The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 01, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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the Bend Bulletin
(Weekly Edition)
Published By
Established 1002.
i i .i
An Independent newspaper stnndlng
lor tho BQiinro dan), clean business,
clonn politics and tho best Interests
of Bond and Control Oregon.
Ono yenr ?2.00
Blx months 1.00
Three- months 50
Publishing n newspaper Is a busi
ness proposition Just ns much ns run
nine a grocery or n bank or n dniR
store. A newspaper must pay Its
bills, meet Us pay roll and ought to
hate something left over nt tho end
of laeychr Just ns nny other business
Unlike, almost every business a
newspaper Is called on for a sort or
public scrvlco for which no payment
Is expected to bo made that Is, by
tho person asking It. Recognized ns
tho medium for getting Information
to tho public tho effort is almost
dally mndo to uso it for getting over
sorao special Information with somo
nows value, but of more particular
Interest lo the person who asks for
Jts publication. News Is wnntcd by
a newspaper nt nil times. News Is
sought for, hunted out, run down.
Thousands of dollars are spent by in
BtUdont tiny,1' while to tho reBt of
us it hns made this pnrt of tho state's
educntional system a little mora real.
All thts Is valuable, b6th for us
mid for the university, nnd'cspeclnlly
vnlkiablo at theypreieut time because
tit thoproposal nowundorconsldor
ntlon to vuto a ItruVvlcr- mtllngo tux
for tha nupport of it and tho agricul
tural college. It Is of tho utmost Im
portance that a good majority ho
given tho tax measure. If wo can
forgot tlint It Is tnos wo nro voting
nnd through these young men who
wore hero Tuesdny night seo tho
thing we nro voting for education
for tho youth 'of tho state wo will
bo bound to give that majority.
Roth tho university mul the agri
cultural college nro supported by a
mtllngo tax. When It was plnccd nt
its present flguro It wns expected
that tho natural tncreaso of tho as
sessed valuation of the Btnto would
bo sufficient to produce, with the,
same millngc, sutuclont funds to euro
for tho natural growth of tho two
institutions. Instead of an increase,
however, there occurred decreases In
valuation. Attendance increased as
expected and costs went up in tho
nlr. Now a crisis Is faced. Either
tho new tnx must bo voted or. many
young people denied tho opportunity
of an education. N
If nny nro turned away your boy
or girl mny bo among them. Will you
vote to keep them out of college?
; u ',
No one can hnvo decided opinion
and express them with any degrco
of frequency without sooner or later
dividual newspapers every ycarfor cr08sing almost everyone to whom
nows anu papers win ngni lor mo , thes0 onlnions becomu known. Tlint
opportunity to print nows first. But
when news comes, as It so often does,
with tho scent of some special inter
est or solf seeking, then' tho news
paper becomes chary and holds off.
The question "Whnt Is nows and
what is not news?" is often n hard
ono to answer. Somo years ago a
national weekly published tho defin
itions of news submitted by editors
from all over tho country and tharo
wero almost as many different ideas
expressed as there wero men to ex
press them. However, tho definition
Is phrased, though, editors will gener
ally agree, whethor tho particular
Item' Is or Is not nows, and If there
Is any suggestion of putting news
over for tho purpose of advertising
Vthey will say it is not news.
The point was well brought out in
a recent letter from tho editor of a
California paper from which we re
print tho following paragraphs:
"It is true that by boosting tho in
terests of tho San Joaquin Light nnd
Power "Company in our columns wo
would bo rendering a public service.
But it is also true that by promoting
Mellln's Baby Food, we would bo of
fering a similar constructive service
to tho public. By urging the use of
Naxated Iron we would be offering a
public service; by advocating the
Is why, at somo time or another, the
editorial opinion of n newspaper Is nt
vnrlanco with that of somo person
who thinks for himself. Differences
of opinion make horso races, tho say
ing has it, nnd clushos of opinion
produco tho heat of controversy and,
uslinlly, tho light of understanding.
