BEND BULLETIN, BRND, OREGON, THURSDAY, APIUIi 7, t020 PA0R9I ' imtnmirawsRmitsumtsrtBaaMnnaBmitonniiiM What's Doing In The Country a::!Kst!::an!8tsaRnsrjtsi88ti8BBBBimKwret:im:BJrjnnm!WBanma!m:8ma HOME IS DESTROYED AT PLEASANT RIDGE PLEASANT RIDGE, April 0. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson wore Red mond' visitor Wednesday. Rasmus Peto,rson la loadlnK sever al cars of baled hay nt Deschutes to ship to Portland. Mrs.JI. T. Mlkkelson visited Mrs. dlJHnnson, near Deschutes on Wed nesday. Tlio home of Rasmus Fetorson burned to the ground Tuesday, short ly nflcr noon. The tire caught In tho root, from sparks nnd spread rapidly on account of tho high wind. Most of tho contents were saved, only tho range, some clothing nud small articles being lost. For a tlmo it was fc.nred that sonio of tho other buildings nnd tho hay might go too, but they did not. Mr. Peterson at onco moved Into tho other houso on his place, which was formerly occu pied by John Edwards. O. E. Anderson purchased two registered Shorthorn cows from P. 11. naughman this wee.k. Rev. E. B. Johnson, Mr.and Mrs. W. II. Gray and Mrs. O. E. Anderson wero Dend visitors Monday. W. R. Hutchlns left for hs homo in Oregon City Wednesday night. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Cabeen re turned to Redmond Wednesday even ing, after spending several days here on their ranch. Mr.and Mrs. W. II. Gray enter tained some of their neighbors nt a farewell party Monday evening. Those present were: Mr.and Mrs. Ed Swalley. Walt Jones, Mr. and Mrs. ChrJs Nelson, "Walter Lowe. Everett Johnson, Hazel Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mlkkelsen. Alfred Mlk kolseji, Mr. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pcdersen, Oswald Pedcrsen, Mr.and Mrs. J. W. Cabeen, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Anton Ahhl strom, Miss liilnia Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson, Rasmus Peter son nnd Mrs. Catherine Johansen. An enjoyable tlmo was spent after which a fine lunch was terved by tho hostess. Anton Ablstrom made a business trip to Redmond Wednesday. H. T. Mikkelsen and W. J. Shan non were In Bend transacting busi ness Monday. J. B. Anderson, of Bend, was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Tuesday. L. E. Wagner and family moved out from Redmond on Wednesday. Mr. Wagner has leAsed Mr. Cabecn's farm which he recently purchased from W. II. Gray. J. W. Peterson went to Bend Tues day with his cream. Mrs. E. B. Johnson has sufficient ly recovered from her recent tick spell to be up and around again. C. II. Biahcp, )f Don -J, was n caller at the Anderson rmch Thursday. Mr. end Mr J. W Poiuison nnd children, vlsltj-l Mr. u:d Mm Call Hansen, near Tumalo, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E Anderson at tended tho show in Bend, Saturday night. TERREBONNE HEARS GLEE CLUB CONCERT TERREBONNE, April 6. The en tertainment given by tho Redmond High School Glee Club was enjoyed very much by those present. Tho Terrebonne High School regrets very much that (hero was not n larger nudlouce. This was due to tho fact that there wero other attractions for tho. same tlmo, which naturally di vided the crowd. The Glee Club put on n splendid entortnlument nnd they deserved u full house. The Tcrrcbonnu Sunday School gnve a very nico little Easier pro gram last Sunday. A party of local farmers nnd busi ness men viewed tho proposed road from Terrebonne to Lower Bridge Sunday. A number of Terrebonno young folks attended tho Easter party given by Miss Gertrude Butler nt tho homo of J. S. Roberts, Saturdny. A carload of potatoes for tho Hon king ranch, wero received last weok. Miss Margaret Brems accompaniod tho Elllnger children to Bromortou, Wnsh.i' whero they are to be placed In a Catholic school. Miss Adeline Dietrich was a week end visitor In Prlneville. In tho absence of MIm Krinn Kconey, duo to Illness, Mrs. William Hall is teaching in tho Terrebonne school. Tho gymnasium benefit danco was well attended Friday nght. Young's orchestra furnshed tho music. ncsdn nt tho John tlollmnu home. C, M Phelps nnd family, Mri. Clamor nud Kruost Phelps spent Hun day nt tho D. L. Ladd homo, near Redmond. Business callers In Bend Saturday wero Mrs. Grovor E. Gurktng, F. L. nud John McMnnmoon, Mrs. A H. Red and Charles Montgomery, He Could Not Htnitil Straight. "I caught cold and It settled In my kidneys." writes J. 0. Damond, 280G W. 30 St., ClovQlnnd, 0 "My back nnd sides were so tamo nnd soro I could not stand straight. 