The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 25, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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voii. xvm.
Action I'ONlMlllrl ltd lilt J H on He
ciirnt of Tniii)'iM, Wlm Will
Aid In Itmrlilnix Solution of
l-'liinurlnl I'nililiMii.
No Rend Improvements bonds will
lio sold nt Inn (hull pur, either to
bonding Iiouaom or to coiitructom,
oven If pundliig mum or and street
ronfitriictloii Iiiin to ho delayed until
a propor bid enn bu nbtnltivl. TIiIm
milt Hid policy announced Friday
by Muyor J. A; Easton, and confirmed
liy ttio members of lliu council nt Hut
regular inld-inonlhly uii-otlng of that
body, Tlio declaration ennm In an
swer to n protest against llio plnn
of assessing property which will bo
bonotlti'd by tbu Improvement, and
which wiiM at Ilrtt Jakon by thn coun
cil 19 Indicate an objection to (ho
call for bids for n now or contract.
A delegation of nonw 40 property
holdcri, headed by J, II. llanor, pro
Minted tho protest, and after an
hour's discussion expressed their
roufldunca that tho question would
bo properly handled by tho council.
All matter relating to newer con
Mtruotlon wero tabled for 30 day In
which time the, taxpayers hope to
work out a plan for flnnnclnr the lm
"Silent llinmf," Objerteil To,
Suggestions tliat work on newer
lateral now under construction aro
being delayed to pad cosU and allow
tho United Contracting Co, to put In
an Inflated bid for the larger con
tract In tho newly created newer ills
trlet, wero matin by Mr. llniiejr In his
premutation of the taxpayer' cane.
"Wo aro largely In fnvpr of Hewer,
but wo object to tho plans oMIm nil
enl house," he nld vUed by Coun
cilman I), G, Mcl'herKon for an ex
planation, hn Indicated that tho "ill
out houiio" was no other than A J.
Welton, of Hi 9, contracting company
which ha already made an Informal
offer to tuko the city bond nt par
In payment for tho propoHod newer
City Engineer' Robert IJ. Gould In
formed tho delegation that tho
newerK now being constructed by tho
.United Contracting Company havo
occasioned that corporation n long of
J2G00 m dato, and that .Mr Weltou
know that tho contract would bo a
losing ono when ho took It.
Monr KimtoH ixprosntl himself, ns
oxtromvly gratified at thn IntercHt
taken In city affairs by tho taxpayers.
and declared that ho hoped n spirit
of coopornllon would result which
would moan much for tho ttltlmato
betterment of thq city. "Although
sanitation In Iliind I bad. and thn
need for newer cannot bo donled, I
nm willing o sell no city bonds bo
low par," ho mild. "Whllo I am mix
loufl that public ImprovemeutH nhould
go on, 1 nm lu fnvor of tabling tho
wholo mutter until out boiulH can
bo deposed of at tho right price"
DlKioiinllng Oppihxl.
Councilman McPhcrson fnvqred
laying tho unwor question unldo In
tho hopo that some helpful suggest
ions could bo mudo, and tho sumo
vlow was taken by Councilman
IthodcH, who pointed out thnt tho
call Tor bids had boon inndo with tho
Intention of arousing popular Interest
In tho question. "In UiIh wo havo
npparontly boon highly Buccossful,"
ho Mid.
"Tho chief point wo hnvo objoctod
to." snld Frunlc Jt. Prince., a loading
mombor of tho delegation, "was thu
possibility of tho discounting of city
.paper, elthor directly or Indirectly.
I would like tu, oxprosHlon of opin
ion from tho council on thlu phnse
of tho question." ,
Competition Specified.
Tho answer was glvon whon Coun
cilman Rhodes reforrod to tho speedy
rofimni of six below par bids mndo
for I3B0.000 worth of bonds nt n ro
.cent c0inoll mootlnir Mr. MoPhor
Kon lifefly skutchVU tho history pf
the mjwomenl for sower construction
COST .$750,000.
ItefiiNiil lu Kurfnro (Irwin Jtclng
Prepurisl In DoMliutcvi Count)'
Declared Unfortunate- Itoad
Hurvi') t .Made.
PORTLAND. March 21. Tho
stuto highway commission late us
lorday oflernoou awarded contracts
aggregating $760,000.
Tho lant link or tho Columbia
liver highway, 12 and ono-hulf miles
from Holife.rU to tho Deschutes rlvor,
was contracted for grading, tho Job
going to tho Clarkson company for
1180,871. Tho lowest bid on grnd
lug tho IT.i miles botween Madras
and tho Deschutes county lino was
I1C3.G21, and was referred to the,
highway engineer for further con
Ileturnlng from Portland, whoro
with County Commlaslon C. If.