All of which Is preliminary to say
ing' that although we frequently dis
agree with the opinions expressed by
tho editor of tho Oregon Voter wo
Dnd what he has to say instructive
and clear. Frequently ho does what
all editors aro always trying to do
ho hits tho nail on tho head and we
havo scored him jgith n 100 pcrcont
mark for recent words on tho subject
of a school board controversy in Med
ford. Mr. Chapman says:
"A situation of this kind Is nlmost
impossible to straighten out without
damago to tho schools nnd injustice
to Individuals. It is a situation pos
sible to ariso in any city where, a
school board religiously keeps out of
politics, employs tho best superin
tendent it can get and backs him up
in Introduction of methods intended
for school betterment. So long aa a
school board is kept In power it can
do little less In honor than stay by
Hack to Normal.
We won't got back to normal ways until we've
' had some rainy days. So long as roubles grow
on trees, and greenbacks wave in every breeze,
we'll hit high places and repeat, and scorch the
length of Easy street. We can't bo prudent while
the rest arc blowing money galley west. It's
epidemic, like the flu, this gorgeous spendthrift
howdydo. Some day a panic, large and pale, with
four white feet and braided tail, will land upon us
while we spend, and to our orgy put an end. Then
you will see men out of jobs, and you will hear the
housewives' sobs; and you will mark the loan
shark thrives, while others scarce can keep alive,
Then we'll quit blowing useful coin for canvasback
and tenderloin, and thank our gods if we've the
price of wholesome liver off the ice. And we'll
cut out the silk attire, the princely tips, the chauf
feur's hire, and all the costly pomp and vain, and
demonstrate that we are sane. Then every sad rind
chastened gent will ponder ere he spends a cent,
and figure for a weary time before he cuts loose
from a dime.
only bo sntd that thoy aro conservn
tivo and we,U within tho flgttrcA of
formal growth. Uso of tho nutomo
bllo has Increased nnd is Increasing
faster than anyone cstlmntcd n
fow years ngo. Income from It Is
bound to bo sufllclcnt.
Woods Hole he will bo following In
tho stops of his Domocrntlc predeces
sor who used to spend his vacations
on DurzurdH liny.
III Australia to combat tho H. C of
L. women wenr no gloves, uso old
Work and voto ror tho amendment, i Bhoes nnd ent no potatoes. If It's
therefore. It will cont us nothing in ( too high do not buy It. That will
tnxes and bo tho means of helping! , jp bring tho prlco down,
us to better roads. ' J
If this German revolutionary nfuff
keeps up wo suggest that tho nation
Join tho lenguu of South American
14 all nmlnt nn,lnHi !. il
-wearing of the- Munson Last Shoo we ,,j, , .. . ,
i ioi ,o bum; oi miqinanagc
mont sufllclcnt to Justify his removal
I nnfnm tho nvnlmtlnn nt It l ,. ......
and others tho use of electricity in- .... .. . . . """" " "'" "".
, j i ... ... jWnllo Inck of harmony In school nd-
cluded we would be rendering pub- ,,,, , " ,
ii .i. n ,'..... . .. mln'strntlon Is a sevoro reflection on
" ""'"" - J.--..1. "'"vo uo jvu Im,.niIlnJ.,nlil, .. I !.,
would be doing a public service. By
advocating these things and a thous
and I nndovory other ethical news
paper man with professional Ideals
knows is tho primary purpose of
every proporly conducted newspnper.
"However, as In the case 'whoro
John's fist hits George's nose, public
corvice leaves off where private gain
begins nt least this is true so far
as tho Parller Progress is concerned.
Whefl nows, or so-called nows, or
plain unenmouflaged propaganda
reaches -the Progress editorial desk,
tho first question with us Is not,
Does It benefit tho public?' but
rather, "From what motive was this
prompted? Was it primarily from
a motive, of public service or was it
from a motive of private gain?' And
if wo decide that tho matter in ques
tion, whatever it may be, has been
prompted merely from mercenary In
terest, wo send it back to whoro It
came from and generally wo inclose
our advertising rate card.
"Furthermore, we mako no dls-
a superintendent's ndminlHtrntivn
capacity, tho fault Is not always with
tho superintendent.
"Ono of tho ways to cope with
a difficulty liko this Is to cnll In an
outsido educator, or a commlttco of
outsiders, to Invostlgato and mako
recommendations. Being freed from
factional feeling, such u commit too
often can find whero tho fault lies
and suggest a cure that imposes a
minimum of hardship."
