The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 01, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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the bend bulletin.
No. ft
Highway OuiihiiUhjihht Klililla
Promise HonilProgtniit Will
Ho (,'rtirlnl Out When
1-'hiii1 Aro Available.
Tho people or DiischutoH county
wnnl good roads, they nro willing to
pity for thorn, unci after the iiuhhIiik
ii( u yonr thoy coiillnuo to ondorso
Hid prngrum of roml building and
Improvement mapped out at that
tlmo. Above all, thoy doslni action,
ami ore tinxlouH that tho funilH no-
.cured by thn sale or tho county's
j 125.000 bond Issuo, be expended,
' according to tho sentiments express
ed iiy representatives from Lower
HrldKo, Terrebonne, Redmond, His
turn, Olst, Tumnlo, mid La I'luo, who
mut Inst nlKht at tho Pilot Iluttu Inn
with tho Monti Commurclnl club, I).
O. Mcl'horHOii, prpaldont or tho club,
uctod nn chalriniin of tho nmotlitfr. at
which 00 worn In altctidancn.
K. i:. Klilillo, tnoinbor or tho state
highway commission, ono or tho clilnf
Hponkurn of tho evening, called tho
uttontloit of hlit hourorn. to thn fact
that tho commission nt present ltttti
no fund with which to finance now
contnictH. Contracts nlrondy lot
number approximately 200, and
range from $2,000 to 1350,(100,. ho
mild. In dim tlmo, If tho stato dnht
.limit U raised In May, thn
rnmmlMlou will bo nhlo ' virtually
to complete ltd program. Hu stated
' ,that I7CO.00Q Is now being spout on
rim DnlloH-Cullfornlu highway, and
urged thn rnoporAtlon of tho counties
hi providing fnnda for road con
Htructlnn. llorbort Niiiin, Ktato JIlKhwny
wiglnoor. Hpoko briefly, mentioning
that 1000 mlli! of roml havo nlrondy
boon built In tho ntato, but that
this mouiN only mi nturago of 50
in lion pur county
In discussing tho situation In re
gard to tho county, tho theory of tho
.rimil proi;rnm wua' outlined by Coun
ty Judgo Huwyor us . based on tho
' sources of funds nvnllnblo. These, ho
pointed out, consist chlotly of tho
. Innt yeur'a bond Issue, tho marltot
roads inlllngo, the ono mill tax 70 por
cent of which must bo'spont In tlto
road district whoro rained, a nil tho
- conornl fund, Including tho 30 per
cent hnliiuco, tho county'H shnro of
auto IIcoiiko money and forest fund.
In regard to actual road work, he
pointed out (hut efficient oxpondlturo
in not possible until surveys uro mado
In uccordnuco with ntato specifica
tion!, nn otherwise expensive work
might bo dono, nit ott tliu Tumnlo
Rrado, which would havo to bo nban
donod whon the final slulo stnndnrdn
nro compiled with. Ho suggested
that If It la thought advlsablo by Rep
resentative Slnnott, that a commlttoe,
preferably hoiulcd by N. Q. Jacobaon,
-be pent to Washington to aid In tho
imiwwKo of the bill providing for tim
ber oxchuugo. Ho declurcd that as (or
n,lif main highways aro concerned,
futsro cooperation-from thn otnto will
depend on minther county bond laauo.
This .would bo up to tho poople, and
not, (o tho county cpurt, ho pointed
oUt.4 Tho proaont ampunt to which
county ho n da may Iiq issued under
tho law, ho itavn lis $408,000.
Tho mootliiK wiih thrown open for
iIJhcuphIoii, and apeuUoru with fow
' 0cPt,onH' laid atrcBB on tho fact
that funds rnlHod by the lust bond In
aim rcMtiatii unoxpendod, R. R. Hut
lor, rancher near Iloud, atntod that
a OratiKo convention, with sumo 1000
In.attondnnco, will bq held hero this
Hummer, nnd urKod Hpe,ctnl improve
monta botwoon llond nnd tho Ornngo
hull dlutrlct,
Tho motion of Guy Dobaon for 'tho
nppolntmont of a gonornl ronds com
m'lttco roprcaontntlvo of the varloua
flootloiiB of tho county, was carried.
