BEND nUI.MCTIN, BEND, OIIKGON, TIIUltHDAV, APRlli I, 1020 JPAOK 9 Hairt;K:::ii!!:ttti!!K:t:!i:K!i:!::::i!t::tati!m!:::itHtii:mi!!K:H:!t:::iRim:!!!aii!!ttHU!t!i!ita!iit::HHi!tiij What's Doing In The Country MBBBiainsniaBitmBtttus 2,000 RABBITS DIE IN TUMALO DRIVE chnscil from H. O. Wilson. At prenont ho In miwItiK on tlio J. U. Minor rnnch. MrH. H. II. Ward tho Plnlnvlow school lonelier attended services In Clovordnlo Sunday. Mr. Momoro nntl Mr. Gibson of Plalnview wero callers in Clovonlnlo Sumlny Mr. C. W. Land nntl fnmlly linvo moved on to tholr much recently purchased from H. J. SKellon. Mr mid -Mrs. u. u. Aiiurim nnn their J.OH Ilnynioud wont to lloml Inst Mondny to linvo some dentnl work done. P1NBHUKST, April 1.- John Holl limn delivered some fat hogs In uend Monday. F. L. McMnnmnn was a business caller at tho l'helps homo Monday. a H. SpnuRh. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. JMielps. Mrs. Mary Garner, Mr. ami ?,- firovpr OerkliiR. Kmest Phelps. O. W. Snyder. Mrs. F. I. McMnnmnn nnd Mrs. H. A. Newcomo. wcro uei noBfl callers In P-end Thursday. Mrs. II. A Newcotnb was roturnliiR to her homo In Pilot Hook Walter Andrews and William Itoot wore haullnc wood, Tuesday. There was a rabbit drlvo hold Sun day which took In the distance be tween tho Itcservolr nnd Tunialo. It wan quite, n Success for thoro were nearly 2.000 rnbblts killed. John McMauman has purchased a milk cow from hU brother, F. I. ..... - . . .. . j George Huttel and ramuy, air. ana T,T-,,.rvxTtA t,t-itt-xt- t no Mrs. Foster nnd children, nnu .miss j i.CiUUkjllJ iviDtiiuiuo Cut ThN Out it N Worth Money. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,.283G Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III. wrltlni; your nnmo and addross clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds nnd croup, Foley Kidney Pills nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets. Adv. Ada Moore of Uend, wore visiting at tho Spnugh home Sunday. Mrs. W. D Clark and children Hpent Saturday with Mrs. Leslie WcDaniels. D. E. Wlmer who hns recently rented his place to Phil Smith for five years. Is moving fnto the Searcy houso this week He will reside there until school closes, when they will go to Unn county where thoy have purchased a farm. Jim lleiihnm has been pulling trees for C. H. Spnugh. Mrs. Grover E. Gerklng. Mrs. G. W. Snyder, nnd Miss Ivy M. Snyder were in Bend Saturday. Hho FeeN Mke a Now IVon. So many women suffer from kid ney trouble without realizing the cause of their sickness that this from Mrs. S. E. Mills, II. It. 5, Xenla, O., will bo read with Interest: "After taking Foley Kidney Pills I surely feel like a new person." Aching back, rhoumntic pains or other symptoms should be given prompt attention. Sold Everywhere. Adv. VISIT TERREBONNE TEIIREIIONNK, April 1 - The Terrebonne Hebekuh lodge was visit ed by 15 Hedmond lodge members on March 25, for tho purpose of giv ing tho Initiatory degree. Five new members verc Initiated. Tho Terrebonne Athletic associa tion Is doing extensivo work in pre paring for track. Coach Williams expects to turn out some winning athletes from the material he has. A new discus has been bought and a vaulting pole Is expected soon. Three carloads of cnttle were ship ped from hero last week. Mrs. Haper of this plnce is having a severe attack of the flu. This Is one of the last cases In tho vicinity. Miss Jano C. Allen Stnte Advisory Nurse with Miss Margaret Urems our county nurse visited Terrebonne, Friday afternoon. Miss Allen guvo a most intejrcstlng address to the Parent-Teachers' association. Messrs E. M. Miller, George Mac- Grcgor, Jnmes Foss and W. F. Mackey attended a road mooting at i Bend last Friday. They enjoyed the Hospitality of tho Bend Commercial CLOVERDALE ' c,ub at a dlnnor In the Pilot Butte inn. The Phegly farm was sold a short time ago for $15,000. Mrs. C. G. Cornelius left hero for Hood River last weok after a short stay with Mr. Cornelius who bad n short attack of flu. The Terrebonno Rebekahs visited BIG PIE SOCIAL HELD AT CLOVERDALE, April 1. Tho pie social held at school house, Friday night was n decided success. Pie's celling from 2.76 to $3.00 apieco. R. A. Ward was out and gave a talk m ?Mm )llva1 knvlf Till fnllntL VU lUliU MUT iuan - " , 1JM,U1.-U- - ..l.l...t. . Ing committeemen were elected r . ;"?Jr-" "" """ ensuing years hs follows: . R. J. Skel-I hlrd anlvexsary of the Culver lodge . Irrll-ntlnn- IT f MIIIr. rnntlflf. t "'" -.J. "U KOIIU1B WCIV '""' -.., - "-- , fu,l Ci ative marketing; R. O. Andrus, co operative shipping; B. C. Kline, fer tilizer; Harold Kline, livestock; George Cyrus, rodent control; J. B. Hodson. alfalfa. Afterwards, a dis cussion was held on the locating of the. County Fair. Mr. W. T. Harrfson and family have moved into their new home formerly the J. J. Dokken ranch. