The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 07, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    I1KNI) HUIil.KTIN, HKNV, OnKOdN.TlIUnyiUV, itl'Itlli 7, IB20
jpa a
))n!r) limn Mint Hnvw Fullli in If Ih
Own Mock mill KIiiiIim'M To
wnnl OlliiT Illjih Hrwd
In Nwiwuiryt
Ily Paul C. Ilarlcur. Hoiilor In Dairy
ing at O, A 0.
oitKaoN Aoititiur.TimAr cor-
Iii:ai:, April 8. - In cctabllKhlni: u
ilnlry UiiiiIiivhh (lid man, tho herd, tho
I mi II ' "
The Old
Straw Hat
Made Just Like
Bright Gloss Finish
will result when
you use ,
Magill &
farm ami tho timrkot aro four fnc
torn that aro glvon careful coiiHldorn
tlon by tint miccimsful ilatryman,
Tlmy nr (luvulupinunlH of common
hoiwo ami practical nxpurluiico that
aro oKHuntlill to hiiccpm.
Tho iiihii will find III rallm; by
hlu atiHWorH to IIioho questions: Ilavo
I natural aptltudo for livestock? Do
I tovo anil umlurHtatiil thu dairy row?
Am r willing to upend lour; hours
Mi pntlont iitudy of tho minds of thu
aiilmalN, and npond (lino mid inonoy
to mout thosu iioiIh? Can I Judge
and induct tho iiulnuils lnst miltod
to my hnrdsT
Not a grout dual In rnqulrcd of tho
man. It alt narrows down to work,
cam and honiytty In thu dotulls of
tho biiHlncm,
No herd or quality con bo built
up iinluss tho dulrymttu Ik strictly
houoMt u ovcry respect. A poor
animal cannot lorn; bu disguised as
a Kood onu, DInIioiiuhI prnctlcon
work harm on tho nnlmul, tho hord,
tho brccdvr and on tho breed.
Mint limn 1'nllli.
Hlncoro bulluf In ono's mock, ener
getic boosting of thu breed, a gutter
oils attltudn toward tho othor man's
nnlmnlN, and a Hlncoro deslro to Cro
at o and bultii a hord of merit, aro ns
nocuNHary to success an to tho umIiiiiiIm
Oood cown aro oHRiitlnl. No mat
ter wliat tho brood, thoy must havo
thu capacity to ruitpoud to tho caro
Klvon thorn. Thoy must hIiow by tho
milk shee.1 and by tho cream chock
tholr right to u pluco on tho farm.
Thoro aro two Konoral muthodii for
for ml iik a dairy hord and Increasing
Hk mUo and quality purchnso and
brood I iik. Tho character of tho, mar
kets Influnnco tho choice.
Dairymen who produce milk for
city supply or choeso factories prac
tice buying. They fofcl that they can
nnf take milk from tho output or
their herd to uso In feeding calves,
and balk at tho cxpouscv Thoy do
not want to bother with fecllng milk
substitutes. Thoy prefor to uio any
kind of bull on tho cown, Just no
tho cown coma In fresh at regular
Intorralit. Tho calves aro killed or
Bold nil baby veal.
Wliiyt a cow bocomo an unprotlta-
bio producor Hho Ih fattened and sold
for hoof and a inuturo cow In pur
clmsod to roplacu hot.
TIiIh muthod requires capital and
Judgment In' buying and milling,
Tho mvcond muthod, building up
tho hord by good breeding, call for
tho uso of n fow coud animal and
Increases from thum by neloctlvo ami
careful brooding practices. Tlilrf
mnthod requires tmo, but It In tho
only moaiiH for securing Increasing
ly bolter Hlock.
Foundation In Mlrtvi.
Tho foundation herd Mhotild con
bIhI of a good Hire mid as many cows
iih tho dulrymau'n means permit.
Tho cowh Hhould bo inuturo enough
to provldo a basis of Judgmunt a
to tholr ability.
Tito amount of capital will dotor
iiilun whether tho dulrymun Marts
with puro-bredn and grades or pure
bred H alone.
