The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 07, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    IIK.VI) BULLETIN, Iiisyn, OltKOON, THURSDAY, AVMh 7, 1020
' ' V ' ' ' ' ' '
tah n
sniiiimiiiiiiti tiitiiiitimiiimmnmiitiiiiiii ui)iuiiiiuiuiiitiwiiiitiiiuiiinuiiitiiufiitiiuiiiitmiiiiuiiuiiiiiitii
fimiiiiitisiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimiimmiiiiiim iiiMimiiimiiiiiiiiimtiiiHiiiimiimiiiwimMimimimimw
(loorgo H. Alllion, of Bltteis, spent
, JlUt IllKllt III IIOIKl,
' Mr, mid Mm, J. A. Hmltti, of Mill-
. 'Tcan, nro Hpondlug Diu day In Horn).
" B, h, Wlglnn, Union 1'nclfc freight
,autf liiiHHongor ropronontntlvo, In on
ono of IiIh btiQlnrN vbilt to Uond,
K.'li. Clark mid Carl 13, Wliio,
both of (ho La I'no nchool board,
woro vlnltorn In tho city loot,
L. A. Newell nnd T. A, Qulnn, of
9 Prlnevlllo, arrived In Bond ycntordny
, jiftornoon nnd spent (lio night lioro
T C. A. Woodward, W. I). Roblnett
nnd A. M. McCall, of Hllvcr Lnko, nro
hero today looking after hUHlueiin af
fair. ' Tint ladles of tho Baptist church
will hold a mi In of cooked rood ut
v the O'Donnull moat market, begin
, ( nlng nt 2 o'clock Saturday after
noon. , Mrs, George .Mitwmor, who haw
boon norloiiHy III In Bond for tlio
timnt two weeks, linn recovered un
der medical treatment huru nnd
lltft yesterday for liar homo nt
fjtiuvlln-I Ilxnti camp No. I.
W. L. Cook, of Fort Rock, hob In
town today.
George H. HiiNmdl, I'rlnevlllo slock
ninii, In In Bond today.
" II. II. (Irmly Ih In tint city today
from hln homo nt Madrnit.
J, Itynn returned yesterday morn-
liiK from n business trip to Seattle.
Harold Iluldwln, I'rlnuvlllo hank or,
a pout yohtordny and port of today
In Bond.
W. K. McCnlliim, of Ln I'lno, was
In Ilcjid today on hi wny homo after
huiilnoH trip to Portland. , -
Jainos McCarron, of Portland, U In
town todny In th lntorclH of tlio
J.owdon presidential campaign.
County Kchool Superintendent, J
Alton Thompson, was in Redmond
yoMorday visiting tlio school of that
N. 0. Jacobon nnd Charles Ayios,
of I ho DritchuUvi National Porcit, left
yestordny for Silver Lake whero they
will attend tlio mooting scheduled to
bo hold In that cty.
Mrn. O. J. Poo, of Murysvlllo, n.,
accompanied by hor daughter, Mlim, In hnro for n fow days (siting
hor ilanchtor, .Miss Bertha Dawson.
L-.... I. ... l. - ...111 .. . . ..... '
nun, iiirru biiu will KO IO ITUIH',
Tlio Pioibytorlun I.ndlm Guild will
hold tholr regular monthly buslneis
mooting nt tho homo of Mr. Ilallno
(Jurncr nt 365 EnM Lnfayotto strrt,
nt 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
C. P. McCulltim lft Sunday morn
ing for Spokane, whoro ho expects to
locnto with alargo clothing company.
Mr. McCallum han hlthorto bean m
ployed nt thrj Mnnnhulmor ntoro In
(IiIn city.
MIhh Mad;o And Wins Mntido Nr
Hh, both of Koit llock, arrived Id
Bond IriHt nlKlit from Poillund nnd
lofl UiIh mornltiK for tholr homo In
Luko county.
Mr. nnd Mm. Sam r.ldur loft
yontordny for JJcho, whoro thoy will
vlsJt relatives for n nhort tlmo bo
foro Marling by uuto for Kansas to
innko tholr Iioiih'.