' Highway Commlaalonor Kiddle
apont this morning on the flputlHilgh
wuy, driving boyond ,Lava .Buttb, and
this afternoon wont;, over th ronda
tojiSlatora and Hedutond, Idiylpgi
from thero for Mailrua, ' J
KtrK at Crane Prnirle Would
Provide Hufflrlent Wiilrr to
Irrlgata Heniiilinler of
Tumnlo Project.
To detormlno tho poHnlblllty of dl
verting aurplua water from tho Dm
chutoa to Tumnlo. Creek, work wna
Marled on Monday by J. Si. Griffin.
Of Tumnlo, and a party of aurvoyom
running kvotn fiom n point Juat bo
low tho . W. L. & P. Co., limn,
nround Awbroy Unite, and connect
ing with tho TuntMo.
Ift thin lino of communication be
twooii the two ntremna In found fen
Htblo, It will bo the object of tho Tum
nlo Irrigation dlutrlct to tnko 200
iucontl feut from tho Denchutoa, thla
muotint of water bolng estimated an
HUfllclout to Irrlgnto nil that pnrt of
tho dlutrlct for which io water In at
present available.
No water, however, would bo taken
except the nurplua flow which la now
going to wnatn, and which according
to tentative plana would bo ntorod nt
Crano Prairie,
Whether or not Hand la to Imvu un
nlrptano, landing flntd In still In doubt,
for lifter tho report given Wednesday
by N. G. Jncnbaoii, nt tlm Commercial
club luncheon, rognrdlug tho rocom
inendntloun mado by N II, Kvnna,
nvlutlon expert who vUltcd hen Sat
urday, the. club wna imiiilfostly not
reudy to tnko any definite action, Tho
mntter wan referred buck to tho land
ing field committee with Instructions
to endeavor to iIovIko some menus of
flouncing the purchase of tho proper
ty. That ,u new sourco of lumber to
nugment tho city's chief Induutry
tuny bo avullublo soon wiih Indicated
In a ntntoment presented by It. A.
Ward, A. Whfsnnnt. nnd C. S. Hud
son. Mr. Wurd told thnt the product
of tho Tum-A-Lum mills which will
bo (Ttnrlbd soon In. the Tumnlo coun
try ,Ciin bo handled through Dond If
thojhntchory road In put In good
Hhupo and prolonged for n distance
or four inlles, Mr. Whlsnant doclnr
cd that Mr. Ward wna talking about
u dead Ibsuo, Informing tho club that
construction of n re-mnnufucttirlng
plant to hnndlo the lumber about
no.OOO fcot a day- hoa been nuthor-
hod, Und that tho handling of the.
lumber through Hodinomt la dofn
Holy naaured. Mr. Hudson contra
dicted the last speaker, stating that
ho expeted.,togt r contract which
wpuld brlrigv'jCho- lumber through
llond, It would bo loaded at
tho old Pino Tree shipping platform.
A report by J. A. Hastes on. the
meeting; of tho Itend und Hedniojid
conciliation committee, with plena
by D,.a. McPhcrson, T. II, Koloy, U.
A. Ward, A. Whiannnt, mid J. II,
Minor for greater Intoroat in
tho urfnlra of tho furinera, wnB fol
lowed by ii club vote In which the
choir wnB nuthorltod to appoint n
commlttoo to iittoml nil of the com
munity meetings which urov bolng
called for tho coiialdorntlon of fond
mnttora and the county fair ques
Dr. JnmoB II. ailbort,yof tho Uni
versity of Oregon, wlll'dellvor the
commencement day uddpoHs' to JlVo
grnduntlng class of' tlo high' school
according to.npj unnounconient mudo
on.Mondo'y, Dr. Gilbert la profes
sor of tqconomica mid ppiltjco,! science,
tjt the university, Tho oxorclses, wll
bq hbld on May 28, '
Future Should Determine "What City Uest Able
Finance and Promote County Exposition. .Bend
Presents Best Possibilities.