If grade aro purchahcd a turgor
hord and smaller Indebtedness will
If puro-bredn alone aro purchased,
thoy bring mora icsponslhllltles but
thoy also reduce tho length of tlmo
required to build up a pure-bred
hord. Moreover they furnish a
means of Incomo from tho sale of bull
calves for breeding purposes.
Tho practical dairyman with smull
capital can start with safety with
grades only. With his grades paid
for and a good herd built up by care
ful selection and ' the use of good
bulls, ho con begin purchasing pure
bred h, Ho realizes, when a bull calf
from a grade cow comes with tho
year's Increase that he has nothing la
that animal but beef.
When purobred animals aro pur
chased tho dairyman should consider
tho pedigree of the man from whom
ho secures tho stock an well as the.
pcdlgreo of tho animals. A relluble
honrfM breeder puts tho price on his
animals that thoy are, worth as ani
mals and docs not- price tho pedigree
above Its value as proven by, the cow
With his bull secured and his fe
males selected, tho dairyman must
plan his breeding program. To avoid
tho purchase of another bull for sev
eral years ho can (nbrccd. To In
troduce new and stronger blood ho
can outcross. To dovolopo Increas
ingly good animals from stock that
Is entirely satsfactory, ho will prob
ably lino breed.
Kiif Arruruto Ilecortl.
In kcoplng with tho systematic
mothods of breeding and selection,
tho dairyman nhoulil provldo tho best
accommodations In tho manner of
stable, oxorclso yards, pastures and
Everything that will kocp up tho
health of tho herd should bo done.
A clean bill of health adds to tho
value, of tho unlmiils.
Tho cliuractor of tho farm Is of
vital Importance. It miiHt bo uduptcd
to dairying Any general farm, If
successful, should muka a dairy herd
profitable. Homo unsuccessful
farms of general typo haro bojii pull
ed from the unsuccessful class by
tho dairy cow.
Tho farm should bo able to pro
dtico tho roughage, most of tho grain
and tho bedding necessary for tho
hord. With present prlros for dairy
products, thu dairyman who has to
buy very heavily of grains and feeds
not produced on his farm, finds his
margin of profits rather slim.
Finally, thoro aro the markets to
bo considered. What do they demand
of thi dairyman?
If whole milk is sold to the city
trade, or It whole milk for checso Is
In greatest demand, the dairyman
must make tho selection of tho beat
breed to Innuro himself tho best re
Nearness to markets, character of
roads, lc supply and storage fuclll
ties all enter In as determinants.
You and the family are invited to be the guests
of the Bend Commercial Club at the Grand
Theatre on Thursday evening
APRIL 1 5, 8:00 P. M.
You Will See
A Nile of Film
Day & Rothrock's Short Horn Ranch
Duncan Dunn's Shorthorn Ranch
The World's Champion Jersey Cow-Vive la France
Judging the $100,000.00 Holstein Bull,
You will hear a Splendid Talk by O. M. Plummer, General Manager Pacific
International Live Stock Show, and others, on subjects that will interest you
' " ' ' !! I.
This meeting is held in the interest of .Better Live Stock, The Pacific Internation
al Stock Show and Deschutes County Fair. Write or call the Secretary for your
Free Tickets.
Your Mother made you take it
every 8prlng Holllster's Hocky
Mountain Tea, tho reliable Spring
Cleanser flz-lk, Owl Pharmacy.
You're the Man to be Satisfied
says the Good Judge
You get a whole lot more satis
faction from a little of the
Real Tobacco Chew than you
ever got from the old kind.
The good, rich tobacco tasto
lasts so much longer. You
don't need a fresh chew so
often. That's why it costs you
Any man who'uscs the Real To
bacco Chew will tell you that.
Pat Up In Two Styles
RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Cement for China.
