The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 18, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    TAOK t
Suffered For
Twenty Years
The Bright Spring Weather
Will Soon Be Here
--and You Should bo Preparing Your Easter Wardrobe
Audiatlo (Jiilckly Itf-xloicd
lleallh by Tmilar mid Now
KcelM Flue.
liliilno DovorH, of Ttinmlo, spout
lust nlKlit In Hond. ,
Mnr;nrc,t Michel, of Culver, wns
a visitor In tho city Inst night.
L, A, Witter, of 1'ortlniul ntnrted
today to audit tlio clly's books.
W. Wlllliimn, Mrs. W. W. llono.
mill William Ftodorlckiton, all of La
I'lnu, ciimii Into IJi'inl last night.
,1 (loorgu Htokoo, democratic cnndl-
(Into for tlio iioinlniillou for Nhorlff,
Mod IiIh iioinlniitlon petition today.
MomborH of tlio Woiiioii'h I'orolKti
Missionary Hocluty or tlio Methodist
church will moot lit tlio Altnmont at
2:30 o'clock ThurNclny afternoon.
lIurrlHOU Alton tiromlnuiit Port-
H Innil iittoruay, nrrlved in llqml IIiIm
iiKinilnit to confer with II, I!. Do
Armou'd'nud Clinrkw W. Krrkluo ro-
Kunltilic li'Kiil matter.
Mr. and Mm. N'. K. Heed, formerly
of Monti, accompanied by Frank lie
vtiuoy, II. '.. Hmlth, L. II. Otilllnrd, 0
X. Jamison mill 0. M. Hayes, drove In
Imit night from llurns to attend the
mooting of tlio Elks lodge hero.
In tlio city from I.u Pino,
Donnls I). Hunt, of Hlst'ors, Ik
spending tlio dny In llund.
Murguoi-(u Wood, of Ilcdmoml,
whm a visitor In tlio city yesterday.
13. Hi out;, of tlio Union Hu vl licit &
Loan C!o., of l.'ortliiiul, Im bore todny
on IhihImmhh,
II. li Corbotf, of I'ortliind, nrrlv
ud In llund Innl night from IJurliH,
mid In spending a fuw dnyw.
Mrs J. M. Lawrence mid Miss Mur-
lon Lnwroncu loitvu tonight for 1'ort
land. After spending a short time
t Intro Ml mm l.awninro will go ctimI for
an extended visit.
A meeting of tlio Woiiioii'h Clvlu
league Ih called for 2:. 10 o'clock to
morrow nftornoon at tlio city runt
rooniH. Important IjiihIuomh will bo
transacted, and a largo nttondanco of
tlio momhurslilp Im desired.
Mr. and Mrs. II. (1. Ilurton nro In
' today from Hllver Lake.
II, L, Tono, of Hlstors, wan a busl
noM vlxltor In tlio clly today.
A. J. Connolly, Maiipln sheepman,
Ik In tlio city today on business.
A ii n h Ilurchlorf, of Prlnovllle,
spent lanl night In Hond visiting
with friends.
H. II. DoArmnnd returned to
llonil IIiIh mornliiK from a trip to
1'ortland' on lognl hdiilne.
. Mm. H, II. Hnyder returned Monday
inornliiR from it week's trip to her
ranch near White Halmon,
W. I), Mimics returned to Ilond
thin morning from a trip to Portland
and Hnlnm. While In the latter city,
lie nniclally reigned on county Judge
of Deschutes county.
Tlio Indies of tlio Ilaptlst church
will hold tholr regular mlMlonary
meeting Thuriiday afternoon at tlio
homo of Mrn. It, H, McCluro on
Urconwuod avenue.
All moinliorn of tlio women of the
MooHuheart Legion nro requested to
ho prcHont ThurHday ovonliiK, March
18, nit u InrfTo class of candidate
Vj'UW.I.'lltJnted M Hl time,
,. Major H. K. dyne, who Ik super
vising army recruiting work In thin
part of the stnto, cnmii to llund thla
morning, and will leuvo for head
quarters In Tho Dalles tomorrow. '
L. II. JepHOti, of Portland, hon
moved to a ranch near llund.
