HKNI IIUMjKTIN, HNX, OKEOON, THUIWDAV, AMUCK SW, rjM I fr r EXPERTS INDORSE USE OF SUNFLOWER FOR SILAGE Profitable Feeding of Livestock in District About Hend. Sunflower Ib Corn's Great Competitor, f OUHQON AOltlGUIrUllAIi COI I.KflK, Miircli 2G. AnnlyiNvt of muny OruKoii'Krowu cropn bIIhkch My tho rnlluKtt oxporlniont Million cliumliitii conllrm tint II m! I nit of llvoiitock KrowurH of thn Horn! dlHtrlct that Niiinlowum mako n very prolllublo ami NiUlHfnctory hIIhkp, Grower found Unit tho wtock nntn It wall and npimroiitly proupnr on It iih nn oh mmtlul oloniunt or tlmlr rittlon, untl tho ntntloii nnulyiurt liuvu dotui-mln xl ilnflnltcly that tho food nutrlontn nro thuro. Of tho luiporlnnco of Uiono Htatloti IIikIIiikh I'rof. J. H. Join', Mlotlon clionilnt. nnyu: "A fact of rciout economic Import unci) h IiuIiik Hlowly hut unruly no topttnl hy tlalrymun and othw llv ntock focidorn of thu I'nclllc count llnny cropn ami crop mixture other th it n of corn ant ImiIiik Mlond uc ciitntRfully and fed profitably. With n more rfiiiioriil ncrvptunce, tlif fact Onutoii furinor will nxporlonco a rotnputltlvo lulcn-nt In Iho crowliiK of -Hiiro cropn, which will noIvo moot coniploUvly tho prolili'in of Miireiilcnl rouKhiiKD." Thn llonil noil and climatic condl IIoim mako poknIIiIo tho pirowlnr of n Krunt vnrlnty of MIiikv cropn, with or without IrrlRatlou. HiinflonrrN I'lourMi. Huuflowor hIIiiki) may wull ronipnto tiuccoMifully with corn In many partn of Uiq Iliind district. , Buufloworn will Krow and yield wult under conitltlonn ton unfnvornulo for heavy cropn of corn or nomo of tho legume exrept Innnlly rich In protein that uro often nlloed with ontn or wheat. It wan thin fact, nloiiR with a do Nlrn to further thu Introduction of dairy and farm livestock an factor of dlvomltlfd farming In noma of tho fortllo rvKlonn ntich nit tho Hand din trlct, that Ird to Including uutlowor In thn lint of cropn for nllnco In Iho nllaKo nnalyncH. Many cropn have neon namplcd and nont to thu coIIoku for analyncn, and thono havo been madu larKuly In the order of tho eco nomic Importance of thn klndn of cropn received. On thin bnnln nun flower havu enmo In for ununual nt ttmtlon, havliiK boon analyzed from e.mtoni Orwon, thu Wlllmnutto vat- Ixy'linil thu connt dlitrlctn. Other cropn from uantorn Oregon which hnvo boon niicccnnfully nlloed nru oatn or wheat uiono or In com bination with llr.ld peas a crop that grown rnmiirknhly Htrong In thn grain Krowlni; dlntrlcln Uno of votch field peun, rod clover, nwoot clovor and alfalfa conic from tho dcnlro to pro duce cropn of thn hlghoit yield ponnl- Your Creamery Builds Business for Yourselves The Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Will Pay One Cent Above the Market Price for Butterfat Paid by Portland Creameries Yearly Market Fair, Honett Teats. The Creamery Should be Your Asset. Bring in Your Cream Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery hlo and to product) n hIIiiko iih rich an pohhIIiIo In protein, or growth promoting compoiindn, i.cKtimnx Am I'ndlllr. In nomo auction of Oregon ro- markalilo ylnldn of vetch and Hold pen nn obtained, llotlt plantn aro anionic thu rleho In protein and produce a uploudld nllaKo In combin ation with ontn and wheat, with one or thu other of which they nro com monly grown. That nomu legume, an Held pen and riyl clovor, havo hVn nllond niicconnfully uiono, while othern, nn alfalfa alono, generally develop abnormal fermentation pro duct to a degree, that rondurn It Icnn valuable, If not totally unfit, for feed ing purponon In probably duo to tho creator HUgar content of Held pen mid red clover. Thu mtgarn nro noci'nry to Inniiro normal fermenta tion. Arid of Mingo Iinpoilitiil. Tho acldn of nlhigif although com pnrallvuly Hinull In amount aro of great Importance, for they deter mine In n largo inoanuro Itn palntl blllty. Tho actual porcuntiigu In var iable ranging from 1.25 to 2.G, The klndn of acid developed are amount. In normally fermented Mi ngo nro t hri'J acetic (the acid of vinegar), propionic, and lactic (tho acid of nour milk.) Hhould butyric acid, (on acid of very dlnagrucable odor) develop to any extent whutovor an off-flavored nllagit In thn rcxult. It taken but lit tle of It to render the Mingo totally unfit for feeding purponcs. Happily there In nvldom any trouble of that kind except an noted nbovrt where nttemptn havu been made to silo al falfa alone or In combination. In normal fermentation the name ucldn develop and In approximately the nnmu proportion, whether tho crop nlloed wan corn, nttnflowcm or any of the combination mentioned. In amount lactic acid In initially nomewhat greater than the mini of thn other two. Other Constituent Cuiihlilrm!. Iln thu procenn of making u normal Ming" the mi gar content of tho cropn. which enter Into Itn componltlon, In lennnncd. There uro probably noma deep vented chungen In thu protolnn cnmparablo