?AGK 8 BJRJO) 8inLLKTINKRNp, ORRtJOPi, THDltSDAY, MARCH 1W, 1020' DUTY OF W ATER WILL BE FIXED WORK W CHARGE OP W. L. POWERS Friends Notice - , Big Change in Her Wan AlmoM n NVrrnui Wm-k When Hlic Ik-nan Tniilng Tnnlac. CJnlnH Thirteen 1'omuK O. A. C. Mn to Vlsli Central Ore pon Xct Week to MU"c Prepar ations for KvtonsUo lrrlgn . tlon Survey This Mummer. "Slnco t benn taking Tnnlnc 1 Itaro pained thirteen pounds In weight, n,ltl "' Koneral health 1ms improved so much all my frlondu roinnrk on how well I look," suld Mrs. 1). M. LlchtcnbcrR, who resides nt 4420 Forty-first St., South Seat tle, Wash., recently. Continuing, alio nald: "For years and years l 'have RUf- Troparatlon Tor n sorlos ot Irrlgn- fered with nervousness ami tlnnlb f i . u ..i-- ..- ..i- ni, beenmo so bnily run down I was tlon experiments having as their ob- on tho ycrR0 of- ft com,eto Morvoll8 .Joct tlo fixing Ot tho duty of water breakdown. Tho loist little oxclte- In Central Oregon with particular mont or nolso out ot tho ordinary refcronco to tho lands Included In tho would upset mo and It would be r n t uncroimtlftn will be mado ,,0Ur8 u"for l COu,tl compose my C. O. I. segregation, will no mauo sclf f co(W Rol bl uo B,ppp this week by W. L. Powers ot tho nm, nght n,tcr n,Rhl 1 W0Hi,j Uo Orogon Agricultural college, a letter nvake nil night long and JURt received by DewWmond & Ersklne, ' roll and toss from ono side of tho attorneys for tho Central Oregon ,r-, W,J rtiar'de rlgatlon district, states. Mr. Powers VQno tha whcn j wont t0 ,)C(, amK will arrive In Redmond on Monday, jn s,,tQ or a i C0i do. I Just 'March 22, and will work toward kept getting weakor and weaker. 1 Bond, expecting to arrlvo hero on was also troubled n great deal with tk..Jiv ' stomach. I had a very poor inursaa). I appetite, and when I did mnuago The, experiments will bo conducted i to forco down a little something on a larco scalo. and the chief pur- It would sour and I would bloat poso ot Mr. Powers In his trip this week, will bo to solect a number ot tracts, Eomo as largo as 40 acres, on which tho work can be. done. Practi cal demonstrations of Irrigation methods will bo Included In tho Irri gation investigations. "Wo nro attempting to make a terribly from gas and would havo such InteiiRo pains In my stomach after each meal I could hardly stond them. I lost so much in weight, was so badly run down I Just had to drag around, and It was with the greatest difficulty 1 man- I nged to do my housework. I "I had read a great deal about Tanlac helping- othors and decided general soil map ot the districts to try It. too, and 1 notlcod an Im- whlln hnr " Mr Pnvir wrltra. In prOVOmeill in my COIIU'llOIl UUHObl as soon as I began taking it. At this Minn I took a trip ICaKt and, n.l rcterenco to tho work to bo dono tills summer, "and will bo especially In- Tanlac had not been put on sale tcrestcd in locating any coarse areas having cinders or gravol in tho sub- at that timo whero I was vlaUliiR. I had tho druggist order mo some ...- -..... ... t .n.l soil Our funds will permit us to -- s& doso Tor maintain ono full timo field agent during tho irrigation season." '.Mr. DeArmond,' on tho advico ot Mr. Powers, has written to the feder al department of agriculture asking for government cooperation in tho work to bo undertaken, RANCH NEAR SISTERS 'SOLD BY G. W. FOSTER O. W.- Foster, formor proprietor ot -the Wright Hotel, who has been ranching in the Sisters' country for the better part of the past year, has sold his holdings consisting- of 240 acres, and GO head or cattle, to Fred Adklns. for a consideration of J 11. 