Miller, ho attonded tho mooting of
the. ntato commission, County Judge
It. W. Kawyer stated this morning
that on all requests rotating to road
work In Deschutes county whoro ex
penditures of monoy wero asked, tho
commission was willing to mako
no authorisation until after tho fato
of certain bonding measures Is do
elded at the, spring elections. Tho
two requests which camo under this
heading wqro for tho surfacing of
The Dallcs-Callfornla highway from
licnd to tho north county lino, and
for thn starting of grading on tho
Central Oregon highway.
Ik'fiiMit Deplored,
J'Tho refusal of tho commission to
authorize tho surfacing of tho high
way from Ilond to tho north county
lino Is particularly uuforttuiato at
this time." Judgo Kawyor said In re
ferring to tho action taken by tho
highway board. "In ninny places
whoro tho now grado Is being built,
It Is on thn location of tho existing
road. In. doing tho now work, tho
old surfneo Is torn up, and In a vory
short tlmo, those sections, horotoforo
nt Joast passablo, will become ox
tromejy difficult. As tho ground
dries .and becomes rutted, wo will
havo iih bad n road to tho north as
wo havo had at times to tho south.
"If tho bunding moasurca carry In
May, tho commission will probably
arrange for surfacing, but work at
that time, will bo more uxpenslvu bo-!
cnuso of need for regradlng, and will
ho less satisfactory because of tho
dryness of tho oarth.
"It Is llkoly thnt horoaflor tho
commission will arrange for surfac
ing to follow Immediately after grad
ing." Tho commission nuthorlrod tho
starting next w"eok of tho survoy on
tho Itednioiid.Slslors road, and tho
completion of tho survoy on Tho.
Dnlles-Cnllfornla lino from llond
south to ICIamath county.
Resolutions Pass
Grange In Favor
of Bend For Fair
.MoniborH or Eastnrn Star
Orange, No. -182. uro atronitlv
In favor of Uond bolng doslg- )
r uated as tho location for tho
county fair lu Deschutes conn-
ty. Plaelug tho Orange on roc-
ord to this effect, tho following f
resolution, iv copy of which was
received today from Mrs. Onr-
trudo Nlckorson, sacrotnry, was
pnHsod ut tho last regular me,ot-
lug of tho organization:
""Wo tho mombora of Eastern
Star ariuigo No. 182, of Ilond,
OroKon, on this day, March 20,,
1020, do roHoIvo to plodgo otir
f Belvoa to glvo llond our undlYld-
n support lu holplng Ilond be- v
oonio tho oloctlvo city for tho. $
cpuuty fair." f
' TV
Plan L'm-4 Willi firrnt Hurcoas In
MUftouri to Ho Trlnl Out by
Ileml MercliantN' Asso
ciation. April 17 Is the. dato set for tho
Oral monthly bargain day which will
bo put on oy tho business houses o'
Ilond holding membership In tho He
tall Merchants' association. Tho plan
to bo followed will bo that used with
great success In Neosho, Missouri, In
which cvnch merchant puts ou a spe
cial bargain for tho ono day. In no
two stores will bargains bo duplicat
ed, Tho plan has been found to bo
most offectlvo In attracting tho farm
ing as well as tho city trade, and will
also proo baucjlclal, it Is hollered,
in causing closor relations among
tho merchants themselves.
At least 30 storekeepers will tako
part lu tho fust bargain day, which
will bo concluded by soclnl features
of cspeclnl Interest to tho trading
Xo nam'o for tho day has as yet
bocn scloctcd, and all Central Oregon
Is to be circularized by tho associ
ation with tho purposo of supplying
thlH need. A $26 prize will bo award
ed to tho Individual making tho best
suggestion. Tho circular will bo in
tho form of a small nowspapor, and
tho prlxo winning noma will becomo
tho noma of tho paper.
imtioATioMSTH, .Minnixc;
pint's 8i'fjr.sTioN foh a cn.v
UBDMOND, March 2B. Meeting
hero yosterduy with delogntea from
tho C. O. I., tho North Unit, and tho
Tumnio Irrigation districts, Percy A.