Jorry Wlnklo nnd Mh Until Kin
noy, both of thin city, woro iinllrd
In iriurrlnco Saturday night nt tho
homo of I). HoNtliiKH on 146 Joffor-
Mon strum, Rov. II, C. Hnrtrnnft of
tho PrcNbytorlnn church officiating.
Thoy will mako their homo In
V. P. Winy, who, with hlx father,
J. M, Wray, and tholr famlUco, loft
Hcnd fiomo wookH nyi, after noil
Iiir tholr IlondtoIliiniN ntneo ImihI
IH'AH, wun in llond today, cIodIiik V
a fow property mattnnt, Tho Wrnyn
hnvo InvoNted In orchard und lior-
ry land In tho Yuklmti valley and
will mako tholr homo In that e1-tlon,
nillnicof. of Ilodmond, They nro to
bo cured for nt tho 8L Mnry'rf Homo
at Iloiivvrton whllo tiiolr mother In
In tho Poiidloton aiiyltim.
Tho ClirlHlInn Science church han
lakoii n now leano on the bulldlnr;
now occliphvi by It on Uond nnd
Idaho HtrootH, tho lonuo being for ono
mur with the prlvlloo of ronoWnl
in uio oyoni tnnt inflow iot Hnvo a
church of tholr own by thnt tlmo.
If. J, i'rlckflon, who nrrlvod In tho
city Wcdljcfidny to tuko chargo of tho
huttor mnkliiB for tho Central Oro
Ran Karmcr'8 Creamery hn pur
chaHod tho rcHldonco property of H.
Horner, 26 Hood iitrcot. Mr. Krlck
8on U a brothex of Mr. Normnn Jon
Ron, of thin city,
Mm. Kdwln Johnnpn, who ban
been operating tho Cnncodo Hoto on
LDolnwnro nvonuo nnd Wall direct.
hnn purchaned tho rcnldnncQ property
of K, M. Thompson, 293 Joffcraon
Plnco for a coimldorntlon of $3,700.
Mm, Johnson ban occupied the newly
purcuaHod property.
or. Adv..
for comnilKfiion-
John M, Peiry In In the city today
from Terrebonne
J, W, Wrlchl, nhrepmun from
Cllno FnllM In In town today on buel
ncnM. A marrliiRn llccimo ban been InNued
to Wilbur (lardner and SlRiia Mario
Norono of llond.
P, K. Moyette, of J. C. Penney Co.
returned thin morniiK from a buil
iionn trip to Portland.
MIhn Clara Decker of Spokane In
tho hoiuo Kiicnt of Mr. nnd Mm. A.
Ilremmor of this city.
'MXH'4'2ra'l J,oliino nnd son return
edfnu't iilKljt fiom a nhort vltttt with
rotative near Redmond.
Mm. A. K, I.nmoii returned thin
inornliiR from Portland whero Hho
won called early In tho week on ac
count of tho death of n ilnter.
K P Jcck, who linn been In
Portland attending the I'ord Dual
em' convention durliiR tho lout
threo day, returned to Uond this
W. A. YouiiK nnd Frank Hub
herd, both of Portlnnd, nrrlvod In
Hcnd thin mornlns. Thoy loft to
duy for tho llrooki-Scnnlon IorrIiik
camp, whoro they will bo employed
by tho company.
W, P. Presley, ho ban bech
In Salem nlriao. February 14, under
tho earn of an eye speclallHt, re
turned to Hend thin niornliiK. On
February 8, .Mr, Preloy wun
truck by n fly Iiir chip whllo em
ployed nt tho Urookn-Scnnlon camp,
noutli of Hcnd. Tho ball of tho
left eya wan bo Injured that bo bo
Woven, tn nplto of tho fact' that tho
moHt efficient medical attention ha
been rocolvod, that ho will com-
Mm. J. W, Anhe, of Lava Road,
han returned from on extended vlalt
wun rointlvon nnd friends nt IJan-
vlllo, llllnoln whoro alio wan called
by tho death of n brother tho flrnt of
thi year. Mm, Aho roturncd by tho
wny of Houthcrn California whoro
lnf npent nomo tlmo In ncenlc trips,
IncIudliiR a trip Into Mexico.