Evoryono interested In tho subject
of good roads in Deschutes as well
as In tho other counties of Oregon
owes It to himself, his community
and the state to start work among
his neighbors in behalf of the mens
uro to bo voted on in May permitting
an increase, In tho bonded debt of tho
state. The limit is now two per cent
and all the bonds pormisslbjo under
that limit huvo been Issued and tho
The, other day wo spoko here of tho
sort of news tlint Is sont out by pub
licity agents a pllo of publicity with
a coating of nows. Most editors aro
as well trained to solcct this stuff
from a mass of mall as a bird dog is
to point when ho gets tho scont of
tho quail. Usually their action is
uutomatlc from the desk to tho
wnsto basket without tho trouble of
opening nnd evoryono will wngcr
that he missed nothing.
Wo hnvo Just now "pointed" all
the publicity matter from a bunch of
mall. This tlmo, Instead of going
through the, usual form, wo, hnvo
opened all tho envelopes und shnll
list what we And as of possible Inter
est In considering tho editor's Job.
Hero is tho catalog of ono mall's
chaff: Item From tho assistant to
tho secretary of war regarding war
risk Insurance
Item Another tiro company, moro
bureau. Wants navy advertising
published without chargo.
Item From tiro company. Story
of Its welfare work. Interesting. Al
so advertising.
Item Automobllo company publl-l
city; that Is, advertising. i
Itom Lumber association boost
ing for lumber. "J
Itom Another tiro company, Moro
publicity. '.
ItomrFrom Dopartmont of'Jus
tico quoting Dopartmont of Agricul
ture on how to uso chcip meats, Why
not loavo It to agriculture? '
Itom Ditto.
Is It strango that tho prlco of pjtpor
is high? J
"Carpontlcr to take tlmo before
going Into ring," one headline had
it yostordny. Yes, and Dompsoyao do
Troublo with thosu.ngitntora seems
to bo that while Rod, they are not
well read.
- Portland Is ubout to scrapo off Its
moss, according to tho Journal. Throo
tlnot,on in our Judgment between the money spent all for good roads. If
...A4,... ., .... 1... . f. a .. ' i.A lf.l, I- !..., ...
vita iiiiiiv is iuiduu, ub jirupuBtvu more
jnattr, sent us by nayinir ndvnrtlnnrn
nnd tho matter sent by non-advertis-money 'w"l become available at onco,
ers. Wo do not sell our elltorini and road work can go on. Otherwise.
o far as tho state Is concerned, it
must stop.
Ono thing to bo borne in mind In
considering this amendment is that
it is not a tax measure in nny form.
No addition to our taxes will como
of it under nny circumstances. It sim
ply gives tho opportunity for tho
further capitalization of automobllo
income such as license fees und gas
oline (ax. That Is, tho bonds aro Is
sued now and tho money obtained.
Then they nro paid off, both principal
and interest, by these receipts from
automobiles. Elaborate tables have
been prepared showing the expected
income from this source aud tho pay
ments that must bo mndo. Tho In
come will easljy care for tho bonds.
In tho wholo matter tho only
chance for argumont Is aa to'the cor-
uirtnnght that of independent
nows criticism for a mess of 'ads.'
"Wo figure that wo nro selling our ad
vertising spaco and not our news col
umns and that our advertising spaco
Js worth ovory cent that wo tako for
Jt. Wo don't throw in our news
Hpaco with our advertising space any
moro than tho merchant throws in
for nothing a pair of trousers with
every pair of shoes that ho sells."
That's a pretty good platform for
any nowspapor.
Tho vislt.of the University of Ore
gon OJeo club to Bend has brought
th0.4VnJ? Institution It represents a
little nearer to ub all. To Its gradu
ate,! ana formor,BtudentB4lyinfi in
this vicinity tho visit has brought rectlons of tho estimate aB to
luck, memories pf "the go'h.enaze of expected Jncprafr. For these it
Ono causo of high prices Is tho way
tho War dopartmont bought cvory"
thing In sight during tha wnr. Tons
of food wore withdrawn from do
mestic consumption and enormous
quantities of other materials. For in
stanco, there wore ordered 42.000,
000 pairs of shoes, of which 32,000,-
000 pairs wore delivered. That moant
eight pairs of shoes for ovory sodlor
we had In tho service. No ono
grudges money; that was spent for a
nocossary purpose in winning tho
wnr, but wo nil object to tho way
monoy wnB spc,nt unnecessarily.
