KAGK MOND BUIiLKTIN, BKND, OtUtOOft, THIUWDAY, MAWJII SM, IHUO FARM ' POULTRY VENTILATION OF HEN HOUSE For Success With Poultry There Muit Be an Abundance of Fresh Air Without Drafts. Poultry misers have como to rent Ixo thnt the ventilation of the poultry house Is a very Important matter. There must he nn abundance of fresh lr without extreme heat or cold, nnd without dampness nnil draft. Proper conditions ennnot he hnil with thn makeshift, wrongly used ventttntora frequently employed. One mothVd, which has proved suc cessful Is to use the straw nlr strain or. A second ceiling Is built about tlx Inches below the regular celling. In the rorin of n latticed framework. A trapdoor In the center of this makes It possible to change the straw which Is packed between the lattice nnd thn original celling. Vents, or wide, low Muslin Ventilators Can Be Used In the Poultry House to Secure Abun. dance of Air Without Either Drafts or Extreme of Temperature. openings, must be cut In the side of the houe ns close under the eaves ns tosslble. The air, entering at these vents, filters through the straw, nnd thus Into the poultry houmn N drafts are possible, nnd ttie tempera ture Is kept very nearly constant The straw also absorbs a great deal of moisture. ' Another mclhod. In rather wide use. Is to cover an ordinary window frame vlth muslin, Instead of using gins.". An lraproemcnt on this type of vcn Ulator la shown at the right of the drawing. A' 'light wooden frame cov ered with muslin Is hung from n wire, which serves ns n track. The frame can) thus he moved sideways over or away from the window opening. Screw eyes on the frame allow It to slide easily over the wire. The wire Itself way he fastened either to wrew eyes or over blocks nt either end. To the left Is shown a similar frame, mov ing up and down. In this caic It will be necessary to nrrange some means of hoIdlny;the frame at the height do sired. Either the pegs that lit Into holes In the will, or a book fitting Into screw eyes', placed nt various height In the wall, may be used for this pur pose. ' " The ncUnntnge or the air strainer over muslin-covered frames Is that the latter have to be adjusted accurately ,to the weather, while the nlr,stralner 'wpilrHm" iif lenlb'wl whatever. J. T. liurtleU. It'ort Collin. Colo., Tt Popular "Mechanics Magazine. COVER WINDOW WITH BURLAP ; ... f . Wott Excellent Plan to' Keep Out Wind at Night While Fowls . , ." Are noostlna. f T, Ml i ' If the poultry house Is nnrrnw so that the wind bIow In through the '"open wlwlowij on the fowls on the droost, put n piece of Imrlnp over the bpcn space at night, but do not close '.the window until the weather gets jcold. w FATTEN "FOWLS FOR' MARKET -i , Pouluy WjIbSell'for Higher Price Per Pound Because of Increase P In Weight. i Tf any slock Is to be sent to markel $bc surpitbat It is fattened well before ItliPhlii'iK-d Itiwjll) pay to do tliU because the'"pouUry will sell for n 'higher price per-pound and It will welghyuorc. - ' HOMK I'APKlt PUT FHWT. s Hecaupo n man's first grant 4 need Is to bo In touch with his sN nearest environment, the editor of Tho Progressive Farmer tells 4 his renders to take, their hontu 4 pnper first of nil... "A man can- not do the work of n good cltl- ren unless he Is In touch with 4 fr affairs, movements and events 4 of his own locality," says the editor. "Subscribe for it and 4 send In news of neighborhood progress." h M FINE POULTRY RECORD MADE Satisfactory Results Reported From Numbers f Co-operative Ship menu In Arkansas. U'repired by the United States Depart ment of Asrlculture.l The Poinsett county (Ark.) agricul tural agent and home-demonstration agent report satisfactory results from a number of co-operative shipments of chickens marketed by furm women during the early summer. Shippers listed their poultry In the same man ner as Is employed where bogs or cat tle are shipped co-operatively, using Monday ns shipping day. All the poul try was shipped by express from CO to 280 miles to the Memphis and St. Louis markets. A total of 1.G73 pounds of poultry was loaded at the shipping point In July; the total weight at destination was 1,411 pounds, the aggregate shrinkage In transit amounting to UZ1 pounds, or nn average of It)-'! per cent. The cost of marketing. Including ex press, commissions, coop expenses, etc but not Inclusive of shrinkage, was -1.4 cents a pound, while the cost of mar keting a pound. Including the drift over the railroad was: Hens. 7-1 cents: cocks. 0.3 cents; and springers. 