Mnrtln Culler ban purchaned tho
rcnldonco property of Hulph Allen, of
uio HrooJu-Scanlon Lumber Co.
' ISm
''if i
IK f A (fa
(Quality pioneers Since I VII
m& '
The Secret
nWEucnt of "teU'tni your money's WflrtK" lie m tli
A elimination of buying mistake. The womSn who Under1- :
tanJ herielf and her cort protlem double her available cap'- t
ital hy never huylnrf the .ronrf eoret. And the mrcit way
to alway tuy the right conet It to place younelf in the hand
of a competent cometi'cre who will make the jolvlng of yourr
protlem a natter of personal pride. If you are eonu'derinjf the
purcl.;::ntf of a new eortet let tu lutftfeit the '
There it no figure, however unuiual or difficult to fit, hut
can be ucCefuHy fitted hy our expert conetiere in these
original front lacing conetf. We guarantee your entire sat
isfaction. $3.50 to $12.00
Nemo, American Lady and Madam Lyra Bacl(
Lacing CorsetM, $1.75 to $630. '
Gouard, De Bttahe and Treo Btaulctta, 65c to $350
Especial attention It directed to the Treo Reducing ' "
Braulerte at $350.
Miller Lumber Co. has purchancd tho
J. Ij. Parker und W. h. MorrUnn rcnldonco properly of Itoy Plerco on
of PnlHlcy nro vlnltorn In tho city to.Dclawaro Ave, to which he expects
clay. Mr. Parker la n Lako county t0 niovo In a few daye.
Payl Ii: Hoimer, who In with tho
Wo offex 1100.00 for any case of
catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Medicine
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken
Internally and nets through tho blood
on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho sys
tem. Sold by druRglnts for over forty
years. Price 75c. Testimonials freo.
F. J. Choney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
er. Adv.
for Commission-
Quality W W Merchandise at Ws Popular Pttca
Dr. K. H. Oruy has Inntallod tho ,,l,,,0,y lon "M'1' MB f,,r n" tho ,oft
Illttor unit systom of oqulpmonl In
his dental offlco, ami In making n
Konornl chniiRo In fiflfco nrrhiiRomojit
Tho unit Includes n water nnd nlr
heater, blowers, nlr comprciwor, cn!
Inot, chnlr, nnd vnrloun of tho moro
rocont oloctrlcnl uppllnnros Intro
duced In tho practice of dentistry.
Tho now apparatus mnkcB ponslblo
Kroat economy In offlco npneo.
J, II. Hnnor upend
Madran on buslncsH.
Sunday In
sldo.ln concerned.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Nlswoneor wero
pnioienKom on last ulRht'n train for
Portland whoro Mr. Nlawongor will
attend tho annual convention of tho
State undertakers association.
Harlo Sanders, (who rocolvod a
novoro Injury to his nrm on Thurs
day, was taken to Portlnnd last nlRht
to recolvo export caro In t?.o hopo of
avoldliiR amputation.
New Silks -Wash Goods -Footwear-Infants'
It is here the most discriminating shoppers find the wanted styles in the wanted
patterns at popular prices. You, too, should use the wonderful merchandise
service offered by this store.
C. If, Miller was In
town from
II. II. Carson U In this week Ilo,,",0,u, yesterday,
from Wnsontlro mountain.
William Olbson of Crescent wuh
n week-end visitor In Hond.
, Mm. I.olnnd Davis roturncd yes-
.torday moniliiK from a short visit
In Portland.
K. W, Itlchnrdson wan n pas
,sonRor on yesterday morning's
train for Portland.
Mm. N, P. Iteod of Hums, for
iinorly of thin city, was In tho
city ovor tho wook-ond,
', II. J. Power of tho J. C. Ponnoy
'company roturnod Sunday morning
'from a trip to Portland.
,.. Kdwurd JumoH of Portland ar
rived In llond thin morning to ac
ropt n position In tho Metropolitan
harbor shop,
' S, W. Mooro has roturnod from
hpoknno, whoro ho attondod the
mooting of tlo Inland ICmpIra
Toitoliora' iiHHoclatlon,
, J. P. 1'omoroy roturnod yostorduy
liiornlng from u trip to Hood Ithor.