Why does not tho Commercial club
tako up again tho idea of disciihslng
tha measures to bo voted on at tho
primary election. Onco before tho
club heard tho arguments for jind
against measures that wero pending;
It gained a moro intelligent Idea of
thorn, and added to tho Interest of its
.'B-iotlngs. There's Just about tlmo
between now and tho primaries to
C37CT this year's questions.
(From tho Columns of Tho Bul
letin. March 31, 1006).
Yestredny a iiiovumotit for a club
houso for Bend wuh started, jund
within two hours, 1300 was subscrlb-
J, N. I), and J. O. ae?k?jK. from
nonr Walla Wnlla, havortvod with
the,lr families and tak'ott piMMosuxIon
tit their lauds near Tunmlu under
tho Columbia Southern ditch.
Central Orugon is iho'flofd owurd
which nil eyes nro turning. No rail
road ntory Is now complota that does
not have Central Oregon for its aim.
Wllllnm Buckley, of Pullmnii,
Washington, i spout n fow duys In
Bond this week, and started a notu
blo development project. He pro
pose, to plant largo areas In npplo
trees In this section, on contracts
that will glvo him part of thn pro
coeds. Ho believes this country will
produco superior applos.
Notwithstanding that tho school
district hns recently bcsii split In two
from tljo Lnldlaw district, there nro
moro than twlco ns mnny children
of school ngo in tlo Bond district
thun thoro wore last yonr 200 as
ugalnst 8G.
O'Knne's now building alloy on
Oregon street Is now ready for bus
iness. Earl Wright Is In chargo.
Tho city council last Tuesday night
voted to dlsponso with tho services
of a night watchman. There was u
llttlo Informal discussion as to .tha
advisability of placing a llconso on
genorul business, but no formal pre
sentation of such a proposal.
Engineer L, D. Wlost spent hist
week In Prinovillo, surveying und
rectifying streets, und this week ho
is locatng Irrigation plants for a
number of farmers north of Bond.
FUcords of Three Flocks of Leghorns
Show Sutolrically Vnlue of
Purebred Malei.
(I'rrptirrd by itir Unlleil BtM IVimrt.
intnt of ARrcuUl0,
Tlint the miIiic of purebred limit1
counts us much In poultry raising ns
In stock raising Is shown by the rec
ords of throe llnclts nf I.oulioriin, the
iliitu for which luit lii'cn mippllcil the
United .Stale tlcpnrlini'iit of ngrlcul
ture by the North Carolina experiment
Million. I'lot'k 1 the egK production
of which Is Included In tluvn records,
consisted of common hens; flock 'J wns
Weather Add the Donlli Hate. t
The Ki'iilinil ileiilli ii( Is found An
IncronMi "lll rUlnif Ir'liipiiiituro, mid
lo (IMiiIiiIhIi Willi n fiillliii;1 IliorininiM"
I or. 'riicic coIu'IiIhIiiiih me reiivhuil
v'l0(lor KIlHuni'tli llttliUliuHin (if
'nl null uro it lesiill of n Miidy of
nhoiil imi.lKKl ileiilli In New York
city In coimtTiloii vlih ilio weiithiir
mi l ho ilny of ileiilli. The iri:iillnrlllus
xt'ciii in nppb to nil iiiim. Variety
In the wcnllinr I Ii0nlllifu iuhJ sllttc
ulntlng, mul It Is lii'lli'vcil (lint somu
xiulrlillliy Is ns essential us pioprr hu
midity. '
Put II in Thn Bulletin,'
I hereby uuiinuiico my cnndldnciy
for tho nomination to thn ofllrn or
County Judge of Deschutes County
on the Dumucrutla Ticket, subject to
tho primary election, Mny 'il, 1020.