000. The, ranch Is partly irrigated, with. SO acres under cultivation Mr. and Mrs. Faster havo moved Into Bend, and arc making their home at 220 Georgia avenue. The houfio In which Uiey now resldo was purchased from J. M. Lawrence. fear -of losing tho benefits I had had already received from it. Well, I continued taking it and kept get ting better all tho time, until now I have a fine appetite and can cat anything I want without suffering any bad alter cirecis. i am never troubled with pains or gns and tho Improvement in my nervous condi tion is simply wonderful. I havo Rained my strength so that my housework Is simply a pleasure to me. To soft me now, ono would not think that only a few months ago 1 was almost a completo nerv ous wreck. I think Tanlac is n remarkable medicine and I tell everybody I get a chance nbout It." Tanlac Is sold In JRend by Owl Drug Co.. In SlRters by Goorgo F. Aitken, and in Bend by Horton Drug Co.. $s NOTICK OF KAIiK OF KSTUAV. NOTION 18 HNHK BY GIV10N that on Friday, tho 10th day ot April, 1020, at 3 o'clock p, m, nt our ranch 1 VO mlloa northeast of Alfalfa, In DcBChutoa county, Oregon, located upon Suction 13, township 17 South, range II H. W. M., tho following doHcrlbod anlmnl will be offered for sale as an ostray )v 1. A V. N'lxnn thn lieiiroat COIl- utnhln. In.wltr V One red nnd white spotted holfer. now nbout two years old, with a Hpltl 911 tho right car, wnttla on the right hind log, and brnmkvl on tho right Bhouldcr, without other visible marks or brand. Snld animal camo to our ranch, located as nbovo stated, mid was by us taken up on November 1G, 19 18, as an estray, and u nalo thereof was ordered to be. held at tho above tltnu nnd place by tho Hon. J. A. Hastes, Justice of tho Pence. Said animal will bo offered for anlo tor cash, to tho highest bidder, to satisfy tho damages unstained by us, the costs ot keeping, and all ex penses incurred, including the fees ot tho Justice of tho peaco, costs of advertising and such othex costs mid expenses as may have been lawfully Incurred. Dated at Bend, Oregon, February 18, 1920. PAUL MKKTSGIMXa. WILL HORSKLL. Gl-GIc H-G Brnnd John II elf rich, 8-4p Brothers, Ore. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Cltjdlflnl adrerlumir enaric lr luu to crnU tor SO vrunU or Icm. On fnt prt word for kit uvtr IP. All rluMd drtUln Hrlctlr culi In Jtnc WAXTKP. RULE IS PASSED TO BAR ALIEN TEACHERS Men or women employed by tho Bend schools as tenchora must be cither citizens ot tho United States, or must havo declared their inten tion of becoming citizens, accord ing to a ruling ot tho board ot di rectors of district No. 1. Sell your poultry through Bulletin rlAMslfied tula. CITY TO SELL NO BONDS FOR LESS THAN PAR (Continued from Page 1.) WANTED Cattlo to pasture for the, season. Address P. O. Hox 278 Bend. Oregon. 34-3p WE BUY. rnlso. and sell fur-bearing rabbits, and other fur-bearing animals. List what you' havo with us, stating your lowest prices on largo lot shipments. Tho Fur & Specialty Farming Co., S1G-517 N. P. Ave.. Fargo, N. Dak. ' 70-3-Cc WANTED A ranch. Wo havo a customer for a ?6000 Irrigated ranch In Deschutes Co. Itedmond Land & Loan Co., Redmond, O10. 7-3o REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Wo want a local representative tor Bend, selling a well known, well advertised cream separator. A man who can work all or part timo can build up n very iilco. prolltablo busi ness. For full particulars address Chas. B. Walker, S Front street, Portland, Oregon. 