1 use Foloy Kidnoy Pills and am glad to testify to their holplug power. "Good for stiff or swollen Joints, rhoumntlc pains. Sold Every whoro. - Adv. c It's dollars to doughnuts- DESCHUTES-TUMALO UNION SERVICE HELD Got Rid of "Spring Fever." If you lack energy If you lack "pep" the chances are that your bowels are sluggish. A Foley Cath artic Tablet Is n wholesome physic that will rid you of biliousness, gas, bloating, sick headache, sour stomach or other Ills that attend Indigestion and constipation. They invigorate tho liver. Sold Everywhere. Adv. LUMBER IS BURNED AT PINEHURST FARM PINEIH'RST. April C Mrs. G. W. Snyder was a visitor at the Plne hurst school Monday. Leta and Susan Bollman entered school Monday, which adds two more, to our enrollment. A shed containing several thous and feet of lumber at tho V. Swisher home, was burned Tuesday. Tho flro was caused by some burning trash piles near by. Tho. flro was hard to get under control as tho wind was blowing very hard at the time. C. M. Phelps and John Bollman were buslnes callers In Bend Tues day. Mrs, Homer Cosncr and children have byjn very sick with the 'flu." Jim Bennem was pulling trees at the John Bollman ranch Monday and Tuesday. Mr. C. Mathews was a buslnes call er at the C. M. Phelps homo Tuesday. oonn i-arK ana innwy or Redmond took dinner at the R. A. Smith homo sunuay. Will Sandal was a bullies caller nt the Snyder home Saturday. Myrtle Spaugh spent Sunday with Ivy Snyder. , Frank McManmon hns purchased a Ford car from Roy Wlls. Mrs. Mary Gerklng and Ivy Sny der wem Tumalo Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs, I. E. Wlmer and son took dinner at the Spaugh home Sun day. Frank and Johnnie McManmon were buslnes callers at the Walls mill near Plafnvlew, Mrs. Georgo Snyder and children dinner guests at tho McManmon homo Sunday. Georgo Snyder was In Tumalo Sat urday. . Lewis White of Mecca, Oregon, spent Saturday at tho Phelps homo. Everyono should take a cleansing, L. la.rK nus H0,d ",8 runch on purifying Jaxfltlvo Remedy this l" mnaio project to n Portlnnd month. Holllftter'H TlnrVv Mountain man. The ne.W owner Wll take nos. Tea Is a great Spring Cleanser nz-8e8,on at once. Ik. -Owl Pharmacy. Adv. i VJda Bolman of Bond, spent Wed- fflMSMM m i tin. JF&3 V35r-S -S i MP i ft ra s You can start that first step right now f What are the Four Big. Ambitions of the averago man? To marry to have u home to have children jto succeed In business, And having money In tho bank Is a great aid toward obtaining theso things. We Will Help You to Save. Our Saving Drpartxncnt Pay 4 Interest CENTRAL OREGON BANK BEND &&3SM fill t If 111 .L1.U. , .,.SrK,aM BBBiiiinrf i t,. ' ' 'ui'Ai-- nWMBb OREGOJN $M&M$$ I m DESCHUTES, April 7.- Tho De schutes Sunday Schuol dismissed Sunday to hold services In connec tion with the Tumalo Sunday .School. An excellent program was rendered and Rev. B. F. Harper prenrhed the Easier sormon. A dinner at tho hall and egg hunt for tho children com pleted tho day's festivities. The Rod- fields, McCormncks, Ltvejyx, Berg stroms, Kanoffs nud Jerry Schooling attended from Deschutes. Frodorlck Stanley, Jr., Guy Austin nud Mr. nud Mrs. L. A. Branden burg drove to Bond Sunday. Miss Modora Howard, formerly of Deschutes, is spending her Easter va cation with Miss Kntherlue Red field. Miss -Mcdorn visited the school Monday morning. Allen Grant spent Sunday vliltlng Wash G. Wallaco of Bond J. F. Short spont Sunday at tiler homo .u Tumalo. Mlns Gladys Wliaor bpont Sunday in Bnd, roturnlng Monday morning to Mrs. Seftou's. Carl Hansen and wlfo spent Sun day evening with Olo Hanson P. J. Wall of the Deschutes Lum ber Company, traded In Deschutes, Saturdny. Capt. Pat Allen and C. II. Smith returned to Portland Friday evening, after attending thu maintenance rate trial lu Redmond. . E. Van Allen loo'-t Sunday din ner vlth L. E. Smith nt Redmond, Miss Evelyn and Mildred Smith be ing homo from tho University on their Easter vacation. L. A. Brandenbcn: went to Slitors Sunday where he figured on replac ing a largo barn whlcn was partly wrecked lu tho wind. Rev, B. F. Harper came In from Milton Saturday night nnd wont on to Tumalo, whero preached Sunday morning. In tho evening he preach ed at Deschutes, leaving Monday morning for Bend L. E. Smith nnd family were vis itors in the Dcschutcs-Tumalo coun try last Tuesday. Mr. Sharp, of Tumnlo, has accep ted a position ns patrolman for the C. O. I. Company In the Terrebonne district. F. W. McCaffery nnd Mr, Cooper, of Powell Butto. called at the C. O. I. offlco on Monday. R. L. Necl, of Pleasant Valley, was a business caller at Deschutes Mon day. , W. K. McCormnck had a big crow of shee'p shearers at his ranch the past week. Tho now county Judge, R. W. Saw yer, was n visitor at Deschutes Sun day morning, coming down on tho train to meet the Incoming O. T, train which was bringing Mrs. 8uw yer In from Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Cook