Knterprloe couiita thcao dnyn whc-
thor It bo In Industry, bualiiesn or
agriculture. Confidence la reposed
In nn Industry, in a inun or n city
thnt dlaplnya the most enterprise.
Through enterprise comes results
results on a big scale. Were la not
for onterprlso and resource Ilend to
day would he a small village.
The enterprise of Its Industries
businessmen, professional men, Its
banks Its newspaper) ban made Heud
one of tho most talked about clUe
In the Northwest. Ilend baa fairly
gotten Its stride.
Ilend la tho center or Industry In
Centrul Oregon. Ita population la
growing rapidly. Tho population tri
butary to It Ik growing rapidly.
Around Its limits aro springing
homes hoincB Inhabited by rarmers
and their fninlles who find llond
their natural trading center. Ilond's
Industry supports thla laud class. It
Is to Ilend tho farmers lack largely
for tholr own future. Thoy too, will
help to make Hand the largest city
in Oregon's .Inland Empire. Farmers
for miles around look to llond as tho
natural outlet for their products. To
day Ilend can uccommodnto In tho
way of trudlng facilities, practically
every product grown on Central Ore
goo farJiis. As Dond grows tho out
let for homo grown products In
creases. Why does Ilend bellevo It Is tho
logicnl homo for the proposed Des
chutes county fair? It's not greed.
It's not selfishness. It's becauso
llond believes thnt alto can give tho
people, of Central Oregon a bigger
und bettor fnlr thnn any other city
In Central Oregon. It's the snmo en
terprise that has mado llcnd the larg
est city In Central Oregon that will
give Centrul Oregon tho largcut and
best fair In Central Oregon. It's tho
snmo enterprise that has made Dond
what It Is thnt will do inoro for the
upbuilding of agriculture nnd live
stock raising In Central Orogon thnn
any othor city In Ccntrnl Orogon.
This enterprise hnn raised tho money
for tho fnlr, wilt purchnso the
grounds will raise tho buildings nnd
Preparations nro being mado for a
farmers' mid stockmen's meeting at
Silver I.uko on April C, nt which
problems of the northern Luko coun
ty soctlon will bo discussed. Among
tho speukers on tho program an
nounced aro E. L. Westover. silo ex-
perl from O. A. C. who will lecturoJ
1 1
on tho valuo of tho silo for rango
livestock, F. L. Dullard, assistant
county ngont lender from O. A. 0
who will discuss tho activities of tho
fnrm bureau In the stnto of Oregon,
D. E. Hlchnrds, now agricultural
agent for I.ako county, Stanley C.
Jowott, predatory anlmnl inspector of
the U. S. Illologlcnl survey, und It. A.
Ward, ot Dond.
Tho meeting will bo hold at (ho
Odd HeUowH Hall uud will tnko up
at 10:00" o'clock In Mm mornlne and
COIltlnitn until nvnntnir. Tim Initio
of tho community havo promised n
big basket chicken dinner during tho
noon hour, Everybody Interested In
thu development of tho Intont resour
ces of Northern Luko County nnd tho
Silver Luko Vnlloy is urged to bo
The sonlor cIubs of tho Dond high
school will present ror lliolr class
play a collogo furco entitled,' "A
Stromious Llfo," by Rlchnrd Walton
Tully, - Tho piny will bo prosontod
May 74 at tho Dond Atnntour Athletic
club. -,Tho piny Is undor tho super
yBlom,of MJa Harriott f Umbaugh,
noad 6 thu EngllHh dopnr'tinont, who'
la busjjnt thja tlnio fleeting the castj
ltouhjr rohcaraala will be hold bo
ghiiUug nextweek' -.vviv.
equip them, will conduct a campaign
of publicity, will attract thousands
to it; will promote the intercuts that
inuuii piont to cenrai Oregon; win
puronlio such an attraction to the
extent that It wll bo a success; will
bo ablo to tako care of tho natural
growth of such nn undertaking; will
huvo tho facilities with which to ac
commodate the visitors; will havo
tho attractions that will appeal to
the visitors. For these reasons and
those ulono Hcnd believes that aho
should bo the homo of the Deschutes
county fnlr.
if tho farmers of the county be
llevo that Hcnd can supply thla need
to a blltor advantage than Dend can
supply this need to a better advant
age than any other city, then Dend
should bo the home of this fair, dis
regarding any other sentimental rea
sons. Dend believes she can provide
a fulr of greater credit to Central
Oregon's industries and agriculture
than any other city.