II, II. Armond left lust night on a
business trip to Portluud and Ralern.
After a vIhII of two duys In Ilond.,
I. '.. Htuusherry, newly appointed
tralnmitNtur on thn U. P. & H., loavcH
tonlclit for headiiuartern In Portland.
U. II. Klllott, W. H.llavldnon, Mr.
W. J. Hall and Mm. Oortrudo
Whltelx, ot Terrelioiino, and Mlis
Nina Klllott, of Culver, were In town
A threu year old hoy found by II.
1). Inneit In front of hln home lint
nlcht proclaimed that ho wnn loit,
but wok unable to tell the mimon of
IiIm pa re n In. After Koveral hour,, It
wa dlocovered that IiIh futhex Ik C.
A. Martin, of Kllver I.ako, who wan
Ktopplm; nf tho city camp Kroundi,
after liuvlnr, driven hero on hlu wny
to Portland,
C. Malono, of Crescent, was In
llend yoitordny.
C." G. Clow waa n week end vlHltor
M. H. Cyrus, of Culver, In In the
city today,
Orvllle Morrlii, of Terrebonne. I
vlNltlnK frlendn In tho city today.
Mrn. John H. Pollock and dauchtor,
of Fort Hock, nro npondliu; a few
dayn In tho city.
John Farrell htm accepted a po
Itlon In the J. C. Pcjinoy store, hav
Ini; covered hln connection with tho
Klnt National bank.
II. J, Klco, of Seattle, In In Dond
today on hln way to Fort' llock,
where ho will take over the. general
atoro formerly owned by Ccorco T.
8. U, WIrrIiio, formerly apcclal
anont In Control OrcRou for tho O.
W. It. & N apout ycNterduy In Ilond.
Mr. WlttRlna wua dlacharRod from the
army n few montha oro, und la now
"I certainly can recommend Tnn
lao and am alad to do no, for after
what Teniae Iiiik done for mo If I
rofiiHod to Kay a Rood word for II
I would bo one of tlio inont un
Kratofiil men In tho world," recent
ly aald (2 ii n o Audrado, 1210 Pacific
avenue, Alameda, Oal an employed
of tho Union Iron Work.
"For the pant twenty years," ho
continued, "I had miffcrnd with
itlmiil oh bad a ciiho of Hlomarli
trouble a h I IiiiiikIiio any one could
have and live, and nlthniiRh I tried
many trout men t and meillelurH
nothliiR Keemed to do mo a particle
of Rood untfl I Htarted takliiR Tun
luc. "I had no appetite, and when I
did mamiKe to force down a little
aomethliiR I could bo In mlHory for
bourn afterward. (IriH would form
on my Ktomuch. I had lutcime
paliiH In my hIiIoh and cheat and In
tho reiilon of my heart, and at
Union jtmt had to flRhl to rcI my
breath. My norvcH were In hiicIi
had Hhapo I could Ret but little
uleep und tola of ulRhtH I would
alt up In bod all nlRht ImtR, unnblo
to Ret n wink of aleep, My touRiio
waa nlwoyH coatod, I felt tlrsd and
droway all tho time, and often I
junt had to ftlve up und take to inv
"Komoono HiiKReated that I try
Teniae, an I Rot a bottle and boxim
takliiR It. It wan not Ioiir before
I bad a aplendld appetite, and now
1 can eat anythliiR I want without
beliiR troubled with riih or thoHO
palna In my aide or cheat. I never
have difficulty about RettliiR my
breath and my nervea aro In audi
Rood condition that I can aleop all
nlRht Ioiir without ever wakliiR up
till ttiorulnR. In fact. I feel an Rood
an I over did In my life, and I hope
what I have aald about Tanlac will
be tho ineaiia of helpliiR aomc one
elan who may bo lit tho name con
dition I waa."