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Arnold spent Sunday at the George Cyrus home. Mr. and Mrs. Hodson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kline went to Uend last Friday. Miss Doty spent the wc.ok end with tier parents In Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Kline were vis itors at the R. O. Andrus home Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. W. F Fryrear Is hauling hay from the Klllgore ranch this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold were dinner guests at the home of W. F. Fryrear Sunday. Rev. Mr. Wilson of Redmond held services at the school house last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Slmcr of Bond accompanied by Mr. John Sbarback of Portland, wero out to Mr. Shar Ajack's homestead wtlh a prospective land buyer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Burnslde, formerly of Cloverdale have accepted a position on a ranch in Maupln. .Mr. Harold Hlllcary has been very busy sawing wood for several in the Mcsdames, Snapp, Mackey, Eckled, Parr. Graves and Perry and Messrs Herbert nnd Clarence, Parnnell, George Granes, William Graves and John Perry. Miss Jane C. Allen and Miss Mar garet Brems were guests of Mrs. WhltelH, Friday night. It cleans out tho germs of winter freshes you up Hollfster's Rocky Mountain Tea, a certain Spring Cleanser flz-lk. Owl Pharmacy. Adv. BASKET SOCIAL RECEIPTS GOOD GRANGE HALL, April 1. Chris Stock, has recovered from the flu. Mr. Jackson made u business trip to town Monday. The Ladies Aid was well attended at Mrs. Hettman's Thursday. Many from this neighborhood at tended tho basket social held at the school Friday night. Includ ing Fred Reynolds and' family and Gertlo Nickersen, Fred Hettman and family and George Erlcksen and daughter, Esther. The baskets sold from $2.50 to $4.50. The total was 03 odd dollars. L. C. Young and Chris Stock wont to Bend Sunday morning Miss Margaret Brems. the county community with his saw recently pur- nurse examined- tho children In the orSi You can start that first step right now jp" What are the Four Big Ambitions of the average man? To marry to have a .home to have children to succeed in business. And having money In the bank Is a grcut aid toward obtaining theso things. We Will Help You to Save. Our Savings Department Pays 4(o Interest CENTRAL OREGON BANK BEND I .OREGON gf & Mmtiwfafl&& school Momlny afternoon. The following attended tho snln near Redmond Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whlttctnnn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith nnd son Loroy, Georgo HrlekHon, Mr. Poschka and Aleo Wal ters. Bill Wornslnff hns rented his nlnco Mr. Fred llettmnn received his new sausage Bluffer ihls week. E. E. Butler Ib running for road commissioner. Mr. nnd Mrs. C, M. Uumnusson wore dinner guests at tho C. W Jonn sen home. Tho Grange hiR been Increasing Its membership recently. Alee Wal ters has Joined. Mr. and Mrs Dickey are going to Join. L. C. Young hauled n load of hay from tho C. M. Rasmussoii ranch Inst week. Frank Whlttotnun was In the Des chutes neighborhood on buslnosi last week. George Erlcksen attended I lie silo banquet given by tho Chamber of Commerco of Hend, Tuesday. Mr. Lester trade.d his old Ford truck for a now Chevrolet truck. Mr. and Mrs. II. HuIkosoii nnd son, Erllng. attended church in Bend Sun dny. Julius Pedorson and family attend ed church services In Bond Sunday. Everett Chaso, son of R. Chne. has started to tho Young school. Dorothy and Edward Young linvo recovered sulUcleiitly to outer school again. Gladys Dahlo Is oil the sick list. Olio of Many Letter. Mlsi Florko, 209 Hawkins Ave., N. Brnddock, Pa., writes "I had a cold in my chest nnd fearing it would cause pneumonia I tried Foley's Honey and Tar nnd It was not long till I felt rolloved." Many such letters have been written about this tlmo-trlcd, rentable family medi cine, Sold Everywhere Adv. POISONING REPORTED AT PLEASANT RIDGE PLEASANT RIDGE. April 1 Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Cathrine Johansen were In Redmond Tuesday. Mrs. E. B. Johnson was taken ser iously 111 Frldny evening with pto maine poisoning but at latest reports she was improving. W. B. Hutchlns mndo n business trip to Bend Friday. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Pederson wont to Redmond on Thursday to transact somo business. W. IC. McCormlck of Deschutes was out Saturday to look after his sheep which ho is feeding on tho Mlkke.lseu place. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Anderson and children of Bend wcro callers at tho O. E. Anderson homo Sunday. Fred Seeling of. Bond apc,nt Sun day at the Gray homo. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray entertain ed the following guests nt their homo Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Lowo, Dee Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Holton, A. P. Scott, Dad Brula, Jim Lowe, Mr. Parks, Fred Seeling. Roy Miller nnd Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson. Tho evening was spent In visiting and music after which a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended the show in Bend Saturday evening. The usual meeting was held at tho Johnson homo on Thursday evening. Rev. Johnson delivered a fine talk to a largo audience. Aftbr which tho remainder of the evening was spent In a social tlmo In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Gray who are soon to leave us, A lunch consisting of sand wiches, enko and coffee was scrvod. Mort Wagner, Miss Genevle.vo Wagner and tholr mother wero din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. An derson Sunday. Mrs. Ed 8walley and father. Mr. Jones wero In Redmond on business, Thursday afternoon. Mr. Lindsay of Bend was In this neighborhood after a load of hay Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cnboen went to Redmond Friday night to remui over Sunday. W. H. Gray went to Bond on Mon day. Ho was accompanied by Fred Seeling wjio had beon visiting at his homo. Mrs. O. E. Anderson and Mrs II. T. Mlkkelson wero shoppers In Red mond on Tuftsdny afternoon. J. W. Cabeen camo out from Red mbnd tho first of tho weok to spend a fow days on his ranch. Soveral from this neighborhood at tended tho Pursley sale near Red mond on Tuesday. Anton AhlBtrom and Alfred Ped erson wont to work on the Swalley ditch Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were business visitors n Bend Mondny. Get Itld of "HprlnR Fervor." If you lack energy If you luck "pep" tho chances oro that your bowels are sluggish. A Foley Cath artic Tablet is ,a wholesome pbyalc that will rid you of blllouune,sr gas, bloating, sick headache, sour stomach or other Ills that attend indigestion and constipation, Thoy Invlgorato tho llvor. Sold Everywhere, Adv. BLOODED CHICKENS AT POWELL BUTTE POWELL BUTTE, April 1 Mrs. Mary V. Charlton recently received a pen of line White Wyandotte chick-, ens of tho very host breed. They are beauties and nrrlvnd in flue condi tion. Mrs. Charlton Intends to spe cialize on thut kind of chickens, Snmmy Tweet Is tho proud ownor of fi new riding pony, Mr. and MrH. Bert Reynolds nnd Infant son visited at tho E, A, liuiisett homo a fe,w dnys lust weok, Frank Johnson and Roy Andorson of Prlnovlllo visited Carl Churltan nt hlB fathers homo hero, Friday uftor 'noon, They wero on their way to Bond und returned to Prlnevllle, that (Julio a Invgo number of Powell Butto peoplo attended tlio Pursloy sale last week Mr. mid Mr. PuiBliy wore formerly Powell Butto residents nnd wo me sorry thoy nro going far ther nway, Mr and Mrs. Munfonl Nye. have leased Powell Untie much to Carl Fischer mid are moving bauk to thulr Dear Creek rnnch. Mrs. Kuto Colvlu hns goiio to Prlnevllle, where sho will bo employ e,d by Mrs. II. P, Belknap. Carl Charlton Intu been occupied lately In "going over" and putting In running order tovornl different uutos owned by Powell Butto people. J. A. Rlggs and Georgo Hoblm have finished seeding 'JI0 arres of rye on tlio llobhs plnce. that their two men are operating Jointly. Mr, Rlggs will also linvo tho Juck Perry plnce anil Intends to sow there. Powell Butto Sorosls met luut week nt tho homo of Mrs. Roy Roberts. PlaiiH were made for future activities and a pleasant time wna enjoyed by all. One. of the delightful itiitnbeis of the afternoon was it i collation by (Continued on page 7.) WtMMWfMMMTCMSWIMNMWI Sonkr 'I lie Mellon Gol over your hnl . (roubles gd under a Cordon. This spring some bully jood styles tire offeivd GORDON MAT CASHMAN Sku Getting Under Way for 1920 ' Are all your Farm Needs for this season attended to, especially in the line of FARM MA CH1NER Y? The economical development of your farm, and the efficient handling of the soil and crops will be great ly aided if you have up-to-date machinery. If you are holding back on account of the expense attached to stocking your farm with better equip ment come in and talk over with us terms upon which you can obtain the needed imprements on your ranch. We want to help you. We syecialize on the famous J. I. Case Machinery, which has a nation wide reputation for quality. PIONEER GARAGE BEND, OREGON , A MODERN BANK is expected to offer ' a well rounded service to its customers. is the desire of this institution to cultivate a closer acquaintance than is developed by the ordinary transactions of Banking routine. Our disposition is to render Superior Service not only in the bunking line but in the upbuilding of the communi ty as well. rMIEANKO? SUPKRIORSElWicET ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BEND mmmm : awk I W " ' Wm$my pi w I . t t4 if !' . 1 r nik'iit. t