to change remitting In procuHxun of dlgextlon. Thu minora! matter or Inorganic counlltutenln of tho original cropn remain unchanged, no ulno do the fntn and the crude fiber. Thu eiment la) changes nro the partial hydrolyMi (breaking up) or tho protein n procenn wholch million them more eanlly digested mid tho fermenta tion of tho nugarn. A number of nllagen have, reached thu chemistry department or tho Ore eon Agricultural College experiment Matlon for annlynon. Home results uro prenr.utpd In the following table or tho analytical data, thu tormn or which nro familiar to nil feeders or livestock. , Tho Inrgo variation In tho water contont or the Hampton an received nccoiudtalon calculation or nil analy tical duta to thu dry matter to nocuro n basis for comparison. TliSTKI) COWS YIKliI). Cow-tenting records uhow thnt tho nvr.rage production In tenting nsso clntlonn thnt have been In continuous operation for llvo or mora years In Oregon Is 100 pounds moro rat than thu average In nnsoclatlonn thnt havu run Irregularly, At proseut Quota tion thin meami a gain or C8 pur coW imr year, nayH K. h. Wentover, fed ornl and college flold dairy lumband-inun. AflllMS HTANI) ltV SKWHVAVKH Hupporl of tho Oregon com- muiilly nownpnporn wan pledged 4- by tho county agricultural fr agent conference nt the ngrlciit- 't turnl college In January In n ruNultitlou unanimously adopt' 4 ot, These nolutloiiH took 4- note or the news print ncnrclty and other high cost or product- 4 Ion roctorn. In view or tho 4 largo part'pluyed by the local papern In promoting community prog ra m h built around farm bureau work, Iho county agents Ac went on record for their nup- t port. Cooperation In obtaining ilufllrablo ndvertlnlng wan one 4 of a half dozen means mention- ed for putting the resolution Into effect. 4 ) v 'efyie '' GARDENS IMPORTANT FOR FOOD IN 1920 Hail n Cold All Winter. Colds thnt "hung on," coukIih thnt rack your body and woar you down, the weakening that conies from loss of sleep then aro afflictions from which rollof la u Mossing, Nick J. Whron, Znhl, N. D., writes: "Had cold nil winter, but slncQ taking Foley'n Honey and Tar It Iihs ontlrely disappeared," Adv, Just as Good. Hobby, Just homo, from hlnJIrst M to the country, was telling the folks of Itn wniuli'i-tf. "And say, mn," ,0 mild, "out on thi' fin in they get milk from rows, and It's Just u.s koocI as any," Huston TraiiNcrlpt. No Need to Repeat' It. Raymond had played until he vn ovorly tired, and when lie went up stairs to bed his mother en I led nfier hliu not to forgot his prayers. I.U toning, she overheard the following, ni tered In a Hleepy voice: "HeiiT lad: I'm uwriilly tired; mi my prn.ver to night In Hie Hiime iih Inst night mid you .reuiumbur what that wus, Aiuou." RED CLOVER SEED SHORT N'o kind of need probably has over attracted tho attention of two conti nents us has red clover need hi tho past two yearn. During thc.vj two years the avallablo supply has been lower than at any time slnco red clo ver has been oxtcnslvnly used In America, A short supply of some kinds or need would hardly cause a ripple, but a short supply of red clover seed ban brought about a veritable tempest because of tho great agricultural and economic Im portance of tho red clover crop. The quantity of red clover seed available In till country nt the pre sent time appears to be n little larger than thtit available nt a correspond ing time last year, but considerably less than that or two years ago and undoubtedly much lens than normal. durdenn nro going to be Junl an Im portant tho coming ye;ir as during tho war ncVlod. High rood costs, they nay, nro likely to remain until moro to oat Is grown and distributed. Farm gardens, vlllago gardens, ntid city Imckyord gurdens nil will help. I'ood produced In the garden not only helps bulanco the family bud get but roleases that grown on farms for the uno or people who are entirely dependent upon others. With tho lengthening of tho days It will not be long until laud can bo worked, and such hardy crops nil peun, onions, lettuce, rudlshen and beotn planted. Take, it Clianro on. Kmly Hunting. Irish potato.. aro easily Injured by freezing, but they require nbout a mouth to come up and may bo planted at about the amo time as lettuce and radishes. It pays to tako u chance on tho early planting of certain of tho moro hardy garden vegetables. If they aro killed or severely Injured they may be, replant ed. A good method Is to mako about three plantings at Intervals of two weckn, and If tho first planting Is killed tho later one tako'lls placo. CLEARING METHODS CUT COST TO HALF Illgli rrirft May Cnuo Illness. At thin season of tho year when fresh vcgetablen aro so high many persons suffer from deranged digest- Ion. If you reel dull and sluggish, or K you suspect Indigestion or consti pation you will feel better tomorrow If you tako a Foley Cathartic Tab lot tonight. They banish biliousness and headache. Adv. About Wood Engraving. Wood cngravlngi of high dim nre rmule almost exclusively of boxwood, nnd the large blocks nre made of small pieces fastened together. The engrav ing In done across the end of the grain. Japanese wood prints nro made on lengthwise sections of cherry wood parallel to the grain. tpsYou Dont Know" says the Good Judge That nearly every wise to bacco chewer got over the big chew idea long ago. A little of the Real Tobacco Chew gives you more to bacco satisfaction and saves you money. Its rich taste lasts a long time. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a loog fine cut tobacco OKKCO.V AOIUCUIrimAL COL- LKGK, March 26. Bmall farmers can clear 10 acres of logged off land a year In spare times without detri ment to thb usual farm work by tho combined methods developed and tried out by II. D. Kcudder, head of farm management at O. A. C. "The cost of clearing can bo reduc ed approximately CO per cent, says Proressor Scuddcr. "When It Is con sldered thnt tho cropped area or tho Mate. In not Increasing, thn need for development or now acreage can readily bo neon." Tho new and cheaper method Is a combination or stump-pullers nnd powder with stump burners for the larger stumps. Former methods havo not only been costly but largely unsuccessful In promoting settlement of logged off lauds. Just an soon as the cost mounted to $100 per aero clearing largely ceased, because lands already cleared could be bought for less. Actual cost sheets havo been kept for tho new method over a period ot four years and show that tho cost tig uro is not a mere guess. Demonstrations of tho new method will be made by tho college In coop oration with county agents wherever sufficient Intorcst warrants. seldom pays to keep hens for laying after they are 2 14 years old; not that hey will not give n profit, but that youngor fowls will give a greater protlt. A great many poultrymon who make a specialty of winter egg production keep nothing but pullets, disponing of the 1-year-old hens bo tho girls' poultry clubs of Mlsslppl keeps nothing but pullets. Karly hatched pullets, if properly grown, ought to begin laying in Octo- fore It is tlmo to' put them in the winter quarters, Tho champion of bcr or early November and continue to lay through tho winter. Yearling hens seldom begin laying mnch be foro January 1 and oldor hens not until later. It Is tho November and December eggs that bring high prices. Tho laying breeds should be gin laying when about from C to 6 months old, genera J-purposo breeds at 6 to 7 months, and tho meat breeds nt 8 to 9 months. Four cbslrs at your service at tn Metropolitan. No wattlac. Adv. IF NO EGGS MAYBE BIRDS ARE TOO OLD Thero nro people who have the right variety ot fowls, who house and feed them properly, and yet who can not obtain eggs early in tho winter because their fowls aro too old. It Dr Hess Stock Tonic A Sprieg Cosidiuoaer aw Worn Ejipeller Spring Is Here. Soon Iho litters of pijis will be com intr, the culveu, thu liunbs, ami the colts will bo dropped. Feed your brood sows Dr. Hess Stock Tonic beforo and after farrowing. It makes the howeta active, relieves constipation, promotes good health nnd Rood digestion which means healthy pigs and a mother with a milk supply to nourish. Condition your cows for calving bv feeding Dr. Hess Stock Tonic before freshing. Then feed it regularly to increase the flow of milk. It lengthens the milking period. Glvo your brood marcs a courso of Dr. Hess Stock Tonic. And your work horses. It puts your team in lino fettle. You catinot afford to plow, harrow, sow, mow, reap or team with a team out of sorts, low lit spirits, rouuh in hair, blood out of order, or full of worms. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic is ifoou ror snoop especially cood for owes at lambing time, Why Pay the Peddler Ttvlcc My Price? For Snlo by MAGILL & ERSKINE DrtigKNtii iinxi, onufiox. Tell us how much stock you havo. We'll tell you how tnucljTouiotobuy. m t'Ci "0i. REPAIR SERVICE With the most thoroughly equipped Machine. Shop Welding Plant Blacksmith Shop in Central' Oregon, we will accept practically any and all kinds of work Guarantee on all work done and quick service Call on us to do 'your machine work acetylene welding and general black smith work. We employ only experts in these lines Bend Iron Works Bend, Oregon Phone-Black 741 -. v Ship Your Livestock TO Oregon Live Stock Commission Company A Company thnt will work for the welfare t)f Central Oregon Stockmen Dealers in Cattle (grade tm4 stock), Sh & Hogs North Portland, Oregon fl ! nmm'" miniiiin t4txaMMoHoai :wsauKKCiissnBs:wcKrt2S2wnaaaa3s:ha:cnasws:.,aassa Central Oregon Garage REDMOND, OREGON Exclusive Agentsfor Northwest Auto Co. for Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties Selling Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and Duplex Trucks