Tanlac Is Hold In llnnd by Owl
DniR Co., In Blatcra by Gcorso F.
Altken. and In Ilond by Horton
DrtiR Co.
apcclal frelRht uRont on tho O.W.,
with a territory including tho main
and branch lines from Portland to
A marrlaRo license was issued
from, thp county clork'a offco ycater
day "for Jnnics R, Lovett and Maud
IIurIius, both of Iiend.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Rtantbur
rouRh arrived in Dond yesterday to
mako their homo. They woro mar
ried last month in Portland.
Miss Rllzaboth Tandy, from Red
Cross division hcudqunrtora in Seat
tle wan In Uend for n few hours this
moVnliiR, leavinV by auto for Hunts.
Christian Science Socloty of
Hond, Oregon, announces a frco lec
ture on Christian Science by Will
iam' D. Kllpatrlck, C. H. 11., or De
troit. Mich., Mombcr ot Tho Hoard
-Time to Buy
'The Right Place
The Reasonable Price
that .shows the mccftil lines of ft
master tailor .
$3000, 35-00, 40-, 42'50, 45-00, 5000
Soft cotton ynrn, knitted full-fashione'd
Union Suits to fit the particular man
$2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50
Vfrfffl I
r ll ' - 'J v ft
" I
Out stock ii ittj complete La ill
liil i. The English in cotdoroo,
tli and inndecr. The straight
Linker Itit !a ktogiroo and via
kid. The Munton last in all
A beautiful, assortment of
colorings, blended together
in the wide flowing ends,
also the Eastern shape, cut
narrow for the more con
servative man.
50c, 75c, $1.00
$150, $2.00
$2.50, $3.00
Tho now, tho oxclualvo, tho tasteful and roflnod havo been
nasomblod by us with scrupulous caro.
StunuInK nulta and coati iiretty wnlatii and aklrta, boautlful
drosses, uro hero In the widest and most uttractlvo assort
ments ovor nroaontod In thla city and in our special prldnK
of theno fresh nnd boautlful nrrlvalB, wo nKoln Illustrate tho
' mntchloBs economlos which this storo, throiiKh itlort, wldo
awako buyltiK provides for its customers.
Ileautltul eeorRotto und taffota combination, long and short
sleeves models, offocttvoly trimmed with beads, ombroldory
und buttons
j$J6.50 to $75.00
Ono qf tho atrlklnk models la n bonutlful straight lino effect
In Tlch brown georgette with novol boadod ombroldory both
back and'-front and on slooves, lined throughout with bluo
and gold taffota
. 11 .....nM, IMMr. ...a.IaI l .i. nvni lilAllfSA ltftOt U'ltll
AIIUIIIUI nilliliv lllliu muuui in ui uii ...M....V. ......
accordlan pleutoii skirt, bottom of blouso and slooves aro
bountifully trlmmod In solf and gold ombroldory
' We Strive to Make Our Service Complete
Quality Pioneert Since 1911
of Lectureship of Tho Mother
Church, Tho First Church ot Christ,
Scientist, In Iloston, Mass., and cor
dially invites tho public to bo pres
ent. Iiend Athletic Club, March 23rd,
1920, at 8.00 P. M. Adv.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
Dr.iHHPH of nil wool Borgo and trlcotouo In tho popular navy
', , . , Dresnes-of all wool Borgo and trlcotouo In tno popuiai
JlC AT . U 1 U . DliH'B nnd brown
New Half Hose $14.95 to $45.00
X Special brown silk half , -W. " '
houo with roll top, made
of puro silk and fibre
drop Htltch with llslo roll
top, In cordovan only
$1.98 pair
For Mls8os and Olrls hult
hoso, morcorlzad' llsba for
mlssos and girls, Blzo4jr7n
to O'j "
$1.00 pair
Alt wool lorsov droBaos In tho now spring colors, tan, copon,
Quaker gray aud brown , ,
$24.50 to $29.50 -. ,
feUWA cdtdta
Y .. K
Whether a team from Uend or
Tho Dalies Will compcto in Eugcno
for state -supremacy in May will bo
decided Friday night, when at 8
o'clock debaters from tho high
schools of tho two cities will meet
at tho Y. M. C. A. gymnasium hero
to arguo tho question, "Hosolved,
that tfio United States should ratify
no treaty which would despoil China
of tho Shantung ponlnsula." Tho
Ilond debaters will uphold tho af
firmative J. T. Rorlck ot The
Dalles,'- Miss Leola Eubank of Red
mond and Carl A. 'Johnson of Rend
havo b'oen designated as tho judges.