If elected, I will promise a pro
gressive husliivsH ndinliilHtrntlnii of
County affairs. Action, economy, f.
llcleiicy, At your service ulwnyn. V
Adv. '
1 hereby nnuouiico my cnndldney
for thu nomination to tho otllcn of
County Judge of Deschutes County
on thn Democratic Ticket, subject to
tho primary election, Mny SI, 1020.
If elnctml, I will promlso n pro
gressive buslnesM ndiiiliilstrntlon of
County uffnlrs, Action, economy, ef
ficiency, At your servlcn ulwnyn,
, - f
I ! Fifteen Years Ago
i .. i
Purebred White Leghorn Cockerel.
produced by breeding these licim to
common mules; flock 3 nni produced
by breeding flock 1 to a rooster from
n htch-priHlticInc hen. Tho following
)onr tho original flock Inld BO rs n
hen; Hock -' Inld nu utofUgu of 88 vat
a. hen; nnd flock 3 Inld nu nvcruge of
130 rgi;s n lien. This lucrt-iio of ft I
per cent In one yenr tell very mk'cUI'
cully the bciielltN of using n purebred
male. But Die pcrceiitiik'c alone do
net tell the whole story, for it big pro
portion of the Iticn-nse cnim nt n we
win Mny mid June w hen the product
tlon of flocks 1 mid - uns relntlvely
low nnd the prices were good.
Wo hereby nnnoiiuce the rnudldncy
of John Marsh, or Ttimnlo for the
olllco of County Commissioner of
Deschutes County on tint Itepubllcuii
ticket subject to thu primaries in
I hereby announce my cnndldney
for tho olllco of county commissioner
or Deschutes County on thn Rnpub
Mean ticket, subject to thn will or
thu voters nt the Mny primaries.
in One Demonstration In Iowa County
609 Hent Out of Flock of 1,518
Wert Discarded.
In poultry culling dcmoiutrntlont
held on thu farms of the farm bureau
member In Kininet county, lown, rec
ants kept fur eleven flocks showed
tiOO hens were culled out of n total of
l.fWS In thu flocks, ncvordlng to the
Uiirtcd .States department of ngrlctil
lure. 'I'lie nvenigo number or cits
Inld a dny by the entire .locks before
culling was 401.0, ntul the average
number of eggs liilil u dny by the l31) '
hi ns left nfter culling wns .110.11. The '
uwriige number of egg fpr ten hen
n dny before culling wns 2.0; nfter
culling, H.A.' The nwruge number of
eggs Inld it day by IIIVI nf (lie culled
hens uhli'h Mere not Immediately sold
wuh II. I.
Gelatinous Film of Shell That Keep
Out Air and Oerms Is Removed
Keep Nests Clean.
Eggs should not In) wnshed ns this
removes the gelntluoii film of the shell
Hint keep out nlr and germ. The
pent should be kept clean so tlint the
egg will hnvo no ehnnce to hecnuif
soiled, a removing dirt by wiishlug
wltl allow mold mid germ lo enter
the egg und IniMen Its spoiling. Exten
sion Division, North Diikotu AgricuL
tunil College.
Tr !ntrrntlonl C"tmian-Untr
Hhnl of XrMnn, I'rnniilvsr.U,
rUIrtl Ihalr twnlirfnlh nnl
vrnary In OtlcUr, Itl. wllh nn rit
rnllmttit of nrr t.000.00) UinU.
Tlwiuarhi of lh tulrnl har Mr
url In ilollara ami rrnl lh Mtual
valiw In lhm at l ar rnomrnX
lU-Tolnl In tha luJr ft I.C.H. Ihci.
eal .'wrM nl ulhrr (ulir(U ranlfi
frm AilrrrtUIn ami Halmanhl to
Arltultur ami I'oultrr HiuUnlrr.
IJ1.I1 an haar hat Wtn
rifuird by mtnf af h
la,nl( I, U i fanrtallir
nllmata la lhm af lh !
( Ika ti mkiiiIi aptnl
In Hu4r af I.CJI. Caaiwa.
ltrmrU nn 3T.C00 Itplral ilifcivnU
Imiw't now rlln 1 1, tCO a
yrar of mur. 7.111 rrolvln 17,100
or rmirn 411 rrflvln 11,000 or
mo. JO rrrrlvliijt 110.000 r mmn
ami S with annual Inttntm ut tZt.OVO
ur ITI4H.