und fam ily of Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. C. E. Parks In honor of Mrs. Park's birthday, A birthday party was given at tho Deblng homo Thursday evening In honor of Wulter Lowe und Antonu Deblng, Mrs. W. K. McCormnck shared her beautiful Easter Illy with the school children, leaving It In Mrs. Kanoffs room on Monday and In Mm Saftor-'s roo'n on 'ucsday, Tho ii i-ortmont for the room was perfect durlnng tho stay of tho Illy. m TURKISH tnoiEST:c ni KNn flOAMlTTr no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, und their export blend of choice Turkish nnd choice Domestic tobaccos hand you n clfjuretto that will sat isfy every smoko desire you ovor expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to cither kind smoked straight! Camels mellowmlldncss will certainly 1 appeal to you. Tho "body" Is all there, and that smooriness It s a delight I Go the limit with Camclsl They will not tire your tnsto. And, they leave no unpleas ant cijjaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant clfju- rctty odorl Just compare Cnmola with any ciga rette in the world at any price Cmtf r nMrfririf In trlrntttlfAlty tfifeif ptkii tt30liillrAr30ntt, M-fipf. iJOOrUtintf') In iUnln rwftrrfi ftlton. H'r tllonHy fommm Hilt tiltnn Air Ih horn nr otflc tufply nt whtn jtu tit ft. R. J, I1UVN0LDS TOIIACCO CO., Wlntton S.l.m. N C, FMrwMmimrtAjm JLwrm lz.:.mii J iMjmnmiM L H HH. H.HH OB TW. 19 K M -- - - T ii.-s You need It everybody needs It Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea this Spring. Without fall try this famous Spring Cleanser flz-Jk, Owl Phar macy. Adv. Hho FeoN Llko a Now IVi-hnn. So many women sufTor from kid ney trouble without realizing tho cause of their sickness that tills from Mrs. S. B. Mills, R. It. C, Xonln, O., will bo rend with Interest "After taking Foley Kidney Pills I surely feel llko a now person," Aching back, rhoiimatlc pains or other symptoms should bo given prompt nttontlon. Sold Evorywhoro. Adv. WEWS NOTES FROM BROTHERS RANCHES BROTHERS. April 7. Mr Louis Gasset lias moved his tractor from Crooked River to Prlnevlllo. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Foster wero visitors out on tho high desort Sun day, at Mr. and Mrs. Ell Wilson's. Mr. Gurnoy mado a trip to Dry Lako Mondny, to haul out household goods for Mrs. Strugor. Mr. Ell Wilson has been sick with la grippe for u week, but Is ablo to be out again. Mr. Gustavo Grill has been help Inng do the work while Mr. Ell Wil son was sick. Mrs. J. Hoffman, of near Prlne ville, Is vlstlng her mother, Mrs. Harry Evans. Miss Ellzaboth Evans began teach ing school Monday. Mrs. Ed Wilson Is down with la grippe. Mr. Bright, who hns been working In Bend, nt the mill,, is out on his homestead to do some spring work. Grandma Wilson is In Bend vlslt ng Mrs. Billings. It cleans out the germs of winter freshes you up Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, a certain Spring Cleanser flz-lk. Owl Pharmacy. Adr. NOTES BURNED AT' POWELL BUTTE HALL POWELL BUTTE. April 0. -Judge nud Mrs .N. G. Wallaco of Prlnavillo, attended tho reception nnd "Joy meeting" ut Community hall last Thursday night, wliou the notes, representing tho Indebtedness on tho hull burned The )udgn delivered n fine nddress on that oc casion. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Mofflt and children, from Hat Hock, have moved Into their now homo, formorly known as the Tliigman place. Wn are glad to welcomo thorn as neigh bors. It Is rumored that Joo Elliott hits sold nil his laud at Powell Butto to Guy Dobsou of Redmond. At tho rocoptlon given nt Commun ity hall last Thurdny night, a straw voto was takon for president of tho United States 47 votes worn cast. Of these Leonard Wood received threo, Herbert Hoover IS; Bryan three; Lowden, two; McAdoo, C. Palmer, one; Johnson, two, scatter ing tho balance of thu votes among local people Homo have wondered about tho phoasants that worn turned looxi hirt some years ago, how thn sur vived tho deep snow of Inst winter. But of lato In tho early morning, the call of the cock phuawuii may bn (Continued on page 7.) The Gordon lint covers n miijlttiKlc of hims If you're noi one of (hem, get yours loday. THE The I'alriut GORDON HAT CASHMAN-Bend's Clothier ft-.T A MODERN BANK is expected o offer a well rounded service to its customers. is the desire of this institution to cultivate a closer acquaintance than is developed by (he ordinary transactions of Banking routine. f v .' - Our disposition is to render Superior'Service not only in the banking line hut in the upbuilding of the communi- , ty as well. ' THE BANrTOF" SUPERIOR" SERVICE: FIRST .NATIONAL BANK of BEND i (mm&fk JSSaWtHSBSS a