33-D2-3C W . jwywyfc. $' ;h KOR 8.I,E. r ln Bend, and Councilman Payno pointed out that Mr. Welton had been distinctly given to undcrtund when he. made his Informal offer to tho council that any bids conslderrl. must bo mado on a competitive biiRis. Earlier In tho evening Mr, Payne made the presentation speech accom panying tho gift by councilman nnd other city ofOdals, of a handsome fountain pon to D. H. Peoples, retir ing city recorder. Tho ordinance fixing the salary of, the, c(ty physician at $300 per year, j was read for tho second timo nnd! adopted. I PIGS FOR SALE Four largo sows, - with seven line two weeks old pigs each. Will tako sevunty-fivo dollars for each sow and pigs If sold nt once. I. D. Goodhue. Ono mil South of O'Dounell's sluughter houne. 7A-3 FOR SAI,B or TRADE 320 ncre ranch all fonced good C room Iiouho. 500 caHh or will consider trado on car. E. Van Lake, Dry Lake,. Oregon. 40-3p FOR SALE Light team and har ness. A. C. Kirtsls, 3 miles North of Tumalo. 38-3p FOR SALE Eggs for setting, it. O. ; It. I. RejJs. 91. SO for 15". Mrs. W.l P. Slmer, 1624 Lytlo St. 32-3p' FOR SALE Good horso utf a bur-i gain. Works double or single In-' quire 25!) St. Helens. 30-3p' FOR SALE Three hives of bees In A 1 condition und accessories for handling same. Bees $11.00 per Iiivo. Accessories below presont price If taken now. Write 70 Cnro ot Ilullotln. 72-3p FOR SALE Fresh milch cows. AI-, so splendid Jersey Red wennors , 4 '4 miles north of Bend on 8 will ley r . w """TvCTt rTTTT' I f V ' "X 'S& Getting Under Way for 1920 4 Are all your Farm Needs for this season attended to, especially in the line of FARM MA CHINER Y? The economical development of your-farm, and die efficient handling of the soilandxrops will be great ly aided if you have up-to-date machinery. If you are holding back on account of the expense attached to stocking your farm with better equip ment come in and talk over with us terms upon which you can obtain the needed imprements on your ranch. We want to help you. We syecialize on the famous J. I. Case Machinery, which has a nation wide reputation for quality. PIONEER GARAGE BEND, OREGON 0UJ1LMM G. A BRADLEY FARM FOR SALE by Sealed Bids. Only 15 DownBalance to Suit. Bids will be Received by Mail up to April 5. 1920 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NWV! of NW of Sec 21, Town ship 15, Range 13, adjoining the townsite of Redmond. i H0L7SE 28x32, five rooms; closets, built-in features; city wa ter and large stone cellar. BARN 36x72; room for 25 head of stock and 75 tons of hay. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Milk house, double chicken house, ice house, root cellar. Land is leveled with ditches for ir rigation and is fenced and cross-fenced with hog-tight ,.iyire, with 12 steel gates. I will be at the First National Bank of Redmond on April 5th and-will receive Bealed bids addressed to me in care of above bank up to that date. If -farm is not sold, I desire to rent for season of 1920. It will pay anyone desiring a' fine home to look mis piace over. i i n M" ri (v i I.T. ..E af .- . i' . Tr- f I' - ll -1 fri .ht 3 a r ft ditch. Phono 1SF2 Wllllmn Alt. G7-3Hu FOK SAI.B Ilhiibnrb roots. Rpoclnl variety. II. l.liiHtcr, Phono Hed 2211. 6'3p VOn SALE Hull blood Illncl? Minorca und coIIckv brvd Rock i-kkm, l.&o for 13. ARnOR M. KottotiR. Ilfiid. Phono Hiirnl 1 118. 78-3-tp FOK SALE IUKlatrci! nnd puro- lirntl KliorlhnmvliillA . for, ,i(olo. Prlrj rciiKonalilo. Cull, phono or wrlto Frank 11. Fouler, I'ownll Ilutte, OruRon. 76-3-lp FOH SALE Or runt, 320 ncrcn ad- JolnlnK V. H. ranch nt tfUvpr Luko, nil undor fence Standord Furiilturo Co. lB-S-o FOH SALE Anconn CKK $2 for flf- toun. HykcH strain, puro Eiik1II blood. Haby chlcka to ordor. In qulro Mra. Tlnnlcy, lludinond, Phono 800. 28-2-(Jp. FOR SALE Ilurbou Hod Turkey", big vlRoroiiK rnnKO atock. Tonia $15, hoiiH $8, crkh GO contH each. (JoorKO F. IJeckmun, Powell Ilutte, Oregon. 64-2-3p FOH SALE 1C0 urroH In Powoll Ilutto. Iiwiulri Uond, Orogon, Ilotlto 1, Hox 28. -I2-2-3P FOH SALE Plymoutn Hock flgK for hatclilni; $1 per Hotting. Phono 13F2. 