The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 07, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Settler Contend 1'ulilLi Service Hjw
Not Power lo Ileclilo Water Is
mic- Attorney Gonrral to
IU3DMONII, April 1. (Special) A
comploto twitching from tho Bldivt
tnkon In 19 IC, when the Bottlers on
tho C. 0. I. project asked tho Stnto
public service commission to take
Jurisdiction to prevent discrimina
tion In the dellvory of water, and to ;
enforce- proper maintenance, vraa
mado this morning by attorneys for
tho C. 0. I. district, and tho com
pany, whon tho henrliiR beioro the
commission on tho application of the
company for n maintenance fee of
$2.80 per aero, was started. No soon
er had the caso opened before Com
missioners Fred A. Williams and H.
H. Corey, than attorneys for tho set
tlors introduced an objection to the
taking -of toslimony, contending that
thnt body has no Jurisdiction, while,
counsel for tho company argued
against tho objection with Just as
much interest as they had taken the
opposite sldo four years ago.
Upon rc-convoning the session on
Thursday tho commission decided not
to pass upon tho mnttor of Jurisdict
ion at this tlmo, but to rotor tho point
to Attorney Qonorat Urown for decis
ion. Until a dcclson Is hntulod down
from tho Attorney Oonornl'a otllco tho
commission will take, testimony in
tho caso. In ovont It Is dctormlued
upon tho mortts of tho case nil testi
mony will bo wiped out.
no, Armond & Ersklne, of Bend,
nnd Harrison Allen nnd John It.
Latourotte, of Portland, nppoared for
tho sottlora, whllo Jesso Steams and
Denton O. Durdlck represented tho
Interests of tho Irrigation company.
With tho mombors of tho commission
woro Donjamln Forbes, court report
er, C. J. Green, chief engineer,' nnd
Guy M. JHnrrls, accountant.
In explanation of tho relations of
company and settlers, Mr. Stearns re
ferred to tho contract of 1907 which
provides for the acquisition of shares
of stock by settlers having paid their
reclamation liens In full, and accord
ing to which tho company retains
nharei for land unreclaimed or on
which tho Hen remains unpaid. This
contract, ho said, contemplated rela
tions with a water users association,
a relation, ho contended, which an
Irrigation district, tho successor of
tho assocatlon. cannot enjoy. He re
ferred also to tho case of 19 IG, and
stated that ho had l?eon in error at
that time in resisting the Jurisdiction
of tho commission.
Mr. Allen, for the settlors, based
his argument on the contention that
tho C. O. I. company Is not n public
service corporation, and referred to
the statuto creating the commission,
and giving that body Jurisdiction
only over companies which come Into
the public service classification. He
clte.d several precedents, among them
an opinion from Federal Judge Dean,
to support his argument that tho
Central Oregon Irrigation company Is
In2000 Counties This Month
The Forces of the Church of Christ
Will Gather To Face the Facts
IN 2000 counties in the United States the pastors
and laymen of 30 great denominations will meet
in conference this month.
It is the kind of conference that generals hold
before a critical engagement; that business men
hold before entering a new market. A conference
of judgment, not emotion; a clear-eyed facing of
the facts.
A Survey that Business Men Must Admire
For more than a year hundreds of workers have been
quietly engaged in making a scientific survey of the mission
fields, and of America county by county.
The facts developed are startling. No such picture of
America's religious situation has ever before been drawn.
On the basis of these surveys thirty Protestant de
nominations are uniting in a
Nation Wide Cooperative Campaign
Each of the thirty denominations has its own "For
ward Movement" organized and officered. The Interchurch
World Movement is the clearing house for allof these.
It is the agency which the churches have created to
avoid duplication, to foster cooperation and make 3urc that
, very marupd dollar render the utmost service possible.
The month of April will be devoted to making
the facts of the survey known to America; in the week of
April 25th -May 2nd, will come a united simultaneous
.financial campaign.
Whether You Are Inside the Church or Out
To every man and every woman who loves his country,
these 2000 county conferences are vitally important.
For the facts developed by this great survey show
vividly what forces are at work in America and what kind
tof a country this country is to b.
.See that the pastor of your church appoints
(delegates. Any pastor can tell you the con
ference place and date. Or write direct to the
The publication of thlm mdvertlaement la mado possible
through (ho cooperation of 30 denominations.
n private concern doing business on
a basis of private contract, The fact
thnt the company furnishes tho water
which Is used by tho nltlen of Ho ml
nnd Redmond, ho declared, watt to bo
considered ns distinct from tho funct
ion of providing water for a limited
number of fnrmors.