8.5 cents. The total gros sales amounted to $421.07. which left a net return to the shippers of t.7j;ui after the shipping expenses of $(58.71 were deducted. The market value of thin entire shipment on the local market was only K&&. so that the net gain through cimiiht ntlve marketing iigs regaled $fcV.47, or a totul of .11 per cent. Twenty-one shippers participated. PAYS TO BANISH LOAFER HEN SIS PI III In Recent Culling Campaign In Indi ana 345 Out of 1,222 Fowls .Were Discarded. trrepired by tho t'-rtlt States Dppsrt ment of Asiiuuttura.) Tito Itartbolnmew county find.) agri cultural agent report thai totul of lAS! hens were hamlliil In n recent, culling campaign and of this number 315, or 2S per cent, were illscnrileil us poor Inyers. The Witlre number of hens. lES. laid 1VHW egjpi the week tTeToTo TJuTTlilB, V..0 Wa WOMJ utter they bad been culled Iho 887 fowls left on tho farms laid IMMKJ eggs. This explains why It was expedient man agement to rid the Hocks of tho 1115 j "' sf. $, V? &&&H -'i 1 , 'ysfesss County Agent Discarding "Boarder" Hens. Inty loafers which laid only .11 eggs the week after they bad been sepa rated from their former tunic, despite the fact that they received the sntne umoitut of feed ns the prolltahle pro ducers. The peieuituge of egg produc tion the week before culling was 'J7M wlille the week nflir It was WI.S per cent. A POULTRY HOUSE Should have sunshine. Should be dry. Should have ventilation. Should have no drafts. Should have plenty of floor space. PREPARE CULLS FOR MARKET Among Other Fowls to Be Disposed of Are the Old and Weak and All of the Scrubs. (Prepared by the t'nltrtf States Depart miil if Agriculture.) Cull nut and piepare for market all fowl, old or young, which appear weak, slow, or dull; fowls with droop ing tall, rough plumage, or crow shniH'd bends; nil scrubs except those vMilcli have laying points: nil hens which molt early, and all males except those strong, vigorous, nnil of u pure tvpc delred for breeding. AVhnt to buy hay, use Iliillclln clas sified ads. DKCIIUNC 1'OWIi 1IIIKKII. A small flock of hens can bo kept with profit by many city dweller who have u back yard. Evon ns few ns eight or ten hens should produco eggs enough, when used economical ly, for n fumlly of four or flvo por tions throughout tho year, except tho molting period of tho fall -mid curly winter. Ilousoholdcrs usually desire not only eggs for tho table and for cook ing, but also an occasional chicken to eat For this reason ono of tho Select Sensible Shoes Tor SERVICE 7 m BUCKMEGHT SHOES i Cull out weak or slow growing Vhlckg. v A larger flock of lions could ho kept jrftin many fariusat a profit. Wntcr fowle do not receive (he con- Blderntlou' they deservo on iuuiij Hfarnis. n ,'4 I.eghoms produce eggs more cheapl) thun hqusi of tho general , purpose brecdi. . , Don't forget to give the fowls a Lillltle salt. In some form every day. Vl'liey Uko their food Feusoned us well Was we Uot, Pepper 1i5 well aa, salt, Hoarders In the shape, oC.Jjqo and miles on fowls nre unnecfssnry. The cncrgVAUbsoiVwl ly llice.4tHrliw will ucvr go luto t'us uud meat. JLHERE mav be other things on which your peace of mine? depends, but it's a safe bet that one of the most important is your choiqe of shoes. You actually five in the shoes you wear. When shoes are built right you live in them in comfort. "Extra service every step, com fort every minute" in Buckhecht Shoes. Buckhecht Shoes for you for active men in all walks of life are sold in a variety of styles and leathers from $3 to $12 by principal shoe dealers in the West. I? ft lfnt sold byytur Jtalir, and Ml namt andjtur trdir to BUCKINGHAM & HECHT MANUFACTURERS Since tu tarfrjiftia SAN FRANCISCO mh wi ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm As sure as you are a foot high you will like thiu Camel Turkish and Domestic blend! Pi blcnd! mwmnm 3jBIBSQBH tnmniirietiir '' ( C3D nr 30 tiiiirttmt tr 10 nrtf. WSmKKKSBk ntinnritttUOOriinU'l BHMUBHHHtH tan tttortly tvmnil vIHIHIBSBHH "" tiUn far It" tmim HBBB touacco YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible and make you preer this Camel blend to either Jkindoftobaccosmokedstraightl Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation 1 Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste 1 They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Give Camels every test then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world 1 gouoral-purpoHO breed, such an Ply mouth Hock. Wyandotte. Ithodo In laud Hod, or Orpington, Is preforablo; to tho mnnller egg breed, hucIi iin the Leghorn). Not only do tho ma ture fowln of thexo brucdM, becnuso of their larger nlxe, maku butter tublo fowls than the, Lcghornn, but tho young chlckona for tho aamo roa iion ninko bettor fryura nnd ropstem, whoreaw chickens of tho egg brecdn nro Hultnble only for the smaller brollcm. Tho general purpose, hreedH are til so "broody" hreedH, tho buns making good sltterH and mothers, which In a decided advantage when It Is desired to hatch and mho chickens, since tho hens of tho egg breeds seldom go broody nnd am In any event rath or unreliable alitor and mothers. If, however, tho production of eggs outweighs tho deslro for an occasion al table fowl, tho lighter egg breeds undoubtedly will bo fnund butter bn 'rutiso they lay nn many eggn and do I mi on less feed. ihbbso HI4BHBHH (ISS0MS0BSS(SBBllSSl)4 oaaH SSSU4SS04SSSM LuoIS EXCESSIVE HEATS COUNTS Nearly any oil will lubricate a cold running bearing But -u It takes Monamobile to stand up under the excessive heat of "" an internal combustion engine A high grade Parafine Base Oil will leaye a light him on your cylinder walls but not so with x a cheap low grade motor oil. REMEMBER THIS Thai We ahsolutetu stand bach of everu Gallon of J - MONAMOBILE and that we will guarantee iuYiluM&BILE is' a straight run W0o Parafine Base Oil. ' w i.j It Our oil is shipped direct from the Eastern oil wells to Bend i OUR LOCAL DEALERS ARE t'l Bend Garage Deschutes Garage . A. W. Bontrager Bend Hardware Co. Monamobile Oil Distributors lJ