Every farmer known it takes
money, and lots of it, to promote an
enterprise like a county fair. Every
farmer knows that It wll tako attend
ance to mako a fair a success. Every
farmer knows from whnt locality
nioroltlmn SO percent of the attend
ance will come. Every farmer knows
that a Deschutes county fair will
havo to grow. Every farmer knows
what town can best accommodate this
growth. Every farmer knows tint
when ho goes to a fair ho wants to
bo suro that ho will bo accommodat
ed. Eery farmcrkuows what city in
best In a position to mnke him most
A fnlr In n large measure Is n bus
iness proposition. It must bo a busi
ness. propostlon If it Is to be success
ful. . Wthout a firm foundation upon
which to start a fair will hnvo a hard
struggle, but when helped along with
more thnn 120,000 on tho start n
county fnlr In Dond will bo wall along
tho road to success, financially.
Every farmer wants tho fair to bo a
financial success. Tho fair, to bo the
financial success desired by
every -
body should ho located in Dend.
To chnnge the government of Dond
from tho council system now lu effect
m n.n mmmiRwtnn fnrm. is tho obioct
or a resolution Introduced Friday
or tho llond Centrnl Labor council
at tho rogulur meeting of the. Com
munity Clearing House league. Final
action will bo taken nt the next meet-
law st t tin ACirnnlvnllnll AnnttlAT
"h , , "" """ "
resolution, on which nction was de-
ferred until tho next session, culls
for tho appointment of a committee
of threo to act with tho grievance
committee of the Merchants associa
tion in airing the price question in
It Is also expected that tho league
Hill take up at the meeting next
weok resolutions endorsing park
grounds at tho depot and the pur
! chaso of n city park site on theirlver
J n Ii
,Every County in
Oregon with ex
ception of Mult- ;
nomah has the
fair located at
. the coqnty seat.
C. 0. 1. COMPANY
Aibranco Prom 9" Ake! n Year
Ako for Maintenance Includ
ed In Cuse to Do Heard by
In nn amended application filed to
day, but prepared before the starting
of tho settlors' suit against, tho C. O.
I. company which has as Its aim tho
discontinuing of C. O. I. control, tho
company petitions tho state public
scrvlco commission for permission to
charge $2.80 conts per aero for main
tenance fees. Tho petition is In ef
fect n reply to the answer filed by tho
settlers to the original application
filed a year ago asking for $2 por
acre, and will come up for hearing
beforo the commission on April 1, In
Deschutes, tho tlmo nnd place set for
tho hearing ur. tho original request.
In addition to asking nn 80 cent
advance from tho rate first suggest
ed, tho company, in Its amended ap
plication desires a sufficient Increase
to pay interest on tho original In
vestment represented in its irrigation
plant. What this should amount to
Is not specified.
Company Loser, Declare!.
In practically all essentials, tho
amendment follows tho lines of tho
first petition, setting forth that neith
er principal nor interest has been
paid on the $850,000 bond issuo of
1910, declaring that present main
tenance fees are Insufficient, that
money has been lost on the old sched
ule of malptcnanco fess, and that
.A 9 J
largo replacement expenditures arc
now faced with no funds with which
to finance them.
The nmonded application gives no
specific reason as to why tho SO cents
In addition to the $2 at first asked,
should bo collected, and in fact.
! makes no mention of this previous
request. Present charges are at the
rate of 80 cents and $1 per acre.