Mix a cupful of milk with n cupful of
vinegar; fupurute curd from whey
with the whites of (he ccks,- beating
the whole thoroughly tosethcr. When
It Is well mixed sift In a little quick
lime an, tlr until It Is of the con
slstcncy of thick pnMe. With tlili
broken china, glas and cracks of nil
kind may bo uiuiided. It dries quick
ly and realMn the action of water aud
Publicity Will Kltmlnntc Wasteful.
ne mill Ilrlnj; Alwut Hctlcr
LEGE, April 1. That newspaper
adrertlslw; for tho salo of farm com
modities Is coming Into una rapidly
because It Is ono remedy for tho
wantoful and unsatisfactory methods
of tho distributing system, Is tho
opinion of C. J. Mcintosh, agricul
tural press editor of tho college.
"Tho most economical ubo of farm
products Is by tho growejr and when
ho has a surplus tho most economical
users arc his neighbors," said Mr,
Mcintosh.. "Tho most economical
way of marketing to his neighbors Is
to market as nearly direct as possl
"Sometimes growers supply their
neighbors with their own surplus
products through long, devious, and
expensive channels. Tho potato
growers of Coos Day havo often sold
tholr potatoes to tTielr neighbors
through San Francisco commission
Thoro aro legitimate charges for
freight, storage, and commissions
which aro borno by both consumer
and produces. Tho producer gets
less than tho terminal prlco by tho
cost of haul and storage, while tho
consumer pays the terminal price
plus storago and rchaul. Tho news
paper la an ideal vehicle for cutting
across lots from growex to table."
farmers aud nowspapcr men In
general in Oregon havo taken an In
terest in tho morsraent toward this
typo of advertising. It Is expected
that a collego bulletin will bo pub
lished soon on tho subject of ndver
tlsng for tho farmer.
Cut Tills Out It is Worth Money.
Cut out this slip, oncloso with Sc
to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave..
Chicago, 111, writing your noma and
address clearly. You will rocolvo In
return a trial package containing
Foley'B Honey and Tar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup, Foley
Kldnoy Pills and Foloy Cathartic
Tablets. Adr.
LEGE, April 8. That Deschutes
county farmors may And practical,
Individual advtco about thejr crops,
tholr fields, tholr stock, and any of
tholr farm probloma Is tho desiro of
tho Oregon Agricultural collogo, Tho
farm crops dopartmont advises per
sons of the county as to tho adapta
bility of certain localities for crop
production, tho best crops to bo
grown in that locality, tho host var
ieties .and where to socuro sood of
them, tho best cultural methods for
tho conditions, tho best mothods of
harvest, storago and handling, and
on many phases of marketing crops.
"Wo pay special attention to giving
farmers the typo of advice that they
may apply In a practical way to their
fieldK." Hays 0. II. Hyslop, professor
or farm crops, and chief In the rami
crops experiment station. "In other
wordi, we try to avoid advising the
Impossible or tho Impracticable."
Introduction of hardy varieties of
alfalfa, cultural and fertilization
methods for clover and alfalfa has
been promoted by the college as well.
Hundreds of samples of seeds havo
been tested for Individuals ami
groups of farmers In tho county. la
this way the Institution has been abTo
to givo the farmers Information that
prevented their getting poor cced.
Careful Mother Insist on Foley.
Foley's Honor and Tar Compound
has been ueed in so many homes for
so many years that mothers orery
whero know that this standard familr
medicine contains no opiates or other
Ingredients that aro Injurious to
children or adults. Children llko It
and It doe,s them good. For coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough. SoIA
Everywhere Adr.
With the most thoroughly
Machine Shop
Welding Plant
Blacksmith Shop
in Central Oregon,' we will accept
practically any and all kinds of Work
Guarantee on all work done
and quick service
Call on us to do your machine work
acetylene welding and general black
smith work. We employ only experts
in these lines
Bend Iron Works
Bend, Oregon
Phone-Black 741
Ship Your Livestock
Oregon live Stock Commission Company
A Company that Svill work for the
welfare of Central Oregon Stockmen
Dekrs in Cattle (grate a4 stock), She fc. Hogs
North Portland, Oregon
I Central Oregon Garage
I Exclusive Agentsjfor Northwest Auto Co. for
Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties
Selling S
Marmon-Colei Reo and Dort
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and !
I uupiex l rucks I