William 'Williams nnd Paul Rey
nolds aro tho mombors of tho local
Tumalo Cooperative Cat
tle Association dance, Fri
day night, March 19. Lots
of pep.
State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, Lucas
County . . ,. .. . .
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la
senior partner or the nrm of P.J, Cheney
Co., dolnc buelnees Jn the City of To
ledo. County and State aforesaid, and that
aid firm will pay the sum ot ONE HUN
CHED DOLUAUB for any case ot Catarrh
that eannot be cured by the uae ot
IIAL18 CATAIUm medicinu
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
By presence, this 6th day ot December,
(Best)) A. VT. Oleason, Notary Public.
ea Internally and acta throuch the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Drugrlsta, Kc. Testimonials free.
F. J,rCkiney ft Co.. Toledo, Ohio;
Introducing his address with Ac
urea on tho success gained through
tho uso of silos in tho mlddlo west,
E, L. Wostovex, silo expert, mention
ed that thcro aro now 6,000 silos in
tho stato ot Indiana alone, and that
10,OQQ has been Bet for tho goal in
1922. Bringing tho subject nearer
homo, lift told of tho progress made
In Wallowa county, whom thcro nro
now 30 silos in placo ot tho four
which wero operated two years ago.
Last year a saving of 1,000 tons ot
$30 hny was saved In stock feeding.
"Tho uso ot tho slip Is tho repro
duction of green pasturo under cov
er," Mr. Westover said. "It means a
reduction ot from 25 to 30 per cent
In tho cost ot raising boot, and .cuts
tho cost ot butter fat to nine conts
a pound."
Mr. Westover spoko highly of tho
sunflower as a substitute for corn for
eusllngo, nnd declared that the. plant
la spocially adapted to climatic and
soil conditions in Central Oregon.
Tho alfalfa grown in Centra) Oregon,
ho said, is tho best in tho United
States, containing mora nourishment,
and producing n heavtor stand, than
in othor localities.
Casts Aro Discussed.
In response to quoations, he stated
that tho silo can bo used to best ad
vantage on ranches 10 or mora
head of cattle aro kopt. Asked as
to tho best typo of silo, he said that
approximately 500 different kinds
aro on tho market, and that the silo
put out by the Miller Lumber Co., ot
Uend, is as good as any of them. Tho
plno lumber produced here, he men
tioned, is particularly adapted to this
H. O. Plorcy pointed out that tho
cost ot Installation had deterred
many farmers from putting in silos,
and asked .if quantity 'purchased
would reduce this expense. Ills
question was answered by T. A.
McCann, who offered to furnish silos
wholesale, at cost, it plans and spe
cifications ot a standard type wero
made available for the uso ot Tho
Sbovlln-Hlxon Company. K. D. Woll.
ot tho Miller Lumber Company, told
ot two silos which had boon put up
by his company at tho Parberry
ranch, at a contract prlco of ISO
each. Tho actual cost, ho said, had
represented a total loss of $250, C.
S. Hudson, ot tho First National
Bank of Dond, offered to soivo tho
financial problem sot forth by Mr,
Plercy by furnishing thu noccssary
money for this class of improvement.
Concrete Pipe Company
Sewer Pipe, Imgalwu Pipe, Water' Pipe, Calvert Pipe, Buildiag Blacks
Well Curing, Coacrele ftlw
If it's made of concrete, we make it
Box 157'-
Phone- 2401