' In charge of a crew of engineers,
County Hurvoyor ltoneri u. uoum
loft by nuto on Tuesday for Terro
bonno to start tho survey of tho
Terrobonno-Lowor Drldgo road, for
which (5,000 worth of bonds was Is
sued lust year, and for which $2,500
is available from tho general fund
of tho present year. Residents ot
tho soctlon and the Western Dlato
mlto Co. will coopernto with tho
county In pushing construction work
which will bo started aa soon as thn
survoy is completed, and tho neces
sary computations made.
Tho county is planning to rent the
cntorpillar tractor now being used on
state highway work, to haston oper
ations on the Terrebonne-Lower
Drldgo road. While this particular
lino of communication is' not desig
nated as a markot road, state specifi
cations will bo usod In the survey and
In tho construction, so that it will
bo of tho same permanent typo as
tho market road.
As soon as the necessary mou can
bo secured. Highway Engineer Stob
blns, in chargo ot state locations In
thla county, will run lines west for
tho road connecting Dond and tho
Tumnlo hatchory. Construction will
begin ns soon ns the survey Is finish
Funorul servlcos were hold Tues
day from the hoino.,oti Dplawaro, for
16 months old'Orln Andrews, son ot
Mr. nnd Mrs. O, O. Andrews, who
dlo! Monday. Rev. If. O. Hurtranft,
pf tho Presbyterian church officiated,,
nnd Intormen'wW'nmV at' pilot I
Rutte cemetery. '
Production Will Ho Increawed
Nearly 00 Twcnty-MlnuUt
Lunch Period Each Shirt
on Company's Time.
Early next month, cither on April
1 or G, a chango in operation at the
Urooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. plant
will bo made Involving increaed pro
duction of nearly SO per cent, and
adding ISO men to tho payroll. That
tho company will on ono of the two
dutes specified, add n third shift at
tho sawmill, is tho announcement
made last Thursday.
This will mean the addition of as
entire new crew at tho mill, oa tho
sorting chains, and In tho force at
teamsters hauling from tho chains.
Other departments in tho Bend plant
will bo Increased to tako care of the
larger production, while to provide
logs In prpportlon to tho increased
production, a new camp will be start
ed In tho woods, at which 50 men
will be employed. Tho remainder ot
tho 150 who will go on tho payroll
will havo their work at tho local
Decnuso of tho fact that tho three
shifts will take up tho entlro working
day and night, tbo mill men will be
given n 20 nilnuto .lunch period oa
company time. Instead of an hoar oa
their own time, thus reducing the
aual working day to seven hours
and i0 minutes. Tho shifts will be
irom s o ciock in mo morning to
o'clock In tho afternoon, from 4
o'clock In the afternoon, to midnight.
and from midnight to 8 o'clock ia
tho morning.
Completing a trip ot Inspection
through Deschutes, Crook and Har
ney counties, State Highway Eng
ineer Herbert Nunn nnd C. C. Kelloy,
district engineer, nrrived hero Tues
day from Burns. Following a short
conferenco this morning with local
highway officials they loft for Mad
ras. r
As a result ot this trip, which was
participated in by Commissioner K.
E. Kiddle up to last Saturday when
tho party covered Deschutes county,
Mr. Nunn stated that tho local high
way problem was much better under
stood, He has promised to make sev
eral recommendations to the com
missies for work on state highways
here when funds are available that
will main 'a great lmproyemewt oa
them thkvsuminer.
Fop use on roads to bo built thla
spring nnd summor arrungomenta
were mado with Mr. Nunn this niorp
Ing to rent a caterpillar tractor. This
will be shipped In at once.
WJthin tho next weok, improve
ments will bo started to Increase the
quality ot sorvlco offered In the local
Oregon Trunk yards which will cost
in tho neighborhood of $3,000, ac
cording to J. T. Hardy, travelling
freight nnd passenger agent on the S,
P. & S. A general overhauling and
remodeling ot the stockyards will be
fmude, a spur wlllbo run Into the
pencil -factory; and a 10 by' 28 foot
platform for" use In unloading '1
will be pwtjt; north ot .the V