That tho company In a public utlll
ty in all things was tho contention of
Mr. Stearns. Ho based his argument
on tho public ownership of water,
nnd asserted that tho company Is
merely nn ngout for tho slate In tho
reclamation and Irrigation of tho
public domain. In reply to Commis
sioner Corey's question, "Do jou
servo tho public generally? ho ad
mitted, however, that this sorvlco Is
of necessity limited by the oxtont of
tho segregation, and tho number of
people on tho segregation who do
slro water.
Tho Irrigation system Is not actual
ly tho proporly of the company, ho
pointed out, mentioning In this con
nection the action taken In enjoining
Crook County from collecting luxes
on tho Irrigation ditches. Ho denied
that tho company ove.r foreclosed on
Its reclamation Ileus, declaring that
rather, the contracts with Individual
settlers were cancelled In default of
Vayinent. This statement wnB ques
tioned by Mr. Allen, who roforred to
the form of tho contract In uso, which
he contended Is In effect u mortgage.
Tho. arguments of Mr. Latourotte,
consisting chiefly In the citing of
precedents, closed the morning session.
1'iogvostlvo Huilnroi AdiululMnit
Uon of County Affars Acton,
ICcouoiny, Kffeleney Prom-
Imnl In Political Slogan.
Egg.Etlng Snakes.
A queer African tci'les of snnUe.
which II vim on egs, has n toothllkf
spike projecting downward from Us
backbone. Just behind the licitd. which
Is tipped with enamel. When It swnl
lows nu egg the latter passes down the
gullet until It encounters tho ."plte.
which breaks the shell. Thus no part
of the fluid contents Is lost, ns would
tie the caso If the snake uero obliged
to tt'lte the egg with Its mouth-fangs.
J. A, Hastes, mayor of tho city of
llend 1iih tiled his candidacy tor tho
nomination to tho otllco of county
Judge of Deschutes county on tho
Democratic ticket subject to tho pri
maries May 21.
On his declaration Mayor Hastes
stated: "I will, it elected to tho omco
of county Judge of Deschutes county,
conduct tho business of tho county in
a businesslike manner, will dovoto
my tlmo to n uuiiniio program ior
bettor roads nnd will koop In constant
touch with any ami all things thnt
are for tho betterment of tho cltlioua
of Deschutes county." Mayor Basics
nolltlcal slogan Is: progressive, busi
ness administration of county affairs.
Action, economy, etucuncy. At your
sorvlco always."
Mr. Euatea has been In tho position
of mayor of Horn) during two terms
tho flrst term In 1910 and then again
In 1919 which position ho now holds.
Ho has li eon always active In nil
civic matters.
Mayor Hastes In tho first candidate
In tho Held for county Judgeship to
till th unexpired term of W. D.
Dnrues, temporarily hold by It. V.
Harl Sumturii, nn employ of Thu
Shovllu-Itlxon Com puny, In the siihIi
nnd door department may loan his
right arm as a result of nu Injury
two mlnulou before G p. in, Thurs
day. SamlerH wntt feeding plnuor
wlion tho slouvo of IiIh sweater ciutRht
In tho fooilur carrying Ids arm mulOr
tho heavy rollers, badly luotornthiK
the flesh, llo was Inkon to tlui hum
bormen's Hospital liumodlotuly wlwro
ovory effoit Is being tnndo to savo
tlui arm,
When She Goes
on the Blink
See RILEY for Automobile
Electrical Repairing
Self Stnrtcr Repairing
Rewinding: Generators and Starters
Battery Charging '
Aceytlene Welding
Axle and Spring Repairing ,y
Cylinder Grinding
Repair Work of Every Nature '
1 Greenwood Avenue 1
'TT'VTTTrJ"'mmM1T,fr1rTmnTTJrt ITiTtT TUT JX1
You'll Be
Money Ahead
-rt, , -
J r
m -
Don't postpone for another year the purchasing
of needed better farm equipment.
The season when you should have the best farm
equipment you can obtain is here.
We are anxious to see that you obtain the most
suitable equipment for your particular work.
We know that you will not be able to purchase
better equipment than the J. I. Case line of farm
If your are in need of anything in the implement
line, come in at once and let us talk over the
situation with you. We are in a position to
give you most satisfactory terms.
. Start the season right this year
Use J. I. Case Machinery and get
the most efficient work.
Pioneer Oarage Co.