Cuppor, state, onglneor, urgod tho
formation of a central commlttoo for
tho groator Deschutes projoct, this
committee to bo composod of ono dol
qgatu from each of tho district, and
to present a unltod front lu working
for federal aid and gouorul develop
Tho plan was favored by tho lrrl-
gatloulsU lu uttondauco, and ouch
derogation will urgo district notion
In compltunco with Mr, Cupper's ro
queat. Two districts not represent
ed nt tho mooting, tho Arnold and
Swnlloy, will bo nskod to elect mem
bers of tho central committee.
Thoso who nttonded tho mooting
with tho state, onglneor yestorduy
woro na follows: Tumalo, A. J, Gou
pnsoi). U. If. Dalloy, Emll Anderson,
F, N. Wullnco; North Unit. P. N. Vb
bort,, jQhn Hpnderson, A D. Andoi
son; C. Q. I,h J. O, MoGuflle, C. II.
Ilond Schools May Lose Others for
- Xcxt Year Is IWIcf Wreck
leifc of Central Hultdlng In
Reelection of teachers for the
Bend high schools was tho chlof busi
ness to bo taken up by tho directors
of district No. 1, at their regular
meeting Thursday night. Although
practically nil instructors now In tho
city schools are endorsed by tho board
to contlnuo drulng tho coming year.
It Is understood that a number who
havo not yet made known their In
tentions may later In tho xprlng turn
In their resignations In order to take
positions in other cities. Three of
tho grado instructors, Miss Itochello
Hudolph, Miss Vexa Thorbus, and
Miss Mlnnlo Thompson, hnvo already
signed contracts to teach in the
Hawaiian islands noxt year, and bo
cau no of this tholr names wero not
considered by thc board. MU4
Rugcnto Brandon, of tho high school
faculty, , resigned becauso of HI
Many Names Kiidurscil
Others of tho present teaching
Btnff, who ns far as Information now
available, will again work under
City Suporlntendont S. W. Mooro for
tho 1920-21 year, lncludo tho fol
lowing: Pilnclpnls, Ralph C. Jolui
son, Mrs. Clara Hudson, Miss Veron
ica Cano, and Mrs. J. D. Davidson
high school, Miss Agnes Campbell,
Miss Dcatrlco Choneay, Miss Mar
garet Hanson, Miss Mabel Lorouco,
Miss Helen Manny, Morlo Moore.
Miss Nan Ronvls, and Miss Harriott
ImbaughJ Junior high school. Miss
K.ithorlno Colbort, Miss Eva May
lXIIIarkor, Miss Nora Maclav. Miss
Claro Pruohs, and Mrs. Uertholda
Sanders; grades, Miss Esther Allen,
Miss Ida Deuson. Miss Morlo IJros
torhous, Miss Evo.lyn Crow. Miss
Evelyn Carlson, Miss Ruth Damou.
Miss Alberta Drydeu, Missr Mario
Forriss, Miss Doils Foster, Mrs.
Ethel Johnson, Miss Flora McCorkle,
Miss Haxol Nell, Miss Ollanha Olson.
Miss Nolllcj Puttlson, Mrs. Carrlo
Scogglns, Mrs. Lucy Searcy, and Miss
Nouio Tlfft; substltuto, Mrs. Florn
Thorson; special Instructors, .Miss
Ella. Dows, Mrs. Anna Curry, and
Miss Ronnie Scrlbner.
Night Hdiool IVofltalilo
Superintendent Mooro reported to
tho board that thq night school had
boon operated nt n profit, nutting the
district $125,
A roport by tho building committee
rcconimoudod tho lustnllntlpn of a
contral heating plant and tho com
plotlou or tho front unit at tho high
school building. Tho commltteo ulso
ndvlsod that tho old Contral school
building bo wrecked or sold and mov
ed away, and that flvo small portablo
school buildings be constructod. Tho
ropprt wea adopted, but no author-
Izatlon given for action, this bolnp
withhold until CHtlmntoa of evponsea
Itoad Matters to Be Discussed at
County Gathering Friday Eve
ning Announce! to Mem
bers of Club.
County fair stock totalling f 18.G50
has been actually subscribed in Rend,
and enough more to make up an even
$20,000 has befitx guaranteed by T.
A. McCann, of Tho ShovlIn-IIixon
Company, T. H. Foley, chairman of
tho fair commltteo of the Uenji. com
mercial "club, reported Wednesday at
tho weekly meeting of that body. All
stock subscribers, ho announced, will
meet at tho County Court rooms at S
o'clock tomorrow evening.