2U-2-5P FOH SALE Thrco 2 ycir old Here ford bullH nnd 12 yearling lioro ford bullH nil rcKUtored. Prico 200 to J 2-7 5 par head. Edwnrda Ilrothora, Foaull, Oregon. , FOH SALE Will hnvp HVnritl thousnnd good, high grailo young cnlvea tho coming Reason, now open-' line. Write for urlcca nnd pnrtlcu- lura, N, E, Midclilor, Tlllumook, Oregon, dealer In livestock. 70-l-3p FOH SALE 1 good yearling Here ford bull, reglHtercd. If. T. JIart loy, Tumalo, Oregon. 03'l-3p K(1U8 FOH HATCIIINO 8. O, White Leghorns. Heavy winter layera, mated to Tnncrcd cocks, of 230-200 neg atruln. SI. CO nor 16. 8, O, R, I. Heda, mntcd to high clans cockorelH from prlzo winning Btock $2 for 1C. One third cuah with ordqr, balance on delivery, Hofstettor'a Poultry Fnrm, Tumalo. 07-51tfa FOH SALE Sotting egga pf all breeda, best laying ntraina In Cen tral Orpgou. Otbers nuppllcd on re HUOHt S2 n setting. lO-Bltfc FOH SALE If l!n bnrgnln for cuah you nro, looking for boiler boo or wrlto Edwin J. Hogora about that 120 acres of potntoea und alfalfa land, Edwin J, RogerH, Tumalo, Oregon. ' C8-43tfc FOH SALE Alfalfa ha, 0 fon nt $20 a ton. Some paature will go with it nt thlu prlco. Address, J. II, Minor. Uond, Oro. 70-Sltfo VOU KENT STOREROOM FOH RENT 2Bx80, Billtablo for any bimlncHs; bout lonntion in Reilmoml. Gee W, M, Wllapn, Kodinond, Pro. fl-3o IOHT AM) FOUND. " ' " - "i'VH'T " ' IV " LOST 2-yonr.nld yellow Jnme)' holfer, branded pick and ahovel on left hip. Loft my ranch March 10. Call Hurul KIT of Vrlto Ilox 280, noml. ' 103p LOST Anlo tire nnrt rim, bolwoon Uond nnd Tuninlo; finder Iouvo nt Ilullotln office Howard. IH-3p LOST Chovrolat crunk. Finder . leave nt Uond Oprugo. 7l-3p TAKEN DPa-VUiiIik colt. no brnnda. Owner may have tiann by calling und paying charges. W. L. Ilorgston, Doschtitca, Ore. 28-3p LOST 'Auto tiro nnd rim between Uond nnd Tumalo. Finder ploasn leavo nt or notify Ilullellii ofllco. Ho ward. 37-3p LOST Ono (icnornl cord tiro "nnd rim on Ilend-Ilurna rood, between Ilend and tho 33 mllo post. Itotiirii E P MiihurToy und receive ruwn'rd. n2-3e TAKEN UP Olio yellow Jersey cow with hortitt, half undorcrop on right ear. oar lock brand on right hip. T C Merchant, S miles South runt of Hotlil.- -I3-3P Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEV-AT.LAW Rooms 13-10 Firm National Ilnnk Illdg. Tel. fill (Dr. Coa't Fornwr Of71.) H. II. D.AnnoiiJ ChM. W. Knkn DeArmond & Erskine h a w Y 12 it s 0'lCnno Ilulldlng, Jicnd, Oregon II. O. X L L I S AttorBoyat-Lew United States ConiinUilonor First National Hank Uullillng DE.ND, OREOON Phono Black 1391 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. LA. Architect 3-4 O'Kano Dulldlng DEND - - - OREGON 0. P. NIBWONOEK, Ilend, Ore UNDERTAKE!! Licensed Kiubalnter, Funeral Dlroctor. Phono Hod 421. Lady Aiat. DR. A. LESINGf, PHYSICIAN AtiD'imkSwQtif. Dond Press Illdg.. DEND, OREOON' ' Phonos: Office Hed 41; Res, 123 Or. L. W. Gatchell Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician Complete Lent C finding Plant in con. neclion witli my office tl LARSON C CO,, Jcwolora 143 Oregon ilieel, Ucnd, Oregon DR. R. D. BTOWELL Nnprajmtlilo PhyaiclitM Over Logan Kurnlturo Co. Wall Street Hours 0 to 8 I'boae Hed 4H2 DR. TURNER EYE 8PECIALI8T Pormnnontly Located In Dond with Now Equipment Private Office in Thorson's Jowolry Storo Dr. Tumor will be In Prlno- vlllo every first nnd third FrI- ' dny; In Madras every second and fourth Fridny, nnd In Rod mond ovory first nnd third Thursday of oach month. 8 Read the Classified Ads. Deschutes County Abstract Company D. II. PEOPLES, Proaldont ' Most Completo Abstract, I'lont Jn Central Orotfon, Snoglal Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstracts. rirBtN.tloniilnKDldtf bENP. OAt,E.f Coiv next to Allot p If i 1 A tt m ()-! Ml "k