Mr. Pomoroy pluim to movo to
Hood IUvor In tho next fow wooka.
J N. 0. Jacob nnd W. O, Harrlman
of tho forost oorvlco roturnod to
jHond yoHtordny from u trip to
Moro and Prlnovlllo on griulng
IhibIuobs. 1
A innrrlugo llcouso was Itisuod
iSiUufdny afternoon from tlo of
fice of tho county clork to Silas
1, Stnrr nnd Hazol K, Wlnklo,' both
of this county,
A. W. Austin was In tho city yet-
torday from Deschutos.
Mrs. I). W. Davidson, of Terre
bonne, wan a caller In Do ml Thurs
day. Max Wurxwollor, woll known cat
tleman In In the city today from gra
ters. An eight-pound girl was born yes
torday to Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Ilanta,
who rosldo tu Lytic addition.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Itoohoy at
Hliovllii-Hlxon camp No, 1 nro parents
of an, eight pound boy born Thurs
day. Word wan rocolvod horo today tol
ling of tho total destruction by lira
of tho homo of Mrs, Mary Rosen nt
Tho Doud-nurns Stngo company
havo begun Marco operations botwoen
Hend and Hums leaving nond every
Monday, Wednosdny, Friday and
Mr. and Mia. 10. Mills, of Fall-
bridge arrlvod In Uond this morning
to visit with relatives, Mr, nnd Mrs,
A, P. Frddprlokson, of tho Hotel
Wright enfo.
R. M. Sanders, nu old rosldout of
15e,nd, has purehasod tho rcnldonco
nropprty of R, II. Loopo on Division
streot lu Hastings ndBlUon through
tho J, M. Lnwrou'co Realty Co,
Miss Margaret Ilroms, Red Cross
nurse, -loft InsU night for Portland
Wlth'the'four sous of tho late J, J,
i H ii LiW )ft KiiLB9Bk
Beautiful Colors
Beautiful Designs
The Wash Fabric
of the .season,
40 inches wide
Spring Silks Are More Beautiful
Than Ever
Lowns 25c, 5c, JJOc, .50c
Batiste -40c, 50c, 05c, 75c, 85c
Dimity Checks 25c, M)c, 40c
Pongee HG-inch cloth- 05c
Poplin 27-inch cloth .. t 05c.
Lino Cloth looks like Linen 50c
Voiles 40-inch cloth L 59c, 75c
1 A JS
iS JpfP ' -i T, W "
Hend's Silk Storo Is ready to servo you. Hero you will find
tho wanted fubric In tho wanted shados
liiviy willow Crcpo de Chlno (plain nud fancy)
Fan-tu-hl Gtorgrtto (plala and fancy)
Connies Hrocndo Satin Khaki Koot Satia de I.wxo
DucIicskSuHh TrlnttHl RaOlum Natural Pongeo
Foul-inW . Klilrtlng Sttks Fancy Plaltfs and Htrliu-H
Wnsli Sntltm Taffeta IlcnpUino MetwAllne Poptlu.
Jaii Silks Lining Sntins
' m
To advertise our-shoe section we have placed pnsule
Ladies' Gray Kid, French heel, 9-in. top Boot. -$12.00
Same, Beaver Kid .- -"- -$12.50
Same, Brown Kid -- .$10.50
Same, Brown Kid, Beaver Top $10.00
A gW&S-y
Y- ... .-s' -rl I v
VfJt MJ1 "'. ,
u &k
I lUn
ra. - i.rr jAT.T ts.ksiir Tnt
Wo Btook a comploto lino. This Is Ilond'a Haby SUop-
DRKSSKS Long and short flOr, OHc,, $1.8, SS-10, Ssl.OH
VKTTI COATS Long; outing flannol .Mc
JtlMONOSWhlto outing , $i.G
ROOTEES ....t.M......., c, 20e, ;Wo $&( 7.1c
WOOL VESTS Tiny Tot brand ' .
LAYETTES , 912.00, t.0O