Another gathering which may bo of
considerable importance to the coun
ty at largo was announced for 6:30
o'clock Friday evening at tho Pilot
Rutte Inn, when representatives from
the various sections of Deschutes
county will confer with the coanty
Judgo in regard to general rofld mat
ters. Tickots for the coucert of the Uni
vcislly of Oregon glee club concert
arranged for Tuesday evening at tho
R. A. A. C. gymnasium, sold rapid
ly among tho Rend business men
after brlof talks had bcon r:iven by
Miss Ella Dows, graduato.of tho state
university, and It. S. Hamilton, form
erly n member of the faculty at thut
institution. According to advance,
notices, tho gleo club, which this
year makes its first appearance in
Rend, is ono of tho best over turned
out at tho university.
Miss Kathexlno Ewlng, Red Cross
worker from division headquartors
fn Seattle, was another speaker. Shu
outlined briefly tho constructive pol
icies adopted by the Red Cross und
announced tho starting of n commun
ity chapter courso hero on Friday.
Ou tho motion of R. A. Ward, a
resolution asking legislation forcing
manufacturers and dealers to make
known tho presence of shoddy in
wool fabrics, was passed, and copies
ordered tent to the members of the
Oregon delegation in Gingress.
Mr. Ward also brought up the. mat
ter of tho request by ranchers In tho
Gist section for nld In securing mall
service. Tho post oftlco there will
be, discontinued at tho end of the
month, ho said, and farmers In that
locality aro anxious for tho establish
ment of a route out of Bend or Tum
nio. Tho question was referred to
the mail routes committee.
Plans for the organization of an
O. A. C. association hero woro mndo
known today when a lottor was re
ceived from F. L. Rallard of tho ex
tension sorvlco of tho collego, giving
8 o'clock Friday ovonlng ns thp tlmo,
and tho county court rooms as tho
placo fpr a meeting of R O A O,
students In the countr. Thn hmuiMp
Mr, Ballard writes, will bo addrensed.
by O. R, Hoorner, act. e secretary ojr.
No. a
TO OUST C. 0. 1
March .11 Dato Set When Company
May Show Cause Why Injunc
tion Should Not Do IhmuciU. '
To Prevent Sale. - '-
The first step In tho legal campaign "
mapped out by the settlers on.ile"5Cr.
O. I. segregation to oust tho company v
from tho control of tho project, was
taken here on Tuesday when D
Armond & Erskine, of Bond, and
Harrison Allei and John R. Latour
cttc. of Portland, filed suit In Circuit t
court against tho company, and'ae-' if,
cured from Judgo T. E. J. Duffy a
temporary1 restraining ordor to pre- ,
vent the company from making aay kM
further sales of water rights or from
making delivery of water to aay
lands in or out of tho segregatloa, la
addition to those now served. Tao
order also prevents tho delivery ot
water for 360 acres in the vicinity eC
Powe.lI Butte, temporarily nullifying
the findings made by the Desort Las4
board on December 4. March 31 hi
the, date set by the court for the com
pany to show causa why an injunct
ion should not bo issued. ,
Settlers Determined.
Tho main complaint, which is filed
in tho name of H. II. Dietrich, m
rancher of the TcrrcDonno district,
covers SO typewritten pages, and is of a series of suits whlek
the settler aro prepared to launch
to gain control of tho project. Mr.
DcArmond stated this morning. Its
I unusual, length Is accounted for
j chiefly by the largo number of ex
'hiblts which it contains, and which
are Intended to show that adequate
service is not now belug given by thn
company for the land already sold.
The complaint asks that on final
hearing, the company bo restrained
from collecting any maintenance
charges, or from enforcing the col
lection on any outstanding contracts
until tho irrigation system la put In
to condition to supply tho acreage
which has already been purchased.
l'c;icrubla Poscstdon A Iih.
Peaceable possession by tho set
tlers is the aim of tho sult.AIr. De
Armond explained. "Tho .naeeasltor
of the proceedura which wo have In
itiated, Is evidenced by thu fact that
tho company Is not ablo now to sup
ply sold lands with tho water neces
sary for Irrigation, or oven with the
water rpqufrod under tho company's
construction of tho settlors' con
tracts," ho said. "This was disclosed
beforo tho Desert Land board when
Jt was shown that in 1919 the com
pany delivered water to only 23,000
acres oijt of -(4,000. and that the fHll
capacity ot.tho system was taxed to
porfonn this service Evidence alao
showed that during that season a
large number of settlers had an In
sufficient supply of water, and that
Bomo of them lost their entire crops
because of this.
Bend is Centrally
Located in
' County
(CQntl&uutvMV bast? Pagp.)
can bo glvon,
the O, A, C, alumni association.