 1919, fllo In thls( offlco Sworn Statement and Appllca-; tlon. No. 011103, to purchase tho, SWU NEU. section 27, township! 22 S range 15 E. Willamette Mer-J laian, ana tno iimoer tnereon, unuer, tho provisions of tho net of Juno 3,, 1878, and nets amendatory. Known nown y ap- t to as tho "Timber nnd Stone, Law such value as might bo llxcd by nrnleement. nnd that, pursuant such application, tho land and timber thereon havo been appraised, One Hundred, Twenty-eight dollars' tho timber estimated 110 M. board feet at .80 per M, and tho land $40.00: that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on tho 22nd day of May, 1920, beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bend, Oregon. Any parson Is nt liberty to protest this purchasa boforo ontry, or initiate , a contest nt any time beforo patent Issues, by filing n corroborated afll-' davit in this offlce, alleging facts which would dofoat the entry. JAS F, BURGESS, Register. 3-llc NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. LAND "OFFICE at Lakovlow, Oregon. March 12, 1920. NOTICE Is horoby given that Harry W. Healoy, of Ln Pine, Ore- FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLK AQKNTS gon, who, on April 2t, 1D15, mndo homestead entry, No. OSfiflS, for NV '4, section C, township 22 Q. rango 11 E., Wlllamotto Meridian, has (Hod notlco of Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo E. L. Clark, IT. 8. Commissioner, nt Lu Pino, Oregon, on tho 20th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: C. H. Scelejr, of Bend, Oregon: W. G. Fordhum, Arthur Waters. Georgo Boguo, alt of La Pine, Ore gon. JAS F. BURGESS, . Register. 3-70 NOTICE FOR PUItLlCATiq.V. Department of the Interior. U 8.' LAND OFFICE nt Lnkcvlow, Oregon, January 29, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that James Morrison, of Bond, Ocrgon, who, on July 27, 191C, mndo home stead entry. No. 0938B, for E"& NW i.' KE'r and ff!4 SEl; of, section 23, township 22 South of rango 18, East of tho Willamette Meridian, ban fllcd notice of intention to mako thrc year final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore H. C. Ellis, U. S. Land Com mlwloner, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 17th day of April, 1920. . Claimant names as witnesses: Charles II. Haines, Tloscoo N. Palm erton, Clarence W. Nelson, all of. Bend, Oregon; and Patrick H, Cof fey, of Brothers, Oregon. JAS F. BURGES8. Register. Publish In five confecutivo wcoks in Bend Bulletin, Bend, Oregon. 2-Cc NOTICE OF SALE OF KHTRAV. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Friday, tho 23rd day of April. 1920, nt 2 o'clock p. m. at our ranch 1 '.& miles northeast of Alfalfa, in Deschutes county, Oregon, located upon Section 13, township 17 South range 14 E. W. M., the following des cribed animal will bo offered for sale as an cstray by L. A. V. Nixon tho nearest constable, to-wlt: Ono red and white spotted heifer, now about two years old, with a split on tho right ear, wattle on the right hind leg, and branded on the & right shoulder with out other visible marks or brands. Said animal camo to our ranch. located as above stated, nnd was by us taken up on November 15, 1918. expenses as may hare been lawfully incurred. Dated at Bend, Oregon. February IS, 1920. PAUL MERTSCHING. WILL HORSELL. "r '" 5-Co Brand Directory HQ Brand John Helfrich' 3-4p Brothers, Ore. a R o n. r B Right Bide; right tar crop ped; wattle right hind leg. Ia TONE, Ulster. Ore. adv 100a At i Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products at home ALWAYS A I CASH MARKET Chas. Boyd