In Hi rntr-MTrn Jrrarn nf lu
riMalw th I.CJI. ha tnrultnl ill
tlnira aa manir itmUnU at Harvard
In the lira hunlrr-l ami rvrntir'lfht
yrara alnra lu orvanliatlun I mora
than ten tlrrwa tha tutal rnrollrrwnt
if rata tlnra lu ihnra awun utn
In 1701 ; rrwir lhn fla llmra llx
total iiiillirwnt (it alt of tha rollnrn.
unlvrraltU-a anj Wfhnlfal kIkmiU in
tha Unltnt HUUa rmblnnl.
A Jrtlrr nr a ot farril will trln
cimilta Infurinatlun mianllnr tha
uLJct In vthfeh uu aiv IntamtrJ.
International Correspondence Scbcols.
Uox 1C10, Kcranton, Pa.
KipUIn fillr aSaul Tr Carta In 0
Tho addition of 1D0 mon to tho
payroll of the IJrooUs-Scnulon Lum
ber Co. mjuns tho addition of several
hundred to tho population of tho city
of Rend with attendant growth of
business aud need for municipal
growth, especially in our, srilioolH.
Look out for tho big boom', , )
'i .... '
"V'lcn Woodrow Wilson goes to
What Dropped,
The dining room of a very exclusive
rt'Hlilentlal hotel, Dinner In full swing,
Cittur of knives ami forks und the
(usiiiil buzz of conyerHiitlon: Suddenly,
n eruMi ut one end of tho room, a
sound of railing dishes. An abrupt
pause In (he conversation, atlentlon
couccntruted on thu scene (( tho
cilnmlty, Then, suddenly, souring
above o rising murmur of Imiulfy, ono
clear voice with the fc"lred liiforum
i loll, ".Sutmsli, my dcnr.'of ull thing J"
Am grass mukc up thu bulk of feed
for gee.e, It Is doubtful wlicllier It
pnys to ruUo them miles goml gruss
range Is nvullahlo during the silmmer.
The lieu (but hns free rungo on n
form In summer find these sum
things and that Is one rensoii why neg
lected farm Hock lay well In summer
nnd wry poorly nt other time.
The result found by experiment
swin to prove the contention of some
Leghorn breeders that their bluls are
light filter In compiirluon with some
other breeds.
If u good lot nf well-matured pullets
or wellinoiilled early hens are on
hnnd, mid If Ihey lire healthy iimi
Mgoious, nil that U requited to obtain
ku good egg yield lu thu right kind of
euru'nud feed. .
There Is no ono kind of grain" Hint
ulomTlvill furnish nil of the illlTerent
food element required to maintain
tho body of tho lieu In good Vendition
nnd njso furnish the miiterlul of which
eggs are mude. ,
KlaclrUal !lntrlnr
i:ilil I lfhllnrlt.
TaUrraph Knglnttr
TtUphan Walk
Mtfhanlfal t-!naln
jlWrhanlral DrafUman
Hhlp Ilraftiraan
tiaa Knflna Op(atln(
Hurvarlnfarul Mapplni
Mlna Fortnan ar Knsr.
Hlalfanarr KnglriMr
LVintradar r llulUtr
Archlltdural flrflinn
Cnnrrtla llaUdtr
1'lamblncanJ Ilrallrif
AJJtm ...... . ., . .
A'am . .. ...
art maiat Xl
Wlnrfaar Trimmer
Mallraad TrdnMajt
rltanas, andTjpUt
Hallaar AcraunUnl
Camratrrlal Ijiw
Rallwar Mall Clfik
AulomoblU Optratlac
I'aullry llalalnf
Aula Htualrlni
H( '
J f
Aro NOT Junk.
Hhlp your Hide
and Cnlfrkln to tho
I'orlland, Ore.
and get mil vuluo
for then, Prlco
list aud HliltmlnK
(agH, on .roiiucst, "
Nf.u rtiiAlU.n-Jf!XSAi